reddit Reddit ‘Reddit can survive without search’: company reportedly threatens to block Google
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    sad and amazing how true this is.

    to find anything worthwhile in Google search you often needed to add

    to find anything at all on Reddit you needed Google

    well, glad I don't go to those websites anymore...

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming First time using Steam+Proton in Linux. HOLY SHIT!
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    there are a few of us still bodging around out here.

    I'm curious if anyone has experience with this stuff with an AMD card.

    If I could finally ditch my windows gaming rig I would be a happy man.

  • gaming Gaming Valve warns Counter-Strike 2 players: use AMD's Anti-Lag feature, get banned
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    And the incorrect assumptions just continue...

    Edit: Who I am shouldn't matter to you. Addressing the idea that you can shift some or all anti-cheat to the server is something you should try to engage with directly rather than appealing to authority. For what it's worth, I've spent time as a programmer in the game industry in a handful of different roles and your search will eventually find me if you keep going down that road. My experience isn't what I am arguing here, though.

  • gaming Gaming Valve warns Counter-Strike 2 players: use AMD's Anti-Lag feature, get banned
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    Frankly, I feel like it’s wrong for you to say that the problem is pushed onto users when you don’t understand the code and effort the developers are writing to solve this issue specifically with counter-strike

    You are the one who continues to make assumptions about what I do and do not understand about the code that makes this work in various games.

    I don't really feel like getting into the nitty gritty here in comments, but if your experience is what you say, I'm very surprised at some of your unqualified statements.

    I'll bow out now.

  • risa Risa Am I Doing This Right?
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    you better watch out for the DS9 people...

  • gaming Gaming Valve warns Counter-Strike 2 players: use AMD's Anti-Lag feature, get banned
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    I wrote a snarky response because of the final insulting comment in yours but then thought better of it, going to try to address a couple of your points legitimately even after the unnecessary personal attack.

    It's a lot cheaper to make your server dumb. It costs you less in programmers with deep multiplayer programming experience, it costs you less in ongoing hosting because of reduced CPU usage, and it makes the problem less "yours" as a developer.

    I'm saying that's shitty that the developers will try to save money that way rather than investing in actual effective, privacy-respecting cheat prevention.

    Your argument seems to be that a quake-style predictive algorithm is the only solution possible for online games. I doubt that is the case, but even if it were, using some raycasts on the server for some basic sanity checks on what data to send to players is an example of where lots of developers just can't be bothered.

    If you want to dismiss machine learning as heuristics, I'm sorta ok with that, as I think they are just glorified heuristics, but even the most basic analysis isn't done by most developers. Instead, they rely on the sales pitches of various anti-cheat software and don't implement anything beyond it, even when there might be some low hanging fruit.

    I am not saying developers are lazy, there's tons of stuff to work on. I am mad that this problem gets repeatedly pushed onto the users rather than the developers, though, and I think it's reasonable for me to offer some pushback when both my CPU cycles and my privacy are being abused.

  • gaming Gaming Valve warns Counter-Strike 2 players: use AMD's Anti-Lag feature, get banned
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    people really enjoy the boot of anti-cheat on their necks.

    maybe these companies could move their cheat detection to the server where they control the code. maybe don't just send all player positions so wall-hacks become impossible. maybe use some machine learning to look at input patterns and detect when a player is sending things that don't look human.

    the list of things companies could do to actually fix cheating in pvp games is long and all they want to do is pay for ridiculous anti-cheat that impacts normal users.


  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Atheism is fine. Antitheism is bigotry.
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 90%

    The lack of religion isn't a religion. What is so difficult about this for the religious to grasp?

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Is Gmail's "Dynamic Email"/Amp4Email like AMP?
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    At this point does Google ever do anything that isn't awful for the consumer?

    Eject, friend, eject!

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Respect should extend to everyone. No exceptions.
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    I'm not sure who you're arguing with. I was trying to make sure people aren't handing out respect and trust willy nilly.

    I guess I need to clarify that you give courtesy until and unless someone gives you an obvious reason not to. I thought that would be assumed and understood, guess that's on me.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Respect should extend to everyone. No exceptions.
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    Courtesy should always be given. Respect and trust are earned.

  • tech Technology WordPress now offers official support for ActivityPub
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    this is how the fediverse starts to take over and I am here for it

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Religious and superstitious beliefs should not be respected.
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 50%

    Did you skip the second sentence of my comment?

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Religious and superstitious beliefs should not be respected.
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 66%

    Am I religious if I say there isn't a marble at the table? Or a walnut? I don't see one, I have no reason to believe one is there, based on how the world works elsewhere there isn't anything there.

    But you're telling me I need to faith to avoid these beliefs in small generally round objects. I say it is you who is using faith to assume the existence of one particular type of thing there and you're claiming I am the person operating without any evidence.

    It's ridiculous.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Religious and superstitious beliefs should not be respected.
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 50%

    What you wrote doesn't even pass the mildest smell test: there is ample evidence that forming babies hear and react to stimuli from outside the womb, for just one example.

    But even if there were no evidence of a world outside the womb, I wouldn't expect a baby to think one existed. Nor would I threaten that baby with damnation were they not to believe me without evidence.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Religious and superstitious beliefs should not be respected.
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 85%

    Atheism isn't faith-based. If you show me reproducible evidence for the existence of a god, I'll change my tune no problem.

    You are not clear on what faith is if you believe atheism to be faith-based. Atheism wouldn't even exist if religion did not. Because religion and unfounded beliefs are so common, there is an actual name for not believing in a god. There aren't a lot of specific terms for a lack of belief in other things without evidence.

  • unpopularopinion Unpopular Opinion Religious and superstitious beliefs should not be respected.
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 71%

    Here, let me rephrase what's written above:

    Because an invisible pink sky elephant cannot be disproved or proved with any non-supernatural intervention, you must grapple with the imaginary to address the issue.


    That's not how the world works. We don't spend any time grappling with things for which there is no evidence.

  • futurology Futurology Artificial General Intelligence is already here say leading AI researchers Blaise Agüera y Arcas and Peter Norvig
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 66%

    So far, these things are clearly statistics with extra steps. Like you, I need to see some serious evidence before I would begin to believe this in the slightest.

  • Etymology Etymology ‘Blood thicker than water’—a lesson in etymology
  • andyburke andyburke 11 months ago 100%

    Two modern commentators, author Albert Jack[17] and Messianic Rabbi Richard Pustelniak,[18] claim that the original meaning of the expression was that the ties between people who have made a blood covenant (or have shed blood together in battle) were stronger than ties formed by "the water of the womb", thus "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Neither of the authors cite any sources to support their claim.

    I have heard this story of the meaning being the opposite, but it comes from people with no history background who cite no sources.

    So maybe the contrarians in these comments can cite some actual reasons why they're claiming this is all wrong instead of glib rejoinders.

  • politics politics A $19,000 lectern for Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders sparks call for legislative audit
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    Same. Thought maybe some local woodworker produced a beautiful lectern.

    No, turns out it's from amazon with some spray paint and Arkansas is just being Arkansas.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions *Permanently Deleted*
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    Not going to agree with the commenter above, but I want to point out that this happens a lot:

    A person who holds views that are detrimental to others comes to a community of those people and cries "why, when I am not quite like other people who hold these views, but agree with them on the detrimental stuff about you, do you not accept me?"

    The people in the community try repeatedly to explain why holding views that harm others is harmful and that the person asking may need to revaluate their own views.

    The person then says they're being attacked. Everything they predicted about this community is coming true! They feel like they're being kicked out!

    And they are! Because when they came to engage then didn't change, let alone evaluate, any of their own views, the community rightly showed them back to the door until they are ready to actually listen and put themselves in someone else's shoes.

    I am sure you feel like you have been badly treated at this point. What you do with that now is up to you. I'll say this: I have no hate for you, I would like nothing more than to give you some feedback that might help change how you view some things. I hope there is enough food for thought here for everyone.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Leave Texas and other Draconian states and risk getting pulled over for driving pregnant? Nope, just have the pills mailed from California.
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%


  • daystrominstitute Daystrom Institute *Permanently Deleted*
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    I find it positive to think about these writers, inspired to try to create something scientific and exciting but lacking the education themselves to do it justice, but then inspiring generations to learn and explore, who then return having learned enough to spot the problems.

    I hope Star Trek can use science, and the generations of fans now inspired, to keep pushing these stories further because it feels like our collective need for Star Trek's vision is as deep as ever.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Leave Texas and other Draconian states and risk getting pulled over for driving pregnant? Nope, just have the pills mailed from California.
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    I understand, that's why I was trying to translate their statement into reality-based words. I thought you were defending their position based on your response.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Leave Texas and other Draconian states and risk getting pulled over for driving pregnant? Nope, just have the pills mailed from California.
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    But .. they don't mail the pills randomly. A person in the state where it is outlawed is requesting something from a state where it is not.

    I don't see how the CA doctors are in any way colonizing anything.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Leave Texas and other Draconian states and risk getting pulled over for driving pregnant? Nope, just have the pills mailed from California.
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 96%

    The California Catholic Conference opposed the law, arguing the state is "engaging in ideological colonization against states and citizens that do not want abortion."

    Are ... are they trying to say CA doctors are mailing abortion pills to people who didn't ask for them? What does this statement mean? Maybe what they meant was something like: "We do not believe women have a basic right to control their body, whether those women are Catholic or not, and that control should rest with the government of the state they reside in."

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    Since it seems we are covering personal opinions, I think this is like all pride: sometimes it can be good and sometimes it can be toxic, often depending on who the person feeling prideful is.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    I made no value judgement on this. I just pointed out this is common and it is surprising if someone doesn't understand it.

    You may not agree with it, but you understand it exists and that it is often tied to how someone is raised.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    You seem very confident in a lot of what is written in a very old translation of a hodpdge of work.

    You are drawing a conclusion I do not from the same text.

    It seems odd to me that a divinely inspired work could be so confusing or open to interpretation.

    And given so very many passages where Jesus calls for love, why do you spend so much time justifying your interpretation that says Jesus hated a particular group?

    There may be food for thought here for both of us.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    I'd be interested if you could share the original text, what you've shared is a translation. I don't read Sanskrit or Aramaic so I am not sure I'd be super useful, but I imagine other people might be able to help.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    It isn't my holy book. I read enough as a child to figure out it wasn't a divinely inspired work.

  • philadelphia Philadelphia Plans for Tuesday’s vandalism were an open secret on social media, and the destruction was documented in videos through the night
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    I don't condone it, but when will businesses realize reforming the police is good for them and will stop shit like this? Not to mention maybe less time spent on drugs and more time spent on theft would be welcome?

    Not sure why businesses aren't pushing the cops to get their shit squared and stop killing so many people.

  • brainworms BrainWorms Las Vegas hospitality workers overwhelmingly permit union to call strike against hotels, casinos
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    Thank you for citing the passages, but I similarly to the other commenter disagree that he is saying he hates them rather than their actions.

    The word hate isn't in there. I might call a gang a "brood of vipers" but that wouldn't mean I necessarily hated them.

    Lastly, and for what it's worth, I'm not clear if the "Seven Woes on the Teachers of the Law and the Pharisees" are meant to be quotes of Jesus or if they are Matthew.

    Still, thank you for sharing something specific and not just hand waving.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 75%

    Cite the whole passages, friend. If you're going to argue your point, bring the receipts and let people discuss. You're making the claims...

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    Did he? He flipped over some money lenders tables and he debated the religious leaders of the day. He may have disagreed with them but I challenge you (and I'm an atheist, I have no real horse in the race about supposedly divine beings) to find a place in the bible where jesus was described as hating anyone.

  • upliftingnews Uplifting News Texas church defies government crackdown by blessing drag queens
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 95%

    Yes, many people are raised to have pride in the town, city, state, country or planet they are from. It's so common and cross-cultural that I am extremely surprised you would need an explanation by the time you're capable of writing comments on the Fediverse.

    Now that we have the pedantry out of the way, how is your comment meant to be helpful or move us forward? If it's neither of those things, why are you doing it? All of this is rhetorical, of course. Just food for thought for us both.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes I love the linux community, never change
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 80%


  • showerthoughts Shower Thoughts y'all is such a great and incusive word, I love it.
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 100%

    For what it's worth, as a northeastern US liberal who has adopted y'all as an inclusive way to address people, this type of reaction is one of the things that has led to Trumpism.

    A bit more temperance before you condemn tons of people based on something open for interpretation like this might be a worthwhile thing to consider going forward.

  • worldnews World News Ukrainian parents invited to ‘collect their children’ from Russia -
  • andyburke andyburke 12 months ago 90%

    At what point do we start to discuss how evil the Russian regime is? I mean, this is feeling like we are approaching the lines in the sand that we drew after WWII, if we haven't already blown past them.

    I have no desire to lose more lives, but this is evil. How can any country support Russia in this?

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Music andyburke 1 year ago 100%

    Dream, vision, portent or parable?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    I love daddit in the fediverse and I want it to grow...

    In the interests of growing the community here, here's a thread to toss out suggestions. I'll start with a handful of my own: I'd like to propose expanding to a handful of moderators so there's no single point of failure, to lighten the load, and to grow the community through their connections (any ex-reddit daddit mods here? they would be my first nominations.) We should probably have our community description updated with a blurb and a short list of rules. It also seems like magazines can have logos. Perhaps people could reply below with potentials and the mod(s) could choose one?
