politics blobjim 2 months ago 94%

Washington Senate race election left-crankery

Washington Senate race election left-crankery

Henry Clay Dennison

(Prefers Socialist Workers Party)

(206) 323-1755



Elected Experience: No information submitted.

Other Professional Experience: Henry Dennison is a railroad conductor and SMART-TD union member.

Education: Dennison learned to have deep confidence in the solidarity and fighting capacity of the working class from the Black- led movement that defeated Jim Crow segregation, and through five decades of work in fruit packing plants, coal mines, railroads, steel mills and other industries.

Community Service: He has recently taken part in solidarity with farm workers, miners, auto workers, flight attendants and firefighters, among others, and joined actions against anti-Jewish attacks, in support of Ukraine’s independence, against the US embargo of Cuba, and in solidarity with immigrant workers.

Statement: We live in a deeply class-divided country ruled by a handful of billionaire families and their government. Democratic and Republican parties say they speak for workers, but millions increasingly recognize this isn’t true.

The global order the US rulers dominated after World War II is coming apart. The economic workings of capitalism are marching the world towards World War III, accelerated by Vladimir Putin’s murderous invasion of Ukraine to deny its national rights, and Hamas’ October 7 pogrom – orchestrated by the counterrevolutionary rulers of Iran – that slaughtered over 1,200 Jews in Israel. Only the working class has the capacity to halt this trajectory.

Driven by competition inherent in capitalism, corporations continue to pursue more production from fewer workers for less pay. But recent union organizing and strike victories point to the possibility of a different future. The low point of labor resistance is behind us. Working people need to build a labor party that breaks from all collaboration with the ruling class and wages a struggle for workers’ power.

Defending constitutional freedoms won in the first American Revolution is a working-class issue. Attempts to jail and silence Donald Trump and criminalize political differences deal a blow to rights working people need. Drop all the charges! Defend Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews in the face of rising Jew-hatred today! Join efforts to defend Jews from attack! Workers need to fight for a public works program to put millions to work at union scale wages building roads, schools, parks, hospitals and more; for regular cost of living increases, wages sufficient to raise a family and quality housing workers can afford; and for workers control of production to guarantee safety on the job and reverse the profit-driven destruction of the environment.


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