  • commiewolf commiewolf 21 hours ago 100%

    I thought only under 21 players could play for the Olympic team?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say The grift is insane
  • commiewolf commiewolf 4 days ago 100%

    Is this real? can't find it on his twitter, I thought he called out Trump for supporting Israel.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say How tf is World at War not heroic?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 1 week ago 100%

    Your posts are getting a little vague now. Did you watch the video?

  • commiewolf commiewolf 1 week ago 100%

    But jaw

  • prolewiki ProleWiki It has been about 2 years since one of the biggest events in ProleWikis history (Currently)
  • commiewolf commiewolf 1 week ago 100%


  • genzedong GenZedong 9/11 was a tragedy and Marxists should not make fun of it
  • commiewolf commiewolf 1 week ago 100%

    I'll never forgive the US for what they did to Allende. Imagine what the world could have become if Latin America was allowed to flourish. I'll never forget, nor will I forgive.

  • genzedong GenZedong Unified Leftist timeline confirmed?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 1 week ago 100%

    He's talking about US Liberals, which is what constitutes "Left" there, and in that sense he's absolutely right. Blue Maga is cult like in it's ability to coalesce into a single force behind whoever they're told to. They switched from full throated support for Genocide Joe to Holocaust Harris at the drop of a hat.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Abandon the culture war, ye of the principled.
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Terrible pun, and it's flown over everyone's heads to boot, 3/10

  • genzedong GenZedong First as tragedy.....
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    I thought this was fairly common, you have one as head of state and another as head of government. I can't think of that many places where this isn't actually the case.

  • science Science Why Don't We Eat Carnivores?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    It's Haram in Islam, that might have something to do with it

  • geopolitics Geopolitics Jeffrey Sachs explains how the West tried to destroy Russia after the fall of USSR
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    beep boop, asshole

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad I Live in a western (sort of) microstate. No true Leftist party to vote or support.
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Singapore is a pretty significant petroleum and circuitry exporter. They're also, you know, not western.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad I Live in a western (sort of) microstate. No true Leftist party to vote or support.
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    You know that Cuba, China and Venezuela don't only trade with other socialist countries right? Actually I'm glad you brought up Venezuela, because their biggest trading partner is literally the USA, the same is true for China, but they've got several other large partners besides the US. International trade is something that happens regardless of your government's political leaning, and nearby nations will always prefer trading with each other due to simple pragmatism, unless there is an exceedingly rare situation, like war or severe embargoes.

  • capitalismindecay Capitalism in Decay U.S. diplomats in 1933 considered the Third Reich to be harmless
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Bring back the goddamn Orwell bot. Also Volcel Vanguard if we can

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad I Live in a western (sort of) microstate. No true Leftist party to vote or support.
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    As long as you're not in Monaco or the Vatican (is that you, Francis?), there will be a sizeable proletarian class, and potential for a leftist/labor movement. And the idea that your nation is dependent on "capitalism" to survive is not accurate. It's dependent on trading with foreign markets, which is something socialist nations also do, and in most cases, nearly every nation has to in order to prosper. It's not a matter of Socialism or Capitalism, but mutually beneficial trade.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say 1 Billion Dead!!!!!
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Accidentally praising the efficiency and capacity of Beijing's sewers lol. Around where I live if it rains or snows or whatever for more than 5 hours all the streets are filled with water because city planners have no idea how to do properly deal with overflow.

  • genzedong GenZedong Mr. Israel Epstein of the Communist Party of China
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Lmao. Learn something new every day

  • genzedong GenZedong Mr. Israel Epstein of the Communist Party of China
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Its not actually caused by Romanization though, because if it were, it would have been spelt with an I or a Y, as is usually done when translating the Cyrillic ё, this is almost certainly due to later humorous interpretations, which, to be fair, Semen is a lot funnier of a name.

  • genzedong GenZedong Mr. Israel Epstein of the Communist Party of China
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Slight correction, his name technically is Semyon or Semion, "Semen" is just how anglos would pronounce it because they don't know how to make the Slavic equivalent sound.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Absolute worst country in the world right now (that isn't Amerikkka or Shitrael) in your opinion
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sudan, the war and famine there is criminally underreported, and the UN is dragging it's feet on declaring an actual famine crisis there.

  • genzedong GenZedong Why are some American liberals so aggressive?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    idk where you're going with this, yes it's that Haz

  • genzedong GenZedong Why are some American liberals so aggressive?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yes, the very same

  • genzedong GenZedong Why are some American liberals so aggressive?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 2 weeks ago 100%

    That "Other Guy" was Haz, lmao

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK is going on in the comments of the most random ass song remix?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    At this point I have to assume you enjoy reading this sort of thing in some morbid way, because it's clear you keep getting recommended this, and you keep clicking and reading more, which makes it recommend it to you even more often, and the cycle repeats.

    I fully expect for you to post increasingly bizarre shit as time goes on, and you dig deeper into this rich vein of insanity you've found for yourself in the algorithm.

  • geopolitics Geopolitics I don't think the meeting went well
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    Sino soviet split happened once already, who knows, maybe they were hoping to cause another.

  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 88%

    I'd rather die of lung cancer at 50 than live to 100 as a Gamer, but that's just me

  • genzedong GenZedong With the US elections getting closer, we should have a pinned Megathread about how terrible Kamala Harris and Donald Trump really are
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    When I say you are enabling genocide, I am using you in the plural, to refer to the population of your country. You can sealion about this as much as you like, but there is no dialogue here. I answered your question, if a little harshly, and all you've said is non-American opinions on US politics doesn't matter, that's not something I've got to discuss with you.

  • genzedong GenZedong With the US elections getting closer, we should have a pinned Megathread about how terrible Kamala Harris and Donald Trump really are
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    Of course, doesn't matter that your country is routinely fucking exploiting mine and nearly every other place in the third world (not to mention ACTIVELY INVOLVED IN GENOCIDE), and idiots like you justify and enable it, why should I have an opinion on that? Silly me, I should just quietly watch it happen.

  • genzedong GenZedong With the US elections getting closer, we should have a pinned Megathread about how terrible Kamala Harris and Donald Trump really are
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    Because I'm not a fucking US American, it's not my are of expertise, and I'd rather that they educate each other than rely on the rest of the world doing their work for them. FFS.

  • genzedong
    GenZedong commiewolf 3 weeks ago 96%
    With the US elections getting closer, we should have a pinned Megathread about how terrible Kamala Harris and Donald Trump really are

    I'm sick of seeing so many drive-by liberals in every post comment smugly saying that "Trump worse" bullshit whenever someone here mentions how terrible Kamala Harris is. I don't doubt Trump is a zionist POS as well, but the US media does enough to demonize him that it's only Blue MAGA that we see turning up around here. Although they hate him for shit reasons, like trying to negotiate with Kim Jong Un. While they seem fine with him murdering Iranian generals and almost provoking war. If we don't have some sort of existing resource to list all the horrible shit Harris has done, which makes her just as bad if not worse than Trump in any meaningful way, we should put it front and center for easy reference.

    shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Germany was a mistake
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    They reserve the right to make fun of German, as does everyone else who got to shoot at Nazis in 45.

  • thedeprogram The Deprogram Podcast The Tiananmen Square "Massacre" Never Happened
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 95%

    That is ridiculous, if I've got every notification and subscription option active, surely it should be top of my feed? Theres no way that many people browse their subscriptions tab over their front page. What a shit website.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat How do you radicalize a friend who just says he doesn't have an opinion on anything?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    Of course if you take up a personal interest, sure you could become invested in politics as you could with any other topic or fascination. But this person in the post is clearly shown to not have any sort of curiosity or interest in that way. Taking up an interest in politics isn't the same as with sport or art, it's something that shapes your day to day life at all times.

    The way I see it, interest in politics is similar to interest in one's personal health. Most people don't take a very active interest in it, happy to not think about it so long as there isn't any trouble, while others find it gratifying to do so, and take a more proactive action in learning, improving and teaching others about it.

    But for that large number who don't care, they won't want to alter their lifestyle to take up the advice of others who know better. All that is until suddenly they're met with the result of their inaction and inattention, which is when they are easiest to convince.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat How do you radicalize a friend who just says he doesn't have an opinion on anything?
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    One only remains apolitical so long as their lives aren't severely affected by the system. Because as long as they think it works well enough for them, they have no incentive to care about it. But as soon as they end up at the wrong end of the scales, that's when they start to look for answers. As a responsible socialist the best you can do is be there when they end up in that situation, and show them the right path.

    I've had many "apolitical" friends end up turning to reactionary or fascist ideas once life hits them hard, and I regret that I didn't do a good enough job noticing this or presenting the correct ideas to them on time.

  • thedeprogram The Deprogram Podcast The Tiananmen Square "Massacre" Never Happened
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    Has Hakim made it big on the algorithm? This video has been recommended to a bunch of my lib friends and they're all talking about it, and weirdly enough it didn't show up for me, despite me being subscribed.

  • memes Memes Israel be like
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    It was more than likely made to comment on the killing and subsequent funeral attack on Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in 2022 by the Israeli occupation.

  • fuckcars FuckCars I wish that I could cycle to work
  • commiewolf commiewolf 3 weeks ago 100%

    I used to at the previous town I lived in, around 15 minute commute overall. On good days its very pleasant. But when it rains you'll start wishing you were dead.

  • us_news US News Democrats deploy Bernie Sanders to con workers and youth into supporting Harris-Walz campaign
  • commiewolf commiewolf 4 weeks ago 100%

    I saw that apparently they had him speak right before JB Pritzker. Which has to have been some sort of deliberate humiliation ritual.

    Sanders was up there talking about how they needed to get rid of big money in politics, and the guy who speaks right after him is bragging and saying "I'm a real billionaire, unlike Trump" then getting a massive round of cheers.

  • genzedong GenZedong AliExpress has cursed my eyes
  • commiewolf commiewolf 4 weeks ago 100%

    I'm sure they'd look fine together normally, not fused with the Wehrmacht flag like they are here.

  • commiewolf commiewolf 4 weeks ago 100%

    He's got good takes on 90% of things and has good videos, but his personality outside his serious content is very irritating, the guy just enjoys riling people up and being a troll online, which can get annoying fast.

    Ultras are basically entitled "leftists" that think AES countries are all revisionists or not "real" socialism, and generally end up falling for US state department propaganda about every foreign socialist project.

    I wouldn't call Badempanada an ultra though, his videos on the shining path make that quite unlikely.

  • palestine Palestine US comedian Jon Stewart mocked the DNC for excluding Palestinian-American voices
  • commiewolf commiewolf 4 weeks ago 100%

    Their journalism is a byproduct of being forced into a corner for the better part of the past decade or so by Saudi Arabia and other gulf states hostility towards Qatar for pipeline related reasons. It became convenient for them to speak out against the west and the regimes they backed in the region. Saudi Arabia did eventually reproach with Qatar but Al-Jazeera has maintained their reporting stance despite this.

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat commiewolf 5 months ago 98%
    "The DPRK truly is the modern day Holy Roman Empire" - Something I actually heard from a liberal acquaintance

    During an unrelated discussion about something or the other (sports or something), I brought up a list of Asian countries, and instinctively accidentally said "DPRK" instead of "North Korea" during an actual conversation irl with a liberal that I often talk to. And after a little bit he produced the quote in the title. Referencing Voltaire's "Not Roman, not holy nor an empire" quip. In this context our liberal here was clearly taking a jab at the DPRK and how it supposedly doesn't live up to it's name. At the time it annoyed me but I said nothing of it and laughed it off and got back on topic. But thinking back I'm wondering if it could have been an opportunity to perhaps break some of the conditioning and maybe have him reflect on his preconceived notions. What would have been the best way to actually explain how the name is actually rather fitting, without risking triggering a liberal brain malfunction that defaults to spouting propaganda?

    GenZedong commiewolf 1 year ago 100%
    Comrade Orcas Strike Again?

    Would be nice if more Billionaires end up sinking into the Atlantic if you ask me.

    Comradeship // Freechat commiewolf 1 year ago 91%
    I'm going deaf

    I woke up this morning and one of my ears just stopped working. Doctor says its a nerve issue, and its an expensive procedure to treat. I'm a young guy, still in my mid 20s, and my work requires heavily on being able to listen to things. There's no free healthcare where I am and I may just have to hope the other ear doesn't go too. It's got me thinking about what it would mean to have complete hearing loss at this stage of my life, how it would affect my relationships with friends and family, and how valuable your hearing really is. Things have been hard as it is this last year, but this is a bitter blow. Take care of your hearing comrades. To any other comrades with deafness / hearing loss, I'd like to know how it is you've adjusted to your lifestyle, and how you overcome your challenges.

    GenZedong commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    Alright, something needs to be done about the alt hunt

    Its been months and we have seen almost no guesses being made. Is there any way we can start some kind of community action to actually catch it? At this point I don't even care about winning, I'm just really confused as to who the alt is. Because if it really is this difficult I don't see anyone guessing right unless there's a hint.

    Comradeship // Freechat commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    Favorite Quotes by Socialist Figures?

    Was curious if there were any quotes that we'd like to share. It's pretty hard to find anything from Stalin for example that isn't blatantly made up to demonize him.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    NationStates commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    Rest In Peace

    gone too soon

    GenZedong commiewolf 2 years ago 98%

    Lib channel that Hakim ripped into not so long ago, now they're starting to doubt themselves, lol.

    GenZedong commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    How to explain to Liberals that class isn't some income percentile?

    I've been having trouble explaining to liberal co-workers that there isn't really an "Upper" or "Lower" working class. They insist that class as a relation to means of production is outdated and it makes more sense to measure it by income. What's the most effective way to explain to them why this doesn't work?

    Comradeship // Freechat commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    Just got deported

    After 4 years living in the imperial core, due to personal reasons, I was unable to renew my visa, and now I've been sent back to my global south home country. Have to build a new life for myself here but its tough to get over something like that.

    GenZedong commiewolf 2 years ago 95%
    Explosion kills two in Poland near Ukraine border

    False Flag? Local media around where I am is convinced this is a Russian provocation, what do we know for sure?

    GenZedong commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    Nicaragua breaks diplomatic ties with the Netherlands in exceptional and unusual move

    A few days ago this suddenly popped up out of the blue, thoughts? I think more countries should tell the Dutch to go fuck themselves, if you ask me.

    Fuck the Colonists commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    About The British Museum

    The attitude from the wider western world on the thousands upon thousands of stolen cultural artifacts in this museum is beyond disgusting. I have seen no end of Brits online claiming that they're doing the world a favor by hoarding these items for "safekeeping" because the developing countries they were stolen from are not responsible enough to safeguard their own culture. With the death of the queen, the discussion around the monarchy and its stolen jewels also follows these imperialist talking points. "We stole these jewels from others who stole them as well, so we have every right to keep them." is the go to line. Who made them the keepers of the world's treasures? What gives them the right? Ask any of these questions and they instinctively will point to the destruction of cultural artefacts in Afghanistan and Iraq by terrorists and looters, WHO ARE ONLY THERE BECAUSE OF WESTERN MEDDLING IN THE FIRST PLACE. How do we deal with these types?

    GenZedong commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    "Buy every Building in your city" Mao, please come back.

    Reminder that there is a housing shortage in the Netherlands.

    Dongistan commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    Beyond Ba'ased

    cross-posted from: > A friend sent me this on discord and I think it fits well on here. > video link: [here](

    GenZedong commiewolf 2 years ago 100%
    Beyond Ba'ased

    A friend sent me this on discord and I think it fits well on here. video link: [here](
