Stoned Rants loaf 1 year ago 100%

Class judgment pisses me off

I think people put entirely too much emphasis on the type of job someone has/how much they make, and not enough on whether or not what a person does makes them happy. There’s almost this sick obsession in the west with work.

Case in point: I’m a musician. As a job.

Do I make a ton of money? Fuck no. On some tours, I’m lucky to break even and pay bills. But the fact that I’m enjoying my life means more to me than the amount I’m bringing in.

I still get side-eyed every time I mention what I do for a living to others. Sometimes people ask, “Oh, but what do you do for a living, as if being able to survive while concurrently being happy isn’t “enough of a job.”

Fuck that. Do what makes you happy. Time is the only “currency” we spend that has any value, and that we can’t get back.

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