main Blahaj Lemmy Meta Lemmy updated to v0.19.5
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%

    Thanks ada and laity

  • main Blahaj Lemmy Meta Blahaj Zone matrix space for gender diverse folk (now with corrected links)
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%

    Thanks ada and kaity

    Edit: commented on the wrong post. Oops.

  • ftm Transmasc Are passing photos allowed?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%

    You bring up a fine point, but I'm not gonna make him do that. That's his decision to make.

  • trans Trans How's your transition been going
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yup. There's definitely a lot more inherent trust strangers have for you when perceived as a woman.

  • ftm Transmasc I just got bottom surgery
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%

    Gotcha. Did the surgery end up costing much?

  • trans Trans How's your transition been going
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%


  • trans Trans How's your transition been going
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%

    Hang in there. Hopefully therapy will make things more bearable in the meantime.

  • trans Trans How's your transition been going
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%

    Still haven't gotten total body fat redistribution. Impatient for it to finish already. All of my pants are getting too big for me, so good sign I guess.

  • ftm Transmasc I just got bottom surgery
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%

    Why did you choose to get a metoidoplasty with no vaginectomy? How's recovery so far

  • ftm Transmasc I just got bottom surgery
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 4 weeks ago 100%


  • ftm Transmasc Does my body pass?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah bro you pass well. Coming from a fellow trans guy who micro analysises passing out of habit. Even your hands look like a dude's.

  • trans Trans How's your week been?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I went to a yearly family event and felt much more comfortable in myself as opposed to last time I went. Wasn't as self conscious and standoffish as I used to be. Gender dysphoria isn't the only thing occupying my mind at all hours now. It's great.

  • ftm Transmasc Question about hims and technical difficulties
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I've heard that before. Makes sense to me. In that case you can't use the "if your maternal grandfather is bald then you're likely to be bald as well" rule since there's the mother's and father's X chromosome to work with as opposed to just the mother's. Lucky me, both sides of the family are very bald 😑.

  • ftm Transmasc New freckles on T
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I have freckles aplenty when I get in the sun. Bad thing about sun freckling is i'm very prone to sunburn.

    Somebody else mentioned that the ones i'm getting without sun exposure sound more like small moles and I think they're right. Now I have both.

  • ftm Transmasc New freckles on T
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I don't mind them either. I just wasn't expecting T do do that

  • ftm Transmasc New freckles on T
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah they could just be moles.

  • ftm Transmasc New freckles on T
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 0%

    I get freckles when I'm out in the sun but these are the kind that are bigger and don't go away. Got some in places that aren't exposed to the sun like beside my belly button and my on my upper thigh.

  • ftm Transmasc Question about hims and technical difficulties
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Damn that's crazy

  • ftm Transmasc Question about hims and technical difficulties
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Wait, really, male pattern baldness is uncommon in trans men? I was under the impression that it was at a similar rate to cis men.

  • ftm
    Transmasc cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%
    New freckles on T

    I've been having new permanent freckles appearing on my body since starting T. Is this a thing anybody else has expierenced

    transgender Transgender BREAKING: PinkNews refuses to cover trans issues on the basis it jeopardises ad revenue and is "contentious".
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Surely this won't have any consequences (it will)

  • trans Trans How's your week been?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Proud of you

  • trans Trans How's your week been?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Been feeling a decent amount of gender euphoria eight months in. Caught covid.

  • ftm Transmasc Question about hims and technical difficulties
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I haven't tried it myself but I've heard others have had luck with minoxidil for facial hair growth

  • ftm Transmasc Question about hims and technical difficulties
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    It's not off topic you're good

  • ftm Transmasc Are passing photos allowed?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    For future reference: you can post most things as long as it relates to the topic (ftm and transmasc) and isn't harmful to you or others

  • ftm Transmasc Are passing photos allowed?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah you can post it

  • trans Trans Pictures post transition
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Wouldn't say I smile more, but I do frown less.

  • trans
    Trans cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%
    Pictures post transition

    I've noticed that when I used to see myself in pictures I'd hyper assess every little detail of it to check for passing. Now when I see myself in pictures I don't do that anymore. Anybody else notice the same thing?

    trans Trans It's been too long since I've posed a question here...
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I meant to reply to you

    Edit: wait no I didn't you're right. Offer is up for you if you want it as well

  • trans Trans How's your week been?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I have two and a half weeks until I move and I'm off my ADHD meds and AHHHHHHHHHH

  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I'm very happy for you and your gender journey. I hope you'll feel even more comfortable with your preferred look and be able to express who you are.

  • trans Trans It's been too long since I've posed a question here...
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    If you ever want to let me know and I can get you into contact with some people who are very knowledgeable and have expierence with it.

  • trans Trans It's been too long since I've posed a question here...
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I just realized I'm about eight months on HRT. Woah. Time flies.

  • trans Trans Know any transmascs?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Never heard of the guy

  • trans
    Trans cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%
    Know any transmascs?

    cross-posted from: > We need more transmasculine people (and people in general) on here. If you know a transmasculine person please get them to check this place out. Spread the word!

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%
    Know any transmascs?

    We need more transmasculine people (and people in general) on here. If you know a transmasculine person please get them to check this place out. Spread the word!

    trans Trans How's your week been?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I've been eating Velveeta and scrambled eggs. Could be worse. lol.

  • trans Trans How's your week been?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks. Today is day four and there's a lot of pain and swelling but I'm getting there.

    I'm from Alabama, not Texas.

  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Short for stand to pee

  • trans Trans How's your week been?
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Got my wisdom teeth removed. Not the most pleasant thing in the world. On the bright side my STP packer came in the mail and it's been euphoric to practice standing peeing. Still waiting for the harness to arrive.

    A mouse ran over my feet over breakfast this morning 😬. Can't state how anxious I am to leave here. Just one more month.

  • ftm Transmasc My progress with T
  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    Sometimes I have worries that what if I wake up one day and decide I'm not trans and want to detransition and then I've ruined my body. I've realized that when I actually pay attention to how I feel, it feels so right. I feel happy or neutral when I think of how my body will be in the future and the changes I've seen presently. That's how I know this was the right choice for me, despite all the doubts I and external people kept trying to bring up to deter me from it.

  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    I'm curious if inserting a plastic straw down the shaft of the STP would have the same effect as it did with the water bottle

  • ftm
    Transmasc cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%
    13 Essential STP Packer Tips

    Annoyed with tgsupply for very long order wait times and being out of stock of almost everything I was gonna get but this article is helpful nonetheless.

  • cowboycrustation cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%

    That's quite interesting. I wonder how well it would cut into the soft silicone. Hoping for a more low tech solution that I don't have to spend money on but I will keep this in mind if I can't figure something else out.

  • ftm
    Transmasc cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%
    My progress with T

    It's been about six and a half months that I've been on T and I have seen great progress. I have been on 25mg of 1% gel this entire time, but my T levels (last time they were checked, which has been a while) have shown up in normal cis male levels, so it seems that my body is processing it as it would a normal dose (50mg of 1%). My voice has changed some and singing got a lot harder. It's gotten better since but is still not where I would like it to be. I hear it'll get better with time. I think I will likely end up a baritone (pre-t was a tenor on the high end) Been getting hairier, but not much substantial growth on my face. Mainly on my stomach. Arm and leg hair has gotten thicker but since it's blond it's not very noticeable. Shoulders look somewhat broader. My chest has gotten substantially smaller and looks more like moobs than boobs now. Other than that body fat redistribution has been slow and is not happening as quickly as I would like. Self image has improved a lot. I can stand to look at myself in the mirror without immediately recoiling now. I can actually bear to look at photographs of myself now, even when I'm not binding and am in PJs. I see me in those photos, a guy, not some external otherworldly being who I don't immediately recognize. That has made me have to face some of my flaws that I previously ignored and discounted because I was so separated from my sense of self. It's painful, but the good kind that helps you to grow. Bottom growth has definitely happened, and my junk is definitely bigger. Acts more like a penis now with erections and the likes. Gets a prickly feeling from time to time which is uncomfortable. I'm assuming that means growth. Face looks more masc, acne is different. I get neck acne now and it tends to be flatter than it was before. Definitely have boy stank now. I smell pretty bad after less time sweating. More "sour" body odor. My hairline is slowly receding. It looks good for now but it will likely progress till I'm bald. Oh well. All and all, I feel like it takes a lot less effort to pass now. That frees up a lot of physical and emotional effort that I previously devoted to passing and I can now live more freely. I've still got a long ways to go but progress is slow and steady.

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 1 month ago 100%
    STP tips?

    I recently got [this ]( STP from rodeoh and I'm having trouble with leakage. Granted, I've only used it a handful of times in the shower, but I find my stream is too strong and it overflows the basin of the STP before it can exit the shaft and then it leaks out everywhere. What are some tips to mitigate that? (Additional general STP tips are also highly welcome)

    Trans cowboycrustation 2 months ago 100%
    New resource discovery?

    If you've found some new resources regarding being trans (any aspect of it), link to 'em down below. Sharing is caring, woo hoo. Personal tips/anecdotes of things you've found useful are also welcome.

    Trans cowboycrustation 2 months ago 100%
    Helpful workbook: You and Your Gender Identity

    User dandelion posted this link in a comment on MTF, and I figured y'all would be interested in this (especially to the eggs out there).

    Dank Christian Memes cowboycrustation 2 months ago 100%
    Some changes to this community (and asking for more mods)

    Howdy y'all, Linkopenschest.wav is stepping down as head mod for this community, so I have inherited this position. I need more people to help me co-mod this community since I am not the most active these days. Comment below if you would like to be a mod. Mod requirements: 1. Known member of this community

    Trans cowboycrustation 3 months ago 100%
    Reaching Out For Help (crossposting to spread awareness)

    cross-posted from: > Reaching Out For Help > > After much consideration and fighting with my brain, I've decided that it's okay to ask for help in hard situations. So, I'm making this in hope that I receive at least a little bit of help. I'm asking for money, friends, and any advice you can give me. Everything counts and will help me during this rather terrible time. I'm Uni (name TBD) and I'm a 16 y/o transgirl unfortunately situated in the USA. You may know me as a regular on the Blahaj Matrix chats going by "Miss Universe". > > So a little bit (a lot?) of backstory to sort of explain my current situation. My egg cracked October last year and it was both the best and worst thing that has happened in my life so far. Being a minor means that I can't really do anything about the fact that my egg cracked, I'm fully relying on the people around me to help me (which has failed). Put simply, as a minor I have absolutely no control over my body or my life, I have no money, no experience, and nowhere to go. > > I came out to my mother and step-father (my parents are divorced) February this year, and while they seemed to be supportive at first they semi-recently turned on me and have been mostly unsupportive since then. > > As for my father and step-mother, they are both actively transphobic republicans. I have no plans on coming out to them until after I turn 18, and it would be unsafe to do so before then. > > Basically, as of now I have basically no support from anybody in my life and I'm completely trapped as my dysphoria gets worse with each passing day. > > With my situation sort of explained(?), why am I actually here? Pretty much I'm here because I need money. Money for clothes, makeup, just stuff that can hopefully help me alleviate some of my dysphoria until I'm able to afford to do so myself (which as a minor is difficult). And also I suppose gas, in case it comes to it and I need to run away, even for a short period. I'm also looking for advice, I don't really know what to do and it would be really nice to have at least some semblance of what I could be doing right now. > > I don't really know if any of that made sense, I'm bad at organizing my thoughts and even worse at asking for help. If you have any questions post them in the comments and I can probably answer them. > > You can support me [here]( on Buy Me a Coffee if you so wish, and/or with advice in the comments. Every donation counts.

    Trans cowboycrustation 3 months ago 98%
    Trans Men Are Being Fetishized More Than Ever on the Dating Scene

    cross-posted from:

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 3 months ago 98%
    Trans Men Are Being Fetishized More Than Ever on the Dating Scene

    I'm curious what yalls expierence with this is

    Trans cowboycrustation 3 months ago 100%
    Favorite Binder So Far

    cross-posted from: > I got this "binder" recently. I like it better than any one I've had so far (I'd estimate that I've gone through about eight from various brands). > > Pros: > > -Very breathable, can exercise in it without feeling like death > > -Not terrible in hot weather > > -Doesn't show under a lot of shirts, though if you have a shirt with a wide neck it'll show, but does look like an undershirt as opposed to a bra since the neck is high. > > -Helps with hiding hip fat > > -Feels natural. I forget I'm wearing this sometimes. Probably would be fine sleeping in it as well, though it's good practice to take breaks. > > > Cons: > > -If you have a bigger chest this isn't gonna do the best of jobs binding since it's got less compression than a typical binder. It's still not the worst option in that case, but you won't look completely flat. It's worked well for me flatness wise. > > -I wouldn't wear this by itself because it doesn't fit like a regular shirt. Definitely looks an undergarment. > > -It smells like a McDonald's playground right out of the package. I recommend you add baking soda into the wash to get the smell out faster. > > -I suspect this will stretch out the longer I use it. The solution is to dry it on low as opposed to air dry it. It's got cotton in it so it'll shrink. > > > I recommend you only get it in black or white if your concern is passing. A lot of cis men will wear undershirts (typically in white, sometimes black, but never in nude). > > If you're in-between measurements, order a size up. I made the mistake of getting a size down and I wasn't even able to get it over my head. Had to exchange it which took a while. > > If you're interested in a binder with flatter coverage I will post a review of the underworks ultimate binder if requested. Underworks is by far my favorite binder brand for many reasons.

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 3 months ago 100%
    Favorite Binder So Far

    I got this "binder" recently. I like it better than any one I've had so far (I'd estimate that I've gone through about eight from various brands). Pros: -Very breathable, can exercise in it without feeling like death -Not terrible in hot weather -Doesn't show under a lot of shirts, though if you have a shirt with a wide neck it'll show, but does look like an undershirt as opposed to a bra since the neck is high. -Helps with hiding hip fat -Feels natural. I forget I'm wearing this sometimes. Probably would be fine sleeping in it as well, though it's good practice to take breaks. Cons: -If you have a bigger chest this isn't gonna do the best of jobs binding since it's got less compression than a typical binder. It's still not the worst option in that case, but you won't look completely flat. It's worked well for me flatness wise. -I wouldn't wear this by itself because it doesn't fit like a regular shirt. Definitely looks an undergarment. -It smells like a McDonald's playground right out of the package. I recommend you add baking soda into the wash to get the smell out faster. -I suspect this will stretch out the longer I use it. The solution is to dry it on low as opposed to air dry it. It's got cotton in it so it'll shrink. I recommend you only get it in black or white if your concern is passing. A lot of cis men will wear undershirts (typically in white, sometimes black, but never in nude). If you're in-between measurements, order a size up. I made the mistake of getting a size down and I wasn't even able to get it over my head. Had to exchange it which took a while. If you're interested in a binder with flatter coverage I will post a review of the underworks ultimate binder if requested. Underworks is by far my favorite binder brand for many reasons. 1 month update: it still works well. Am happy with my purchase.

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 3 months ago 100%
    The Five Stages Of T Voice Changes

    I found this to be helpful. I've been having a lot of anxiety around my voice changing so some sort of info on what to expect made me feel better.

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 4 months ago 100%
    Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room!

    cross-posted from: > Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room > > If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room. > > Sharing and updoots appreciated.

    Trans cowboycrustation 4 months ago 100%
    Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room!

    cross-posted from: > Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room > > If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room. > > Sharing and updoots appreciated.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Liberty Hub cowboycrustation 5 months ago 100%
    How do I convince my friend to not join the Navy?

    Not sure if this is the right community to post this, but I'll give it a shot. One of my very good friends is planning on going into the Navy in about a year. He's generally a moderate left leaning kinda guy, but is trans. He comes from a navy family which is part of the reason he decided to go in the first place. He's going into mechanics and stuff and not combat which is slightly better I guess, but it's very concerning to me that he's planning on joining especially because he's trans. I also feel that ethically, actively participating in that system is bad. How can I dissuade him from joining? I don't wanna go full force argument mode because it's ultimately his choice but I would like advice on how to softly nudge him away from it without affecting our friendship negatively. Thanks.

    Trans cowboycrustation 5 months ago 100%
    Important Healthcare Information

    Hey y'all, This is specifically for people in the US healthcare system. If you are getting a test or procedure done, **ask them what the cost is _without_ insurance.** It may end up being significantly cheaper. I had to go get a basic metabolic panel blood test today and they were going to charge me $350. When I asked what the cost was without insurance, it was $100. Mind you, I have _good_ insurance. It's around $1500 a month. This has happened multiple other times with different people that I know. Just asking could save you a significant amount of money.

    Dank Christian Memes cowboycrustation 5 months ago 100%
    The Lord's prayer 🙏🦈

    Our Blahaj who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us for our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us For thine is the kingdom, the Glory, and the .zone forever Amen. 🙏

    Trans cowboycrustation 5 months ago 100%
    Looking For More Mods (c/Trans)

    Questions for potential candidates: 1. What is your vision for this community 2. What time zone/country are you in 3. Do you have mod experience with reddit or Lemmy 4. What do you like about c/trans? What would you improve? 5. Do you have experience with using bots on Lemmy and with the python language? Note: there are no right and wrong answers to these questions. The only hard requirement that we have to be a mod is that you have to be an active member of the community and have a history of that. Edit: The new mods have been selected. Thank you to everyone who applied.

    Trans cowboycrustation 6 months ago 100%
    What's your story?
    Trans cowboycrustation 6 months ago 97%
    Lemmy's Transmasculine Problem

    Y'all, we have a problem. These are some of the results of a survey done on our community concerning gender identity: 1.08% Binary Trans men (4). 1.08% Transmasculine people (4). 1.35% Cis women (5). That's right, there are more CIS WOMEN on a TRANS community than binary trans men or transmasculine people alone. We have a problem. This isn't just a Blahaj problem. Another queer instance did a similar survey and found only 3% of their users were trans and use he/him pronouns. Not having enough transmasc voices is going to be detrimental to our community. There are plenty of transmasc people on the internet. The problem is with Lemmy. So what are we gonna do about it?

    Trans cowboycrustation 6 months ago 100%
    Behold, The Results Are IN

    For context, these are the results of a survey that I gave to the users of c/Trans. What are your thoughts?

    transgender cowboycrustation 6 months ago 100%
    Are you an FTM or transmasculine individual?

    There's a space for people just like you. It's a good place to ask questions and get support from your fellow dudes and transmascs. We are few and far between on Lemmy, so having a place where we can congregate and have our own place is a rarity. I hope you'll consider joining. It's !

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 6 months ago 100%
    How does fat redistribution actually work on T?

    I have heard a lot of contradictory things on this subject. "It'll happen in six months" or "You have to lose weight and gain it back for it to happen in a reasonable amount of time" What's the truth about this? What's your experience with it?

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 6 months ago 100%
    Ode To My Luscious Leg Hair

    Oh beautiful hair on mine legs, Your presence gives me joy, Darker and thicker you spread each day, In order to help me grow into a boy

    Dank Christian Memes cowboycrustation 6 months ago 100%
    LinkOpensChest.wav Finds Jesus

    LinkOpensChest.wav is at JesusCon, a convention dedicated to His word and presence. Somebody bumps into him from behind. He turns around. It's Jesus, the Messiah! “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Jesus said, pulling out a gun. "Woah dude, I hardly have any money!" LinkOpensChest.wav exclaimed, putting his hands up in the air. Jesus put his finger on the trigger and replied, "If you love me, keep my commands." LinkOpensChest.wav emptied out his wallet into Jesus's hands. "You have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" Jesus said smugly. He swiftly hopped on his skateboard and bolted for the exit. "Help, I've been mugged!" LinkOpensChest.wav yelled, but everyone was too busy buying limited edition Jesus figurines and the newest book of the bible had just been announced. He came home from the convention empty-handed, having been unable to buy anything with his newly-emptied wallet. Source: the bible

    Trans cowboycrustation 6 months ago 97%
    "What is Your Gender Identity" Survey

    EDIT: Don't vote on this poll if you don't interact/lurk in this community somewhat regularly. This survey is for those people. Hi everyone, I made a survey to better gauge the demographics of this community. I don't have any reason to, just doing it out of curiosity. I'm glad that everyone felt free to talk about it in detail and have some good discussion on my previous post, but it made it hard to count all those comments up. Someone suggested that I do this to get more accurate results. The poll ends on April 6th at 11pm. I'll post the results when it's over. You can also view the live results of the poll on the website. Might make a future one for sexuality. Data is fun, what can I say. What are your predictions for this poll?

    Transmasc cowboycrustation 6 months ago 100%
    Im mod now

