mtg MTG Netflix's 'Magic: The Gathering' Series Is Officially Dead
  • mike mike 1 week ago 100%

    Wow I didn't know this was even something considered.

  • mtg MTG The Nadu Situation – Mark Rosewater on Tumblr
  • mike mike 3 weeks ago 83%

    I think this is just all a bad take from Mark. I understand his position and that this blog is mostly a defense for WoTC's decisions, but this just misses every one of the complaints for me. He's basically saying "this is hard, I've been doing this for 30 years, trust us" while not addressing the actual complaints.

    To me these are arguments why Maro, Michael Majors, and the entire FIRE team should be let go and new people brought in. Doing this for 30 years and still making these mistakes means that someone else is making the decisions and those decisions are not and won't be in the best interest of the game.

  • mtg MTG August 26, 2024, Banned and Restricted Announcement
  • mike mike 4 weeks ago 100%

    All good bans here, I think they're still 3-6 months behind on Legacy tho.

    The Vintage bans really surprised me, both of those are much needed imo and I'm glad they did something about them. Vexing Bauble kind of nerfs the entirety of why anyone plays Vintage, and Urza's Saga is just ridiculous with that many cheap powerful artifacts.

  • mtg
    MTG mike 4 weeks ago 100%
    Magic History: Oath of the Gatewatch [video + transcript]

    Magic Untapped takes a look back at Oath of the Gatewatch, the second half of the two-set BFZ block.

    mtg MTG The Surprising Genius of the Worst Deck to Win a Pro Tour - Olle Råde 1996 PT Columbus
  • mike mike 1 month ago 100%

    Yes, absolutely. I think they're being a little tongue-in-cheek with that but it was Ice Age Block Constructed and Rade came with a brew that was targeted against the current meta.

  • mtg
    MTG mike 1 month ago 100%
    The Surprising Genius of the Worst Deck to Win a Pro Tour - Olle Råde 1996 PT Columbus

    What's the worst deck to ever win a Pro Tour? While I'm pretty sure it's still this one I think Magic Pro Tour Legend Olle Rade doesn't get nearly enough credit for how innovative his deck really was. While sure, it's an absolute pile that no one would be caught with in 2024 back in 1996 for how much Olle was doing wrong there's a lot right about this deck. At the heart of the first win of one of the greatest Magic players to ever play and a first class Hall of Famer this deck spoke at length about how good Olle was at playing his style, metagaming and honestly outplaying everyone back in the early days. Looks like Block Constructed got broken again and you won't believe the creatures that get it done. Move over Bloomburrow, there are some old school monsters ready to take you back to the third ever MTG Pro Tour.

    mtg MTG Historic rebalances for RW energy: Galvanic Discharge, Guide of Souls, and Ocelot Pride
  • mike mike 1 month ago 100%

    Yea I think you're right, I remember reading somewhere that Wizards may change the card abilities up to the last minute too. Perhaps it was more balanced at one point.

  • art Art of MTG Grief by Campbell White
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    The artwork in this is as good as the card design is bad! Jokes aside this is really cool looking.

  • mtg MTG Historic rebalances for RW energy: Galvanic Discharge, Guide of Souls, and Ocelot Pride
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    This was so unbelievably needed, but I think these cards are also proving to be too strong in the other eternal formats too.

    I think what we're seeing here is how little playtesting is actually being done anymore. Now, and especially with Arena and the # of games being played, they just do whatever they want and wait and see how it breaks the game. Then let everyone hate their lives for a month or two before fixing the cards back to what they should have been from the outset.

    I don't think anyone in the world can convince me Ocelot Pride should ever have been printed at 1 mana. That's a 1/1 or 1/2 for 2W all day every day for me. I just saw Ocelot Pride win in a LEGACY mtgo challenge last night. The deck at least got to the finals, the player streaming lost to it in the top 4.

  • mtg MTG Eternal Weekend Returns in 2024!
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    If they don't ban Grief in the August announcement then I think the organizers may just take matters into their own hands.

  • mtg MTG Wandering Emperor, Kumano, Farewell, and other beloved/hated Kamigawa cards have rotated! Anyone excited for post-rotation? Or sad to see these go?
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    Yea you're right about Sunfall, I don't know how I forgot about that lol I hate that one too.

  • mtg MTG Eternal Weekend Returns in 2024!
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    This is awesome! is in Pittsburgh, and may be going. You could win this, Andrew!

    Top 32 players get one 😛

  • art Art of MTG Leviathan by Mark Tedin
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    I remember looking at the 4th or 5th edition card and just thinking so many things. You're totally right, and this was one of those cards that really sold me hard as a kid.

  • art
    Art of MTG mike 2 months ago 100%
    Leviathan by Mark Tedin

    ![]( --- Via

    MTG mike 2 months ago 100%
    Wandering Emperor, Kumano, Farewell, and other beloved/hated Kamigawa cards have rotated! Anyone excited for post-rotation? Or sad to see these go?

    Personally I found Farewell and The Wandering Emperor to be some of the most un-fun cards to play against. Farewell, in my opinion, should never have been printed. Losing Farewell is a huge gift to Standard and I think that kind of card is just miserable for so many decks. Anyone excited for the new rotation? Any older decks that are now competitive again? Any new brew ideas? I'd love to hear them!

    mtg MTG Bloomburrow Token Set (Beadle & Grimm's)
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    This is really cool actually, I love products like this and Bloomburrow is the perfect set for it

  • spoilers Spoilers [BLC] Jacked Rabbit
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    This seems really good, either early or late game. Kind of like Shark Typhoon in a weird way.

  • digital Digital MTG Arena Announcements – July 15, 2024
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    I think it homogenizes everything it touches, to be honest. The cards are purposefully designed to be more powerful every release, and every time they do one it squeezes out more and more older cards. Even Vintage seems to not be immune from these sets.

  • digital Digital MTG Arena Announcements – July 15, 2024
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    Oh good correction there, that I can't speak for 😅

  • mtg MTG Blogatog: While we continue to do Universes Beyond, the Magic in-universe sets also serve an important function. Having sets that don’t have to interface with outside partners has a lot of advantages.
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    IMO I think we ultimately see 3 UB sets per year, 3 "in universe" i.e. Magic sets per year, and 2 Horizons/Remastered type sets per year. You can't really pump a set shorter than 6 weeks, and it seems like 8 or 9 sets is the upper bound on what they can release each year.

  • digital Digital MTG Arena Announcements – July 15, 2024
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    It was unwatchable, almost every game was Boros Energy vs Boros Energy, or you could get lucky and see Boros Energy vs. Jeskai Energy, oops I mean Jeskai Control. 32 copies of Galvanic Discharge in the top 8 decks!

    I understand that Amazon is a way a lot of players buy cards, but… I don’t think it comes with the buy-a-box promo? It also feels kinda bad that they’re essentially drawing customers away from shopping at their LGS.

    I completely agree. Honestly, this seems like the direction they're going and it just totally screws over the LGS market. It's clear as day they want to scrape every available penny from every product they sell, but this is all at the expense of the game stores that have been a huge part of Magic's history and success.

  • digital Digital MTG Arena Announcements – July 15, 2024
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    Magic: The Gathering® – Assassin’s Creed® Bundles

    Just want to say, I strongly recommend NOT buying the Assassin's Creed bundle. It doesn't even come with an oversized d20, they included a normal size solid black dice w/ red numbers. It looks like a pre-release dice.

    The 7-card packs each contain a land in one of the cards, so you're getting 6 cards really. And they're charging $65 for these instead of the normal $40!

    If there are AC cards you want I would strongly suggest buying them as singles, you cannot even build 2 sealed decks with the cards you get from this bundle which is what I normally try to do with the cards whenever I get one.

  • mtg
    MTG mike 2 months ago 100%
    Blogatog: While we continue to do Universes Beyond, the Magic in-universe sets also serve an important function. Having sets that don’t have to interface with outside partners has a lot of advantages.

    > I have a sales question. LOTR, I believe, is the best selling set of all time, right? And if I recall, the best selling commander set of all time is Fallout, behind that being Warhammer. Goes to imply the Marvel sets will likely be the next highest selling sets of all time, if not just behind LOTR. My question is, doesn't this show WOTC should mostly just pivot to UB as the new 'standard' with old planes as the less visited product? > > While will continue to do Universes Beyond as there is an obvious audience, but the Magic in-universe sets (which we call “MIP sets”) also serve an important function. There are a lot of fans who love Magic’s IP, and having sets that we have don’t have to interface with outside partners has a lot of advantages.

    mtg MTG Faerie Noble by Susan Van Camp
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    I forgot how much I love Susan Van Camp's artwork. This really brings you back to the older game.

  • art
    Art of MTG mike 2 months ago 100%
    Faerie Noble by Susan Van Camp

    cross-posted from: > ![]( > > I wish they still made green faeries, or even just one Sultai faerie commander. Maybe I should make a custom one. > > Also Susan Van Camp's Magic art is so great, eye patches and side profiles for days.

    spoilers Spoilers [BLB] Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    Sometimes I look at these cards and I just cannot believe how many words are printed lol. This is such a wall of text, no wonder they had to shorten "enters the battlefield" to just "enters". This seems really strong to me.

  • mtg MTG New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    I honestly think they're going to try selling these for $3, which is absolutely bonkers nuts but I think their plan was to raise the "normal" booster price and then sell this garbage for around the original booster price.

  • mtg MTG Historic Metagame Breakdown for Arena Championship 6
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    I think Guide of Souls is the real issue here. Ocelot Pride and Phlage are certainly pushing it over the top, but Guide of Souls is just an insane card for 1 mana and I don't see how it doesn't get nerfed in Historic at some point.

  • mtg MTG What's Going on With Universes Beyond: Assassin's Creed?
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    What I see is them asking $270 (!!!) for 120 cards. 12 boosters of 10 cards each, for $270 is just insanity to me. Right out of the gate you're spending $2.25 per CARD. The first and last collector booster box I ever opened was for Neon Dynasty and even those 12 packs felt bad given the cost. I remember trying to stretch it out over two days. This feels even worse for the same exact price and I just cannot understand who is paying it.

  • spoilers Spoilers [BLB] Fell
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    I just pin some posts with more active discussion on them, usually just for a day or two

  • spoilers Spoilers [BLB] Full-art basic lands
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    The Plains made me instantly think of Gaea's Cradle

  • mtg MTG New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    Saw this on the reddit thread and did a real lol:

    It's a value booster for their shareholders

  • mtg MTG New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    Yeah that's a very good point. If WoTC starts getting their lunch eaten by a rival game (cough Sorcery Contested Realm cough) or if anything else happens that starts tanking demand then I could definitely see them selling it off for the short term gain while they "regroup on traditional games in their product lineup".

  • spoilers Spoilers [BLB] Maha, Its Feathers Night
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    We've come a long way since the beloved Spirit of the Night, this is 4 mana less and has some decent removal built into it. I think Maha is a lot better sadly.

  • mtg MTG New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    It'll never happen, but the only way to make Magic better for the players is if Hasbro sold off WoTC. I can't even come up with a scenario that would cause them to sell, it seems to be the only thing keeping them alive.

  • mtg MTG New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    That could actually be fun. Especially with the lower powered packs. The person who opens a rare would be like the one-eyed among the blind 😆

  • mtg MTG New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    What's kinda funny is that the 7 card packs don't even make it around the table once in a draft lol

  • mtg
    MTG mike 2 months ago 100%
    New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil

    > At select retailers, you may see a new kind of booster available. While Collector Boosters are perfect for fans who want all the coolest cards, and Play Boosters are built to bolster collections by being opened to play Magic, Value Boosters are a smaller, lighter booster that contain a handful of new cards any fan can enjoy—a budget-friendly way to experience Bloomburrow. Each Value Booster contains 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 wildcard of any rarity, and 1 card that may be a land, a traditional foil, or a Special Guests card.

    mtg MTG Mark Rosewater: "We did market research to see if there was an audience for Universe Beyond-less formats. Only 7% of respondents were interested. Too small a group for a format we'd officially create.
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    This comes from the same market research that showed "the vast majority of tabletop Magic players (over 75%) don’t know what a planewalker is, ... don’t know what a format is". Take that for what it's worth. I personally cannot believe it, but if that's what we're dealing with it almost doesn't matter what question they ask, they'll get whatever answer they're looking for.

  • mtg
    MTG mike 2 months ago 95%
    Mark Rosewater: "We did market research to see if there was an audience for Universe Beyond-less formats. Only 7% of respondents were interested. Too small a group for a format we'd officially create.

    > Is there any possibility that wotc could make universes beyond-free format variants to formats that currently allow them, such as commander and such? My friends and I do not wish to take part in games that ruin our immersion in such a way, when it was the mild role play and "you are a planeswalker" theming that got us into the game, and it's becoming increasingly harder to avoid universes beyond cards. As it stands there isn't a way we can really avoid them at our local gaming stores, and we're getting frustrated only being able to play amongst ourselves in a game that we used to be able to play with others. Can you please give us some hope? > > > We did some market research to see if there was an audience for Universe Beyond-less formats. Only 7% of respondents were interested. That’s too small a group for a format we’d officially create, but many formats (Commander being the most famous) have begun as things created by the players. Something having a groundswell of support will eventually get noticed.**___**

    mtg MTG Is It Worth It To Buy Assassin's Creed Beyond Boosters?
  • mike mike 2 months ago 100%

    I checked these set out because it seemed somewhat interesting, and my take away was definitely not right now.

    Maybe when the box prices crash to $50 it could be worth it, but I would spend maybe $2 per booster on this and they're retailing for $5 right now. That's a yikes.

  • mtg MTG Nadu, Nadu, Nadu, Nadu, Nadu | MTGGoldfish Podcast #491
  • mike mike 3 months ago 100%

    I think The One Ring has been slipping under the radar with all the focus on Nadu. Nadu is definitely a problem but The One Ring is being run in nearly every other deck and I just cannot see how this is a good thing for any format. If aggro, midrange, combo, and control are all running the same card I think that's a clear sign the card is not only too strong, but too easy to run as well.

    There just aren't any downsides, not even color pips, to prevent auto-including it and the upside is to high that it's often the right decision to just run 4 of them. I saw a number of games in PT MH3 where the game was almost over but the player behind casts TOR and then ends up winning from the card advantage it generated.

  • modern
    Modern mike 3 months ago 60%
    Nadu, Nadu, Nadu, Nadu, Nadu | MTGGoldfish Podcast #491

    cross-posted from: > Good discussion from Seth and Richard about the state of Modern in general. Talk about Nadu and The One Ring, affordability, and the future of the format. > > > Today's show is brought to you by Card Conduit - the easiest way to sell your Magic cards. Are you tired of all the hassles involved with buylisting you cards? Well, Card Conduit lets you skip all the typing, time and work! With their Curated Service you can send in as many cards as you want (with buylist value of $1 or more) and you'll pay just a 5% service fee, and if you want to put in a bit of effort you can use their Sorted Service where you list and sort your cards in advance and pay a fee of only 2%! No matter which option you choose you'll get a detailed report with the result and fast payment once your order is processed. Oh yeah, and you can get another 10% off by heading over to!

    MTG mike 3 months ago 85%
    Nadu, Nadu, Nadu, Nadu, Nadu | MTGGoldfish Podcast #491

    Good discussion from Seth and Richard about the state of Modern in general. Talk about Nadu and The One Ring, affordability, and the future of the format. > Today's show is brought to you by Card Conduit - the easiest way to sell your Magic cards. Are you tired of all the hassles involved with buylisting you cards? Well, Card Conduit lets you skip all the typing, time and work! With their Curated Service you can send in as many cards as you want (with buylist value of $1 or more) and you'll pay just a 5% service fee, and if you want to put in a bit of effort you can use their Sorted Service where you list and sort your cards in advance and pay a fee of only 2%! No matter which option you choose you'll get a detailed report with the result and fast payment once your order is processed. Oh yeah, and you can get another 10% off by heading over to!

    Modern mike 3 months ago 100%
    Why WotC Should Ban Nadu [Opinion]

    cross-posted from: > Kazi Baker's really great write-up on why they think Nadu should be banned in Modern after the PT MH3 showing last weekend. > > > Nadu, Winged Wisdom just posted one of the best showings at a Pro Tour of any new card(s) ever. The deck is comparable to decks (and seasoned) headlined by both Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis and Eye of Ugin Eldrazi in terms of conversion rate to Day 2, and slightly behind Eldrazi and significantly ahead of Hogaak (although for context, Hogaak had not received its power up from a ban yet) in terms of top 8 finishes at its first Pro Tour. > > > > But how did this happen, and how did it happen so quickly?

    MTG mike 3 months ago 93%
    Why WotC Should Ban Nadu [Opinion]

    Kazi Baker's really great write-up on why they think Nadu should be banned in Modern after the PT MH3 showing last weekend. > Nadu, Winged Wisdom just posted one of the best showings at a Pro Tour of any new card(s) ever. The deck is comparable to decks (and seasoned) headlined by both Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis and Eye of Ugin Eldrazi in terms of conversion rate to Day 2, and slightly behind Eldrazi and significantly ahead of Hogaak (although for context, Hogaak had not received its power up from a ban yet) in terms of top 8 finishes at its first Pro Tour. > > But how did this happen, and how did it happen so quickly?

    mtg MTG Matchup winrates from Pro Tour
  • mike mike 3 months ago 100%

    60% for Bant Nadu with that many games is insane imo. This is after a short time since MH3 came out too, not sure what that's going to be once it gets played more and more.

  • modern
    Modern mike 3 months ago 75%
    Pro Tour MH3 Archetype Win % Matrix

    cross-posted from: > Thought this was a really wonderful project put together by Julien Rodriguez. > > > Prepared by Julien Rodriguez. Byes were ignored. Draws were interpreted as non-wins, which is the reason some decks are shown as having <100% win rate in the mirror-match.

    MTG mike 3 months ago 100%
    Pro Tour MH3 Archetype Win % Matrix

    Thought this was a really wonderful project put together by Julien Rodriguez. > Prepared by Julien Rodriguez. Byes were ignored. Draws were interpreted as non-wins, which is the reason some decks are shown as having <100% win rate in the mirror-match.

    mtg MTG Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Day 1 -- On Now!
  • mike mike 3 months ago 100%

    There's no doubt in my mind Nadu eats a Hogaak style ban too. Way overpowered and way too much representation.

    I also honestly still think The One Ring needs to go too. That card is bonkers level nuts and I think it's being slightly overshadowed by the even more nuts Nadu.

  • mtg MTG Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Day 1 -- On Now!
  • mike mike 3 months ago 100%

    I just want to say I think we're lucky to have Corey Baumeister and his commentary! I could listen to this guy 24 hours a day.

  • mtg
    MTG mike 3 months ago 100%
    Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3 Day 1 -- On Now!

    Direct link here: Day 1: Draft and Modern

    mtg MTG How many Chrysalis is too many?
  • mike mike 3 months ago 100%

    Looking at the full decklist, damn I think you would have 3-0'd this even without any!

  • mtg MTG How many Chrysalis is too many?
  • mike mike 3 months ago 100%

    This is hilarious, I think I'd play 10 if I saw them all 😛

  • mtg MTG Reacting to the BnR Announcement: Legacy NEEDS A Community Panel
  • mike mike 3 months ago 100%

    I totally agree. In this video one of the guys basically says whenever he sees a turn 1 Grief->Reanimate->Grief or an Initiative creature he just scoops and decides its not worth playing that game. I get that this on the extreme side, but when you have players activity deciding to just scoop instead of playing out a game, because of how mentally exasperating it is, I wonder what the f- are we even doing! This is a GAME. This screams to me local/community ban list. I were running a store and trying to get people to come out, I would just manage my own banlist, but a community created one would go the furthest I think.

  • spoilers
    Spoilers mike 3 months ago 100%
    Official Bloomburrow art found at an LGS

    cross-posted from: > This is probably the most excited I've been for a set since I can remember. I really love the whole theme and concept.

    MTG mike 3 months ago 94%
    Official Bloomburrow art found at an LGS

    This is probably the most excited I've been for a set since I can remember. I really love the whole theme and concept.

    Legacy mike 3 months ago 83%
    Reacting to the BnR Announcement: Legacy NEEDS A Community Panel

    cross-posted from: > Zac and Phil discuss their disappointment with the lack of changes in the recent ban announcement for the Legacy format. They express frustration with the card Grief, its impact on the format, and the lack of communication and transparency from Wizards of the Coast. They suggest the need for a community committee to provide input and feedback on the format, and emphasize the importance of transparency and timely action from WotC.

    MTG mike 3 months ago 100%
    Reacting to the BnR Announcement: Legacy NEEDS A Community Panel

    Zac and Phil discuss their disappointment with the lack of changes in the recent ban announcement for the Legacy format. They express frustration with the card Grief, its impact on the format, and the lack of communication and transparency from Wizards of the Coast. They suggest the need for a community committee to provide input and feedback on the format, and emphasize the importance of transparency and timely action from WotC.

    Digital mike 3 months ago 66%
    Spark Bundle in the store now: $25 for 4 Rare + 4 Mythic Wildcards, 1500 gems, a sleeve, and a pet!

    Pretty good deal if you have ever considered buying the wildcard bundles. I think it all retails for $40 normally so it's roughly 40% off.

    Digital mike 4 months ago 100%
    Modern Horizons 3 Reward Structure

    cross-posted from: > More info at

    MTG mike 4 months ago 100%
    Modern Horizons 3 Reward Structure

    More info at

    MTG mike 4 months ago 100%
    Did you know? 10 more nifty facts about Magic: The Gathering cards (video)

    > How well do you know your Magic: The Gathering cards? Magic Untapped presents yet another 10 bits of cool facts and trivia about some of the Magic: The Gathering cards you just might have in your collection right now. via Magic Untapped on YouTube

    MTG mike 5 months ago 88%
    MTG Arena Announcements – April 29, 2024

    cross-posted from: > In this edition: > > - Pro Tour Thunder Junction Winner and Top Performing Decks > - The Big Score Alchemy Preconstructed Festival April 30–May 7 > - WPN Outlaws of Thunder Junction Promo > - May Best-of-One Qualifier Play-In This Weekend > - Arena Open: Outlaws of Thunder Junction May 4–5 > - Alchemy: Thunder Junction Gallops into Town May 7 > - Event Schedule

    Digital mike 5 months ago 75%
    MTG Arena Announcements – April 29, 2024

    In this edition: * Pro Tour Thunder Junction Winner and Top Performing Decks * The Big Score Alchemy Preconstructed Festival April 30–May 7 * WPN Outlaws of Thunder Junction Promo * May Best-of-One Qualifier Play-In This Weekend * Arena Open: Outlaws of Thunder Junction May 4–5 * Alchemy: Thunder Junction Gallops into Town May 7 * Event Schedule

    Digital mike 6 months ago 87%
    April Fools' Day Golden Sealed -- 12 Golden Booster phantom sealed event!

    This seems like a really cool idea, curious what anyone's decks are like.

    Spoilers mike 6 months ago 100%
    [OTP] Reanimate

    via The Maple Board Game Café.

    Digital mike 6 months ago 88%
    Pet rock in the store for April Fools Day 🪨

    Dwayne the 🪨

    MTG mike 6 months ago 100%
    Maro’s Teaser for Outlaws of Thunder Junction

    Before previews for Outlaws of Thunder Junction officially begin, I thought it would be fun to do another of my Duelist-style teasers where I give tiny hints of things to come. Note that I’m only giving you partial information. First up, here are some things you can expect: - A new batch of five related creature types - A card capable of returning three different card types from the graveyard to the battlefield - A mechanic players have been asking us to do for many years gets made as the setting was the perfect place to finally do it - Dual lands with a land subtype that has never been on dual lands before - A new modal mechanic that introduces something different to think about - A card that can swap/exchange control of up to three different card types - A new creature token that has an ability no creature token has ever had before - A typal card for Skeletons and Zombies - Creature tokens in the set: (some might have abilities) 1/1 white Sheep, 1/1 blue Bird, 1/1 black Vampire Rogue, 1/1 red Mercenary, 2/1 green Varmint, 2/2 white Ox, 2/2 white Spirit, 2/2 blue and black Zombie, 3/1 red Dinosaur, 3/3 white Angel, 3/3 green Elk, 4/4 red Scorpion Dragon, X/X green Elemental, */* Blue Ox - Some of the planes with legendary Villains in this set: Dominaria, Eldraine, Fiora, Innistrad, Ixalan, Kaladesh, Kaldheim, Kamigawa, New Capenna, and Ravnica Next, here are some rules text that will be showing up on cards: - “Then repeat this process X more times.” - “if it wasn’t cast or no mana was spent to cast it.” - “Plotting cards from your hand costs {2} less.” - “You can’t cast this spell during your first, second, or third turns of the game.” - “That card gains flashback {0}” - “Target creature becomes a white Rabbit with a base power and toughness 0/1.” - “When you win that flip, copy that spell.” - “If a triggered ability of a legendary creature you control triggers, that ability triggers an additional time.” - “you get that many additional upkeep steps after this phase.” - “Oxen you control have double strike.” Here are some creature type lines from the set: - Creature – Armadillo - Creature – Shark Rogue - Creature – Plant Bard - Creature – Coyote - Creature – Homarid Mercenary - Creature – Rhino Brawler - Creature – Ox Angel - Creature – Porcupine Mount - Legendary Creature – Kor Advisor - Legendary Creature – Giant Scout Finally, here are some names in the set: - Claim Jumper - Form a Posse - Gold Rush - Great Train Heist - High Noon - Quick Draw - Reach for the Sky - Resilient Roadrunner - Shoot the Sheriff - This Town Ain’t Big Enough Tune-in to our official YouTube and Twitch channels on 3/26 to see Oko and the gang in action with new card reveals. In preparation, catch-up on Outlaws of Thunder Junction’s story ( to bring yourself into the world.

    Digital mike 6 months ago 100%
    New Arena Riddle Clue Code

    Gives out 500xp and a full art card style for Coerced to Kill. Click here for the code / solution: ::: spoiler spoiler `golgari` :::

    Digital mike 7 months ago 77%
    Borderless Shocklands Bundle in the Store

    About $10 for all 10

    MTG mike 7 months ago 85%
    The Ultimate Guide to Murders at Karlov Manor Draft - Draftsim

    > Greetings planeswalkers! Murders at Karlov Manor (MKM) has been out for about a week now. The case was solved ([[Deduce]]), and the culprit has been arraigned ([[Dramatic Accusation]]) and taken into custody ([[Makeshift Binding]]). One of the victims is even willing to testify too ([[Call a Surprise Witness]]). > > And while that’s all well and good, where does this leave us drafters? You can’t just say “Trostani did it!” when your opponent’s attacking for lethal after all. But with this guide, you’ll have a fighting chance at winning any MKM Drafts you play.
