pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Pop!_OS 24.04 and new COSMIC desktop hit alpha • The Register
  • mmstick mmstick 6 days ago 100%

    Wayland compositors use IPC over a UNIX socket to communicate with Wayland clients. To increase security and enable sandboxed applet support, COSMIC applets use the security-context protocol for their IPC connection to the compositor. To be an applet, COSMIC applications use the layer-shell protocol to behave as an applet. Neither of which were made for COSMIC. Some other Wayland compositors support these protocols. You can see which compositors support the protocols at the bottom of the wayland.app protocol pages.

  • linux Linux Asterinas: a rust kernel with a linux ABI
  • mmstick mmstick 6 days ago 66%

    In practice, because Rust libraries are always statically-linked, the MPL-2.0 is equivalent to the LGPL in spirit. Meanwhile, because of the static linking restrictions in the LGPL, the LGPL is effectively no different from the GPL. Hence, you're going to find a lot of open source copyleft projects from the Rust ecosystem preferring either GPL or MPL-2.0, where MPL-2.0 is used in libraries where LGPL would have used previously in C projects. Dynamic linking is essentially going the way of the Dodo.

  • linux Linux Asterinas: a rust kernel with a linux ABI
  • mmstick mmstick 6 days ago 66%

    The Linux kernel already allows proprietary modules via DKMS, and a handful of vendors have been using this for decades, so this is no different. Case in point: NVIDIA driver, and Android vendor drivers.

  • linux Linux Asterinas: a rust kernel with a linux ABI
  • mmstick mmstick 6 days ago 100%

    All source code in Rust is statically-linked when compiled, which thereby renders the LGPL no different from the GPL in practice. For Rust, the MPL-2.0 is a better license because it does not have the linking restriction.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Pop!_OS 24.04 and new COSMIC desktop hit alpha • The Register
  • mmstick mmstick 6 days ago 100%

    Niri is also based on the smithay library we use for COSMIC, so there's some collaborative work between COSMIC and Niri on Smithay.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Pop!_OS 24.04 and new COSMIC desktop hit alpha • The Register
  • mmstick mmstick 6 days ago 100%

    applets live in their own process and communicate via Wayland protocols (behind a COSMIC API)

    Even better. A COSMIC API was not necessary since Wayland protocols already exist for this (layer-shell and security-context).

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Pop!_OS 24.04 and new COSMIC desktop hit alpha • The Register
  • mmstick mmstick 6 days ago 100%

    It already is available. See the links on the COSMIC webpage: https://system76.com/cosmic

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Will there be 24.04 with gnome Cosmic ??
  • mmstick mmstick 2 weeks ago 100%

    No, we won't be spending any development time on porting all of the patches in 22.04 to 24.04. GNOME is done.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Hyprland's Developer Is Not A Fan Of COSMIC Desktop
  • mmstick mmstick 2 weeks ago 93%

    You should stop using Linux then. The Linux kernel, along with many open source software, is developed and sponsored by for-profit organizations. Either directly or indirectly. Without them, open source wouldn't be able to thrive.

  • linux Linux Rust for Linux revisited (by Drew DeVault)
  • mmstick mmstick 3 weeks ago 66%

    I'd recommend spending some time reading about it. It's not as hard as he thinks. Applications developed for Linux are quite easy to port to Redox. It supports many of the same system calls and has a compatible libc implementation. The kernel does have abstractions to ease the porting process. And if you're going to make a new kernel today, you should do it right and make a microkernel like Redox. One of the benefits of having a microkernel is that it doesn't matter what language you write drivers in. They're isolated to their own processes. Rust, C, C++, whatever.

  • linux Linux Rust for Linux revisited (by Drew DeVault)
  • mmstick mmstick 3 weeks ago 100%

    It does work like this, but as with justice, the wheels can be slow at times.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) COSMIC Alpha Released! Here’s what people are saying.
  • mmstick mmstick 3 weeks ago 100%

    It is required to install system updates before using the alpha.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Because I haven't seen it posted here yet, the new COSMIC theming looks amazing!
  • mmstick mmstick 3 months ago 100%

    They'll be available after COSMIC releases.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) A Blog to Satisfy Your Monthly COSMIC Fix(es)
  • mmstick mmstick 3 months ago 100%


  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Cosmic epoch build instructions for void linux
  • mmstick mmstick 3 months ago 100%

    I don't think anyone has done this yet.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) My libcosmic calculator is now an MVP.
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    You can either return cosmic::Element<Message>, impl Into<cosmic::Element<Message>>, or cosmic::widget::Button<Message> with your functions.

    Every widget can .into() or .apply(Element::from) into a cosmic::Element.

    I'd recommend using the Grid widget so that your buttons can scale with the window.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Why are cosmic apps so slow to load?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    This may be fixed now, but at the same time, I'd wait a day before updating cosmic-comp because xwayland's currently broken while we need to update xwayland to the latest version for explicit sync support.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Why are cosmic apps so slow to load?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    That's very strange. Did you update today?

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Actual manufacturers of laptops / desktops
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    You can send an email to info@system76.com

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    What report are you referring to?

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) A Blog to Satisfy Your Monthly COSMIC Fix(es)
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    The design is finished for Alpha 1, but there is likely to be future design work once designs are revisited for alpha 2 or the beta.

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    What GPU configuration do you have? I don't have any of these issues. If NVIDIA, you have to wait for NVIDIA to release explicit sync Wayland drivers.

  • linux Linux A Blog to Satisfy Your Monthly COSMIC Fix(es)
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    I've seen plenty of people using GTK themes with rectangular switches.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) A Blog to Satisfy Your Monthly COSMIC Fix(es)
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    That's up to you. If you need it, you can always reinstall it.

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) A Blog to Satisfy Your Monthly COSMIC Fix(es)
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    I'd recommend everyone to try out cosmic-store (with cosmic-icons) when they get a chance. Whether you use COSMIC or not, it's fully functional with any desktop environment. It's packaged by default in Pop!_OS 22.04, available in Fedora 40 via ryanabx/cosmic-epoch, and the AUR.

  • linux Linux A Blog to Satisfy Your Monthly COSMIC Fix(es)
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    I'd recommend everyone to try out cosmic-store (with cosmic-icons) when they get a chance. Whether you use COSMIC or not, it's fully functional with any desktop environment. It's packaged by default in Pop!_OS 22.04, available in Fedora 40 via ryanabx/cosmic-epoch, and the AUR.

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 50%

    Yeah, it's in the Pop!_OS 22.04 repositories, this Fedora 40 COPR, and on the AUR.

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    Consumes less energy (CPU) while also rendering more responsively.

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    I'd just remove it with sudo apt remove pop-shop, and install cosmic-store (with cosmic-icons) instead.

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    Pop Shop

    Install the cosmic-store (with cosmic-icons) and try it out!

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 75%

    Speaking of being defensive, not only are you being far more defensive than I, but these bullet points are both misleading and wildly inaccurate. It's also telling that you think none of my points are good, when they are the truth. Could you possibly be even more a hypocrite?

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    I think it already it is available on NixOS

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    Ubuntu is Debian with more up-to-date packages and a lot of additional third party packages. There's a lot of companies who produce development toolkits, frameworks, and applications that are explicitly built for the Ubuntu base. Some governmental agencies and organizations also require access to packages and repositories that have been audited by security agencies, which Ubuntu has gone through the process of getting certification for certain kernels and their Ubuntu Pro repositories. All of which are useful for real world customers.

    Regardless of shortcomings in Snap, Pop does not rely on Snaps, and offers its own packaging for things that would otherwise require Snap on Ubuntu.

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    GNOME Shell extensions are JavaScript monkey patch injections to gnome-shell's JavaScript process. They're only compatible with the exact version of gnome-shell that they target because most of them require to override private internals of gnome-shell that are sensitive to order of injection and names of private variables and methods.

    COSMIC uses a modern Wayland-based approach to shell interface design with layer-shell applets. Each applet is its own process, using the layer-shell Wayland protocol to render their windows as shell components, and communicating with the compositor securely with the security context Wayland protocol. The protocols they use are standardized, so they will be stable across COSMIC releases. Other Wayland compositors could integrate with them if they desire to.

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    There's a very large gap between having tiling, and having excellent auto-tiling capabilities with intuitive shortcuts and behaviors. COSMIC's autotiling was designed from the ground up to be just as usable with a mouse as it is with a keyboard.

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 87%

    If COSMIC is pathetic, then GNOME must be abysmally unusable. COSMIC was already planned long before there was any beef with GNOME. We listen to user feedback and prioritize development of features that our developers and users want. Good luck trying to replicate COSMIC's theming and tiling capabilities in GNOME. Let alone the overall stability and performance of COSMIC. COSMIC Store is the fastest app store on Linux now. I'd recommend everyone to try it out. sudo apt install cosmic-store

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) Why are cosmic apps so slow to load?
  • mmstick mmstick 4 months ago 100%

    Every application launches within 0.2 seconds for me. Maybe you need to play around with env WGPU_POWER_PREF=high

  • pop_os Pop!_OS (Linux) LinuxFest Northwest 2024: Meet COSMIC DE
  • mmstick mmstick 5 months ago 100%

    There will be configuration options eventually

  • linux Linux April Tools: Hammering out new COSMIC Features
  • mmstick mmstick 5 months ago 100%

    How so? 22.04 is actively maintained and updated by Ubuntu, and is still the latest LTS release. On top of that, the most important packages in Pop!_OS are updated frequently, so we are on Mesa 24.0.3 and Linux 6.8.0. As for when COSMIC releases, you should read last month's blog post.

  • linux Linux April Tools: Hammering out new COSMIC Features
  • mmstick mmstick 5 months ago 72%

    Did you not read the blog update? That is exactly what the blog update covered... The user's theme colors are applied to the Adwaita theme used by GTK4/libadwaita, and GTK3 theme support is provided by adw-gtk3.

  • linux
    Linux mmstick 6 months ago 96%

    It will be possible to configure COSMIC to look like Unity out of the box. There's only a few panel applets that need to be implemented to make the experience 1:1.

    Pop!_OS (Linux) mmstick 6 months ago 98%
    Linux mmstick 6 months ago 95%
    COSMIC Store Prototype

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/13038090 > https://fosstodon.org/@soller/112083947500126938 > > > COSMIC Store is coming along quickly, though there is still a lot left to do. It loads nearly instantly, because it uses bitcode to cache appstream data in an optimized format. It uses very little memory compared to the Pop Shop. Searches can be performed live as they are done in parallel. Searching for "e" takes 5.5 ms on my desktop and returns 4601 results.

    Pop!_OS (Linux) mmstick 6 months ago 98%
    COSMIC Store Prototype

    https://fosstodon.org/@soller/112083947500126938 > COSMIC Store is coming along quickly, though there is still a lot left to do. It loads nearly instantly, because it uses bitcode to cache appstream data in an optimized format. It uses very little memory compared to the Pop Shop. Searches can be performed live as they are done in parallel. Searching for "e" takes 5.5 ms on my desktop and returns 4601 results.

    Rust mmstick 8 months ago 100%
    In-progress COSMIC apps: terminal, file manager, text editor, and settings fosstodon.org

    COSMIC is a Wayland desktop environment for Linux that is written in Rust with Smithay and Iced. COSMIC applications are developed with the libcosmic platform toolkit, which is based on iced. They are cross-platform and supported on Windows, Mac, and Redox OS in addition to Linux. As COSMIC nears its alpha release in Q1 of 2024, we have thus far developed a terminal, file manager, and text editor for our desktop environment within the last few months. - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-term - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-files - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-edit - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-settings - https://github.com/pop-os/libcosmic See [cosmic-epoch](https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-epoch) for instructions on building and installing COSMIC.

    Linux mmstick 8 months ago 98%
    In-progress COSMIC apps: terminal, file manager, text editor, and settings fosstodon.org

    COSMIC is a Wayland desktop environment for Linux that is written in Rust with Smithay and Iced. COSMIC applications are developed with the libcosmic platform toolkit, which is based on iced. They are cross-platform and supported on Windows, Mac, and Redox OS in addition to Linux. As COSMIC nears its alpha release in Q1 of 2024, we have thus far developed a terminal, file manager, and text editor for our desktop environment within the last few months. - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-term - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-files - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-edit - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-settings - https://github.com/pop-os/libcosmic See [cosmic-epoch](https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-epoch) for instructions on building and installing COSMIC.

    Pop!_OS (Linux) mmstick 8 months ago 98%
    In-progress COSMIC apps: terminal, file manager, text editor, and settings fosstodon.org

    COSMIC is a Wayland desktop environment for Linux that is written in Rust with Smithay and Iced. COSMIC applications are developed with the libcosmic platform toolkit, which is based on iced. They are cross-platform and supported on Windows, Mac, and Redox OS in addition to Linux. As COSMIC nears its alpha release in Q1 of 2024, we have thus far developed a terminal, file manager, and text editor for our desktop environment within the last few months. - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-term - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-files - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-edit - https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-settings - https://github.com/pop-os/libcosmic See [cosmic-epoch](https://github.com/pop-os/cosmic-epoch) for instructions on building and installing COSMIC.

    Pop!_OS (Linux) mmstick 9 months ago 100%
    COSMIC Terminal now supports settings interface and context menus

    Pictured are three COSMIC Terminal windows with different themes and syntax themes. The furthest in the back is terminal with a dark theme with the COSMIC Dark syntax theme. In the middle is a personalized, albeit questionable, desktop theme. In front is a light theme with the One Half Dark syntax theme.

    Pop!_OS (Linux) mmstick 9 months ago 100%
    COSMIC Terminal next to COSMIC Editor with the same syntax theme fosstodon.org

    COSMIC Terminal is a GPU-accelerated terminal for COSMIC which supports bidirectional text and ligatures. As it is built using the libcosmic platform toolkit, and thereby iced, it is rendered with Vulkan using the wgpu Rust library. The terminal functionality is provided by the alacritty Rust library, and text rendering by cosmic-text. It will support platform integrations with COSMIC themes, as well as featuring syntax themes like COSMIC Editor.

    Pop!_OS (Linux) mmstick 9 months ago 100%
    cosmic-randr: utility for displaying and configuring display outputs on Wayland fosstodon.org

    Developed for the display settings page, and compatible with all Wayland compositors which support the wlr-output protocols, cosmic-randr is a new Rust library and command line utility for displaying and configuring display outputs on Wayland desktops.

    Linux mmstick 10 months ago 97%
    COSMIC Edit with project-wide search fosstodon.org


    Linux mmstick 10 months ago 90%
    Rising from Unity's Ashes: The Evolution of Pop!_OS and the Birth of the COSMIC DE www.deusinmachina.net

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ndlug.org/post/431129 > > In the dynamic world of Linux a new Linux distribution is nothing new, but Pop!_OS is something special. Born out of necessity when Ubuntu announced the end of its Unity Desktop in 2017, Pop!_OS has not just filled the void left by Unity, but has carved out a distinct identity in the Linux community. This journey, from an alternative for disillusioned Unity users to the creation of the innovative COSMIC desktop has created a version of Linux that has been very well received. But to understand how we got to Pop! We have to look back at what happened to Unity.

    Linux mmstick 11 months ago 99%
    COSMIC lock screen will be customizable with themes fosstodon.org

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ndlug.org/post/280126 > [Jeremy Soller](https://fosstodon.org/@soller) shares some examples of the COSMIC lock screen that Pop!_OS is working on.

    Pop!_OS (Linux) mmstick 12 months ago 98%
    Pop Shop rebased to 7.3.0

    The shop has been rebased onto version 7.3.0 of the elementary appcenter. This update will fix most of the issues with pop-shop today. It improves responsiveness and fixes many possible crashes.

    Linux mmstick 1 year ago 95%
    Chatting PopOS, COSMIC, and Redox with Jeremy Soller youtube.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ndlug.org/post/66600 > > Today we have the one, the only, Jeremy Soller of System76 and the BDFL of RedoxOS on the show. He's had his fair share of drama with the libadwaita stuff but he's been around in the FOSS world for a long time so I was very curious to hear his take on certain things especially involving PopOS. >

    Pop!_OS (Linux) mmstick 1 year ago 97%
    Linux 6.4.6 and Mesa 23.1.3 Released github.com

    These updates will improve performance, bring more hardware compatibility, fix various issues, and most importantly of all, resolves some outstanding major security vulnerabilities that were recently discovered to affect all kernels from 6.1.0 through 6.4.1. There is, however, a known regression with USB-C docks on 12th (ADL) and 13th (RPL) generation Intel laptops which causes occasional system freezes. There are some known [workarounds here](https://github.com/pop-os/linux/pull/267#pullrequestreview-1561406029). USB-C to DisplayPort is not affected. We've decided not to delay the kernel update any further because fixing the vulnerabilities are more important. In the meantime, there is an issue on Intel's DRM repository for tracking this issue: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/intel/-/issues/8421. We will quickly patch the regression the moment that we or Intel finds the cause and solution.
