foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 2 days ago 100%

    Hi &, thanks for taking the time to write such detailed responses (and stewie410, you did not in any way come across as condescending, so no worries there). As I try to wrap my head around this, could you explain the difference between the "rclone rc" and "rclone rcd" commands? I've read through the documentation, but am still left scratching my head.

    EDIT: Good grief, but this is complicated! 😵‍💫 At this point I may just have to wait for the Linux client . . .

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 3 days ago 100%

    All three of those links are very outdated - I do not recommend trying to use any of them.

    Yeah, they did look a bit suspect. Bookmarks deleted!

    Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do exactly?

    Thanks, I was hoping someone would ask, although I have been trying to "RTFM" and figure it out on my own 🙂. I've already installed the lastest .deb—basically I would like to use RClone to continuously sync the home folder on my laptop to Proton Drive (after having RClone autostart) in more or less the same way that I use Syncthing to sync a few important folders from my laptop to my phone. The setup with RClone I envision would be a one-way sync from my laptop to Proton Drive. In the absence of a Proton Drive client for Linux, can RClone be set up to do any of these things? And does RClone/PD support versioning?

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 3 days ago 100%

    Yeah, I know, "RTFM." I did, but am still kind of confused. A "remote" presumably means a remote folder/share/whatever in the cloud, in this case on Proton Drive, yes? If I want to set Rclone to automaticlly sync, say, my home folder to Proton Drive, Rclone has to run as a service on startup for this to work. They say

    Start as a service: To always run rclone in background, relevant for mount commands etc, you can use systemd to set up rclone as a system or user service. Running as a system service ensures that it is run at startup even if the user it is running as has no active session. Running rclone as a user service ensures that it only starts after the configured user has logged into the system.

    But I don't know how to do that . . . I've found a few, I guess, "scripts" for this online but each one is a bit different. Unfortunately, just because I'm a Linux person doesn't mean that I know what I'm doing . . .

    EDIT: After some further research, I found a couple scripts, but since each one is a bit different, I'm not sure which one to choose or how to write one that best suits my needs . . . would be kind of nice if Rclone would include this somewhere in their documentation; so far I haven't found anything.

    EDIT EDIT: I would say that this is fairly complicated for the average user, but my research continues . . .

    EDIT EDIT EDIT: Can anyone attest to this, this, or this?

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 4 days ago 100%

    Rclone seems like a good bet; however I'm a bit confused as to how to get started. Would one of you kind souls be good enough to guide me through some of the process? I've installed the latest .deb, and if I want to (eventually) sync my home folder to Proton Drive, then rclone needs to run at startup in the background, yes? What is the command for this? It's not just rclone, it has to be rclone rc or rcd . . . ? Or pehaps I need to set up Proton Drive to receive my files first?

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 4 days ago 100%

    No worries 🙂

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 4 days ago 100%

    If I wanted to use it to real-time sync my home folder, this wouldn't work with just the browser though, right?

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 4 days ago 100%

    I tried setting this up on my QNAP and almost pulled out all my spines (because I'm a hedgehog 🦔) in the process. This was quite a while ago, so I don't remember exactly what the issue(s) were, but I do remember spending quite a bit of time on this without being able to get it to work. The fault may lie with the QNAP.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 4 days ago 100%

    I use syncthing to sync from my laptop to phone 👍

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 4 days ago 100%

    I've used this for sharing large files and liked it, but I don't think it's open source . . .

  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 5 days ago 100%


  • foss Free and Open Source Software While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .
  • hedge hedge 5 days ago 100%

    I have a hetzner storage box mounted with sshfs

    Wish I was smart enough to know what that is 🙄

  • humanities Humanities & Cultures We may be close to rediscovering thousands of texts that had been lost for millennia. Their contents may reshape how we understand the Ancient World.
  • hedge hedge 5 days ago 100%,, & I probably wouldn't have found this if it weren't for Arts & Letters Daily, which I highly recommend, if you haven't already heard of it. It's definitely more humanities oriented, but over the years they've posted a lot of interesting stuff that I probably would never have read otherwise.

  • foss
    Free and Open Source Software hedge 5 days ago 100%
    While Linux users wait (and wait) for a Proton Drive client . . .

    . . . what do you use instead? AlternativeTo mentions (among a few others) Cozy and Filen; anyone use either of these? [Internxt got a pretty bad review from someone on Medium](

    politics Politics Poll: Americans favor Supreme Court term limits, oppose more justices
  • hedge hedge 5 days ago 100%

    Although a poll of ~1600 people does seem like kind of a small sample size . . .

  • music Music My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Ride the Mindway
  • hedge hedge 1 week ago 100%
  • music
    Music hedge 2 weeks ago 100%
    Lords of Acid - The Crablouse (Ludo's It's There To Stay Mix)

    🥱☕️Probably too early in the morning for this, but anyway here it is...💃🕺

    music Music My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Ride the Mindway
  • hedge hedge 2 weeks ago 100%

    Can't stop listening to it!

  • music Music My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Ride the Mindway
  • hedge hedge 2 weeks ago 100%

    🎇 Forgot how much fun this was! 🎇

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Know anything about "infomaniak"?
  • hedge hedge 2 weeks ago 100%

    Real number! Maybe should have tried fake one, but I've given up on them at this point.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Know anything about "infomaniak"?
  • hedge hedge 2 weeks ago 100%

    Can't receive SMS message from infomaniak, so can't sign up! 🙁 Well, so much for that...

    EDIT: How ever I try to sign up for a free email account with them, infomaniak throws up roadblocks of one kind or another, whether on mobile or desktop. According to this users are required to provide a phone number and then enter a verification code sent by SMS, which never arrives. Looked promising. Oh well, too bad.

  • science Science What Was It Like to Be a Dinosaur?
  • hedge hedge 3 weeks ago 100%

    A life that was probably "nasty, brutish, and short" would be my guess.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software 📸 Favorite camera app for Android?
  • hedge hedge 1 month ago 100%

    Yes, coincidence, I promise 🙂

  • foss
    Free and Open Source Software hedge 1 month ago 100%
    📸 Favorite camera app for Android?

    I've actually just been using Signal's built in camera app, which has been fine, but doesn't seem quite up to par today (or maybe I'm just in a *mood*). Does anyone know if there's a way to reset Signal's camera app settings? Otherwise I just use Graphene's camera, which might also be fine (maybe I need to get my eyes checked). Anyway, any camera apps that automatically take great pictures? I'm trying to photograph some old drawings for posterity.

    logseq Logseq Question for logseq users
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks! I will take a look.👍

  • foss Free and Open Source Software Question for logseq users
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    If a synched mobile version is on the way, I could try it out on the desktop...

  • logseq
    Logseq hedge 2 months ago 100%
    Question for logseq users

    cross-posted from: > I've been looking for an OS replacement for Workflowy for some time, and logseq looks like it might be an option. A quick test drive makes it seem (to me at least) that it has a lot of extra bells and whistles that get in the way that I don't need. But I see that it has plugins--is it possible to set it up like a calendar and have each day have its own collapsible outline?

    Free and Open Source Software hedge 2 months ago 100%
    Question for logseq users

    I've been looking for an OS replacement for Workflowy for some time, and logseq looks like it might be an option. A quick test drive makes it seem (to me at least) that it has a lot of extra bells and whistles that get in the way that I don't need. But I see that it has plugins--is it possible to set it up like a calendar and have each day have its own collapsible outline?

    technology Technology What is Firefox supposed to do?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%
    1. Ok (um, then they do it why?) My attention has been really divided for the past couple days, so I haven't really read very deeply into PPA.

    2. Didn't know that; maybe they should reconfigure themselves to be more like Wikipedia? 🤷 It seems like Wikipedia has way more users than FF, and they're able to keep going on the small donations they request from time to time.

    3. Indeed it does! And it might be nice if it wasn't checked by default like it was in mine, but ok, I guess.

    Also, what have hamsters ever done to you? 😉

  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Piefed seems nice.

  • technology Technology What is Firefox supposed to do?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Does anyone know if the PPA/Personal Pan Pizza Privacy/Whatever thing has an about:config entry or is it controlled from about:preferences#privacy?

    EDIT: To answer my own question, the about:config entry is "dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled" which should be set to "false"; for those of us who use arkenfox, you should add this to your user-overrides.js file and then run the updater:

    user_pref("dom.private-attribution.submission.enabled", false); // Disable Privacy-Preserving Attribution

    This is correct AFAICT.

    EDIT EDIT: Also, possibly naive question: Why can't Mozilla/Firefox just ask for donations like Wikipedia does instead of sneaking around, which they sort of seem to do once in a while?

  • chat Chat Who would your preferred Dem be for the new nominee?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Pritzker. But he could also be Harris's VP.

  • chat Chat What are you up to this weekend?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Oh, I see 🙂 yeah, kind of defeats the purpose then, doesn't it? I've been encountering more and more web pages lately that say they don't work with FF; hope this won't be a growing trend.

  • chat Chat What are you up to this weekend?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Have you tried the Freetube app? That's worked well for me especially when various Invidious instances have been slow or otherwise problematic. I suspect that the big G is doing what it can to undermine them.

  • chat Chat What are you up to this weekend?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Actually, I'm not really that tech-savvy despite being a Linux (Mint) person, and especially not compared to the average Beehawer! I can usually learn how to do things if the instructions are well-written enough. Webflow does have a forum, but I've gotten so much "RTFM" (not from Webflow but from other places), despite doing actual, honest-to-god reasearch, that I'm always a bit reluctant to ask questions. I guess that's no reason not to buck up and try though . . . could really use a live, flesh-and-blood knowlegeable human to ask their advice; I don't know, maybe I'm just too impatient.

    Open-sourced but doesn’t work with Firefox… Does that make it something on chromium?

    Not quite sure what you mean there . . .

  • chat Chat What are you up to this weekend?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Invidious instances have seemed rather slow lately...🤔

  • chat Chat What are you up to this weekend?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    It's for my business. I think Webflow is actually very well designed, and is much more in line with how I think about things. I'm trying to do something a bit unusual and complicated which is where I'm running into problems. I really need some help and advice with it, but no one seems to want to give it, even if I offer to pay them!

    Before I gave a try before I realized that I was trying to get it to do something it wasn't really designed for (and also paying a supposedly well-regarded web developer a deposit who then did a rather half-assed job and then disappeared on me). Grrr.

    Webstudio (?) is an open source version of Webflow but, rather incredibly, doesn't work with Firefox!

    After all that, I'm not sure I actually answered your question...

  • chat Chat What are you up to this weekend?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Trying to make a website using Webflow 😕

  • politics
    Politics hedge 2 months ago 100%
    Lichtman thinks Dems would be slitting their own throats by dumping Biden

    I honestly don't know what to think at this point; just putting this out there.

    politics Politics Donald Trump's Chances of Winning Election Are Declining
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks for the small shred of hope 🙏

  • chat Chat What brands (of anything) in your opinion, have *not* (yet) been enshittified?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    What kind of battery life do you get?

  • chat Chat What brands (of anything) in your opinion, have *not* (yet) been enshittified?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Mrs. Hedge is convinced that all air purifiers don't work, but I'll definitely pass that on to her and maybe it will change her mind (and even better, improve her mood during allergy season!)

  • chat Chat What brands (of anything) in your opinion, have *not* (yet) been enshittified?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    What model ThinkPad? I'm fortunate enough to have an X1 Carbon 10th gen, although I think the battery life might not be as good as my older one, a 7th.

  • chat Chat What brands (of anything) in your opinion, have *not* (yet) been enshittified?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    I wonder if a Conway air purifier would help Mrs. Hedge with her allergies . . . ? 🤔

  • chat Chat What brands (of anything) in your opinion, have *not* (yet) been enshittified?
  • hedge hedge 2 months ago 100%

    Shelly is pretty good for smart home stuff.

    Haven't heard of that. It doesn't spy on you like all the other "smart home" tech is alleged to do? Is it open source?

  • chat
    Chat hedge 2 months ago 100%
    What brands (of anything) in your opinion, have *not* (yet) been enshittified?

    I'm putting this in chat and not in Technology because I'm also wondering about things like clothes, appliances—basically any sort of consumer product, virtual or physical, you can think of that you feel has retained some standard of quality and has ***not yet been [enshittified](***. I would start by saying that Wikipedia has not yet been enshittified, but perhaps you disagree? Post is inspired by [this video]( EDIT: coyotino correctly points out that Wikipedia isn't a product but a service; poor word choice on my part, just trying to cast a wide a net as possible here in the hopes of making a list of "things that are still good that don't suck." Like I said, a wide net 🙂.

    chat Chat Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • hedge hedge 3 months ago 100%

    It's possible that the Dems would have held the House, barely, if the New York Democratic party hadn't completely screwed up redistricting, so that's maybe a "soft false." I think what he means by "charismatic" is someone like Reagan who appeals to the other side of the aisle (Reagan Democrats in this case); Trump is only charismatic to his own followers. I consider the Afghanistan withdrawal to be, overall, a highly positive thing; yes, it was handled badly, but it's the easiest thing in the world to keep a forever war going, and at least there Biden put a stop to it, so I give him high marks for that at least. Anyway, I wonder if that is considered a foreign policy failure; I don't, but others might. Not trying to blindly defend Lichtman or anything, just trying to cling to whatever shred of hope remains. I think it ends up sort of being how Lichtman himself interprets the keys a month or two before election day.

    EDIT: Rereading key #1, "After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections," I guess that even if the NY Dems hadn't screwed up there probably would have been a smaller majoirty than before, ergo false.

  • chat Chat Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • hedge hedge 3 months ago 100%

    Ok, yeah, just trying to cling to what little hope there is here---DON'T DEPRIVE ME OF MY HAPPY PLACE. 😉

    I do think Lichtman's right about debates not changing outcomes, tho...but of course there's a first time for everything...

    Also, looking at the list, I’m pretty sure more than 6 are false.

    You mean for Biden now, or for previous elections?

  • foss
    Free and Open Source Software hedge 3 months ago 100%
    Can I like pictures on Pixelfed from Beehaw?

    Mrs. Hedge finally ditched Instagram and is moving to Pixelfed! 🙂👍🎉 Would like to like her posts but not sure if I can from here . . .

    Politics hedge 3 months ago 100%
    Can State Supreme Courts Preserve—or Expand—Rights? link needed please.

    Free and Open Source Software hedge 4 months ago 100%
    Proton Mail release notes/changelog for Linux Desktop app?

    Does anyone know where I can find this? Doesn't seem to be on Github or anywhere else that I can find.

    Technology hedge 4 months ago 100%
    Bing outage shows just how little competition Google search really has

    Was wondering what the hell was going on this morning.

    Free and Open Source Software hedge 4 months ago 100%
    👻 Question about ghost(.org) 👻

    I'm trying to get a new web site up and running with [ghost](, but I'm wondering if it's really designed for selling products, like the way [Gumroad]( is, for example. I was attracted to ghost because of its built-in mailing list and blogging capabilities (and because it's open source), and I thought adding a "commerce element" for lack of a better term, probably wouldn't be too hard, but now I'm not so sure. Am I trying to get this platform to do something it isn't really designed for?

    World News hedge 4 months ago 100%
    The Israeli Defense Establishment Revolts Against Netanyahu

    cross-posted from: >
