technology Technology Authy got hacked, and 33 million user phone numbers were stolen
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 62%

    I highly recommend 1Password. It's cross platform, including Linux, and it's not only a great and sort l super secure password manager, but it also does 2FA codes and if you use their auto fill tool, it will also paste the 2FA code to clipboard so you can paste it in seamlessly.

    Everything is full encrypted and needs a really long, unique to you, key to decrypt. So no one will be hacking this anytime soon. Even 1Password cannot open your vault.

  • linux Linux People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 50%

    Mac OS doesn't install like a traditional OS. It downloads an iso from the cloud, stores it locally and then installs itself. It lets you open a terminal and I put in some commands to clear and restore the bios before installing the OS.

    Normally any formatting tool should work on the USB but Fedora does something to the USB that prevents that. It definitely ruined a usb 3 drive I had and no amount of formatting would get it to work properly until I used their Fedora usb tool.

    They are doing something weird.

  • linux Linux People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    It does some weird formatting to the usb stick. You literally have to use their tool to unformat it again otherwise it's screwed. That's been my experience.

    I had an issue on my MacBook bios safety installing Fedora. Wouldn't boot and even if I tried installing Ubuntu over it, still would not boot.

    Had to reinstall Mac OS and have it repair the bios. Only after that could I get Linux installed and booting again.

    I don't know how they screwed it up but they did.

  • linux Linux People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 76%

    It's easy to install, it's Ubuntu based which means stable and a wide variety of software and support. Cinnamon looks beautiful in Mint and works perfectly. Installing a deb is a breeze and using the App Store is way easier than using YAST. The cli commands are now easy to understand or remember compared to apt.

    Fedora usb creation is a nightmare and can potentially f up your bios if something goes wrong. DNF is also but easy to understand or remember compared to apt.

    Gnome is too barebones for a first time user whereas Cinnamon is feature rich and is themed very well. Plus great wallpapers are included. The lock screen wallpapers are easily changed and look great too.

    As long as there is no shit Nvidia card the driver installation tends to work perfectly. Don't use Nvidia people. They are a shit, unethical, don't give a crap about Linux company. Use AMD.

    And for Linux users who've been around longer, there's Linux Mint Debian Edition which for us is even better because it's not Ubuntu based but Debian based and stable.

    I get the latest Firefox directly from Mozilla and any app I can't find in Synaptics I can normally get in Flatpak. Works perfectly well for me. I highly recommend it.

  • technology Technology Tech Firms Prey on Poor Under Guise of Expanding Access to Financial Services
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    I don't like this Altman guy I've bit. He's a punk. I think it was a mistake on Apple's part to partner with him.

    Let's hope they can offer alternatives in the near future.

  • linux Linux “Systemd is the future”
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 33%

    So are we all ok with Microsoft now being in charge of systemd? The same company made famous by Blue Screens of Death?

    When I consider this, it makes me think Linux has lost. Do you think Microsoft would let the Linux community be on charge of The Registry? Or any other part of the OS?

    Mac may be the only decent option left....?

  • linux Linux How can I easily and conveniently transfer files wirelessly between my linux computer and android phone?
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    You're right. LocalSend does require WiFi connectivity. In terms of convenience it's just like Airdrop, if you have that network.

    Maybe one day they could add Bluetooth. Would be cool

  • linux Linux How can I easily and conveniently transfer files wirelessly between my linux computer and android phone?
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Use LocalSend. It's exactly like Apple Airdrop but works on ALL operating systems so no matter what device you have you can easily transfer files.

    It's local, secure and open source.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Cyprus. Also in the EU but no official sales or support. I'm sure it's the same in most countries in South America, Africa, Asia and the Far East.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    I have a great pocket camera but it's not practical to carry it wherever I go. Most photos are taken spontaneously and for that reason you want a great camera on your smartphone.

    Also, most Android phones cannot capture RAW.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    😂. Good one! Touché

  • android Android Qualcomm admits: the Snapdragon 6s Gen 3 is just an "enhanced version" of the Snapdragon 695 - news
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Tell me about it. An over 3 year old chip and still flogging it as if it's new. Which means all the phones in that segment will still be only as powerful as 3 year old budget phones.

    That is disgusting. Shame on them.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple *Permanently Deleted*
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    I understand. You have to do what you have to do to survive. In that case make the best of the Windows pc and do your work to their satisfaction. Making a living is more important than what OS you use.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple *Permanently Deleted*
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Sounds like they are giving you crap hardware. Also, the IT guy should set up the VM and make sure it works.

    Also, as a dev you should INSIST that you MUST HAVE Linux available as well. You are the dev, you know what tools you need, it's not up to the IT guy to decide what software you need

    I say this as an IT Tech/Admin who was responsible for running all the IT at my company offices. I had about 350 users/PCs to administer plus servers, printers, telephone system, door entry system, switches, WiFi system etc...

    If a new guy started they told me what software he would run and what spec was needed and I'd get the right pc for the job and deploy the software needed. Not tell them what to use.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 66%

    I'm not saying that because I like iPhones.

    You are in the US so pixels are widely available and cheap. As is the FE series.

    Where I live, outside the US, the Pixel is not sold nor will Google let you buy it. So pixel is a no go.

    The Fan Edition Samsung costs virtually the same as the regular edition where I live, if you can find an FE. It costs €700+...

    99% of our population can only afford €250-300 phones. €700 is out of reach unless you're single, hehe a great job and still live with mum and dad. Or you are the 1%.

    So at that price ALL the android cameras are shit, shit, shit.

    So, if I import from the UK a used iPhone 12 it will cost about €350. At that price NOTHING can touch it below €700.

    Everything below €700 is Chinese cheapie and Samsung cheapie, also known as crap phones.

  • technology Technology Apple seems to have persuaded OpenAI to work for exposure
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    100% correct.

    At the moment there are tons of Ai companies all trying to be The One that everybody will use.

    But Google has Gemini and it has Android. Android has 70% market share worldwide and is offering Gemini for free to every user. That's MASSIVE exposure.

    For openai to get on Android the user has to install it as an app. It's VERY difficult to get your average user to know what openai is and why they should use it, never mind getting them to install the app.

    So to be the default Ai on iPhone is a HUGE deal for openAi and gives them massive exposure over the competition.

    Google pays Apple billions to Apple to be the default search engine so openAi not having to pay anything is actually very surprising to me.

    I think the only reason Apple isn't making them pay is because Apple plans to offer other Ai services in future.

  • linux Linux what linux OS should I install on a backup notebook if my main one is debian?
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 75%

    Linux Mint

  • apple_enthusiast Apple *Permanently Deleted*
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    If work let's you run VM's you could run Linux in a VM on your pc

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 50%
    1. Pixel is good but outside the US is barely available
    2. The only good Samsung cameras are on the Galaxy S line aka premium models. The rest of the phones, the ones most people buy, are crap.

    For the price of a used iPhone there is NO phone that can take as good photos and videos

  • apple_enthusiast Apple *Permanently Deleted*
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    You should try a Mac. You'll be surprised at how good it is.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple *Permanently Deleted*
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    This is a great point. I've switched between Android and iOS over the years. The past 4 years I've been on Android but later this year I plan to switch back to iPhone because they've leapt ahead again. Google has let Android languish. They don't add user delight features anymore and what they do have is poorly implemented.

    Apple is constantly adding features that people USE in real life, like Accident detection, fall detection, satellite calling, memoji, Facetime, iMessage, Find my devices, UWB shows you with an arrow on the screen exactly where your loved on is in a crowd or your airpods behind the couch etc

    Apple fitness is the best out there and Watch is hands down the best fitness device. And it works great with iPhone.

    There are too many things to list but the general rule of thumb is that apple adds delight and useful stuff but Google only adds things that benefit IT like circle to search. That's just a way to get you using Google search instead of a different search engine.

    When an OEM like Samsung's One UI is better than stock android, you know you have a problem. Plus the fragmentation: something that is on my android device may not be on my wife's or my friends, or in a different place or whatever.

    Average Android users don't know quick share exists at all. So it's always off on their phone so if you want to quick share something it's quicker to send it on WhatsApp than to teach them what quick share is and how to enable it.... Whereas every iPhone user knows airdrop and that's nothing to turn on.

    Even the recent customisation additions Apple has made are better implemented than on Android where it's a clunky process to add a widget, they look terrible and Devs have limited access. Even the bedtime feature where iPhone displays a clock on the screen when docked and charging is excellent for the average user. Why hasn't Android had this year's ago??? And still doesn't!

    Plus magsafe is genius. The incredible accessories and ease of use is fantastic.

    I can't wait to switch back to iPhone later this year!

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    It has it

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Nope. Apple only.

    I'm switching to iPhone because Google has let Android languish for years now. Samsung does more for android than Google does for goodness sake.

    Apple users get fun and cool updates which is why they love it. Plus best in class photos and videos so they can share photos with friends and family with confidence, as opposed to android which has shit cameras and even shittier video.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Exactly. Also memoji on Android would be nice as well as the better emoji content on iPhones..

    The bedtime mode on iPhone is also very cool as well as the ability to set your contact photo which other iPhone users will see when they call you.

    Plus I think Apple have done a better job with widgets because they look nicer and are stackable.

    Imo as an android user, android has been neglected by Google for a while and apart from Samsung no other OEM's are adding for software to rival Apple.

    Which is one of many reasons why I'll be switching back to iPhone. I see more and better user features being added to iOS.

    The only thing Google has done with android lately is Material You, and it's not as rich as apples customisation. And circle to search is a stupid feature which only benefits Google more than the user.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Correct. It needs hardware and will only be on flagships, if the OEM includes it..

    Another nice feature on the latest iPhone is the UWB chip egg even the older models have but now you can find another iPhone 15 user in a crowd if they share their location. The UWB chip will guide you right to them

    I've wanted something like this for at least a decade for when my wife and I get separated in the Mall so that instead of calling her to see where she is (and she often doesn't hear it ringing) I'd be able to just use the phone to lead me to her... Pretty useful in real life. And it also works for your misplaced tracker tile, air pods, iPad etc

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Exactly. You get it. At the end of the day they are all going to get many of the same features.

    They both copy from webOS anyway, at the end of the day. That webOS from Palm was way ahead at the time but lacked the hardware and Carrier support needed to succeed.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    I can't afford a new one so I'm looking at used IPhone's to get. Because Apple tends to support them for 5+ years, I still should get at least 2 years OS updates with a used one.

    I'm thinking iPhone 13 is a good one to get.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 50%

    Are you on weed? This is my opinion, it doesn't need any article....🤦

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 25%

    Except the iPhone isn't junk - best in class CPU, best in class cameras, best in class accessories, magsafe, best in class security(FaceID), best in class messaging with iMessage, best in class emoji/animoji/memoji, best in class OS updates, busy in class animations and app design, best in class post sales service, best in class devices ecosystem....

    Huge difference.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    That is the catch. I agree that there is lock in, I've experienced that, but in return you get unparalleled interconnectivity.

    Plus you get 5+ years OS updates on iPhone and iPad Vs 2-3 years on Android, budget Android. And for the money, the cameras will be better than any budget Android and the CPU will be better for gaming. Plus there is a world of accessories you just don't get with Android.

    As cool as it is to have split screen or an SD card on my phone, when I need to take a picture with friends/family and they always come out terribly because all Android's under €750 have shit cameras, then none of that matters. An experience I recently had. We tried 3 android phones and in the end the friend with an iPhone got the best shot and that one was shared on the group.

    Super embarrassing for Android that 3 different phones tried to get a decent semi low light photo and couldn't but a year's old iPhone got a great shot with 1 click.

  • technology Technology Everything Apple iOS 18 Will Do, Android Already Does
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 11%

    Not anymore. That was true for a few years but iOS has definitely overtaken Android. Plus when you include the entire Apple devices ecosystem, Arcade, TV+, Homepod, Continuity etc iOS FAR, FAR outstrips Android.

    Android is a stand alone device but iPhone is one piece in a mosaic of devices and services.

    This is why now, after the last 4 years on Android, I'm switching back to iPhone.

    Plus the hardware and cameras on budget Android devices are shit and I'm tried of paying for shit.

    The Snapdragon 695 came out 3+ years ago and yet Qualcomm just released this year the Snapdragon 6s gen 3, which is .... the 695 with a slightly higher clock speed... 🤦

    For €300 - €550 they keep selling us the same junk with a different name and colour and I'm done with that bs.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Introducing Apple Intelligence for iPhone, iPad, and Mac
  • danielfgom danielfgom 3 months ago 100%

    Yes it's great because now Siri can live up to its potential. And it's done on device and privately. And if you need to use chatgpt your IP will be obscured it so they cannot create a profile of you.

    Reenember though that on device needs iPhone 15 Pro and newer. Plus we don't know if current iPhones will get the chatgpt functionality or not.

  • askandroid Ask Android What games do you play on your phone?
  • danielfgom danielfgom 4 months ago 100%

    I prefer action games. I quite enjoyed the Space Marshalls series.

  • linux Linux when you upgrade an OS, do you clean install or upgrade?
  • danielfgom danielfgom 4 months ago 100%

    Wait for the distro to officially release an upgrade path. Only do a fresh install if it doesn't work.

    On Windows however whenever I would get a new pc in which I was prepping for staff(I worked in IT) the first thing I'd do after unboxing it is a wipe of the factory Windows install and do a clean install with the latest ISO from Microsoft.

    No bloatware, network managers, anti virus etc nonsense. We had all of our own stuff for that which applied via Group Policy anyway.

  • technology Technology iFixit is breaking up with Samsung. ‘Samsung’s approach to repairability does not align with our mission,’ says iFixit’s CEO.
  • danielfgom danielfgom 4 months ago 6%

    Too much fuss about nothing. Samsung just want to be sure that they aren't getting ripped off on warranty repairs and that they have an accurate idea of the devices repair history. Especially with 4 - 7 years OS support on new models, that phone will likely belong to several owners over the years.

    When I worked in Telecoms back in 2005 - 2008, Samsung had the very best repair centres. Out of all the OEM's their repairs were the fastest and the best quality and if a phone went in for repair more than twice, they would replace it on the third repair with a brand new unit.

    Could not say that about Nokia, HTC, Sony Ericsson or Motorola. (There was no iPhone yet in my country at that time)

  • android Android Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years
  • danielfgom danielfgom 4 months ago 100%

    I agree, from a user point of view, however from Google's point of view guys only job is to make money for the company, which he seems to be doing.

    Android has been left to languish and especially the mid range and budget segment. Google had let OEM's use the largest sales market to keep selling junk low spec phones year after year with the same specs and no meaningful improvements. If you wanna really great cameras or wireless charging, your only choice is to buy a premium device. That locks out billions of people from having a great Android experience.

    Even the premium segment hasn't seen that much improvement from Google. It's basically only Samsung who are pushing things forward through OneUI and through hardware Innovations like folding phones and zoom cameras to make the experience better.

    I for one am tired of it and have decided that my next phone is an iPhone. For the same price as an A55 I can get a brand new iPhone 12 or for less I can get a refurbished model and have far superior cameras than any Android below €750 as well as years of OS updates and enjoy all the great user features Apple has added to iOS recently.

    The last iPhone I had was the 7 and it was ok but my S7 Edge was better. I've been on Android since then but now iPhone has finally made some great improvements in both hardware and software which I think should offer me a better experience than budget Android.

  • android Android Prominent Android manufacturers commit to supporting phone software for 7 years
  • danielfgom danielfgom 4 months ago 100%

    The article says "manufacturers" but then only mentions Samsung in the article....

    Not exactly a surprise tbh because they have to compete with iPhone. And I bet it's only for flagship devices. I can't see the budget devices getting this.

  • linux Linux Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • danielfgom danielfgom 4 months ago 100%

    I'll take a look at that. Thanks

  • linux Linux Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • danielfgom danielfgom 4 months ago 100%

    I must try that. Thanks

  • linux Linux Taking your ideas for my next linux app
  • danielfgom danielfgom 4 months ago 100%

    Implement a wireless file transfer protocol that works with Apple's Airdrop and Android's Quick Share.

    In other words Airdrop for Linux that works with both iOS and Android.

    1. Create a software tool with UI that allows syncing of a phone with Linux to copy over photos, documents, music etc.

    Must work with ios and android

  • linux
    Linux danielfgom 7 months ago 93%
    Scam bitcoin Snap app!

    A Bitcoin investor was recently scammed out of 9 Bitcoin (worth around $490K) in a fake “Exodus wallet” desktop application for Linux, published in the Canonical Snap Store. This isn’t the first time; if nothing changes, it likely won’t be the last.

    Ask Android danielfgom 11 months ago 90%
    Xperia 5 V - Bokeh mode field test

    Pro photographer Olle Nillson goes out on a forest stakeout to capture stunning bokeh shots of birds. The results are stunning. If you're interested in seeing how other Xperia models perform, check his other videos. Production value of off the charts. I promise you they are well worth your time.

    Linux danielfgom 12 months ago 98%
    Linux Mint Debian Edition officially released

    LMDE 6 has been officially released. The big deal about this is that it's based on the recently released Debian 12 and also that being based on Debian LMDE is 100% community based. If you've been disappointed by what the Linux corporations have been doing lately or don't like the all-snap future that Ubuntu has opened, then this is the distro for you. I'm running it as my daily driver and it works exactly like the regular Mint so you don't lose anything. Clem and team have done a great job, even newbies could use Debian now. Personally I think LMDE is the future of Linux as Ubuntu goes it's own way, and this is a good thing for Mint and the Linux community. Let's get back to community distros and move away from the corps. EDIT: LMDE is 64bit only. There is no 32bit option.

    Ask Android danielfgom 1 year ago 88%
    Offline Action/Arcade game recommendations

    I'm struggling to find good offline, preferably paid or with 1 time in app purchase, games for Android. All the popular ones just want to milk you on IAP. I prefer to make 1 payment and be done. I'm looking for something along the lines of Double Dragon but optimistised for modern screens. Some arcade action adventure with a story and progression. Can't find anything.

    Linux Mint danielfgom 1 year ago 83%
    Light RAM usage on 21.2

    I was impressed by how light the RAM usage is on Linux Mint 21.2. I made a live usb and at cold boot was around 745MB which was only slightly higher than MX Linux. Very impressive considering how much more modern Cinnamon is and how much better it looks. I was on Ubuntu which was using 1.6GB at idle and since my machine has fixed RAM of 4GB, I thought it best to switch to something lighter. So I installed it and couldn't be happier. It's very snappy, looks incredible and works intuitively. Great job Linux Mint team 💪

    Sony Xperia danielfgom 1 year ago 75%
    Sony Xperia stock wallpapers

    If anyone is looking for a way to get hold of stock Sony Xperia wallpapers for your Xperia I highly recommend the Android app called "Stockie". It contains stock wallpapers from all phone manufacturers which they ship on their phones and you can easily downloaded them or set them as your wallpaper. The app also has separate lists for each manufacturer so just find the Sony list and you'll find alot of wallpapers there going back to 2014 and earlier. I used the app to get the latest wallpaper for the Xperia 10v and it looks great. ![](

    Sony Xperia danielfgom 1 year ago 50%
    Introducing the Sony Xperia 10 V

    Sony has released a video for the introduction of the Sony Xperia 10V, it's latest entry level smartphone.
