Solarpunk alxd 4 days ago 95%
Solarpunk Writing Prompt: The Tailors - how can clothing look like in a sustainable world post fast fashion? What is the tailor's role within a community?

> A new Tailor joins a community which has lacked one for years. In a world of distributed manufacturing tailors are no longer just artisans, but educators, material and sustainability experts, fashion designers and translators of cultures, making sure no garment offends others when traveling. Seeing that they’re much less traditional than their predecessor, will they be accepted by the community? Which bold statement surprised everybody? Recorded by Tomasino, with the CC-BY-SA 4.0 art from The Lemonaut!

art alxd 3 months ago 95%
"Community Center" Solarpunk Prompt illustration by The Lemonaut - a place where people who lost their professions can learn new skills and find themselves anew

"A community center initially set up to help coal miners respecialize and find other jobs, now became a place for unofficial 'pilgrimages' of people striving to find their role in life and learn the history from those who lived it." The "community center" solarpunk writing prompt got illustrated by the awesome Lemonaut ! As always, I'm incredibly impressed with their art. You can listen to the podcast episode about it at I think what the Lemonaut does here is the essence of solarpunk : very intentionally creating new visual and narrative symbols we need to tell stories about our future. No AI could create such a vision. I love how this one mixes the mundane prospects of looking for a new profession, identity, with the Solarpunk hope. If you like their work, you can support them at and read more of their art, including the (recently trending) Solarpunk Story, at

Fiction alxd 6 months ago 92%
The Messiah & The God-Emperor of Zurich: a review of Kim Stanley Robinson's "The Ministry for the Future"

After reading "The Ministry..." for 3 painful years, I can finally share my review with you!