solarpunk Solarpunk Solarpunk Writing Prompt: The Tailors - how can clothing look like in a sustainable world post fast fashion? What is the tailor's role within a community?
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 4 days ago 100%

    My problem is that I would end up more unfitted granny-hippie than punk. Just wear shit inspired by hanfu, caftans, and elastic waist pants. Me and my muumuu don't need no tailor.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Parenting Was Meant To Take a Village
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 2 weeks ago 100%

    I have mixed feelings about this because it often ends up meaning that people feel entitled to free female labor. What do I get out of this village, huh? Do I at least get a casserole?

    So many deadbeat dudes who finally got served divorce papers just turn around and snag another woman to dump all the domestic labor onto.

  • aquariums
    My betta boy Diogenes

    I recently upgraded my phone, and I'm having a better time with tank photography. Here is the least potato pic I've taken of my boi Diogenes. He's recently turned very blue. He deffo was not this blue even last week. He was, tbh, kinda shit-colored with blue tints in his fins when I first got him. He's also the most puppy-like out of the couple-few bettas I've had. Corbulo was leery of fingers and faces near his tank, but Dio just wants to see what's up. I wonder if it has anything to do with breeding -- are wild types or wild hybrids less grumpy than most bettas?

    archaeology Archaeology An archeological revolution transforms our image of human freedoms | Aeon Essays
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 2 months ago 100%

    That makes me think of shit like Karahan Tepe or Poverty Point. How would they organize to build cool shit without a centralized authority? Or maybe it was a centralized authority but it wasn't hierarchical?

  • aquariums
    New betta, hello Diogenes!

    My poor dude Corbulo kicked the bucket a few weeks ago when I fucked up planting his tank. I've been waiting to see if I killed the plants, but at least one (1) is growing. I already had 'Diogenes' picked out as a name for my next betta, and it seems like a name for a something in the yellow-red spectrum. Except I also liked the look of the 'alien' boys, which mostly come in blue. So I picked a rather bland speckled boy who may or may not be a wild type. I hope he brightens up as he grows.

    How long before I can give up on this crypt plant?

    My crypt undulata has had 3 weeks to melt and be dramatic, but I can't really tell if it's doing anything under the fuzz. How long before I can say that I gave it a good run before I yoink it for something else? My anubias, planted at the same time, gave me a new leaf so I'm not totally hopeless.

    solarpunk Solarpunk How this remote Indigenous community has reduced every resident's power bill by 70 per cent
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 3 months ago 100%

    Man, assuming they have the money, indigenous tribes also in the US could do some amazing solarpunk shit. Renewable energy like this, rewilding and traditional sustainable land management, maybe even guaranteed housing in a communal setting. But they have a hard time getting the feds to give them the funding for the treaty-mandated healthcare shit as it is.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk What are your favourite Low-Tech Content Creators?
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 3 months ago 100%

    Black Forager, whom I mostly follow on F-book.

  • archaeology Archaeology World's 1st carved horse: The 35,000-year-old ivory figurine from Vogelherd cave
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 4 months ago 100%

    hehe horsey

  • archaeology Archaeology Plato's burial place finally revealed after AI deciphers ancient scroll carbonized in Mount Vesuvius eruption
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 5 months ago 100%

    I have beef with him, tho TBF it's mostly CS Lewis's fault. Platonic ideals are social constructs, suck on that, fundagelicals who pretend to be intellectuals.

  • archaeology Archaeology Plato's burial place finally revealed after AI deciphers ancient scroll carbonized in Mount Vesuvius eruption
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 5 months ago 66%

    Who wants to go on a roadtrip to piss on said grave? Up yours, Plato.

  • houseplants
    Houseplants tinycarnivoroussheep 5 months ago 100%
    Grow, dammit

    Still waiting for my newest African violet to shape up, but it was cruelly yanked from an auntie's loving humidity cabinet and then thrown to sink or swim on my countertop.

    solarpunk Solarpunk The Solarpunk Survey 2024
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 5 months ago 100%

    I got into solarpunk mostly because I'm too butch for cottagecore, but I might be too granny to satisfy the punk requirements. I wanna stay on my couch and knit, you guys, I'm so tired.

  • archaeology Archaeology These scientists built their own Stone Age tools to figure out how they were used
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 6 months ago 100%

    Even if it's not unusual, it's still cool. I need a video essay, stat.

  • balconygardening Balcony Gardening Dreaming of strawberries...
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 7 months ago 100%

    Strawberries is top of my list of things to start when I'm in a better situation to garden. Gotdamn squirrels got em when I tried before, and the maintenance guys just kicked over the barren-looking pots (tried to garden on the communal stoop since I don't have a balcony or private patio, did not work).

  • anthropology Anthropology Isolated Indigenous people as happy as wealthy western peers – study
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 7 months ago 100%

    Look at that, they don't spend the majority of their lives grinding to keep capitalism afloat. Sounds nice.

  • simpleliving Simple Living nature calendar
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 8 months ago 100%

    This is the kind of thing I think about to get the useful bits out of the "touch grass" meme.

    Unfortunately I'm not very good at it and time isn't real until the stores put out the commercialized holiday crap: It's only really summer when the 4th of July kitsch is put out on the shelves. It sucks and I want to be better about it.

  • archaeology Archaeology Rebuilding granite blocks around pyramid ‘as absurd as straightening the Tower of Pisa’
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 8 months ago 100%

    I am a fan of replicas that I can put my grimy tourist hands all over.

  • anthropology Anthropology ‘We did it’: Birch bark scrolls recovered from auction
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 8 months ago 100%

    Another reason to eat the rich: so they don't hoard culturally important shit.

  • knitting Knitting What is your preferred material for interchangeable needles?
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 8 months ago 100%

    I started with bamboo needles because I had a hard learning curve for knitting, but now that I've leveled up I'm thinking about getting a metal set, especially in the smaller sizes. I have hopes that it'll help my gauge issues, but chances are it won't help that much :(

  • simpleliving Simple Living The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: Debunked — The Laurie Loo
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 8 months ago 100%

    I'm ready to defend my girl KonMari.

    The TL;DR of this article is that KonMari method doesn't work for the author. Author feels defensive about her collection of sentimental items and wants more advice about organizing than KonMari offers.

    Maybe this book isn't helpful for some people. That's okay. Doesn't mean you need to do clickbait libel to my girl with "debunk."

  • anthropology Anthropology Families will change dramatically over the years to come, says study
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 9 months ago 90%

    Babies? In THIS economy?

    But jokes aside, I wonder how this would stack up against pre-Industrialized society, what with the high infant/child mortality. And at least Catholics let women fuck off to the nunnery if the whole maternity thing didn't appeal to them. One way that medieval Catholics were weirdly more progressive than most flavors of Protestants.

  • solarpunk
    Solarpunk tinycarnivoroussheep 9 months ago 95%
    why do I keep watching this guy clean out culverts with a rake?

    IDK if this is quite solarpunk, but it's some kind of eco-punk. This guy films himself cleaning up culverts and street drains, mostly in the New England region of the US, with a rake and hip waders. He *removed* about beavers and idiots with excavators and has a lot of technical opinions on road engineering that I find interesting for no good gawddamn reason. Props to him if he makes a decent amount on these videos. Better than customer service work.

    anthropology Anthropology NASA responds to Navajo Nation's request to delay private mission placing human remains on the moon
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 9 months ago 100%

    If I remember my Navajo mystery novels correctly, this is specifically because the Navajo/Dinee consider corpses to be ritually unclean. I guess the equivalent would be taking powdered human waste up to the moon and flinging it around just to say there's human DNA on the moon (I'm sure all the moon missions left their waste behind anyway, there's already human DNA up there).

  • startrek
    Star Trek tinycarnivoroussheep 9 months ago 64%
    Prodigy out on Netflax and I'm happy to see Janeway done decently

    *sustained fangirl squeeing* I'm only about eight episodes in, but gAwD, it's amazing what studios can do when they actually do long-term planning. Consistent characterization that isn't just smashing foils together like Tuvok and Neelix or Tom and Harry? More than 4 recycled plots? YAY BOSS BAE JANEWAY. Unfortunately, Chakotay doesn't have enough screen time (yet) to see if they figured out what to do with him. Voyager definitely didn't seem to know what to do with him except as the vehicle for Creeping Heteronormativity. JUSTICE FOR CHAKOTAY

    anthropology Anthropology Shaggy dog yarn: Study unravels history and demise of long-haired canine
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 9 months ago 100%

    I wonder if it was more like sheep wool or alpaca wool.

  • archaeology Archaeology Earliest 'true' saddle in east Asia discovered
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 9 months ago 100%

    In the interest of horse-girl infodumping, I recall seeing some at the Gilcrease Museum in Tulsa, OK, and luckily they have some pics for their online collection, thank you Gilcrease.

    This one is the one I remembered offhand, with a high pommel and cantle (turns out it's not Cherokee):

    Here's one that used antler for the pommel and cantle, which I thought was neat:

    This one actually has stirrups, looks like the girth attachments are more sophicated than my Dunning-Kruger ass imagined, but the stirrup leathers are, in fact, looped over each of the wooden bars:

  • archaeology Archaeology Earliest 'true' saddle in east Asia discovered
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 9 months ago 100%

    I wondered what the heck a "true" saddle was supposed to be, but it looks like they roughly defined it as a treed (wooden frame) saddle with stirrups attached.

    I can't seem to parse whether the tree came before the stirrup -- it's implied but not stated -- but it looks like a single mounting stirrup was invented before paired riding stirrups. I've seen a Native American (Cherokee? IIRC dated about Removal Time) saddle that was basically just a tree, presumably used with blankets above and beneath for comfort, without any indication of rings for girth or stirrup attachment, but that doesn't rule out looping them through the gap between the tree bars (where the spine floats underneath).

    It was/is a trend within the last decade or so to use a treeless saddle for more "natural" horsemanship (whatever that means), and I'm sitting here wondering what that means for stirrup attachment. Layered on top of the girth, I hope, for stability. Gonna go fall down the google-hole.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk book release: Murder in the Tool Library
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 10 months ago 100%

    maybe too this will offset all my Kindle recommendations from the trash romance novels I borrowed via Kindle on my library's ebook app. I don't actually want to purchase trash romance novels, thank you, just trash slice-of-life isekai manga

  • solarpunk Solarpunk book release: Murder in the Tool Library
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 10 months ago 100%

    As ironic as it is to purchase yon library-economy-promoting book, our comrades still need that cash money to function in real life. And this indie ebook is significant cheaper than the last mainstream ebook I bought.

  • simpleliving Simple Living Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 10 months ago 100%

    lol, even better

  • houseplants Houseplants Winter migration from windowsill to countertop
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 11 months ago 100%

    Crisis averted, my dude pulled the other cat bed out of the hall closet. But why was it in the hall closet?

  • houseplants
    Houseplants tinycarnivoroussheep 11 months ago 100%
    Winter migration from windowsill to countertop

    My gesneriad gang made the commute to the kitchen bar top. I remembered where I stored the grow light but I can only find one of the heated cat beds. Send halp, there will be hissing and flexing

    solarpunk Solarpunk What solarpunkers think about money?
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 11 months ago 50%

    Yeah, the sticky thing is that money is a useful, often convenient social construct, but I am not educated enough to know if it's possible to effectively uncouple it from the baggage of capitalism.

    Like how marriage can be a useful legal construct, buuuuuuut most of that is about property rights, and originates from when women WERE the property to be regulated. :/

  • simpleliving Simple Living Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 11 months ago 100%

    Entirely possible I'm misremembering something I read for class as far as housekeepers, but chances are strong that he sent out his laundry, because laundry was heavy work.

  • simpleliving Simple Living Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 11 months ago 75%

    He at least borrowed female labor from Emmerson if he didn't hire himself. What was he gonna do, wash his own underwear?

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Mist Showers: Sustainable Decadence?
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 11 months ago 100%

    I don't like that, but I am a card-carrying member of the Cult of Baths. I want to be inundated, stewed, and marinated

  • anthropology Anthropology Should We Stop Visiting Historic Sites?
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 11 months ago 100%

    IIRC they built a replica for Lescaux Caves to protect the real one from tourists and their lung humidity. May not be a viable solution in all cases, but maybe enough of them? Also too I want immersion in recreated scenes of plausible daily life. Also I wanna touch the things, that's part of immersion.

  • simpleliving Simple Living Walden by Henry David Thoreau
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 11 months ago 80%

    It's pretty but my opinion is biased by the knowledge that he had a housekeeper and also he was freeloading on his buddy Emerson's property. But I should read it again because it is pretty.

  • knitting Knitting What other things do you usually do while knitting?
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 12 months ago 100%

    Another one for listening: mostly TV and youtube that are not visually heavy. I'm getting into some podcasts, but I haven't made the leap to audio books yet.

  • archaeology Archaeology Box of donated artifacts turns out to be treasure trove of Neanderthal bones
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 12 months ago 100%

    Wtf, someone just had a bunch of bones in their attic or something? Like, arguably human bones?

  • tea
    Tea tinycarnivoroussheep 12 months ago 100%
    Maybe amber glass isn't the best idea

    Inherited a set of these amber glass cups from my dude's great-grandma. I like them, they make me feel a little fancy, but I absolutely cannot gauge a steep color in these. I've got water as hardass as a Humphrey Bogart character, and it helps to glance at the color to see if I've got a decent steep, especially for herbal tisanes. Welp.

    knitting Knitting Question for knitters
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 12 months ago 100%

    haha, I'm glad I'm not the only dork who crocheted Xmas stockings for my pets

  • archaeology Archaeology Ohio's Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks now a UNESCO World Heritage site
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 1 year ago 100%

    One of the few reasons I would want to visit Ohio

  • folklore Folklore, Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales Appalachian Folk Magic: Generations of “Granny Witchcraft” and Spiritual Work
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 1 year ago 100%

    Maybe I'm just a snob, but I was wanting more scholarly language and I'd probably put the info the last paragraphs to the first, to set the context for the intersections of spirituality, formal religion, and herbal remedies, because it is interesting how those entangle.

    Controversial tangent: I still cringe at white people who claim their Native American ancestry as significant when they probably can't name shit about specific tribe customs or beliefs besides that sassafras eases stomachaches or whatever. There is worthwhile discussion about the racism inherent in shit like blood quantums when culture is arguably the more important part of Native American ancestry. The whites worked so hard to wipe it out, after all.

  • aquariums
    New water change, new look

    Because redecorating a 10g fish tank with fake plants is cheaper than redecorating my apartment. It ended up more open on top than I wanted but my betta boi still has his floating log to hide in. Gonna go blow all my money on more aquarium decor to alter it during next week's water change.

    solarpunk Solarpunk How to turn your Neighborhood into a Village
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 1 year ago 75%
  • solarpunk Solarpunk solarpunking the educational system
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 1 year ago 100%

    Well damn, maybe I need to git gud at Spanish so I can read the public domain punk shit instead of needing to buy the translation.

  • solarpunk
    Solarpunk tinycarnivoroussheep 1 year ago 100%
    solarpunking the educational system

    Jumping from a previous post on education. Feel free to skip the first 7:30 minutes (which mostly defines solarpunk as a concept, I think we're good on that in this space), but this seems like this Human Restoration Project is a good thing with the wonk behind it to make it functional. (extra linky just in case:

    simpleliving Simple Living Back to the land: are young farmers the new starving artists? | A growing movement of millennials are seeking out a more agrarian life, but the reality is not always as simple as they hoped
  • tinycarnivoroussheep tinycarnivoroussheep 1 year ago 100%

  • aquariums
    Possible bans on US imports/exports of fish species threatened by pet trade

    Maybe I'm just a dirty tree-hugging hippie, but captive bred is better.

    Why is my betta not a good eater?

    This is the 3rd betta I've had and he's just not food motivated like every other betta I've seen. We've tried pellets, flakes, and assorted freeze dried shit and he'll still mostly ignore it until it sinks to the bottom, and then maybe he'll nibble it. Bruh you are not a catfish or pleco, wtf. He's a "samurai" plakat male, while before I had the bog standard veiltails. Is this why he's weird? It doesn't seem likely tho?

    cottagecore tinycarnivoroussheep 1 year ago 87%
    touched grass at the local wetland reserve

    midday sunlight, so only the shade pics have "proper" lighting, but I saw some lil froggo frens. (hopefully all the pics upload okay)

    I made a zen garden for my betta

    Lil 10 gallon tank, fake plants because I don't have the mental bandwidth for live plants at this point in time. I need to learn more tricks for tank photography.
