drs_your_gme DRS Your GME 100st drawing for the stonk, it's been a long time and a lot of pens and paper. I'm still hoping the DOJ is quietly building a rock solid case and we get to keep our word; no cell, no sell.
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 6 days ago 100%

    satellite maps for surrealists!

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Upcoming earnings feels
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 1 week ago 100%

    They're just the way i draw stuff, in this case I embed words/letters into the shapes that are related to the GME saga. It started early on when I decided to post some drawing on fridays in the GMEJungle sub to combat weekend FUD posts and then it just kind of continued. It eventually spread to the GME and Teddy subs during the BBBY side quest, and then into Lemmy and Urvin Terminal during the [REDACTED] episode of the main sub mod drama issues.

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 2 weeks ago 100%
    I appreciate apes who take the time to go on record, letting the SEC know what we think of the loopholes and exceptions that string together the financial system's fabric.

    And thanks to the wrinklies who cook up the well-composed templates that say what we want in legalese most of us don't speak.

    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Home of bedposts, mayo, and dubious rule bending
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 4 weeks ago 100%

    shitadel, also kind of shaped like their logo.

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 4 weeks ago 75%
    Upcoming earnings feels

    things look good ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/d1af9e94-edac-41c3-8343-3345ddc26941.jpeg)

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 1 month ago 66%
    Home of bedposts, mayo, and dubious rule bending


    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME One of the puzzle pieces used to control the stonk
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 1 month ago 100%

    I've been posting these almost every friday for over 2 years, I like the consistency. If my posts are the only ones showing up it means others are not posting, not that I should post less, in my opinion. I'm slow and steady, like the DRS train.

    So far you're the only complaint I've had on the posts in 2+ years, so unless I get moar, I'm keeping on keeping on.

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 1 month ago 66%
    One of the puzzle pieces used to control the stonk

    Bernie's legacy lives on ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/cb9c6adb-6cdb-40cb-bc6b-198c8a08deee.jpeg)

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 2 months ago 80%
    Where it all began for a lot of apes


    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 2 months ago 100%
    Hoping for an not-cat update soon to see where it's at

    i'm curious how much it's grown

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 3 months ago 100%
    How the turntables on a forbidden topic

    Once taboo but now all the rage. ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/e50125b8-5637-4857-8788-37f31df06f94.jpeg)

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 3 months ago 66%
    Cycles theory of the day


    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 3 months ago 60%
    The Apex Clearing transaction that halted the sneeze in '21. Could they try it again next time?

    Some background: https://www.youtube.com/live/CKX9J9rb7uc ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/15d69c5a-8d05-4928-a082-58513f2dfe06.jpeg)

    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Will this tinfoil come true?
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 3 months ago 100%

    you may be right, we'll see!

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Will this tinfoil come true?
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 3 months ago 100%

    that GME hodlers will actually get access to "once upon a time in shao-lin". i know it has been claimed they will, but i am also curious about the mechanism of that access. I am a fan of disrupting the known-to-be-unfair music industry, as well as ideas that giving GME hodlers access could facilitate a brokerage share-count if we have to link the access to a broker to verify share holding, so i am curious about those angles of all this.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Will this tinfoil come true?
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 3 months ago 100%

    lemmy misbehaving this morning for me

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 100%
    In the words of Highlander, "There can be only one."


    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Is this where they kicked the can into?
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 100%

    not quite

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Is this where they kicked the can into?
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 100%

    you belong here ;-)

    not quite right though

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 100%
    Is this where they kicked the can into?


    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME In honour of the return, i GIF'd up some earlier stonk drawings. Welcome back Kitty, we missed the memes.
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 100%

    if ryan cohen or keith gill don't want the whole set post-moass, i'll earmark that one for you, though truly I should send it to Mr_Boost! ;-)

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 92%
    In honour of the return, i GIF'd up some earlier stonk drawings. Welcome back Kitty, we missed the memes. https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/414d085f-7bad-4388-a280-776a5f24e14f.webm

    ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/ea0d6bb8-99e0-4600-a125-81acf6c70b91.webm) ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/d9925cd7-600a-4676-96ab-2ea16d4c130b.webm)

    gmecanada GMECanada GME still climbing in Robbinghood's 24-hr market! $40.06+
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 100%

    thanks for keeping the doors open on this Lemmy instance. I think the social media wonkery is going to increase so i'm glad this lifeboat still floats!

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Einfachman canceled by Reddit
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 100%

    This is an appreciation comment, stating how thankful I am that this Lemmy instance was kicked into gear. I'm glad this is here so when reddit implodes, and discord is all noise, and X does something fucked, there's this.

    Thanks to the lemmings!

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 4 months ago 100%
    Have your say as a shareholder!

    I also buried a "NO 4" in this lines on this one ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/ac4fa873-5484-4f19-85b2-e9743bd824a6.jpeg)

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 5 months ago 100%
    Price goes up, price goes down, and apes remain https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/17821929-181f-4f00-8b4f-eb7eeb99a9c8.png

    ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/0b6b9990-a0ca-4d6c-8fb1-7bd16077895c.webm) Power to the collectors ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/756ab336-e214-4577-a7f9-33f2c7e0121a.png)

    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME One by day, one by night
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 5 months ago 100%

    glad you found all the names!

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 5 months ago 100%
    The new hardware logo is out in the wild!

    ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/43c71197-d40a-430f-95ed-263705bfdfda.webm) Power to the collectors! ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/10240f03-871f-4ecd-b8de-1900b103f8d7.png)

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 6 months ago 100%
    One by day, one by night

    ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/eb974b17-5905-4117-92f0-500fb94e9fd1.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/2efc9a8a-4def-4d15-aaca-4110e85be8de.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/56d4714a-fd76-4cd9-9102-21e07cf13c47.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/b87112e9-ad8d-42fe-8711-324fece4ee7a.webm) ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/e4321957-cc50-4bc6-a4bc-67e479a33cd0.webm) Prior to stumbling into the GME saga and starting to draw pictures about it on the regular, I drew a lot of line patterns that recombined with each other to form interconnecting patterns. The largest set of these drawings being an alphabet and number set that aligned to make patterns when words and sentences were compiled. I made that into a computer font I called “The Alphabetter!”, that I wanted to NFT and someday sell on the GME marketplace. Alas. However, these interconnecting patterns take longer to draw because I do it all by hand and have to make sure that most lines in one picture have a place to align with in the adjacent panel(s) depending on the arrangement, so when I was drawing one pic a week for The Stonk I didn’t have enough time to get fancy. But since moving to a pic every 2 weeks, that’s given me the time to do it up! So these two panels can be read a few ways, there’s the usual thick-lined-easy-find, but there’s also a more hidden thin lined set of words in there. The panels were drawn so they would recombine both horizontally and vertically, so they could be copied and pasted adjacent to each other up, down, and side to side, and still align the words both ways, as demonstrated in the animated gif versions posted here. So while the FUD flows free and shills question the lack of guidance, or the missing of inflated targets, or the acumen of the executive suite..., for me this previous week of post-earnings FUD has shown in the comments that there are STILL just under 200,000 DRS’s badasses who are not only holding strong, but continuing the grind, and like myself they keep buying a few and DRS’ing, they still remember the insane touchstones of this bonkers saga, they still don’t give out financial advice but are still willing to help new apes just showing up. I am glad that we’re so immune to the bullshit now, that this train will not get knocked off the tracks, and that it may take time, but we WILL lock the float and then sit back to watch the fumbling explanations, the law breaking underhandedness, the finger pointing, the excuses, and the bold-faced-lies in the media. And then we’ll get paid. And then we’ll start fixing the shit the system was too corrupted to fix. Let’s Fucking GO!

  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 6 months ago 100%

    they never can miss with their splattershot approach

  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 6 months ago 100%


  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 6 months ago 50%

    try squinting, or looking at it from across the room

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 6 months ago 80%

    The thesis still rings true

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 7 months ago 66%
    Wen 10-K?

    Still waiting on a date...

    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME So many snakes in the grass sowing division
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 7 months ago 100%

    i'll certainly keep posting them here!

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 7 months ago 100%
    So many snakes in the grass sowing division

    There have been so many paid actors trying to spread the division and confusion throughout this story

    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As we approach the DRS count
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 8 months ago 100%

    oh i think i'm a ruby more than a rube

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As we approach the DRS count
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 8 months ago 100%

    The thing is, to jump in on this i still wouldn't sell my GME, because it wouldn't make a huge difference to what Io what I have to put into this. I am a lower income ape, i work less than full time, so I can take the money i put into GME about every 2 months to buy a single handful of shares and put it towards AI instead if I really wanted to jump in on this alleged goldrush, but i wouldn't know the first thing about what to buy. And besids, the only people that really strike it rich in a goldrush are the outfitters, which in this case are still the shitty brokers likely sending everything to Citadel in PFOF.

    So if you have the hot tip of "put $100 into <AI ticker> and it'll be 10000X next month!" then let me know and I'll throw my next $100 i would have bought GME with into that, but I'm not selling any GME, especially not the DRS'd bits because I spent so goddam much to DRS them, and those shares either become a phone book number or I die with them still in my account.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As we approach the DRS count
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 8 months ago 100%

    that's a great idea!

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As we approach the DRS count
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 8 months ago 100%

    no, i don't think i will.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As we approach the DRS count
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 8 months ago 100%

    Thanks! I'm glad there's a lemmy instance to put them on! I usually make recombinant pattern sets with the lines, but the GME saga seemed ripe for embedding words/acronyms into so I have really leaned into that the past couple years, I like how the set is turning out.

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 8 months ago 100%
    As we approach the DRS count

    ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/3e6a434a-6bea-4ec4-819d-092aa3a300c3.webm) Plan vs. Book..., the debate seems to have simmered to an agreement that Book is King. However, for those of us buying direct at Computershare, we enroll in the DSPP/Plan when we do autobuys or one timer's. The heat lamp theory brought a new wrinkle to the story, that maybe the DTCC can access Booked shares under the same account as Plan shares, if an account is enrolled in the DSPP/Plan, or if anything remains sitting in Plan, even a fractional dingleberry, all as part of CS's "operational efficiency" mechanism. When a gamer is posed with a puzzle, they find ways to test solutions. One of the ways this hypothesis could be tested is if apes enrolled in the DSPP/Plan Terminate, then drop the dingleberry fractional, so their account is all Book, and nothing is left exposed to chicanery. To my mind, this is a bit of scientific testing, experimental trial and error if you will, and if apes truly became Book Kings (and Queens and everything in between and outside thereof), we would see if it makes a significant jump in the DRS share count on the next earnings report. For those saying that we're giving away money by dropping the fractional, here's my thinking on that: If we have ~200k DRS'd apes, let's guestimate only half of them are enrolled in DSPP/Plan, because not everyone is buying direct, and some apes have multiple accounts, and not all of the accounts are enrolled, etc... After Terminating and Booking the full shares, let's say each of those accounts had an average of 0.5 of a share hanging onto uranus (personally I make sure I'm only dropping less than 0.3 of a share). That's the monetary equivalent of one fancy coffee, or a serving of avocado toast, and if I give up just one of those things every few months before the DRS count is done, it offsets the money lost on the dingleberry. So... not such a big deal! You can do what you want with your enrollment in DSPP/Plan, but I like the scientific method and I want to test the heat lamp theory, so I am Terminating, dropping the fractional, and seeing what happens. I hope you'll do the same, because the day of the DRS count is likely coming at the end of this month, so you only have a couple weeks to get your buy in, settled, and terminated. Then we sit back, wait for earnings, and see if we've just fucked the DTCC's "operational efficiency" in the ass with no lube. What's the worst that can happen? We each lose the equivalent of pocket change, and go back to autobuys and keeping fractionals like nothing happened once we're past earnings. Test the hypothesis! woohoo! Science! I want to solve this puzzle!

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 8 months ago 88%
    RC's Fanboy

    Love him, hate him, don't give a shit about him, regardless what you think of him, he's a character in this crazy saga. I have no idea what he's up to, but so far he seems to lean towards benevolence, and if it turns out he's been a shyster all along, a horde of screaming digijackals will swallow his soul for breakfast and spit out the gristly leftovers for pigeons to peck at indiscriminately. But for now, i'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and let him throw his own lawyers into the billionaire battle for the century and see how much he fights for those who can't afford their own paralegal platoon. If nothing else, he seems to be in a mutual appreciation society with Ryan Cohen, and despite inspiring division in the GME/BBBY/BBBYQ/TEDDY mob, he speaks about bringing factions together, so he can't be all bad. Maybe? Time will tell. ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/34ea5e30-48a8-475c-aa4b-142a31354107.webm) ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/284351c4-463c-41ff-bc70-3713300c5a1f.png)

    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME The collection of drawings for the stonk, so far
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 100%

    i wanted to make that one without the two touching because the token and the security were never in contact!

    thanks for the kind words.

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 80%
    The collection of drawings for the stonk, so far youtu.be

    An ape asked if there was somewhere to see the whole collection of my drawings for the stonk (so far), so I made a video of almost all of them and put some music from one of Montreal’s best musical exports behind it. It’s been fun drawing a weekly pic for the stonk, but I’m about to switch to a new job, and life’s getting busy with other creative endeavours, so I am going to shift to posting a new pic every 2 weeks instead of weekly. I’m still buying from CS, then booking and terminating plan, still hodling my shares and not planning to sell anytime soon, still here with all you beautiful apes, just need to reprioritize my time for a bit to get other work done. Here’s to this new year of watching the numbers, following the tinfoil, digging in the documents and making life tough for those who’ve had it easy. No Cell, No Sell. Life changing wealth for single digit share hodlers. Ape no fight ape because apes together strong. We’re ALL going to make it.

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 88%
    The form we're waiting on

    10-Q and K’s are good and all, but this one’s unscheduled, could drop at any moment, announces things like mergers, acquisitions, and things that could affect shareholders. So if RC’s reading this, send in that form and let’s get to work!

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 96%
    Renewed suspicion of the DRS numbers has rekindled interests in book, plan, operational efficiency, and this old theory.

    I'm not sure if the DD is valid or not, but I keep my shares in Book to feel a bit safer about them not being used nefariously against me.

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 94%
    Every day of this saga is one or the other


    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As a great visionary once said, "No target, just..."
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 100%

    as a pessimist, i am all about the negative space ;-)

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As a great visionary once said, "No target, just..."
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 100%

    where the fuck did I put my protein pills??!?

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As a great visionary once said, "No target, just..."
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 100%

    been here for a bit, like the Lemmy lifeboat!

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME As a great visionary once said, "No target, just..."
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 9 months ago 100%

    there's one in the P too!

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 82%
    84 years of drawing pics for the stonk ....so far!

    It's been 84 years of making drawings about the current situation in the world of household investing. Can't stop, won't stop. Minted 69 of these, gave out a few to some OG ape frens, but the rest are up for grabs to anyone with a Loopring wallet. Thanks to those expressing appreciation for the pics through this journey. ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/5169fbdc-21ac-4f27-820f-9f002c3418a3.webm) ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/5e1d553f-ced0-40c0-b1b0-7ff66ae26800.png)

    theppshow The PPShow Brick by brick we work our way there
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 100%

    sounds like you have a solid head on your shoulders when it comes to investing, i worry about apes yolo'ing beyond their means, or setting themselves up for having to sell some shares to make the bills... I still hold small numbers compared to a lot of the purple circles I see getting posted, but I'm OK with that, I have lots of experience making things go a long way, and I don't need enough tendies to buy an island, just to do some good. That said, I'd still take island-level tendies if it comes! Doctor Plasmatron's Island For Wayward Freakoids has a nice ring to it.

    I'm finishing up pic 69 tonight, i think it's turning out pretty good, nothing mind blowing, but will still appeal I suspect (grin). Thanks for the kind words on it, I never wanted my drawings to be appreciated by anyone but IRL friends, but it seems there's a handful of apes out in the world that also enjoy them, so i guess the real treasure is the friends we made along the way. ;-)

  • theppshow The PPShow Brick by brick we work our way there
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 100%

    right on! Still slowly booking them too, haven't had a raise in 4 years though, so not doing direct buys as much as I'd like. I persevere.

    Next one is pic #69, started drawing it today, hoping it turns out nice!

  • theppshow
    The PPShow doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 82%
    Brick by brick we work our way there

    it may be slow right now, but it's inevitable

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 74%
    Brick by brick we work our way there

    it might be slow right now, but it's inevitable

    theppshow The PPShow Welcome to the PPshow
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 100%

    nice to see the Lemmy lifeboat

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Who controls mainstream information?
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 100%

    this makes me think of the scene in Manufacturing Consent where they scroll a list of the 2 dozen or so at-the-time major media corporations responsible for the large majority of news dissemination in the west. I think that list has been consolidated now to about half a dozen corporations.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME If only I could think of a tax-free strategy to try to box a stock to $0.0001..
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 100%

    woah, what happened with the upvotes here?!? most posts I see have a few dozen upvotes at most, here this one's 400+

    Let's hope the bots haven't migrated to lemmy too!

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME We'll likely see a lot of this in the next couple of months
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 100%

    i've been pondering it, and did a test sketch of how i might work the 69 into an infinity symbol, but it's not working out, looks even more goofy than my attempt to make a portrait of the computershare pop-up screen woman that shows up when you log in, she keeps looking undead no matter what I do, i think because i always sucked at drawing the eyes.

    Instead I've settled on something else that is working well, though does not directly reference '69'. It'll still be the 69th drawing this upcoming friday though!

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 10 months ago 66%
    Drop it, send it, lock it, do it... whatever it is, let's f'n go!

    ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/01688713-141d-4cdc-b98e-657333f312b1.webm) free nft red packet for anyone who migrated to a Loopring wallet ![](https://lemmy.ca/pictrs/image/c9001d2a-a5d4-4235-9a68-b3a7c4964117.png)

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 11 months ago 80%
    We'll likely see a lot of this in the next couple of months

    When I started drawing pics for the stonk each week i never thought i'd wind up with such a large collection, but hedgies &amp; regulators have dragged this out long enough that I'm only a few pics away from drawing #69. So I'm taking suggestions in the comments on what the sixty ninth pic should be. LFG!

    DRS Your GME doctorplasmatron 11 months ago 100%
    Wen confirmation of RC involvement?

    still no luck adding an animated gif to the body of the message, alas.

    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME For those who remember the Ape News Network's traffic report
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 12 months ago 100%

    i just got a reply from mr_boost to this post on reddit, so he's still around!

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME In honour of silverback veterans of the battle for 180
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 12 months ago 100%

    But 180 is still going to be the true battleground, 45 is just the curtain going up on the show now. :-)

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Still hodling onto this banner to put up when the time is right. Feels close, but then it has for coming up on 3 years. Moon soon!
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 12 months ago 85%

    at some point it will be true and the banner goes up

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME In honour of silverback veterans of the battle for 180
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 12 months ago 100%

    thanks! I am really glad there's a Lemmy community for this, may not be as busy as [reddactit] but this is a quality lifeboat for when the seas get extra stormy.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME AAArrrgh!!!! Hoist The Flag!
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 12 months ago 100%

    better still, the skull is the gamestop power button logo

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME PSA if you add a stop trade restriction to a single security, Computershare will lock you out if all accounts.
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 1 year ago 100%

    there's a govt. role whose purpose is to be a watchdog of sorts, and advocate for citizens, usually called the ombudsman. There is one for the financial world here in Canada and if you've been given the shaft they are who you can raise a case with and they will go to the folks who are 'regulated' by govt. and say "what gives man, this person says you're fucking them over and if we find that's the case we have authority to make your like a lot harder" and usually companies who are approached by the ombudsman don't want the red tape of them getting involved, so they can sometimes fix shit fast. So I got the Canadian ombusdman for financial stuff involved even though this was an american security and company, and the ombusdman asked me to provide evidence of my communications with CS so they could open a case and look into it, and when I mentioned to CS support that I had contacted the ombudsman about the situation, that's when suddenly things started to happen on the CS side and they unlocked my account to be able to DRS etc. Ultimately the canadian ombudsman said "yeah, it's USA so not much we can do just now" and I replied that since mentioning them things had been unlocked etc, so the case was closed.

    I suspect there's a USA ombudsman for financial securities and such as well, but since i am canadian I started with my side of the border.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME PSA if you add a stop trade restriction to a single security, Computershare will lock you out if all accounts.
  • doctorplasmatron doctorplasmatron 1 year ago 100%

    thanks for the heads up. i had some serious computershare headaches when they flagged me for 'suspicious behaviour' last year, had to call, email, provide documents etc. They wouldn't let me DRS more shares or buy direct, only sell. Finally got my account unlocked with a warning that if anything suspicious happened they would lock the account permanently. Bogus. After I brought in the Ombudsman they changed their tune right away though.
