NTS Guide to: Shoegaze 2k24

A snapshot of the current shoegaze revival which is taking the gauzy indie rock style into a multitude of distinct directions, influenced by club music, ambient, breaks and more.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 2 weeks ago 100%

    I never get bored of their sound. I can listen to them 24/7.

  • games Games What games popularized certain mechanics?
  • krzschlss krzschlss 4 weeks ago 40%

    Dark/Demon Souls. Elden Ring

    Rolling to evade incoming enemy attack.

    Always thought it being a strange way to do this. Bloodborne and Sekiro dodges seem more realistic.

    Hope Vaati explains.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 3 months ago 100%

    One of the few albums from the 20s that stayed with me.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes Reminder...
  • krzschlss krzschlss 4 months ago 100%

    November is quite cold where I’m at, we like to go hiking or skiing. Or staying in and watching movies. A nice dinner with friends? I hope I gave you at least one good idea what to do in November.

    But you can go out and vote for a sociopath and genocide denier or for a racist rapist and when those clowns start killing and bombing some other people somewhere on the globe, you can just blame the Chinese or Icelanders for making you vote for a lesser evil…

    Life’s good either way…

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes Reminder...
  • krzschlss krzschlss 4 months ago 60%

    Ask the people in Gaza what they think about "Roe got overturned".

    After all said and nothing done, we are paying for those bullets that murder their children by accepting and even promoting a system that gives us braindead mouthpieces for weapon manufacturers to vote for.

  • leftymemes Lefty Memes Reminder...
  • krzschlss krzschlss 4 months ago 41%

    Genocide light? Seriously?!? If the other guy is stupid, you are stupid+

    There is no democracy if you are supporting genocide. There is no election worth voting on if the outcome is same fucking fascist, just with different colored flags. And don’t give me the lie how you’re gonna do something about a ‘genocide light’ if your guy is elected. Fuck off

    This whole country needs to stop sucking Kissinger’s dick and change this bloodthirsty, greedy fascist system.

  • politics politics Joe Biden Condemns International Criminal Court Prosecutor’s Pursuit Of Arrest Warrant Against Israeli Leaders: “What’s Happening Is Not Genocide”
  • krzschlss krzschlss 4 months ago 93%

    Joe Biden is literally supplying an army with ammunition to murder civilians live in front of us, and yet you put no blame on him?


  • krzschlss krzschlss 4 months ago 100%

    I've seen worse one-take movies...

  • world World News Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • krzschlss krzschlss 4 months ago 100%

    Millions of children never grew old because of Kissingers little psychopathic padawans in Washington for decades now. Those children don’t care about this one losing or winning his little beauty contest.

    And millions of children will die in the future no matter whose dick is being sucked in the Oval Office. There are more omnipotent deciders who decide who lives and who dies.

    This greedy, bloodthirsty, manipulative, sociopathic voting won’t change anything no matter who wins.

  • world World News Biden plans to send $1bn arms shipment to Israel
  • krzschlss krzschlss 4 months ago 77%

    Can’t wait for tomorrow’s most upvoted posts on Reddit and Lemmy teaching us how the other clowns from the rival circus are still worse. While condemning the killings of children in Gaza with those weapons sold today.

    It’s impossible there was ever a society this manipulated and stupid.

  • animation Animation What animated film or tv show is this?
  • krzschlss krzschlss 5 months ago 100%

    I might have worded it clumsily.. I don't think anyone should watch ALL movies or not to look up stuff.

    I think it's important to learn to choose your media without outside help and/or manipulation (ads, paid reviews etc.). I do look for reviews when it comes to video games, since I don't know many people IRL who play much.

  • news News Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump
    animation Animation What animated film or tv show is this?
  • krzschlss krzschlss 5 months ago 37%

    No one has the time to watch all movies.

    You are afraid to waste time on a movie you might find bad? How will you know if a movie is good if you never seen a bad movie?

    It’s perfectly OK to watch random movies. Be adventurous, it’s art after all. If you only watch popular movies you’ll never find your niche, something that fulfills your art/entertainment needs.

  • animation Animation What animated film or tv show is this?
  • krzschlss krzschlss 5 months ago 64%

    Why do you need anyone or any site telling you what you like and what not? Just watch the movies. Be your own judge and executioner.

    I have a letterboxed acc, just for tracking purposes. Most reviews on letterboxd are reddit style “funny” “jokes”, so no point in reading those either. Just go by genre, director, etc. and have fun. I do sometimes check the lists on there tho.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 5 months ago 100%

    The band name is nonsensical, it just sounds strange enough to be cool.

    The first two GY!BE albums are timeless IMO.

  • politics politics Democrats who investigated Trump say they expect to face arrest, retaliation if he wins presidency
  • krzschlss krzschlss 5 months ago 55%

    No. They’re not the same.

    One side is a racist idiot who just wants to rape prostitutes and Hollywood starlets and eat McDonalds dinners with basketball players and Kanye. The American Dream!

    The other side supplies a foreign army with ammo to kill women and children in Gaza and fuels a war in Eastern Europe. Kissingers’ dream!

    They are very different.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 5 months ago 100%

    Great album. And their second album is equally good. I rediscovered them few months ago.

    Also worth checking is Giles Corey (Dan Barretts solo thing).

  • world World News Israeli troops shoot and kill a Palestinian shepherd reading the Quran on his land
  • krzschlss krzschlss 5 months ago 81%

    You can't. Those guns and bombs they use, we pay for 'em. If we charge them with war crimes, we are charging ourselves with war crimes. And we don't want that, don't we? Just vote for a lesser evil clown or a billionaire racist idiot and make yourself feel like you've done your part. It's easier to sleep that way. It's democracy© we're protecting after all. What's a few thousand more killed for something this precious.

    ♫♫♫ OH SAY CAN YOU SEE....

  • krzschlss krzschlss 6 months ago 100%

    In 1984 I was hospitalized for approaching perfection...

  • krzschlss krzschlss 6 months ago 100%

    Thanks for the info, didn’t think to include it in the post. I kinda thought Parannoul , their music at least, to be more known with alt/indie crowd.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 6 months ago 100%

    After a whole day listening to the new Adrianne Lenker album, new Julia Holter album and the new Waxahatchee album, I needed something new, sunshiny, happy and upbeat. This song came like a solar storm of fun after the other 3 albums.

    (not that I'm complaining about those 3 albums)

  • krzschlss krzschlss 7 months ago 100%

    They also dream-pop.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 7 months ago 100%

    Idk. am I?

  • alternativenation Alternative Nation: The Fediverse's Alternative and Indie Music Community Songs similar to "Stella was a diver and she was always down" by Interpol
  • krzschlss krzschlss 7 months ago 100%

    The last two or three minutes remind me a bit of some Joy Division songs...


  • games Games The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • krzschlss krzschlss 9 months ago 100%

    Still not finished Signalis.. struggling a bit with free time for gaming. Just wanted to say, I do play games for story and/or atmosphere. Like watching a movie, and I do like my movies to have a story or atmosphere.

    I hated the gameplay (for being very easy) and the story was meh on Death Stranding, but the mood and the feel of that game won me over, so I finished it and even went back to try 100%ing it.

    My job makes me having social interactions for most of my day, so a game that gave me the feeling of isolation and loneliness like Death Stranding 2 or 3 hours before sleeping was kind of pensive at the time. Few weeks after finishing the game, Covid happened, and since then I had few instances of isolation IRL, and it wasn't nearly as introspective as Death Stranding. So I look fondly on that game even tho all the gaming aspects of it were boring IMO. Just the atmosphere was great.

    So yeah, I can consume any media if the atmosphere and/or story is enjoyable or challenging (in a positive way)

    I will check the video, I like video essays.

  • games Games The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • krzschlss krzschlss 9 months ago 100%

    It's not game breaking. the clunkiness shows in combat situations, but you can just do 'dark souls run past the enemies' in most cases. I like this game for the atmosphere and story mostly.

  • games Games The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • krzschlss krzschlss 9 months ago 100%

    I wasn't a big fan of the old RE games (could never get used to fixed cameras), but Signalis works for me. Still haven't finished it, free time seems precious commodity these days, but come the next weekend I'll hopefully definitely will have the time to continue the game.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes "Both parties are the same!"
  • krzschlss krzschlss 9 months ago 54%

    With this behaviour and this thinking you'll be voting against "The Bigger Evil" for the rest of your life. Your kids will be bullied into voting for "The Lesser Evil" their whole life, your grandchildren will be reminded by their friendly AI legal expert to vote for anyone just not for "Evil Jeff".

    Your whole political conscience revolves around a struggle that doesn't exist. You do no good voting for any of these manipulative racists, liars and/or genocidal clowns by listening to paid twitter jesters or hollywood stars. The eChoEs of these shouting matches are so loud now, normal spoken words don't have any weight.

    If you put just a fraction of the energy, money or your thoughts into changing your fascist system instead of this useless reality show you call politics every four years (and the years in between), you might be able to die with a knowledge that your children and grandchildren could live in a (more) normal world.

    But where's the fun in normality? right?

  • games Games The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion
  • krzschlss krzschlss 9 months ago 100%

    Signalis (on Switch)

    The music, the sounds, the visuals create a perfect mood. I’m not far into the story, but for now it’s very intriguing. One of the few games where I don’t mind the backtracking. Despite the retro look, the game is very immersive.

    There is some clunkiness tho. Might be better on a PC.

    If you like sci-fi with a bit horror, ambiguous storytelling, gloomy atmosphere, try it.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 9 months ago 100%

    ooooh! The Welsh language sounds nice, they should ditch English. I like it! Thanks!

  • krzschlss krzschlss 10 months ago 100%

    Was listening to this: The Waeve

    One half of this band is Rose Elinor Dougall, one of The Pipettes. That's how I got reminded of them.

  • alternativenation Alternative Nation: The Fediverse's Alternative and Indie Music Community [DISCUSSION: WEEKLY ALBUM CLUB] Big Thief - U.F.O.F (2019)
  • krzschlss krzschlss 10 months ago 100%

    It’s either Burlington or somewhere on the west coast of the US for people I know irl it seems. I’ve seen a bit of North East NA, I don’t mind the Gilmore Girls aesthetics, but without the relationship drama…

  • alternativenation Alternative Nation: The Fediverse's Alternative and Indie Music Community [DISCUSSION: WEEKLY ALBUM CLUB] Big Thief - U.F.O.F (2019)
  • krzschlss krzschlss 10 months ago 100%

    This band is the reason Spotify Wrapped this year thinks I'm from Burlington, US.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 10 months ago 100%

    May he find where those streams of whiskey are flowin’ as soon as possible wherever he is now.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 10 months ago 100%

    I saw them few times ca. 2014/2015, so my experience might be different to those who saw them in their prime or during their early career. They were loud, but what was more overwhelming was how natural and intrinsic their sound is. No matter how ambiguous their lyrics are, or how strange composed their songs are, they always felt natural and sober. 'melodic loudness'

  • alternativenation Alternative Nation: The Fediverse's Alternative and Indie Music Community Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Gathering Storm (live, 2011)
  • krzschlss krzschlss 10 months ago 100%

    I started to listen to them as background music for games and such, now I pause everything I'm doing when GY!BE comes on.

  • politics politics Hillary Clinton warns against Trump 2024 win: ‘Hitler was duly elected’
  • krzschlss krzschlss 10 months ago 91%

    You really expect a politician to tell the truth, especially when it comes to history? She and the rest of the US political elite for decades now are just mouthpieces for interest groups, mostly military groups who make money with wars abroad. Together with the media, they sell you wars abroad, while waving any currently popular flag at home for votes. The US elections are so loud, you don't hear the sounds of pain and misery those events create abroad, especially in Middle East.

    After the reports of Israeli invasion in Gaza, the first smile I saw in media was that of Hillary. When the wars and killings across northern Africa and Middle East started during the Arab Spring, her smile was the most prominent one for months.

    Every time this slime of a human being crawls out of a crack in the wall in Washington somewhere, a war is either being prepared or needs justifying for the american voters. All that with a smile, while the cameras are rolling.

  • world World News Israel Bombs Pediatric Hospital as Death Toll of Children in Gaza Surpasses 4,000
  • krzschlss krzschlss 11 months ago 100%

    Killing children will surely get them before an international war crime tribunal. Yea? Am I right? They should, shouldn't they? All those scum pilots and the politicians that buy them planes and bombs? Nürnberg could reopen those courtrooms? Or Hague? Aren't they specializing in war crimes? Or are those courtrooms only for the enemies of "democracy©"?

    Fuck our democracy if it kills anyone, let alone FOUR THOUSAND (4000) children in ONE (1) MONTH. And fuck our psychopaths in the 'white house', the 'bundestag', the EU parliament, the UK parliament and all other imbeciles who decide that those children are okey to be killed.

  • world World News Putin Unleashes Record Bombing in Ukraine as the World Watches Gaza
  • krzschlss krzschlss 11 months ago 78%

    Buy 2 TVs, so you can watch both human miseries unfold at the same time! Better than anything Hollywood or Bollywood or Nollywood could ever produce! And when you get bored, just vote in another war fueling and genocide financing psychopathic "lesser evil" moron into the office, so you never get bored of human despair and pain.

  • krzschlss krzschlss 11 months ago 100%

    Can't fool me. No one who graduated Jodeln can ever feel old.
