techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 2 hours ago 100%

    Oh, that craziness is orthodoxy (check the last part of the quote).

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 15 hours ago 100%

    The reference to the Basilisk was literally one sentence and not central to the post at all, but this big-R Rationalist couldn't resist on singling it out and loudly proclaiming it's not relevant anymore. The m'lady doth protest too much.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 22 hours ago 100%

    Here in Sweden the hygienist is definitely the Bad Cop in this scenario. I got sternly talked to by someone fresh out of school, so I don't doubt there's a retired Master Sergeant on the staff of the college they go to...

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 23 hours ago 100%

    you just know Musk has internalized all the pro-1911 arguments so he can hang out with the "cool guys" on the range

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 23 hours ago 100%

    Despite Soatak explicitely warning users that posting his latest rant[1] to the more popular tech aggregators would lead to loss of karma and/or public ridicule, someone did just that on lobsters and provoked this mask-slippage[2]. (comment is in three paras, which I will subcomment on below)

    Obligatory note that, speaking as a rationalist-tribe member, to a first approximation nobody in the community is actually interested in the Basilisk and hasn’t been for at least a decade. As far as I can tell, it’s a meme that is exclusively kept alive by our detractors.

    This is the Rationalist version of the village worthy complaining that everyone keeps bringing up that one time he fucked a goat.

    Also, “this sure looks like a religion to me” can be - and is - argued about any human social activity. I’m quite happy to see rationality in the company of, say, feminism and climate change.

    Sure, "religion" is on a sliding scale, but Big Yud-flavored Rationality ticks more of the boxes on the "Religion or not" checklist than feminism or climate change. In fact, treating the latter as a religion is often a way to denigrate them, and never used in good faith.

    Finally, of course, it is very much not just rationalists who believe that AI represents an existential risk. We just got there twenty years early.

    Citation very much needed, bub.


    [2] link and username witheld to protect the guilty. Suffice to say that They Are On My List.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 1 day ago 100%
  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 2 days ago 100%

    DHH takes a break from racing cars, railing against DEI, and being perhaps the worst boss Denmark has ever produced to engage in some light nerd-washing

    Some people on call him out for being terrible but mostly it's a celebration about how only the smartest, most productive coders use vi/vim or even more hipster modal editors

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 2 days ago 100%

    The 1911 is Murican, not some Italian crap

    /s obviously, Italian gunmakers are very good.

    Also it's really weird how there's a ton of small-business innovation in American gun gear, but the only ones who seem to be making money are European companies?

  • techtakes TechTakes "The Subprime AI Crisis" - Ed Zitron on the bubble's impending collapse
  • gerikson gerikson 2 days ago 100%

    "AI, please summarize this LW"

    "Certainly. Here is the summary: give all your money to Yud or burn in virtual hell forevermore"

  • techtakes TechTakes "The Subprime AI Crisis" - Ed Zitron on the bubble's impending collapse
  • gerikson gerikson 2 days ago 100%

    JFC how many novel-length emails do you get in a week?

    I think a more constructive way to handle this problem is to train people to write better emails.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 2 days ago 100%

    They suck at technical explanations too, unless it's a Wikipedia link.

  • techtakes TechTakes OpenAI does not want you delving into o1 Strawberry’s alleged “chain of thought”
  • gerikson gerikson 2 days ago 100%


  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 2 days ago 100%
  • techtakes TechTakes AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • gerikson gerikson 2 days ago 100%

    Sounds like a great solution people will be prepared to pay OpenAI $100B in the future for, and not at all like an incremental upgrade over StackOverflow with extra ecocide added.

  • techtakes TechTakes remembering PG's "lisp would have stopped 9/11" essay from September 2001
  • gerikson gerikson 3 days ago 100%

    JFC that's a horrifying story

  • freeasm FreeAssembly Post your IT redundancy tales here
  • gerikson gerikson 3 days ago 100%

    This was before I was made redundant ,which happened for unrelated reasons and was ok.

    I worked at a startup. Before I started, the company had an NT server running Exchange, which contained all customer relationship data, emails etc. The box was also a fileserver. One day, space was running out. The "admins" (== developers who only knew Linux) solved the problem by deleting all the "*.log" files cluttering up the filesystem, thereby effectively lobotomizing Exchange.

    After some weeks a highly-paid consultant gave up. The company needed a new email server.

    The devs decided to use qmail, because "secure". To translate between the address to the firstname_lastname directory, a Perl script was inserted between qmail and the mailboxes. As time went by, this Perl script metastized to include email renames and even out of office replies. It grew to ~300 lines and was run on every single email that arrived.

    After a while we got acquired by grownups who knew how to manage Exchange. I discovered that if an email was misplet, it wasn't bounced, instead it was forwarded to root's email account, which was a couple of gigs in size.

    I swore to never touch email administration again.

  • techtakes TechTakes AI-Generated Code is Causing Outages and Security Issues in Businesses
  • gerikson gerikson 4 days ago 100%

    Programmers hate programming and love code reviewing, right? Right?

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 4 days ago 100%

    EVE Online creator CCP announces a new game with BLOCKCHAIN and it's not going well:

    Apparently they got investment from A16Z:

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 22 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 4 days ago 100%

    I almost made it but couldn't be arsed to replicate the explanation text

  • techtakes TechTakes Strawberry fields forever — OpenAI’s new ‘o1’ model
  • gerikson gerikson 5 days ago 100%

    Was hoping to talk about it but i dont think im going to find that here.

    If only you'd asked ChatGPT "is a good place to fellate LLMs"

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 5 days ago 85%

    You just might be a techbro if you're worth billions and still can't resist mouthing off on Xhitter.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 5 days ago 100%

    Friend-of-the-show JZW rips a YC backed startup a new one:

  • techtakes TechTakes In a rare moment, the orange site asks where the emperor's clothes are
  • gerikson gerikson 5 days ago 100%

    GPT-4o got a whole lot closer to realism though- I’d say we’re better than Skyrim’s pre recorded speech system at this point.

    Wow, better than a game released in 2011...

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 5 days ago 100%

    Saw this gem of a plaintive plea from a promptfan:

    can’t you just train a LLM to only output “sorry, I can’t answer your question”?

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 6 days ago 100%

    Missed this spirited defense of landlords:

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 6 days ago 100%

    Maybe it's because I've started reading a book about Germany and Austro-Hungary in WW1 (Ring of Steel) but I've suddenly started pattern-matching a bunch of pro A-H comments in HN. "It was a peaceful multi-national nation" well yeah until they pointlessly insisted on invading Serbia (and fucking that up twice before being bailed out by Germany) thus setting of the wider war. And when refugees from Galicia had to flee the Russians they were not happily accepted by the rest of the Empire.

    Anyway, A-H was teetering on the edge before WW1 and signed their own death warrant willingly.

    As always in HN you can find links to new horrifying examples of fascism:

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 7 days ago 100%

    Oh shit, that's where I recognize his name from. Very disappointing he's full on the LLM train.

  • techtakes TechTakes Balaji Srinivasan Launches “The Network School” in Singapore
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    It's interesting how little buzz this is getting on HN...

  • techtakes TechTakes Balaji Srinivasan Launches “The Network School” in Singapore
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    The Network School is particularly aimed at "dark talent" cohorts—individuals with exceptional skills or perspectives that often fall outside traditional educational and professional molds. These include creative individuals, physical fitness enthusiasts, tech innovators, and media mavericks who bring a diverse array of skills to the educational environment.

    so... they're already "tech innovators" and "media mavericks" but they need to go to school?

    How many bitcoin are we wagering it'll be 90 days of drug taking and buying the services of sex workers?

  • freeasm FreeAssembly Random Positivity Thread: Happy Computer Memories
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    Early teens: ZX series, typing in programs from magazine listings.

    Then a pretty big jump, I tried to construct a raytracing program from first principles in high school.

    In uni I got a really cheap 386 w/ 2 meg memory, could run Win3.1 on it and dial-up to uni's FirstClass system (remember them?)

    First "home page" in 1995 or so? Uni tilde account.

    Got the Linux bug in '97 or so, installed Debian on floppies (had to liberate 2 more megs from another machine)

    In the early 2000s I really liked messing around with some BSD's.

    After that computers became more and more of a job, so I kind of lost interest in messing around with them.

  • buttcoin Buttcoin Newsweek: did the Harris-Trump debate CRASH BITCOIN?? - with 3 paras of me saying "lol no"
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    We old school BTC haters won’t even get out of bed for anything less than double-digit dips

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
    techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    Well put. Another example I like to play in my head (never debated a goldbug for real in my life, not starting now) is that if the gold standard is so great, how come a small-ish country like Switzerland or Singapore hasn't started using it and outcompeting everyone?

    There's only 2 answers to that:

    1. the gold standard doesn't work in the modern economy, the one that has lifted millions out of poverty and created untold wealth (to great environmental damage, sure)
    2. the gold standard is being kept from them by (((they)))

    Answer 2 is obvious if you're a fascist.

  • techtakes TechTakes California governor: Generative AI will fix homelessness — based on a 2023 sales pitch
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    It's the same symptoms among the pundits that convinced them that Ron DeSantis had a chance against Trump.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    Yeah, having the source to a site (even if it includes stuff like day to day ops, backups etc) isn't worth much if you don't have a community. It's a bit like "open source" LLMs, sure you can run a mudball of python on your computer but the real worth is in ingesting and classifying.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    Turns out purging your ranks of wokes and furries is more fun than, you know, actually developing a working Linux distro: Nix 2.24+ is vulnerable to (remote) privilege escalation.

    (linking to the discussion because I feel it does a decent job curating related links around disclosure timelines etc.)

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    The links between hard money/goldbugs and (US) hard right goes back a long way, at least to the 30s I believe.

    Interestingly, an almost pathological fear of inflation is also part of the foundational myth of the BRD, but if you look at the actual history, Weimar-era hyperinflation wasn't really the root cause of Nazism, the Depression arguably was a bigger contributing factor.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    You have to let it predict things that will happen before 2019, duh.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 15 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 1 week ago 100%

    OK Venturebeat have hastily beaten a venture-retreat and are decrying fraud complete with an AI generated header image that really screams "promptfondler caught red-handed fondling".

    Contains such choice quotes are “fraud in the AI research community”, which are very reminiscent of Capt. Renault's reaction in the casino in Casablanca.

  • techtakes TechTakes Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 9 September 2024
  • gerikson gerikson 2 weeks ago 100%

    Point taken. I still think the Luna series is great!

  • buttcoin
    Buttcoin gerikson 3 months ago 97%
    Martin Shkreli claims to have been behind a Donald Trump memecoin

    This season's showrunners are so lazy, just re-using the same old plots and antagonists.

    TechTakes gerikson 5 months ago 100%
    Flood of AI-Generated Submissions ‘Final Straw’ for Small 22-Year-Old Publisher

    > “It is soulless. There is no personality to it. There is no voice. Read a bunch of dialogue in an AI generated story and all the dialogue reads the same. No character personality comes through,” she said. Generated text also tends to lack a strong sense of place, she’s observed; the settings of the stories are either overly-detailed for popular locations, or too vague, because large language models can’t imagine new worlds and can only draw from existing works that have been scraped into its training data.

    TechTakes gerikson 6 months ago 100%
    AI grifters con the US gov that AGI poses "existential risk"

    The grifters in question: > Jeremie and Edouard Harris, the CEO and CTO of Gladstone respectively, have been briefing the U.S. government on the risks of AI since 2021. The duo, who are brothers [...] Edouard's website:, and on LessWrong: Jeremie's LinkedIn: The company website:

    TechTakes gerikson 6 months ago 100%
    "The Obscene Energy Demands of A.I." - hackernews discussion

    HN reacts to a New Yorker piece on the "obscene energy demands of AI" with exactly the same arguments coiners use when confronted with the energy cost of blockchain - the product is valuable in of itself, demands for more energy will spur investment in energy generation, and what about the energy costs of painting oil on canvas, hmmmmmm?????? Maybe it's just my newness antennae needing calibrating, but I do feel the extreme energy requirements for what's arguably just a frivolous toy is gonna cause AI boosters big problems, especially as energy demands ramp up in the US in the warmer months. Expect the narrative to adjust to counter it.

    TechTakes gerikson 7 months ago 100%
    Elon Musk’s legal case against OpenAI is hilariously bad

    Yes, I know it's a Verge link, but I found the explanation of the legal failings quite funny, and I think it's "important" we keep track of which obscenely rich people are mad at each other so we can choose which of their kingdoms to be serfs in.

    TechTakes gerikson 8 months ago 100%
    Some interesting tidbits in this ElReg story about "AI Dean Phillips"

    Apologies for the link to The Register... Dean Phillips is your classic ratfucking candidate, attempting to siphon off support from the incumbent to help their opponent. After a brief flare of hype before the (unofficial) NH primary, he seems to have flamed out by revealing his master plan too early. Anyway, apparently some outfit called "Delphi" tried to create an AI version of him via a SuperPAC and got their OpenAI API access banned for their pains. Quoth ElReg: > Not even the presence of Matt Krisiloff, a founding member of OpenAI, at the head of the PAC made a difference. > The pair have reportedly raised millions for We Deserve Better, driven in part by a $1 million donation from hedge fund billionaire Bill Ackman, who described his funding of the super PAC as "the largest investment I have ever made in someone running for office." So the same asshole who is combating "woke" and DEI is bankrolling Phillips, supposed to be the new Bernie. Got it.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    bless this jank gerikson 8 months ago 100%
    [SOLVED] cannot login using mobile Firefox

    Anyone else have this problem? It’s been bothering me for a while and is the last thing keeping me using mobile Chrome. On the login page , after entering username and password, the “login” button does nothing. It might slightly change color but I am not directed to the site logged in, nor do I get an error. platform: iOS The username and password are entered automatically via either Firefox’s password store, or iOS’.

    NotAwfulTech gerikson 8 months ago 100%
    Looking for: random raytracing program

    Years ago (we're talking decades) I ran into a small program that randomly generated raytraced images (think transparent orbs, lens flares, reflection etc), suitable for saving as wallpapers. It was a C/C++ program that ran on Linux. I've long since lost the name and the source code, and I wonder if there's anything like that out there now?

    NotAwfulTech gerikson 10 months ago 94%
    The official Advent of Code 2023 thread

    Rules: no spoilers. The other rules are made up as we go along. Share code by link to a forge, home page, pastebin (Eric Wastl has one [here]( or code section in a comment.

    NotAwfulTech gerikson 10 months ago 100%
    Any interest in an Advent of Code thread?

    The wider community is still on Reddit, I wonder if there’s an interest to have a small alternative? If not, what’s a good Lemmy instance for these things?

    TechTakes gerikson 10 months ago 100%
    ScottA is annoyed EA has a bad name now

    In a since deleted thread on another site, I wrote > For the OG effective altruists, it’s imperative to rebrand the kooky ultra-utilitarianists as something else. TESCREAL is the term adopted by their opponents. Looks like great minds think alike! The EA's need to up their google juice so people searching for the term find malaria nets, not FTX. Good luck on that, Scott! The HN comments are ok, with this hilarious sentence > I go to LessWrong, ACX, and sometimes EA meetups. Why? Mainly because it's like the HackerNews comment section but in person. What's the German term for a recommendation that's the exact opposite?

    TechTakes gerikson 10 months ago 100%
    We don't even have Universal Basic Income yet but libertarians are already arguing it's too large

    [this is probably off-topic for this forum, but I found it on HN so...] *Edit* "enjoy" the discussion:

    TechTakes gerikson 11 months ago 100%
    "The best way to profit from AI"

    Title quote stolen from JZW: Yet again, the best way to profit from a gold rush is to sell shovels.

    TechTakes gerikson 12 months ago 100%
    That didn't take long: cryptobro realizes that blockchains is what LLMs crave.

    > After several months of reflection, I’ve come to only one conclusion: __a cryptographically secure, decentralized ledger is the only solution to making AI safer.__ *Quelle surprise* > There also needs to be an incentive to contribute training data. People should be rewarded when they choose to contribute their data (DeSo is doing this) and even more so for labeling their data. Get pennies for enabling the systems that will put you out of work. Sounds like a great deal! > All of this may sound a little ridiculous but it’s not. In fact, the work has already begun by the former CTO of OpenSea. I dunno, that *does* make it sound ridiculous.

    TechTakes gerikson 1 year ago 100%
    The rise of the AI middleman - software to ensure your LLM-generated crap isn't an abomination before god

    Pretty soon, paying for all the APIs you need to make sure your Midjourney images are palatable will be enough to pay a human artist!

    TechTakes gerikson 1 year ago 100%
    HN refuses to believe reputable research institute disproves superconductivity of LK99, mostly based on tone and the fact that prediction markets haven't crashed to zero

    Also the hivemind seems to have taken against ~~tweets~~Xeets, a stunning reversal from last year when St. Elon was gonna usher in a new Dawn of civilized discourse.
