• nydas nydas 1 month ago 100%

    Thank you for the feedback. Always good to get constructive criticism.

  • data_engineering
    Data Engineering nydas 1 month ago 37%
    Shift Left https://medium.com/@nydas/4-key-benefits-of-shift-left-ff0e4bb74a3f?source=friends_link&sk=0941f5164f5115f6fe88191f0b1b9683

    Hey there Data Engineers. Want to stop putting out fires and start preventing them? Then it might be time to "shift left." By tackling quality, governance, and security from the get-go, you'll save time, money, and headaches. If you want to learn more, follow the paywall bypassed link to my latest article. I hope some of you find this useful!

    Data Engineering nydas 3 months ago 91%
    Why Use Data Build Tools (dbt) https://medium.com/@nydas/the-power-of-data-build-tool-dbt-6b26dfab5bac?source=friends_link&sk=4ad30d3dc20fe25a2d5d474372f6c71a

    Time and again I see the same questions asked: "Why should I use dbt?" or "I don't understand what value dbt offers". So I thought I'd put together an article that touches on some of the benefits, as well as putting together a step through on setting up a new project (using DuckDB as the database), complete with associated GitHub repo for you to take a look at. Having used dbt since early 2018, and with my partner being a dbt trainer, I hope that this article is useful for some of you. The link is paywall bypassed.

    memes memes weird meme I found
  • nydas nydas 4 months ago 100%

    Google says its true

  • data_engineering
    Data Engineering nydas 4 months ago 95%
    Building a real-time data pipeline - Technical article and GitHub repo https://medium.com/@nydas/building-a-real-time-data-pipeline-5eff6c6d8a3c?source=friends_link&sk=8d8792af4527b0d6f91f430ebdc40fc7

    If you're a Data Engineer, before long you'll be asked to build a real-time pipeline. In my latest article, I build a real-time pipeline using Kafka, Polars and Delta tables to demonstrate how these can work together. Everything is available to try yourself in the associated GitHub repo. So if you're curious, take a moment to check out this technical post.

    data_engineering Data Engineering Diagrams as Code
  • nydas nydas 5 months ago 100%

    Great point. We use this for our solution design docs, and to display the final star schema in our dbt models that we then embed within our dbt docs. Given we use dbt for our warehouse, we don’t need to worry about the create table statements.

  • data_engineering
    Data Engineering nydas 5 months ago 86%
    Diagrams as Code https://medium.com/@nydas/diagrams-as-code-streamlining-erd-creation-for-data-engineers-f1e305cf69ef

    How often do you build and edit Entity Relationship Diagrams? If the answer is ‘more often than I’d like’, and you’re fed up with tweaking your diagrams, take <5 minutes to read my latest article on building your diagrams with code. Track their changes in GitHub, have them build as part of your CI/CD pipeline, and even drop them into your dbt docs if you like. This is a ‘friends and family’ link, so it’ll bypass the usual Medium paywall. I’m not affiliated to the tool I’ve chosen in any way. Just like how it works. Let me know yours thoughts!

    Data Engineering nydas 7 months ago 87%
    Building a Data Pipeline from Scratch https://medium.com/@nydas/building-a-modern-data-pipeline-a-journey-from-api-to-insight-636819c972e6?sk=2649aff67be571fd3c6b5f94f2211f62

    I’ve written a series of Medium articles on creating a Data Pipeline from scratch, using Polars and DeltaTables. The first (linked) is an overview with link to the GitHub repository and each of the deeper dive articles. I then go into the next level of detail, walking through each component. The articles are paywalled (it took time to build and document), but the link provided is the ‘family & friends’ link which bypasses the paywall for the Lemmy community. I hope some of you may find this helpful.

    data_engineering Data Engineering Infrastructure-as-Code Demo of Terraform on Snowflake
  • nydas nydas 8 months ago 100%

    I’d never heard of it. Then my first encounter was in a company where someone had built a Python abstraction layer over the top to ‘make it easy’ and it just turned into a mess. But when done well, it’s much better!

  • data_engineering
    Data Engineering nydas 8 months ago 70%
    Infrastructure-as-Code Demo of Terraform on Snowflake github.com

    A few years ago, if you'd mentioned Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) to me, I would've given you a puzzled look. However I'm now on the bandwagon. And to help others understand how it can benefit them, I've pulled together a simple GitHub repo that showcases how Terraform can be used with Snowflake to manage users, roles, warehouses and databases. The readme hopefully gives anyone who wants to give it a go the ability to step through and see results. I'm sharing this in the hopes that it is useful to some of you.

    Data Engineering nydas 8 months ago 88%
    Offline listening and speaking bot github.com

    Hi all, For those wanting a quick repo to use as a basis to get started, I’ve created jen-ai. There are full instructions in the readme. Once running you can talk to it, and it will respond. It’s basic, but a place to start.

    technology Technology Tesla Has The Highest Accident Rate Of Any Auto Brand
  • nydas nydas 9 months ago 100%

    While I love to jump on the anti-Elon bus, I have to query: the highest accident rates, or highest accident rates as a percentage of vehicles on the road? If you have 10 Tesla cars on the road, and there are 2 MGs on the road, and 2 Telsas and one MG crashes, then what? 20% of Tesla vs. 50% of MG, but also that could be framed as ‘double the number of Teslas crash compared to MGs’ or ‘Tesla has the highest accident rate of any auto brand’.

  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    It’s running on 2x BlackPills, with hotswap sunset orange switches. The two halves are connected by an ultra thin CAT6 patch cable. It’s the first keyboard I’ve built with backlights, so quite happy that it worked as planned.

  • ergomechkeyboards
    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 10 months ago 100%

    The 2x OLED displays are still a work in progress

    ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards The pain of realising you got your PCB wrong, and need to use two pins earmarked for the LCD for the TX &amp; RX to allow the sides to communicate :-(
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    It took a while to get used to them (like a day or two). But I’ve been using them on keyboards for a couple of years now, and it feels strange to not have them.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards The pain of realising you got your PCB wrong, and need to use two pins earmarked for the LCD for the TX &amp; RX to allow the sides to communicate :-(
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    True. I’ve not yet added any code to manage the per key RGB. Hopefully they all work as planned too.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards The pain of realising you got your PCB wrong, and need to use two pins earmarked for the LCD for the TX &amp; RX to allow the sides to communicate :-(
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    They are custom angled risers I got printed. They fit between the switch and the keycap.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards The pain of realising you got your PCB wrong, and need to use two pins earmarked for the LCD for the TX &amp; RX to allow the sides to communicate :-(
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    Oh that’s an interesting thought. All might not be lost after all! I’ll need to investigate.

  • technology Technology OpenAI is 'optimistic' that it can bring ousted CEO Sam Altman and other senior figures back, The Information reported
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    Sam Altman has just been hired by Microsoft. LinkedIn

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Hoping for guidance on custom split QMK using Blackpill
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    Blackpill is defined within qmk already. You can do a search in the repo for STM32F401 and see a number of keyboards that use it. From this, you can also see which are split keyboards. The M60 Split is a good example which uses a SPLIT_HAND_PIN to define left and right. The Phoenix is another. This also uses the SPLIT_HAND_PIN. Given that, I've tried updating, but no luck. If SPLIT_KEYBOARD = yes then nothing works. If SPLIT_KEYBOARD = no then they work but they both come through as the left side (even if SPLIT_HAND_PIN B9 is set, and B9 is connected to GND or not).

  • ergomechkeyboards
    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 10 months ago 100%
    Hoping for guidance on custom split QMK using Blackpill

    Hi all, I'm hoping for some troubleshooting tips. I have a self-build split keyboard using Blackpills. If I flash either side with 'SPLIT_KEYBOARD = no' in my rules.mk, then both sides work fine (but both working as the left side). If however I set 'SPLIT_KEYBOARD = yes', then both sides stop working. It's driving me insane! These are the relevant details of rules.mk: ``` MCU = STM32F401 BOOTLOADER = stm32-dfu SPLIT_KEYBOARD = yes SERIAL_DRIVER = usart ``` And config.h: ``` #pragma once #define HAL_USE_SERIAL TRUE #define SOFT_SERIAL_PIN A12 #define MASTER_LEFT #define MATRIX_ROWS 6 #define MATRIX_COLS 6 #define SERIAL_USART_DRIVER SD1 #define SERIAL_USART_TX_PAL_MODE 7 ``` And halconf.h: ``` #pragma once #define SERIAL_USB_BUFFERS_SIZE 256 #include_next ``` And mcuconf.h: ``` #pragma once #include_next #undef STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART1 #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART1 TRUE ``` Please help! I've been at this for three days.

    mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Troubleshooting custom split keyboard
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    Ah, thank you. I’ll have a go at that then.

  • mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Troubleshooting custom split keyboard
  • nydas nydas 10 months ago 100%

    Are you referring to the #define MASTER_LEFT?

    This is just defining whether the USB is plugged into the left board or right board.

    All defines start with a hash as standard. It’s not commenting the line out. For that, you’d use //.

  • mechanicalkeyboards
    Mechanical Keyboards nydas 10 months ago 100%
    Troubleshooting custom split keyboard

    Hi all, I'm hoping for some troubleshooting tips. I have a self-build split keyboard using Blackpills. If I flash either side with 'SPLIT_KEYBOARD = no' in my rules.mk, then both sides work fine (but both working as the left side). If however I set 'SPLIT_KEYBOARD = yes', then both sides stop working. It's driving me insane! These are the relevant details of rules.mk: ``` MCU = STM32F401 BOOTLOADER = stm32-dfu SPLIT_KEYBOARD = yes SERIAL_DRIVER = usart ``` And config.h: ``` #pragma once #define HAL_USE_SERIAL TRUE #define SOFT_SERIAL_PIN A12 #define MASTER_LEFT #define MATRIX_ROWS 6 #define MATRIX_COLS 6 #define SERIAL_USART_DRIVER SD1 #define SERIAL_USART_TX_PAL_MODE 7 ``` And halconf.h: ``` #pragma once #define SERIAL_USB_BUFFERS_SIZE 256 #include_next ``` And mcuconf.h: ``` #pragma once #include_next #undef STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART1 #define STM32_SERIAL_USE_USART1 TRUE ``` Please help! I've been at this for two days.

    linux Linux In 2023 which would you choose for a Linux phone and why: Phosh oder GNOME Shell mobile?
  • nydas nydas 12 months ago 100%

    Yes. But if 90% of your friends use it, and have groups in it where things are planned and organised, then by not having it you’re going to be missing out on a big chunk of things going on around you.

  • linux Linux In 2023 which would you choose for a Linux phone and why: Phosh oder GNOME Shell mobile?
  • nydas nydas 12 months ago 100%

    The challenge is that these days a phone is rarely used for calls or texts, but used with apps like WhatsApp or Teams or Slack or your mobile banking app, or things like that. And so there would need to be a critical mass of these apps to get me to switch.

  • nydas nydas 12 months ago 100%

    I’m assuming you downloaded an stl of the switches and the controller? Where did you dl them from?

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards OpenSCAD Question on bezel
  • nydas nydas 12 months ago 100%

    Thank you. Yeah, the shape is a mix of convex and concave. I might need to just make do for this prototype.

  • ergomechkeyboards
    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    OpenSCAD Question on bezel

    I created a 2d surface that I can perform a linear extrusion on, however the result it obviously a hard edge on the extrusion. I would love to be able to add a bezel - either rounded or at 45 degrees. Is there an easy way?

    ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Any OpenSCAD whiz available to provide some advice?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    That’s awesome, thank you so much!

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Any OpenSCAD whiz available to provide some advice?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you! So, you can get a regular 2D shape and use the linear_extrude() function to extrude out at 90 degrees from the object. They refer to in in the docs as the equivalent of pushing playdoh through a press. And from the docs ‘In OpenSCAD Extrusion is always performed on the projection (shadow) of the 2d object xy plane and along the Z axis; so if you rotate or apply other transformations to the 2d object before extrusion, its shadow shape is what is extruded.’

    So the Z axis is no related to what I see on the screen, but is in direct relation to the original 2D image. If I were to first rotate the 2D image by 90 degrees, and then extrude, the extrusion would be on the Z axis relative to the 2D object, but the X axis relative to the rest of the project (if that makes sense).

    What I want it to extrude on the absolute Z axis of the total project, regardless of the angle of rotation of the 2D object. To put it another way, if I were to have a square on the 2D, and I rotated it 30 degrees before extruding, I would not want a cube to be formed, but rather would want a rhombohedron.

  • ergomechkeyboards
    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Any OpenSCAD whiz available to provide some advice?

    I’ve got the basics down, but now looking to do something more complex, and unsure if it’s possible. I have imported a flat shape (a pcb), and I can extrude this out. What I want to do however is to rotate it on its axis, and then extrude it down the z-axis (not directly out from the surface). Is this possible, and if so, how?

    coffee Coffee Has anyone ever tried mulled coffee?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    So yeah, not a fan. At least not of orange, raw sugar, cinnamon and star anise as the base.

  • coffee Coffee Has anyone ever tried mulled coffee?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    Hadn’t heard of it, but now I’m interested to give it a try.

  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 98%

    An RSS feed is a publication that you can subscribe to without needing to give any personal information, such as your email address.

    Website would publish their blog entries to an RSS feed so you didn’t need to keep going to their website, or give your email address to get it sent to you that way.

    RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.

  • mildlyinfuriating Mildly Infuriating You can't imagine how much this annoyed me...
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    I’ve just cancelled my Medium subscription. I was finding myself going there less and less. So many articles saying the same thing in various levels of broken English.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Are straws an unnecessary (but convenient) invention?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 63%

    Way easier to drink a drive-thru drink from a straw while driving. And it’s a drive-thru, so kinda assumed you’ll be consuming it behind the wheel. My toddler also has a habit of not fully creating a seal between his bottom lip and the underside of the cup. So a straw in that case saves a lot of spillage.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Online tool to test a pcb design
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    It was all by hand, so placing the switches, adding the nets, defining which pin was on which net, and then connecting all the dots.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Online tool to test a pcb design
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you. Pretty sure it’s all good. Was just hoping for a quick sanity check. All good.

  • ergomechkeyboards
    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Online tool to test a pcb design

    Is there such a thing as an online pcb tester? As in ‘here is my pcb design, when I connect this, I expect it to register as a circuit on these two pins’

    ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Blackpill &amp; ST7789V OLED pcb
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    So basically ‘don’t worry about it, just put any pin to any pin and manage it through QMK?’

  • ergomechkeyboards
    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Blackpill &amp; ST7789V OLED pcb

    Hey there, Hoping someone could point me to a PCB that is using a Blackpill and a ST7789V OLED display. I have the above and am not 100% on which pins to wire up. GND is obvious. VCC I’m pointing to 3.3V, then there is: - CS - DC - Reset - SDA - SCL The smaller screens only have SDA &amp; SCL. Can anyone confirm whether the others are optional, mandatory, whether there are specific/preferred pins? I’m feeling a little lost at the moment, so hoping for some guidance. FYI this is the specific display: [here](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005316683037.html?spm=a2g0o.order_detail.order_detail_item.2.4c7ff19c8MI7a0)

    ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Sanity Check Please - QMK capability confirmation
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    Ah good to know. But honestly, it’s just a bit of coloured back lighting I’m looking for.

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Sanity Check Please - QMK capability confirmation
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    Awesome, thank you!

  • ergomechkeyboards
    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Sanity Check Please - QMK capability confirmation

    Hi all, TL/DR: Ergo Split 36-key with per-key RGB and 2x 2 inch TFT screens, run by 2x BlackPill. Can QMK handle this? I'm hoping someone can sanity check this for me before I go printing a PCB only to find there is no software capable of doing what I want without major code involvement. My plan is for a split ergo keyboard with 36 keys (6 rows of 3 per hand, including the thumb cluster). Each key would have an SK6812-MINI-E RGB backlight, and would be run off a BlackPill controller in both sides. I was going to make the connection using a CAT6 patch cable, understanding I don't need all 8 of the cables, but also that a patch cable clicks into place so a reduced chance of shorting anything by disconnecting the sides while still powered. The gotcha is that I want to run 2x 2" OLED displays, one on each side. Specifically, they are the ST7789V GMT020-02 from Shenzhen GoldenMorning Electronic Co.,Ltd via AliExpress. I know that QMK has Quantum Painter LVGL Integration, and this should support a display. But can I run two independently of one another, one driven off the first BlackPill and the other off the second? Feedback would be greatly appreciated on this! I have all of the hardware, other than the PCB and case. Before I spend too much time designing the PCB, I want to at least hear that it *should* be possible, as opposed to hearing that for a variety of reasons it's an absolute non-starter.

    linux Linux PSA: When people ask you "What distro should I use?", try pointing them here
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    I think it gives everyone the same list of 29, but it’s the order that’s important. Gentoo came back as my top. I use Void which came back as 4th in my list.

  • linux Linux PSA: When people ask you "What distro should I use?", try pointing them here
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    Well at least at the end of the questions the distro I use (Void) was somewhere near the top of the list (4th).

  • ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards is dactyl manuform having hot-swap function a good idea?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    If you use hotswap, you’ll need something solid and immovable to mount those hotswaps to. That’s generally the pcb, as they both slot in and get soldered on. So you’d need to have a pcb with hotswaps that could work on a Dactyl, and a way to mount it so that is was stable and would take the pressure of pushing in a new switch.

    Amoeba Kings is a per key pcb. I have one I built in my git that is choc spaced with RGB too. But you then have to solder each of these together, and attach them firmly to the case. So it would certainly be more work/effort/planning than simply hand wiring.

  • memmy Memmy - An iOS client for Lemmy Feature Request on notifications
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    Will do, thank you!

  • memmy
    Feature Request on notifications

    Where a comment has been made on my post, it would be awesome to see which post it was related to. It helps give context when there are 15 replies to 5 different posts since I last checked.

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Moore’s Law for AI. Is there such a thing?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 75%

    Thank you!

    But does that equate to the power of AI doubling every 3.5 months?

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What would 128 bits computing look like?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 25%

    I’ve been thinking about this, in conjunction with quantum computing and AGI for some time.

    If AI follows anything like Moore’s Law, I don’t think it will be too long (decades) before we’ll be breaching the limit of 64bit, and we would need to go one way or another.

    That said, based on the above, 99%+ of our existing jobs would have likely been fully automated, so the world would likely be a very different place, and 128bit computing likely would stand out as too big of an achievement.

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions nydas 1 year ago 88%
    Moore’s Law for AI. Is there such a thing?

    Moore's law is the observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit (IC) doubles about every two years. Is there anything similar for the sophistication of AI, or AGI in particular?

    ergomechkeyboards ErgoMechKeyboards Mechanical Musical Keyboard?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    Hey all,

    Thanks for the great feedback. As I say, I’m not a musician, so much of the feedback is likely obvious to a pianist, but not to me. It sounds like this might be a non-starter. At least for me.

  • ergomechkeyboards
    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 92%
    Mechanical Musical Keyboard?

    I’ve never been much of a musical person. But my kid was playing with a toy piano the other day, pressing buttons and whatnot. I lay my fingers on the keyboard and thought “hmmm… kinda like the home row”. So my question to the community: have any of you built musical keyboards? Did you post a blog or guide? At first I was thinking a choc switch with a custom long cap that was held off a pivot point at one end and attached to the switch at the other. But musical keyboards vary sound depending on how you press the note. So maybe Hall effect? Anyway, keen to hear of any adventures down this road by others?

    nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why do we not eat pig or cow?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    True. I think someone else pointed this out as well. But I don’t eat a poultry drumstick. The English language is a funny thing!

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions nydas 1 year ago 96%
    Why do we not eat pig or cow?

    When I eat chicken, I call it chicken. Chicken wing; chicken drumsticks etc. When I eat lamb, I call it lamb. Lamb shank; lamb cutlets. So why do I not eat pig or cow? I eat pork or beef. Is there a reason for that?

    data_engineering Data Engineering How is the job market for Data Engineers?
  • nydas nydas 1 year ago 100%

    I’m not sure where you live, but salaries have dropped significantly here (Australia), although it would be fair to say they were back to pre-covid ranges. Two years ago, big banks were offering $250k base for a Senior Data Engineer. Currently the rate is around $170-180k.

  • nostupidquestions
    No Stupid Questions nydas 1 year ago 91%
    What Phone &amp; OS should I get next?

    I currently have an iPhone X. I like it, but it’s gradually dying. It’s also a bit too big. Perfect size would be the iPhone 7 or similar. I’ve had different brand phones before this, so while I’ve been on Apple for a while, I’ve had Samsung, Motorola, Sony, Nokia etc. all the way back to the Nokia 3210. I’m becoming a bit fed up of big brands and so want to de-Apple myself, but also not go Google. I would love a dumb phone, but I do have some regular apps: MS Auth for work; Lemmy; Philips Hue; Sensibo; WhatsApp. I was looking at alternative OS options such as Graphene OS, that in theory allow you to run Android apps without Google. But how well do they work? This would be my primary (only) phone. So given size considerations (iPhone 7), ability to not be Apple or Google OS, but also be able to run my key apps, what do my options look like? I’d go into a store and ask, but say ‘not apple and not google’ and you get a vacant stare in response.

    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    New board is coming along https://i.imgur.com/mynDHRD.jpg

    A couple of keycaps short, but I’ll move them across from my daily driver (at the top) when the time is right. All soldering is done. I just need to program the firmware. But it’s likely not going to happen until the weekend after next due to other commitments. Can’t wait to try it out though! Note: the logo didn’t come out quite right, but I’m not going to bother with a reprint as I still don’t know if I’ll like the layout.

    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Daily driver for over a year https://i.imgur.com/xeZcrwe.jpg

    Only changes have been to remove the outer most column and so move from 40 keys to 36, plus a change of keycaps and some angled risers for the keycaps on both top and bottom rows.

    Mechanical Keyboards nydas 1 year ago 97%
    Latest project https://i.imgur.com/OBlGYed.png

    It’s going to be a 24 key, choc keyboard with a 2” TFT screen in the centre block. Running off a Blackpill with per-key RGB, and the switches will be sunsets. I’m still very much a novice at Blender, so this is basically just an stl export from OpenSCAD with some colour and lighting. Given that, logos and whatnot aren’t shown. But Gerber files and component stl files are with jlcpbc waiting for printing.

    Mechanical Keyboards nydas 1 year ago 88%
    Transparent solder mask - jlcpcb https://vid.puffyan.us/embed/c18vkHG_7tY

    Hey there, Referring to around 1m40s in the attached Ben Vallack video, he refers to a transparent solder mask to show the traces on the pcb clearly. He’s using pcbway, which seems to be considerably more expensive than jlcpcb who I usually use for my prints. Does anyone know if jlcpcb has this same capability, and if so what the settings are?

    Mechanical Keyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Tilting legs like the ErgoDox

    Hi there, Does anyone have suggestions on where I could by legs similar to those found on the ErgoDox that could be attached directly to a pcb (glue or M2 screws)? Looking for a tenting mechanism for a new custom board. Note: I’m aware ErgoDox sells the tenting system independently for US$25, however I would then need a way to attach these to the board. They don’t state what the thread size is, etc.

    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Choc spacing for plate

    Hi all, I want to create a custom computer keyboard plate that is choc-switch spaced. Are there templates for the slot that a choc switch would clip into (correct width, height & any angles ) that I could incorporate into a keyboard case layout? Plan would likely be to print a blank pcb with the cutouts, so something I could pull into KiCad would be ideal. Note: cross-posted with slight alterations to 3DPrinting.

    3DPrinting nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Choc space STL

    Hi all, I’ve had a look on thingiverse, but might be using the wrong search term. I want to create a custom computer keyboard plate that is choc-switch spaced. Are there templates for the slot that a choc switch would clip into (correct width, height & depth) that I could incorporate into a keyboard case layout?

    Gruvbox theme?

    I’ve taken a look through the code, and adding themes seems to be relatively easy. It’s simply the hex values for each color. I would love to add a Gruvbox theme. Should I just create a branch and create a PR, or is there a different process to follow?

    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    3 or 5 volts for RGB per key?

    I’m planning on building a custom keyboard with 24 keys running of a BlackPill. It’ll have OLED and RGB. My question: the BlackPill has 3v and 5v pins. Which should I use for what?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearCO
    Command Line nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Bash notes books.goalkicker.com

    Thought you might appreciate this.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearDA
    Data Engineering nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Free resource books books.goalkicker.com

    Thought I’d share this link. I’m not affiliated in any way.

    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Cable reduction help

    Hi all, I have an idea in my head, but I’m a cable short, and looking for suggestions. 24-key split-ortho (2 keys per finger, where you press both top and bottom keys simultaneously to get the home row key), with per-key RGB and OLED display on the left side. But… I’d like to run this off a single BlackPill controller on the left hand side, and use a CAT6 cable to bridge the two sides. CAT6 has 4 twisted pairs, so 8 cables. If I run a 4x3 matrix then that’s 7 cables. Plus another for the VCC for the RGB. But then no more for the DIN/DOUT for RGB. GND should be fine as I can earth the right hand side separately, but I’m missing a cable if I want RGB. Are there any suggestions on how I might be able to get around my challenge?

    Void Linux nydas 1 year ago 93%
    Loving my Void setup https://i.imgur.com/qm8v8kR.jpg

    An older photo from back in the day when I was still on Reddit.

    ErgoMechKeyboards nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Choc cap recommendations

    I’m looking for a recommendation for choc keycaps based on a 24 key keyboard. Each side will have 2 keys per finger (4 for the index). Pressing the upper and lower key simultaneously will be the equivalent of the home row. My challenge is finding a cap that ‘plays nice’ with pressing two keys next to each other with the same finger. They’re mostly concave to allow you to press into the middle of them. Before I go about designing a set, I wanted to see if anything was already on the market.

    Lemmy.World Announcements nydas 1 year ago 100%
    Still learning Lemmy

    Just jumped from Reddit and trying to find my way around. Quick question: I signed up at lemmy.world, and I can subscribe to ‘local’ communities, but I’d really like to subscribe to the Linux community on lemmy.ml. Is thot possible? And what are a group of Lemmy users called? Are we Lemmings? Jumped off the end of the Reddit cliff and ended up here?
