
Casual Cycle

Casual Cycle sirico 21 hours ago 100%
What was your first & first coveted bike?

This randomly popped into my head this morning My friend had one, It was peak cool for a 6-year-old. Mine had red wheels though it was called hot wheels it didn't have sound effects ![]( What was your first bike and first coveted bike? Did you get your dream bike off the bat?

Casual Cycle sirico 3 weeks ago 75%
3d Printed some frame blocks to improve a dent

The biggest issue with this frame was a dent on the lower tube, I didn't have any decent blocks of wood to make a frame roller, so the wife and I spent yesterday making them as a 3d print. While it didn't completely remove the dent, it did help make it smaller. Before ![]( After: the paint wearing was from sanding down ready for painting not the blocks ![]( ![](

Casual Cycle sirico 4 weeks ago 83%
Update on the steel framed single speed

Sanded the frame back and treated the rust not a huge amount the worst part was the fender bracket. Currently waiting for the krust to do it's thing before giving it an acf50 paint

Casual Cycle sirico 2 months ago 75%
Just in time for the weekend.

The used steel frame I recently brought has arrived, a bit of rust here and there are some scuffs and such, but I plan to sand it back and respray, so these aren't issues. Threads look good all round. Going to have to put together the parts I have and slowly buy the ones I need. Going to be a fun project for sure.

Casual Cycle sirico 2 months ago 97%
Net positive commute in today

Benefit of going slow enough to notice things

Casual Cycle sirico 6 months ago 66%
Long form video [1:26.45] He Lost His Arm, Now He's Cycling 2500 Miles – The Wild Ones Podcast Ep.40 SPECIAL

Found Dan's story and personality to be really engaging. I know videos don't go down too well but anyone looking for something to listen to this Friday might be interested.

Casual Cycle sirico 7 months ago 100%
Probably the only mountain bike maintenance video you'll ever need [video 1:26:16]

A really random low-key suggestion from YouTube at lunch turned out to be some ancient-buried gold from back when YouTube was much better.

Casual Cycle sirico 8 months ago 100%
EBIKE: A good article for bafang users that want a setup for peddling

This focuses on the BBSHD, but they cover a lot of the terminology, with the focus on using the ebike part as an assist and for cargo bikes and not a replacement. It should be applicable to anyone with the ability to configure their e-bikes.

Casual Cycle sirico 8 months ago 75%
Eurovelo 6 from France to Germany in 2022 (part 1) video [10:49]

I use the ev-12 every day kind of low-key wish to do a whole one some day

Casual Cycle sirico 8 months ago 71%
Schwalbe's "flat-less" isn't "flat-never"

Had a lot of trees down in my area and I picked up the most perfectly stright blackthorn right through the guard material of my marathon plus' ![external](

Casual Cycle sirico 10 months ago 100%
Cyclings Best Kept Secret [Video 8:21]

Video from Everything's Been Done discussing the health benefits of everyday cycling.

Casual Cycle sirico 10 months ago 100%
How do you deal with road rage?

Nights and mornings are getting darker her in the northern hemi and weathers getting bad which makes it more frequent things will happen. I totally let myself down this morning. Tesla pulled out on my after doing a u-turn in and out of a cul-de-sac and not giving way as I passed. Dudes windows were still misted up, he knew what he did because I got the usual hazard light thank-you, but I couldn't help shout out "check next time mate". This guy decided it would be a good idea to change direction and speed past a school to have a chat. No raised voices or any real aggro he asked if he impeded my travel I said I hit the brakes and if I had to do that then yeah mate you messed up. Informed him that we were now holding up traffic, to which they sped off. It's prob my worst habit on a bike, I think it stems from my time on motorbikes. It's just never worth my time

Casual Cycle sirico 10 months ago 100%
Pedal the low road: cycling coast-to-coast across southern Scotland

Pedal the low road: cycling coast-to-coast across southern Scotland headphone stoped share more Ad Follow Story by Stuart Kenny • 3mo The weather-beaten curves of a battered stone wall guide me out of Langholm, an idyllic old textile town tucked between the hills of the Esk valley, eight miles north of the English border. As I pedal slowly around a steep corner, a lamb and her mother, grazing on the grassy fringes, scurry off up the road. I appreciate their show of faith in my cycling abilities, but on gradients of 9%, I wouldn’t have been able to keep their pace even if they’d crawled off. I pause for a breather at the MacDiarmid Memorial, a huge, metal sculpture of an open book, embellished with images from the work of the great poet Hugh MacDiarmid, who was born in Langholm. The artwork depicts thistles, trout, eagles and ploughs, while the green of the forests and farmland behind shine through the silhouettes etched out of the framework. “Scotland small? Our multiform, our infinite Scotland small?” MacDiarmid famously wrote. It certainly doesn’t feel small when you’re cycling across it. I’ve been on my bike for a few days at this point, riding the Kirkpatrick C2C; south Scotland’s new coast-to-coast route, which runs 250 miles from Stranraer in Dumfries and Galloway on the west coast to Eyemouth in the Borders on the east. The waymarking will come next year, but the route is online now for experienced cyclists inspired to ride by the world’s first ever combined UCI World Championship events, which started last week, and are currently being contested around Scotland. “The bike is part of our identity and culture here,” says Paula Ward, of South of Scotland Enterprise, one of various tourism bodies involved in the creation of the Kirkpatrick C2C. “The area is well known for cycling already, but this gives people a pre-logged route that you can download,” says Ward. “That makes it easy to come here to the south of Scotland to explore, having watched something like the World Championships or the Tour of Britain.” The route is named after Kirkpatrick Macmillan, the Dumfriesshire blacksmith widely credited as having invented the first pedal-driven bicycle in the 1830s. “It’s one of our universal truths,” says Ward. “The south of Scotland gave the world the bike.” Dumfries and Galloway is sometimes called Scotland’s forgotten corner, and after the decline of the textile industry in the 80s, Langholm risked becoming Scotland’s forgotten town. The Langholm Initiative was set up in 1994 to change that, and in 2019, they led a community buyout of the local moorland. Today, the community owns 4,200 hectares (10,500 acres) of this sublime countryside – and has transformed an old grouse moor into the Tarras Valley nature reserve. The Kirkpatrick C2C cuts through the heart of the reserve, on a single-track road looking out to Solway Firth. The moorland is dotted with naturally regenerating birch, rowan and alder trees, spreading up the valley from the ancient forest, along the River Tarras. I stop to watch wild goats butt horns at the side of the road, and spot a hen harrier gliding in the distance. I had rolled out of Stranraer a few days earlier, after breakfast at the Fig & Olive cafe, where the toilets are plastered with posters of classic climbs and a cycling jersey is framed on the wall. There are two suggested itineraries for the route – a four-day “Challenger” ride or an eight-day “Explorer” option, both covering the same 250 miles. I opt for a version of the latter, riding an average of 30 miles a day, with overnight stays in Wigtown, Castle Douglas, Dumfries (the largest town on the route), Langholm, Hawick, Melrose and Coldstream before reaching Eyemouth. The route combines sleepy B and C-roads and national cycle routes to guide you safely across the country. My first day stretched 32 miles past ocean, forest and farmland to Wigtown, Scotland’s charming National Book Town. There, I explored the nooks and crannies of The Bookshop, Scotland’s largest secondhand bookshop. I socialised at The Open Book, a not-for-profit which lets tourists run a bookshop for a week, and met The Bookshop Band – folk musicians Ben Please and Beth Porter – who write songs inspired by books and perform them in bookshops. “It’s the community here that makes it special,” Please says. And, presumably, the 15 bookshops. After a night in the Booktown Bunkhouse, I descend from misty vistas of the salt marsh and mudflats of Wigtown Bay through farmland, to the River Cree and Newton Stewart. The route turns away from the coast, into the Galloway Hills, and I detour past Creetown to see the Big Water of Fleet Viaduct, part of an old railway line featured in John Buchan’s The 39 Steps. I soon reach the pastel houses of Kirkcudbright, a harbour town with MacLellan’s Castle at its centre and a vibrant arts scene. It’s here that trail-setter Pete Corson, who provided the spine of the Kirkpatrick C2C route, runs cycling tour operator Trailbrakes. “You come past Barlocco Island, and it’s unspoiled and rolling,” he says, of the section of trail on his doorstep. “You follow gorse bushes, and come to a view down Kirkcudbright Bay, out to the isle of Little Ross.” I ride on, via winding climbs and pastoral panoramas, to Castle Douglas, a town known for its food and its cycling. The two collided back in 2016. “Mark Cavendish crashed into the Chinese on the corner on the Tour of Britain,” David Fulton, owner of the King’s Arms Hotel, tells me. Cav would return in 2022 – this time sprinting safely past the Jade Palace to win the British National Road Championships. There’s a reason these events keep coming back here. “It’s a cycling town,” Fulton says. “We’ve got hills, coast and this huge network of quiet roads.” I’m served a calorie-rich full Scottish breakfast at the hotel (marginal gains) before being sent on my way. In Dumfries, I grab a coffee at the Frothy Bike Co – a magnet for cyclists hunting hard-earned caffeine, and via Lockerbie and a lush road by the River Esk, I roll into Langholm, 150 miles in. After the Tarras valley, the route passes from Dumfries and Galloway into the Scottish Borders. I descend to Newcastleton, unfortunately one day late for the Copshaw Common Riding – an annual festival where they mark the town boundaries. In most Borders towns, this riding occurs on horses. Here, they use bikes – though not before some peculiar pageantry. The “snogging of the sod and supping of the tequila” particularly stands out on the eccentric order of ceremony. Six miles on, I come to Hermitage Castle, a fierce 14th-century fortress. I’m the only visitor and am left to explore the ancient staircases alone. Mary Queen of Scots once rode 25 miles on horseback to visit her future husband, the Earl of Bothwell, here, and Sir Walter Scott adored the castle. The remainder of the route passes through an abundance of Scott history – from Selkirk, where the Waverley author sat as sheriff, to Abbotsford, his lavish Tweedbank palace. I cycle past the 12th-century Borders abbeys of Melrose, Dryburgh and Kelso, before a buzzard leads me into Coldstream, where I spend my final night at Bank House, overlooking a bend in the Tweed that marks the border. Golden hour has hit the river when I wake. Siskins flutter around damp roadside hedges, and hares dash through fields as I ride the final 25 miles to Eyemouth. When gulls begin to circle, I know I’m near. One final climb, then I roll down to the east coast waves, which lap gently on to Eyemouth beach, backdropped by red sandstone cliffs. As a Scot, there’s something special in riding this coast-to-coast, putting home into context and bringing the map of the country to life. The Kirkpatrick C2C is a cycling colossus; an education in Borderland beauty and community, with a deep literary, historical vein throughout. “Scotland small?” The words of MacDiarmid pop back into my head as I watch a tourist toss a fish down to a chunky harbour seal. It doesn’t feel small when you’ve cycled across it. The Kirkpatrick C2C runs 250 miles from Stranraer to Eyemouth. Get more details from [Scotland Starts Here](

Casual Cycle sirico 10 months ago 100%
How to stick to cycling as a new rider over the winter months

How to stick to cycling as a new rider Taken up cycling over the summer and keen to stick at it? Ellie Donnell brings you the tips and tricks to keep your motivation high rider in winter gear cycling on beautiful road (Image credit: Andy Jones for Future) So, you’ve done a few rides and think this cycling malarky might be for you? The trick now is to make sure you’re in it for the long haul. One of the hardest parts of taking up a new sport, cycling or otherwise, is staying motivated enough to keep going. I definitely didn't cycle consistently when I started, and had to keep coming back to it again and again before I properly fell in love with the sport. Why? A few reasons. There’s the small fact that cycling is pretty darn hard, and for a long time I didn’t feel like I was making any progress. Poor weather conditions are another major hurdle, with winter being a particularly difficult period for any cyclist. For many, consistency and motivation around training are the most challenging elements when it comes to sticking to a new sport. So, what steps can new riders take to ensure they're in it for the long haul, and not just a couple of sunny days a year? From setting monthly goals to ensuring you have the right gear, there are plenty of things you can do to make getting back on your bike that much easier. This isn’t about how to be a fitter, faster cyclist - rather, how to go from someone who dabbles in the odd cycle to becoming a dedicated rider. Period. Start slow Image shows a rider on an endurance bike ride. One of the most common mistakes when starting a new discipline is going out way too hard at the beginning. It’s really tempting to want to tackle a long ride, or attempt to commute five days a week from the off, but if you’re totally new to training, you’ll likely end up experiencing physical and mental burnout before you’ve barely started. The trick is to start slow, and build up your endurance over time so that your body can learn to adapt to the new load and stresses placed on it. RECOMMENDED VIDEOS FOR YOU... Besides, becoming a cyclist doesn’t mean you have to endure gruelling, high-intensity rides all the time. The main thing is to keep your training consistent and sustainable, which means choosing a pace, distance and frequency that suits your ability. Cycling should add to your life, not take away from it, so choose your workouts wisely and listen to your body. Set monthly goals Writing goals in a notepad Although it’s not about becoming the fastest rider on the road, tracking your progress and seeing improvements can be one of the best, and most rewarding, parts of taking up cycling. Especially if you’re totally new to the sport, when it’s much easier to make ‘beginner gains’, as you tend to see progress happen quickly. If you’re the type of person who loves to tick off a list, then setting monthly goals might be the motivation you need to get on your bike. A distance-based target is the obvious choice, but there are plenty of measurable goals you can choose to track. Maybe it’s commuting to work at least twice a week, or attempting a new route every month? Perhaps you prefer doing laps of your local park and you have a specific time you’d like to beat? If you need a little help coming up with monthly goals, you could always join Cycling Weekly's own 'CW5000' challenge - complete with a Strava club and active Facebook group to keep you motivated. Challenges vary from time and distance challenges, to 'find the silliest road name you can' - so there's plenty to keep you engaged! The important thing is to be realistic - don’t set yourself wild targets that are practically impossible to achieve. This will only demoralise you. Keep your goals conservative at the beginning to ensure you’re able to hit them consistently, then increase the mileage (or whatever your goal is) very gradually month by month. It’s the small, incremental changes that add up. Do it with a friend Penge cycling club ride Sure, solo rides have their place, but if you’re just starting out and need a touch more motivation, then group rides are a really important hack for sticking at cycling. Riding with friends is so much more enjoyable! There’s nothing better than heading out into the countryside with a few of your mates, grabbing a coffee on route, and breathing in some fresh air. Linking up with a training buddy can also be a useful tool for keeping yourself accountable. If you’ve planned to go for a ride with a friend, it’s much harder to back out knowing you’ll let your friend down. Plus, it’s always nice having someone there to spur you on during really tough rides. Keep it varied mountain bike trail Doing the same rides all the time, be it your daily commute or laps of your local park, is bound to get boring after a while. So, mix it up! If you can, vary your route to work every other day to reduce cognitive fatigue. Or, plan a few destination rides with a different end point each time. If you usually ride on the road, think about checking out your local mountain bike trail centre - hire bikes are nearly always available, so there needn't be a barrier to entry in terms of bike ownership. One of the things that transformed my view of cycling was going on rides in beautiful places. Being outdoors on your bike is a great way to see the world, whether that’s venturing over to a new part of town or even a new country. I’m sure there are many people who will agree that one of the best things about cycling is the freedom it gives you - you can go pretty much anywhere on a bike. So, take a trip! Get the right kit cyclist zips up a thermal jersey Having the right gear will make or break your relationship with cycling during the winter months. I once lost my best winter cycling gloves for a couple of months and didn’t do a single ride until I finally bought a new pair. It happens, but it’s best to be prepared from the off. You don’t need to buy a ton of fancy kit to start off with either, but making sure you have the basics is really important, especially when the weather turns colder. A good pair of gloves is essential, as are acquiring a few effective layers that will keep you warm, while ensuring you remain light on your bike. A quality waterproof will serve you time and again, too. Finally, a set of the best bike lights, front and rear, are crucial as the days get shorter, especially if you’re commuting and only travelling when it’s dark. Set the conditions for success Cyclist ready to commute to work To ensure you consistently get back on your bike, make it as easy as possible for yourself. Have a think about the hurdles that might be stopping you from going on that ride - and change them! Is your bike stored somewhere that’s difficult to access? Do you struggle to get all your kit together before work? When I know I’m going to cycle to the office in the morning, I make sure I have my bag ready the night before so I don’t have to think about it when I’m bleary eyed at 7am. I also always make sure to check the weather, so I can plan my cycling gear accordingly. If it’s drizzly, pack a raincoat. Is it set to be cold? You’re going to need a few layers and a pair of gloves. If your bike is tricky to access, perhaps consider bringing it inside your home the night before a ride so you don’t have to think about retrieving it the next day. Nutrition and fuelling are important too - if you’re planning on doing a big ride at the weekend, try and eat a substantial, carbohydrate rich meal the night before to ensure you have the energy to sustain you on a ride. Just a little bit of planning will go a long way to ensuring cycling success. Think about training indoors cyclist pedals indoors on a turbo trainer If the idea of cycling in the dark and cold during the winter months still doesn’t appeal, then you might want to consider investing in an indoor bike, or turbo trainer which you can attach your own bike to. They can be an expensive option, but there are lots of benefits to indoor cycling: you won’t experience any interruptions on a ride, it’s easier to be consistent with training and, crucially, you don’t have to deal with poor weather conditions. Plus, there are a wealth of indoor cycling apps such as Zwift, TrainerRoad and MyWhoosh which come suited and booted with a huge range of pre-set rides, making it much easier to gamify the cycling experience for an extra slice of motivation. Training indoors also allows you to focus on a specific discipline, whether that’s doing intervals, hills or long sustained efforts. Accept that not every ride will be your best ever Cyclist checks computer This one is really important to keep in mind. Not every ride will be your best, and that is absolutely fine. You’re building so much more than just physical fitness with every ride and, actually, those harder cycles are often the ones that make you more resilient over time, by building mental toughness. Instead, focus on enjoyment as much as possible - fitness and speed can come later. As a cycling newbie, it’s important to create habits that last, build up your confidence and, ultimately, allow you to fall in love with the sport. Take the pressure off and remember that you’re in this for the long run. There will always be another ride.