
Star Trek

Star Trek jawa21 4 days ago 96%
Star Trek Voyager... The Documentary You've Been Waiting For!

This is a long watch (2 hours!), but worth it. My biggest gripe is the licking of Berman's boots, but the overall presentation is fantastic.

Star Trek jawa21 2 weeks ago 85%
Why Star Trek's Graphic Design Makes Sense

This video has good stuff in it. I promise it is worth the watch.

Star Trek ummthatguy 2 weeks ago 97%
James "Vic Fontaine" Darren has passed

His portrayal of the self aware hologram Vic on DS9 was always a highlight for me. In the midst of an ongoing war epic, they'd sprinkle in moments for Fontaine to cheer/distract the crew and audience. His beautiful voice helped Nog through the loss of his leg and the PTSD incurred from battle. He got Odo to remove the proverbial stick from his ass. Plus, he helped to orchestrate a ridiculous heist on the holodeck in order to save his program. He will be missed. [Article from Hollywood Reporter](

Star Trek aeronmelon 1 month ago 98%
Paramount is shutting down its TV studio as part of a new wave of layoffs

cross-posted from: > > Paramount’s latest round of layoffs is here and brutal.

Star Trek ummthatguy 1 month ago 97%
[DISCUSSION] In TNG's "The Most Toys" (s3e22), did Data lie about firing the disruptor?

Episode premise: > Kivas Fajo is determined to add the unique Data to his prized collection of one-of-a-kind artefacts and, staging Data's apparent death, he imprisons him aboard his ship. We know that Data is later logically coerced to lie in "Clues" to protect the crew, but this appears to be a decision all his own. Or did he not in fact actually fire the weapon?

Star Trek setsneedtofeed 1 month ago 98%
Random Trek Review: Voyager S04E07 ‘Scientific Method’

Random Trek Review: I am going to review random episodes of Trek shows using an online tool. I decided to start with random episodes of Voyager. It picked S04E07 ‘Scientific Method’. The episode had something of an awkward start with Seven conducting unapproved “upgrades” inside the ship and getting a tisk tisking from Torres about working as a team. ![]( This scene was followed by Torres having a secret rendezvous with Tom Paris. This episode is the beginning of their romantic relationship, and the episode wastes no time showing them aggressively sucking face. This was actually the plot teaser, as the two were being watched by some sort of mysterious malevolent pervert. At first we might suspect it is Rick Berman, but the episode soon reveals the truth. ![]( Not long after, Chakotey and Neelix both fall ill in separate incidents. Chakotey ages rapidly and Neelix takes on traits of his grandfather’s species. ![]( All the while Janeway is suffering from intense headaches which are making her surly and quick tempered. ![]( The Doctor discovers the truth- It’s aliens. ![]( Invisible aliens are aboard Voyager and performing medical experiments on the crew. ![]( The aliens mostly disable the Doc, but he manages to communicate with Seven, who is then able to reveal the aliens’ existence to Janeway. ![]( Janeway after long suffering from the alien induced headaches, quickly goes full Insaneway and steers Voyager into a sun, locking the controls unless the aliens leave. They do, and Voyager pulls out of its suicide course just in time. ![]( This episode was immediately recognizable to me because the visuals of it are quite striking. They have lived inside my head ever since the first time I caught this episode on TV. The image of invisible aliens needling the crew with mysterious experiments is very creepy. This was an early example of the Doc and Seven working together to carry the show, which was unexpected so early. The makeup effects to age Chakotey weren’t exactly realistic, but they were very well done in a kind of over the top theatrical way. As for any kind of high concept idea or moral dilemma, I don’t really think the episode had any. There was an attempt by the alien’s dialog to create one as the alien mentioned that what they were doing to Voyager’s crew was medical research that would help it’s people, but the benefits were so nebulously defined and the refusal of Voyager to participate didn’t seem like it would ruin the only chance at survival for the aliens. It seemed more like Voyager was a test subject of opportunity, which made the refusal to cooperate a moral slam dunk. For added measure the alien, bizarrely assured Janeway that it wouldn’t kill very many crew members and would “merely” cripple most of them for life. Just in case anyone in the audience didn’t know who to root for. Janeway’s plan of steering Voyager into the sun didn’t seem particularly clever. It wasn’t a bluff. It wasn’t a fakeout. By all indications, she was really going to do it. At least Tom and B'Elanna got a nice closing moment sharing a healthy salad at the end. ![](

Star Trek ummthatguy 1 month ago 99%
Patti Yasutake (TNG's Nurse Ogawa) has passed away

Per [Variety]( Hers was a great step forward for Asian-American representation in media. I can only hope that she has and will inspire others to achieve greatness.

Star Trek FlyingSquid 2 months ago 86%
The 943 Club

There are 943 Star Trek episodes and movies if you include Short Treks and the Kelvin timeline. As of today, having finished the second season of Prodigy (and if you do not watch it, you are missing out on so much!) I have seen all 943. So, this is the thread for members of the 943 club and those who hope to get there. As far as what has officially been announced for what's coming up, there will soon be a 965 club (10 episodes each of LD and SNW plus the Section 31 movie). So let's talk about it, club members: Where did you start and where did you finish? What was your journey? I started watching TOS reruns as a toddler with my brother. I was born in 1977, so I remember watching the premiere of TNG and being so excited. I remember Nickelodeon broadcasting TAS reruns. I remember going to my first Star Trek convention the day after Star Trek V premiered and the hype was still enough for people to just be excited about a new Star Trek movie. I remember the premiere of DS9 and people unfavorably comparing it to Babylon 5. I remember the premiere of Voyager and the anger by some people online about a female captain and a black Vulcan. I remember First Contact exceeding everyone's expectations and Insurrection being a huge disappointment. I remember Enterprise being lackluster enough for me to give up, but being glad I came back so I could see season four. I remember the JJ movies and I was not pleased with any of them even though I saw them all. I remember not liking season 1 of Discovery but giving it a chance and sticking with it and then being excited about SNW because of Pike. I remember thinking that an animated Rick and Morty Star Trek was a terrible idea until I saw Lower Decks. And I remember saying animated Star Trek for kids just wasn't for me and now I rank a lot of Prodigy episodes amongst the best of Star Trek (the Kobiyashu Maru episode was incredible). And now my journey through Star Trek television and film is at a pause until more comes out. I hope the journey will not come to an end any time soon and there will be a 1000+ club eventually. Welcome club members and club hopefuls!

Star Trek FlyingSquid 2 months ago 95%
SDCC First look trailers for the new season of Strange New Worlds plus teasers of Lower Decks, the Section 31 movie, and a couple of Star Trek games. Linked is the SNW one. Rest in body.

I am *so* excited. Well, not so much for the games, but for the rest. ::: spoiler spoiler Holy shit, *Scotty*! ::: Lower Decks teaser trailer (last season. 😢)- Section 31 film - I'm least excited about the film, because I've never really been a fan of the Empress Georgiou character, but I'll give it a chance. Any new Star Trek movie is worth a chance. The games seem a bit gratuitous. Star Trek Fleet Command x Galaxy Quest crossover event: Not a trailer, but a preview. A Lower Decks / Doctor Who mobile game:

Star Trek FlyingSquid 2 months ago 100%
Captain Proton: Peril from Planet X poster


Star Trek FlyingSquid 2 months ago 95%
Possibly the weirdest Star Trek memo.

I want to think Shatner put on Majel Barrett and Nichelle Nichols' wigs at home and talked about what a pretty lady he was while looking in the mirror.

Star Trek FlyingSquid 2 months ago 100%
The color of Andorians, as explained by the source.

(I did not write the text at the top, that's just how I found the image.)

Star Trek FlyingSquid 2 months ago 100%
Tales of Lost TV: The Secret Weapon of 117 (Stage 7) - Gene Roddenberry's possibly lost first produced science fiction script

A copy of the script is still in existence, but no one appears to have scanned it in- Oddly, the produced script featured Ricardo Montalban in the lead role.

Star Trek aeronmelon 3 months ago 93%
My Star Trek Chronological Viewing Lists

I made a joke post about watching all of Star Trek again and some people asked me about my viewing order,so I decided to make a more formal post about it. (Save this post, I will be updating it as time goes on) Let me ~~explain~~ sum up; I ascribe to the idea of three distinct timelines. One involving all of the original set of series and movies, one for the alternate timeline movies ,and one for the current set of series. This isn't a post to argue about what order is more accurate, this is just my collection of lists for others to enjoy if they so desire. I have my rationales for organizing everything this way. RODDENBERRY TIMELINE: (temporary link) (I'm really distracted by important things right now, so I will have to add the others later. I also already know that there are a number of errors with the first list, I will update it in the future. Until then, enjoy.) Star Trek: Continues can be watched for free on [YouTube]( & [here]( Collage by [Revo-Collage @ DeviantArt](

Star Trek FlyingSquid 3 months ago 100%
The Last Unicorn Games Star Trek TOS TTRPG core rules book is downloadable on the Internet Archive

Star Trek brucethemoose 3 months ago 87%
Paramount Acquisition Deal Falls Through

cross-posted from: > Supposedly for petty personal reasons: > > > The woman who controls the company, Shari Redstone, snatched defeat from the jaws of victory last week as she scuttled a planned merger with David Ellison's Skydance Media. > > > Redstone had spent six months negotiating a complicated deal that would have given control of Paramount to Ellison and RedBird Capital, only to call it off as it neared the finish line. > > > The chief reason for her decision: Her reluctance to let go of a family heirloom she fought very hard to get. I cross posted this from c/Avatar, but I am a Trekkie too and don't like this one bit. FYI previous articles seemed to imply the Sony deal is dead.

Star Trek quazar 3 months ago 95%
Happy Fathers Day

Seriously the only episode of the television that can get me to cry EVERY. TIME.

Star Trek FlyingSquid 4 months ago 100%
Discussion topic: Why do the Borg need to assimilate entire cultures to gain the features of their biological distinctiveness and unique technologies?

The Borg have transporter technology of some sort. They could easily abduct select people from orbit and leave, but instead they invade planets and assimilate every person. It seems highly inefficient to me. Any ideas?

Star Trek Tippon 4 months ago 100%
What is Calypso? (Discovery spoilers)

Hi all :) I've recently watched the final episode of Discovery, and it's left me with some questions. I'm just posting a line of text here to avoid any spoilers from showing up on people's timelines. At the end of the episode, after the main story finished, Burnham went back to Discovery and spoke to Zora. She had a flashback, then took Discovery to some far off location to wait. Other posts I've seen have mentioned that this ties in to Calypso and seemed to suggest that Burnham's son also has something to do with it. The problem is, I have no idea what Calypso is, and that's made me wonder what else I'm missing. I've seen the posts about the academy series and Section 31 movie, but can someone fill me in please? EDIT: Thanks for the answers, looks like I need to watch the Discovery Shorts :)

Star Trek GuyFleegman 4 months ago 92%
"Life, Itself" — Star Trek: Discovery Episode Discussion

Episode Information |No.|Episode |Written By|Directed By|Release Date| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |5x10|[Life, Itself](,_Itself_(episode))|Kyle Jarrow & Michelle Paradise|Olatunde Osunsanmi|2024-05-30| [**Where to Stream Star Trek**](

Star Trek FlyingSquid 4 months ago 100%
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Was Forced To Follow A Strict William Shatner Rule. [It's all about Kirk all the time.]

> "The approach we were told to take is that Kirk really had to be the one to lead everyone. [...] Not necessarily that he had to actually have the idea to do something, but it had to appear as if he has the idea." > > Krikes recalled how illogical the mandate was, and how, when you watch the film, you can see how Kirk has been arbitrarily inserted into various scenes where he doesn't belong. For example, there's a scene near the end of the movie in which Spock (Nimoy) has a conversation with his father Sarek (Mark Lenard). Kirk is present in the background, watching the conversation. There is no reason for him to be there. But, golly, that's what Paramount wanted. ... > "I think the perfect example in the movie is when Spock goes into the belly of the Bird of Prey to use the computers and learns that the sound is whale songs. It's Kirk who has the idea to go back through time, although Spock is the one who plants the suggestion in Kirk's mind. Kirk verbalizes it, and that's the way it had to be played. We were told Bill had to be the leader at all times. In that scene, if you're reading it, you say, 'It's Spock's idea,' but on film, Spock's discovery that it's humpback whales is not as important as Kirk's idea of going to get them."

Star Trek GuyFleegman 4 months ago 88%
Shooting on season 3 has wrapped

Star Trek GuyFleegman 4 months ago 91%
"Lagrange Point" — Star Trek: Discovery Episode Discussion

Episode Information |No.|Episode |Written By|Directed By|Release Date| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |5x09|[Lagrange Point](\(episode\))|Sean Cochran & Ari Friedman|Jonathan Frakes|2024-05-23| [**Where to Stream Star Trek**](