quotes Quotes Environmentalism without class struggle
  • augusto augusto 2 months ago 100%

    brazilian legend mentioned!

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Do these people even take themselves seriously?🤡
  • augusto augusto 2 months ago 100%

    the communist stereotype was right all along. put them in the labour camps

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Is Gen Alpha cooked?
  • augusto augusto 3 months ago 100%

    skibidi dop dee dee

  • practicalgaming Practical Gaming What are the only AAA games you will play?
  • augusto augusto 3 months ago 100%

    nice! 4070 is a decent card. I got an AMD RX 7600 XT (more or less an RTX 4060 performance wise)

    my power supply decided to die after I installed the GPU, but it was quite old. I bought a nice modular PSU now

  • practicalgaming Practical Gaming What are the only AAA games you will play?
  • augusto augusto 3 months ago 66%

    Doom the Dark Ages got me to buy a new GPU

    besides that, I only play indie and medium-sized games like Workers and Resources, Victoria 2, etc. I also play some VR, but the only "AAA" game there is half life alyx

  • worldnews World News Israel warns can send Lebanon ‘back to Stone Age’ as UN seeks de-escalation
  • augusto augusto 3 months ago 100%

    accelerationist netanyahu

  • augusto augusto 3 months ago 100%

    yup. brazilian fascists are like this

  • brasil República Socialista do Brasil Papéis de Parede que eu Fiz
  • augusto augusto 5 months ago 100%

    eu coloquei no post, a não ser q vc teja falando de um jeito q eu não sei como fazer

    edit: ata laggei mt, quando eu puder eu coloco os links dos arquivos aqui

  • comunismo
    Comunismo augusto 5 months ago 100%
    Papéis de Parede que eu Fiz

    [aqui](https://imgur.com/a/7SaorMg) estão as duas imagens que eu fiz peguei a ideia das estrelas nos estados de um post no reddit, inverti o mapa e coloquei a foice e martelo do PCB pra dar mais charme kkkkkk se alguém quiser os arquivos brutos ou imagens de maior qualidade me chama aí!

    República Socialista do Brasil augusto 5 months ago 100%
    Papéis de Parede que eu Fiz

    [aqui](https://imgur.com/a/7SaorMg) estão as duas imagens que eu fiz peguei a ideia das estrelas nos estados de um post no reddit, inverti o mapa e coloquei a foice e martelo do PCB pra dar mais charme kkkkkk se alguém quiser os arquivos brutos ou imagens de maior qualidade me chama aí!

    camaradas_latam Camaradas Latam soy un camarada brasileño, ¿puedo participar aquí?
  • augusto augusto 5 months ago 100%

    creo que sí, Francés es un idioma latino

    Surinam habla holandés y es considerado un país latino por algunos

  • camaradas_latam
    Camaradas Latam augusto 5 months ago 100%
    soy un camarada brasileño, ¿puedo participar aquí?

    mi español no es lo mejor, entonces perdón antes de cualquier problema jajaja

  • augusto augusto 6 months ago 100%

    fuck he looks like me

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say What the actual fuck are these ''vIcTiMs Of CoMmUnIsM'' statues in Czech Republic?💀
  • augusto augusto 6 months ago 91%

    besides the weird dick out in the statues, this would be a pretty cool statue for the victims of shock therapy and reintroduction of capitalism to eastern europe tbf

    and those are rookie numbers, not even a mention of Stalin's big spoon

  • augusto augusto 6 months ago 100%

    this is gold! thank you!

  • augusto augusto 6 months ago 100%

    shes called incontinentia

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say What the actual fuck is this even supposed to mean?
  • augusto augusto 6 months ago 100%

    got me in the first half ngl

  • comics Comics Cool Kids Have Class Consciousness
  • augusto augusto 6 months ago 100%

    the original artist can be found here

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Is This Subr*ddit Satire/Propaganda?
  • augusto augusto 6 months ago 100%

    can't connect to KCNA, sad day

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat augusto 6 months ago 100%
    Is This Subr*ddit Satire/Propaganda?

    Looks like satire on the surface

    brasil República Socialista do Brasil Alguém ainda tem dúvidas das reais intenções da mídia brasileira?
  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    mano, sua foto de perfil me lembrou

    peguei uma bandeira dessa, é mt linda pprt

  • palestine Palestine Austria accuses this couple of a terrorist crime just for expressing solidarity for Palestinians
  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    a famous painter was born there

  • genzedong GenZedong Chat with Stalin
  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    10/10 he told me to unionize and radicalize my coworkers

  • genzedong GenZedong Chat with Stalin
  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    10/10 he told me to unionize and radicalize my coworkers

  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    it is, but some memes are pretty funny

  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    redditors can't even cyrillic bro

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat My cryptography professor is a fucking turbolib
  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    cryptoancap lookin ass professor

  • communism Communism The cowards finally defederated
  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    Honestly, I don't even think our reach is shorter because of this. I myself only got into Lemmygrad after a few months of knowing about Marxism.

    If anything this just removes zionists and libs from accessing us.

  • communism
    Communism augusto 7 months ago 96%
    Is it Wrong for a Communist to Have Private Health Insurance?

    Title says it all. I'm in a country that has public health care, and in many aspects it is very good. Only downside is wait time. There's also less and less funding every year, less and less quality, the whole process to destroy and later privatize what is a natural monopoly (such as water, electricity, etc) and a basic necessity for human life and dignity, and so on. With that said, is it wrong for me to benefit from what is essentially a better service (because of factors mentioned above, not because private = "better") because it is a capitalist enterprise? Same debate could arise from private energy companies, private transport providers, etc.

    genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 6
  • augusto augusto 7 months ago 100%

    hey, don't know if it's Jerboa (my client), but the matrix homeserver and space link doesn't work for me.

    cheers from Brazil, have a great day!

  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    honestly, if the USSR did that, maybe it could've lasted a few more decades

  • leftistunix Linux for Leftists Student Looking for Help in Field
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    Thank you for your reply (and everyone else's replies as well)

    I have the privilege of being able to get out of the country, I'm currently in the US visiting family and working for a small business, it's been about a month. A family member living here managed to get me in the company. It's been pretty meh so far, only done some webdev work (they didn't even put the site live) and IT assistance (installing PCs and such). They have their own management software that (I think) they're selling, which is not ideal but capitalism™. I don't yet have the know-how to make any contributions to it, unfortunately. I'm entering my second year in university and I'll come back to Brazil when it starts.

    Even in Brazil, is entering the academic or research field hard? I can get a (sorry if not right name in English) doctorate, post doc, master's, etc since I can find jobs that pay enough to provide for myself while studying due to my qualifications and my parents helping me if I need to. Honestly I'd kill just to get a job at Pine64, System76 or the FSF.

    Sorry if I'm too naïve or enthusiastic about all this, I'm still very new to the job market and stuff. (20yo also)

  • prolewiki ProleWiki prolewiki has a new index page (where you select your language instance)
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    great idea!

  • leftistunix
    Linux for Leftists augusto 8 months ago 100%
    Student Looking for Help in Field

    Hello! I'm a CS student, have been a FOSS lover for a long time and am a commie since recently (a year or two). I was thinking of my future career and as much as I'd love for there to just be an easy, free and open approach to using my skills, capitalism just makes it all impossible. I know thay capitalism will make it impossible for me to exercise my profession in a good way, but is there no alternative that fits in the middle anywhere? There just seems to be for profit software if I want to actually get a decent wage and a decent life. How can I get a decent job with free software? The idea of it just inhibits it while on the capitalist mode of production. TLDR: how can I be a FOSS dev while not caving to the interests of big techs and corporations to provide for myself (aka be a hypocrite)? Thank you for your time reading, cheers from Brazil!

    worldnews World News Argentinians stage nationwide strike against Javier Milei’s far-right agenda
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    this. but honestly we should've landed another stab

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 3
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    sorry if it's a dumb question, but what's NPR?

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 3
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    I feel you, comrade. That'll happen until the end of time, unfortunately. Bigots are everywhere. What I did is to occupy my mind with something else right after an encounter like that (that's how I got my monster energy addiction lol)

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 3
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    is he jewish???

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 3
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    by people walking by and making comments you mean people from outside the protest, right?

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 3
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    the white house

    First time in the US and in Washington DC. Thought Supreme Leader Biden's Palace was bigger...

    Besides that, experiencing the imperial core for the first time after becoming a commie has been interesting, to say the least. United Statesians seem like great people, it's just too bad they're indoctrinated as hell when it comes to leftist ideas.

    Cheers from Brazil!

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 2 - Yemen Edition
  • augusto augusto 8 months ago 100%

    socialism with girlboss characteristics

  • mentalhealth Mental Health Need Advice From Comrades
  • augusto augusto 9 months ago 100%

    I'm visiting family here, I'll be back home in February.

    I guess I'll take my meds, it just doesn't seem fair that my parents spend 300 Brazilian Real on it per month or so

  • mentalhealth
    Mental Health augusto 9 months ago 100%
    Need Advice From Comrades

    Sorry for making a big text and sorry for my English. Cheers to you even if you're not reading it. ::: spoiler Very Slight TW I'll talk about compulsive scratching of some wounds/bruises I have ::: I'm a Brazilian from a big city, and I was accustomed to the Brazilian way of life. I recently went to the US to visit family and the sheer difference in purchasing power, quality of life, the humongous disparity between the US and Brazil are killing me. The US middle class is better off than the BR upper class by a big margin. I'm currently studying computer science in university, and my goal is to leave BR for somewhere ""better"" (take better with heavy quotes). Thing is, in BR there's basically no university-grade job in my field and there's basically almost no way of getting out if you don't have experience in the field like me. Recently, about 2 months ago, I've stopped taking my (light) anxiety meds because they're expensive. My parents (I'm 20) can buy it no problem but my expenses weigh on me so much I just stopped it. I started to itch some tiny wounds in my legs and they got rather ugly, which is not as bad as an infection or something. I was always worried about getting out of BR because I wanted a good professional life in which I could actually use the skills I got from uni, but in Brazil there's basically nothing besides making websites and bugfixing banking software. I want to make graphics drivers, motherboard firmware, work with free and open source software, but there's nothing here. And with nothing here, how do I get an opening to move to another country like Germany or the US? (countries I have family living in) Seeing NYC compared to São Paulo, seeing the standards of living in person is driving me nuts. I'll live a comparably miserable life, with a miserable job, with mental health issues, and I'll never start a revolution. I'm giving up. Do you have any words of advice for a young comrade? Thank you for reading thus far and sorry for being so incoherent. Cheers from Delaware (and from São Paulo)

    antiwork Antiwork Tired of Low Wages and Workplace Violence, Waffle House Workers Are Organizing
  • augusto augusto 9 months ago 100%


  • antiwork Antiwork Tired of Low Wages and Workplace Violence, Waffle House Workers Are Organizing
  • augusto augusto 9 months ago 100%



  • memes Memes It's a simple world view
  • augusto augusto 9 months ago 100%

    can people on lemmy stop being right for once? you guys are always on point, say the earth is flat or something lol

  • antiwork Antiwork Tired of Low Wages and Workplace Violence, Waffle House Workers Are Organizing
  • augusto augusto 10 months ago 100%

    sorry, didn't know they weren't fast food (not from US)

  • communism
    Communism augusto 11 months ago 97%
    Should a Communist Own a Gun?

    The Question is rather simple: should I as communist (and a Brazilian) own a gun? I'm not going to lie, I like weapons and the art that is making them. That's the only real reason I wanted to get a gun license. I wanted to collect old Soviet weapons and maintain them for the sake of it. I'm also new to socialism and communism in general, so sorry if I'm dumb by asking this cheers, comrades
