linux Linux Ash Vs Bash
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    If you run your scripts through it'll pick up things like this. Also available as a Linux package for offline use.

  • linux Linux Ash Vs Bash
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    What have you found bad about bash arrays? I have some simple usage of those (in bash) and they work fine.

  • linux Linux very small system partition with LVM on debian. Is it OK?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    No worries! I hope this helps you enjoy Flatpak :)

  • linux Linux very small system partition with LVM on debian. Is it OK?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    You added the Flatpak repo as a "system" repo with:

    flatpak remote-add flathub

    As such, the downloaded applications are stored by the system in /var like you said.

    If you run installs as user installs, eg:

    flatpak --user install com.example.appname

    Then the application is stored in your home directory, not in /var.

    You can also add the Flatpak repo as a "user" repo, eg:

    flatpak --user remote-add flathub

    Now all installs will behave as if you passed --user to the install command. All installs will go to your home directory, none will go to /var

  • linux Linux very small system partition with LVM on debian. Is it OK?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    The installer lets you do a custom partition layout.

  • linux Linux very small system partition with LVM on debian. Is it OK?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    It's fine. I give my systems a 20G or 30G root file system.

    If you use Flatpak then make sure you do user installs. If you add the remote as a user remote then all installs are user installs.

    If you use VMs then create a storage pool for the disks in your home filesystem. I create a /home/libvirt/ for this.

    Basically just be mindful not to fill your root filesystem.

  • linux Linux The sidepanel in Thunar v4.18.8 is complete rubbish!
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    I love XFCE but I use MATE's Caja file manager on mine.

  • linux Linux The Flaws of Flatpak - What do you think about Flatpak Security?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    Yes. All Flatpak apps can be used on any distro.

    I'm using the Fedora Flatpak Firefox on Debian, because Fedora's Flatpak runtime supports Kerberos authentication, the Flathub runtime doesn't.

  • linuxquestions Linux Questions Is there a way to update microcode on Debian without enabling the non-free repositories?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    No. Neither Intel or AMD provide microcode which meets Debian's definition of "free" so CPU microcode is non-free:

    You might consider that your CPU is already running non-free microcode provided by your non-free motherboard BIOS.

    If you have one of these CPUs, it's literally impossible for you not to run some non-free components.

    All you're doing is exposing yourself to vulnerabilities in old microcode.

  • linuxquestions Linux Questions Linux kernel version vs Debian package version
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    It means 6.4.4.

    The 0 can be ignored, so you can think of this as "linux-image-6.4" then if you want the actual revision you look after the arch and see "6.4.4".

    This is explained in the Debian kernel handbook:

    For compatibility, the official kernel packages currently add '.0' to the upstream version.

  • linux Linux The Flaws of Flatpak - What do you think about Flatpak Security?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    Every Flatpak vendor

    So who's that? Flathub and Fedora, the latter of who automate the Flatpak builds from distro packages anyway.

    If you're using a smaller distro which is not backed by a huge security team then this is probably an advantage of using Flatpak, not a negative.

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    aiui apt will compare downloads from repositories against the repository signing key, whereas downloading a deb and installing it manually with dpkg bypasses that.

    So theoretically the Debian website could get compromised and provide you a malicious deb package. That has happened to other Linux distros before so it's not entirely unrealistic.

    Practically I think that's very unlikely.

    I know apt has the --download option if you'd like to fetch deb packages on the commandline, though I'm not sure if apt compares the package with the key during this process. I hope it does. You could probably run apt in verbose mode and hopefully see this happen.

    Some references:

  • linux Linux What dotfiles manager do you use?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    Same. My alias is dit for "dotfile git".

  • linux Linux What dotfiles manager do you use?
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    I've tried several dotfile managers, but after adding my files I interact with them so infrequently I forget how to use them.

    The thing which finally stuck is this method from Atlassian:

    Your entire home directory is a bare git repo which ignores untracked files. It's just plain git so there is no additional tool to learn or forget.

    I've put my vim plugins as git submodules so they're easily and efficiently tracked and updated too.

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    I don't care but it's annoying that they won't put a normal application name into $PATH.

    There is a denied GitHub Issue for it but I can't be bothered finding it. It'll never happen so it doesn't matter.

  • linux Linux Spiral Linux, finally a Debian live done as it should be
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 100%

    Hello, great to see you on here! I've followed your previous helpful posts about this in the past and I have looked at the source of the Buster-based XFCE image exactly as you said. I should check out your Bookworm source too.

    I also used to think Debian was a good distro lacking good config, and that was the advantage which Ubuntu brought to the table. Then I started using Debian full time and realised I was wrong. Once you set a graphical theme and make a few tweaks there isn't a great amount of difference from more friendly distros like Ubuntu or PopOS. I suspect this also has something to do with just how good Bookworm is. I'm also arguably an advanced user (Linux-curious since 99 and full time since 07, patches in many open source projects, my job is fixing Linux) so I don't find the things which Spiral does are difficult to understand or to do myself if I want.

    SpiralLinux wasn't the only factor in why I ditched Ubuntu and switched to Debian, but you definitely helped me to see that Debian is a viable good desktop distro and that it really doesn't need a lot of changes from the base install, and for that I'm very grateful. Thank you.

    For me, the thing holding me back from doing SpiralLinux installs is Calamares. I want to do a custom partition encrypted LVM install and Calamares just can't do that. So unfortunately in this way, Spiral is worse than plain Debian for me. If Spiral offered an install iso which used the proper superior debian-installer that would be quite compelling to me, but maybe additional needless work for you.

    In any case, if you are bringing new users to Debian then it's a win.

  • linux Linux Spiral Linux, finally a Debian live done as it should be
  • suprjami suprjami 11 months ago 85%

    It is pretty nice but ultimately it's just Debian with a slightly different package set and a theme. You can boot the regular live image and set the theme to Adwaita-dark and there's not really much difference.

  • linux Linux Do you think it is safe and secure to disable Mitigation in Fedora for the sake of performance?
  • suprjami suprjami 12 months ago 83%

    Then post your credit card number, expiry, and CVC

  • linux Linux What less popular text editors do you like or should have a shout out more often? What stuff do you do with it?
  • suprjami suprjami 12 months ago 100%

    I am a huge Vim nerd, but I do a lot of copy-paste with one-off minor formatting in between. Sometimes Vim is more efficient at this, but often it really isn't and I'm quicker to use a dumb Notepad-like.

    I've previously used Gedit in Gnome 2, Pluma which is MATE's equivalent, Xed which is Linux Mint's equivalent, and currently on Mousepad which is XFCE's equivalent. That's also mostly the history of my desktop environments over the last two decades.

  • linux Linux What are the best Linux emulators for android?
  • suprjami suprjami 12 months ago 100%

    No it doesn't, Termux is just a set of Linux packages which are compiled to use the Android Termux application data directory as the base install path. There is no separation from the host system like a container does with Linux kernel namespaces. The only permission in Termux is what Android itself enforces.

  • debian Debian operating system Any known issues with installing from a live media?
  • suprjami suprjami 12 months ago 100%

    The live installer sucks.

    It is called Calamares, it is not well maintained upstream, and it doesn't support even trivial complexity like LVM or Encryption.

    Use the regular install DVD or Netinst. You get to choose your desktop environment in the process.

  • linux Linux How do I fix jagged fonts for flatpak gnome apps in KDE Wayland?
  • suprjami suprjami 12 months ago 100%
  • dosgaming MS-DOS gaming Hi-Octane - violently racing a hovercraft
  • suprjami suprjami 12 months ago 100%

    Fun fact: Bullfrog were in such a crunch to implement Hi-Octane they didn't have time to implement different car stats. Every vehicle handles exactly the same.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Simple joystick?
  • suprjami suprjami 12 months ago 100%

    Make one with a bunch of arcade buttons and an RP2040 running the GP2040 firmware:

    However, having done this, you will learn NOT to cheap out on buttons. Cheap Chinese clone buttons absolutely suck. Once you buy a set of proper arcade buttons or keyboard switches, plus a bit of wire, you'll have spent as much as the 8BitDo stick costs anyway.

  • c_lang C Programming Language Is it possible to use make to automatically link files well?
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    What you wish for is how I use make. Off the top of my head, something like this:

    EXEC = programname
    SOURCES = $(wildcard *.c)
    OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.c=.o)
    all: $(EXEC)
    $(EXEC): $(OBJECTS)
    %.o: %.c %.h
    .PHONY: all clean
            rm -f $(EXEC) $(OBJECTS)

    Then just run make and it compiles and links all .c files into the executable. Each .c file needs a .h with the same name. Remove the %.h if you don't like that requirement.

    From memory you might need a .c and .h file with the same name as the executable.

  • c_lang C Programming Language Actually Portable Executable
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    I have the same opinion about MS-DOS. If you need more controls than A B Start Select then DOS gives you a full keyboard and mouse support, plus reasonably useful resolution like 640x480.

    You can emulate DOS on any computer platform, including the web so people can use software in-browser with no effort. There are even DOS emulations on 100MHz+ microcontrollers like ESP32.

    There are pre-made DOS cross-compilers for C so you don't need to learn assembly like you might with NES:

  • operating_systems Operating Systems Running old operating systems using 86Box
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    I've been playing with 86Box lately to setup Windows 95 to play some old games.

    Win95 has a bug where it doesn't run on fast CPUs, so using one of the original CD images in a VM like KVM is not possible.

    (I later found which you can use to patch the install images)

    I tried Bochs but it was impossible to use, it drops to a text debugger and wants you to connect over VNC which isn't what I wanted anyway. PCem lost a lot of momentum after going unmaintained, and there is no Linux binary.

    86Box has both AppImage and Flatpak, and comes with a nice configuration GUI. It's easy to use and works well for what I want to do.

    I like how it seems to properly emulate the BIOS and specific devices, so you can use the actual original drivers too.

  • retrogaming Retro Gaming *Permanently Deleted*
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, you just need to undo the product ID changes so the Pops emulator knows how to play the game. (that's the problem the person on Reddit was having too)

  • retrogaming Retro Gaming *Permanently Deleted*
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    I grew up with the PAL version (and prefer non-freedom units) so the US version always seems very strange to me because half the cars have different names.

    I was helping someone on Reddit get this patch working which fixes a bunch of bugs and does tweaks, it looks pretty good:

  • foss Free and Open Source Software tangram- this app actually changed my entire workflow
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    I gave Tangram and Ferdium a look but the rendering engine they use is awful and makes my eyes hurt. Old Chrome/Chromium used to have the same problem years ago. I'll stick to Librewolf pinned tabs.

  • retrogaming Retro Gaming *Permanently Deleted*
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    I keep watching reviews of devices like Retroid and Anbernic, I still think the Vita is a better experience.

  • raspberrypi raspberrypi Low power media server with RPi 3 Model B?
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    You going to be most interested in learning the video decode and encode capabilities of mini-PCs:

    I don't know any specific community or how-to about this, but most people seem to run Plex and it just works.

  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    Use an open source 2FA which lets you export

    You can store your recovery codes as files in KeepassXC

  • debian Debian operating system Mesa on Debian Stable
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    No idea, I'm only interested in open source AMD and Intel.

  • c_lang C Programming Language A Modern C Development Environment
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    The advantage is that you can have a reproducible development environment regardless of the underlying platform.

    You use Debian and a workmate uses Fedora? No problem.

    Someone joins with Mac or Windows? No problem.

    Your laptop dies and you're using something temporary for a while? No problem.

    No more differences of system libraries or "Well it works on my laptop" bullshit. Everyone is using the same libraries and compiler so there is no difference in any developer's experience.

  • debian Debian operating system Bullseye missing the startup messages
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 75%

    Perhaps quiet has been made quieter. Try removing quiet and see if you get the messages you want?

    I remove quiet from all my systems.

  • debian Debian operating system Bullseye missing the startup messages
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, you need to install Plymouth to see the graphical screen

  • debian Debian operating system Mesa on Debian Stable
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    iiuc any Flatpak application must use the Flatpak runtime Mesa. If a library doesn't exist in the Flatpak runtime then the application must package the library itself. No system library is used at all.

  • debian Debian operating system Mesa on Debian Stable
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    If you're using Flatpak then you'll be using their Mesa, which is updated with the runtime. You can also use Mesa-git which is updated much more frequently.

    I am doing this and not worrying about the Debian installed Mesa.

  • retrogaming RetroGaming Text-based games!(?)
  • suprjami suprjami 1 year ago 100%

    McMurphy's Mansion

    A puzzle solving text adventure where you go around your relative's estate trying to uncover 12 gold bars. I have fond memories of playing this as a child with my Scottish grandmother.

  • metal
    metal suprjami 1 year ago 50%
    Abigail Williams - Floods

    My favourite song from their album [In the Shadow of a Thousand Suns]( which is a gem of symphonic black metal. Mostly written by Ken Sorceron during a brief hiatus in the band, it also features Ashley Ellyllon who was the keyboardist from Cradle of Filth. After this album they dropped most symphonic elements and became a more regular black metal band. However, this album has been in my regular rotation since it came out and is one of my favourite albums of all time.

    metal suprjami 1 year ago 50%
    Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite

    Any thoughts on this one? It's been out a little over a month now, so that's enough time for me to give it a good few (dozen) listens and let that new-album feeling settle down a bit. I found it hard to imagine a better album than their previous release, Death Atlas (2019). I think Terrasite has some individually stronger songs, but probably Death Atlas is a more cohesive whole-album experience. Both are excellent. I've had the albums from Monolith in my regular rotation since I discovered the band. Nine Circles [did a recent interview with guitarist Josh Elmore]( where he said he says the band's progression and growth comes in sets of three albums, which makes Terrasite the start of a new trilogy. I can't imagine how they could keep getting better, but I'm keen to see what's next!
