Shrooms mightnotapply 1 year ago 96%
I like to make notes on my grows and accompany them w/ crappy sketches

Nothing super scientific, but I find it useful to keep notes on my grows. I also like to make sub-par sketches and spore prints! Do you guys keep grow journals or records?

shrooms Shrooms Stormtrooper mycelium is aggressive! 24hrs after S2B.
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Nice, that seems like a good sweet spot with the ratio. I do somewhere between 1:1 and 1:2 myself, (usually closer to 1:1) but sometimes I wonder if that's a bit much. I've found compacting/compressing everything will stop side pins through the 1st flush, but my cakes always shrink up after 1F and I inevitably get the side pins then haha.

    Also I hadn't realized you're the same dude with the sprouts in your tub!! Is this the one they popped up in?

  • shrooms Shrooms One out of three shoeboxes has shoots? Any ideas what this is?
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Right on! And likewise. It's great to see more activity in these communities :)

  • shrooms Shrooms Stormtrooper mycelium is aggressive! 24hrs after S2B.
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Wow very nice!! I hope they pop up a nice canopy for you 8) Are you doing about 1:1 substrate:spawn ratio?

  • shrooms Shrooms One out of three shoeboxes has shoots? Any ideas what this is?
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Ah I'm bummed I didn't save a picture to show you, but I've had the exact same thing happen to me. I was thinking that there was a seed in my coco coir, but looking back I'm not sure if that's very probable. Wherever it came from, it ended up dying off well before fruiting and the tub went on to live a long happy life with many flushes :) Keep us posted for sure!

  • shrooms Shrooms I just put ‘em in there for the picture
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    The duck:

  • worldnews World News U.S. ambassador to Japan will publicly eat Fukushima fish in a show of support amid radioactive water release outrage
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 95%

  • shrooms
    Shrooms mightnotapply 1 year ago 97%
    I just put ‘em in there for the picture

    But looking at the duck’s pupils, I think he’s beat me to the fruits

    shrooms Shrooms PSA: Higher contam/wet rot rate with Kroger brand 90-second brown rice.
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Yep just .5! :) I’ve found it takes very little, just make sure your syringes are shaken up very well so you get enough of the good stuff in there.

    It sounds like you have a busy day tomorrow, keep us updated!

  • shrooms Shrooms PSA: Higher contam/wet rot rate with Kroger brand 90-second brown rice.
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for the report! I’ve always heard store brand had less water content, and I always favored signature select from Albertsons even to UB. But with like .5cc either mss or lc. Bummer about the Kroger!

  • shrooms Shrooms The duality of mycelium
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    That’s so cool, thanks for commenting! While I knew the variety didn’t necessarily predict the outcome of the mycelium, I didn’t know why.

  • shrooms
    Shrooms mightnotapply 1 year ago 98%
    The duality of mycelium

    Both are cubensis, different varieties. (Taman Negara on left, B+ on right)

    lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Removal of piracy communities
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 87%

    Dude I felt totally bamboozled when c/shrooms went missing.. if you haven't yet, check out the new community here 8)

  • frasier Frasier Frasier, Norm, and Woody
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Hell yeah, Sitcom Legends for the win! Pluto TV is pretty good for a free service.

  • shrooms Shrooms 6 days of growth
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Look up huitlacoche :) Some consider it a delicacy

  • shrooms Shrooms 6 days of growth
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Now you have me wondering if one could cultivate Huitlacoche..

  • shrooms Shrooms Decrimca is running a campaign to legalize shrooms in California.
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for posting this! I don’t have a ton of free time, but I’ve been collecting signatures when I can. Hopefully it can get to the ballot

  • shrooms Shrooms Pygmy Blobbybois
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    I think that you think that a certain something is not all that it could be, when in fact it is all that it should be, and more!

  • shrooms Shrooms Pygmy Blobbybois
  • mightnotapply mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%

    It’s been getting plenty of FAE and is nice & humid. It’s possible it’s competing with something else, but I think it’s just genetics. Its parent tub was kinda like this as well. The surface myc is suuuper thick and prone to overlay, and I think that’s why it hasn’t been pinning in the middle. I may try another casing layer, or I may just let it go and keep harvesting the micro-blobs!

  • shrooms
    Shrooms mightnotapply 1 year ago 100%
    Pygmy Blobbybois

    I don’t know what’s up with these guys! They came from a squatted Purple Mystic I cloned to agar. They only grow around the edges of the tub, very slowly. When they get much bigger than this, they fuzz over big time and start to get soft. They’re barely bigger than your average aborts. Weird little guys! Not sure if I’ll be pursuing these genetics further haha
