gaming Gaming What are the scariest games you've played?
  • autumn autumn 48 minutes ago 100%

    it's the dogs! i love dogs, but having them jump through the window destroyed me.

  • gaming Gaming What are the scariest games you've played?
  • autumn autumn 1 day ago 100%

    if you want to know how to get back, pick a side (i chose left) and always put torches on that side going down. to come back up, keep the torches on your right. 🔥

  • gaming Gaming What are the scariest games you've played?
  • autumn autumn 1 day ago 100%

    the original resident evil. couldn't even get through the first 15 minutes before i threw the controller across the room. i don't play scary games anymore, but i love watching other people play!

    silent hill was super fun to watch.

  • chat Chat how's your week going Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 3 days ago 100%

    bummer to hear about cohost (but not all that surprising, unfortunately).

    i attended hopscotch music festival the weekend before last. three very full days of seeing artist after artist play music (with a tiny bit of stand up comedy and amateur professional wrestling mixed in). it was great, but boy howdy am i feeling like an old. my feet hurt for days afterward.

    the day before the festival, my little dog rode around town with me for a whole 13 miles! that's her longest ride ever in her backpack, and she did great. i'm definitely going to upgrade her pack, though, since she was shifting side-to-side a bit which wasn't terribly comfortable.

    echo earned her CGCU last week, which is the last of the one-shot titles i plan to get for her. next up is prepping for our first rally trial, including a class that starts at the end of october.

    this weekend i'm heading to another three-day fast CAT (coursing ability test) with the little dog. hoping to pick up some advice on stretching her before and after so she's less sore this time around.

  • animals Animals and Pets photos from jean's most recent fast CAT (100-yard dash)
  • autumn autumn 4 days ago 100%

    omg, i hadn't even noticed that.

  • animals Animals and Pets photos from jean's most recent fast CAT (100-yard dash)
  • autumn autumn 4 days ago 100%

    it's such a fun event, and i've seen all kinds of dogs do it! as long as she has good recall at the end, i'd say go for it. :)

  • animals
    Animals and Pets autumn 4 days ago 100%
    photos from jean's most recent fast CAT (100-yard dash)

    this is what peak performance looks like. 😎 but seriously, this lil' chihuahua mix runs like a greyhound! photos by stirling hasen.

    Animals and Pets autumn 6 days ago 100%
    some heelwork training with echo

    we have a looong way to go, but i like to keep video records of even the not-so-good practice sessions. she's really disengaged with me for a big portion of this video (probably because it's our first time doing this outdoors). hoping to eventually get her into rally obedience. :)

    askbeehaw AskBeehaw What is your prefered youtube client/frontend?
  • autumn autumn 2 weeks ago 100%

    on apple devices: play.

  • chat Chat how's your week going Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 2 weeks ago 100%

    had a great weekend doing fast CAT with jean grey. she was getting PR after PR, with her best being 8.68 seconds (23.57mph / 37.93 kph). we have another event september 20-22, and i'm pretty sure she's going to earn her second title there! she's been phenomenal around other dogs lately, which is a 180 from how she used to be: barking, lunging, and growling at them.

  • animals
    Animals and Pets autumn 3 weeks ago 100%
    jean running fast CAT

    it's her absolute favorite activity in the world!

    chat Chat how's your week going Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 3 weeks ago 100%

    my older dog, loki (11 year old australian shepherd), has been on prozac most of his life due to anxiety issues, so i'm quite familiar with its use in dogs! basically it allows them to chill out a little bit. both of them are high strung rescue dogs, so the medication definitely helps after i've exhausted all other training routes.

    Quite the feat! What’s your trick?

    honestly, i keep a pack of cards with me to shuffle through (and sometimes play solitaire with) when i'm bored. i also still have audiobooks on my phone, but i play music from a separate digital audio player. it's nice not to have the compulsion to open mindless scrolling whenever i pick up my phone to do something i actually need to do. most of my time on my phone is now spent using maps for directions, hah.

  • chat Chat how's your week going Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 3 weeks ago 100%

    echo (border collie) started fluoxetine (prozac) last weekend for her anxious tendencies and obsessive behaviors. she also has her urban canine test on wednesday, which i think we'll pass with flying colors, so long as there isn't a leaf blower she can hear.

    we've had a couple of chilly nights, but i know we're going to have at least one or two hot weeks before it starts to actually cool down for good.

    i've been spending a lot of work days at the coworking space, and i'm making a lot of progress on my latest project, so that's nice. forgot how much that helps me get in the right mindset. probably helps that i dumbed down my phone quite a bit recently, too. no more safari, email, social, or needless apps. down to about 1 hour of phone screen time per day, which is pretty good considering my old averages were around 4-5 hours. 😳

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 1 month ago 100%

    i'm sorry you're in so much pain!

    ::: spoiler unsolicited advice are you able to see a physical therapist or get a referral to one? they have helped me eliminate pain that my doc only ever gave me muscle relaxers for. :::

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 1 month ago 100%

    i believe so! there were a couple of them styled like that; really cool stuff.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 1 month ago 100%

    spent the weekend with a friend in the mountains. we saw a bunch of bonsai trees (a couple of my favorites below), went to a couple of breweries, and stayed up too late playing video games. 10/10 weekend, would do again.

    bonsai tree blended from one live and one dead tree bonsai tree with a tiny bench underneath

  • autumn autumn 1 month ago 100%

    also: give them good things to bite! i always had toys handy when i had my puppy. (i do not miss those days.)

  • gaming
    Gaming autumn 1 month ago 100%
    thank goodness you’re here!

    i’m really vibing with this game. absurd, casual, sometimes disturbing fun. slapping and jumping are the only actions, and it’s very england.

    entertainment Entertainment about that House of the Dragon S2 finale? [spoilers]
  • autumn autumn 1 month ago 100%

    we were calling it “the season that never was” today. 🤭

  • animals Animals and Pets Atypical starter pet?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    i was going to suggest guinea pigs, too! they might be too "rodent" for wife, but honestly they're a lot more like smaller, low-maintenance rabbits. they have personalities for sure, and as long as you handle them from a young age, they can be picked up and hang out on your lap while you watch tv or whatever.

  • animals Animals and Pets Atypical starter pet?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    definitely do not buy a mixed breed dog. rescuing one is totally legit, though! or find a poodle or bichon through a reputable breeder if you want to go that route. some breeders have young adult dogs (2-3 years old) that are done with the show ring and ready for pet homes. if you go through a reputable breeder, they will always take the dog back if it doesn't work out. if you go through a rescue, the same applies. some even have trial periods (the rescue i help out with does two weeks).

    ::: spoiler why you shouldn't buy a mixed breed dog there is no such thing as an ethically-bred mixed breed dog. dogs are bred to perform specific tasks, and anybody making more dogs without that in mind is only doing them a disservice, as we have a huge overpopulation problem. i volunteer for a border collie rescue, and we consistently find more dogs than we can actually help out.


  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    it was a blast! i highly recommend it if you enjoy big group rides, street festivals, pie, and beer.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    howdy! 🤠

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    i finished riding across iowa a few days ago. now need to return to “normal” life, which is so much more complicated than waking up every day to ride my bike 40-80 miles.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    i’m on day three of riding across iowa. it’s so nice to worry only about riding to the next town. i’ve eaten so much pie.

  • animals
    Animals and Pets autumn 2 months ago 100%
    took the pups out for some creek time

    echo *loves* the creek so much. definitely her most favorite activity. also my first time using sniffspot (private dog park; this one was about three acres and fully fenced in), and it felt like we weren't fenced in at all! there was a little walking trail and everything.

    chat Chat what movies have you seen recently and/or which upcoming movies are you excited about?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    that’s a classic to me! love that one.

  • gaming Gaming It’s official: No Nintendo console has lasted as long as Switch without being replaced
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    my dad bought a switch for his wife recently. neither one of them are “gamers.” i think they only play mario kart!

  • chat Chat what movies have you seen recently and/or which upcoming movies are you excited about?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    sounds intriguing!

  • chat Chat what movies have you seen recently and/or which upcoming movies are you excited about?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    i’ll have to check this one out. unsettling is my favorite. 🤩

  • chat Chat How's your week going, Beehaw?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    i don’t use the imports but plenty of folks seem to have good luck with it. it does cost an extra $15/year. i tried it out but decided i didn’t like transactions automated from my financial institutions.

  • chat Chat what movies have you seen recently and/or which upcoming movies are you excited about?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    eggers is my favorite director. can’t wait for nosferatu!

  • chat Chat what movies have you seen recently and/or which upcoming movies are you excited about?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    oh yes! so much better than the first one somehow.

  • chat
    Chat autumn 2 months ago 100%
    what movies have you seen recently and/or which upcoming movies are you excited about?

    we recently watched _maxxxine_, which i thought was a good ending to that trilogy. (_x_ and _pearl_ are the other two.) _in a violent nature_ was another one i enjoyed, even if it was a bit slow... perhaps intentionally. we're watching _longlegs_ tomorrow, which is supposed to be very unsettling (my favorite kind of movie). _beetlejuice beetlejuice_ is coming out later this year, and with tim burton directing and a lot of the original cast returning, i think it's going to be decent! if you hadn't already guessed, my favorite genre is horror. ;)

    chat Chat How's your week going, Beehaw?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    that’s awesome about the nat geo opportunity! i hope it pans out for ya.

  • chat Chat How's your week going, Beehaw?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    another place i’d probably do without a car, if at all possible. i went car free in seattle for a year, another three years in athens, georgia. wasn’t until i moved to atlanta (and later the city i’m in now) that i had to go back to owning one.

  • chat Chat How's your week going, Beehaw?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    i mean, i think paying for parking should happen, especially in places with decent public transit, but wowee.

  • chat Chat How's your week going, Beehaw?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    Parking alone is like $120/mo

    any chance you can give up the car? $120/month is outrageous to me. if my city had better public transit (subways!!!), i'd be all over ditching my car.

  • chat Chat How's your week going, Beehaw?
  • autumn autumn 2 months ago 100%

    my dad and his wife visited for a few days, so that was fun. went to a couple of museums, breweries, etc.

    RAGBRAI is less than two weeks away!!! i gotta get more riding in. i did get my new tires installed yesterday, since i noticed my old ones were looking a little worse for the wear. was hoping to go for a ride then, but storms rolled in and ruined my plans.

    echo (border collie) is showing some signs of generalized anxiety—pacing, whining, barking, and generally restless. i'm not sure if it's because her routine was upset with family visiting + fireworks + storms, but i'll probably get an opinion from the vet. i did ask for some better anti-anxiety meds for the sound events, since the xanax wasn't doing a whole lot, even administered pre-sound.

    spent a lot of time reconfiguring my budget with actual since YNAB is hiking up their prices again. still pissed they did away with their promised "lifetime" subscription price.

  • greenspace Nature and Gardening What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • autumn autumn 3 months ago 100%

    the yard is very crunchy. we haven't had rain in a few weeks (2-3?), but it looks like it could rain this weekend. i did water my few potted plants that live on the porch since they were looking especially thirsty.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 3 months ago 100%

    If yours was better than that, care to drop a name for me to go look into?

    i ended up getting the sahara shade hoodie from REI because it was on sale. i don't have much to compare it to, but i thought it was really breezy! i even wore it on my ~10 mile bike ride and didn't feel too bad as long as there was a bit of wind.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 3 months ago 100%

    got some teva sandals for children that i'm digging and a shade hoodie for those really hot days when i don't wanna wear sunscreen.

    went to the beach over the weekend, which echo loved! jean (little dog) hates the water, and i didn't want to have to clean all the sand out of loki's coat, hah.

    new to us (15-year-old) mazda5 was awesome for hauling all three dog crates and our gear, but the AC stopped working 1/3 of the way back home, so it was a hot ride. 🥵

    gratuitous beach pic: under an umbrella flag looking out at the beach and ocean. a few folks in the distance and some beach chairs in the foreground

    a little over three weeks until RAGBRAI starts. i'm so sick of training and ready to do the ride already!

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 3 months ago 100%

    howdy! 🤠 🐝

  • greenspace Nature and Gardening Asparagus in the morning.
  • autumn autumn 3 months ago 100%

    immediately the "drip drip drop" song from bambi rolled into my head!

  • animals
    Animals and Pets autumn 3 months ago 97%
    community canine graduate!

    we had graduation last night! we did some rally practice since all the dogs had already passed all the test items, and echo loved it. could _not_ get her to look at the camera because she loves to look at me always, haha. very proud of this rescue pup who has exceeded my expectations when it comes to training. she really is the dog i've wanted since i was a teenager. ❤️

    Chat autumn 3 months ago 100%
    what’s your favorite way to beat the heat?

    today’s the summer solstice (for the northern hemisphere), so tell me your favorite way to cool down while we’re watching the world burn. 🔥

    chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • autumn autumn 3 months ago 100%

    i know how ya feel, but sometimes you gotta look out for you!

  • chat Chat What do you think should be the demonym for Beehaw users?
  • autumn autumn 3 months ago 100%

    all about the beeple! 🤠

  • greenspace
    Nature and Gardening autumn 3 months ago 100%
    mosquito bucket of doom

    ordered some tablets to make a few of these after i saw the concept recommended on a local forum. can't wait to murder millions of (mosquito) children. 🦟

    Animals and Pets autumn 4 months ago 100%
    echo's AKC novice trick title submission

    going to collect all the silly certifications for fun with this dog.

    Animals and Pets autumn 5 months ago 100%
    jean got her first qualifying agility score!

    this was always my goal with her, so i'm pleased as punch! i remember my agility trainer giving me the most "what are you doing with this dog?" look so many times, haha.

    Animals and Pets autumn 5 months ago 100%
    echo earned her CGC certification!

    the [canine good citizen test]( consists of ten items: 1. accept a friendly stranger 2. sit politely for petting 3. accept ears and feet touched, plus a brush 4. walk on a loose leash 5. walk through a crowd 6. sit, down, and stay 7. come when called 8. react appropriately to another dog 9. react appropriately to a distraction 10. stay with another person for three minutes this is something i try to get with all my dogs, but my little dog definitely did not pass back when she took it as a yearling. very proud of how far echo has come since she's come to live with me—hard to believe that was only about three months ago!

    Chat autumn 6 months ago 100%
    happy spring equinox!

    are you doing anything to celebrate? do you typically observe the “solar holidays?” i usually have a bonfire with friends to mark the passage of time, but it snuck up on me this year. maybe i can light a candle instead and let that be enough.

    Animals and Pets autumn 6 months ago 95%
    jean earned her first title!

    her fastest time this weekend was 9.56 seconds (21.40 mph). i’m so proud of her for running despite the cold (and rain on the first day). we wrapped her up in a towel right up to the gate the first day because it was so miserable, and on the second day she had her sweater plus i held her inside my fleece, hehe. ![]( we should get the professional video back in a week or two!

    Animals and Pets autumn 7 months ago 100%
    training my chi mix jean to love her collar (+ some fun tricks)

    the backstory is that jean has gotten really head shy over the years, to the point where she would run away anytime i got her collar out. lo and behold, turning this into a "trick" worked like a charm. now she's happy and excited every time she sees her collar, and it has become one of our best recall tools. you'll notice i also often treat her when i take the collar off, so she wants to stick around after i remove her collar rather than bolting away from me. this is especially important since she's a sporting dog (agility and fast CAT). at the end are some tricks she already knows, just for fun. :)

    Animals and Pets autumn 7 months ago 100%
    me + the crew

    from left to right: loki, jean grey, and echo. all rescue dogs and all the best dogs. 🥰

    Animals and Pets autumn 7 months ago 100%
    more fast CAT photos!

    jean (the little tan dog) was so good about coming to me and jumping into my arms after each of her two runs. so glad we got some photos of that. this was loki's (the australian shepherd's) first fast CAT. look at those goofy ears! he also loves kids, so it's no surprise he was checking them out after he ran, hehe. photos by [dahlie dog studios](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    belly time? belly time.
    Animals and Pets autumn 7 months ago 100%
    typical three-dog training session

    i’ve been doing more training sessions lately since we’re headed into trial season(s). i try to keep my sessions short 5-10 minutes, and i figured i would start recording some to see progress. :)

    Animals and Pets autumn 7 months ago 100%
    my little dog at her first fast CAT event

    more photos here: and more about fast CAT here: she only did a fun run, so no scoring. her first real event is on the 24th!

    Animals and Pets autumn 8 months ago 100%
    my new foster dog, coco

    she’s overwhelmed and confused right now with the long drive and new home, but i’m looking forward to seeing her come out of her shell over the next few weeks. 🥰 i see a lot of confidence building in her future.

    Risa autumn 11 months ago 61%
    what does a borg dog say?

    . . . “you will be assimilated.”

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Personal Finance autumn 1 year ago 93%
    tell me about your side hustle: past, current, or aspirational!

    i'm a web developer by day, but i recently started doing some side gig work via rover because i legitimately _love_ dogs (and i wanted a bit of extra spending money for my own dogs' care). i'd love to hear what other folks do when they need a bit more cash flow.

    Animals and Pets autumn 1 year ago 100%
    just found out my foster, chuck, has some pretty serious surgery on the way

    he's got hip and knee problems, so he's being referred to an orthopedic surgeon. i think it may be why he was dropped off at the shelter in the first place (the former family may have realized how expensive it would be to get him healthy again). fingers crossed we can get a treatment plan started next week. ❤️‍🩹

    Animals and Pets autumn 1 year ago 100%
    chuck doesn't give a f*ck

    i swear this dog is a lab in a border collie suit.
