Linux Dark_Arc • 12 months ago • 93%

State of Font Rendering on Linux

Hi folks,

I was wondering what people's thoughts are on the state of font rendering on Linux and if there are any important settings/packages I might not be aware of.

I've never been particularly font sensitive. So despite being a long time user at this point... I'm still a Linux fonts noob. However, I know a lot of people are big into fonts.

I recently installed Debian KDE as a desktop for my father. He likes it, but he wasn't crazy about the fonts. We turned the normal subpixel rendering on in KDE Font settings, but some pages definitely had blocky looking fonts (e.g. the Yahoo home page my dad still uses 🙃).

Any tips? The documentation in this area seems to be lacking... and maybe it's just the resolution of the mintors and things (my dad had gotten used to his high resolution phone so jumping back to a 28" 1080p monitor is going to look blocky no matter what). Regardless, if there are any tips or things I might have missed, they'd be much appreciated!

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