postmarketos postmarketOS Switch interfaces without reinstall?
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 2 months ago 100%

    It isn't really convenient to do that at the moment, but here is a guide that involves some manual looking around in pmaports:

  • postmarketos postmarketOS postmarketOS in 2024-04: Grant applications and again, more TCs!
    postmarketos postmarketOS Error When trying to Update Pinephone
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 6 months ago 100%

    Haven't seen that error yet, but I'd suggest trying other Alpine mirrors (set them in your /etc/apk/repositories):

    (there's also "apk fix" which helps when installing a package failed earlier for whatever reason, but that doesn't seem to be the cause here)

  • postmarketos postmarketOS [Issue] No space left after fresh install
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 1 year ago 100%

    The bug gets tracked in, and a fix is being developed. Workarounds are mentioned in that issue. The download page has been updated to mention this and link to the issue in the meantime.

  • postmarketos postmarketOS #32 podcast has the magic word 'immutable'
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 1 year ago 100%

    Is Alpine also becoming immutable, or is this development towards immutable independent/separate from Alpine?

    It's a separate effort. 🙂

  • postmarketos
    postmarketOS ollieparanoid 1 year ago 100%
    Gnome Mobile on PinePhone: First Look

    Great video showing how Gnome Shell on Mobile looks like in postmarketOS v23.06 on the PinePhone, including a segment with convergence mode. Found it in the latest weekly post.

    postmarketos postmarketOS I've see Amazon Fire Stick supports PostmarketOS. What for ?
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 1 year ago 100%

    From the features table, looks like it barely boots up with the downstream kernel and can use the display. Check it out if you are curious and want to extend the port, or if you can come up with your own use case.

  • postmarketos postmarketOS FDE For Rock Pro64
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 1 year ago 100%

    If you want the encrypted install on the eMMC, copy over the installation from the SD card (or image file if you don't use --sdcard) to the eMMC. Good luck!

  • postmarketos postmarketOS FDE For Rock Pro64
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, through ondev2: Still WIP at this point, but until then you should be able to make your own encrypted image with pmbootstrap install --fde --sdcard=... - see

  • postmarketos postmarketOS Missing a Few Programs on Pinebook Pro
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 2 years ago 100%

    Sounds like not postmarketOS specific packages, but rather ones that would go into Alpine. You could make a packaging request here, and maybe someone wants to package it and maintain it for you if you are lucky:

    Or you could try to build it yourself (and if you are willing to maintain it, then get that package into Alpine). Building Alpine packages is relatively easy:

  • postmarketos postmarketOS VPN For PostmarketOS
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 2 years ago 100%

    While I have not personally used any of them, I guess as long as they support standard wireguard or openvpn, they should work fine.

  • postmarketos postmarketOS #25 INTERVIEW: Alyssa (of Spectrum Fame)
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 2 years ago 100%

    This looks really interesting, thanks for sharing!

  • postmarketos postmarketOS #22 Automated Phone Testing, SourceHut, Debugging Phosh, Merch
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 2 years ago 100%

    good question, thanks puts in queue for podcast questions

  • postmarketos postmarketOS Battery Life Question
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 2 years ago 100%

    Hi all,

    postmarketOS does use deep sleep for the PinePhone for quite some time.

    However on edge, this is currently broken:

    I suggest to use postmarketOS stable instead, or wait a bit until we've figured this out on edge. See the issue linked in that edge post for more information.

  • postmarketos postmarketOS #16 SDM845, mrtest, PinePhone keyboard, Chromebooks, PowerVR
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 2 years ago 100%

    Thanks for the nice comment, I'm happy that you enjoy the podcast! We'll probably answer that on the podcast then, and thanks for the guest suggestion!

  • postmarketos postmarketOS Potmarketos on Jolla Phone 1 v Intex Aqua
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 3 years ago 100%

    See the list of devices and their status here:

    The Jolla Phone has a port:

    The Aqua Fish doesn't have a port yet, so you'd need to create one (more work of course, but you can learn a lot about how things work if you are curious):

    You can use either as playground for postmarketOS. But you won't be able to use it as daily driver or in general have many features working compared to the devices in the "main" or "community" categories.

    Note that it's only recommended to get the pinephone pro at this point if you want to develop for it, it doesn't yet have as much working as the original pinephone.

    In general, if you're a Linux enthusiast who likes to tinker around with this, go ahead! If you are looking for something that you can replace your Android/iPhone with without any effort, then this is not for you yet.

  • lemmy Lemmy how to make someobody a moderator?
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 3 years ago 100%


  • postmarketos postmarketOS How to get the platform string used in pmbootstrap after the OS is deployed?
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 3 years ago 100%

    Yep, /etc/deviceinfo exists for all devices in postmarketOS. So if you want to do a quick hack, you can simply source the file in a shell script and add logic based on the codename defined there.

    If you want a distro-agnostic solution, use the device-tree string, e.g.:

    $ cat /proc/device-tree/compatible

    This is what we use in megapixels for example.

  • postmarketos postmarketOS Trouble with Pinephone modem after upgrade today
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 3 years ago 100%

    Sorry to hear that.

    Maybe that's the problem? From pinephone faq:

    In order to use the modem and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, you need to ensure the battery is inside the device and has a sufficient charge. Even when supplying the phone with enough power, the modem and Wi-Fi chip will not work without a connected battery. Further, double check that you have not put the SD card into the sim card slot, or vice versa.

    If that's not the problem, please create an issue here and fill out all information of the template:

    FWIW, I run pmOS edge on the pinephone with latest updates and calls work for me.

  • postmarketos postmarketOS *Permanently Deleted*
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 3 years ago 100%

    You might be able to use the online versions of these services (in a browser). I don't use google apps so I'm just guessing.

  • postmarketos postmarketOS *Permanently Deleted*
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 3 years ago 100%

    (Now that answers which phone you are running ;) )

    Issues should not be reported here in lemmy, but instead on gitlab / or in case of megapixels in the megapixels project.

    With that being said, you don't need to open an issue for this one. megapixels doesn't run on anything but the pinephone and pinetab right now (but that is changing, e.g. the Purism folks have forked it to run on the Librem 5 and will probably upstream their patches at some point). There were also efforts to get them running on Samsung devices. If you really want to dig into it and are not afraid of hacking on the code, I suggest taking a look at the code. Otherwise you'll need to wait until somebody makes it work with your device.

  • postmarketos postmarketOS Please, help me find Apps
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 3 years ago 100%

    Some resources:

    At least some of the apps you listed are already available, for example kdenlive (I cut my alpineconf video with kdenlive running on pmOS). Apps not available in the repos might be as flatpak at least, or you could consider packaging them yourself.

    But I wonder why you would want to use them on a phone... (a powerful PC would be more suitable for blender, kdenlive e.g.).

    Which phone is it?

  • postmarketos postmarketOS How well can the SOPINE module run postmarketOS?
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 3 years ago 100%

    Nobody answered yet, so best is probably to just try it out if you have the device. Let us know about the results, if you do!

  • postmarketos postmarketOS postmarketOS podcast // #3 Librem 5, Mainlining, Feedbackd, Plasma 5.21
  • ollieparanoid ollieparanoid 4 years ago 100%

    For anyone wondering why this has a thumbnail, and the other episode does not:

    I'm surprised how many sites use that tag, this one line change surely was worth it :D
