mentalhealth Mental Health Community Vent Post #3
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Yeah, since this post I have gotten back on track, probably my ADHD tbh, those types of things are inconsistent with it.

  • genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    No im just old lmao

  • genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    The thing is that they are made for toddlers. I would say the second most popular types of videos is commentary. Which most times are talking about how horrible this stuff is for kids. Still horrible to think about though.

    The most popular types of video are poisoning kids, and the second most popular type talk often about how they poison kids.

  • genzedong GenZedong *Permanently Deleted*
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    In 20 years that parent will be next to their kid who will say "Mom so poggers and fucking hype to see you finally, ROFLcopter." to which she will realize where she went wrong.

  • mentalhealth Mental Health Community Vent Post #3
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Tomorrow I start a new job, but I keep defaulting to making my sleep schedule shit. Even if I'm tired at like 11PM and ready to go to bed I decide to watch YouTube videos until 6AM, or binge eat and watch cable. I dont have huge eating problems at all, I never gain too much weight, but that's because I have this thing where I burn more calories than most people. Still takes a toll on me. End up wasting food that I should have eaten over more time. In the end, I feel like I no matter what happens I end covered in sweat waking up at 5PM.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Have you guys visited any countries?
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    yeah most likely

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Have you guys visited any countries?
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    It makes me sad to think about actually because I have always loved geography and social studies in general. Never been beyond burgerland :(I have a potential trip to russia planned though.

  • genzedong GenZedong Why does reddit worship and posts pics of cats so much?
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    cat cute

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    "I'm hungry" "I gotta use the bathroom"

    "Communism will win" "Death to Amerikkka"

    Distinctive Rituals ✅

    (all people who are human are communists)

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    the title of the article says "COVID-19 references." Sounds like some dumb shit to me. I mean so did every other country probably. I had a "stay home" picture near my house for a while when the game first came out.

  • educationhub Education Hub Can someone provide info on Ukraine's far-right problem
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 92%

    Honestly I would go with basic western news sources that reported on it before the CIA asked them to stop reporting the fascism upon the war starting. The VICE video about it is alright-ish, and also probably something they'll not be sceptical of. (if they're a lib)

  • mentalhealth Mental Health My mind is torturing me
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Feel free to post anything that helps, it is c/mentalhealth anyway lol. If my struggles help you relate something that you want to voice, I'm all for it.

    (Also sorry for not generally responding to your comment, because honestly I don't think I can say much. Not you, just my inability to formulate thoughts into cohesive sentences sometimes.)

  • genzhou GenZhou From friday's anti-zionist/communist AMA on Reddit, what do you think about this reasoning regarding their advocacy of a two-state solution (as opposed to an immediate one-state solution)?
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Completely agreed. PFFLP exists, its not like we need a settler communist party to speak for them. I think a platform where settlers who want to support the indigenous people of palestine could be a thing, but that's not a party specifically for settlers with the name of their settler state in the title.

  • mentalhealth
    Mental Health leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    My mind is torturing me

    I dont want to become like the #1 poster of long-winded rants about my life here, but I find it therapeutic. I am also wondering if this just my brain being checked out, a medical thing, or something everyone has. I have this thing where my brain decides to think things that I would never do. Its also hard to talk about because then everyone would think I secretly want to do all the things described. Cookie cutter extreme example: it imagines me killing everyone around me or something. I would never want to kill anyone around me, at least usually lol. Most times it's my family which I care for deeply. Ill just be near something, or someone, and my brain imagines me doing the absolute worse thing someone could do in that situation. It fucks with me. Because I feel like there's a serial killer describing some really fucked shit in my head as I'm trying to exist. That odd force would never have any power, and it shares no desires with me, it just sits there and acts like I want to engage in horrible acts. Also, I dont see it as an actual entity in my brain, like another person, it's more like self-doubt but saying things that make me want to never talk to anyone again. Again, does this happen to any of you? Do any of you know what this is? thanks. (Also worth noting, much worse shit it imagines as compared to just killing people. Shit that makes not want to see anyone ever again.) (Edit: I suppose this is relatively normal. I guess no one told me people have thoughts they may not agree with, maybe more of a comment on Amerikkkan education and parenting.)

    GenZedong leninenjoyer 2 years ago 91%
    The political "spectrum"

    Mofos really dont want to hear that gender, sexuality, romance, attraction etc. are a spectrum but insist that politics are.

    genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread Juche 112 Week 03
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    surprisingly not really quiet, my fault for going on a weekend.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread Juche 112 Week 03
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    just got back from vacation, resetting my sleep schedule, currently 2AM, passed out at like 4PM. (picture from said vacation)

  • shitultrassay Shit Ultras Say Everything I don't like is revisionism!
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    This line is fucking bullshit. Calling the DPRK fascist is calling yourself irrelevant, DPRKorea is the one state that has undergone almost no market reforms, ridiculous.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Favorite non-political podcasts?
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Mostly TTRPG stuff, the eldritch hour is my favorite, I dabble in critical role sometimes. I just generally listen to stuff I like, so I also like "feels like weezer."

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    I also change it to proxy since

    A YouTube link was detected in your comment. Here are links to the same video on Invidious, which is a YouTube frontend that protects your privacy:

    or uh.., actually for it to work you have to sort the comments a certain way so uhhhh, just open it on base youtube

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    ill update the other post for more visibility

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    video or post?

  • palestine Palestine I did not expect this
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    I didn't get this at first because its pretty accurate, just not how they want it to be

  • palestine Palestine I did not expect this
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Israel also repressed Yiddish in favor of modern Hebrew

    (A largely spoken Jewish language in favor of essentially a conlang)

  • moretankie196
    An actual Capybara ARG rule

    I added an amogus to my post because I was bored and I got laughs out of it due to my extremely strange humor. I joke about it being an ARG. Upon my deep dark secret being revealed I simply replied "shhhhh." However, today I am making an actual Capybara ARG, so uhhhh, enjoy this picture with no weird stuff inside ;) (also not time locked just so you know.)

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%


  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    this is part of my new capybara ARG that no one will complete because no one really cares

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Ill add for a couple minutes just for you

    (officially over now, also the stupidest joke i've ever made)

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say So the girls can't put fingers in water with crabs? I'm so fucking tired of these sexist memes!
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    My favorite hobby was frolicaling fancy free among the crabs, after transitioning I actually get hurt when I stick my finger in the ocean within 50 miles of a crab

  • genzedong GenZedong These asshats are trying to put a freaking bust of Zelenskyy up in congress. lol
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Thus the descent to fascism becomes more obvious

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Ayo, border Bosnia and Ireland with us and finish the wall with Russia completely, then the civilized parts of Europe are protected from the rest
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%


  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    There was a secret hidden in this post for like 15 hours, did you miss it?

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Ayo, border Bosnia and Ireland with us and finish the wall with Russia completely, then the civilized parts of Europe are protected from the rest
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Openly racist at this point, at least they tried to act like it was political and not blatant anti-russian racism at first.

  • genzedong GenZedong Least problematic adult cartoon producer
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    tfw a bunch of neurotypical people invoke autism as a defense for some guy's shitty actions. Ah yes, being on the spectrum is when abuse of your spouse.

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    aaaaaaaaawgh omg look em go

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Kids should stop watching inappropriate videos on the internet, back in my day we had to play inappropriate games on the PlayStation!

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say *How Romania got couped after it's leader tried to stand up to perestroika and later destroyed like every other country in Eastern Europe
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    He's Serbian I believe. And yeah he uhhh.... uhhhh

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say *How Romania got couped after it's leader tried to stand up to perestroika and later destroyed like every other country in Eastern Europe
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    That assclown also happens to own a hentai collection bigger than his ego. Used to watch some of his stuff way back when (mostly because traveling around Europe seems fun) but now his videos boil down to "Haha funny balkans, omg different ethnicity!" I mean, they always were that way, but more so now.

  • lemmygrad_court People's Court Proceeding with the Shit X Say merger: the status of Shit Liberals Say
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    Just finishing archiving all the posts, finished SAS and moving onto SPS, deleted SAS right now actually! (So thats out of you way now.)

    Edit: finished archiving SPS, now deleted!

  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    nice post, but this was probably made by "laborwavedesigns" a notorious frat boy patsoc

  • nut Nonsense 🇺🇦 Takes (LOCKED) Pfp doesn't match with... whatever the hell the rest of this is
  • leninenjoyer leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%

    yeah lol, he's a russian body builder

  • moretankie196
    Rest In Peace To A Real One

    Not rule, just posting in the unofficial capybara fanclub of lemmygrad

    Communism leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    What songs are you listening to? What Albums? What artists? What was good, what was bad? - (Makan Style) Music General Discussion Thread #1

    My apologies if Makan already does these, but to my knowledge they don't. So here's mine! I am a big musichead, beyond just communist music I like many artists, songs, albums etc. (Though if you like communist music of various types check out: [c/tankietunes]( Discussion Questions: 1. What songs have you been listening to? 2. What Albums have you been playing? 3. What Artists have you listened to? 4. What was your favorite, what was bad? (My answers) 1. Getting Up and Leaving, Long Time Sunshine, El Scorcho, The Good life, Tired Of Sex, Getchoo, No Other One, Do You Wanna Get high, Thank God For Girls, King Of The World, Girl We Got A Good Thing, Basically the whole blue album lol, Harder Better Stronger Faster, One More Times, Crescendolls, Gas Drawls, Doomsday, The Finest, Rhymes Like Dimes, One Beer, Rap Snitch Knishes, Deep Fried Frenz, Kon Karne, Kon Queso, Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori, Fancy Clown, Meat Grinder, All Caps, Hymn For A Scarecrow, Ruler of Everything, Cannibal, Welcome To Tally Hall, Endless Bummer, Good day, Norway, Red and Gold, Id Like To Stay Home, Jacked Up, Part Of The Problem, Dont Let Me Go To The Dogs, and a few other. 2. Pinkerton (deluxe), White, Blue, Discovery, Random Access Memories, Operation Doomsday, MM..FOOD, Madvillainy, Good and Evil, Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum, and Glad Music. 3. Personally been listening to Weezer, DOOM, Daft Punk, Tally Hall, and R. Stevie. Moore the most this month. 4. I liked all the music, but my least favorite is R. Stevie Moore because he later became a racist little shit.


    All I have left to post here

    Comradeship // Freechat leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    Slowly radicalizing those around me >:)

    I couldnt help but crack a smile today when my boyfriend got on the topic of the USSR on call with some pals and he goes "Thats hypocritical because the Soviet Union wasnt founded on genocide like the USA." He's not a communist, political person, and one time accidentally called Antarctica Australia. Yet still he has started going on diatribes like me to anyone who compares the USSR and the Nazis. Glorious day, however still working on his understanding of the proletariat, the bourgeoisie, and class struggle, still!

    Quora 💀💀

    thanks for the spam email informing me on this, I didnt need this in my life


    I posted, nothing more is needed, no image, no video.

    Atlus leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    Just got Persona 3

    Thats it lol, im happy

    Rule, Found this buried in my files

    Think its from some Christian thing I dont fucking know Edit: Ok so with my epic detective skills (Google Lens) I found this is from something related to "Accelerated Christian Education" or "ACE." Which is also known for making the most fucking cursed shit i've ever seen: ![]( Straight from fucking hell itself lol. Edit two: ACE apparently pushed political agenda (not good agenda btw) and told multiple other lies and committed abuse. So anyway that makes it more odd I have this from like 4 years ago.

    TankieTunes leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    Trying to get evidence that Tsoi wasn't anti-communist

    I'm fairly confident in my theory here, his music was demented by capitalists. The prime example of such ignorance is the horrible 7 minute "documentary" "Who is Viktor Tsoi?" on Youtube. The whole thing is fueled by the idea that every artist in the Soviet Union was some raging anticomunist and thats why they were popular. It even claims that koryo-saram people were discriminated against which is ridiculous and literally made up by the guy with no source. Gorby used some of his songs to try to justify his horrible policies. (Literally the whole video is his Wikipedia article with added anticommunist unsourced bullshit added.) Either way, I want to collect some sources to use to counter this bullshit. So please send anything you have. I know finding stuff about Kino and Tsoi is hard sometimes so anything is appreciated. (Also even the wiki says "...the band's message to the public was not overly or overtly political, except for the recurring theme of freedom." The freedom theme is about social freedom too so like shut the fuck up.)

    Quag Rule

    Nuo my beloved <3

    Retro Games leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    Nintendo is fucking over the smash community again

    So since I play at ssbm tournaments I feel this is important to tell some of you comrades. For anyone unaware Nintendo has canceled the Smash World Tour, which encompasses multiple smash bros tournaments, some huge, some smaller. This is in cooperation with Panda, the two are being assclowns basically. What this means is that most of the Majors and Supermajors (large tournaments) coming up will most likely be canceled. Nintendo has even threatened to arrest people because we have no "license." Nintendo hates melee and right now were in danger. Never thought i'd be harassed by police at smash events not just protests. Anywho...

    Comradeship // Freechat leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    Anarchism haunted my dreams tonight

    I woke up an hour ago-ish so remembering while this is fresh on my mind. I had a dream were I was at this drag club thing. (based btw) Probably cause I was watching this show about it like yesterday. Anyway, I went out and there was like allyway where there was this group of anarchists. Im not sure how I knew, anyway I went up to them and they started being stupid as hell. So first they took the receipt thing I was fidgeting with (hahah now I can call anarchists ableist because of my dream.) Then they started ranting about a bunch bullshit. It was very annoying. Yet I couldn't stop it because it was a dream 😭😭 The worst part was that they were saying the stupidest shit. Kropotkin is one thing but these mofos were like "Squid Game is really a great show! Its an inspiration!" and "George orwell is my favorite author!!" Theres dreams, nightmares, and also, now, annoymares. It was so infuriating yet not scary, anyway...

    King Rule

    Ah yes the two genders, King and Dedede

    Comradeship // Freechat leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    There is an imposter Among Us

    *deleted by creator*

    Ruleio Rat

    I am sorry but I have to tag Grain eater

    Comradeship // Freechat leninenjoyer 2 years ago 94%
    Whos into collecting physical media?

    The holidays are coming and no matter if you celebrate em or not it gives me an excuse to talk about albums. I've been really into getting Vinyl and CD albums recently, just got Zvezda Po Imeni Solntze by Kino and The Blue album by Weezer. Anyone else have a collection or wants one? Also feel free to use the comments to discuss DVDs and Blu-ray too.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    I sent the cod Alan Mcleod article to my friend who likes the series this was his response

    thanks to []( for posting it here as well. I also realize this is a well known thing, but I am not a fan of the series, so it was surprising. Anyway....

    Mental Health leninenjoyer 2 years ago 90%
    i'm tired of therapy (TW: Self harm, suicide, Discussion of shootings, general suckage.)

    **This post is fairly disturbing and also true, so if you are bothered by that maybe stray away. ** ::: spoiler spoiler im composing this while in therapy and bullshitting (sharing as little as possible that is) my current therapist. I'm tired of therapy that makes no sense, every time I don't vibe with my therapist I try a new one, and it's the same white cis woman who hasn't had a mental health issue in their life. I'd rather have someone who I feel like I can actually spill my mind on. Not to mention, damn me for being suicidal. Tried telling that to one of them once and all I got was DSS case on my ass and someone asking if I wanted to shoot queer people. Dumb ass i'm a fucking trans person do I look like a fucking mass shooter. Mofos got my weapons too. Didn't even help at all, they kept all my Tylenol in tact at my apartment, I guess they think people just shoot themselves. The mental health "support" I have are all Cis, straight, Liberal, petit bourgeois people who'd rather ask if they can do a tarot reading than actually help with my depression. Not to mention what being neurodivergent has to do with it. Found out I have Autism and ADHD recently and all that've got is people dismissing me. My current therapist doesn't know two shits about autism, I mean they don't know two shits about queer people either so whatever, still though, I went to get a support needs based therapist and I got fuckin dismissed. Apparently I'm "High-Fuctioning" enough to not need fucking help. Whatever. (btw the person who diagnosed my ADHD and Autism says I need support.) Anyway, don't worry for me if you are, I won't be offing myself anytime soon. My birthday is coming up and I have a supportive helpful family. I also have a friend of mine, who funnily enough i've only known for a month and a half which is faaaaaaaaar better at helping than therapy. He's also struggles with the same exact things. I've been able to help and open up about mental, sexual, and general helth more than I could to a therapist in 1,000 years in less than two months ::: .

    Comradeship // Freechat leninenjoyer 2 years ago 36%
    What's the stupidest reason you've been banned from a social media platform?

    Got banned for "discriminatory speech" on Instagram after posting the lyric video for "come out ye black and tans." Clearly they hadn't heard of the British soldiers called that, and thought I was being racist, right? RIGHT? Well apparently after much talk and alerting them about what that song is about they said I was racist against BRITISH PEOPLE! I also used my own slur to refer to myself jokingly, got temp banned, and then I reported nazis who used it to being discriminatory towards me and they didn't get banned. Great when I report someone who literally said "Shut up you stupid tr****" and "you'll never be a woman" and next day "We didn't find any problems with this person."

    Trans leninenjoyer 2 years ago 92%
    Me irl


    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Leftist Rap Tunes leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    Space Baby - Ojalá, Inshallah
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Leftist Rap Tunes leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    Space Baby - All Empires Fall
    Comradeship // Freechat leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    This is my 100th post :)))))

    not much more to say. Victory to the proletariat!

    Trans leninenjoyer 2 years ago 94%
    Vaush Transphobic meltdown stream

    since I think more people need to have this under their arsenal when talking to vaushits who claims he supports trans rights. oh yeah this is a thing as well ![](

    Comradeship // Freechat leninenjoyer 2 years ago 100%
    Anyone else think about things much after they shouldn't

    I still think about a random nice pizza delivery person from like a year ago all the time for some reason.
