amateur_radio Amateur Radio How will this community survive its Eternal September?
  • w0odl w0odl 4 weeks ago 100%

    We're using linode services(pretty much AWS) on this instance and we backup nightly, but not everything. I'd only want to implement a higher level of backups if we needed it because costs go up.

    I'd never really think/imply this is a business. I make no money from this. Just more in the thought of people working together to make this a better place, like a radio club!

  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio How will this community survive its Eternal September?
  • w0odl w0odl 4 weeks ago 100%

    Awesome post! Since you made the original post, I've actually already started a github wiki to address my concerns about what it would look like going forward. To address your concerns in line:

    • I'll always want this to be a selective community. But as you said, this may be more than what "I" want and that may need to change in the future.
    • People do make mistakes. I can tell you I have already as a moderator and that's just how things are.
    • For adding an admin, I have started a github organization that I would want someone to join who had experience in how things work and how to mitigate errors. I can tell you... I've brought down the site for an hour or 2 a few times and I hope no one noticed... And with the thought of money, I'm comfortable with where we are now with how much we cost, but going forward, there's a lot I'd like to add like better backups that I know would add cost to our instance.
    • I think this would always be the case. What we're almost talking about is treating this like a business where we just put the trust of this instance in people. That's where the aforementioned backups would help (hopefully)
    • You already have me thinking too much about not letting this fail! I think that what we are discussing isn't an overnight thing, but maybe over the coming year(s) we could implement.
    • There are already a lot of pull requests and issues on the lemmy github about GDPR, and it seems as though it's something that is sorta addressed already but is a big deal that will be fully addressed in the future
  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio How will this community survive its Eternal September?
  • w0odl w0odl 4 weeks ago 100%

    I've had that thought and we've talked about it a bit with respect to upgrades, but honestly, it opens a larger can of worms and trust levels.

    There's a lot of sensitive information that I'm already by default trusted with and finding someone that, to be honest, I can trust would be a big conversation.

    Also... deploying this ship is not the easiest thing in the world, even as a docker container. Documentation is like the wild west and sometimes, you have to take a best guess or know how docker deploys work or how the instance itself works.

    BUT you are correct. if this is going to be a long lasted instance, having other people on board would help. This started out as a fun thing I wanted to do for amateur radio enthusiasts but with the spirit of your post in mind, we'd need more people on board.

  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio How will this community survive its Eternal September?
  • w0odl w0odl 4 weeks ago 100%

    For the most part, I'm Johnny on the spot when I get a moderation email, I'd like to think. BUT! In the common IT trope of "what happens if Ben gets hit by a bus tomorrow, who would know what to do?", the answer is easily, let's add another mod. It's a fair question and I'd want to think on writing some sort of "what does being a mod here mean" type post and then ask for people who are interested. I already have a few in mind, just never actioned on it.

  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio How will this community survive its Eternal September?
  • w0odl w0odl 4 weeks ago 100%

    So if we're talking or !, I can try to speak to that or give my thoughts on how things have been. (I guess we are talking OPs comment).

    So we've been here just over a year! (YAY!). Of course, this instance was started like most instances because of the API policy that Reddit put in place around June/July of last year. Lemmy itself EXPLODED. I thought it'd be fun to start one specifically for amateur radio communities and people. The first month was crazy and it was almost hard to keep up on the number of people wanting to join. And just so people know, we have a VERY simple question I need answered when you join our instance: "What are your interests in amateur radio?" This very, VERY simple question weeded out a lot of new comers, and that was a decision I made early on. I wanted this place to be ONLY for people who are interested in amateur radio.

    My criteria for answering that question isn't strict. I'm sorta making up the numbers off the cuff but I'd say 60% of people respond with something that is a part of amateur radio (radios, contesting, digital modes, etc...), 25% try to join because because they like music radio, and the last 15% just give no answer. I ONLY LET IN THE 60%. And while there's no way for me to get a real answer to this: about 15-20 of our 267 users are "active" weekly, and I'd call maybe 3-4 of them "power users". This doesn't account for people who just use our instance to browse their subscribed communities.

    A few months after this instance was up, things of course slowed down. Moving to a new service is hard. On average, I have maybe 3-4 people asking to join our instance a month now. We've had a few big sign up times that mostly correspond to other fediverse events, or more recently, Reddit saying they may allow charging for use of certain communities.

    To get to the question: I like our slow growth. I like keeping this instance for us hams. In my opinion, it gives us a place to take care of and even police, because that's also a big part of amateur radio, and I greatly appreciate all of you for helping with that.

    In the future, we may see larger growth. We've only had 1 major outage and that was due to storage limits. It's just an issue with lemmy in general and I'm trying to see if the newest updates can help us with that so this doesn't become a money sink.

    So the answer for a DRASTIC GROWTH on our instance? It's only as big as I let it get for now because we are NOT an open instance and we have an entrance "exam".

    This is the big one for me. Not sure if anyone remembers, but this community started out as !, but it turns out, no one outside of our instance knew what that meant and NO ONE used it. So I turned it into amateur_radio, and we took off. And not to brag (maybe a little), we were up against a LOT of big instances who also had an amateur_radio community and now, we're basically the de facto community... which gets me to question: what happens if our awesome ham radio community explodes with usage, bad actors, or just spam?

    For the most part, it's just been moderation, and that's just been me so far. I DO have some numbers on this, and you can check Modlogs to check this. Over the past year, I've modded/deleted 12 posts:

    • 7 for spam
    • 3 for something that just didn't belong (people really, really think this place is about music radio)
    • 2 for abuse/hate speech

    As for user moderation: 5 people have been moderated, the breakdown being:

    • 3 were "timed out" meaning can't post for a week to a month. (2 of them harassed me like crazy on mastadon)
    • 1 was permanently banned for harassing people and saying very not cool things in comments on other instances
    • 1 was just given a talking to about site spamming, but I knew their heart was in the right place

    And those are important numbers! 99.99% of posts on our instance go to amateur_radio. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean it makes sense. Sometimes I wish our smaller baby communities got some love, but that's not how lemmy works really, especially when amateur_radio is a blanket term for all the other communities. So I DO focus on this community more than others, and it seems, so do you.

    I can definitely see a time when I'll add other moderators to this community, if anything because I see that a lot of you are taking care of it and monitoring it already. For now, I hope you think things seem copacetic. If you see the opposite, please let me know! As lemmy itself grows, that also means that amateur_radio will grow. So I would say that if we do see a DRASTIC SUDDEN growth, we up the moderators and have a frank talk about what this community is (and I hope this loooong comment speaks to what I want this community to be).

    I'm also always up for hearing other ideas in case that happens, especially if you have experience in something like this. Knowing how lemmy is, I wouldn't see that being a huge issue in the near future (famous last words), but I like what we've built and I want to make sure this community is a place we all enjoying sharing and posting in.


    Ben w0odl-

  • lemmy Lemmy Received dm's can't be deleted? Dm's can't be closed?
  • w0odl w0odl 1 month ago 100%

    I was, but with it being a mostly media heavy update, I wanted to put it off a bit. I'll look into it soon and maybe 0.19.5 as well. We may use image proxying in the future. This comment is mostly talking about new moderating tools.

  • dmr
    DMR w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Retire this DMR community?

    Doing some cleanup and I’m debating closing this in lieu of using [!]( Thoughts or concerns?

    amateur_radio Amateur Radio Please please please encourage new operators
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%
  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio Commercial Interests Petition FCC for High Power Allocation on Shortwave Spectrum
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 50%

    “I AM being respectful.”

    It’s just not the case. It’s ok to voice an opinion but we can do so in a manner that doesn’t attack other people, and you did in my opinion.

    “This is why our democracy has come so close to failing-and you’re part of the reason why.

    Yes, I just said that. Think very carefully before you reply”

    That’s a threat.

  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio Commercial Interests Petition FCC for High Power Allocation on Shortwave Spectrum
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    Let’s take this down a notch. Please refer to rule number 1

    Be respectful of others

    While not a mod of, I want this to be civil.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Server error after updating Lemmy to 0.18.0
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 50%

    Is there a GitHub issue for this?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Server error after updating Lemmy to 0.18.0
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    0.18.1 exists

  • amateur_radio
    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Dual Championships on HF July 8-9, 2023

    The International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) HF World Championships begin at 1200 UTC on Saturday, July 8, 2023, and run through 1159 UTC on Sunday, July 9.

    ragchew Rag Chew RSS Feeds
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    I haven’t used rss in quite a while but I was thinking about finding some to sub to once lemmy started up. What apps do you use to view them?

  • digitalmodes Digital Modes Is SMSGTE working for anyone else?
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    Still works for me

  • amateur_radio
    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Call for Nominations for ARRL Director and Vice Director

    Attention to full ARRL members in the Atlantic, Dakota, Delta, Great Lakes, and Midwest Divisions. You have the opportunity to choose a Director and a Vice Director to represent you for a 3-year term beginning January 1, 2024.

    homebrew Homebrewing I always get a bit hyped watching people use One of my favorite things is watching people post their amazing projects to [@ham\_bitious](’s [@homebrew]
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    And I love that but I need to be more cognizant of it. I’ll upgrade us to 0.18.1 soon and that brings some other changes.

  • homebrew Homebrewing I always get a bit hyped watching people use One of my favorite things is watching people post their amazing projects to [@ham\_bitious](’s [@homebrew]
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    Honestly had no idea posting to mastodon would post here as well

  • homebrew Homebrewing Making yagi antennas
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 0%

    Yeah this is pretty awesome. I’ve built some EFHWs but yagis have always kinda made me nervous for some reason. Great build!

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Self-hosted lemmy not receiving all posts or upvotes
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    If the bigger instance has to push/pull in data from you personal communities because they sub to it, then yes. 1 person not using your front end isn’t going to change much.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Self-hosted lemmy not receiving all posts or upvotes
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    it was me... i said that :)

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Self-hosted lemmy not receiving all posts or upvotes
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 90%

    "Allowed Hosts" is white listing btw. You should leave it blank if you want more than just and

    And I wouldn't say it reduces the load on those sites. It would kind of add to them in a way if you post from your instance or sub from your instance solo. If it's just you on your instance, it's barely a blip. May save them some photo hosting if you post.

    SOME of the out of sync upvotes/comments are fixed in 0.18.1

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Accessing Lemmy Server with internal IP
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    I believe some things are populated by your hostname in the lemmy configs so straight IP may break a few things.

  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio The Backbone Of VHF Amateur Radio May Be Under Threat
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    There’s a few things listed here to do:


    Also this is the agenda for the meeting. Skimmed it but didn’t see which one pertains to this issue

  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio The ARRL Survey is Out
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    Active member but I can’t check the results. I always have issues with the ARRL website tho lol

  • amateur_radio
    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Rare X-class solar flare wipes out radio signals in U.S.

    cross-posted from: > The solar flare was categorized as an X1.08-class flare, making it one of the most powerful classes of flare to be ejected from the sun.

    homebrew Homebrewing Ground plane antennas - radial angle and length
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    1: What is the implication on radiation/reception pattern of ground plane radials above horizontal?

    The angle has an affect on the impedance. So if it was angled up 45*, you'd be "shortening" your antenna.

    2: Does SWR being lowest with “inverted” radials indicate that the radials are too long?

    A guess at this would be that if you're getting fair SWR with your radials at 45* above the plain, then your antenna is too long.

    3: Is ground plane radial length measured from the attachment point...

    Yes, the attachment point or "feed point"

    Antenna's are black magic :)

    If you're wanting to really find out where things are being thrown: trim the correct length for the 1/4 wave you're making then start with the desired angle (45* down is pretty standard for a 1/4 wave) for the radial but add a bit more length than your calculations show, then slowly trim down and test using your meter. Also when you're testing, make sure there's no other kind of interference above the radial plane. I've had that bite me in the ass.

  • amateur_radio
    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Antenna Theory Propagation

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > Succinct intuitive introduction to antenna theory.

    selfhosted Selfhosted My instance is out of sync from federation
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    I think it's just a general situation. A lot of the "big instances" are having a lot of issues right now with federating correctly. Comments, counts, votes are all off on most instances it seems.

    There are a few github issues you can find/follow. It's supposed to be addressed a bit better int 0.18.1

  • news News Twitter Down: Users hit by Twitter outage as Elon Musk-owned site crashes again
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    I started on Twitter in 2008 when you had to SMS to tweet. This downtime since musk started is ridiculous. Glad I moved to mastodon.

  • amateur_radio
    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    The Critical Use of Radios In the Ukraine and Russian War – Radio Fidelity

    Throughout history, radio technologies haven’t just influenced how we consume news and entertainment. They’ve also played an essential role in the communication strategies of soldiers and military groups, particularly during wartime.

    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    HAM RADIO in Germany Draws International Crowd

    The 46th annual International Amateur Radio Exhibition, HAM RADIO, attracted more than 11,000 visitors to Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 23 - 25, 2023.

    homebrew Homebrewing Kits and Parts back in business
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 0%

    (and totally sorry, didn't mean to comment hijack... just admin worries that I broke something 😅 . I think it's that markdown expects the http,https at the front)

  • homebrew Homebrewing Kits and Parts back in business
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 0%

    Nice! I had some small projects on the block and needed a few things.

    (Wow clicking that link straight up breaks Firefox iOS. Link goes to Needs better markdown support)

  • amateur_radio
    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Update: FCC ULS System Restored

    Was down for almost a month! >As of June 27, 2023, all systems have been reported to be working. However, visitors to the website will see a message referring them to Public Notice DA 23-529 for additional information and guidance on filing deadline extensions.

    amateur_radio Amateur Radio Possible Defederation of
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 90%

    Defederating and outright banning other instances has become an issue at for sure. You have to stay up on the issues that other instances create. Your example of a net control station is spot on.

    I think we’re fortunate as a broader amateur radio “community” that we understand how to police ourselves.

    You’re more than welcome to mod at !

  • amateur_radio
    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    What laptops/touchscreens are y’all using for portable ops?

    Was looking into trying some digital modes and even logging while mobile (POTA/SOTA) or just on the road. I’ve also heard people use android devices as well.

    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    FCC Systems Are Back Online - Radio World

    Most of the Federal Communications Commission’s online systems are back in service now, and the commission has issued further guidance regarding extensions of filing deadlines.

    amateurradio Amateur Radio Recommendations for a portable HF vertical antenna?
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    The usual go to is the wolf river SOTA special

  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club achieves 2,000th License Milestone
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    I was always interested in ham radio but never got licensed. Then covid hit and I had time to study. Online testing made it a snap.

  • amateur_radio
    Amateur Radio w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    (META) !amateur_radio community created for general amateur radio posts. What to do with rag_chew?

    Hey all! (tl;dr [!amateur_radio]( is taking the place of [!ragchew]( When first started (a week ago?), I created a hand full of communities I thought would interest most hams. A few other user created communities have also popped up, which has been great. It's fun seeing other hams join and share their interests. One thing I've noticed as I've been using lemmy and looking for other amateur radio news outside of our instance is that we aren't discoverable AT ALL if you search for "amateur radio". That's pretty absurd for a server whose whole purpose is to bring amateur radio enthusiasts together. In order to help our site be a bit more findable, I've created [Amateur Radio]( Any general amateur radio discussion, questions, and news can be posted there. [Rag Chew]( was started as a sort of catch-all community for radio discussions that didn't fall into any specific category/community, pretty much what [Amateur Radio]( will be used for. I'm not sure what to do with !ragchew now. We can retire it or leave it open for general NON-amateur radio talk. That also opens the discussion of "Do we want non-amateur radio communities here?". I'll leave that up to everyone here. If you have any thoughts on that, leave them in the comments. Thanks and 73, Ben

    Homebrewing w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    End-fed Half Wave - perfect antenna for your Field Day station

    End-fed half wave (EFHW) is a simple to build and easy to deploy multi-band antenna, very convenient for field stations. It is a perfect antenna for field day-type stations, and for quick and simple setups, like during POTA activations. Leon, NT8B explains how the antenna works, how to build one, and how to use it.

    Digital Modes w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    W0CHP-PiStar-Dash (WPSD)

    Recently updated my pi-star with this version and WOW is it a lot more responsive and easy to use. Even has a few different digital modes to play around with, like M17. >This is my very highly modified and customized fork of MW0MWZ’s Pi-Star software, and I call it “W0CHP-PiStar-Dash” (abbreviated as WPSD). There are so many large changes, divergences and new features, it merited my own fork/version.

    Rag Chew w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Amateur Radio Helps Air Show Fly High

    More than 40 members of the Nashville Amateur Radio Club, Williamson County ARES®, and Stones River Amateur Radio Club partnered to provide operations support leading up to and throughout the 2023 Great Tennessee Air Show.

    Rag Chew w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Mobile man charged with using ‘sophisticated’ jamming device to block police communications

    Jamming from expensive “highly sophisticated” black market devices disrupted police and emergency services transmissions for much of last week, according to law enforcement authorities.

    Rag Chew w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    FCC ULS Unavailable, Filing Deadlines Extended

    "At this time, the FCC has stated they do not have a target for the ULS systems to be back online."

    homebrew Homebrewing Your Projects
  • w0odl w0odl 1 year ago 100%

    No projects really. Mostly studying for the extra exam and practicing CW

  • colorado
    Colorado w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Shooting that injured 10 after Denver Nuggets’ NBA Finals victory may be tied to drug deal, police say

    At least 10 people — including a suspect — were wounded in a shooting early Tuesday that police believe may be connected to a fentanyl drug deal that was taking place amid thousands of revelers amassed in downtown Denver, turning jubilant street celebrations of the Nuggets’ NBA championship victory potentially deadly.

    Digital Modes w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Pi-Star with DMR, D-Star, and YSF

    I live in a valley so it’s hard to hit any local digital repeaters. Built this to hit all the modes I can. Full duplex.

    Rag Chew w0odl 1 year ago 100%
    Field Day Plans?

    What's everyone got planned for Field Day?
