rpgmemes RPGMemes My world shall go unused
  • avirse avirse 9 months ago 100%

    Having a group is only half the battle, the other half is getting that group together when one person works odd hours, another has chronic illness with lots of medical appointments, and a third has a removed of a commute during the week so often can't get home in time.

    For years we had games every Friday and Sunday, all it takes is a couple of people changing jobs to completely disrupt that setup.

  • autism Autism [Trigger Warning] Fawning Causes Abusive, Toxic Relationships for Autistic People
  • avirse avirse 9 months ago 100%

    Watching it at 1.5 speed helped immensely.

  • autism Autism What now?
  • avirse avirse 12 months ago 100%

    Sure they do, NTs do a lot of stim activities, the difference is that they don't need to stim in order to remain calm and centred, they can just do it because it's fun.

  • badrealestate Terrible Estate Agent Photos Is this a refrigerator in the bathroom?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, putting an electrical appliance in the bathroom is weirder than putting an appliance that requires both power and plumbing in the room that always has both power and plumbing.

  • minimalism minimalism What's the most common misconception others have about your minimalist lifestyle?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    I also buy second-hand whenever possible, and try to fix things instead of replace them, and for the stuff I'm buying it's usually more expensive, not less. Especially when big stores offer free delivery on just about everything while your average ebay user obviously doesn't.

    Recent example: I got a shoulder strap for a clutch bag and the clasp on the strap broke. It was only missing a tiny spring, so I found a tiny spring online and repaired it. The strap cost £5. The spring to fix it cost £6 including postage. But it worked!

  • autism Autism Learning to drive?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    I had lessons from various people every summer for the first few years after I turned 17 (age you can start learning on public roads in the UK). I'd get to "test standard" each time on the mechanics of it, but navigating other drivers was too much so I never actually took a test, and never intend to.

    I'm now in my 30s and have structured my life around not having a car. My house is on a 24-hour bus route into town where I work, and walking distance to most amenities. My husband does have a car, so he can drive us places that aren't on public transit routes (such as our parents' houses) but the vast majority of the time I'm doing my own thing while he's at his job an hour's drive away.

  • autism Autism Anyone else feel like shit if they don't retain what they've learned with their special interest?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    I don't even seem to have a special interest. It's like I'm doing autism wrong.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes I don't think I've ever seen a BBEG bard in a campaign before.
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    Suddenly that music video makes sense

  • nottheonion Not The Onion End of an era: Zoom tells employees to return to office for work
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 86%

    No idea whether it's their reason, but anecdotally I've found it has a few benefits. If coordinated properly it's significantly easier to train new(er) staff, it improves cross-organisational understanding to overhear other departments' conversations either at desks or in break rooms, and it stops people becoming isolated pockets of knowledge and culture because they only ever see or interact with the same one or two people.

  • offbeat Offbeat Google Street View car leads Indiana police on 100 mph chase, crashes into creek
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you very much :)

  • offbeat Offbeat Google Street View car leads Indiana police on 100 mph chase, crashes into creek
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    Fabulous, thank you!

  • offbeat Offbeat Google Street View car leads Indiana police on 100 mph chase, crashes into creek
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    Alas, "[t]his content is not available in [my] country/region", any chance of a mirror/archive link?

  • autism Autism inability to socialize
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    This is why I concluded that I can't live in shared housing. Thankfully my social phobia isn't triggered by living with a partner or I'd be fucked as far as affording housing.

    I don't have any useful advice or way to help, but you're not a burden and you're not the only one to feel this way. Sorry if that's not exactly comforting.

  • autism Autism Anyone know of any interesting resources about autistic/neurodiverse intentional communities or cohousing? And how do we feel about this movement?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    My instinctive response is that it's a terrible idea. While having no expectation to mask is great, it seems to me that gathering a group of people who generally struggle to take care of themselves and their environment and who have very low tolerance for certain environmental stimuli and a deep need for other environmental stimuli is a recipe for chaos.

    I attend a local autistic adults zoom group every other week, and it's great for support and understanding, but if I had to be in the same room as one of the other members their stims would give me a meltdown. I over-empathise emotionally, an autistic friend has almost no emotional empathy, as a result some of our interactions do not go as intended. Multiply these kinds of issues with having to effectively live with eachother and I just don't see it going well.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted The Cloud Is a Prison. Can the Local-First Software Movement Set Us Free?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    Given the context of the article, the alternative suggestion isn't "set up your own server" but "use software that doesn't require a server", which sidesteps most of that list.

  • neurodivergence Neurodivergence It’s a busy, noisy, bright world. For some, going out is hard.
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    That point about how sensory processing issues can affect your health is so on point, I had no idea how much of my general anxiety was caused just by the world being too loud and bright. Earplugs and sunglasses worked instantly where 5 different medications failed to do anything.

  • nintendo Nintendo Nintendo Switch 2 to Feature as Much as 512 GB of Internal Storage, 8-Inch LCD Screen - Rumor
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    That may be your experience, my partner and I use it co-op on every game that has it and watch each other play singleplayer, so it's almost never out of the dock. I imagine many families with multiple kids and not enough budget to get everyone their own would do the same.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Powerful PCs = using more fun monsters
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    We broke the Anima system in half with overpowered characters. Not that it holds together very well normally. One mage character boosting the tank's strength high enough to lift a mountain and creating him a giant tungsten lump, another mage opening a portal directly above a bad guy's tower, apply tungsten to tower at great speed. No more tower. The GM was too amused to be mad that we wrecked his whole plan. We used the same trick to launch a necronomicon into the sun (or near enough). Also so many magically created artefacts, creation mages are just bullshit. But I got away with it because I made some for everyone.

  • nintendo Nintendo Nintendo Switch 2 to Feature as Much as 512 GB of Internal Storage, 8-Inch LCD Screen - Rumor
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 96%

    Because the number of people who won't buy it because of the LCD screen is smaller than the number of additional people who will buy it if it's $X cheaper at launch.

  • autism Autism What now?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    I'm so glad you're feeling validated, it's so miserable to be adrift in thoughts of "what's wrong with me"!

    Stimming is one of those things that everyone does to an extent, since it's basically just "doing things that feel nice". The difference for neurodivergent folks is that it helps us emotionally regulate in a way that neurotypical folks don't need, so we tend to do it a lot more often (or feel extra stressed/anxious/irritable).

  • autism Autism the autistic paradox of needing to cut all tags off your clothes and needing the tags so you can buy the same item of clothing again for the rest of your life
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    This is what smartphones are for. Take picture of clothing item. Take picture of clothing item tag. Save pictures in a "clothes" folder that is synced and/or backed up elsewhere and reference them as needed.

  • autism Autism Skill Regression upon Diagnosis
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    I don't know. "Functional rebalancing" would be more accurate, but kind of clunky. I can't think of anything more pithy.

  • nintendo Nintendo Nintendo’s Switch successor is already in third-party devs’ hands, report claims
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 0%

    I don't seem to be able to reply to WookieMunster so I'll say here:

    I don't get the hype over OLED screens, honestly. The difference isn't enough for me to care, and it'll be plugged into a TV most of the time anyway. It's only a downgrade in that one area and only if you have an OLED Switch, whereas I don't have any kind of Switch and couldn't tell you which model my husband's (the one I've played) is.

  • autism Autism Skill Regression upon Diagnosis
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    "Skill regression" is such an awful term. It would be like taking a severe workaholic who is getting stress ulcers, having them develop a proper work-life balance, and calling that "productivity regression".

  • autism Autism curious about diagnosis status of people here
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    Honestly I'd be very surprised to see an online autism community with a majority of people professionally diagnosed, even more surprised if the majority were diagnosed as children. Even setting aside how underdiagnosed large sections of the autistic population are, the people who need to seek support and validation that they belong to a community are much more likely to be those who didn't have the right language or support as a child.

  • nintendo Nintendo Nintendo’s Switch successor is already in third-party devs’ hands, report claims
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    I'll maybe believe a release date when it's actually announced,. Maybe. Though I already know I'm buying the Switch successor if it's backwards compatible with Switch games, so it would be nice if this article turned out to be true.

  • autism Autism What now?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    This has turned out to be a huge wall of text, sorry.

    Most autistic communities recognise that an official diagnosis is hard to get and not always helpful/necessary, so while it's wise not to say as much out in the rest of the world, it's completely valid to self-identify within an autistic space.

    Feeling like you're faking the whole thing is so normal. I didn't have a self-identification journey before being diagnosed as an adult, and for the first two years after that diagnosis still felt like I wasn't actually autistic and the assessors made a mistake, or not autistic enough to "count" and give myself accommodation. It comes from a lifetime of learning that your experiences are "wrong", that you "can't trust" your own interpretations of the world around you, that you could do anything a neurotypical person can do if you just try. We late-identified are raised to doubt ourselves. It's often no one's fault, but it still takes a lot of unlearning.

    What you do now is start regularly checking in with your senses. Are you feeling tense because you've been ignoring a too-bright light or an irritating noise or an uncomfortable piece of clothing? Removing those kinds of subconscious distractions is a huge relief, whether that's with headphones, earplugs, sunglasses, baseball hats, whatever works. Are you hungry/thirsty/sitting in a really uncomfortable way and haven't realised it? Solve those needs.

    Then look into stimming. Physical or mental actions that you feel an urge to do and find calming. They don't have to be "weird" or socially unacceptable - spinning a pen, fiddling with a paperclip, chewing gum, twisting bracelets/wristbands/rings, squeezing a stress ball, wearing clothing that puts pressure in certain places (e.g. I wear dresses with a waist belt for pressure on my abdomen) are all possible stims. Even if it sounds completely unnecessary, try a bunch of thing and see what makes you feel safe and calm.

    Chances are that if you're autistic you'll have a lot more mental energy after discovering your sensory sensitivities and stims, because it's not all going into trying to ignore all the discomforts.

    The social side is less straightforward, and to be honest I've not figured it out yet. People say masking is damaging and should be avoided at all costs, but those costs can be significant. I've tried to go the route of not masking stims (having found subtle ones that work) and unapologetically wearing sunglasses indoors, but still put on the mask when it comes to communication, tone of voice, facial expressions and the like. Because my aim is to be understood, not to take a stand for all autism-kind, and the relief of meeting my sensory needs frees up a lot of the mental energy for it. Maybe that's the wrong approach, but it's the one that poses the least risk to my comfort.

  • neurodivergence Neurodivergence When & why is it not wise to seek out help?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 100%

    If you already have an ADHD diagnosis, there probably is no point seeking an autism diagnosis. Being that there's no medical treatment, and what disability protections there are would be covered by the ADHD diagnosis, I suspect you'd be best off trying coping techniques on your own. Which is mercifully quite easy to do.

    The biggest game-changer for me was considering that I might actually have sensory sensitivities. I always assumed I didn't have many, if any, but it turns out a huge chunk of my day-to-day anxiety was due to light and sound overstimulation.

  • declutter
    Declutter avirse 1 year ago 100%
    Sentimentality vs "Historicity"

    This may just be a "me thing", but a decluttering-related musing I'd like to share in case it resonates with anyone else. >*'what is "historicity"?'* >*'When a thing has history in it. Listen. One of those two Zippo lighters was in Franklin D. Roosevelt's pocket when he was assassinated. And one wasn't. One has historicity, a hell of a lot of it. As much as any object ever had. And one has nothing .... You can't tell which is which. There's no "mystical plasmic presence", no "aura" around it.* \- The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick, pages 65-66 The Man in the High Castle is an excellent, weird book, but I've noticed that the concept of "historicity" is present in much more mundane places than the kind of cultural artifacts it's used in reference to in the book. Like in family heirlooms and some of my own "sentimental" items. An example, I have a "sentimental trinkets" box on my bedside table. Inside, I had a toy that I played with as a small child over 25 years ago, but I didn't have any specific memories attached to it. I just knew I'd had it decades and moved continents with it, so I assumed it was precious. In hindsight it wasn't sentimental at all, it was the historicity that made me keep it. So I stopped keeping it. Another toy in that box that I'd also had over 25 years has a specific memory and story attached and makes me smile when I think about it, but it's not even the same toy that features in the memory. And because the primary association is with that story and that memory, I don't think of it as "a toy I've had since I was 4", I think of it as "the toy bought to replace the identical one I lost in the ocean and picked up a live crab while searching for it". As a lover of museums and archeology I don't think historicity is a bad concept to value when it's on a more grand, cultural scale, but within one lifetime I've learned to appreciate the distinction and let go of things that aren't actually valuable.

    nintendo Nintendo Super Mario 3D World 2 Player Local Coop: your thoughts?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 81%

    Would definitely recommend, it's proper co-op (in the sense of both players having the same game experience, not the sense of needing to actually cooperate). I'm terrible at platformers so I find it challenging, an actually competent player would probably find it generally easy.

  • autism Autism Microbiology (GUT BIOME) with Dr. Elaine Hsiao (followed by my anecdotally ASD-safe diet)
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 41%

    I'm going to ignore all of your advice because you prioritise a dangerous fad over avoiding a genuine risk to your child's health, and I'm not interested in doing the research to find out whether the rest are similarly problematic.

  • autism
    Autism avirse 1 year ago 93%
    "Please stop telling me to leave my comfort zone" www.theguardian.com

    I came across this article from 2018 and it really spoke to me as a late-diagnosed autistic only just learning what "comfortable" feels like.

    autism Autism Microbiology (GUT BIOME) with Dr. Elaine Hsiao (followed by my anecdotally ASD-safe diet)
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 56%

    I'm afraid you lost me at "raw milk" - I've only ever seen that endorsed by people with very unscientific beliefs as it's not considered safe for human consumption.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Or the Tomatoe sequel?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 60%

    I'd not seen this one before. My life has been truly enriched, thank you

  • autism Autism What is it like to be Neurotypical
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 86%

    The only neurotypical person I know well is my sister. The only major differences we've actually established is that she has significantly more energy for activity-filled days than I do, and she doesn't understand the concept of being paralyzed by indecision.

  • nintendo Nintendo So how’s everyone here liking Pikmin 4 so far?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 33%

    I'm loving it, though it's not as fun as Pikmin 3 Deluxe was. My husband and I played co-op and we dandori'd the fuck out of that game, it was awesome. For 4 we're taking turns doing a day/night each, haven't tried the "co-op" yet because it sounds incredibly lame.

    Oatchie makes the game so much easier. For better and worse, but I think more better than worse, I basically just treat him as a noble steed to take advantage of not having to worry about stragglers.

  • autism Autism A little webcomic that's probably relatable to a nonzero amount of you.
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 60%

    Jumping spiders have two large eyes, proportionately chunky bodies, and short, thick legs, making them the spiders that most resemble mammals. We're pretty keen on mammals as a species, so it would make sense that a spider with mammal-like traits is less scary/creepy/"other" to us.

  • minimalism minimalism People who have a weekly/two week/monthly meal plan that never changes, how did you plan it out?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 60%

    We don't have a plan that never changes, but we do make a meal plan on the weekend and buy just the food for that plan, and it's usually variations on the same few meals (chilli, bolognese, stir fry, frozen pizzas, fajita kits, stew, tuna-pasta-thing, pasta bake). There's two of us, so we mostly cook for four and either have the same meal two nights running or put half in the freezer and have it the next week so we (by which I mean my partner) only have to cook once or twice during the week.

    Mostly we use root vegetables that will last longer than a week in a cold fridge, so we check out how ropey it's looking before doing the food shop, both to add the turned stuff to compost and to inform what goes on the list.

  • autism Autism What is your favorite method of stimming?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 71%

    Finding a soft lock of my hair and twirling it around my fingers. Both for the softness and the gentle tugging at my scalp. And as a bonus it's fairly socially acceptable.

  • declutter
    Declutter avirse 1 year ago 100%
    Uncluttered Simplicity - 3 things that will sabotage decluttering efforts unclutteredsimplicity.com

    And advice on how to combat them. [There's also a part 2 with 3 more things](https://unclutteredsimplicity.com/3-more-things-that-will-sabotage-your-decluttering-efforts/)

    minimalism minimalism Should we stop taking photos?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 60%

    Unless you are a serious outlier, you won't remember anything half as well as you think you will. And isn't that the point of the "collect experiences, not things" schtick? Why bother doing anything if you don't care whether or not you remember it.

  • declutter
    Declutter avirse 1 year ago 100%
    Caroline Winkler - "home organisation for chaotic people" piped.video

    While the video is titled "home organisation" it has some good decluttering tips. Also I just love her.

    Declutter avirse 1 year ago 100%
    "New Retired Me" on his journey to declutter piped.video

    This video was linked in the declutter community on squabbles.io, and makes for good inspiration. Plus he's just quite nice to listen to.

    autism Autism How to deal with overstimulation in a crowded space?
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 50%

    Good tip. I'd personally feel too vulnerable with that much sound blocking, so loops are perfect for taking the edge off while still being aware of cars coming around corners or other people out of my eyeline.

  • rpg rpg Modern Urban Fantasy
  • avirse avirse 1 year ago 33%

    They do, but in a way that I think felt limiting. You can't have too many identities without making them quite weak, and then you have limited slots to have them do something cool or just substitute for skills/stress checks.

    There's also the feeling that your character can't progress at anything outside their identities, because progress in one skill is regression in another and is entirely at the fate of a dice roll.

    I'm sure it's great for other people's playstyles, it's just not my cup of tea.

  • wowthislemmyexists
    Wow this Lemmy Exists! avirse 1 year ago 78%
    [Self-promo] Declutter community on lemmy.world

    Because I miss the subreddit. !declutter@lemmy.world https://lemmy.world/c/declutter

    Declutter avirse 1 year ago 100%

    The declutter sub on reddit was always a favourite hang-out of mine, and I couldn't find a Lemmy equivalent, so here we are. Please feel free to post rants, brags, before-and-after pictures, etc. General don't-be-an-arsehole rules apply, this is meant to be a supportive environment. And for the record, both of the mods are me - my "home" instance is feddit.uk but I thought a community on lemmy.world would be easier to find, leaving a local account mod in case of defederation.

    Declutter avirse 1 year ago 100%
    Decluttering Resources & Challenges

    The goal for this list is a collection of resources and challenges that can be used/done for free, without having to sign up for anything like a mailing list (though you can always use [10 minute mail](https://10minutemail.com/) for the downloads that require an email address). That said, the sites linked will have paid options and/or mailing lists that they would no doubt very much like you to join, so be warned. # Resources ----- * [The KonMari method](https://konmari.com/about-the-konmari-method/) * [A Slob Comes Clean](https://www.aslobcomesclean.com/) and [how to declutter without making a bigger mess](https://www.aslobcomesclean.com/2014/04/how-to-declutter-without-making-a-bigger-mess/) * UnfuckYourHabitat and [UFYH's weekly challenges](https://unfuckyourhabitat.tumblr.com/tagged/challenge) * [A space for everything - zoning your home](https://organisemyhouse.com/a-space-for-everything/) and [365 things to declutter from your home and life this year](https://organisemyhouse.com/things-to-declutter/) - Organise My House * [UK only] [What can I recycle?](https://recycling.co.uk/what-can-i-recycle/) * [120 things to remove from your life - Be More With Less](https://bemorewithless.com/simplicity-journey-challenge/) # Challenges ----- **[The 30-Day Minimalism Game - The Minimalists](https://www.theminimalists.com/game/)** **Challenge overview:** Starting on the 1st of the month, you declutter a number of items equal to the day of the month. Day 1 = 1 item, Day 2 = 2 items, Day 3 = 3 items etc. for 30 days (or as long as you can keep it up). After 30 days you would have decluttered 465 items. The gentle start eases you into the decluttering and builds as your own ability to recognise what you can declutter improves. Another popular option is to do it backwards, i.e. Day 1 = 30 items, Day 2 = 29 items, Day 3 = 28 items etc. Some people find this easier as you can get some quick momentum with the initial enthusiasm for the challenge, then as things to declutter become harder to find you don't need to find as many. **[Yearly Decluttering Challenge - Nourishing Minimalism](https://nourishingminimalism.com/nourishing-minimalism-yearly-decluttering-challange/)** **Challenge overview:** Over the course of the year, declutter the same number of items as the year, so for 2022 that's a target of 2022 items. Starting on 1st Jan that would be just under 6 items per day. Nourishing Minimalism encourages you to print off a tally chart* and be flexible with filling in the boxes - if something is particularly difficult to declutter it can count as more than one, if a whole pile of things is too much to count just block off an estimate etc. \**The chart linked in the blog post requires providing an email address, which I assume adds you to their mailing list though I don't specifically remember. I've not had my email address passed to any 3rd parties by Nourishing Minimalism, but it's not hard to come up with your own way to record your progress so likely not worth it if you're not interested in the blog.* **[The Decluttering Cure - Apartment Therapy](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/features/decluttering-cure)** **Challenge overview:** For 14 days, do their prescribed task, alternating between decluttering a room/category and more abstract "do something that will prevent future clutter" tasks. The idea is to sign up to the mailing list and receive an email with each task, but the link above is to the "catch-up" page which lists them all, saving you from the spam*. See also: [The January Cure](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/features/january-cure) for a 20-weekday decluttering/home management challenge starting on 1st Jan and [The Holiday Cure](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/features/holiday-cure) for a cleaning-before-Christmas version. \**While I've not had my email address passed to any 3rd parties by Apartment Therapy, they did automatically sign me up to their own mailing list after the January Cure ended. And again after the Decluttering Cure ended, despite having removed myself before. If you're not interested in being signed up for daily emails, don't give them your address.* **[Decluttering Bursts - Be More With Less](https://bemorewithless.com/decluttering-burst/)** **Challenge overview:** Grab a trash bag and a donate box and working for 60 minutes find 100 things to get rid of. The linked blog post has suggested item counts from suggested areas for inspiration, and includes digital items in the suggestions. ## **30 Day Category-Based Challenges** **Challenge overview:** There are a lot of these. In each case the challenge is to declutter one category each day for 30 days. These often work best if you decide on a period of time to declutter each day (e.g. half an hour) as the categories won't all be similar amounts of effort which could cause burn out on tricky days. The ones listed here are just those I've found where the category list is freely accessible. **[30 Days to Minimalism - Pick up Limes](https://www.pickuplimesblog.com/single-post/2017/11/05/30-days-to-minimalism-printable-guide)** (& [video](https://www.pickuplimes.com/video/30-days-to-minimalism-115)) The list is in a PDF (no email required) which contains finer descriptions and "tips" on most days. The categories cover both physical and non-physical things, and are individual-focused, no family/pet categories. **[30-Day Declutter Challenge - DIY Candy](https://diycandy.com/30-day-declutter-challenge/)** The list is in a PDF (no email required). The categories in this list are less granular than the Pick up Limes list, and include Pet Supplies and Kid-related days. The linked blog post also lists a number of decluttering approaches with pros/cons, which isn't a bad resource in itself. **[30 Day Decluttering Challenge - Simple Lionheart Life](https://simplelionheartlife.com/30-day-decluttering-challenge/)** The list is in the linked blog post. Categories are more individual-focused, but the list breaks down some of the potentially larger categories. **[30 Day Declutter Challenge - Balance through Simplicity](https://balancethroughsimplicity.com/how-to-declutter-your-home-in-30-days/)** The list is in the linked blog post. The categories are individual-focused and a mix of physical and non-physical and "instructions" that apply beyond just the day in question. Could be useful for habit-forming. **[30 Day Declutter Challenge - List Obsessed](https://listobsessed.com/30-day-declutter-challenge/)** The list is in both the linked blog post and a PDF (no email required). Categories include Kids and jump around various home areas more than some of the others here. -----
