asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Any good psychology books?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    i heard vigotsky books are lit, famous soviet psychologist, if i heard right, he wrote about autism too and collaborated for current days drop of asperger name.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad How true is the phrase: "Necesity is the mother of innovation"?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    capitalism is so marvelous that applies it inversely, one part gets jobless, the other work like fuck.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad How to counter "Stalin bad" arguments?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    I'd say to scale down said debates to not tank your relationship over that. if the debate is inevitable, the "didn't kill enough" depoliticize the discussion, and to someone outside our circle you make you look like a lunatic, so the best approach imo is bringing the discussion to context, like the other comrade commented quoting losurdo, recognize the repression but putting into the context the political situation soviet union had at the moment, surrounded by reactionary forces including the assassination attempt on lenin, to at least not end the discussion looking like stalin was a monster that killed people for shits and giggles. critic without autophagy.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I don't know what to do.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    i'm talking mostly with my dad, he worked his whole life, he knows how to handle stuff and some gold tips i got here.

    mental exhaustion has been more demanding that physical i guess, i naturally have social anxieties, suspect of being neurodivergent so i'm not handling well the toxicity of the workplace.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I don't know what to do.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    i'm trying at least to be a contact with some new, to show that atheist are normal people, not satan worshipers that eat babies. but sometimes i fell overwhelmed and that i shouldn't speak progressive topics, since their first contact with one communist has been disappointing since i don't fit the ideal worker and leave a poor impression that communists are fragile, spoiled, smart pants and etc, plus due particularity of brazilian politics, people are very immersed on neoliberal ideology of each on your own and people have disdain for politics subject and see parties in general as parasites that show up only to ask for votes in election years and steal their money.

  • brasil República Socialista do Brasil Que é o melhor site de notícias socialistas no Brasil?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    pergunta difícil, não acho que tenha um que seja o melhor. o que temos são mídias independentes de esquerda e alguns jornais ligados a diferentes partidos do país.

    Opera Mundi, Brasil de Fato - esses dois comentam assuntos nacionais e internacionais, apesar de não serem explicitamente socialistas, são de esquerda e bem favoráveis a países socialistas e ao sul global, como Venezuela, Cuba, China e Russia.

    ICL Noticias - De esquerda focado nos assuntos nacionais, bem avançado no tópico e o mais agradável de navegar por não conter anúncios, tem a piada recorrente que é o jornal do Engels brasileiro, o Eduardo Moreira era um banqueiro rico que mudou de lado e hoje usa sua fortuna para manter uma plataforma de cursos a preços acessíveis e montou um jornal com estrutura de televisão.

    Jornal A Verdade - Jornal do partido PCR/UP.

    O Poder Popular - Jornal do PCB.

    Em Defesa do Comunismo - Portal de noticias e prototipo de jornal do PCBR, nova organização que surgiu com o racha do PCB.

    A Nova Democracia - Jornal de organizações maoistas.

    MST - Jornal do MST, maior movimento social pela reforma agrária que temos.

    MTST - Jornal do MTST, maior movimento social por moradia popular que temos.

    bem, acho que isso dá um panorama bem geral sobre o ecossistema, fora esses jornais tem comunicadores ligados a diferentes organizações ou isolados que criam conteúdo nas diversas plataformas, como youtube e tiktok.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I don't know what to do.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    thank you very for the message.

    sadly there are no unions around, i do talk with my dad about it, he has some tips and tricks on surviving in the factory. may be a controvert take, but interacting with coworker has been taking a toll in my mental health, i'm not a manly man you know, everyone else try to be stronk men and lots of homophobics jokes around, that i don't find funny.

  • communism Communism Does documentation of an example life under communism exist?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    i will try to put what highalectical said in simpler terms, and starting pointing out that this discussion is very very important to new people.

    so, how communism itself will look in the future will be determined by the material conditions of the future, since we are not there yet, we can't say for sure, only speculate. but you can say you dream of a society that has x characteristic.

    the same goes for socialism itself, how its gonna look for each country, will be determined by said country, for good or bad. that is why soviet socialism is different from chinese, that is different from yugoslavia, that is different from korea and so on.

    but if we take all of those and try to dawn similarities, we can note a certain tendency, and that tendency is a uplift on quality of life, like the other comrade said in another comment, drastic reduction or extinction of illiteracy, full employment for long periods of time, agrarian reform, reduction or extinction of homelessness and so on.

    and why that discussion is important, there are some revisionists line that throw materialism out of the window and create an abstract form of socialism, and they use that abstraction to shit on former socialists and current ones, for example abolition of family and moneyless economy, no socialist country ever came close to both of these, so these lines spew that there was never a "true socialist country", all were horrific oriental despotism dictatorship and etc.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I don't know what to do.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    first, thank you very much from your message, it helps a lot.

    i'm thinking of quitting too, still have some money left from my previous job, that i was saving to buy a house.

    i'm very used to insane deadlines, being pushed around by higher ups and whatnot, but i'm good at some stuff and always managed somehow, this time it is physical work and there is this annoying guy that isn't even a higher up, a lowly employee like me, but like to bosses everyone around, people hate him, even from different parts of the factory, i'm also very bad at handling people, and get pushed around by this dude and he is major part of why i'm down.

    i was talking to my dad, he said there was someone just like that in his time, lowly employee that works his ass off and likes to boss people around and gave me tips on how to handle, although not sure i will be able to carry forth with what he said, which is basically tell him to fuck off, especially when he is the one tasked to showing me the rope.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I don't know what to do.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 3 months ago 100%

    that is a little part of why im collapsing, talking to coworkers. the whole place is pure toxic masculinity, even tho, im not a "manly man" and nowadays i simply can't engage in homophonic jokes anymore, don't find them funny. also decided to experiment a little and told when asked which church i went, that im atheist, well that also didn't went very well.

    after these few days I'm realizing that the communist movement has rough days ahead, in overcoming the neopentecostal binds, while being everything that the common sense hates, women, atheists, lgbtq+, african religions and etc...

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat olgas_husband 3 months ago 96%
    I don't know what to do.

    A few days ago i made a post about me starting working at a factory, grad has been very kind in providing messages of support and tips on how to deal with physical exhaustion and keeping healthy. today, i don't know what to do or to think, im one week in and seriously thinking in quitting, can't take anymore, not so much about physical exhaustion, but mentally, even cried in the bathroom today. and that is what is bothering me, how to come to terms with being so weak. im not trying to make anyone fell pity or something, especially when we still have colonies where things are hardcore and palestinians getting massacred. like, idk what to do, i can't do mental work because i can't get a fucking job in it, and I'm not handling physical work, and confused about how being weak and not even capable of taking care of myself and handle a job, and be useful in a revolution or be up to the same level of many brave people fighting for the rights to exist, or something as simple as following party discipline. sometimes i which i could just cease to exist, that way would stop being dead weight and not smudge the good name of our comrades. edit: i am really moved by your kindness, i will answer each soon.

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat First day working at a factory
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    there was that one time in high schools that i used a small sock that didn't cover the achilles tendom, it burned my skin from friction alone, after that i always make sure that my socks are high enough to cover all my feet.

    the problem in having with the boot is that it is a bigger size and it has a shitty insole so my feet wiggle inside and the sole is hard, so that makes my feet hurt like fuck, also i walk a lot during shift to grab materials and whatnot and there isn't a place to sit nor time, i will put a distance calculator on my phone to see how much i walk daily.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat First day working at a factory
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    thanks for the tips, i will get the correct size shoes and some decent insoles, one day and my feet already hurt. i will see about protein at home, since the factory forbids the entrance of any liquid due to problems with workers drinking alcohol on shift, the least we can do is bring empty water bottles and fill with water inside the factory.

    as for hearing im comfortable since i don't work close to machines. when picking up things i squat, so it doesn't hurt my back

  • memes Memes I support a two state solution
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    i get the joke, but if that was the case, gotta scratch half of each european country

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat First day working at a factory
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    i gotta work up the courage to do some exercise at least to not be so deadbeat and you know, prepare for revolution, im thinking in doing capoeira, since the least shitty body part is my legs and i have natural flexibility, which could be better if i practiced. my first thought was tae kown do but theres not gym that teaches it in my city. gotta get fit and learn some self defense, fascists are getting bold out here.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat First day working at a factory
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    i feel you, i need to buy some clothes specific to be drenched, specially in brazil hot climate, as for shoes thank the left by law they have to provide us with personal protection equipment so they lend steel reinforced boots, still i need to also acquire a water bottle because cups don't come by easily there, and the salary sucks, anyway we fucking need communism right now to make factories decent places to work.

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%
    First day working at a factory

    i am fucking beat. as i said a while back im a programmer but currently the market is in crisis and i got fire and remained unemployed for almost a year, so i went to work in the factory to at least not run out of money in difficult times we are facing. i was never a athletic person, even as a kid when playing outside always had week constitution, run slow, tired easily, shit coordination and never got better. i applied for a job in a shoe factory, and got put in storage and man, labor sucks major ass. it porly organized so a lot of work was overdue and the rhythm was frenetic, slowed by outdated software and so on. anyway, perhaps this is the cue for me getting my shit together and study hard for public employment, less physically tiring and better pay.

    brasil República Socialista do Brasil [PCBR] Comunicado sobre a alteração do nome de nosso Partido
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    sem o comitê central sabotando o próprio partido, possa ser que nos anos seguintes a gente comece a ver o movimento crescer com mais vigor, em paralelo com o pcr/up.

    pensando em me juntar até quando eu resolver umas pendengas minhas.

  • memes Memes What keeps capitalism together?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    more like fascism.

  • thoughts_on Thoughts on ...? Thoughts on Richard Stallman?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    the zizek of computer sciences.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad What's with some people claiming China isn't a communist country?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%
  • brasil República Socialista do Brasil O "debate" entre Arthur do Val e Álvaro Borba no Inteligência Ltda.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    mas teve um vencedor, e claramente foi o vilela. o tanto de visualização, ad, superchat e etc que ganhou não deve ter sido brincadeira.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Is cannabis the best thing ever?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    i watch a dude that lives in china, he says that because of the century of humiliation and opium abuse, china has a strong anti-drug policy, u can get in jail pretty easily for using, and death penalty for dealing, but wild marijuana cultivation and usage is fine since they haven't been selected to contain big levels of thc so they can't get you very high.

    as for russia, i guess the church maybe forbid it.

    and the last edit part you said basically summed it up, cotton lobby, plantations and the plant be associated religious practices of some people.

    i myself wanna try smoking some to see if it can help me sleep a little better, I've been trying passiflora but no luck, getting canabis oil prescription is almost impossible and get the medicine itself here in brazil.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Is cannabis the best thing ever?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    i think the source of his skepticism about it is the claim on a healthy alternative to smoking tobacco, and that is total bs, because the act of smoking itself is harmful, you are burning stuff and inhaling carbon monoxide, that is toxic af.

    there is a argument about being healthier than cigarettes because it is a natural product, without the chemicals they use, but the tobacco industry is trying to reinvent itself with the same argument by selling roll up cigs with "fresh" tobacco.

  • lemmygrad_court People's Court Controlling the creation of minuscule communities and cleaning up abandoned ones.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    nah, kinda was more like a joke i guess, since there is tankie tunes i thought it would be funny to have tankieflix. anyway, i wouldn't fell bad if it got deleted or deactivated

  • lemmygrad_court People's Court Controlling the creation of minuscule communities and cleaning up abandoned ones.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    guilt on charge, i made one to be a pair of other but ended up dead, so yeah, some house cleaning would be nice, could even reduce server costs

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    i with queer on this one, u should keep then from smartphones and similar due to it is not a reward for good behavior, it is a sedative to keep your child under control, and that is bad parenting, specially with how internet works now with shorts videos, content farm sewage, my nephew watches this i'm horrified with what i've seen.

    ofc, today we can't shut someone off completely off screens nor play the reactinary macho that started to hunt dear at the age of 3, u can let him watch cartoons, movies or play video games, on tv ofc and for a limited time per day, consume stuff that is mind engaging instead of dopamin bombs we have on internet. and depending turns it into a bonding activity, like watch a movie together, play video games, discuss the movie after and so on.

    but as queer said, focus primarily on physical stuff, going outside, specially with other children, estimule the habit of reading since a early age, it will be helpful in life.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Alternative methods of disciplining children.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    if they cause any damage, instead of going berserk on the child then clean it up, make the child repair the damage while explaining things. even tho force is a no, moral punishment is fair game, like temporally not permitting x activity or object due to poor behavior. and lastly going the other way around, reward good behavior without spoiling the child, to maybe create in him a sense of being productive instead of paranoia from being punished for small things.

    idk, maybe I'm just projecting how i wanted to the raised because i was raised like a inmate, looked the wrong direction get the stick, instead of this turning me in to a upstanding person the only things i learned was to shut myself in, lie, cheat and wiggle my way out of situations to avoid punishment.

    anyway i think you gonna do great, since you are showing concern now, instead on winging it and possibly taking revenge on what was done to you on your own child.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad What country do you think is most likely to become socialist in the near future?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    that is sad to read :(

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad What country do you think is most likely to become socialist in the near future?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    Well, there are revolutionaries processes ongoing on india and philippines, im not up to date on how they are progressing. in the rest of the third world maxism is slowly rebuilding, my guess the next one will be in africa continent, since there is still an anti colonial struggle.

  • worldnews World News Ukraine was a magnet for foreign fighters. After 2 bruising years, many are disillusioned or dead.
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 82%

    thank you president putin for getting rid of fascists world wide, trully.

  • worldnews World News Antony Blinken's guitar diplomacy draws criticism in Ukraine
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    that was the michael scottiest thing I've ever seen.

  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    we can choose where and when we are born, gotta do with what we were given by the lottery of life. children doesn't have cognitive ability to properly understand the world around them, so they are innocent. adults tho, they have cognitive ability to understand, and if they consent with the status quo being apartheid and ethnic cleansing, they are not Innocent.

  • thedeprogram The Deprogram Podcast The deprogram server 😭
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%
  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Reddit when looking at map of monuments of nazi collaborators and participants in Holocaust
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    the opening of saving of private ryan is us army charging frontally machine gun bunker nests without cover or any kind of support.

    my guess is that the message they try to convey is that brave soldiers valiantly marched to death to protect freedom or whatever. but end up contradicting themselves.

  • thedeprogram The Deprogram Podcast The deprogram server 😭
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%


  • thedeprogram The Deprogram Podcast The deprogram server 😭
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    I've been reading a little, i got recommended the mentioned texts here on lemmygrad, not gonna lie that trying to learn philosophy has been a frustrating endeavor, to the point that i don't even know how to properly judge the quality of theory he produced, so i do rely on other people to help sort some thoughts.

    i do know his about his achievements as a leader and why west demonizes him so much, ik it is stupid to use liberals as a compass, anyway, i will keep trying to read more.

  • thedeprogram The Deprogram Podcast The deprogram server 😭
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    are they trots or something else? im reading a little book called What is Dialects by Alexandre Konder, a brazilian author, he goes to similar points, he says that there was metaphysics tendencies growing in communists parties around europe, especially in germany with Berninstein, then Lenin dissed the shit out of everyone in What is to be done, to correct these tendencies, that made possible due to Lenin deep understanding of hegelian dialects, then everything went to crap when Stalin came to power because he despised theory, but had a amazing ability to make didactic examples like in the text historical materialism and dialectical materialism, but still weak on hegel, something something that paved way to revisionists like kruchov to rise.

    i felt compelled to translate the part and bring to you guys, but coincidentally the subject came up, so, what is the deal with that? is any of this true that stalin wasn't up in theory and didn't understood stuff?

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Should all anti-imperialist countries strive to acquire nukes?
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    me too, i not sure. a great army sure, all remaining socialists country are military power, not all have nukes tho.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I am so tired of Youtube man, David Zhang's (Falun gong shill) contents keep showing on Youtube
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    disagreement respected 🤝

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I am so tired of Youtube man, David Zhang's (Falun gong shill) contents keep showing on Youtube
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    if you disable view history, they remove the front page, which is a win imo.

    also I've seen people from multiple countries complaining about similar things, getting recommendations from far right media even tho they are lefties, I've watching mostly left content since 2021, now and then i get recommended far right outlet and personalities even after blocking then, while channels that i subscribe don't send notifications.

    yt and any other imperialist monopoly were always like that, but ot has gotten considerably worse lately, so something important is happening and we are not seeing it.

  • worldnews World News Chaos during floods in brazil
  • olgas_husband olgas_husband 4 months ago 100%

    an update to you, since u talked about extracting taxes and land.

    the governor of the state published a monetary fund account for peoples donation, turns out that this fund isn't governmental, it is a private fund made my banks to fucking steal money from people trying to help the affected by the rains.

    i get why lenin died of multiple strokes, it is impossible to be a fucking human being without getting stressed as fuck.

  • worldnews
    World News olgas_husband 5 months ago 100%
    Chaos during floods in brazil

    First and foremost, absolutely fuck fiscal austerity and laissez-faire, there is nothing natural about this, only consequence of shit political choices, such as scraping environment disaster prevention, basically no relief efford funding, global warming denial and shredding of environment protection laws.

    shitposting olgas_husband 5 months ago 100%
    Common Kim W
    Ask Lemmygrad olgas_husband 6 months ago 100%
    Website to submit translated articles?

    recently i stumbled with this banger here but it is on brazilian portuguese, even tho translation tool built in browser do the job, the article itself is of low circulation due to language and the target audience, so i want to know if there is a website where i can post a hand crafted translation to be easier to find for people outside brazil. also im new into this kinda of thing, do i need to get permission from the author or something?

    Thoughts on ...? olgas_husband 6 months ago 100%
    on Three Body Problem?

    I've been curious about the book because i saw some people talking about it, another urge after the netflix show, so went to check a little the book. I haven't read much about chinese revolution, so i became intrigued, the cultural revolution was really like that or it was exaggerated? i sometimes watch a guy that lives on china, he says the current standing of the people today is that thr cr was a mistake because it destroyed many historical artifacts. well, the post became more about the cultural revolution than the scifi piece itself.

    Memes olgas_husband 6 months ago 88%
    Rare zizek w
    shitposting olgas_husband 6 months ago 97%
    Comradeship // Freechat olgas_husband 7 months ago 93%
    Finished Crime and Punishment, now reading Open Veins

    In mid January i posted about started to read Crime and Punishment, fast forward to some days ago, i finished it and now im trying to read Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeno. I feel a little down because i took to long to finish the book, considering that I'm basically a neet, brazilian developer market is wild rn, so i got lots of freetime, but mostly spend it on the computer watching youtube and playing games, i try to cope myself thinking that partly this isn't completely my fault since i was a tv baby, and my education was lacking, teen years were spent playing video games basicaly (which is how i learned english), so i never read anything before making 23 (im 24 now), trying to pick up the habit now. Now impressions so about Open Veins and divided, i like Galeano's writing style, he uses kinda of a poetic language to make it more engaging and to make you feel the tragedy, but the time and space constant jumping makes hard to follow the point, when he doesn't do it, damn it hits heavy, stuff i never heard about like brazilian military giving sugar poisoned with arsenic to natives. Anyway, not gonna lie, even tho this book is crucial to understanding latin america, im procrastinating in reading marxist theory, so far after two years of discovering communist I've read only the manifesto and didn't understood much of it, alls i know is capitalism is shit and socialist countries did amazing things and i want those amazing things. so, what you people think?

    GenZedong olgas_husband 7 months ago 95%
    Why the address directs to a israeli fund?

    im a little sleepy yet and made a typo trying to access lemmygrad, and got directed to a israeli funding website. why is that?

    Linux olgas_husband 7 months ago 90%
    is Wine with -O3 and -march=native a placebo?

    For nerd purposes I've been trying to custom compile Wine to see if i can squeeze some performance out of it, i pulled out the -g flag and put in its place -O3 with march native. i don't know how to benchmark properly to see if there at least a marginal gain, so idk if it is a placebo or not. tried to search for articles in the subject but found none has anyone tried it or know an article that explored the subject?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    What is up with the so called Hohxaism?

    I'm not very advanced on theory so didn't read much what socialists leaderships wrote throughout mostly 20th century, so I'm not familiar about what albanian line is all about, all i know is they call themselves anti-revisionists and love to trashtalk post deng china, sometimes even mao (which is odd to me) and tito's yugoslavia. this was brought to my attention because some subs here apparently don't like them very much at the same time that the fastest growing communist movement in brazil follow the anti-revisionism line. so, what are your thoughts about it?

    Memes olgas_husband 8 months ago 99%
    schrodinger immigrant
    GenZedong olgas_husband 8 months ago 95%
    What is happening in US right now? Chance of civil war?

    I'm seeing some stuff been thrown around, about the texas state mobilizing their security forces to disobey federal order and something about they wanting to separate. anyway, what do you think about this?

    Comradeship // Freechat olgas_husband 8 months ago 100%
    Opinions on purely aesthetics support?

    So, currently I'm not organized in any kind of way or doing any militancy work, but liked to show my support to an agrarian reform movement just by wearing a hat that i bought in a MST fair, in two days i will be attending a geek event that has no political nature in a broader sense. what are your thoughts about it, it is a valid display, is a petty mentality and useless?

    Memes olgas_husband 8 months ago 92%
    Memes olgas_husband 8 months ago 99%
    Memes olgas_husband 8 months ago 98%
    Juche Necromancy Gang
    Thoughts on ...? olgas_husband 8 months ago 100%
    Thoughts on Real Life Lore?

    I haven't time to watch it yet and a channel that i like very much Moon Channel recommended it, just saw the thumbs and titles, getting some mized signals and don't know what to make up for it. edit: thank you all for the answers

    Comradeship // Freechat olgas_husband 8 months ago 100%
    Trying to get back on reading

    I have a little difficulty to read long text, i lose focus rather easy and my mind starts to wander, still managed to read impressive 2 books last year Sophias World to get an intro in philosophy and I Robot from assimov, and the communist manifest, but i didn't understood anything :(, half of a book about operation carwash, and some other scattered texts. still no theory tho :( anyway, trying to get back on reading to see if im able to pick the habit to be able to read some denser texts like the capital. what you think of my book of choice?

    Where can i watch chinese anime and dorama with english subs?

    So, my counsin and i have great interest in china and we want to watch some stuff from there, specially hers that is studying chinese language, so can you recommend any free source of chinese media? (movies, series, animes, doramas and etc)

    That time when a meme became a full manga

    This is an isekai where putin is transported to another world and go on looking for fantasy creatures to mount

    Technology olgas_husband 10 months ago 100%
    Tips on installing custom android ROM on Poco m4 Pro 5G?

    So, everybody knows that MIUI is not so good, i want to change it to a custom ROM. I never did that so i'm afraid of bricking my phone, no money to buy another. I thought about installing LineageOS but the site doesn't specify if there is a rom to my exact model, so do you recommend another custom ROM? does my phone loose access to some hardware capabilities like the pro-camera and 64mb camera or is it chill?

    Left Piracy olgas_husband 12 months ago 92%
    Looking for a recommendation to torrent music

    i recently canceled my spotify subscription, so i'm looking to download whole albums and if possible download whole discography easily instead of individual songs Edit: thank you all comrades for the recomendations!

    GenZedong olgas_husband 12 months ago 95%
    Man gets called to receive organ transplant and is picked up by helicopter in Brazil for free

    A man on the transplant list is called by the hospital to be present within two hours to receive a donated kidney, but he was out in a hike, it would take minimum 4 hours just to get down the mountain, so the hospital called the firefighters and send a helicopter to get him to the hospital in time. all for free :)

    GenZedong olgas_husband 1 year ago 100%
    Lula condemns Embargo on Cuba during UN speech

    What you people think will be the outcome? Will it be practiced or end up in nothing?

    Memes olgas_husband 1 year ago 96%
    Found it
    Memes olgas_husband 1 year ago 60%
    left and right are the same, two sides of the same coin

    genocide and civil rights are the same, can't we reach a middle ground instead of political extremism edit: i'm not a lib, this is a joke on the enlightened centrists, not corroborating with them
