Hellboy ahimsabjorn 1 month ago 100%
Invite for Community Moderators

Hi there! If you are genuinely interested in helping to moderate the community, please reach out by replying to this post and sending me a message on Lemmy. 1–2 co-moderators welcome. Thanks!

buddhism Buddhism Day 191 Love is Understanding
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 2 months ago 100%

    Your One True Home by Thich Nhat Hanh.

  • buddhism
    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 2 months ago 93%
    Day 191 Love is Understanding

    IN BUDDHISM, it is said that love and compassion are made out of one substance, which is called "understanding." If you understand, you can love. But if understanding is not there, it is impossible for you to accept and love someone. Why did he act that way? Why did he say those things? You should look deeply into these questions, and then you will see the causes of what you are dealing with. With this understanding, you stop blaming and criticizing. Your compassion is born of your understanding of the situation.

    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 3 months ago 93%
    Day 176 Training for Happiness

    176 Training for Happiness LITTLE BY LITTLE you must train yourself for life, for happiness. You probably received a college degree that you spent years working for, and you thought that happiness would be possible after you got it. But that was not true, because after getting the degree and finding a job, you continued to suffer. You have to realize that happiness is not something you find at the end of the road. You have to understand that it is here, now.

    taoism Daoism (Taoism) 道教 Day 167 'Meditation'
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 3 months ago 100%


  • taoism
    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 4 months ago 85%
    Day 148 'Translation'

    148 Translation Place the word Tao Into your heart. Use no other words. Why do so many people seek foreign religions? Why are so many of our philosophies translations from other languages? Surely we are all human beings, with hearts and minds, two hands and two legs. Each of us needs spirituality, but why must we always look abroad? People who investigate Tao ask whether they have to be Chinese to benefit from it. It is true that part of the study of Tao is strictly Chinese. It is also true that this Taoism has never been exported unlike Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Chris-tianity, or Judaism—and has never been preached beyond the Five Sacred Mountains of China. It is elitist, to protect itself from coarse unbelievers. But this Taoism is not the Tao you need. The true Tao is of no nationality, no religion. It is far beyond the conceptions of even the most brilliant human being, so it cannot be the property of one race or culture. The need to understand Tao is universal; people just give it different names in their native languages. Tao is the very essence of life itself, so those who are alive always have the possibility of knowing Tao. It is meant to be found in the here and now, and it is within the grasp of any sincere seeker.

    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 4 months ago 87%
    Day 136 Feed Your Love, Not Your Suffering

    I36 Feed Your Love, Not Your Suffering NOTHING CAN survive without food, not even suffer-ing. No animal or plant can survive without food. In order for our love to survive, we have to feed it. If we don't feed it, or we feed it the wrong kind of nutrients, our love will die. In a short time, our love can turn into hate. Our suffering, our depression also needs food to survive. If our depression refuses to go away, it's because we keep feeding it daily. We can look deeply into the source of nutrition that is feeding our suffering.

    taoism Daoism (Taoism) 道教 Day 132 "Recognition"
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 4 months ago 50%

    365 Tao: Daily Meditations.

  • taoism
    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 4 months ago 83%
    Day 132 "Recognition"

    132 Recognition Spokes on the heavenly wheel Keep rotation constant. Those who follow Tao believe that Tao progresses through phases. They apply this principle to all levels of their outlok, from cosmology to the stages of growth in a person's life. On the macrocosmic level, they point to the rotation of the stars as evidence of smooth progression. In a person's life, they recognize the stages of aging beginning with childhood and ending with death. Each one of us must go from phase to phase in our devel-opment. If we stay too long in one stage, we will be warped or stunted in our growth. If we rush through a stage, then we will gain none of the rewards or learning experiences of that phase. Subsequent growth will be thrown off-balance; we will either have to go back and make it up, or, in the cases of experiences that can never be repeated, lose out on them forever. The proper discerning of these transitions is essential. As we go through our various stages in life, it is important to mark the shift from one stage to another. Recognition is very important. We must understand that we are leaving behind one part of life and entering another. Sometimes, we mark this with a rite of passage such as graduation or marriage. At other times, it may be a personal declaration made privately: Whatever the reason, it is important to know exactly when to sose one phase and when to open the next. That is why it is said that one counts the spokes on the heavenly wheel as It turns: It is the measure of our lives.

    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 5 months ago 94%
    Day 115 Be a Happy Formation

    I I 5 Be a Happy Formation THE "I" IS MADE up of the body and mind (namarupa in Sanskrit). The physical form is body, and all the other elements (skandhas) are mind. When we look deeply into these five elements, we do not see any absolute, permanent identity. They are impermanent. If you practice in such a way that harmony is established in the realm of the five elements, then joy, peace, and happiness will be possi-ble. Through breathing, through bringing your mind back to your body, through the method of deep looking, you will reestablish harmony and peace in the realm of the five elements. You will become a happy formation, pleasing to encounter, and you will be able to bring happiness to the living beings around you.

    buddhism Buddhism Day 106 Worrying
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 5 months ago 75%

    This is the correct title and author. 🙏🏻

  • buddhism
    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 5 months ago 93%
    Day 111 Taking Care of the Future

    III Taking Care of the Future THE FUTURE IS being made out of the present, so the best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment. This is logical and clear. Spending a lot of time speculating and worrying about the future is totally useless. We can only take care of our future by taking care of the present moment, because the future is made out of only one substance: the present. Only if you are anchored in the present can you prepare well for the future.

    ᑐ ᑌ ᑎ ᕮ ahimsabjorn 5 months ago 100%
    Butlerian Jihad

    “We must negate the machines-that-think. Humans must set their own guidelines. This is not something machines can do. Reasoning depends upon programming, not on hardware, and we are the ultimate program! Our Jihad is a "dump program." We dump the things which destroy us as humans!” 
― Minister-companion of the Jihad

    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 5 months ago 92%
    Day 106 Worrying

    106 Worrying YES, THERE IS tremendous suffering all over the world, but knowing this need not paralyze us. If we practice mindful breathing, mindful walking, mindful sitting, and working in mindfulness, we try our best to help, and we can have peace in our heart. Worrying does not accomplish anything. Even if you worry twenty times more, it will not change the situation of the world. In fact, your anxiety will only make things worse. Even though things are not as we would like, we can still be content, knowing we are trying our best and will continue to do so. If we don't know how to breathe, smile, and live every moment of our life deeply, we will never be able to help anyone.

    buddhism Buddhism Day 104 Stream of Life
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 5 months ago 66%

    Your one true home by Thich Nhat Hahn.

  • buddhism
    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 5 months ago 85%
    Day 104 Stream of Life
    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 5 months ago 95%
    Day 102 Awareness

    102 Awareness Outer eyes Cannot see themselves. The inner eye Is its own reflection. When we look, we can see many things, but the eyes cannot see themselves without the help of a mirror. We are not used to introspection. Although the followers of Tao say to look within to gain self-awareness, we will be confused if we use the attitudes formed by looking with our eyes. That is why it is important to make a clear distinction early on. Do not try to understand yourself with the attitudes of physical seeing. Look within using inner vision. For centuries, people of many different cultures have referred to the "mind's eye," or the "inner eye," or the "third eye." These are all indications that there is a separate way of looking within. In meditation, it is important to discover and introspection. We must go beyond thought, go beyond visualization, go beyond imagination and actually open a part of the mind that most people leave dormant. This inner eye has a location, buried deep in the bran. When it is opened, it is our way of receiving more subtle experiences than we receive in our physical states. Perhaps looking and seeing are misleading terms, after all. We don't necessarily "see" images through this inner eye: We gain direct awareness that is beyond the image.

    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 6 months ago 88%
    Day 92 Accuracy 🎯

    92 Accuracy 凖 Make every move count. Pick your target and hit it. Perfect concentration means Effortless flowing. A life that is spiritual requires focused action. It needs quick re-flexes, accurate timing, and abundant skill. That is why followers of Tao are always compounding their self-cultivation: They want the ability to do whatever they want. Each day your life grows a day shorter. Make every move count. All that matters is accomplishing what you envision with the greatest dispatch. Once you do, that aspect of your interest is discharged, and you can then go on to some new in-terest. If you do not engage in this ongoing process of action, you will never satisfy all the various aspects of the soul, and realization will never fully mature for you. Some assert that there is no end to desire, so we should undercut our ambition. But this doesn't address the need for satis-faction. We need to have satisfaction in what we do in order to have a good sense of well-being. If we undercut our ambition. then we will never make any achievements nor satisfy out carings. This only leaves us it fiestation, uncertainty, and tonging Therefore, to follow Tao, we must identify our incr longings and dispatch them with a hunter's accuracy.

    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 6 months ago 90%
    Day 74 'Caught in the Idea of a Self'

    74 Caught in the Idea of a Self WESTERN PSYCHOTHERAPY AIMS at helping create a self that is stable and wholesome. But because psychotherapy in the West is still caught in the idea of self, it can bring about only a little transformation and a little heal-ing; it can't go very far. As long as we are caught in the idea of a separate self, ignorance is still in us. When we see the intimate relationship between what is self and what is not self, ignorance is healed and suffering, anger, jeal-ousy, and fear disappear. If we can practice no-self, we'll be able to go beyond the questions that make people suffer so much.

    taoism Daoism (Taoism) 道教 Passage 31 from The Tao of Yoda
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 6 months ago 100%

    Certainly. Thanks for sharing this translation as well.

  • buddhism
    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 6 months ago 93%
    Day 67 'True Understanding'

    67 True Understanding THE PRACTICE OF meditation is to look at reality in such a way that the boundary between subject and object will no longer be there. We have to remove the boundary between the inquirer and the object of inquiry. If we want to understand someone, we put ourselves into his skin. In order for friends or families to really understand each other, they need to become each other. The only way to understand fully is to become the object of our under-standing. True understanding happens when we dismantle the barrier between the object of understanding and the subject of understanding. _Note: Unable to upload last night due to Lenny.world image issues that have since been fixed._

    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 92%
    Day 65 'Ascent'

    65 Ascent Chill morning, stone steps. The path to the temple is steep. We may stumble at times, But we must always get up again. Spiritual cultivation is a daily activity. No matter how much we achieve one day, we must continue the next. Progress is often so subtle that we may feel the effort futile, and it is hard to get up each morning and try again with the same enthusi-asm. Yet this is precisely what we must do. If we have the benefit of guidance, talent, and the proper circumstances, then the bulk of our attention has to be paid to such a simple day-to-day effort. No person ever leapt to heaven in one bound. Spirituality is achieved by steady climbing, like a difficult journey to a mountain temple. The number of steps is in the thousands; the way is steep. It takes a long time to get there, and we must content ourselves with the panoramas along the way and think that the view at the summit will be best of all. If we fall, we must pick ourselves up and get back on the trail again. Success in spiritual life is measured not by spectacular events but by daily devotion. This iron will, this deep sincenty maintains our ascent.

    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 88%
    Day 62 'Interpretation'

    62 Interpretation All that we experience is subjective. There is no sensation without interpretation. We create the world and ourselves; Only when we stop do we see the truth. The world exists, but we cannot truly be one with it in our normal modes of consciousness. Our minds know the world by constructing conclusions from the data of our senses. All that we know is filtered and interpreted. Therefore, there is no such thing as objectivity or direct knowledge of the world. Everything is relative because we are each condemned to our particular vantage points. As long as we all have different perspectives, as long as perception relies on our senses, then there cannot be an absolute truth. All knowledge from experience, valuable as it may be, is imperfect and merely provisional. Inner truth is only glimpsed by disconnecting the mechanism of interpretation. If we can withdraw the activities of the senses and isolate that part of the mind responsible for filtering sensory input, then we can temporarily shut off the ongoing process of interaction with the outside world. We will then be in a neutral place that is wholly turned inward. We are left with an absolute state, entirely without distinction or relativity. This is called nothingness and it is the truth underlying all things.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebear90
    90s ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 44%
    New Community for The Crow

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12653102 > cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12650703 > > > Hello fans of The Crow! A new Lemmy community is available. > > [Please join us!](/c/thecrow) > > > > [!thecrow@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/thecrow)

    Comic Books ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 61%
    New Community for The Crow

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12650703 > Hello fans of The Crow! A new Lemmy community is available. > [Please join us!](/c/thecrow) > > [!thecrow@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/thecrow)

    newcommunities New Communities New Community for The Crow
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 100%

    Try it now. It should work.

  • newcommunities
    New Communities ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 79%
    New Community for The Crow

    Hello fans of The Crow! A new Lemmy community is available. [/c/thecrow](/c/thecrow@lemmy.world) [!thecrow@lemmy.world](https://lemmy.world/c/thecrow)

    buddhism Buddhism Day 60 The Liberating Power of Insight
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 80%

    Your one true home by Thich Nhat Hanh

  • buddhism
    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 88%
    Day 60 The Liberating Power of Insight

    The Liberating Power of Insight CONCENTRATION HELPS us focus on just one thing, With concentration, the energy of looking becomes more powerful, and insight is possible. Insight always has the power of liberating us. If mindfulness is there, and we know how to keep mindfulness alive, concentration will be there, too. And if we know how to keep concentration alive, insight will also come. The energy of mindfulness enables us to look deeply and gain the insight we need so that transformation is possible.

    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 82%
    Day 59 Source

    Wellspring of energy Rises in the body's core Tap it and be sustained. Channel it, and it will speak. 59 Source 源 The source of all power is within yourself. Although external circumstances may occasionally hamper you, true movement comes solely from within yourself. The source is latent in everyone, but anyone can learn to tap it. When this happens, power rises like a shimmering well through the center of your body. Physically, it will sustain and nourish you. But it can do many other things as well. It can give you gifts ranging from unusual knowledge to simple tranquility. It all depends on how you choose to direct your energies. We cannot say that a person will become enlightened solely by virtue of having tapped this source of power; energy is neutral. It requires experience, wisdom, and education to direct it. You may gain power from your meditations, but it is possible for two people with the same valid attainment to use it in two different ways, even to the extremes of good and evil. Finding the source of spiritual power is a great joy; deciding how to direct it is the greatest of responsibilities.

    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 91%
    Day 58 Opportunity

    58 Opportunity 機会 A green bird darting in the night. Will you be able to see it? Will you be able to catch it? Cling to Tao like a shadow. Move without a shadow. Times of oppression and adversity cannot last forever. How is the transition made to new and better situations? In the midst of great difficulty, a tiny opportunity will open, if only by chance. You must be sharp enough to discern it, quick enough to catch it, and determined enough to do something with it. If you let it pass, you will be filled with regrets. Stick to Tao like a shadow. Wherever it goes, you go. As soon as it throws something your way, catch it by sheer reflex. It is like the bird: If you try to catch it, you will miss. If you are always with it, moving at its speed, as much a part of it as its own shadow, then it is easy to seize it. When you act, however, you in turn must have no shadow. In other words, what you do must leave no messiness, no leftover consequences, nothing that will haunt you later. That is one of the ways in which you avoid creating more bad situations for yourself: Your every movement is traceless.

    dune ᑐ ᑌ ᑎ ᕮ Dune Part Two - Fan First Premiere Discussion [SPOILERS]
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 100%

    Post is fine since you clearly marked it. Thanks!

  • buddhism
    Buddhism ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 87%
    Day 53 When You Argue with the One You Love

    53 When You Argue with the One You Love WHEN YOU GET into an argument with someone you love, please close your eyes and visualize yourself three hundred years from now. When you open your eyes, you will only want to take each other in your arms and acknowledge how precious each of you is. The teaching of impermanence helps us appreciate fully what is there, without attachment or forgetfulness.

    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 97%
    Day 49 'Death'

    49 Death Death is The opposite Of time. We give death metaphors. We cloak it in meaning and make up stories about what will happen to us, but we don't really know. When a person dies, we cannot see beyond the corpse. We speculate on reincarnation or talk in terms of eternity. But death is opaque to us, a mystery. In its realm, time ceases to have meaning. All laws of physics become irrelevant. Death is the opposite of time. What dies? Is anything actually destroyed? Certainly not the body, which falls into its constituent parts of water and chemicals. That is mere transformation, not destruction. What of the mind? Does it cease to function, or does it make a transition to another existence? We don't know for sure, and few can come up with anything conclusive. What dies? Nothing of the person dies in the sense that the constituent parts are totally blasted from all existence. What dies is merely the identity, the identification of a collection of parts that we called a person. Each one of us is a role, like some shaman wearing layers of robes with innumerable fetishes of meaning. Only the clothes and decoration fall. What dies is only our human meaning. There is stil someone naked under neath. Once we understand who that someone is, death no longer bothers us. Nor does time.

    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 86%
    Day 45 Circulation

    45 Circulation 调息 Spirituality begins in the loins, Ascends up the back, And returns to the navel. Spirituality is not just mental activity. It is also an expression of energy. The source of this energy is physical, rooted in the basic chemistry of the body. Self-cultivation refines this energy for spiritual attainment. Enlightenment, for a follower of Tao, is therefore a psycho-physical achievement: It is a state of being rather than mere intellectual understanding. Once the energy is awakened through special exercises and meditations, the follower of Tao knows how to draw this energy upward. The force begins from the genitals and rises up the spine. On its way, it nourishes the kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels. When it passes the base of the skull, the nervous system and the lower parts of the brain are stimulated. Reaching the crown, this river of energy opens the entire subconscious potential of a human being. Descending downward, it nourishes the eyes, the senses, the vital organs. Cascading toward the navel, it returns us to our original state of punity. From there, it returns to the loins again, ready to be drawn into another circuit. Just as all existence operates on a continuum between gross physical matter and the most subde levels of consciousness, so too does the follower of Tao utilize all parts of body, mind, and spirit for spiritual devotion.

    Daoism (Taoism) 道教 ahimsabjorn 7 months ago 94%
    Day 44 Stretching

    44 Stretching 展 When young, things are soft. When old, things are brittle. Stretching-both literally and metaphorically— is a necessary part of life. Physically, a good program of stretching emphasizes all parts of the body. You loosen the joints and tendons first, so that subsequent movements will not hurt. Then methodically stretch the body, beginning with the larger muscle groups such as the legs and back, and proceed to finer and smaller parts like the fingers. Coordinate stretching with breathing; use long and gentle stretches rather than bouncing ones. When you stretch in one direction, always be sure to stretch in the opposite direction as well. If you follow this procedure, your flexibility will undoubtedly increase. Metaphorical stretching leads to expansion and flexibility in personal growth. A young plant is tender and pliant. An older one is stiff, woody, and vulnerable to breaking. Softness is thus equated with life, hardness with death. The more flexible you are, the greater your mental and physical health.

  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 8 months ago 100%

    Sure. 365 Tao: Daily Meditations.

  • buddhism Buddhism Flowers and Garbage
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 8 months ago 66%

    Your True Home by Tich Nhat Hanh

  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 8 months ago 100%

    I don’t recall. Interesting question.

  • marvelstudios Marvel Studios Steven Yeun on Why He Dropped Out of Marvel's 'Thunderbolts'
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 9 months ago 88%

    I’m sure he would have been good but I appreciate him opting out for artistic reasons if that is what happened.

  • buddhism Buddhism Why We Suffer
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 9 months ago 66%

    From Your One True Hime by Tich Nhat Hanh.

  • aewofficial AEW Official I Have Some Things to Say, Please Read | By Maxwell Jacob Friedman
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 9 months ago 100%

    I read the article and regardless of what people think of MJF, he appears to be a thoughtful person and deserving of whatever success lies ahead for him. It seems like he could use a break so it won’t surprise me to see him lose the match and title at World’s End after likely multiple interferences. I could see him coming back in a few months or so with a vengeance to reclaim the title later in the year. One thing is for sure, pro wrestling is better because of AEW and MJF.

  • buddhism Buddhism Day 346 What Separates Us
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 9 months ago 66%

    Your true home by Thich Nhat Hanh

  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 10 months ago 100%

    365 Tao: Daily Meditations by Deng Meng-Dao.

  • aewofficial AEW Official [SPOILER]Alright who do we think is under the mask?
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 10 months ago 100%

    I’ve heard and scene that too. It would be insane, but I don’t think the world has gotten that insane yet. 😉 My current guesses are Cole, Baker, or Swerve.

  • aewofficial AEW Official [LIVE] [SPOILERS] AEW Dynamite November 08th, 2023
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 10 months ago 100%

    I thought every match was great, Penta/Swerve especially. Some elite wrestling top to bottom of the card.

  • aewofficial AEW Official [SPOILER]Alright who do we think is under the mask?
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 10 months ago 100%

    It may have been a different group from the first time. A couple of them seemed bigger.

  • marvelstudios Marvel Studios Marvel Studios' Echo | Official Trailer
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Those who are interested in the show may want to consider tracking down the David Mack comic run where the character made its debut. It has great art and character-driven writing, https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/139996.Daredevil_Vol_8.

  • tolkien Tolkien, Lord of the Rings (LotR), etc. How did The Lord of the Rings become a secret weapon in Italy’s culture wars? | Jamie Mackay
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    I think the article’s connection to some of the aspects of the source material is relevant as well. As long as the conversation stays civil, I don’t see a problem with its inclusion in this community.

  • dune ᑐ ᑌ ᑎ ᕮ but they're collectables babe, hey where are you going?
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Lol! I am very fortunate to have a wife that not only doesn’t mind my figure collecting but has also given me figures as gifts.

    Does anyone have one of the crysknife film replicas? I’m curious if they are worth collecting?

  • aewofficial AEW Official [LIVE] [SPOILERS] AEW Dynamite November 01st, 2023
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Have to admit, I didn’t see Sky Blue’s blue mist coming. Curious where that storyline is going. I also continue to have a guilty Bullet Club Gold pleasure. MJF scissor FTW! Oh and WHERE IS DANHAUSEN?!?

  • buddhism Buddhism Sit with Your Fear
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    These same words were in my mind as I shared the post. 👊🏻

  • tmnt Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Donnie pumpkin carving by me! Happy Half-Shelloween!
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    You sir, win the internet today AND tomorrow as far as I'm concerned. 👊🏻🎃

  • comicbooks Comic Books Predator VS Wolverine
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Haha! That’s great. I hadn’t seen it yet.

  • aewofficial AEW Official EXCLUSIVE! AEW World Champ MJF & Kenny Omega speak after AEW Collision!
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    There match was stellar!

  • aewofficial AEW Official RVD Details How WWE Unbooked Him and AEW Rebooked Him In A Span Of 30 Minutes
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    So fun to have RVD back and looking pretty solid at his age. His matches are fun to watch.

  • avalanche Colorado Avalanche Longest Road Win Streak in NHL History
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Sky is the limit if the team can stay healthy. 🏔️🙏🏻

  • comicbooks Comic Books ComicList: New Comic Book Releases List for 10/25/2023 - GoCollect
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    A bigger pull week for me— Green Arrow, Flash, Captain America, Giant Robot Hellboy, Predator vs Wolverine, and Mighty Thor

  • dune ᑐ ᑌ ᑎ ᕮ One of Many 🤯 Passages
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    I can personally concur with this statement. 👍🏻

  • aewofficial AEW Official Emerging House of Black Storyline
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Haha! 👊🏻

  • aewofficial AEW Official [LIVE] [SPOILERS] AEW Dynamite October 18th, 2023
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Nope. Didn’t see that. The Callis family storyline has gotten a lot better over the last month. Honestly, despite the Cole and Moxley injuries, AEW seems to be firing on all or nearly all cylinders since 2–3 weeks ago. One can see the entire locker room pushing forward with lots of creative energy. It’s great to see as a fan.

  • aewofficial AEW Official [LIVE] [SPOILERS] AEW Dynamite October 18th, 2023
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Fletcher/Omega match did not disappoint—holy crap! Sting’s speech should be required viewing for every wrestling fan. Class act and icon all the way! 🙇‍♂️

  • avatar Avatar: The Last Airbender New live Action pictures for Zuko, Iroh, Zhao, Ozai and Azula (Netflix adaption)
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Thanks for sharing the link! Pictures are one thing, a good script and acting are another. We’ll see. Visually, the roles appear to be well cast. However, I’m still more excited about the coming sequel cartoon movie helmed by the original creators than the Netflix series. I’ll happily watch the latter though if reviews are positive. Still somewhat skeptical since the OG creators left the show.

  • aewofficial AEW Official [LIVE] [SPOILERS] AEW Dynamite October 18th, 2023
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    I would understand if he wanted to but NO!!! Such an icon. 🙇‍♂️ Also looking forward to that Fletcher/Omega match.

  • comics Comics Any Nightwing fans here?
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    I was in the 90s and am again with the Taylor & Redondo run. I plan on picking that Dan Mora cover up. FYI if you weren't already aware of it, !nightwing@lemmy.world.

  • aewofficial AEW Official [LIVE] [SPOILERS] AEW Collision: 💥 October 14th, 2023
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Hard to tell. Copeland seemed to give him an extra hard kick when Starks rolled out of the ring. It could just be playful, albeit testy banter between two new competitive colleagues though. It wouldn’t surprise me if they had talked about giving it to each other good in the locker room and improvised in the ring.

  • aewofficial AEW Official [LIVE] [SPOILERS] AEW Collision: 💥 October 14th, 2023
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn 11 months ago 100%

    Samoa Joe/ Willie Mack match was great!
