Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss farmers call for rise in producer prices www.swissinfo.ch

Swiss farmers are worried. Not only are they suffering from sharply falling incomes, but they also have to contend with consumers cutting back on food. “Most farmers are rather disillusioned. At a time when everything is getting more expensive, people seem to be saving on food first and foremost,” Markus Ritter, president of the Swiss Farmers’ Union, told the media at the organisation’s start-of-year press conference on Wednesday. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Pro Velo criticises cantons’ delays on bicycle routes www.swissinfo.ch

The vast majority of Switzerland’s 26 cantons have done little or nothing to implement the new law on cycle routes, criticises Pro Velo. This law, which has been in force since January 1, 2023, imposes obligations and deadlines on the cantons. The new law requires the cantons to plan networks of cycle routes by the end of 2027 and to build them by the end of 2042, Pro Velo, the association that defends the interests of cyclists, pointed out in a press release on Wednesday. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Zurich airport sees sizeable jump in activity in 2023 www.swissinfo.ch

The number of flights in and out of Switzerland’s biggest airport increased by 14.5% in 2023, but activity is still 10% lower than pre-pandemic years. A total of 241,005 aircraft took off and landed in Zurich last year, according to figures from the airport website analysed by news agency AWP. In 2019, it was 268,968. In the wake of travel restrictions to contain the spread of coronavirus in 2020, flights had plummeted to 40% of the 2019 level. Since then, traffic has steadily recovered – in 2022, the gap compared to 2019 was still around a fifth. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Switzerland and Italy resolve train issue www.swissinfo.ch

A normal train service can resume between Brig in southwestern Switzerland and Domodossola in Italy. This follows a decision by the Italian authorities to extend by one year a deadline for implementing new fire protection measures for railway tunnels. It had been reported on December 29 that certain train services between Switzerland and Italy would be cancelled due to a missing fire protection authorisation from the Italian authorities. But on January 1 the Keystone-SDA news agency reported that the Italian authorities had extended by one year the deadline for implementing new fire protection measures required for railway tunnels. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Electric vehicle sales growth slows in Switzerland www.swissinfo.ch

One in five new cars (20.9%) sold in Switzerland in 2023 was a battery electric vehicle. Sales continued to grow last year but at a slower pace than expected. Between the end of 2022 and the end of 2023, the market share of battery electric cars (BEV) grew from 17.3% to 20.9%, while plug-in hybrids rose from 8% to 9.2%. In total, 30.1% of new cars sold were electric-powered, Swiss eMobility said on Monday. Overall, the share of petrol-engine vehicles sold in Switzerland dropped from 37.8% (2022) to 33.3% (2023), and diesel-powered vehicles slid from 11.7% to 9.3%. As of January 1, 2024, 163,511 electric cars were in circulation on Swiss roads, out of a total of 4.5 million cars. It will probably take another twenty years for the entire fleet to be electric, according to projections by Swiss eMobility. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 80%
Marble trout named Swiss Fish of the Year www.swissinfo.ch

The marble trout, aka Salmo marmoratus, has been named the Fish of the Year 2024 by the Swiss Fishing Federation (FSP). This freshwater fish from south of the Alps is fighting for its survival. Perfectly camouflaged, the marble trout has dominated the waters of southern Switzerland for thousands of years, the Swiss Fishing Federation (FSP) said in a statement on Tuesday. But today it is only found in Lake Maggiore and a few rivers in the Bregaglia and Poschiavo valleys in canton Ticino. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss authorised record number of ‘banned’ pesticides last year www.swissinfo.ch

In 2023, some 30 previously banned substances were exceptionally authorised by federal authorities, as a means of tackling growing menaces to agricultural crops. Thierry Blaser observes the same thing every year when walking through his rapeseed field. “Insect pests sting the rape and lay their larvae. The plant then gets deformed and can no longer produce as it should,” the farmer told RTS public radio on Tuesday. To kill the insects and produce his 15 tonnes of rapeseed, there was only one solution for Blaser: protection products. The problem is that the number of authorised substances is constantly decreasing. Since 2005, 208 products have been withdrawn from the market.

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 75%
Polecat crowned Switzerland’s animal of the year for 2024 www.swissinfo.ch

Conservation group Pro Natura says that if the species – which belongs to the marten family – is to survive in the country, a nationwide ecological infrastructure is needed. The polecat, classified as “vulnerable” on Switzerland’s red list of threatened species, is a nomad with no fixed territory, roaming the countryside at night in search of prey. To do this, it needs hedges, ditches and wetlands. Like many wild animals, it avoids open spaces. Its network of natural routes has been however largely destroyed, laments Pro Natura on Wednesday. According to the conservation group, structurally rich agricultural landscapes and wetlands are among the currently most threatened types of natural environment in Switzerland.

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Most Swiss want to restrict fireworks for private individuals www.swissinfo.ch

More than three-quarters of the Swiss population support the initiative submitted in the autumn to restrict the use of fireworks by private individuals. According to a representative survey, the main reasons for this are animal welfare and air pollution. The fireworks initiative enjoys strong support among the population, according to the survey: 76% of all respondents are in favour of the initiative and 24% are against. Most of the participants took a clear stance. Only 11% would have chosen the “rather yes” or “rather no” option. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Three Swiss companies among the 100 most valuable in the world www.swissinfo.ch

Three Swiss companies have once again made it into the top 100 most valuable listed companies in the world. However, more than half of the most highly valued large corporations are based in the US. From a Swiss perspective, it is a familiar picture with three representatives among the “Top 100” listed companies. According to the list compiled by the auditing and consulting firm EY, the food group Nestlé was ranked 26th (previous year 23rd) with a market capitalisation of just over $307 billion (CHF258 billion) as of December 27. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 75%
Swiss government wants to facilitate expansion of landfill sites www.swissinfo.ch

The regulations on the expansion of landfill sites are to be relaxed in Switzerland. The department of Environment Minister Albert Rösti wants to amend an ordinance to this end and has opened a consultation process until mid-April. With the relaxation, the government wants to address the lack of landfill space for the disposal of non-recyclable waste. The environment ministry said on Thursday that the expansion of existing landfill sites was one way of counteracting the tense situation.

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss voters to decide on foie gras and fur imports www.swissinfo.ch

Two popular initiatives calling for a ban on foie gras imports and a ban on fur imports have been submitted to the Federal Chancellery. They have 106,448 and 116,140 signatures respectively. The two petitions, entitled “Yes to a ban on the import of fur from animals that have been mistreated” and “Yes to a ban on the import of fur products manufactured under conditions of cruelty to animals”, are aimed at preventing animal suffering. The products in question are banned from being manufactured in Switzerland but are “imported en masse”, as the Swiss Animal Alliance (AAS), which launched the texts in June 2022, pointed out on Thursday. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swissmedic authorises new drug for respiratory disease www.swissinfo.ch

Swiss drugs reglator Swissmedic has authorised a new medicine to treat colds and cases of acute bronchitis in infants and young children. Beyfortus is used to treat respiratory tract diseases caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The step was taken “after careful consideration”, Swissmedic said on Thursday. It is an important step towards prophylaxis against RS viruses, a common cause of respiratory diseases, a Swissmedic spokesperson told the Swiss News Agency Keystone-SDA. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 66%
Swiss prosecutor and ‘mafia hunter’ Dick Marty dies aged 78 www.swissinfo.ch

Former Swiss senator and prosecutor Dick Marty died on Thursday aged 78, his party confirmed. Marty was born in the southern Italian-speaking canton of Ticino, where he served as deputy public prosecutor, then public prosecutor from 1975-1989. He was a member of the Ticino cantonal government from 1989 to 1995. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss financially pessimistic but still keen on holidays www.swissinfo.ch

The Swiss have a bleak view of the coming year and expect financial losses, according to a survey. Nevertheless, they do not want to give up their car or holidays. Almost a third of those surveyed expect to have less money in their wallets and accounts in 2024, price comparison website Comparis said on Thursday. It wrote of a “record level”: in previous years the proportion of those with a negative outlook was between 13% and 18%. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
President of Swiss People’s Party to stand down www.swissinfo.ch

Marco Chiesa, president of the right-wing Swiss People’s Party, will not stand for re-election at the end of his term of office in March 2024. “I had a mission. And it has been fulfilled,” said the Ticino native, who was elected party president in 2020. The People’s Party’s selection committee had already begun its work, Chiesa, 49, said in an interview with CH Media and Corriere del Ticino on Thursday. He was convinced that the time was right for him to step down as party president. “The aim of my term in office was to win the elections and strengthen the politics and values of the People’s Party.” He had succeeded in doing so, he said. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss ski resort of San Bernardino brought back to life www.swissinfo.ch

The mountain railways in San Bernardino in southeastern Switzerland are back in operation after ten years of standstill. The re-opening of the ski resort on Wednesday is part of Ticino investor Stefano Artioli’s plan to breathe new life into the ailing holiday resort with investments totalling CHF300 million ($360 million). The mountain railways and ski lifts in the winter sports resort at the south portal of the San Bernardino tunnel have been out of service since 2012, with the exception of a few beginner lifts in the village. There was no money for the necessary refurbishment. As Artioli’s company San Bernardino Swiss Alps announced on Wednesday, it acquired the lifts last summer and renovated them. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss retailers celebrate successful Christmas www.swissinfo.ch

Despite inflation, consumers in Switzerland spent more money on Christmas presents in 2023 than in previous years. Cashless payments reached a record level in the run-up to Christmas. Rising prices did not have a negative impact on this year’s Christmas business. On the contrary: from December 1 to 24, Swiss retailers earned more from cashless payments than ever before, according to an analysis by the news agency AWP based on data from Monitoring Consumption Switzerland going back to 2019. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss finance minister on banking regulation: ‘We must act’ www.swissinfo.ch

The Swiss government intends to submit proposals to parliament in the spring to ensure that a Credit Suisse-style bank bailout will no longer be necessary in future. “We must act – we have no other choice,” said Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter in an interview with the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) newspaper on Wednesday. “We must ensure that a major bank can go under without, in the worst case, dragging an entire country into the abyss,” she continued. She will endeavour to ensure that “all the unpleasant questions are really discussed now”. This has nothing to do with hostility towards systemically important banks, but with “our responsibility for the Swiss economy”.

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
UBS cut most jobs in sector following Credit Suisse takeover www.swissinfo.ch

Swiss bank UBS has cut a particularly large number of jobs among global banks in 2023. This was calculated by the Financial Times. The takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS has led to a reduction of at least 13,000 jobs at the combined bank, the British business newspaper wrote on Tuesday. And further major rounds of redundancies are expected in the coming year. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Inheritance tax: signatures collected for ‘Initiative for a Future’ www.swissinfo.ch

The youth section of the Swiss Social Democrats (JUSO) say they have collected enough signatures for the “Initiative for a Future”. This calls for an inheritance tax of 50% from a tax-free amount of CHF50 million ($58.5 million) in favour of an ecological restructuring of the economy. The Swiss electorate will be able to vote on socially fair financing of climate protection, according to a JUSO press release on Wednesday. The party plans to submit its initiative at the beginning of February. It says it has already collected over 130,000 signatures. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
New achievements in the fight against counterfeit Swiss watches www.swissinfo.ch

Most of the confiscated counterfeit Swiss watches come from China and Hong Kong. This year there have also been new payoffs targeting counterfeit Swiss watches in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt. The fight against counterfeit watches is one of the main concerns of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry. More than half of the seizures still involve counterfeits from China and Hong Kong. However, this year saw the first results in other important countries: 150,000 watches were confiscated in Saudi Arabia, 62,000 in Turkey and 25,000 in Egypt. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Temperature record in Bern - spring feeling on Christmas www.swissinfo.ch

The weather, which was far too mild for the time of year, continued on Christmas day. In Bern, 13.5°C (56.3°F) were measured on Monday - a record. It has never been this warm in the federal city on Christmas day since measurements began in 1864. In municipality of Bern-Belpmoos, the weather service Meteonews reported that the temperature reached 15°C at 4:10pm in the afternoon. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Solidarity in Switzerland despite crises in 2023 www.swissinfo.ch

The crises in 2023 mobilised the willingness to donate in Switzerland despite the increasing pressure on purchasing power. However, this was at the expense of other donation needs. One example of this was the Telethon Foundation, which is dedicated to supporting people with rare genetic diseases. It recorded a 30% drop in donations in 2022 and fears that this trend will continue in 2023 due to the crises, as it announced at the beginning of December. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Evacuees from canton Glarus cannot return until the end of the year www.swissinfo.ch

Around 30 people evacuated after the recent landslide in the town of Schwanden in canton Glarus will probably not be able to return to their homes until the end of the year. It is not yet known exactly when they will be able to return, Chief of Staff Hanspeter Speich told SRF. "We are currently looking into emergency access to the two buildings," Speich continued on Sunday. In the afternoon, the authorities would receive information on how long it would take to implement emergency access. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
No evidence of terrorist attacks in Switzerland www.swissinfo.ch

The Federal Intelligence Service has no indications of concrete plans for terrorist attacks in Switzerland. However, the FIS still considers the threat of terrorism in Switzerland to be heightened, as it announced in response to an enquiry from the Keystone-SDA news agency. Against the backdrop of possible attack plans, the German authorities have stepped up security measures around Cologne Cathedral. Tighter security measures are also in place in Vienna on Christmas Eve. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Worrying shortage of medicines in Switzerland www.swissinfo.ch

Hundreds of medicines are either unavailable or difficult to obtain in Switzerland. For around 200 of these medications, the shortage poses a serious problem. Following the shortage of these medicines last winter, the situation is also critical for common products. The list of missing products and substances compiled by specialised websites is long. Whether on drugshortage.ch, the platform for drug shortages of the Geneva University Hospital (HUG), the online pharmacy Zur Rose or the list of the Federal Office for National Economic Supply (FONES) - the situation is very tense. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Several people resist evacuation from canton Glarus www.swissinfo.ch

Five people refused to leave the landslide area in Schwanden, canton Glarus, on Saturday. They defied the evacuation order issued by the authorities. The possibility of the situation in the landslide area worsening has not been ruled out. According to a statement issued by the municipality of Glarus-Süd on Saturday evening, the overall situation in the Wagenrunse landslide area remained unchanged despite the rain subsiding during the day. The extent of the damage in the village has increased. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss Red Cross expects CHF45 million in donations for 2023 www.swissinfo.ch

Despite a turbulent year, the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) has met its budget targets for 2023. For the current year, the SRC is expecting donations of around CHF45 million ($52.48 million), as SRC President Thomas Zeltner said in an interview. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Strike affects operations at Geneva Airport www.swissinfo.ch

The strike by employees of the ground handling company Dnata caused delays to the first flights at Geneva Airport early on Sunday morning. Dnata is involved in 85 flights on Sunday, as Geneva Airport announced on request. A spokesperson for the airport told the Keystone-SDA news agency in response to an enquiry. Three flights were delayed. Two intercontinental flights to Geneva may have to be diverted to other airports, the airport spokesperson wrote in a statement. The airport is expecting 52,000 passengers for Sunday. They should expect some inconvenience, it said. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Switzerland to introduce part of minimum corporate tax deal in 2024 www.swissinfo.ch

Large globally active companies will be taxed at a rate of at least 15% in Switzerland in the future. The Swiss government decided on Friday to introduce part of the OECD/G20 tax reform as planned on January 1, 2024. The rapid implementation will prevent tax revenue from flowing abroad, the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) wrote in a press release. The minimum taxation will be implemented in Switzerland with an amendment to the ordinance, which provides for the levying of a new supplementary tax in Switzerland. This required an amendment to the constitution. The people and cantons clearly approved this last June in a nationwide vote. After six years, the government must submit a federal law to Parliament. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Holcim, ABB and Nestlé are largest CO2 emitters in Swiss Market Index www.swissinfo.ch

The companies in the Swiss Market Index (SMI) emit an average of 21 million tonnes of CO2 per year. There are huge differences between companies though, as an analysis by the news agency AWP shows. With 130 million tonnes of CO2, the construction group Holcim is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in Switzerland's most important share index. The technology group ABB is close behind with around 127 million tonnes. The food company Nestlé is also one of the biggest CO2 emitters with 113 million tonnes. Data from the previous year was taken into account. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Zurich Airport passenger numbers higher than before pandemic www.swissinfo.ch

Air traffic at Zurich Airport has put the coronavirus pandemic behind it, even at Christmas time. With almost 90,000 passengers, the volume on Friday exceeded records before the pandemic. Slightly fewer than 90,000 travelers passed through Zurich Airport on Friday, a spokesperson for Zurich Airport told the Keystone-SDA news agency. Although the airport doesn’t give an exact figure, they confirmed this is higher than in 2019, when around 85,000 passengers flew in and out of Zurich. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss franc strengthens to multi-year high www.swissinfo.ch

The Swiss franc has jumped to its highest level against the dollar since 2015, when Switzerland’s central bank abandoned its policy to contain currency strength. The currency reached CHF0.8551 per dollar on Friday, its strongest level in almost nine years. Versus the euro, the franc rose as high as CHF0.94112. The franc is outperforming all its G10 currency peers this year, bolstered by the view that the Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) preference for a stronger domestic currency will keep it afloat. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss village threatened again by fresh landslide www.swissinfo.ch

Intense rainfall has triggered new landslides in the central Swiss village of Schwanden, raising fears of another evacuation for residents On Friday morning, several hundred cubic meters of mud reached a residential area in canton Glarus that has only been habitable again for a few weeks. The approximately 30 residents are not allowed to leave their houses for the time being, as the Glarus Süd community wrote on Friday afternoon. A new evacuation is being considered. Last week, 64 people were evacuated from the same area due to the impact of last summer's devastating landslides. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
German firm takes legal action to obtain Swiss Leopard tanks www.swissinfo.ch

The German company Global Logistics Support (GLS) has obtained a super-provisional order from an Italian court to release 25 Swiss tanks stored in Italy. The Swiss company that has possession of them, Ruag, is now examining legal options in this context. According to Ruag, the decision to release the Leopard 1 main battle tanks was made in a unilateral process. It is only provisional and does not yet have legal force, Ruag said in a statement on Friday. It may not be enforced until the objection period has expired. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Emergency Covid funds saved 35,000 Swiss companies www.swissinfo.ch

Switzerland’s CHF5.3 billion hardship payments saved up to 35,000 companies from collapse during the Covid-19 pandemic and resultant lockdowns. The Federal Audit Office drew a largely positive conclusion of the funds but found some inefficiencies. Some of the hardship measures were too high or unnecessary compared to the need, the audit found. In addition, there was unequal treatment between industries and between companies within an industry. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Switzerland’s Pierre Krähenbühl named as next ICRC head www.swissinfo.ch

Swiss diplomat Pierre Krähenbühl has been named as the next Director General of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The Genevan will replace Robert Mardini from the beginning of April next year. The ICRC Assembly has appointed Krähenbühl, as the organisation announced on its website on Friday. The 57-year-old political scientist has been working in the humanitarian sector for 30 years, including 25 years at the ICRC. ...

TeCHnology _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Laboratory-created life within reach, says Swiss Nobel Prize scientist www.swissinfo.ch

Laboratories could be creating life from scratch by the end of the century, according to Swiss Nobel Prize winner Didier Queloz. “In my opinion it is only a matter of time before we succeed,” he said. "We have had the power of destruction since we had nuclear weapons. In this century we will attain the divine power of creation by creating artificial life from the ground up,” Queloz told the Tamedia media group in an interview on Friday. The emergence of life is ultimately a chemical process, says Queloz. "If the conditions are right, life will emerge. I see no need for an initial push from a creator god," said the Nobel Prize winner. ...

Switzerland _Frog 9 months ago 100%
Swiss parliament rejects room for silence and prayer www.swissinfo.ch

No quiet room is to be set up in the parliament building in Bern where politicians can retreat and pray during sessions On Friday, the House of Representatives voted against a motion by former Ticino parliamentarian Rocco Cattaneo by 128 votes to 38, with 27 abstentions. Cattaneo had justified his motion by saying that the hectic pace during the sessions had increased significantly due to extraordinary events. This is now off the table. ...

fightforprivacy Fight For Privacy [DISCUSSION] Federation with Threads?
  • _Frog _Frog 9 months ago 100%

    I think i chime in for some comment. You got it right, i believe this open platform should stay as open as possible. But if i see that problems arise and users from this instance are having issues because of Threads or other platforms, i have to take action. And of course, there are borders to this openness.

    I'm very aware, that Meta and the other big corporations are interested in our data and want to use them for their profit. But i don't think that defederation will stop them. They will harvest our data anyway, with just simple web crawlers.

    I support anyone who wants to defederate them, but i also want an open platform for people to have a place to express themselves and communicate. And with the new instance block feature of lemmy v.0.19, people are able to hide specific instances themself, if they do not like their content.

  • switzerland Switzerland Part of a Swiss village deemed not habitable due to landslides
  • _Frog _Frog 9 months ago 100%

    Thank you! i corrected it anyway.

  • switzerland Switzerland Drownings in Switzerland hit 20-year high
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    There are multiple reasons for this: Not (yet) knowing how to swim, heat strokes, heart attacks, exhaustion, medical issues and so forth.

  • technology TeCHnology OpenFarm – a free and open database and web application for gardening knowledge
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    I dont' know doesn't look like it. But sounds like a good idea, i'm sure you could send a request to the devs.

  • switzerland Switzerland SBB derailment in Gotthard-Basistunnel
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    I already posted some info on the derailment here: feddit post

  • switzerland Switzerland Train derailment blocks Gotthard Tunnel for a week
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%
  • fightforprivacy Fight For Privacy [US] - FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for letting me know and taking your time for the write-up.

    Most of the best practice is based on us-rules, which not really apply to switzerland but i see that there might be some useful information in it, thanks.

  • fightforprivacy Fight For Privacy [US] - FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    I agree, the problematic thing here is: they have it, so they gonna use it, even if it is not related to their case.

    Which suggestions are you speaking of?

  • switzerland Switzerland Swiss agronomist turns monoculture into organic farming
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Great summary for this interesting topic, thank you very much.

  • technology TeCHnology GameOverlay Vulnerability Impacts 40% of Ubuntu Workloads
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    It affects the commands in the Dockfile for the container creation. Because that process is built up on OverlayFS.

  • fightforprivacy Fight For Privacy [US] - FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Good article. But the police did only seize their mastodon server in a "take it all" approach because of an other issue.

    Last May, Mastodon server Kolektiva.social was compromised when one of the server’s admins had their home raided by the FBI for unrelated charges. All of their electronics, including a backup of the instance database, were seized.

  • technology TeCHnology Child Safety on Federated Social Media – David Thiel and Renée DiResta, Stanford [pdf]
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Good point. If the main function would be implemented on all nodes and everyone would exchange information (hashes), which elements are harmful, we would maybe have a chance to skip central nodes from the equation. If the information is distributed throughout multiple maybe random nodes, but this would pose new problems - where to find that information.

    I believe if users are empowered to participate in combating the problem, almost all users would. The question is, how can the nodes harvest this? What can ordinary users do to help?

    I agree. Maybe the node can create some "unsafe" hashes and share them between the nodes - kind of like an antivirus creates hashes for malware. The user can always report to the admins - when there are more instances there are automatically more admins to handle the request themselves or with bots.

  • switzerland Switzerland More Information about the new E-Vignette
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    No, you can register for it at the end of the year, like you would for a new paper vignette.

  • technology TeCHnology Child Safety on Federated Social Media – David Thiel and Renée DiResta, Stanford [pdf]
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    News are almost always about sensations - they want the people to spend time on their platform and let them see some ads.

    I find the conclusion interesting, quote:

    Investment in one or more centralized clearinghouses for performing content scanning (as well as investment in moderation tooling) would be beneficial to the Fediverse as a whole.

    This contradicts somehow the use case of a federated network, but there would also be major benefits from something like this.

  • switzerland Switzerland One dead after 'likely tornado' hits Switzerland
    technology TeCHnology Visual Studio Code Editor for the Web
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Nice one, good find.

    For your info: I removed your deleted comments.

  • switzerland Switzerland One dead after 'likely tornado' hits Switzerland
    technology TeCHnology Elon Musk says Twitter to change logo, adieu to 'all the birds'
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Seems like, yes. He also presented a short preview what it could look like: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1682978324375543808

    Bye Bye Tweeting

  • askswitzerland askswitzerland What is a 'must know' if you live in switzerland?
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    In Zürich, you don't need a "Nachtzuschlag" anymore, but i'm sure, there are exceptions. General rule of thumb - their gone.

  • askswitzerland askswitzerland What is a 'must know' if you live in switzerland?
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    The ticket is not 24h, but until the last regular train which is about 5 am.

  • technology TeCHnology Over 2 years ago, hundreds were arrested in global crime sting through fake FBI messenger app An0m
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks, added it to the title.

  • fightforprivacy Fight For Privacy [EU - US] data transfers - How personal data transferred between the EU and US is protected.
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    For your Info, the US posted their executive order on their page - Office of public affairs

  • switzerland Switzerland Swiss vehicle emissions maintain post-pandemic decrease
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Still a long way to go, fair to say that say that we need to do some drastic rethinking.

    Good catch with the article, thanks.

  • technology TeCHnology Mastodon servers that have suspended Threads.net
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Good one, i've been thinking about it but feddit.ch does as of right now not block or deferate any other instances. To block Meta or not, can and should be in the hands of the user itself. Every user can create their personal blocklist of instances and users as they like.

    To really defederate or block an other instance should first of all be a decision of us all.

    Edit: Typo

  • fightforprivacy Fight For Privacy What are some easily avoidable privacy traps?
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Wow, great write up, thank you very much.

  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Hello @Encryption@feddit.ch thanks for opening up a new community and for taking your time for setting it up! If you need any help, just let me know. Excited to see some privacy related stuff on here.

  • technology TeCHnology Reddit Threatens Subs to Go Public Again, or Else...
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Or am I?

  • technology TeCHnology Reddit Threatens Subs to Go Public Again, or Else...
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 0%

    Good question, i see the same.

  • switzerland Switzerland Go for photovoltaic plants on swiss highways
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    I suppose, just like they cut trees/bushes next to it, just by blocking a part of the road.

  • askswitzerland askswitzerland What is a 'must know' if you live in switzerland?
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    In Zurich on the weekend the 9 o'clock pass is valid all day (oposed to weekdays from 9 o'clock)

  • askswitzerland askswitzerland Hi Frog, is there anything we could do to support feddit.ch?
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Yes i saw it and replied to you. You have a notification button on the top right, there you should find messages and post/comment notifications.

  • askswitzerland askswitzerland Hi Frog, is there anything we could do to support feddit.ch?
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Hi, thanks for asking and you're welcome, happy you enjoy it!

    Right now, i love to see people contribute, share and comment with each other. This confirms to me, that people are having fun and enjoying being here.

    For anyone interested on helping out moderating and maintaining the site, DM me and i can see what i can do.

    For anyone that is interested in contributing some money for the cause, i'm in the process of setting up various donation sites and will update you as soon as they're ready.

  • switzerland Switzerland Can't find communities on this instance?
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    I'm still on it to figure it out on why it doesn't work.

    @Swisside@feddit.ch thanks for asking, i am in the process of setting up way for contribute and will share it, as soon as it's ready.

  • switzerland Switzerland Can't find communities on this instance?
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you for explaining. @nan@lemmy.blahaj.zone please see the tagliine on the header of the page ;)

    And yes, it's confusing to begin with, but you get used to it quickly.

  • schweiz Schweiz Feddit.ch Instanz
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Was ist den der URL der Mastodon Instanz? Bei Lemmy gibt es im Footer "Instanes" wo man das sieht.

  • schweiz Schweiz Feddit.ch Instanz
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Gute Frage, sind die beiden Instanzen den schon miteinander federiert?

  • switzerland Switzerland New french-speaking Swiss community
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Great to hear, thank you for your contribution!

  • switzerland Switzerland feddit.ch now runs on Lemmy v0.18.0
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    You're welcome. Hope it runs a bit smoother than before.

  • buenzli BÜNZLI Ig bin afach froh hie zsie, bi de Lüt, bi de Buenzli-Fämili
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Es git Apps für Öpfel und die grüne Usserirdische, gfinsch da uf de lemmy siite. Da ich s App nochli fehlerbehaftet isch, funktionierts bi mir ufem Mobile mit em Browser no am beste. Isch aber min persönliche iidruck. Welle Browser spillt glaub nöd so e rolle.

  • buenzli BÜNZLI Ig bin afach froh hie zsie, bi de Lüt, bi de Buenzli-Fämili
  • _Frog _Frog 1 year ago 100%

    Müesti eigentli, sust bitte hösch per A-Post igschriebe zuestelle lah. S gseht so us als hägi de lemmy es problem mit dem, probiers doch numal ufezlade.
