movies Grebgreb 4 months ago 100%

Tuesday night visual cuisine Sopranos season 3 ep 3 & 4 9 pm est AND another Pokemon movie

Tuesday night visual cuisine Sopranos season 3 ep 3 & 4 9 pm est AND another Pokemon movie

@@@@This comes from above: it's strongly recommended to use a VPN for cytube. @@@@ There was a thread recently about vpns and a few you should explicitly avoid.

Season 3 Episode 4 Content warnings

Episode 4 contains a very graphic scene that will be edited out. However, it will be referenced multiple times throughout the remainder of the episode and the season. The spoiler contains some more information and a timestamp. ::: spoiler spoiler A primary character is SA'd: it is discussed multiple times throughout the season and she encounters a photograph of the attacker after the assault.

It occurs at 17:30, the immediate following scene takes place in a hospital with visible injuries. Multiple scenes afterwards reference the assault. :::

The visual cuisine for this Tuesday night is Sopranos season 3 episodes 3 and 4. Previously, Tony's mother died, the feds attempted to place a bug in Tony's house multiple times, a disgruntled mobster pissed in the Sopranos pool, and Tony had another panic attack due to his racism.

9 pm est

content warnings:

  • Panic attacks
  • Profanity
  • Sexism
  • Homophobic slurs and homophobia
  • Racist slurs and racism
  • Nudity and sex
  • Violence
  • Depression
  • Suicide
  • Gun violence
  • Domestic violence
  • Abusive parents
  • Drugs and addiction
  • Alcohol
  • Hospital scenes and medical procedures
  • Depictions of distress
  • Gambling
  • Gore
  • Transphobia

The show is predominantly about and primarily follows generally horrible people, a lot of the content warnings are relevant for each episode and often multiple times per episode.

9 pm est - ep3 - ep4

Due to popular demand we are watching another Pokemon movie after the Sopranos episodes. I barely understood the first and also have no idea what this one is about. :poke-peek:


  • Death of child.
  • Animal cruelty.
  • Experimentation on animals.
  • Cartoon violence.
  • Explosions.
  • Drowning.
  • Torture.
  • Existentialism.
  • Bugs.
  • Someone is physically restrained.

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