monero Monero the Matrix server is down. IRC still works. (edit: Matrix up now)
  • tusker tusker 1 day ago 100%

    There is a small but growing Monero community on Retroshare, which is fully decentralized and never down.

    How to join:

  • monero Monero Where can I swap Monero to other crypto without tracking?
  • tusker tusker 1 week ago 100%

    basicswap dex, not easy to use though

  • monero Monero Where can I swap Monero to other crypto without tracking?
  • tusker tusker 1 week ago 100%

  • monero Monero A way to promote Monero in book stores
  • tusker tusker 3 weeks ago 100%

    Good idea. Better yet make it also act as bookmark so if someone buys the book they will keep it.

  • featherwallet Feather Wallet How to set a custom TX fee in Feather wallet?
  • tusker tusker 4 weeks ago 100%

    They have since added the option. Settings, transactions, manual fee tier election.

    Though you cannot specify your own custom fee because this is bad for privacy.

  • monero Monero Socialism and Capitalism Are Both Fake - Curtis Yarvin
  • tusker tusker 4 weeks ago 100%

    This is correct, the actual system we live under is called clown-world.

  • cryptocurrency cryptocurrency The first cryptocurrency powered peer reviewed medical journal
  • tusker tusker 4 weeks ago 100%

    Because authors, editors, and reviewers from around the world can easily and cheaply be paid for their work without the nightmare of trying to go through the legacy banking and payment system.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    cryptocurrency tusker 4 weeks ago 60%
    The first cryptocurrency powered peer reviewed medical journal
    monero Monero Bounty on building an AppImage installer [2 XMR] · Issue #1222 · haveno-dex/haveno
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    Appimage is a great way for developers to release a binary that works on all linux systems right away. It is a burden on devs to create multiple packages.

    Then distributions or users can take the appimage and build a package that integrates properly.

    It is also trivial to integrate an appimage into your system by just creating a file that your desktop will read and create a menu item.

  • monero Monero Monero needs its shock troops to move its adoption
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    I have read up on both, that is why I made the comment.

  • monero Monero Monero needs its shock troops to move its adoption
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 54%

    Don't worry, people will be begging us to show them how to use Monero in the next few years, including this commie clown.

  • monero Monero Bounty on building an AppImage installer [2 XMR] · Issue #1222 · haveno-dex/haveno
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 85%

    This is desperately needed.
    Also we need a feature to specify the network to connect to from the official build so people do not have to download builds from other sources, without this the appimage will be useless.

  • monero_memes Monero Memes not knowing your customer
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 75%

    Without needing to know anything about the individual you are performing the exchange with because the money carries the trust.

    The state is a mafia that has turned human interaction on its head and made everyone a spy for the ruling class.

    By having data on the majority of transactions and capital flows the elites can game the markets at the expense of society as a whole.

    Forcing people at gunpoint to collect personal information on everyone they interact with is a disgusting communist practice and needs to be abolished and resisted.

  • monero Monero Dollar Vigilante urges the use of Monero on Stew Peters while discussing turbo cancer death of former YouTube CEO after she tried to silence critics of the toxic injections.
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 33%

    Sounds like you have a problem with the post and just made up the off-topic accusation to conceal your intentions.

    They both have large audiences and Monero was prominently mentioned, thus it is on topic.

    Everyone being forced to take poison injections is relevant to everyone and these two did more in saving people's lives by warning them of the poison shots then you can ever hope for.

    People in the Monero community need to know about this especially if they were duped into taking the toxic shots so then can immediately look for solutions on how to detox the poison.

  • monero Monero Dollar Vigilante urges the use of Monero on Stew Peters while discussing turbo cancer death of former YouTube CEO after she tried to silence critics of the toxic injections.
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 33%

    This is not wildly off-topic. There are posts in that do not even mention Monero.

  • monero Monero Dollar Vigilante urges the use of Monero on Stew Peters while discussing turbo cancer death of former YouTube CEO after she tried to silence critics of the toxic injections.
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 33%

    Get ready for a giant red pill. 😀

  • monero Monero Dollar Vigilante urges the use of Monero on Stew Peters while discussing turbo cancer death of former YouTube CEO after she tried to silence critics of the toxic injections.
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 22%

    Not sure why this post is being downvoted as he warned everyone not to take the poison injection.
    If the youtube clown would have listened she would be alive today. Oh well, some people have to find out the hard way. 🤷‍♂️

  • monero
    Monero tusker 1 month ago 8%
    Dollar Vigilante urges the use of Monero on Stew Peters while discussing turbo cancer death of former YouTube CEO after she tried to silence critics of the toxic injections.

    Mention @ 5:08 Reminder, vaccines are based on voodoo fake science and are designed to poison you slowly and decrease your lifespan. ![](

    privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    All of the "reputable institutions" are directly captured and controlled by big pharma, you will not see anything come out of them that negatively impacts the business of pharma in a large way. Get your head out of your ass and start looking at independent sources that have nothing to gain and everything to lose by publishing info that is damning to big pharma and the government cartel.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    How are you assuming I do not mind all those things? Stop trying to misdirect and obfuscate you are starting to look like a pharma shill.

    Vaccines are the worst because they are being directly injected and people are being coerced into taking them if not out right forced.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    I just posted information containing studies that have been done that vaccines are toxic and damage health. You can investigate further or just brush it off and learn the hard way later down the road.

  • monero Monero Monero is most used cryptocurrency on Stealths.NET - yearly stats
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 77%

    Don't mind the angry commies around here. Crypto is destroying the banker control system and they are pissed as their ideology was created by the banking elite to serve the banking elite.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 50%

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    It's not medicine, it's just poison. You are under mind control drowning in cognitive dissidence.

    Again, the sources are cited in the videos, you should be thankful that I care enough about you to warn you about injecting poison. However I am not your secretary.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 75%

    Fiat currency is the biggest scam. No accountability, audit-ability, and manipulated by dirty bankers.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 33%

    As if you know anything about science 😂

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 20%

    Sources are cited in the videos. Get off your ass and do some research, or just keep injecting yourself with poison. Either way works for me.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 44%

    The concentration/labor camps were built by soviet communists, please learn history. You have been brainwashed by your commie university professors with false narratives.

    Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 80%

    Communist tyrants and psychopathic control freaks want to know where you get your money from.

    I do not think a nation state is evil, but it needs to be limited to only a few functions. It has no business in my personal life and income.

    The state is currently the biggest criminal enterprise there is. Trillions stolen and millions murdered in their wake.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 60%

    I did read up on it. It is a deception by the banking elites to dupe morons into fighting for their own enslavement by concentrating power to the state which the banking class control.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 25%

    There have been zero conducted by big pharma, even though there should be hundreds. This alone tells you that the vax is poison or they would do them constantly to show how effective their toxic products are. Please stop being a big pharma dupe.

    This is What Happens When a Study Compares the Health of Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated Kids

    Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated

    Vaxxed VS Unvaxxed: US Child Vaccines Are POISON, Causing Breathing, Neuro & Blood Disorders?

    Vaccines do no prevent any disease and never have, it has been a giant scam to suck money out of people and poison them while covering up the real cause of disease.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 57%

    The government is the master of "cooking the books". Monero just levels the playing field.
    If the communists in charge of this system are not accountable to me when they try to steal from me then why should I be accountable to them when they are my employees?

    The state has no right or authority to demand any information regarding your income or finances, this is a purely private matter, Monero helps to enforce this fact and restore some human dignity and sovereignty.

  • monero Monero Stocks Dropped 89% - Will It Happen Again? | Alasdair Macleod
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 33%

    One thing I can guarantee is the USD will not be around in 100 years.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 20%

    Vaccines are poison, all studies conducted pinning vaxxed vs unvaxxed show this. Vaxxed population always have 10 to 100x greater disease incidence.

    Once you know the truth about health it is obvious that injecting toxins into your body is a bad idea.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 62%

    Freedom is dangerous but it is essential if you do not want to live in a communist work camp.

  • cryptocurrency cryptocurrency Over 40% of all Bitcoin transactions are now happening on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    Well this is a comparison within the bitcoin network. I think BCH will surge up in the coming years because they now have tokens and smart contracts like ETH. Once their ecosystem is built out with defi platforms you will see a million tx per day.

  • moneromining Monero Mining I low key like crypto too...
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    It is only decentralized if people run their own instance of p2pool.

    Using xmrig and pointing at your node you are just a standard pool.

    The decentralized way to do this would be to give people your Monero address and have them mine on p2pool with it as a donation to you.

    However you do get an A for effort.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 39%

    US is a criminal enterprise which has laundered trillions and murdered millions of people, recently they tried to force everyone to take a slow acting poison injection, they have no business recommending anything.

  • privacy privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 73%

    The government and big banks are doing 99.99% of the money laundering despite the idiotic laws that are in place.

    Transferring money is not a suspicious activity in a free society. There should be no limits or questions asked.

    Luckily now we have Monero which the criminal state cannot control. If they will not give us freedom we will take it.

  • monero Monero Monero darknet market Archetyp gets clearnet domain blocked & removed
  • tusker tusker 1 month ago 100%

    The US government is the biggest trafficker of all "heavy drugs" dark-net markets are completely insignificant. You are wasting your time.

  • monero Monero Bitcoin's Co-optation by the Financial System and the Rise of Monero: A Critical Analysis
  • tusker tusker 2 months ago 100%

    It is a decentralized social network, the site is just a frontend to the content.
    It is best used with the desktop or mobile app which bypasses DNS and hosting service and talks directly to the nodes.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    cryptocurrency tusker 2 months ago 29%
    Over 40% of all Bitcoin transactions are now happening on the Bitcoin Cash blockchain

    The real Bitcoin is gaining ground on the impostor in usage.

    monero Monero Skepticism Sunday #2 — July 28, 2024
  • tusker tusker 2 months ago 100%

    I was participating in the stress test and noticed node stability issues around that level. It could be +/- 200k, we will see when an official report is released regarding the test.

    But for certain at current state Monero cannot handle 1 million tx per day without problems.

  • monero
    Monero tusker 3 months ago 84%
    Let's start a decentralized Monero community on RetroShare

    Retroshare allows you to establish encrypted connections between you and your friends to create a network of computers, and provides various distributed services on top of it: forums, channels, chat, mail... Retroshare is fully decentralized, and designed to provide maximum security and anonymity to its users beyond direct friends. Retroshare is entirely free and open-source software. It is available on Android, Linux, MacOS and Windows. There are no hidden costs, no ads and no terms of service. Get the software @ The RetroShare ID to connect with is: ```` ABBoJ5fsnoFayyBIJYYlRaXLAxQ3CbybJPUM1BTbdmcS+IjL8xLcXwEFZ2VrdXSQRAAAAAImlmh5Z3psemwyaHh6bnhmeGd6bDNzZ2hvdm51YjVwamY1NTVvcDcyZXZxYWdpaHN6a2h0bnoyYmFkLm9uaW9uBAMK/p4= ```` **Make sure to select "Hidden node (over tor)" when creating your node. See screenshot, otherwise your incoming connections may not work.** ![](

    Monero tusker 4 months ago 100%
    Large botnet taken down, Monero hashrate drops

    Looks like the botnet was mining on the two largest pools. ![](

    Feather Wallet tusker 4 months ago 57%
    Are FW Dev's interested in the COMIT XMR-BTC Atomic-Swaps Bounty?

    If so what is the minimum XMR to get started? If not, how come?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    privacy tusker 5 months ago 72%
    Degoogled phones running privacy oriented OS - Accepting Monero
    Monero Memes tusker 5 months ago 75%
    Monero Getting It Done
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    cryptocurrency tusker 5 months ago 63%
    Was Bitcoin Hijacked? Roger Ver's Tell-All New Book and the State of Bitcoin Today
    Monero tusker 5 months ago 86%
    This may be a historical moment, Monero TX fee is higher than BTC

    This may be a new attack tactic. By flooding the TX pool with large transactions they are trying to artificially jack up TX costs since the spam attack did not work. As usual Monero will learn from this and improve. 👍 It is best to go through all this while Monero is still not a top world currency.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    cryptocurrency tusker 5 months ago 76%
    Crypto veterans call out DOJ for targeting Roger Ver a decade after he left US
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    cryptocurrency tusker 5 months ago 69%
    Hijacking Bitcoin: The Hidden History of BTC - Uncover the Truth Behind Bitcoin's Evolution by Roger Ver
    Monero Memes tusker 5 months ago 66%
    Monero to the rescue
    Monero tusker 5 months ago 90%
    Help Anhdres get to Prague to present at Monerokon!

    Donate XMR @

    Monero Memes tusker 5 months ago 43%
    Monero, best of both...
    Monero tusker 6 months ago 89%
    P2Pool is currently #3 Monero block producer! - Decentralization is GROWING!

    cross-posted from: > Head on over to and start mining Monero like a champ. TODAY!

    Monero Mining tusker 6 months ago 61%
    P2Pool is currently #3 Monero block producer! - Decentralization is GROWING!

    Head on over to and start mining Monero like a champ. TODAY!

    Monero tusker 6 months ago 80%
    Can we shave 60% off of wallet sync times by compressing blocks from remote nodes?

    I noticed that the Monero chain compresses about 60%, would it be possible to compress blocks before sending them from a remote node to a syncing wallet thus saving a big chunk of bandwidth and time? Does anyone know if this is already happening during sync, or if not why? edit: this can be done using ssh tunnels, if you have ssh access to your remote server. The "-C" option enables compression. ```` ssh -C -NL 18089:localhost:18089 server_username@server_address ```` Now you can set your wallet to and now your wallet syncing should be faster, enjoy!

    Monero Memes tusker 6 months ago 72%
    We can trace XMR!
    Monero Memes tusker 7 months ago 52%
    Sleep Soundly...
    Monero tusker 7 months ago 71%
    How to set a custom TX fee in Feather wallet?

    cross-posted from: > With the recent spike in activity on the chain transactions with default fee are being delayed. > > Is there a way to set the tx fee manually? Is the wallet capable of selecting an appropriate fee automatically? > > *Edit: Apparently dynamic fees are completely broken in Monero. 🤦 > > Reddit 🤮 Link:

    Feather Wallet tusker 7 months ago 50%
    How to set a custom TX fee in Feather wallet?

    With the recent spike in activity on the chain transactions with default fee are being delayed. Is there a way to set the tx fee manually? Is the wallet capable of selecting an appropriate fee automatically? *Edit: Apparently dynamic fees are completely broken in Monero. 🤦 Reddit 🤮 Link:

    Monero tusker 7 months ago 65%
    The case for dropping old blocks to keep Monero blockchain size under control and future proof

    Monero is striving to be a currency that everyone can use, the growth of the blockchain is starting to hamper this goal IMO. I think we should consider dropping blocks off of the chain tail once we reach block height of 4000000. This will give us 10 years of storage capacity, more than enough IMO. Similar to how you have to exchange bills of cash once they get worn, you would simply churn your coins to get your outputs into younger blocks. We are trying to be digital cash not an inheritance vault. If we had this feature from the start 99% of the community would agree with it. Please consider this.🙂 *Edit: @4KB/tx * 100,000tx/day we are looking at ~400MB chain growth daily, this is not sustainable, let's take care of this now before it becomes a big problem **Edit: A possible solution could be that nodes would have the option to set chain retention duration. So when syncing a new node you can select that you would like to retain 5 years of chain data, with a minimum boundary enforced that retains sufficient security. This way the network decides in a fair way how much chain data is useful to store.

    Monero Memes tusker 7 months ago 64%
    The Revolution
    Monero Memes tusker 8 months ago 83%
    A good laugh
    Monero tusker 8 months ago 57%
    bet.i2p - Monero based lottery and betting service on I2P

    Found this site a while ago played it and won once. I am not affiliated with this site, play at your own risk! http://z3be23jcvffy3gzucsro3kxayrox6r52imguu3r75l4qnvgunj3q.b32.i2p/lottery If you do not know how to use I2P yet you can get started @ I2P is shaping up to be the future of the free internet. ✌️
