Bloomington Indiana benfulton 5 days ago 100%
Fullerton Pike construction almost complete

Fullerton Pike construction almost complete "This third phase spans 1.25 miles of road construction from Rockport Road to the roundabout on South Rogers Street. Ultimately, it will form a new connection to I-69 in the southwest part of the county." Cost was projected to be about $15 million dollars back in 2019. I wonder how well they kept it under budget? []( [@bloomington\_in](

bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana N Dunn St Multiuse Path
  • benfulton benfulton 1 week ago 100%

    @markstos @bloomington_in Maybe because it is high car ownership and car density? 🙂 Past Griffy there is the dog park and the north end of Cascades, so it really finishes out the circuit I think. Also at the 2500 block of Walnut there is an area designated as an "Urban Village Center", so maybe they'll do something with that as well.

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 1 week ago 100%
    N Dunn St Multiuse Path

    N Dunn St Multiuse Path Oh, this will make my commute way easier! A few years from construction though. "This project has been prioritized by the Metropolitan Planning Organization to receive federal funding supporting construction of a multiuse path on North Dunn Street from the Indiana 45 Bypass to East Clover Lane. As funding allows, the project may include additional multiuse path construction north of these limits." [@bloomington\_in]( [#MUP]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 4 weeks ago 100%
    A new little farmstand near my house.

    A new little farmstand near my house. Drop by! Payment is on the honor system. [@bloomington\_in](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Prebys Amphitheatre available again
  • benfulton benfulton 1 month ago 100%

    @KrissyKat @bloomington_in Yep, that thread has it right AFAIK. A big area in the middle of campus was fenced off, I need to swing by and see if it's been opened back up now.

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 1 month ago 100%
    Prebys Amphitheatre available again

    Prebys Amphitheatre available again This is a small event space they set up next to the President's house in 2015, but it's been unavailable since Pamela Whitten moved in. No one knows why. [@bloomington\_in]( [#IndianaUniversity]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 1 month ago 100%
    Indiana Avenue design update

    Indiana Avenue design update Looks like it will be one-way with a two-way protected bike lane. I submitted some comments: "I'm not sure it was a good idea to make concessions to the firefighters and remove the bike lane barriers. Generally less than 5% of all fire runs are actual fires; mostly medical emergencies and false alarms that don't require using a 40-foot truck to respond. They might consider purchasing some smaller vehicles for these runs." []( [@bloomington\_in](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana YIMBYana Press Release: Opposition to Green Acres Conservation District Proposal
  • benfulton benfulton 1 month ago 100%

    @failedLyndonLaRouchite @bloomington_in Listening in on the meeting about has the feeling that they will be going all night 😬 A presentation from a homeowner followed by commission discussion and we're 45 minutes in. There are going to be public comments for hours.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana YIMBYana Press Release: Opposition to Green Acres Conservation District Proposal
  • benfulton benfulton 1 month ago 100%

    @failedLyndonLaRouchite @bloomington_in This particular kerfuffle is about tearing down some single-family houses and replacing them with apartment buildings.

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 1 month ago 100%
    YIMBYana Press Release: Opposition to Green Acres Conservation District Proposal

    YIMBYana Press Release: Opposition to Green Acres Conservation District Proposal "The group is concerned that the proposal will limit new infill housing in Green Acres, a neighborhood close to Indiana University’s campus, thereby increasing housing costs and reducing availability. This could force students and other residents to seek housing further from campus, exacerbating affordability and accessibility issues" [@bloomington\_in]( [#Housing]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Officials gathering input on 2050 transportation plan for Bloomington area
  • benfulton benfulton 2 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in My recommendation is that they replace LOS all through the document with "Cars Go Fast Level".

    For example, SR 45 and Airport Road could say, "Based on the capacity analysis results, the intersection operates at Cars Go Fast Level B during the PM peak hour in 2019"

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 2 months ago 100%
    Officials gathering input on 2050 transportation plan for Bloomington area

    Officials gathering input on 2050 transportation plan for Bloomington area "The initiative is meant to identify ways in which the area’s transportation system can be improved over the next 25 years and beyond. The BMCMPO will use public input to determine how to best allocate federal transportation funding" [@bloomington\_in]( [#UrbanPlannng]( [](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Bloomington 4th on Most Improved Cities for Biking list
  • benfulton benfulton 2 months ago 100%

    @Kashmir There are plenty of racks downtown, I think, though not so many on the east and west sides. Are you looking for a locker instead of a rack specifically?

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 2 months ago 100%
    Indana Avenue design suggestions released

    Indana Avenue design suggestions released Either a two-way street with painted bike lanes, or one-way for cars and two-way, semiprotected bike lanes. Not sure I care since the difference is mostly how it's painted, but I'd really like to see Kirkwood and Dunn closed to traffic, and Indiana would have to be two-way to allow for that. [@bloomington\_in]( [#cycling]( [#bikelanes]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 2 months ago 100%
    Bloomington 4th on Most Improved Cities for Biking list

    Bloomington 4th on Most Improved Cities for Biking list "In 2023, Bloomington reduced speed limits for all neighborhood streets to 25 miles per hour, contributing to a 17-point increase in its City Ratings score. In recent years, Bloomington also expanded its network of neighborhood greenways and constructed numerous road-adjacent shared-use paths and protected bike lanes like the 7-Line." [@bloomington\_in]( [#cycling]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 3 months ago 100%
    Wouldn't it be nice if the process for safety improvements was as simple as the process for street maintenance?

    Wouldn't it be nice if the process for safety improvements was as simple as the process for street maintenance? Compare them: []( [@bloomington\_in]( [#UrbanPlanning](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Indiana Avenue redesign
  • benfulton benfulton 3 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in (And this being Bloomington, a couple of people to complain about the Hawthorne Greenway) 🙄

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 3 months ago 100%
    Indiana Avenue redesign

    Indiana Avenue redesign So I did go to the Indiana Avenue public meeting, but they didn't have any concrete plans to share. They did have a cool model to play with, though 😀 I'm always there to tell them to build more bike infrastructure, but there's a dull sameness to these meetings. A lot of people on bikes agreeing with me and a few people to complain about losing parking and bikers not stopping for stop signs. [@bloomington\_in]( [#biketooter]( [#UrbanPlanning](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Bike/Ped Commission meeting tonight
  • benfulton benfulton 3 months ago 100%

    @markstos @bloomington_in The speaker said he'd been in the job for many years, but it was only in the last five or so he really felt that the city was starting to make forward progress.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Bike/Ped Commission meeting tonight
  • benfulton benfulton 3 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in Vote is 5-0 in support with one abstention, the commissioner felt they didn't have enough information to vote.

    Quick discussion of merging the traffic, bike/ped, and parking commissions. Will take public commissioners down from 21 people to five.

    That's the end! Public meeting on Indiana Avenue tomorrow at Sample Gates. Not sure whether filling out a survey is sufficient public comment or whether I should be talking in all these meetings as well. Toot you tomorrow!

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Bike/Ped Commission meeting tonight
  • benfulton benfulton 3 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in (Got pulled away from the computer for a while.) Public comment on Indiana Avenue was mostly positive, one person wanted the project extended all the way to 17th!

    Next project is a redo of Countryside and Southern Pines traffic calming. Surveys seem to indicate that residents think cars are still going too fast.

    A commissioner asks if anyone was against the project. Coordinator says a few people wanted traffic calming pulled out altogether, but a small minority.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Bike/Ped Commission meeting tonight
  • benfulton benfulton 3 months ago 100%


    Now on to Indiana Avenue! Coordinator mentions there have been several incidents on the corridor, but they haven't put together a proposal yet. They will put something together after tomorrow's public meeting. Three separate meetings over the summer to come up with a plan.

    Commisioners are asking for crash data (they will make it public next month).

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 3 months ago 100%
    Bike/Ped Commission meeting tonight

    Bike/Ped Commission meeting tonight Zooming into the meeting, mostly to hear about Indiana Avenue. First up, though, is a review of the ADA Transition Plan. Comments seem mostly positive, commissioners are worried about several engineering issues rather than planning. Public Comment: Eric Ost thinks we aren't doing enough due diligence on prioritizing projects. Thinks we spend too much on cycling and not enough on ADA. [@bloomington\_in](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana They're extending the B-Line up to 17th Street this summer, which is pretty great. Sure wish they'd work on the North Dunn path though!
  • benfulton benfulton 3 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in Rode over to check on the progress of this. It's moving along, with something like 30 yards of trail complete and open for some reason. Looks like the whole piece should be open by the fall though! #trails

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 3 months ago 100%
    Washington and Bloomington Work With Lime on Mobility

    Washington and Bloomington Work With Lime on Mobility "The Mobility Insights Competition was designed to select two communities to better understand their biking issues, including equity and safety...Bloomington’s application charted a plan to use shared micromobility data to help with the city’s first Safe Streets for All Action Plan." [@bloomington\_in]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [#bikeshare]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 4 months ago 100%
    Attorney General Todd Rokita Tells Monroe County to Rescind ‘Sanctuary City’ Policies

    Attorney General Todd Rokita Tells Monroe County to Rescind ‘Sanctuary City’ Policies "Attorney General Todd Rokita has issued a threat to local officials in Monroe County, home to the city of Bloomington, along with several other Indiana localities: rescind “sanctuary city” policies or face legal action starting July 1." Todd Rokita is an awful person. [@bloomington\_in]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 4 months ago 100%
    Bloomington quietly puts up plans for protected bike lanes on Indiana Avenue

    Bloomington quietly puts up plans for protected bike lanes on Indiana Avenue [\#cycling]( [@bloomington\_in]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 4 months ago 75%
    Bangkok Thai has some fine hot chiles tonight! 😓🔥🔥🔥

    Bangkok Thai has some fine hot chiles tonight! 😓🔥🔥🔥 [@bloomington\_in](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 5 months ago 100%
    Bloomington to take part in heat mapping survey

    Bloomington to take part in heat mapping survey "NOAA’s Urban Heat Island mapping campaign is in its eighth year, and according to the agency, a lack of vegetation and extensive pavement can cause neighborhoods to be upwards of 20 degrees warmer than nearby areas. Participating volunteers are given devices that easily attach to a vehicle or a bike which take humidity and temperature readings and store the observations." [@bloomington\_in]( [#environment]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 5 months ago 50%
    Hundreds of people walking around Kirkwood today!

    Hundreds of people walking around Kirkwood today! Eight of them were even able to leave their cars there! [@bloomington\_in](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 5 months ago 100%
    PHOTOS: Little 500 caps of Spring Series with Miss N Out and Team Pursuit

    PHOTOS: Little 500 caps of Spring Series with Miss N Out and Team Pursuit [@bloomington\_in]( [#cycling]( [#Little500]( [](

  • benfulton benfulton 5 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in 1PM: A few more cars in the lots, a few more parties going on. A few people have staked out benches at Miller-Showers Park. Lots of IU students outside with glasses in hand.

    Wait, those are cups, sorry

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 5 months ago 100%
    Eclipse traffic

    Eclipse traffic 11AM: None to speak of. Bypass is empty. Memorial Stadium lot has a few dozen cars and a couple of groups with tents and tripods, and one security truck sitting on the trail making sure no bikers can get through 🙄 A couple of parties in my 'hood judging from the cars. More people than usual walking around. [\#eclipse]( [@bloomington\_in](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 66%
    Light at Dunn and the Bypass now has walk timing for every green

    Light at Dunn and the Bypass now has walk timing for every green I sent the mayor a note of appreciation for moving the Hawthorne greenway forward, and I sent the city bike coordinator a note of appreciation for the new semiprotected bike lanes on 3rd Street, so I wonder if they're getting tired now of my notes of appreciation [\#BikeTooter]( [@bloomington\_in](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @Bikevisionary @bloomington_in The vast majority are, but district 4 is full of large estates within a few blocks of downtown. It's like a NIMBY breeding ground!

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 96%
    Tesla That Killed Driver Was Airborne During High-Speed Collision

    Tesla That Killed Driver Was Airborne During High-Speed Collision "the car actually hit the top of a tree along Atwater before coming to a stop around the intersection of Atwater and South Eastside Drive, according to police. The damage to the tree can still be seen on the other side of a memorial at the base of the first tree the vehicle hit as it caught air." [@bloomington\_in]( [](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%


    Whiny rich people ask about preserving privacy when the peasants use the path, and preserving the character.

    General meeting adjourns. People can now come up and look at the maps and ask questions one-on-one.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in Question about closing a lane to cars instead. It was studied but city didn't like it.

    Question about native plants in the grass section. More of a homeowner question.

    More storm water questions!

    Questioner suggests cars will go faster if there are no potholes 😂

    Question about putting paths on busy streets instead of side streets.

    The whiny rich people whine more.

    Question about pedestrian access during construction.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in Question about the existing path south of Arden. Someone yells Apples and Oranges! Someone else endorses it hugely and is looking forward to the new path. Questioner wants some better visualizations.

    Question about preserving the character of the neighborhood. They own several properties 🤨

    Another question about making the path narrower. Eight feet is adequate! (Groans from the audience). Was there a pedestrian traffic study? City doesn't do that.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in Homeowner wants the path to stop before it gets to their house. (Whatevs)

    Question about a flasher at Hunter. It's being considered.

    Question about budgets. Does it include storm water upgrades? Total just over $5M.

    More storm water questions. This seems to be a serious homeowner worry.

    Question about narrowing lanes. Will be slightly narrower. Questioner comments that people will have to slow down (Hopefully!) Something about bus passing?

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in Second Street light needs replacing. Some rage about driving being less convenient.

    Second to Hunter: raised median to cross High at Hunter.

    Question about construction, side street access. Each segment to be about a month. Question about detours. Side streets will be open and repaved.

    Question about trees. Many to be removed but policy is to replace them.

    Question about connecting at Maxwell instead of Hunter. ( I don't see much gain there). Idea is to get to 3rd Street.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%


    Question about the lane restriping: assurance that all three lanes will be the same size.

    Moore's to Covenanter: culvert is an issue. Question from a homeowner about extra water on his property.

    Covenanter to Maxwell: Retaining wall. Stacked stone walls may need replacing. Homeowner complains about that, wanting to keep them. Suggestion that the path not be as wide. Everyone trying to ask questions.

    Maxwell to 2nd. Crosswalks to the school, maybe a flasher.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Meeting on the High Street multiuse path
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in Project will start in 2026. Will end a couple of blocks short of 3rd now, but Hunter Street is meant to be a bike path anyway.

    Some wonky stuff about culverts and tree lawns. No slides, maybe due to the room, but some posters of the map.

    Arden to Moore's Pike, should replace the sidewalk easily and get by the cemetery wall. Smaller turn lanes at Moore's Pike.

    Question about why not go to the West side of the street. Answer: couldn't touch historic properties.

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 100%
    Meeting on the High Street multiuse path

    Meeting on the High Street multiuse path It should be interesting, especially after the enthusiastic discussion about the Second Street redesign a few months ago. Will the High Street residents be as excited? [@bloomington\_in]( [#cycling](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 100%
    One of my favorite restaurants, Bangkok Thai, will be open special on Eclipse Day (they're usually closed on Mondays.) Visit if you're coming to that day! #eclipse

    One of my favorite restaurants, Bangkok Thai, will be open special on Eclipse Day (they're usually closed on Mondays.) Visit if you're coming to [@bloomington\_in]( that day! [#eclipse](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 100%
    A new book from an alumni of the first Little 500 women's race

    A new book from an alumni of the first Little 500 women's race “Willkie Sprint” chronicles that historic school year, as Hellmuth joins the team of the same name (an homage to their dorm, Willkie Residence Hall) trains with and befriends her teammates, and participates in 100 grueling laps on race day to become the first-ever Little 500 women’s champions in 1988." I lived in Willkie that year. No memory of the race at all though. [@bloomington\_in]( [#cycling]( [#Little500]( [\_cbe637c8-ed29-11ee-9fea-77ffffea651b.html](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Amazing stained glass at Ellettsville First Baptist
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @bloomington_in Outside just before Easter Sunrise Service

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 70%
    Amazing stained glass at Ellettsville First Baptist

    Amazing stained glass at Ellettsville First Baptist [@bloomington\_in](

    indiana Indiana Roundabouts: Let's go! Love Them or Hate Them?
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @redfox Love them. Forces cars to slow down to a less than killing speed instead of a stop sign or light that can be blown through at 50 MPH. #CarsRuinEverything

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 100%
    Doc Searls on Bloomington

    Doc Searls on Bloomington Featuring [@chronicallydave]( and the Bloomington Chronicle. The Chronicle seems redundant to Bloomingpedia though. [@bloomington\_in]( []( [](

    indiana Indiana Indy installed no-turn-on-red signs at downtown intersections. Are drivers obeying them?
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @redfox I've only used it a couple of times (I live and work in Bloomington and #ebike everywhere). I'd like to get in the habit of a park-and-ride from the south side when I visit Indy though.

  • indiana Indiana Indy installed no-turn-on-red signs at downtown intersections. Are drivers obeying them?
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 100%

    @redfox @ilinamorato Any chance you could take the red line instead of driving? It might be cheaper and less frustrating.

  • indiana Indiana Indy installed no-turn-on-red signs at downtown intersections. Are drivers obeying them?
  • benfulton benfulton 6 months ago 0%

    @redfox @FlyingSquid @Bikevisionary might have some numbers to share.

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 100%
    From @chronicallydave : The Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County has worked with the Indiana University Center for Survey Research to put together a survey of residents about the ways

    From [@chronicallydave]( : The Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County has worked with the Indiana University Center for Survey Research to put together a survey of residents about the ways they currently get their news and how they wish it were better. The Community Foundation is doing the work to sort out what big piles of funding might be available through various philanthropic sources to help shape a better future for local news. [@bloomington\_in]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 100%
    They're extending the B-Line up to 17th Street this summer, which is pretty great. Sure wish they'd work on the North Dunn path though!

    They're extending the B-Line up to 17th Street this summer, which is pretty great. Sure wish they'd work on the North Dunn path though! [\#cycling]( [#trails]( [@bloomington\_in](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 100%
    Bloomington considers long-term extension of Kirkwood outdoor dining program

    Bloomington considers long-term extension of Kirkwood outdoor dining program "Officials want to bolster the Expanded Outdoor Dining Program, which typically closes two-and-a-half blocks to drivers for a few months each year. The program began in 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and has been continued each year since." Kirkwood is so much nicer without cars. [@bloomington\_in]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 6 months ago 100%
    Possum peeking over the wall at the biology greenhouse like he's Charlie Brown

    Possum peeking over the wall at the biology greenhouse like he's Charlie Brown [@bloomington\_in](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 100%
    Bloomington hosting Bike to Earth Day where you can learn about electric cars 🤨

    Bloomington hosting Bike to Earth Day where you can learn about electric cars 🤨 I wonder if there will be any vehicles there other than giant pedestrian-killing superheavy SUV's. [@bloomington\_in]( [#cycling]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 100%
    Bloomington plucking David Hittle from Tippecanoe County to direct Planning and Transportation Dept

    Bloomington plucking David Hittle from Tippecanoe County to direct Planning and Transportation Dept Any folks from Lafayette have an opinion on him? Will we be getting lots of new highways and parking lots? [@bloomington\_in]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 100%
    Trades district goes up in front of the Redevelopment Commission tonight

    Trades district goes up in front of the Redevelopment Commission tonight "The Trades District is a transformative urban redevelopment project located in the heart of Bloomington, Indiana. This 12-acre development, representing the city's vision for a dynamic, innovative, and sustainable mixed-use district that encourages economic development, creativity and collaboration." [@bloomington\_in]( [#UrbanPlanning]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 100%
    City to install barriers along Third Street bike lane

    City to install barriers along Third Street bike lane And they can't do this soon enough! "the barriers are necessary because drivers illegally stop and park inside the bike lane, causing safety concerns for cyclists, bus operators and other drivers. “A protected bike lane creates a physical barrier between cyclists and vehicular traffic – deterring undesired use and providing a more predictable environment for all road users." [\#cycling]( [@bloomington\_in]( [](

    television Television Does anyone else watch Resident Alien?
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 85%

    @FlyingSquid Watched the first season but the awkwardness was beyond me. As a gen-xer I prefer ironic detachment 😃

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Mayor leaves. Hopi Stosberg points out that stop signs aren't really traffic calming.

    Somebody said that we don't need traffic calming, we need traffic control. An ebiker agrees that stop signs are easy to blow through, I think.

    Okay, people are continuing to talk even though we're way over the meeting time. I think I'll stop here!

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Isabel Piedmont-Smith points out the transportation plan was approved by the city council, elected officials, and disputes the nepotism charge. Doesn't want the council to have veto power.

    Jenny from Sherwood Green would have liked their neighborhood to have been more involved, wants traffic calming on Hillside. And fewer bumpouts. And says cyclists really hate bumpouts and speed bumps and traffic calming.

    Next guy complains about the process, but the mayor will be leaving

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Leslie Hobbs-Ramsey doesn't think the straightening of the path is necessary. Thinks bikers shouldn't complain about having to ride an extra two blocks. Considers the stop signs to be sufficient traffic calming devices. Doesn't feel they were heard in the process - says all the feedback was negative and the city should have paid attention to that, and some stuff about nepotism and being blindsided by cost increases. Is really upset that project was approved by unelected folks.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Stephanie (I think) asks about an MTP, not sure what that meant. Says she has data showing bumpouts are not needed. Would like the Atwater intersection improved, I think. Worried about people writing about her online 🙂

    Next speaker used to feel safe walking to campus but doesn't any more. Worried about how dangerous speeding bikers will be when she backs her car out of her driveway.

    Someone interjects about the steep decline from Weatherstone to Hawthorne.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Chuck Livingston is concerned about whether everything is ADA compliant. Do bumpouts force people to walk in the middle of the street? 🤨 Points out that the transportation plan doesn't discuss wheelchairs. Something about putting in a stop sign and being attacked because of it?

    Mayor Thomson interjects that she wants everyone to feel safe expressing an opinion - also that some people wouldn't come to this meeting because of hate.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Next speaker doesn't give a name, but would prefer that safety on the three problematic intersections on Hawthorne be dealt with first. Says Bloomington's planning process is crazy. His only source of information is the newspaper (Somebody introduce him to @chronicallydave )

    William Coulter thinks greenways aren't as cost effective as sidewalks. He also won't ride, blames cyclists for being dangerous. Would prefer more pedestrian infrastructure.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Wendy also thinks bumpouts are more dangerous than not having them and that the neighborhood beauty will be ruined.

    The amount of time people can talk when you give them a chance!

    Jeff Richardson disapproves of the process, although he says he's pro-greenway. Did they do the project to avoid losing out on federal dollars? Complains about another intersection and thinks we should deal with other safety issues first before building.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Greg also thinks the process is broken, but because rich people are overrepresented.

    (Missed the name) she complains about the process and feels that a fast one was pulled on them. Thinks bikers have sufficient accommodations as is, and there are hardly any cars anyway. Then something about annexation and the former administration.

    Wendy says she can't bike anymore - hate when people say that. Doesn't know if poor people cycle. Will this project really increase safety?

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 100%


    Councilmember Dave Rollo speaks about how this is an unneeded greenway and is too expensive. Disapproves of narrow lanes. Thinks the process is broken.

    Claims the existing greenways are decrepit - true if you count everyplace where there's a biking sign as a greenway. Wants the council to have final say over greenway projects.

    Greg Alexander says drivers go too fast when he bikes with his kids - but feels much safer on a greenway.

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 100%
    Hawthorne Greenway update meeting.

    Hawthorne Greenway update meeting. Background is that the NIMBY's who live along Hawthorne came out in force to oppose this greenway. It was approved anyway, but they appealed to our new mayor. She decided to continue with the project, and this is a meeting with her where she explains why. Several city councilmembers are there too. She goes over why it's not expensive, and how it's a foundational greenway. [@bloomington\_in]( [#cycling]( [#GreenWay]( [](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 100%
    Mardi Gras at Lennie's

    Mardi Gras at Lennie's Along with the Rooftop IPA, I had blackened catfish with crab stuffing, and red beans and rice. Bananas Foster to follow! [\#mardigras]( [@bloomington\_in](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 50%
    Flexjet 558 just buzzed my house on its way to the airport.

    Flexjet 558 just buzzed my house on its way to the airport. Looks like it flew in from New York - wonder who it was. Something to do with the football team I'm guessing. [\#PrivateJets]( [@bloomington\_in](

    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 100%
    Hanging out at the Bike & Ped Commission meeting

    Hanging out at the Bike & Ped Commission meeting A few new projects in planning, I think mostly replacing older speed humps with nice bike-friendly bumps and repaving. Then the 3rd Street protected lane. Some concern with dropoffs at the biology building, still a lot of planning to do - but should be done here in the next month or two. Asks for resident-led traffic calming projects. I suppose they wouldn't go for my idea of calming Business 37 😁 [\#bikelanes]( [@bloomington\_in](

    indiana Indiana Indiana sends National Guard to southern border at Texas’s request
  • benfulton benfulton 7 months ago 66%

    @MSgtRedFox @FlyingSquid @Alto @Fedizen @Gingerlegs @the_q @NocturnalMorning @iamanurd @ScottStarkey @givesomefucks @happybadger Obvious first step would be to pass the compromise bill that Sinema and Lankford worked so hard on.

  • bloomington_in
    Bloomington Indiana benfulton 7 months ago 100%
    Narrowing lanes on 7th Street did not slow traffic

    Narrowing lanes on 7th Street did not slow traffic Here's the report that shows it didn't make any difference to traffic speeds. I guess the speed boost of not having stop signs ouweighs the narrower lanes. "The measured average speed in this area is 27mph with an eighty-fifth percentile speed of nearly 32mph. The measured speeds are higher than desired and suggest the majority of drivers are comfortable driving in 10’ wide travel lanes" [@bloomington\_in]( [\_id=11610#page=3](

    bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana Local officials sworn in, Bloomington mayor Kerry Thomson says, “It’s time to get moving.”
  • benfulton benfulton 9 months ago 100%

    @chronicallydave @bloomington_in It would have been nice to get *some* policy discussion, after Thomson spent the whole campaign talking in these same vague generalities. I'm assuming that she won't start implementing the Republican statehouse agenda, at least.

  • bloomington_in Bloomington Indiana 5–4 Bloomington council vote: 3 more stops, not just Dunn, OK’d for reinstallation on 7-Line bicycle route
    soccer Soccer And on to watch the soccer team play #5 Washington, with a GameDay Lager in hand. I lead a rough life, let me tell you 😉 [#iuhoosiers]( [@soccer](https://midwest
  • benfulton benfulton 1 year ago 100%

    @OswaldBuzzbald Pretty good I think. Crisp and refreshing, but with enough of a kick to be more than just love-in-a-canoe.
