Atheism ja2 9 months ago 78%
Matt Dillahunty's Debate Review vs Muslim Apologist Daniel Haqiqatjou

I am really enjoying Matt Dillahunty's Debate Review vs Muslim Apologist Daniel Haqiqatjou. Currently it comes in three parts, linked is the first. Two others are on the ready (the second one is two hours long). The fourth and final will come around at some point... which means you have time to catch up! #atheism

lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Lemmy.World Minecraft Server Announcement
  • ja2 ja2 12 months ago 100%

    I'll probably hop on when I'm feeling froggy

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Lemmy.World Minecraft Server Announcement
  • ja2 ja2 12 months ago 100%

    PolyMC has a toxic lead dev. Google it to learn more. PrismLauncher forked from it about a year ago taking nearly all the active devs, and it remains my favorite launcher of all those I've used.

    Fuck PolyMC.

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Lemmy.World Minecraft Server Announcement
  • ja2 ja2 12 months ago 100%

    Hi5! I'm 45 and I have played MC from the beginning, still play it more than any other game. Now my little kids play it with me and it's their favorite too.

  • fediverse Fediverse On the future of Lemmy vs reddit
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 94%

    for me, reddit nearly always has way more quality content and news for me though for the time being

    It's not just you.

    As constructively as I can put this, reddit has been building community and goodwill for many years. Lemmy has only recently become an option and it's done wonderfully in the short time it's had.

    The challenge is the catch 22. People go where there is more content, they produce content there, and then there is more content there. There no vacuum, reddit didn't disappear. It became toxic and people apparently care less about avoiding toxicity than filling up on dank memes.

    All I can say to that is we all need to be the change we want to see in the world. Adopt a Lemmy First mentality, and go to reddit only to pick up legacy slack. Continue the conversation from there over here. Link it up.

  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Look forward to talking to you!

  • syncforlemmy Sync for Lemmy Post launch day chat
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 18%

    I would not be surprised to learn that you could make as much profit open sourcing the work and using Patreon instead of demanding users pay to release the shackles.

    Do it your way. I will probably pay you when you come out with a widget. But I would have done that anyway. Shoving ads in my face makes me not like you.

  • atheism Atheism Australian Christian Lobby says plans to combat social media misinformation will ‘cancel Christian posts’
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Did this community just whiff /r/selfawarewolves

  • games Games *Permanently Deleted*
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    The same could be said of literally every single product that magically became way more expensive post pandemic for no justifiable reason.

  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    I'd like to hear how you do minis on fdm. I'm planning pressing resin into service for that and a couple other things, but if you have a good workflow for minis on fdm, I have friends who want them and fdm can do it way way faster than resin at the trade off resolution.

  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Not so much a move as an addition. And there are a few reasons.

    One, I like projects where the outcome is a useful tool, but the project aspect itself is a significant part of my motivation.

    The reason for the Voron being that project is that it will be a WAY faster and more competent tool than my ender, which was a prohibitive limitation especially for larger prints. A failure at hour 23 of a 24 hour print sucks, but the same print failing at hour 3:45 of 4 hours is way easier to accept. At that point the loss of filament matters more than the lost time in my eyes.

    Also Voron2 has a much better design than ender 3 pro for exotic filaments, making ABS / ASA / nylon more approachable. Better tuning options, compensation (lower / less moving mass), bigger plate, taller build volume.

    The bigger plate is significant for things like ergo mechanical keyboard chassis. I'm a Dactyl Manuform user and builder, and the ender 3 pro can only print one half at a time and takes more than a full day each half. Voron should be able to knock out two halves at once inside of a work day, and do so with better quality to boot.

    The ender still has a place, particularly with the mods I have on it. Specifically, TPU can't benefit from the speed of Voron, so there's no reason not to print it on ender. Also it never hurts to have a tuned, working machine if you have to take one offline for maintenance.

  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    I'm 100% retro and linux gaming, but I don't need to force my kids down the road I'm on. I just share what I love and hope they choose it for themselves so we have common interests. So far, surprisingly, they both love NES / SNES and that's thanks to Nintendo developing the same franchises for decades, for better or worse.

    I don't really game on the go other than mindless android games. If I did, steam deck makes way more sense. For the kids I keep thinking Switch mainly because they already love the Wii, and all their friends have Switches, so it's a social vocabulary thing.

    Surely you're right about the satisfaction part. I need to make sure the kids are part of it, maybe choosing models and building, painting, etc with me. They are pretty young but once they get a little better spatial awareness and reading skills, python and freecad are not out of the question! They play minecraft already, so we're off to a good start I think.

  • 3dprinting
    3DPrinting ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Well, I made a commitment today. After a couple of years on an Ender 3 Pro which is totally a ship of Theseus now, I’m building a #Voron 2.4 r2. Wish me luck! It was either that or a Switch and some games. This is the next (big) step into getting a little more serious about project work with my kids. I hope it pays off for us 😅

    VoronDesign ja2 1 year ago 80%

    Well, I made a commitment today. After a couple of years on an Ender 3 Pro which is totally a ship of Theseus now, I'm building a #Voron 2.4 r2. Wish me luck! It was either that or a Switch and some games. This is the next (big) step into getting a little more serious about project work with my kids. I hope it pays off for us 😅

    atheism Atheism Theists: "How do you get something from nothing?" Physicists: "There was never nothing."
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Human beings only think in terms of all things having a beginning because in our limited frame of reference everything we know always has.

  • atheism Atheism Restaurant company that employed a bogus priest to hear workers’ confessions labeled ‘shameless’
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    True! I guess some people specialize in lying about being liars.

  • atheism Atheism Iran's Morality Police Resume Headscarf Patrols
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 75%


  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Do you think that there may be random internet posts from today that in the future may be seen on the same level as the writings of Plato or other great philosophers?
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    First, let's consider that up until fairly recently in human society, writing has been the domain of the wealthy and not entirely accessible to everyone. The rich could write whatever they want or patronize those who could write what they wanted for them. The rarity - relative to the greatest developments of proliferation being chiefly the printing press and recently the internet - of written works, demanded that anything someone bothered to put into physical written form must have considerable innate value to someone. If they didn't, nobody would have bothered with the effort or expense.

    I no longer have access to the reference for a citation and am having trouble digging it up, but I saw (probably on a blog about AI) some figures recently describing the amount of written "material" produced by humanity on a daily basis (or some other comically short time) in 2023 being comparable to the amount produced in the ~five thousand preceding years since the written word is thought to have been invented.

    With as much "writing" being produced, most of it being spam or low-effort shitposting, the signal to noise ratio is unbelievably high. Regardless of the profundity of the thought being born and described, the chance of having anything written today - randomly on the internet - recognized for its quality is infinitesimally small.

    I believe that there IS a fantastic amount of truly remarkable writing being done every day all over the internet. Nearly all of it will be retained on some form of media basically forever, even until the media is woefully obsolete / destroyed / the heat death of the universe. Most of it will never be set upon by human eyes again after this weekend.

    Today, like hundreds of years ago, what rises to the surface does so due to commercial pressures. If you are awesome and impress a publisher with deep pockets, your words could be preserved in a form that will be read in 2434. Of course, it will have to continue to be impressive long after most of the books selected by Oprah's Book Club.

  • atheism
    Atheism ja2 1 year ago 83%
    Atheism's Liberating Lens: Bart Ehrman's Appreciation for Life's Fleeting Beauty

    I feel personally like I've been beating this drum for a long time, and I get giddy when I hear someone else express the same sentiment.

    atheism Atheism Any President Will Be Hated By Half the Country
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Again I find myself agreeing with you 100%, so I'm not really sure what the disconnect is here. Maybe you're finding something in the subtext of the article that I'm too stupid or ignorant to see. I don't know the politics of the author - I still don't - and honestly I found the content pretty innocuous and unrevealing, but if it leads to discourse, that's the point I guess.

  • atheism Atheism Any President Will Be Hated By Half the Country
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Ok, cool. I think your attitude is all piss and vinegar.

    First of all, it's not "my" article. Now if you'd like to start over, you can extrapolate on why you feel the way you do. Otherwise, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

  • atheism Atheism Any President Will Be Hated By Half the Country
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    I find this problematic.

    One of my buddies at work is christian. I respect him on one level, but I have no respect for his superstitious ideology, inherently or in any other way. As much as I'd like the ideology to go away, I'm a little troubled by the phrase "...dealing with the individuals..."

  • atheism Atheism Any President Will Be Hated By Half the Country
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    I agree with you on all points.

    In the linked article, I don't find any suggestion that reprehensible ideologies deserve respect. Only references to how individuals are treated.

    Are you seeing something different?

  • atheism Atheism Any President Will Be Hated By Half the Country
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    So we're clear, I am not conservative by any means. Reviewing the article for hints, I don't see anything that I would call "thinly-veiled conservative propaganda" at all. The same words in the same order could be written anyone with any political perspective. Maybe my skeptic muscle isn't working right now. Please point out what you mean.

    That said, the content doesn't have anything specific to do with atheism or religious bias. Tangentially, the right is fueled in large part by religion, which fuels the hatred being mentioned. I don't think that's too much of a stretch.

    I posted the link because it's on a prominent atheist blogroll. I subscribe to many of them and collect the articles here, because Lemmy is a link aggregation website. It's pretty typical for people in a community of perspectives with one specifically in common to share many (not all) similar values and interest in similar topics, so I thought that a topic of interest for the author in question would be appreciated by enough of our community to be worth sharing.

    To be sure, am not rooting around the web looking for articles about natural disasters and puppy mills and topics completely unrelated to philosophical discourse and superstitious belief. My posts will, at least, be humanities focused. Often, I find the propensity for humans to seek out and find - or create - differences to compartmentalize each other into rival groups of particular interest and relevance here.

  • atheism Atheism Any President Will Be Hated By Half the Country
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%


  • atheism Atheism Something I long to hear...
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    This is exactly what I needed to see today.

  • atheism Atheism Is the Bible Hate Speech?
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    I agree that intent is more important than words. It's incredibly easy to be disingenuous, and impossible to prove. Influential people take that to the bank.

  • atheism Atheism U.N. votes to criminalise the desecration ‘holy books’ in a move slammed as imposing ‘blasphemy laws by stealth’
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    As one who has never burned a book to the best of my recollection, I'm flummoxed by the pleading for respect of dogma.

    It's one thing to be respectful of other human beings, in adherence to the social contract. It's quite another to demand respect for an arbitrary thing, such as a point of view.

    For example, I refuse to knowingly use Apple products in my house and, by extension of the same principle, my family chooses to use products on offer by companies who respect the rights conferred by ownership rather than effectively leasing a device to me with provisions. If I am vocal about my distaste for the way Apple does business, and you happen to be an Apple user, I expect that you understand that I mean no disrespect to you, the individual. I don't care one whit what you use privately, provided it doesn't perturb my rights to act differently from you. Anyone who has had this conversation from either perspective knows that being an Apple user is practically a religion on its own, so I think the comparison is apt.

    And yet, nobody is going to put up a serious problem if I smash an iPhone. People understand that destroying a physical object in protest is not meant as a personal affront.

    Meanwhile, religions throughout history have committed no small number of human rights violations and atrocities that pale in comparison to burning a book. Nobody has ever caused harm to another human being by setting fire to a book in protest, unless they then threw that book at someone wearing flammable pajamas.

  • atheism Atheism U.N. votes to criminalise the desecration ‘holy books’ in a move slammed as imposing ‘blasphemy laws by stealth’
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    We need to start asserting something like Bibliocism, wherein all books are holy, and burning any of them should be condemned. There is no reason that my kid's early reader "Pat and Meg" should be treated with one iota less reverence than "The Quran."

  • news News KKK flyers continue to appear in Kentucky neighborhoods
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Everyone thought it could have been an honest mistake. After all, she was home schooled. But then, they found out her name is actually Margaret.

  • atheism Atheism Pastor’s recent call for the execution of parents of trans people is an extension of religious moral panics
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    It’s alright that you don’t believe what I do but there’s no need to berate or mock what I believe.

    I will be respectful to you. No such courtesy is owed to beliefs. Anyone here is free to berate or mock beliefs all they like.

    I don’t go around telling people they’re going to hell because they’ve been mostly a horrible person.

    Good for you?

    I do know God is real

    No, you don't.

    if it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have made it through such a bullshit life as I have.

    Apparently you are a stronger person than you think, even if you humbly choose to give that credit to mythological figures.

    I’m sorry you don’t want me here.

    First of all, I never said or implied that. Second, don't apologize for what you perceive to be my desires. It's disingenuous and childish.

    if this is how an atheist looks on social media then what is the difference in your thoughts towards me and my belief if this is how you conduct yourself?

    I don't understand what you are implying here. If you exist in a bubble where beliefs are sacrosanct, beyond reproach, you may not want to involve yourself in a community that is effectively the antithesis of that mindset. That has nothing to do with whether I want you here or not. It has to do with feeling comfortable.

    I guess you put everyone who talks about God in the same box. Such a shame!

    Again, I'm not going to guess at your implication here. There's nothing shameful, in a community called /c/atheism, to make a distinction between 1) people who believe in gods, and 2) people who do not.

    It’s like me saying that I think people that wear shoes are delusional.

    If those people are insisting that they have shoes on their bare feet, run around saying how awesome those shoes are, and prattle on about how they wouldn't have gotten to where they are today without those shoes, all the while you're looking at their naked toes... then they are delusional. You would be right to say they are, and you should make sure everyone around you can hear it.

  • atheism Atheism Pastor’s recent call for the execution of parents of trans people is an extension of religious moral panics
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    As unfortunate as it is, there is almost certainly no such thing as hell, either. Sometimes, people who behave abhorrently get to live out their entire lives being hateful and influencing others to be the same way for the sake of superstition and fear, and then they die peacefully in their beds. Some excellent people get abducted and murdered. Innocent children are trafficked, starve to death, and die of causes that have been treatable for a hundred years.

    There's no rationality to it, no fairness. It's just how it is. Armed with rationality, unclouded by paranoia and cult worship, maybe we can help a handful of others around us to see the mess for what it is and they can get some social comeuppance while they're alive to experience it.

    I don't mean to yuck your yum, but this is a community supporting atheism, not supernatural revenge theory :)

  • atheism Atheism Pastor’s recent call for the execution of parents of trans people is an extension of religious moral panics
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    They need to be convicted in trial and immediately shot in the back of the head, and then we can string them up above a bridge so the public can see the consequences of that kind of wickedness. There should be no excuse to not put these people to death.

    I'm not sure there's any ambiguity about what he means, unless his words are to be interpreted the same way apologists interpret "The Bible."

    Also, gods would first have to exist for anyone to belong to them, so I think we can assume that he belongs to none, just like the rest of us. Just a plain old, smooth-brained, garden variety, bigoted asshole.

  • youshouldknow You Should Know *Permanently Deleted*
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Hey, @AvaddonLFC

  • atheism Atheism Naturalistic Spirituality / Atheopagan Resources
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    The only one among those with whom I am familiar is Sam Harris. I like Sam's work. He and I don't agree about everything but generally about the important parts. That said, I haven't read that specific book.

    Like another commenter said and I concur, I'm not much into "spiritualism." It's a trigger word for me, which evokes a lot of hogwash and superstition. Maybe it doesn't do the same for others and in context may have nothing to do with it.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, I am not one to dissuade others or to be judgmental about maintaining an awareness, concern and respect for "meta" aspects of life. Emotional things, connections to other human beings, etc. Human beings have brains and there's nothing inherently rational about the way we interpret their workings. It's fine. I ponder the complexities of life and the pursuit of happiness as well, I imagine we all do. Should someone want to refer to that as "spirituality," fine. You can call it "banana" if you want to, I'm not the semantic police.

    Where I draw a line personally as at the moment when superstitious "faith" or mysticism enters the picture.

    When consuming literature like this, I think it's best to keep a skeptical lens and always be asking whether you're replacing a house of cards with a bridge of toothpicks. If the new foundation is just as flimsy as the old one, it's not a foundation at all. On the other hand, if the work helps to organize thought without introducing new ghosts, it's probably just a matter of taste after that.

  • kde KDE & Plasma users Three separate pinned Chrome icons...
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 50%

    I have done the same thing with Chrome profiles, and it has the same effect - starts with correct logo then changes.

  • kde KDE & Plasma users Three separate pinned Chrome icons...
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 33%

    I'm using ~/.local/share/applications. I tried this in FF and I don't see it working. Do you have a .desktop file you can share?

  • kde KDE & Plasma users Three separate pinned Chrome icons...
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 33%

    That would work for web application type of scenarios, like a YouTube wrapper I think. I'm looking for full blown browser profiles, treated as first class citizens / own application.

    For now I decided it's been long enough and I should try Brave anyway, and haven't used Firefox in a few years. So I'll just use Brave for my personal stuff, Chrome for work, and Firefox for non-profit. If I fall in love with one so hard that the others annoy me, I'll just have to get used to disappointment I guess, or learn to code.

    That said.. if anyone DOES know a way to do this in Wayland, I'm still interested. It looks like app-id is ignored by KDE, and so far as I can tell there's no good way to set it anyway. With web browsers being the absolutely dominant application through which most people interface with cloud applications these days, it's not uncommon to have multiple profiles with many tabs and different workflows. Based on the number of hits I get when researching this feature - absent in all major browsers on Plasma - it seems welcome.

  • pcmasterrace PC Master Race Selling a video card on ebay: Safe again?
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    I'm sure that the buyer can be expected to pay for shipping, but at the end of the day for any buyer the "price" is inclusive of all fees, and for the seller the "profit" is minus expenses. So if it's cheaper to ship using eBay's discount, that means the buyer pays more or the seller makes less.

    In the end it's probably worth it for the peace of mind, though. I've personally never been screwed on a big ticket item and I don't mind selling stuff for under $100 on ebay. If I lose, it's lost, right? My feelings about eBay so far are that I'm selling there as much for altruistic reasons... I don't want the material to be landfill, someone can get a deal (I do it all the time), and I'd like to recoup some cash as well to spend on hobbies. The couple times I've been hassled and lost money on ebay, it totaled less that $50.

    I'd be super upset if I got screwed for several hundred.

  • kde KDE & Plasma users Three separate pinned Chrome icons...
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 50%

    I would say it's infuriating, but I think I use that word too much.

  • kde KDE & Plasma users Three separate pinned Chrome icons...
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 66%

    I have found numerous posts, however this one seems to want the same thing as me, and there have been a few others, all of which suggest it's not possible.

    I can literally drag the shortcuts from the menu to the panel and produce unique icons that way, but when you click an icon that is NOT the chrome icon, it creates a new panel icon for the running program with the classic chrome icon anyway.

  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 50%

    You are right, this is a cool idea. I'm digging into it. Might be more work than I want but the functionality is better.

  • pcmasterrace PC Master Race Selling a video card on ebay: Safe again?
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    Apparently they are using discord now, and I might give it a shot. Might not be a bad idea to link that in the sidebar here.

    I wonder if it's worth the extra cost to ship. Will have to investigate more.

  • pcmasterrace PC Master Race Selling a video card on ebay: Safe again?
  • ja2 ja2 1 year ago 100%

    That sucks.
