science Science Climate policies that achieved major emission reductions: Global evidence from two decades
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 2 weeks ago 100%

    In line with theoretical expectations, we have identified pricing as a particularly effective policy in those sectors dominated by profit-maximizing firms

    It amazing how hard these companies fight against the things are the most effective (taxes).

  • support Beehaw Support September financial update—and Beehaw needs your help rebuilding our donation base
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 2 weeks ago 100%

    Beehaw uses Open Collective Europe Foundation (OCEF) as a fiscal host.

    OCEF charges an 8% Host Fee on Revenue

    OCEF uses the Open Collective Platform for the various functions and services it provides (like payment processing and accounting tools)

    The Open Collective Platform charges a 15% Revenue Share for Fiscal Hosts that collect donations through the platform.

    Any tip given to the platform does not go to Beehaw at all.

    All of the above is in addition to payment processing fees charged by Stripe.

  • support Beehaw Support September financial update—and Beehaw needs your help rebuilding our donation base
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 2 weeks ago 100%

    This is presented in a confusing way to me. But I see after reading it twice that monthly recurring contributions are $80.82 per month (I'm assuming this is after fees that OCEF charges).

    You have set a rough target of increasing that monthly recurring contributions amount to about $185 so that one off contributions aren't being relied upon to meet monthly expenses.

    This seems like a very reasonable ask and very attainable.

    I'm copying a monthly donation link here for people that don't want to scroll back up:

  • technology Technology Walmart's use of digital price tags signal the future of retail shopping, but consumers are worried
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    New Jersey has a law like that for gas. Can only increase the price one time per day. But ut doesn't apply to all gass stations, just ones on the highway rest areas.

  • technology Technology Walmart's use of digital price tags signal the future of retail shopping, but consumers are worried
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    You made a good point and I immediately thought that reporting a gross profit dollar amount as an example of how profit margins are not slim as simply inappropriate. And I would have responded myself if you hadn't. There's no single dollar figure that can inform anyone about anything useful about the profit margin of a business. A number without context is useless.

  • technology Technology The LLMentalist Effect: how chat-based Large Language Models replicate the mechanisms of a psychic’s con
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    I don’t see how that thought process is exclusive to people who are or consider themselves to be smart.

    They aren't saying that this is exclusive to people who consider themselves smart. They're saying that they're more likely to fall for the trap by engaging with the assumption of not being susceptible to being tricked. Although I think the author does conflate smart people with people who think of themselves as smart inappropriately.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    Cool beans!

    See you on Monday!

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    How often do you repost this question. Seems like the intent is weekly but it's been 18 days.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    I hope no matter your situation that you find a way to avoid heroin or any other addiction to cope with your troubles.

  • environment Environment Rooftop solar has a fraud problem. The industry is working to build back trust [NPR]
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    Residential home construction and renovation has always been a magnet for fraud. Take at least the the same level of precaution for solar installations.

  • usnews U.S. News White House says deals struck to cut prices of popular Medicare drugs that cost $50 billion yearly
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    Imagine a system more concerned about healthcare and not itemization of billable services.

  • technology Technology Opinion | Don’t Get Fooled Again by Crypto
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    Back when Bitcoin was released, nobody was giving a thought to computer energy use.

    It didn't take long before people saw that energy was a major factor in cost of operations of the network.

    It was a poor design decision

    One that is fiercely defended by people who invested into the implementation. So it may not have started with it being anticipated, but not it is and people are actively choosing to perpetuate this use of energy.

  • technology Technology Opinion | Don’t Get Fooled Again by Crypto
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 1 month ago 100%

    Back when Bitcoin was released, nobody was giving a thought to computer energy use.

    VT for long term
    Money Market Funds for short term

  • politics Politics Biden endorses Harris as Democratic nominee after ending his candidacy
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 2 months ago 100%

    Republican voters are never going to change their preference to a democratic candidate based on who the Democratic candidate is. The people who have potential to vote for Democrats aren't undecided in who they prefer, they're undecided if they even care enough to vote at all. Getting more people motivated to vote who didn't vote in the prior election is the only way to gain votes. That's true for any Democratic or Republican candidate for president. Presidential candidates need to make sure that people who voted in the last election for their party's candidate don't become disinterested in voting in the current election.

    The tough on crime reputation Harris has may demotivate otherwise likely voters for a Democratic candidate.

  • politics Politics Associated Press - Joe Biden Ends 2024 Campaign for President
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 2 months ago 100%

    I hope she motivates people to vote for her.

  • politics Politics Associated Press - Joe Biden Ends 2024 Campaign for President
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 2 months ago 100%

    Let's not forget that Bernie was a wealthy, criminal businessman from Manhattan in that movie.

  • food Food and Cooking Can electric woks produce great stir-fry?
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 3 months ago 100%

    Both create harmful air.

    That's exactly my point.

  • food Food and Cooking Can electric woks produce great stir-fry?
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 4 months ago 100%

    I'm not trying to downplay the pollutants from incomplete burning of methane (or other gas) combustion. I'm trying to highlight that it isn't the only consideration when discussion policy or making personal decisions.

    Cooking with an electric heat source will produce an equal amount of pollutants from burning oils and organic matter compared to a gas heat source. But a methane or other gas heat source will produce additional (and different) pollutants. Ventilation is important in both scenarios.

  • food Food and Cooking Can electric woks produce great stir-fry?
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 4 months ago 100%

    FYI - Cooking indoors on electric power sources also screws indoor air quality anytime any fats or organic matter reaches its smoke point or burns. In fact, relative to the food, the methane heat source isn't as big a factor.

  • technology Technology A Crash Course Guide to Nostr
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 4 months ago 100%

    Nostr seems like it's set up to allow for unmitigated abuse.

    This is an excellent introduction for those that want to try it out.

  • environment Environment EVs are lowering Bay Area's carbon footprint
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 5 months ago 100%

    The researchers in the article seem to be interested in that as well. They see their research as a pilot forhow to get useful measurements in many urban centers. I hope they receive more funding.

  • environment Environment EVs are lowering Bay Area's carbon footprint
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 5 months ago 100%

    It seems that the most significant part of this news is the enhancement in detecting atmospheric CO2 concentration in a large urban area. Being able to measure more accurately and precisely will allow better evaluation of mitigation strategies.

  • support Beehaw Support ANNOUNCEMENT: Beehaw's new fiscal host is Open Collective Europe Foundation—please renew your donations there
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 6 months ago 100%

    Are you going to report balances in € now?

  • support Beehaw Support Beehaw, Lemmy, and A Vision of the Fediverse - Ruminations on the past and visions of the future
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 6 months ago 100%

    Probably not. There are several alternative projects being worked on with varying states of completeness and refinement. But the alternatives all seem to have off set visions for their projects.

  • chat Chat Hi, bees! Outside of news and politics, what kind of topics would you like to see more on Beehaw?
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 7 months ago 100%

    That sounds like an opportunity I'd be foolish to turn away.

    How do we make it happen?

  • chat Chat Hi, bees! Outside of news and politics, what kind of topics would you like to see more on Beehaw?
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 7 months ago 100%

    I could not wrap my head around that game. I feel like I'm placing stones with 60% guesswork. I haven't played much, but I couldn't see the difference between good and bad placement.

  • support Beehaw Support EMERGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Collective Foundation is dissolving, and Beehaw needs your help
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 7 months ago 100%

    It would be the difference between paying no taxes to either a) paying taxes on all funds received at regular income tax rates without the benefit of deduction of expenses or b) doing 99% of the work to still need to pay income taxes on net income (revenues less expenses). So if you're going to do the work, it's worthwhile to do the additional 1% to get all of the benefits.

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Joe Biden just did the rarest thing in US politics: he stood up to the oil industry; The Biden administration suspended new permits for natural gas terminals. Can we see more of this kind of backbone?
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 8 months ago 88%

    Thank you for this comment

  • usnews
    U.S. News ericjmorey 8 months ago 100%
    Murray Releases Text of Bipartisan National Security Supplemental | United States Senate Committee on Appropriations

    > U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, released text of the Senate’s bipartisan national security supplemental package and issued the following statement: > > “As Ukraine runs low on ammunition to fend off Putin’s brutal invasion, it is imperative we finally extend our support. We must also live up to our commitments to our allies around the globe and quickly get more aid to innocent civilians caught in conflict, including in Gaza, where the humanitarian crisis is especially dire. I never believed we should link policy demands to emergency aid for our allies, but Republicans insisted—so Democrats negotiated in good faith over many weeks and now there is a bipartisan deal on border policy legislation. Ukraine’s fate and so much more hangs in the balance—it’s time for Congress to act.” Summary and full text of the bill are provided within [the press release.](

    usnews U.S. News Unclassified letter reveals NSA's warrantless purchase of Americans' internet browsing data
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 8 months ago 100%

    Does the NSA need a warrant to purchase information that’s being legally gathered and sold?

    The governments in the US shouldn't be collecting non-public information without a warrant if acquiring that information directly would require a warrant. Seems like a clear infringement of the 4th amendment.

  • usnews U.S. News Unclassified letter reveals NSA's warrantless purchase of Americans' internet browsing data
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 8 months ago 100%

    We should look out for all the villagers and reduce the risk of tiger attacks.

  • technology Technology Any ghost(.org) bloggers out there?
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 8 months ago 100%

    Why not use the $9 plan at

  • usnews U.S. News House panel advances debt commission without shields for Medicare, Social Security
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 8 months ago 100%

    Solution? What do they think the problem is?

  • programming Programming Can I email or text myself through Python or bash?
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 9 months ago 100%

    FYI, I cross posted your question to three communities:

    Shell Scripting


    Learn Programming

  • technology Technology This app lets restaurants and coffee shops charge to use the bathroom
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 9 months ago 100%

    These are conserted efforts to reduce the presence of "undesirables", also known as homeless or unhoused, in the areas without public bathrooms.

  • technology Technology You probably don't need a VPN
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 9 months ago 100%

    When to use a VPN

    VPNs are not magical fixes for privacy and security on the internet. However, there are some specific situations where they are useful tools.

    Network blocks and internet censorship. VPNs can help you access sites and services that are restricted by your local network or government. That's why downloads of VPN apps in Russia skyrocketed in 2022, after the country's invasion of Ukraine and more services became blocked. The same trend happened in Virginia and other U.S. states after they passed laws requiring photo identification for adult websites.

    Piracy. Internet service providers can sometimes detect when you are pirating movies, TV shows, music, or other media and send you angry letters. You can avoid that entirely by using a VPN when you download or torrent copyrighted material. Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free... but use a VPN.

    Region-locked content. This is a popular selling point for VPN companies that is actually true: VPNs can help you access online content that is officially restricted to a certain region. Switching your VPN server to a different country can change what movies and shows are available through Netflix, and UK-based VPN servers are frequently used to access BBC iPlayer content in other countries. However, this is not always reliable, as service providers will usually detect VPN servers after a while and block them.

    Accessing your home network. Setting up a VPN server at home is one way to access devices on your home network (such as self-hosted security cameras, media servers, and remote desktop) without opening up more of your network to the rest of the internet.

    There are other more niche use cases for VPNs, but those are the most popular ones that aren't completely made up.

  • technology Technology Musk’s X loses bid to block California content moderation law
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 9 months ago 100%

    What would it take for you to leave the platform?

  • citylife City Life The social ideology of the motorcar
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 9 months ago 100%

    the car, like a villa by the sea, is only desirable and useful insofar as the masses don’t have one.

    I stopped reading there. This flawed axiom will not have a good argument built upon it.

    Reducing the dependencies on cars is a great goal to strive towards, but articles like this don't feel helpful to that end.

  • technology Technology Chinese Carmaker Overtakes Tesla as World’s Most Popular EV Maker
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 9 months ago 100%

    Were the startups manufacturing vehicles or were they purchasing from companies like BYD?

  • technology Technology Musk’s X loses bid to block California content moderation law
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 9 months ago 100%

    I feel like simply knowing that X, formerly known as Twitter, paid for neo-Nazi content and promoted it is all I need to know about their content moderation policies.

    The law does seem like a generally good thing, but I doubt that anyone who would care hasn't already abandoned the platform.

  • technology Technology Pluralistic: “If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing”
  • ericjmorey ericjmorey 9 months ago 100%

    I felt like I was the only one that liked Tales From The Loop.

  • programming
    Programming ericjmorey 10 months ago 100%
    Learn Python from interactively @

    cross-posted from: > This looks like a great starting point for people with little to no experience with programming to learn to program using Python. > > Everything taught by can be used locally on your own computer. But doesn't show you how to install Python on your machine but you can fill in that gap with the information provided @ > > Other resources are provided on the [ Beginners Guide > ]( if needed. > >

    OpenELA - Community Repository for Enterprise Linux Sources

    [OpenELA]( is a non-profit trade association of open source Enterprise Linux distribution developers. There are many Linux Distributions that are perfectly suitable for enterprise use cases and environments. For the purpose of this charter and project, OpenELA recognizes “Enterprise Linux” (EL) as 1:1 and bug-for-bug source code compatibility which today is aligned to RHEL and CentOS. OpenELA's mission is to provide a secure, transparent, and reliable Enterprise Linux source that is globally available to all as a buildable base. OpenELA is a collaboration created and upheld by CIQ, Oracle, and SUSE. Read the [recent article on the formation of OpenELA by Richard Speed at The Register]( [ParanoidFactoid]( may be interested in this development.

    Lemmy v0.18.0 Release

    cross-posted from: > ## What is Lemmy? > > Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top. > > ## Major Changes > > ### HTTP API instead of Websocket > > Until now Lemmy-UI used websocket for all API requests. This has [many disadvantages](, like making the code harder to maintain, and causing live updates to the site which many users dislike. Most importantly, it requires keeping a connection open between server and client at all times, which causes increased load and makes scaling difficult. That's why we decided to rip out websocket entirely, and switch to HTTP instead. This change was made much more urgent by the sudden influx of new users. [@CannotSleep420]( and [@dessalines]( have been working hard for the past weeks to implement this change in lemmy-ui. > > HTTP on its own is already more lightweight than websocket. Additionally it also allows for caching of server responses which can decrease load on the database. Here is an [experimental nginx config]( which enables response caching. Note that Lemmy doesn't send any cache-control headers yet, so there is a chance that private data gets cached and served to other users. Test carefully and use at your own risk. > > ### Two-Factor Authentication > > New support for two-factor authentication. Use an app like [andOTP]( or [Authenticator Pro]( > to store a secret for your account. This secret needs to be entered every time you login. It ensures that an attacker can't access your account with the password alone. > > ### Custom Emojis > > Instance admins can add different images as emojis which can be referenced by users when posting. > > ### Other changes > > #### Progressive Web App > > Lemmy's web client can now be installed on browsers that support PWAs, both on desktop and mobile. It will use an instance's icon and name for the app if they are set, making it look like a given instance is an app. > > **Note for desktop Firefox users**: the desktop version of Firefox does not have built in support for PWAs. If you would like to use a Lemmy instance as a PWA, use [use this extension]( > > #### Error Pages > > Lemmy's web client now has error pages that include resources to use if the problem persists. This should be much less jarring for users than displaying a white screen with the text "404 *error message here*". > > #### Route Changes > > Pages that took arguments in the route now take query parameters instead. For example, a link to's home page with a few options used to look like this: > > ``` > > ``` > > The new route would look like this: > > ``` > > ``` > Note that you now only have to specify parameters you want instead of all of them. > > #### Searchable select redesign > The searchable selects, such as those used on the search page, have a new look and feel. No more inexplicable green selects when using the lightly themes! > > #### Share button > > Posts on the web client now have a share button on supported browsers. This can be used to share posts to other applications quickly and easily. > > #### Lemmy-UI Overall look and feel > > lemmy-ui is now upgraded to bootstrap 5, and every component is now much cleaner. > > Special thanks to [sleepless](, [alectrocute](, [jsit](, and many others for their great work on improving and re-organizing lemmy-ui. > > #### Database optimizations > > Special thanks to [johanndt](, for suggesting improvements to Lemmy's database queries. Some of these suggestions have already been implemented, and more are on the way. > > Query speed is Lemmy's main performance bottleneck, so we really appreciate any help database experts can provide. > > #### Captchas > > Captchas are not available in this version, as they need to be reimplemented in a different way. They will be back in 0.18.1, so wait with upgrading if you rely on them. > > ## Upgrade instructions > > Follow the upgrade instructions for [ansible]( or [docker]( > > If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our [support forum]( or on the [Matrix Chat](! > > ## Support development > > We (@dessalines and @nutomic) have been working full-time on Lemmy for almost three years. This is largely thanks to support from [NLnet foundation]( > > If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider [donating to support its development]( No one likes recurring donations, but they've proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive. >

    Organized kbin / Lemmy Apps & Resources

    cross-posted from: > In table format with FOSS status, platform, and OS for your viewing pleasure: > > |FOSS| Name | Platform | OS | Stage | Source Code | Info | > |----|---------|-----------|------------|---------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| > |YES | Memmy | Lemmy |Android, iOS|Android Release (Pending Play Store Approval)| [Github]( | []( | > |YES | Morpha | Lemmy |Android, iOS| Under Development | [Gitlab]( | []( | > |YES | Thunder | Lemmy |Android, iOS| Alpha Release | [Github]( | [thunder\]( | > |YES | Mlem | Lemmy | iOS | Submitted for App Store Review (July 1) | [Github]( | []( | > |YES | Jerboa | Lemmy | Android | Released | [Github]( | []( | > |TBD | Artemis |Kbin, Lemmy|Android, iOS| Private Beta (Starts End of June) | [Unreleased]( | []( | > |TBD | Limbo | Lemmy | iOS | TestFlight Beta | [Unreleased]( | []( | > |YES | Beyond | Lemmy |Android, iOS| Under Development |[Unreleased](| [original Beehaw post]( | > | NO | Sync | Lemmy | Android | Research | **N/A** | []( | > |YES | Slide | Lemmy | Android | Under Development (More information coming) | **N/A** | [original Lemmy post]( | > |YES |Lemmynade| Lemmy | Android | Under Development | **N/A** |[original Lemmy post](| > > * TBA kbin app from [@developerjustin]( (iOS, kbin Only, in development) - I've had a chat with the dev of this as-yet-unnamed app, but it's not ready for testing yet. > > [Important note from]( > > Am super open to any apps, code repos, communities, or info I'm missing as well as updates.

    UPDATED: There are now multiple iOS / Android apps in development for kbin & lemmy!

    More up to date and more detailed information at: cross-posted from: > The amount of apps being developed for iOS / Android is getting really crazy now and new apps keep popping up every day. Updated list below: > > * Artemis (iOS, Android, kbin, lemmy): [link]( > * Memmy (iOS, lemmy): [link]( > * Mlem (iOS, lemmy): [link]( > * Morpha (iOS, lemmy): [link]( > * Thunder (iOS, Android, lemmy): [link]( > * Beyond (iOS, Android, lemmy): [link]( > * Limbo (iOS, Android, lemmy): [link]( > * Jerboa (Android, lemmy): [link]( > * Slide (Android, lemmy): [link]( > * Sync (Android, lemmy): [link]( > * *Unnamed* (kbin): [link]( > > Most apps on the list are lemmy apps, meaning they don't work with kbin. Artemis is specifically designed to work with kbin, not sure if or when any of the other ones will go in that direction or become interoperable as there are some challenges with the kbin API at the moment. Having said that, a new API is in the works ([]( so things should get better with time. Some of the apps are in very early stage of development so it may happen that they adjust OS availability and platform support. See info in table format with more details:

    City Life ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    Live feed of the I-95 repairs in Philadelphia

    They're planning to fill the underpass to support some temporary narrow center lanes. Then they'll build the outer lanes proper before digging out the underpass and completing the inner lanes proper.

    Finance ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement - June 14, 2023

    Recent indicators suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a modest pace. Job gains have been robust in recent months, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Inflation remains elevated. The U.S. banking system is sound and resilient. Tighter credit conditions for households and businesses are likely to weigh on economic activity, hiring, and inflation. The extent of these effects remains uncertain. The Committee remains highly attentive to inflation risks. The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. In support of these goals, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 5 to 5-1/4 percent. Holding the target range steady at this meeting allows the Committee to assess additional information and its implications for monetary policy. In determining the extent of additional policy firming that may be appropriate to return inflation to 2 percent over time, the Committee will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy, the lags with which monetary policy affects economic activity and inflation, and economic and financial developments. In addition, the Committee will continue reducing its holdings of Treasury securities and agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities, as described in its previously announced plans. The Committee is strongly committed to returning inflation to its 2 percent objective. In assessing the appropriate stance of monetary policy, the Committee will continue to monitor the implications of incoming information for the economic outlook. The Committee would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy as appropriate if risks emerge that could impede the attainment of the Committee's goals. The Committee's assessments will take into account a wide range of information, including readings on labor market conditions, inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and financial and international developments. Voting for the monetary policy action were Jerome H. Powell, Chair; John C. Williams, Vice Chair; Michael S. Barr; Michelle W. Bowman; Lisa D. Cook; Austan D. Goolsbee; Patrick Harker; Philip N. Jefferson; Neel Kashkari; Lorie K. Logan; and Christopher J. Waller. [Implementation Note issued June 14, 2023](

    Humanities & Cultures ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    President Teddy Roosevelt, from “Citizen in a Republic” April 23, 1910

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” -President Teddy Roosevelt, from “Citizen in a Republic” April 23, 1910

    Finance ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    Producer Price Index - 2023 May

    **PPI for final demand declines 0.3% in May; goods fall 1.6%, services increase 0.2%** The Producer Price Index for final demand declined 0.3 percent in May. Prices for final demand goods fell 1.6 percent, and the index for final demand services increased 0.2 percent. Prices for final demand moved up 1.1 percent for the 12 months ended in May. [PDF]( [Charts](

    Finance ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    Consumer Price Index Summary - 2023 May


    Programming ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    Humble Bundle has a deal to get 15 O’Reilly programming books for $25, or 10 books for $18, or 5 books for $1

    In my opinion any one of these books may be worth $25 or more, but if you are interested in any one of the 5 in the $1 bundle, this is an easy decision.

    Beehaw Support ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    The Lemmy dev team could use some help with their database issues -

    Is there anyone out there with database expertise willing to help?

    Nature and Gardening ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    Abiquiu Lake in northern #NewMexico in all its splendor this week. Full of water and surrounded by spectacular desert views. is a great account posting many great pictures and posts about Nature and Gardening

    What are your favorite browser extensions?

    What browser extensions do you use that you'd recommend to others? Do you contribute to any FOSS browser extension projects? Are there any non-FOSS extensions that you wish had a sufficient FOSS alternative?

    Programming ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    30 days of Rust

    A developer documents their 30 day journey of learning Rust through open-source content.

    Programming ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    Which programming languages do you use?

    It seems like there are about ~~22~~ ~~27~~ ~~46~~ ~~219~~ ~~320~~ ~~493~~ 1840 active subscribers here. I have a few questions for you all. - Which programming languages do you regularly use? - Which are your favorite to work with and why? - Which do you have interest in trying and why?

    Beehaw Support ericjmorey 1 year ago 100%
    Saving drafts of comments

    Maybe I'm missing something but there doesn't seem to be support for saving a draft of a comment. Also, if a comment fails to post, everything is lost. Is there anything that can be done about this? I guess the same could be said for new posts as well.
