news News EPA Scientists Said They Were Pressured to Downplay Harms From Chemicals. A Watchdog Found They Were Retaliated Against.
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 7 hours ago 50%

    Harris supports oil and fracking

    it is both sides

  • news News EPA Scientists Said They Were Pressured to Downplay Harms From Chemicals. A Watchdog Found They Were Retaliated Against.
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 9 hours ago 48%

    and don't forget what Biden and the Democrats do

    Their allegations, which detailed industry pressure that continued under the administration of President Joe Biden and pointed fingers at career officials who still worked for the EPA, were the subject of a 10-part series I published in The Intercept.

    “It’s been four years since we first started raising concerns about what was happening, and we haven’t seen a resolution yet,” Gallagher said. “We haven’t gotten assurance that the concerns we’ve been raising will be fixed.”

    both parties are already bought by corporations

  • politics politics Climate Crisis Is the Defining Issue of Our Time. Where Was It at the Debate?
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 day ago 33%

    obviously no it does not change the reality that would take citizens actively standing against the two-party sham

  • politics politics Climate Crisis Is the Defining Issue of Our Time. Where Was It at the Debate?
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 day ago 20%

    obviously not Trump but what does Harris bring to the table, Walz?

    Resistance to the Line 3 pipeline expansion is led by Indigenous women and two-spirit people.[35] Ojibwe-led groups including Giniw Collective, Camp Migizi, Red Lake Treaty Camp, RISE Coalition, and Honor the Earth among others have been at the center of resistance.[36] Demonstrators and protesters organizing in opposition to the pipeline refer to themselves as "water protectors"[37] and follow a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience that includes direct actions.[38] Organizers aim to convince the Biden administration to revoke or suspend the pipeline project's federal clean water permit.[23] Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has not taken a firm stance on the pipeline expansion, which received federal approval under the Trump administration.[18][23]

    Opposition to the pipeline persisted throughout the years-long permit process and continued as legal challenges to the project were mounted.[39][18] Opponents of the pipeline organized protests, at one point making an encampment outside of the offices of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.[17]

    After the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gave final approval for the project, it was granted a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency construction storm water permit on November 30, 2020.[40] Construction of the pipeline immediately commenced.

  • politics politics Climate Crisis Is the Defining Issue of Our Time. Where Was It at the Debate?
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 day ago 12%

    are you trying to marginalize environmentalists and at the same time trying to make the current climate crisis out to be just a small issue that only some environmentalists want when in reality it is an issue all life on this planet faces

    Democrats and Republicans make it hard to tell the two apart

  • politics
    politics verdantbanana 2 days ago 91%
    Climate Crisis Is the Defining Issue of Our Time. Where Was It at the Debate?

    On one of the most consequential nights in the 2024 presidential race, the fate of our entire planet received all of 120 seconds. In fact, Harris several times praised the expansion of oil and gas development under President Joe Biden’s administration and doubled down on her promise not to ban fracking. Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump were each allotted one minute to discuss their plans for fighting the climate crisis during the September 10 presidential debate.

    linux_gaming Linux Gaming Hello, does anyone here know how to run Alan Wake (Original Steam release) well with Proton?
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 2 days ago 50%

    double check the GPU drivers are up to date and not using a more stable out of date version

    is it a purchased or pirated?

    if pirated using the custom game launcher portproton could be what you are looking for

    Ubuntu 24.04, Debian 12, Linux Mint 21.x, Deepin


    if it is purchased you may have to use something like Arch that has more up to date bleeding edge rather than a stable release such as Ubuntu

  • politics politics Side-by-Side Comparison Chart
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 2 days ago 33%

    MBFC: Least Biased - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High - United States of America


    Looking at the comments to this website's comparison of the election's candidates this year shows how much Democrats and Republicans both are against nonbiased, factual reporting

  • politics
    politics verdantbanana 2 days ago 12%
    Side-by-Side Comparison Chart

    Side-by-Side Comparison Chart of Presidential Canidates

    technology Technology The critical window of shadow libraries
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 3 days ago 100%

    archive, archive, archive

    got a 30tb library currently and every time a drive goes down we replace with a drive that is bigger

  • politics politics Biden promised no jail time for weed. He's running out of time to pardon cannabis convicts.
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 4 days ago 38%

    unrealistic in its timeline?

    people have waited for decades for a president from any party to give any amount of shits

  • politics
    politics verdantbanana 4 days ago 96%
    Biden promised no jail time for weed. He's running out of time to pardon cannabis convicts.

    With the president's decision to drop out of the race, he has effectively begun a longer lame-duck period, which is historically when most presidential clemency grants have occurred.

    politics politics Alabama officials sued for allegedly suppressing new citizens' voting rights
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 4 days ago 94%

    "It intimidates naturalized citizens and discourages them from voting by suggesting that by registering to vote, they are committing a crime and will be referred for criminal investigation," Kate Huddleston, senior legal counsel at Campaign Legal Center, told ABC News.

    this is a multistate issue here in the US that is not talked about by either Democrats or Republicans and has been an issue for years

  • politics politics Conservatives Roast Kamala Harris for Three-Plus Minute ‘Filibuster’ Answer on Lowering Prices
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 4 days ago 33%

    then that is not democracy but fascism both ways

  • politics politics Conservatives Roast Kamala Harris for Three-Plus Minute ‘Filibuster’ Answer on Lowering Prices
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 4 days ago 22%

    life is like a hotdog

    you could eat it as it comes plain and dry

    or you could eat a hot dog that is full of toppings and substance

    we don't have to choose between two plain hotdogs if we do not want to and that is what the US citizens have chosen to do every election since forever

    plain dry propaganda hotdog is not all there is even if the Democrats and Republicans keep telling us otherwise

  • politics politics 'It just exploded': Woman who sparked Trump's migrant pet-eating hoax comes forward
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 4 days ago 20%

    this is what a two-party system looks like

    immigration is not tolerated by either party because that would bring new people with new ideas that would not align with the carefully crafted narrative the two parties have helped write

  • politics politics Trump’s Weird, Low-Energy Speech Ends With an Even Stranger Twist
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 100%

    "They don't have Pacific Oceans."

    Donald Trump

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Cat reunited with family after nearly 2 months trapped in sewer
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 85%

    what a shitty story

  • politics politics Republicans and Democrats Agree: Campaigning in Extreme Heat Is Brutal
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 20%

    if enough people dissented and voted third party that would certainly send a message and reveal the sham that is the US voting system

  • politics politics Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 100%

    sounds good on paper but that is where the reality ends

    not enough people would be able to take advantage of these policies like they would if we just upped the minimum wage

    sidestepping the disease and going after symptoms will not heal the sickness

  • workingclasscalendar Working Class Calendar Jacobo Árbenz (1913 - 1971) Jacobo Árbenz, born on this day in 1913, was a Guatemalan President who earned the ire of the United Fruit Company, the largest private landowner in the country, by...
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 100%

    “Our only crime consisted of decreeing our own laws and applying them to all without exception. Our crime is having enacted an agrarian reform which effected the interests of the United Fruit Company. Our crime is wanting to have our own route to the Atlantic, our own electric power and our own docks and ports. Our crime is our patriotic wish to advance, to progress, to win economic independence to match our political independence. We are condemned because we have given our peasant population land and rights.”

    not a lot has changed in the US since and with both parties against immigration it sends the message out that the US will stomp out dissenters at home or abroad

    both parties go above and beyond to shut out progress and keep citizens under the boot

  • politics politics Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 28%

    the country would not end in flames if people vote third party

    that is just propaganda you ate willingly

  • politics politics Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 33%

    great if you are a small business

    also great if you make enough to afford a home

    but yay a tax credit

  • politics politics Republicans and Democrats Agree: Campaigning in Extreme Heat Is Brutal
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 40%

    sounds like the Democrat's and Republican's propaganda got to you

  • politics politics Harris supported the Green New Deal. Now, she’s promoting domestic oil drilling
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 33%

    Just like Republicans the Democrats like to spin things to make themselves look better but at the end of the day it is just a dressed-up pile of horseshit

    Harris's pick for vice president was Walz and that spoke volumes on her position on oil

    Resistance to the Line 3 pipeline expansion is led by Indigenous women and two-spirit people.[35] Ojibwe-led groups including Giniw Collective, Camp Migizi, Red Lake Treaty Camp, RISE Coalition, and Honor the Earth among others have been at the center of resistance.[36] Demonstrators and protesters organizing in opposition to the pipeline refer to themselves as "water protectors"[37] and follow a campaign of non-violent civil disobedience that includes direct actions.[38] Organizers aim to convince the Biden administration to revoke or suspend the pipeline project's federal clean water permit.[23] Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has not taken a firm stance on the pipeline expansion, which received federal approval under the Trump administration.[18][23]

    Opposition to the pipeline persisted throughout the years-long permit process and continued as legal challenges to the project were mounted.[39][18] Opponents of the pipeline organized protests, at one point making an encampment outside of the offices of the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission.[17]

    After the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers gave final approval for the project, it was granted a Minnesota Pollution Control Agency construction storm water permit on November 30, 2020.[40] Construction of the pipeline immediately commenced.

  • politics politics Republicans and Democrats Agree: Campaigning in Extreme Heat Is Brutal
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 5 days ago 36%

    Liam Donovan, a Republican strategist, said it was notable that at a debate in energy-rich Pennsylvania, Harris chose to “brag about something that President Biden has barely acknowledged — that domestic fossil fuel production under the Biden administration is at an all-time high.″ Crude production averaged 12.9 million barrels a day last year, eclipsing a previous record set in 2019 under Trump, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

    The statement was “another sign of Harris’ sprint to the middle″ on energy policy and other issues, said Donovan, who works with energy industry clients at the Bracewell law and lobbying firm.

    Harris went one step further, rebranding the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act — the administration’s signature climate law — as a boon to fracking and other drilling, thanks to lease-sale requirements inserted into the bill by independent West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a key swing vote in the Senate and a strong supporter of the fossil fuel industry.

    Harris’s comments disappointed some in the environmental community.

    “Harris missed a critical opportunity to lay out a stark contrast with Trump and show young voters that she will stand up to Big Oil and stop the climate crisis,’' said Stevie O’Hanlon, a spokesperson for the Sunrise Movement, one of the groups behind the Green New Deal.

    “Harris spent more time promoting fracking than laying out a bold vision for a clean energy future,’' O’Hanlon said. “Young voters want more from Harris’’ on climate change, she added. “We want to see a real plan that meets the scale and urgency of this crisis.’'

    Her group is working to turn out young voters, “but we hear people asking every day, ‘What are Democrats going to do for us?’” O’Hanlon said. “To win, Harris needs to show young people she will fight for us.”

    Other environmental groups were less critical, citing the looming threat to climate action posed by Trump, who rolled back more than 100 environmental protections during his term as president.

    “There is only one presidential candidate who is a champion for climate action and that is Kamala Harris,’' said Alex Glass, speaking for Climate Power, a liberal advocacy group. Harris “laid out a clear vision to invest in clean energy jobs and lower costs for working families,’' Glass said.

    By comparison, she said, Trump “will do the bidding of his Big Oil donors.’'

  • politics
    politics verdantbanana 5 days ago 35%
    Harris supported the Green New Deal. Now, she’s promoting domestic oil drilling

    Vice President Kamala Harris has claimed that the Biden-Harris administration has led to the largest increase in domestic oil production in history due to a recognition that we cannot over rely on foreign oil. This statement, which contradicts the bipartisan claims that they are champions in the fight to slow global warming, surprised supporters and opponents alike. The Biden-Harris administration has set a target to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 and accelerate renewable energy projects. Some environmental groups have criticized Harris's comments for missing a critical opportunity to show young voters she will fight for climate action.

    politics politics Republicans and Democrats Agree: Campaigning in Extreme Heat Is Brutal
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 6 days ago 17%

    did you not see were Walz used a federal Trump program to increase police funding to strongarm protesters that were protesting against an oil pipeline

    both parties are paid by oil

  • politics politics Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 6 days ago 13%

    being younger and more mentally fit than Trump is not a justification or a qualification to elect someone as leader

  • politics politics Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 6 days ago 7%

    Democrats support old fashioned politics that will slow progress down like molasses just as much as Republicans and so do the voters who keep showing their support for the slow regressive march backwards towards the good old' days with voting

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 6 days ago 60%

    how else could the Democrats win?

    every election they pander more to the right and if someone does not run that is worse what would they have to campaign on?

    progressive politics?

  • politics politics Harris to begin 'more aggressive' post-debate campaigning stage, campaign says
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 6 days ago 11%

    Harris is set to hold two rallies in North Carolina and one in Pennsylvania as part of the kickoff for her "New Way Forward Tour," which her campaign said is an effort to "capitalize on her decisive victory" against former President Donald Trump at the ABC News debate earlier this week.

    what new way forward? is she going to suddenly come out strong on anything with a plan forward?

    she said nothing in the debates about anything that affects the US citizens on a day-to-day basis and neither did Trump

    no matter who wins there will be more police funding, less healthcare, no women's rights, no healthcare reform, nothing to help the environment, more genocide, more antiimmigration, more world policing, stagnant pay, and lots of molasses

    what does Harris bring to the table besides being more mentally fit and yes younger but still too old to relate to the populace just like Trump

  • politics politics Kamala Harris Broke Donald Trump
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 6 days ago 8%

    more of a dissident of the United States btw

    not able to vote or do a lot of things that people who will blindly vote for Democrats or Republicans and play ball take for granted

    the more the US falls apart under Democrat and Republican leaders the more people seem to latch on to them, but it is the wrong lifeboat and the last hundred years should have been a red flag that something more is needed to keep this sinking country afloat

  • politics politics Kamala Harris Broke Donald Trump
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 7 days ago 8%

    people need help with childcare and affordable housing because of bipartisan politics

    takes a higher minimum wage and better education to help with both of these plus workers' rights and universal healthcare and police reform and environmental reforms

    what good is help with childcare bills when the parent and/or parents is/are not paid enough to purchase food or other necessities and while they are on their way to get their child from that child care facility that they get assistance with they get pulled over and hassled by police and when they finally come home the electricity is off because they are not given living wages for the work they put in and then the kids grow not understanding as adults how to fix the situation in their country because they lack the tools better education would have provided thus the circle continues and the Republican and Democrats get their low paid factory worker that lacks the knowledge to improve their lives and will keep propping up the two party sham

    takes more than just helping with childcare which is only needed because Democrats and Republicans both do not support living wages because their financial backers do not support it

    was all show that seemed rigged and was void of substance that the US citizens desperately needed decades ago

  • thepoliceproblem THE POLICE PROBLEM The NYPD Is Tossing Out Hundreds of Misconduct Cases — Including Stop-and-Frisks — Without Even Looking at Them
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 7 days ago 87%

    we have a pro-police president and Trump and Harris are pro-police

    only get worse now that the police know the leaders are on their side not the citizens and have been getting bolder by the day

  • politics politics Nostalgia Reigns at the Trump-Harris Presidential Debate
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 7 days ago 100%

  • progressivepolitics Progressive Politics After Harris-Trump Debate, Progressives Say 2024 Contrast 'Couldn't Be More Stark'
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 week ago 35%

    then what do you call a candidate that is propolice, prowar, against minimum wage/ workers' rights, against immigration, hires republicans, against universal healthcare

    how much like Republican do you have to act to be called a Republican

  • politics politics Kamala Harris Broke Donald Trump
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 week ago 4%

    she did yes but none of it involved anything that is really needed

    universal healthcare, police reform, environmental protections, minimum wage

    only thing the Democrats stood strongly on was women rights which they have ignored for over half a century

    so long so rights have now started to be lost and only now are they voicing an opinion on top for asking for donations

  • politics politics Kamala Harris Broke Donald Trump
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 week ago 4%

    exhausting to keep watching your fellow citizens eat shit from the two parties keeping the US down and loving it so much so that third parties are not considered

    what did Harris say that was enough to get a vote besides the fact she is not Trump

  • politics politics Kamala Harris Broke Donald Trump
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 week ago 4%


    did she come out strong on worker's rights, healthcare, the environment, upping the minimum wage, police reform, or anything that would directly help the citizens?

    debate watched was Harris and Trump babbling for over an hour with no concrete plan for anything out of either of them

  • politics politics Conspiracy theorists push wild claim that Kamala Harris donned bluetooth earrings to debate
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 week ago 26%

    more concerned with the fact that neither of the candidates talked about raising the minimum wage, police reform, healthcare, or anything that the citizens need now

  • progressivepolitics Progressive Politics After Harris-Trump Debate, Progressives Say 2024 Contrast 'Couldn't Be More Stark'
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 week ago 8%

    if you want to believe the lies and propaganda the two parties put out then yes we only have two options

  • progressivepolitics Progressive Politics After Harris-Trump Debate, Progressives Say 2024 Contrast 'Couldn't Be More Stark'
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 week ago 11%

    just because Trump is a terrible option should not mean we should get stuck with Harris who does not want progress either and who is center right

    not even sure raising the minimum wage was talked about nor was healthcare

    the only question now is how much worse the Democrats and Republicans will make things this election

  • politics politics FACT FOCUS: A look at false and misleading claims as Trump and Harris meet for their first debate
  • verdantbanana verdantbanana 1 week ago 16%

    did and it was a sad read

    Harris had come out with fervor when she first announced she was running for president but that has devolved into nonprogressive right leaning politics just like when Biden ran

    baby steps sure but that baby was a baby a long time ago now is the time for adult steps

  • politics
    politics verdantbanana 1 week ago 86%
    As Harris Rejects Fracking Ban, Will Anyone Listen to What Pennsylvanians Want?

    The presidential election in Pennsylvania is shaping up to be crucial, with both the Trump and Harris campaigns spending over $130 million on advertising in the swing state. However, the narrative that Pennsylvanians are overwhelmingly in favor of the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," for oil and gas is not entirely accurate. Polls show that a majority of Pennsylvanians actually oppose fracking, with concerns over its harmful impact on human health, the climate, and the environment. The natural gas industry in Pennsylvania has also been declining in recent years, accounting for less than 1% of the state's jobs. Some politicians, like Rep. Summer Lee, have won elections on an anti-fracking platform, demonstrating that it is not the "make-or-break" issue that the media portrays it to be. Despite the growing public awareness and opposition to fracking, the media continues to perpetuate the idea that it is a key issue for Pennsylvania voters. This oversimplification overlooks the grassroots efforts that have been working to educate the public and pass local ordinances to protect communities from the harms of fracking. As the election approaches, it is important to listen to what Pennsylvanians truly want and continue the crucial work of addressing the environmental and health concerns associated with this controversial practice.

    politics verdantbanana 3 weeks ago 9%
    Harris Claims She Worked at McDonald's in College. Here's What We Know

    U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has repeatedly claimed that she worked at McDonald's while getting her undergraduate degree in the 1980s. This claim has been reported by multiple reputable news outlets, but aside from Harris' own testimony, there is no independent evidence such as a photo, employment record, or confirmation from a friend or family member to verify the story. Harris has invoked the alleged McDonald's work experience throughout her political career, including in a 2024 presidential campaign ad and during a 2024 appearance on "The Drew Barrymore Show." Other prominent Democrats, such as former President Bill Clinton, have also repeated the anecdote. However, some internet users have challenged the claim, with unverified reports that "McDonald's Corporate sources" have no record of Harris working at their locations. Snopes reached out to Harris' campaign and McDonald's headquarters seeking evidence to corroborate the claim, but as of the report's publication, no such proof has been uncovered. Without tangible evidence to independently confirm or debunk the story, Snopes has rated the claim "Research In Progress" as they continue to investigate.

    politics verdantbanana 4 weeks ago 37%
    Democrats Tuned Out Gaza Protests at the DNC. History Won’t Forget.

    As Vice President Kamala Harris received the presidential nomination at the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC), thousands of people marched near the convention demanding an end to U.S. arms shipments to Israel and the war on Gaza. The protesters, led by Palestinian and Jewish activists, represented a diverse coalition including anti-war veterans, climate justice activists, and labor organizers. Despite efforts by Democrats to keep the Palestine issue sidelined, the marchers made their voices heard, declaring Harris and President Joe Biden complicit in the genocide in Gaza. The protesters came from communities and movements that are often considered part of the Democratic coalition, warning that their votes could not be taken for granted unless the party takes concrete action to end the occupation and devastation in Palestine. Organizers estimate around 30,000 people demonstrated in Chicago over the course of the week, making Palestine impossible to ignore during the convention. The activists drew connections between the struggle for Palestinian liberation and the fight against racist violence and state repression in the U.S., challenging the Democratic Party's complicity in both. The protests encountered a heavy police presence, with hundreds of riot police surrounding the march at all times. Despite the tension, the demonstration remained largely peaceful as the protesters demanded justice for Palestine. As Kamala Harris prepared to take the stage, the marchers continued their chants and songs, determined to keep the spotlight on the ongoing catastrophe in Gaza and the Democratic Party's failure to address it.

    Linux Gaming verdantbanana 4 weeks ago 98%
    NVIDIA 560.35.03 Linux Driver Released With More Wayland Fixes

    Building off the prior NVIDIA 560 beta driver releases, the NVIDIA 560.35.03 stable Linux driver was released today for providing the latest official NVIDIA graphics/compute support for Linux systems.

    Linux Gaming verdantbanana 4 weeks ago 48%

    Installing PortProton (Using WINE Proton without STEAM) PortProton is a project that aims to make it easier for both novice and experienced users to run Windows games on Linux. The project aims to make the process of running games (and other software) as easy as possible, but at the same time provides flexible settings for experienced users. Attention Official website of the project from September 2022: Any other site is fake! If you need to install on SteamDeck, follow these instructions...

    Linux Gaming verdantbanana 4 weeks ago 60%

    AdaptiveCpp is the independent, community-driven modern platform for C++-based heterogeneous programming models targeting CPUs and GPUs from all major vendors. AdaptiveCpp lets applications adapt themselves to all the hardware found in the system. This includes use cases where a single binary needs to be able to target all supported hardware, or utilize hardware from different vendors simultaneously.

    Linux Gaming verdantbanana 1 month ago 88%
    Linux Gaming

    A somewhat useful guide into Linux Gaming at the bottom of the page Roblox on Linux has recently changed to using Sober from VinegarHQ without Wine that is being distributed as a Flatpak package did not write this but wanted to post it mainly to highlight what is required for gaming on Linux and to show how relevant github is to Linux gaming since a good portion of the required components for gaming are hosted there

    politics verdantbanana 1 month ago 93%
    Universal Health Care Was Big on the 2020 Democratic Platform. Where Is It Now?

    The 2024 Democratic Party platform contains little emphasis on healthcare compared to previous years, despite it remaining a top concern for voters. The draft platform obtained by Politico in July does not mention a "public option" or "universal healthcare," reverting from the party's 2020 platform that had outlined reforms like a public insurance option. While the Biden administration has touted record-low uninsured rates and taken some steps to lower healthcare costs, such as capping insulin copays, overall healthcare affordability remains a major challenge. Premiums for employer-provided family plans continue to rise faster than wages and inflation, and over 40% of adults report having medical debt. The 2024 platform's light treatment of healthcare is a disappointing shift from the more ambitious proposals of the past. Progressives who had pushed for policies like Medicare for All will need to mount a renewed effort to keep healthcare as a central priority for the Democratic Party. The party's own rhetoric in 2020 about healthcare being a "right, not a privilege" must be upheld, and voters should demand that candidates put forth concrete plans to achieve truly universal, affordable healthcare coverage.

    News verdantbanana 3 months ago 60%
    Biden Offered No Alternative to Trump’s Pro-Policing Authoritarianism in Debate

    Donald Trump's overarching narrative for the debate was that Joe Biden has diminished U.S. power by opening the border and allowing millions of "Illegal immigrants" released "From prisons, jails and mental institutions" to come into the country to "Take our jobs," overwhelm our health care and Social Security systems, and rape and kill us. Rather than pointing out Trump's utter lack of concern for people's well-being, Biden's rebuttal fell into the trap of trying to respond to Trump's tirades, allowing the former president to control the agenda and tone of the debate. Trump used this as an opportunity to point out how little progress has been made under Biden and that Biden helped drive these disparities through his embrace of the "Superpredator" myth in the 1990s. While many in the Biden administration and its key constituencies favor dialing back criminalization, they feel that it is politically impossible to state that clearly and openly, leaving the president to quietly support some good programs, while publicly leaning into a police-centered crime control strategy that will never be able to compete with Trump's undiluted authoritarianism. Biden's weak policies and incoherent responses during the debate may give us another four years of Trump and his drive to turn the U.S. into a despotic kleptocracy.

    News verdantbanana 6 months ago 23%
    Growing opposition to Democrats’ “all-out war” to block third parties from ballot

    The Democratic Party is launching an "all-out war" to block third parties from appearing on the 2024 US election ballot. This is in response to declining support for President Biden and the Democratic Party. The World Socialist Web Site has published articles exposing these anti-democratic efforts, which have received widespread attention and support on social media. Third party candidates like Jill Stein and Cornel West have condemned the Democratic Party's actions as an assault on democratic rights and voter choice. The Socialist Equality Party has also voiced support for the right of independent and third party candidates to access the ballot, connecting this to the broader fight against the corporate-controlled two-party system.

    News verdantbanana 8 months ago 45%
    Budget Deal Ensures Bombs Will Keep Dropping While Fewer Human Needs Are Met

    The Military Budget Underwrites War — and Genocide The deal includes $886 billion for the military, but that will most likely grow. War funding for the current year wasn’t included in the current deal, but President Joe Biden has requested $106 billion, of which $65 billion is for military purposes . The Losers: All of Us All of that military funding comes at the direct cost of funding social programs and climate programs. Flipping the Script The clear answer to this is a budget that flips the script, providing more for human needs, climate, and diplomacy while providing less for war and militarism. The path to get there is fraught, but there are signs of hope.

    B Movie Bonanza verdantbanana 1 year ago 42%
    Night Train to Terror (1985)

    God and Satan are on a train discussing the fate of three individuals. The stories of the people in question are told in a trio of very strange vignettes. One involves an insane asylums with some very interesting treatment plans. Another involves a 'death club'. The final story shows us the adventures of a server of Satan.

    B Movie Bonanza verdantbanana 1 year ago 13%
    Mitchell (1975)

    A tough, slobby, honest cop tries to simultaneously take down heroin dealers and a corrupt businessman who murdered a burglar, even if it costs him his life.
