
Late Stage Gaming

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 2 months ago 100%
What exactly IS late stage gaming?

Late stage gaming is a phenomenon characterized by the following: - rampant toxicity in the gaming community; - diminishing content on launch; - deteriorating quality of gameplay, story, narrative, or both; - corporate power of gaming corporations continue to expand unchecked; - profits continue to rise; - new and innovative games continue to get obscured by low quality slop; - rising costs in games and the hardware/software to run games; What else did I forget? Let me know down below

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 2 months ago 78%
Reject The Black Pill: What To Do In Late Stage Gaming

1. Do not say "gaming is dead" . That statement is the single most dangerous threat to gaming because it promotes nihilism. Just because a studio fucked Halo or other games up doesn't mean gaming is dead because there is still demand for it even for the god awful abortions that are Halo 4 and 5 but because some of the community is so barin-rotted by nihilistic doomerism they don't know what to do. Instead of screeching like a banshee over gaming is dead, take the gold pill and promote good games to the younger generations like The Master Chief Collection or Ultrakill, or People Playground, whatever good game you have you mast encourage it to the younglings so they understand why gaming is such a dire state. 2. Encourage gamers to take action where possible. Helldivers II narrowly avoided ruin when Sony pressured the devs to require a PS account to play it and got rightfully flakked for it. A lot of gamers in some Halo modding Discords I am in support unions and are fairly progressive barring the liberal bs. Although this sounds weird, I recommend you create curator groups specifically to promote good games no one has even heard of like Ultrakill or People Playground. 3. Push back against bad narratives. Be it anti wokeness or "game bad because of bullshit reason number 3019", you need to push back against them, especially "gaming is dead" and "muh rose tinted glasses" bullshit. We need to get gamers to focus on pushing back against the big studios or get the younger generations to know why gaming is in such a terrible state.

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 4 months ago 100%
Capitalism ruined gaming

I'll explain this as quick as I can. Basically the bourgeoisie that own the major studios are so obsessed with profit that they make blatantly unsustainable decisions like overmonetization and shipping unfinished games every few years. Now look what's happening, the studios have no choice but to lay off employees to recoup the costs they inflicted upon themselves and the worst affected are the fired employees naturally. This is honestly infuriating and insulting as someone who's been a massive video game fan since 2019 because the franchises I took a liking to (especially Halo) had countless labor and talent (stretching decades in some cases) have been completely gone to waste publishing cookie cutter generic dogshit games for the c suite's next payday. Indies are no better. They also suffer from the problem of shipping unfinished games but unlike their AAA counterparts, they suffer from genuine lack of time and resources to deliver games in a timely manner. So the whole "go indie" is basically lesser evil. Come to think of it Capitalism actually enables and rewards such incompetence as long as profits are high.

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 6 months ago 100%
Manifesto of the radical gamer

The anti-woke plague is infecting gaming communities, such ilk helps the deteriorating state of gaming for the time that should have been devoted towards pressuring AAA game studios to stop falling to greed and focusing on making good polished games and treating their employees fairly spent degrading minorities of all stripes. Speaking of minorities, it also harms pressure campaigns because now the game studios can feign being victim to bigotry to dismiss and shut down any legitimate criticism and continue their abhorrent practices. As gamers who want to bring about a new golden age of gaming, we must fight this infectious plague by whatever means necessary and prove to the capitalist overlords that is not just the salty straight cracker who is rightfully outraged at this state of deterioration but queers and people of color as well. And as a united movement we must build and encourage talent and merit for inclusive game developers, burn the monopolist infestation and fight for the rights of those whose talents are degraded by wretched gluttonous scum. We must unite in the march against the corporatization and degradation of gaming by Bethesda, 343 and other such ilk lest it fall to mediocrity like the many industries before it. Our war against these ilk, **STARTS NOW!**

Late Stage Gaming MasterBlaster 4 days ago 100%
Flappy Bird Came Back (Now With Lootboxes!)

Remember when Dong Nguyen delisted the game because he was astounded by the immediate wealth and cultural relevance of his game as well as how addictive it was to kids, and wanted nothing to do with it? Well the trademark is considered abandoned now and so was swooped up by Gametech Holdings. My man didn't even get his bag at the end of it all.

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 3 days ago 66%
[A quick Hu: for frequent rword usage] HELLDIVERS 2 RANT- PSN LOGIN U-TURN

He's right. If you want a quick 101 over why modern games are bad watch the full video

Late Stage Gaming 2000watts 3 weeks ago 100%
Bloomberg: NetEase Games plans to close Visions of Mana developer Ouka Studios

On the same day the game was released, they are now planning to close the studio

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 2 months ago 100%
Activision spies on players for "AI models for NPC voices"

I can't wait tog et called the N word by some random NPC

Late Stage Gaming thefreepenguinalt 2 months ago 100%
Beggar: The game

Hmm... It's almost as if there used to be a currency that could be infinitely minted so that people wouldn't have to beg. What was it called again? Toks? Tacks? Tex?

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 2 months ago 100%
[HU: the R] Introducing the most Pathetic Videos on Youtube “Gaming is Dead”

Quick Disclaimer: even though Batakanta use the R with no ableism intended, it's still not a good look given what he's actually trying to say ""gaming is dead" is a brain-dead take". Regardless, it isn't just capitalists that are ruining gaming, people who publish gaming is dead videos are also part of the problem by encouraging the good parts of the gaming community to quit or be consumed by nihilism, leaving only shills, consoomers, whales, marveloids, and the god awful neo-puritans (i.e. Anti-woke).

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 2 months ago 100%
Doomerism is dangerous

People publish bullshit videos rambling about how gaming is dead or dying or not fun anymore whatever bullshit. I argue that these types of videos are far more dangerous specifically because it encourages gamers to simply give up as opposed to pointing out problems and pushing back against what is ruining the game. I've seen this happen with Halo Infinite, and CoD Mobile where not enough people pushed back against problems with those games.

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 3 months ago 100%
When would you put the start of late stage gaming and why?

For the life of me I cannot pinpoint exactly when late stage gaming started to kick off.

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 3 months ago 100%
Friendly reminder: gaming ISN'T DEAD.

Even though capitalism ruined gaming, it isn't dead. Why else would half the world play a video game at least once a day?

Late Stage Gaming JoeDaRedTrooperYT 5 months ago 100%
Big-Budget Game Development Is Not Sustainable

Full text to avoid paywall. >Details from the Insomniac hack show how the whole industry is suffering By Nathan Grayson > > The video game industry will likely feel aftershocks from hackers’ raid on Insomniac for months or years to come, but one immediate impact is that we know far more about the Sony studio’s inner workings than we did 48 hours ago. Today, Kotaku’s Ethan Gach, one of the best reporters in the business despite management’s efforts, published a revealing piece about Insomniac’s finances. The picture it paints is pretty bleak. > > The piece goes over a series of internal presentations, emails, and meeting notes that were included in the hack and comes away with some telling figures. According to one presentation, Spider-Man 2 cost roughly $300 million to make – nearly triple what it cost to create the first game in Insomniac’s spider verse. This put Spider-Man 2 $30 million over budget, meaning it needs to sell 7.2 million copies to break even (it was, according to Kotaku, at 6.1 million as of November). But shaving a cool $30 million off the top of Spider-Man 3 won’t reverse Insomniac’s fortunes.