aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia 14 pages of dead babies
  • ZMonster ZMonster 3 days ago 100%

    Fuck me. See? This is why I stay my ass out of the VFW. The last thing I need is a shared experience. 😂 We wear the same patch on our right shoulder battle.

    And you're spot on. I think it was a hard thing to rationalize that we went there to help. I mean, "we" thought we were helping. I still don't know. Either way, you deserve self-empathy friend. Also ketamine. It helped me a lot! 😄

    Good on you for making it through the last two decades too! I would gander that we have all gone through some degree of self destruction, and I know some more than others. Keep your chin up and your head down. Don't drink and drive and if you swim take a buddy.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia 14 pages of dead babies
  • ZMonster ZMonster 3 days ago 100%

    Yeah, that's the part that keeps me up at night - the knowing or not of the unknown dead. I know that not everyone that dies from war dies neatly and at the war. And I know that we were only able to account for a body if it was present and discernable. So I don't know if the estimates are correct or not. But I'm in therapy either way. Mental health is stupid.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia 14 pages of dead babies
  • ZMonster ZMonster 3 days ago 94%

    Think yourself: Could Hamas really have the capability of producing reliable statistics about the gaza population after month of being bombarded?

    Was in OIF. Got mortared, ied'd,, and/or shot at nearly every day. Finance nerds still went to work. MI still disseminated no intelligence at all. Marines wrote offensive things and about my mother in very visible places I could not access. In 2003, our csh still kept digital records - on computers and laptops. Everyone did their jobs without any hesitation or meaningful difficulty at all. We all used to be civilians. Everyone has a threshold for the limits of adaptation, but most of us are capable of adapting to war, unfortunately though it may be. I realize that the impression our culture cultivates about war is a guy clutching his knees, weeping, and rocking back and forth while the planet fragments around him - and occasionally that does happen - but esprit de corps tends to motivate people into adaptation. It was my experience that the children in Iraq could follow my leadership and guidance better than their parents. They could also tolerate the terror better. They also had better senses of humor. They could also speak better English. I was an army guy but I still have a hunch that this had something to do with it. So be careful of the narrow perspective that organizational behaviors could only function effectively or reliably when sequestered within utopian sanctuary. People can do amazing things.

  • memes memes Oddly accurate...
  • ZMonster ZMonster 5 days ago 100%

    I wrote in another comment, but if you examine his life, he was NOT a conformist. My favorite thing about his unconventional style was that he knew he needed a radical music program but had enough humility to know he needed someone else to direct it (he was a very talented musician). So he found the local and famous jazz club pianist and directed him to play whatever sort of music he desired. Johnny Costa, one of my personal icons, was very confused at first because he thought his music would be far too advanced or technical for a children's show. And if you watch the show, you will notice that he plays every single song in a unique way, every single time. Can you imagine that? Playing the same music for 30 years and almost never playing the same thing. He was an absolute master of not hitting the note that your brain expected him to play, yet still playing enough to resolve and release the tension of the melody. It really is beautiful music.

    Whoa, tangent. But seriously, MR was a rebel and the highest calibre of person that Pittsburgh has to offer.

  • memes memes Oddly accurate...
  • ZMonster ZMonster 5 days ago 96%

    I don't think he remotely fits the "overly wholesome" aspect of this meme at all. He's far more relatable to creator #1. He made shows about things that are difficult to talk about with kids. He frequently negotiated topics that others advised against. He was incredibly articulate and relatable when it came to even angry letters from ignorant parents. He communicated with children the same way he would with adults. He literally hired a working jazz club pianist to do the music and when asked what kids songs he was going to be playing, homie's basically like, "Uh, you do you fam. YOU are the music program." He even made episodes of his show that were FOR adults. He cared deeply about emotional health and knew how detrimental it is to your development at all stages in life. And he did this for decades as a devout and committed spiritual leader and never mentions God a single time. He knows how to be an example and I would be amazed if he were capable of hiding a sordid and deplorable existence.

    He was also an incredible debater and speaker. He does use simpler language on the show but he is very capable. Just adding that because I'm obviously biased. I met him once and my mom wrote him an angry letter. She's always been a piece of trash but I will never forget his kindness and joy.

  • technology Technology Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 weeks ago 100%

    How could Last of Us get any scarier? Make all the infected also the corrupted machines from Horizon Zero Dawn. Awesome.

  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 weeks ago 100%

    Alaskan here. Image search for a US map. If the map even includes Alaska and Hawaii (the 49th and 50th states), they are usually not more than a smudge in the lower left corner of the page. Most US maps contain more details for regions that aren't even in the US than its largest and most northern, western, and eastern state. Though not self-evident in this map, there is also a still to this day consistent trend of exclusion when it comes to things that simply refer to "the US". So someone made a map that exaggerates the mediocrity of what we refer to as the "lower 48". For the artistic value, it's a very popular map up here.

  • curatedtumblr Curated Tumblr Loving USA Culture
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 weeks ago 100%

    I just love seeing that quote, said in a Germanic language. Fucking hilarious. Hubris is lost on idiots.

  • unions unions Oregon: 45,000 Fred Meyer employees on strike. “If you see that line at one of our 28 Fred Meyers in the Portland metro area, don’t cross it, just shop somewhere else.”
  • ZMonster ZMonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    No problem homie. We all got to eat.

  • unions unions Oregon: 45,000 Fred Meyer employees on strike. “If you see that line at one of our 28 Fred Meyers in the Portland metro area, don’t cross it, just shop somewhere else.”
  • ZMonster ZMonster 3 weeks ago 100%

    I would imagine that any destabilization in the operations of a capitalist system benefits the worker. Sure, Winco makes more money today, giving them a false impression of scale. And after FM falls in line, we go after Winco, giving them an even more pronounced loss of capital. Even if nothing happens, you've still added volatility to the system. That's better than nothing.

  • lemmybewholesome Lemmy Be Wholesome Need more positive masculinity. Like what you see? Ask about it and learn from them
  • ZMonster ZMonster 3 weeks ago 60%

    Lol, I thought it was just me. 😄

  • memes memes A nearly comical reminder that corporations aren't your friend.
  • ZMonster ZMonster 4 weeks ago 100%

    😊 Well, you might think so, but if that were true then their legal team would have to be unimaginably inept. Even small companies rely on arbitration clauses. A company the size of Disney probably has boilerplate arbitration clauses prolifically spread throughout any agreement they make. I don't imagine there's anything their legal team says more often when they are named in a suit than, "can we arbitrate?"

    So, yes they were relying on a remote technicality to get out of the suit, but that's also the only reason they were named in the suit. I don't blame them. And they know they wouldn't be found liable. But they also know that people only remember "the mcdonalds hot coffee lawsuit" being about some unintelligent gold digging woman (which BTW is a travesty). So the settlement that they will likely offer is going to be worth far less than the damage from the bad rep of a trial like this.

  • memes memes A nearly comical reminder that corporations aren't your friend.
  • ZMonster ZMonster 4 weeks ago 100%

    Dude, here. Argue with LE about it if you're just going to rely on your own ill informed conjecture. I have no dog in the race and I couldn't care less.

  • memes memes A nearly comical reminder that corporations aren't your friend.
  • ZMonster ZMonster 4 weeks ago 100%

    Not everything is all or nothing. It's not that you either are completely liable or not liable at all. That's not how this works. If you are not liable at all, you should move to dismiss. The way this case was designed, based on the allegations, Disney does bear responsibility. But the allegations only include Disney in the most tenuous of ways. So a motion to dismiss would NOT have worked. But IMO, they are not liable at all. This was a restaurant that leased Disney land that screwed up. I can't see how Disney had anything to do with this at all.

  • memes memes A nearly comical reminder that corporations aren't your friend.
  • ZMonster ZMonster 4 weeks ago 100%

    I honestly don't think they hear ANY liability at all. This would be like saying your friend's landlord is at fault for your friend feeding you allergens because the landlord introduced you to each other. Like, sure, they're related, but by no stretch of the meaning of "obviously at fault". That's just ridiculous.

  • memes memes A nearly comical reminder that corporations aren't your friend.
  • ZMonster ZMonster 4 weeks ago 100%

    You're probably right. That's definitely how things are done in building and commercial industries that I know of so it's probably a standard practice system wide. Sure.

  • memes memes A nearly comical reminder that corporations aren't your friend.
  • ZMonster ZMonster 4 weeks ago 86%

    They are going after the restaurant. The restaurant is whom they are suing. But they know they won't get much from an allergy lawsuit settlement with an Irish Pub themed restaurant, so they included the deeper-pocket Disney in the suit (which IMO is a less than honorable act, but in a capitalist society I'm always going to give the benefit of the doubt to the person, also you never know if the legal system is going to choose you to fuck with so I dually recognize the spaghetti-at-the-wall approach to damage remuneration).

    Even with that said though, since the guy who decided to risk a life-threatening condition on whether a likely not much more than minimum wage employee could or would know if a thing was allergen free decided to rely on a technicality of civil litigation to get more money, then I can't fault Disney for using a technicality to try to get out of it.

    Fuck Disney in general, but kudos to Disney for taking this on the chin just to not make someone even a perceived victim of their greed. I think it's honestly respectable. They're still probably not going to be at fault were it to go to trial, but they're going to settle and give this guy the obvious payday he wanted.

    Good breakdown by LE

  • politics politics Baby boomers are fleeing Donald Trump and switching allegiance to Harris
  • ZMonster ZMonster 1 month ago 66%

    💯 No doubt. They're merely pointing out that though the empirical winds of ignorance are currently blowing in our beneficial direction, it's still not a good idea to pee into it. Their change is not rooted in a newfound sense of humanity, empathy, or understanding. It's just the entitled temper tantrum du jour. They can still turn on the there-are-two-kinds-of-[nonwhite]-people heel midstream and now you're just peeing on yourself.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Despite economic growth, 70% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    That's fucking hilarious. A whole country of cake eaters.

  • aboringdystopia A Boring Dystopia Despite economic growth, 70% of Americans believe the economy is getting worse
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    I work with people that really struggle to grasp this concept. I work rotations and every hitch I find myself spending the first few days explaining that what they call "the economy" I would call the CPI, whereas what capitalists refer to is corporate profits - and never the twain shall meet. But this is yet another complexity that the right benefits from obscuring, and complexity requires thoughtful consideration for understanding. I realize I'm asking a lot from a bunch of blue collar rubes.

  • facepalm Facepalm "Men are not nurturers! Reeeee-!!"
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    I honestly have no idea, but healthcare here is completely fucked.

  • facepalm Facepalm "Men are not nurturers! Reeeee-!!"
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    "Skin to skin" is a thing and I'm so glad it is. We had a 5 week early premie and the nurses said that the skin to skin contact with either parent helps so much. They, the midwife, and everyone else that helped us for that matter really promoted it.

  • facepalm Facepalm "Men are not nurturers! Reeeee-!!"
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%


  • privacy Privacy Car Privacy is Shit
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    I don't believe for a second that the car won't be sending either an unremovable error message, a constant and un-mute-able audible alarm, or a complete lockout of subsystems or the entire system itself. The best case scenario is that this is a mild inconvenience.

  • dogs Dogs Moved into a 5th floor apartment and found out our dog is terrified of elevators.
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    I'm sure it's been mentioned, but maybe she could benefit from a sponsor peer? Our puppy was a swimming sponsor for 12 years. Dogs who were terrified of water would come to the pool with our dog and would usually be broken of the fear at least in shallow water within the first 30 minutes. After 3 swims they were almost always on their own after that without any issues. There was only one dog that never swam and that was of a possibly abusive owner.

    So maybe there is a puppy friend that she is fond of that can make her feel at ease? Hope it helps, good luck!

  • explainlikeimfive Explain Like I'm Five ELI5: How does Trump benefit from overvaluating his assets?
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    Hah 😂 no worries friend. So much of this bizarro-world shit show has happened in that time.

  • technology Technology Samsung delivers 600-mile solid-state EV battery as it teases 9-minute charging and 20-year lifespan tech
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 90%

    How are they opposed to bread? It's impossible to keep up with politics these days. And you can never tell if you're reading an actual post or just more big leaven lobbyist propaganda.

  • memes Memes "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    I've never understood this mentality. I just took orders and delivered them. All of my drivers would lose their shit about which orders were tipping what, so I'd just grab the contentious ones and get them done. I can't tell you how many of those turned into some of my best customers and also some of my wildest experiences. Also, a few people that were expecting to be treated like shit for not pre-tipping would then call in to thank my manager for my service and attitude despite it, I remember one was a single mother who looked, traumatized, when she opened the door. We were allowed to comp a certain number of orders a night so I did that for her and she just started crying. I never forget that one. So not worrying about it literally paid for itself with several raises and a promotion. Sure, there were dickbags who would stiff you but it all came out in the end. So, my advice is to just do your job and it will work out. If people see that they can rely on you to get it done right every time then they are far more likely to tip better on the next one, so just treat every delivery as one you'll be tipped for later. If you're not getting paid, then get a different job. ,

    I did get a few unconventional tips too. One guy would just give me a beer and then the option to drink it real quick with him (stupid, I know, but I don't drink anymore and luckily I never killed anyone). There was a group of Canadian travelers that would give me an entire case when they came through. And also an entire bag packed tight with very potent weed, in exchange for my delivery bag. I have no idea why they wanted it so bad, but while considering it they gave me a shot of something and then they flashed me. I wasn't actually considering what to do. I was already really stoned at the time and was struggling to get the words out that I would accept. But the unexpected tits sobered me up instantly and I handed the bag over. My buddy realized that I was trashed when I got in that night so he put me on dishes for cover. When it was discovered, I blamed the missing bag on a dickweed that had recently been fired and they asked no more questions. An older guy gave me a pirate Lego set, it was a little island with a palm tree and a treasure chest. And a delivery that was technically outside our area but missed by the computer turned out to be a ring holding and famously nicknamed NFL player. His driveway was a very long previously unmaintained road that had once intersected a road in our service area. But that was blocked off and access was from the other side of an enormous housing development of mansions. Never knew that was a thing. There were a lot of pools. And lights. That's all I remember though.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 50%



  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    Not sure how me "not caring" about a potential nazi is in any way condoning or whitewashing bigotry. I think you need a dictionary friendo. Lol, the closest thing to grief that I'm getting is from you. Again, couldn't care less, whether or not he is a POS makes no difference to me. I have no dog in this fight. You win. IH = bad. Good job soldier. 🫡

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 50%

    I didn't attack you, I was being hyperbolic, and I was just reacting to the extremity of the accusation. I don't think his videos portray the message that the reddit post accused him of. Not defending him or denying the accusations. I couldn't care less about the guy. From my point of view, he is every kid on the internet pre-y2k. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 50%

    Lol, a link to a sub literally called youtubedrama. So yes, YouTube meta bullshit. But since you've already roped me in, assuming this is all true, that's fucked up.

    Also, you can be informative without being rude, that would have been appreciated so maybe have a little patience next time.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 33%

    Whoa, lol, what is this a reference to?? Holy shit! 🤣🤣🤣 Don't tell me it's just more youtube drama? Jesus, so many intense opinions about the guy. I had no idea he had garnered such a bizarre reputation. And to think, I've been wasting all this time watching his videos twice a year and then getting the fuck on with my life. I guess meta truly will never be not cringe. Lol. Seriously though, what are referencing? Is there some subliminal propaganda sewn throughout his videos that I'm just too dense to pick up on? 😂

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    Yeah, a reference would have been nice, sure. But I still think the people that watched that video are NOT interested in reading a longer, unfunny version of stories about dumb people. Conversely, if you were trying to research this story specifically and your source was this video, then maybe the bottom of a cave is the right place for you. Lol. His images are just ripped off stock photos too. So I suppose nothing he does is truly original. Yet at the same time, there is no one like him on YouTube that has the same appeal. So I would say, if you watch his video and then read the article, would you have the same experience? Probably not. He did transform the content. But enough so for you? That's up to the beholder. So again, sure he stole someone's article and they had YouTube remove it. I guess the system works. And I still don't care. He's neither a journalist nor a researcher so who cares? What a weird battle to fight. The fact that anyone has an opinion this intense about something so dumb is just baffling, let alone enough to make a video about it. I still think hbomb needs to chill the fuck out. It's just not that serious, and YouTube has already taken action. So who are you carrying the torch for? You know what's more entertaining than hbomber "taking down" Internet Historian? Any Internet Historian video. I do find it hilarious that his most popular video is the one about IH. So who is milking who here? 😂 I'm just fucking around. You're absolutely right. But it just means nothing to me. I'm sure I'm not alone.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%

    Lol, I mean, okay, sure. Not very significant though. First, I would never have read that article. Second, telling stories chronologically is only a new concept to Quenton Tarantino, the rest of humanity kind of defaults to that. Third, I don't watch IH for his fact based reporting, I don't care if he just read the entire article verbatim and I could care even less if he just made it all up. I think he is good at humor and shitty animations and neither of those are even remotely represented in the OC. So sure, if you say he's a plagiarist, I won't defend it, but maybe you're going to the wrong place if you're going to IH for original and reliable "information".

    Lol, I think hbomb needs to get some perspective. He could easily argue that "bIg MoNeY sAlViA lItErAlLy StEaLs OtHeR pEoPlE's CoNtEnT" and he would be 100% simultaneously correct and useless.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 50%

    I just love that they used developments from LNF as an update for NMS. Like, they had no reason to do that other than being bros.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 50%

    Sounds like it's just not for you. Because I think it's an incredible game and has been my go-to since the second update. It's okay to not like something.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 50%

    Oh boy, there's missing the bus and then there's this ☝️

    If you were to rank everyone to blame for the state of games at release these days, there are so many people that come before Sean Murray. First and foremost, is YOU. Not necessarily you or even only you, but the consumer. I haven't preordered a game since standing in line at GameStop for Halo fucking 2. It was immediately obvious how stupid that was back then, and it makes nearly no sense these days. Some people want to support a dev and that's great, but others just slap their money down on a preorder for a digital release from some soon to be defunct EA studio. You created a precedent for games to be sold before they are even made.

    Which brings me to number two, the studio conglomerates like EA, predatory confidence games like console exclusivity, and general anti-consumer practices. Hell, capitalism itself incentivises every studio to make their own store, lock every asset behind a paywall, and make the game progression as needlessly grindy and time-consuming as possible.

    You think Sean Murray masterminded the debacle himself? Watch his videos from during that time. He is incredibly awkward because he is a dev. He's not a salesman or a marketing director. What dev do you know that doesn't dream about what their game could be? And sure, the debacle is ultimately Sean's responsibility, but he has gone above and beyond to make up for it. To blame him for "games these days" that fail to do that in any meaningful way is just so transparently ignorant.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 100%


    Care to elaborate?

  • pcgaming PC Gaming No Man’s Sky soars again as new update prompts biggest discount yet
  • ZMonster ZMonster 2 months ago 50%

    .................................................... ~uhhh~ ^nooo^

    Lol, this is still one of my favorite videos on YouTube. IH is the shit. And you have impeccable taste.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearBO
    Books ZMonster 3 months ago 96%
    676 Banned Books List

    I couldn't find the list in a text copy-able format, so I OCR'd it and tried to do the best I could. I am missing a book somewhere, my count is 675, so I'm assuming I messed something up. Please feel welcome to take, copy, share, request edits, FTFY, as well as make sure these books are still in your library. I haven't read them but the people trying to get rid of them are a bit close-minded and could probably benefit from reading things on this list. Apologies if I've messed anything up. I wrapped the table in a spoiler so your screen doesn't stroke out. Okay, Thanks!!! ::: spoiler Banned Book List | | Title | Author | Book Count | | ---: | :--- | :--- | ---: | | 1 | The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian | Alexie, Sherman | 1 | | 2 | Ace Voices | Young, Eris | 1 | | 3 | Adjustment Day | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 4 | After | Efaw, Amy | 1 | | 5 | Al Capone Does My Shirts | Choldenko, Gennifer | 1 | | 6 | All American Boys | Reynolds, Jason & B. Kiely | 1 | | 7 | All Boys Aren’t Blue | Johnson, George M | 1 | | 8 | All My Rage | Tahir, Sabaa | 1 | | 9 | All That’s Left in the World | Brown, Erik J | 1 | | 10 | All the Bright Places | Niven, Jennifer | 1 | | 11 | All the Things We Do in the Dark | Mitchell, Saundra | 1 | | 12 | All Your Perfects | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 13 | All’s Faire in Middle School | Jamieson, Victoria | 1 | | 14 | Allegedly | Jackson, Tiffany | 1 | | 15 | The Almost Moon | Sebold, Alice | 1 | | 16 | Almost Perfect | Katcher, Brian | 1 | | 17 | Alt Ed | Atkins, Catherine | 1 | | 18 | America | Frank, E.R. | 1 | | 19 | American Psycho | Ellis, Bret Easton | 1 | | 20 | An Abundance of Katherines | Green, John | 1 | | 21 | Anatomy of a Boyfriend | Snadowsky, Daria | 1 | | 22 | Anatomy of a Single Girl | Snadowsky, Daria | 1 | | 23 | And They Lived... | Salvatore, Steven | 1 | | 24 | Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging | Rennison, Louise | 1 | | 25 | Anne: An Adaptation of Anne of Green Gables (sort of) | Gros, Kathleen | 1 | | 26 | Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation | Folman, Ari & D. Polonsky | 1 | | 27 | The Anthropocene Reviewed | Green, John | 1 | | 28 | The Anti-Racist Kid | Kendi, Ibram X | 1 | | 29 | Arden Grey | Stoeve, Ray | 1 | | 30 | Are You My Mother: A Comic Drama | Bechdel, Alison | 1 | | 31 | Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe | Saenz, Benjamin Alire | 1 | | 32 | Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World | Saenz, Benjamin Alire | 1 | | 33 | The Art of Drag | Hall, Jake | 1 | | 34 | The Art of Racing in the Rain | Stein, Garth | 1 | | 35 | As the Crow Flies | Gillman, Melanie | 1 | | 36 | Ashes | Anderson, Laurie Halse | 1 | | 37 | Ask the Passengers | King, A.S. | 1 | | 38 | The Assassin and the Desert | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 39 | The Assassin and the Empire | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 40 | The Assassin and the Pirate Lord | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 41 | The Assassin’s Blade | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 42 | Assassination Classroom: Volumes 1-8, 11 | Matsui, Yusei | 9 | | 43 | Attack of the Black Rectangles | King, Amy Sarig | 1 | | 44 | Autoboyography | Lauren, Christina | 1 | | 45 | The Awesome Autistic Guide for Trans Teens | Purkis, Yenn & S. Rose | 1 | | 46 | The Bane Chronicles | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 47 | Bang | McMann, Lisa | 1 | | 48 | Banned Book Club | Hyun, Kim & R Estrada | 1 | | 49 | The Bare Naked Book | Stinson, Kathy | 1 | | 50 | The Bell Jar | Plath, Sylvia | 1 | | 51 | Be Amazing: A History of Pride | Desmond is Amazing | 1 | | 52 | Be Prepared | Brosgol, Vera | 1 | | 53 | Beautiful | Reed, Amy | 1 | | 54 | Beautiful Bastard | Lauren, Christina | 1 | | 55 | Beautiful Disaster | McGuire, Jamie | 1 | | 56 | Beetle and the Hollowbones | Layne, Aliza | 1 | | 57 | Before We Disappear | Hutchinson, Shaun David | 1 | | 58 | Being Jazz: My Life as a Transgender Teen | Jennings, Jazz | 1 | | 59 | Beloved | Morrison, Toni | 1 | | 60 | The Best Laid Plans | Lund, Cameron | 1 | | 61 | Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out | Kuklin, Susan | 1 | | 62 | The Big Bath House | Maclear, Kyo | 1 | | 63 | Bitter | Emezi, Akwaeke | 1 | | 64 | Black Boy Joy | Mbalia, Kwame | 1 | | 65 | The Black Flamingo | Atta, Dean | 1 | | 66 | The Black Friend: On Being a Better White Friend | Joseph, Frederick | 1 | | 67 | Blackout | Jackson, Tiffany | 1 | | 68 | Blankets | Thompson, Craig | 1 | | 69 | Blazed | Myers, Jason | 1 | | 70 | Bliss | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 71 | The Blood Runs Like a River Through My Dreams | Nasdijj | 1 | | 72 | Bloom | Panetta, Kevin | 1 | | 73 | Blue is the Warmest Color | Maroh, Jul | 1 | | 74 | The Bluest Eye | Morrison, Toni | 1 | | 75 | Bodies are Cool! | Feder, Tyler | 1 | | 76 | The Body: A Guide for Occupants | Bryson, Bill | 1 | | 77 | Body Image | Hammond, Mel | 1 | | 78 | Bone: Ghost Circles | Smith, Jeff | 1 | | 79 | Born on the Bayou | Lourd, Blaine | 1 | | 80 | The Boy and Girl Who Broke the World | Reed, Amy | 1 | | 81 | Boy Girl Boy | Koertge, Ron | 1 | | 82 | Boy Meets Boy | Levithan, David | 1 | | 83 | Boy Toy | Lyga, Barry | 1 | | 84 | Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World | Bagieu, Penelope | 1 | | 85 | The Breakaways | Johnson, Cathy G. | 1 | | 86 | Breathless | Niven, Jennifer | 1 | | 87 | The Bronze Key | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 88 | Brooms | Walls, Jasmine | 1 | | 89 | Bumped | McCafferty, Megan | 1 | | 90 | Burned | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 91 | Call Me By Your Name | Aciman, Andre | 1 | | 92 | Camp QUILTBAG | Sass, AJ & Nicole Melleby | 1 | | 93 | Candidly Cline | Ormsbee, Kathryn | 1 | | 94 | Can’t Take That Away | Salvatore, Steven | 1 | | 95 | The Carnival at Bray | Foley, Jessie Ann | 1 | | 96 | Catwoman: Soulstealer | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 97 | Cemetery Boys | Thomas, Aiden | 1 | | 98 | Chain of Gold | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 99 | Chain of Iron | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 100 | Chains | Anderson, Laurie Halse | 1 | | 101 | The Chandler Legacies | Nazemian, Abdi | 1 | | 102 | Changing You! | Saltz, Dr. Gail | 1 | | 103 | Check Please! Book 1: #HOCKEY | Ukazu, Ngozi | 1 | | 104 | Check & Mate | Hazelwood, Ali | 1 | | 105 | Cheer Up! Love and Pompoms | Frazier, Crystal | 1 | | 106 | A Child called “It” | Pelzer, David | 1 | | 107 | Choke | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 108 | Chosen | Cast, P.C. and Kristin | 1 | | 109 | Cinderella is Dead | Bayron, Kalynn | 1 | | 110 | The Circle | Eggers, Dave | 1 | | 111 | City of Ashes | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 112 | City of Bones | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 113 | City of Fallen Angels | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 114 | City of Glass | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 115 | City of Heavenly Fire | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 116 | City of Lost Souls | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 117 | Clap When You Land | Acevedo, Elizabeth | 1 | | 118 | A Clash of Kings | Martin, George R.R. | 1 | | 119 | Clean | Reed, Amy | 1 | | 120 | Clockwork Angel | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 121 | A Clockwork Orange | Burgess, Anthony | 1 | | 122 | Clockwork Princess | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 123 | Clockwork Prince | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 124 | Closer | Cooper, Dennis | 1 | | 125 | Closer to Nowhere | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 126 | Club Drugs | Marcovitz, Hal | 1 | | 127 | Collateral | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 128 | Collected Poems: 1947-1980 | Ginsberg, Allen | 1 | | 129 | The Color of Earth | Hwa, Kim Dong | 1 | | 130 | The Color Purple | Walker, Alice | 1 | | 131 | The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Tantric Sex | Kurianksy, Dr. Judy | 1 | | 132 | Concrete Rose | Thomas, Angie | 1 | | 133 | Confess | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 134 | Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue (Bk 1) | Walsch, Neale Donald | 1 | | 135 | Cool for the Summer | Adler, Dahlia | 1 | | 136 | The Copper Gauntlet | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 137 | A Court of Frost and Starlight | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 138 | A Court of Mist and Fury | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 139 | A Court of Silver Flames | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 140 | A Court of Thorns and Roses | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 141 | A Court of Wings and Ruin | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 142 | Crank | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 143 | Crash | McMann, Lisa | 1 | | 144 | The Crown of Gilded Bones: A Blood and Ash Novel (Bk 3) | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 145 | Crown of Midnight | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 146 | Cryer’s Cross | McMann, Lisa | 1 | | 147 | Cursed: Gilded Duology Book 2 | Meyer, Marissa | 1 | | 148 | Cut | McCormick, Patricia | 1 | | 149 | Damned | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 150 | Damsel | Arnold, Elana | 1 | | 151 | Dancing at the Pity Party | Feder, Tyler | 1 | | 152 | Darius the Great Deserves Better | Khorram, Adib | 1 | | 153 | Darius the Great is Not Okay | Khorram, Adib | 1 | | 154 | Dark Shimmer | Napoli, Donna Jo | 1 | | 155 | The Darkest Hour | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 156 | The Darkness Outside Us | Schrefer, Eliot | 1 | | 157 | Daughters Unto Devils | Lukavics, Amy | 1 | | 158 | A Day No Pigs Would Die | Peck, Robert Newton | 1 | | 159 | Dead End | Myers, Jason | 1 | | 160 | Dead to You | McMann, Lisa | 1 | | 161 | Deal With It! | Drill, McDonald, Rhodes | 1 | | 162 | Dear Martin | Stone, Nic | 1 | | 163 | Death Wind | Bell, William | 1 | | 164 | The Deep and Dark Blue | Smith, Niki | 1 | | 165 | Deogratias: A Tale of Rwanda | Stassen, J.P. | 1 | | 166 | Different for Boys | Ness, Patrick | 1 | | 167 | Dime | Frank, E.R. | 1 | | 168 | Discrimination in Society: Racial Discrimination | Parks, Peggy J | 1 | | 169 | Doing It! | Witton, Hannah | 1 | | 170 | Don’t Look Back | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 171 | Doomed | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 172 | Drama | Telgemeier, Raina | 1 | | 173 | Draw Me A Star | Carle, Eric | 1 | | 174 | Dreaming in Cuban | Garcia, Cristina | 1 | | 175 | Dress Codes For Small Towns | Stevens, Courtney | 1 | | 176 | The Duff: A Novel | Keplinger, Kody | 1 | | 177 | Dumplin’ | Murphy, Julie | 1 | | 178 | Eleanor and Park | Rowell, Rainbow | 1 | | 179 | Embrace Series, Book 1 | Shirvington, Jessica | 1 | | 180 | Emergency Contact | Choi, Mary H.K. | 1 | | 181 | Empire of Storms | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 182 | Even if I Fall | Johnson, Abigail | 1 | | 183 | Every Heart A Doorway | McGuire, Seanan | 1 | | 184 | Every Last Breath | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 185 | Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Puberty | Katz, Morris | 1 | | 186 | Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry | Goffney, Joya | 1 | | 187 | Exit Here | Myers, Jason | 1 | | 188 | Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close | Foer, Jonathan Safran | 1 | | 189 | Fable | Young, Adrienne | 1 | | 190 | Fade | McMann, Lisa | 1 | | 191 | Fall with Me | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 192 | Fallout | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 193 | Fangirl | Rowell, Rainbow | 1 | | 194 | The Fault in our Stars | Green, John | 1 | | 195 | Felix Ever After | Callender, Kacen | 1 | | 196 | The Female of the Species | McGinnis, Mindy | 1 | | 197 | Feral Sins | Wright, Suzanne | 1 | | 198 | Fifteen Hundred Miles from the Sun | Villa, Johnny Garza | 1 | | 199 | Fifty Shades of Grey | James, E.I. | 1 | | 200 | Fight Club | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 201 | Finding Cinderella | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 202 | Finding Perfect | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 203 | Fire Force 01 | Ohkubo, Atsushi | 1 | | 204 | The First to Die at the End | Silvera, Adam | 1 | | 205 | The Fixer | Malamud, Bernard | 1 | | 206 | Flamer | Curato, Mike | 1 | | 207 | Flight | Alexie, Sherman | 1 | | 208 | Flowers in the Attic | Andrews, V.C. | 1 | | 209 | Forbidden | Suzuma, Tabitha | 1 | | 210 | Forever | Blume, Judy | 1 | | 211 | Forever For a Year | Gottfred, B.T. | 1 | | 212 | Forever with You | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 213 | Foul is Fair | Capin, Hannah | 1 | | 214 | Freak the Mighty | Philbrick, Rodman | 1 | | 215 | The Freedom Writers’ Diary | with Erin Gruwell, | 1 | | 216 | Friction | Frank, E.R. | 1 | | 217 | Friday | Heinlein, Robert | 1 | | 218 | From Blood and Ash | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 219 | Fun Home | Bechdel, Alison | 1 | | 220 | Gabi, A Girl in Pieces | Quintero, Isabel | 1 | | 221 | A Game of Thrones | Martin, George R.R. | 1 | | 222 | A Game of Thrones (A Graphic Novel; Books 1-4) | adapted by Daniel Abraham | 4 | | 223 | The GayBCs | Webb, M.L. | 1 | | 224 | Gender Pirates | Labelle, Sophie | 1 | | 225 | Gender Queer | Kobabe, Maia | 1 | | 226 | George | Gino, Alex | 1 | | 227 | Get A Life, Chloe Brown | Hibbert, Talia | 1 | | 228 | Ghost Boys | Rhodes, Jewell Parker | 1 | | 229 | Ghosts of Shadow Market | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 230 | The Gift | Steel, Danielle | 1 | | 231 | Gilded | Meyer, Marissa | 1 | | 232 | Girl: Love, Sex, Romance and Being You | Rayne, Karen | 1 | | 233 | Girl in Translation | Kwok, Jean | 1 | | 234 | Girl Man’s Up | Girard, M.E. | 1 | | 235 | The Girl Who Fell From the Sky | Durrow, Heidi W | 1 | | 236 | The Girl Who Knew Too Much | Brooks, Tiffany | 1 | | 237 | Girls Like Us | Giles, G | 1 | | 238 | Glass | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 239 | Go Ask Alice | Anonymous | 1 | | 240 | Gossip Girl: Nobody Does It Better | Ziegesar, Cecily von | 1 | | 241 | Graceling | Cashore, Kristin | 1 | | 242 | Granddad’s Pride | Woodgate, Harry | 1 | | 243 | Green | Gino, Alex | 1 | | 244 | Grit | French, Jillian | 1 | | 245 | Grl2Grl | Peters, Julie Anne | 1 | | 246 | Grown | Jackson, Tiffany | 1 | | 247 | Guyaholic | Mackler, Carolyn | 1 | | 248 | Half of a Yellow Sun | Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi | 1 | | 249 | The Handmaid’s Tale | Atwood, Margaret | 1 | | 250 | The Handmaid’s Tale: the Graphic Novel | Atwood adapted by R Nault | 1 | | 251 | The Handsome Girl and Her Beautiful Boy | Gottfred, B.T. | 1 | | 252 | The Hate U Give | Thomas, Angie | 1 | | 253 | The Haters | Andrews, Jesse | 1 | | 254 | Haunted | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 255 | Heart of Bones | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 256 | The Heartbreak Bakery | Capetta, A.R. | 1 | | 257 | Heartstopper (Volumes 1-4) | Oseman, Alice | 4 | | 258 | The Heartstopper Yearbook | Oseman, Alice | 1 | | 259 | Heir of Fire | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 260 | The Henna Wars | Jaigirdar, Adiba | 1 | | 261 | Here’s to Us | Albertalli, Becky & Adam Silvera | 1 | | 262 | Heroine | McGinnis, Mindy | 1 | | 263 | Him | Bowen, Sarina & Elle Kennedy | 1 | | 264 | History is All You Left Me | Silvera, Adam | 1 | | 265 | Hold Me Closer | Cooper, Tiny | 1 | | 266 | Home Body | Kaur, Rupi | 1 | | 267 | Homegoing | Gyasi, Yaa | 1 | | 268 | The Honeys | La Sala, Ray | 1 | | 269 | Honor Girl | Thrash, Maggie | 1 | | 270 | Hooked | Greenman, Catherine | 1 | | 271 | Hopeless | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 272 | House of Earth and Blood | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 273 | House of Sky and Breath | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 274 | How Beautiful the Ordinary | Cart, Michael | 1 | | 275 | How it All Blew Up | Ahmadi, Arvin | 1 | | 276 | How to Be a (Young) Antiracist | Kendi, Ibram X & Nic Stone | 1 | | 277 | The House on Mango Street | Cisneros, Sandra | 1 | | 278 | Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body | Gay, Roxane | 1 | | 279 | I Am Margaret Moore | Capin, Hannah | 1 | | 280 | I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter | Sanchez, Erika L | 1 | | 281 | 1 Can’t Date Jesus | Arceneaux, Michael | 1 | | 282 | I Kissed Shara Wheeler | McQuiston, Casey | 1 | | 283 | I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings | Angelou, Maya | 1 | | 284 | I Never | Hopper, Laura | 1 | | 285 | Icebreaker: A Novel (Maple Hills Series, Book 1) | Grace, Hannah | 1 | | 286 | Identical | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 287 | Identity: A Story of Transitioning | Maison, Corey | 1 | | 288 | If I See You Again Tomorrow | Couch, Robbie | 1 | | 289 | If I Was Your Girl | Russo, Meredith | 1 | | 290 | If There’s No Tomorrow | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 291 | I’ll Give You the Sun | Nelson, Jandy | 1 | | 292 | Imogene, Obviously | Albertalli, Becky | 1 | | 293 | The Impossible Knife of Memory | Anderson, Laurie Halse | 1 | | 294 | Impulse | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 295 | In Case You’re Curious | Planned Parenthood | 1 | | 296 | Infandous | Arnold, Elana K | 1 | | 297 | The Infinite Moment of Us | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 298 | Infinity Son | Silvera, Adam | 1 | | 299 | The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue | Schwab, V.E. | 1 | | 300 | Invisible Monsters Remix | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 301 | The Iron Trial | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 302 | It Ends With Us | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 303 | It Isn’t Rude to Be Nude | Haine, Rosie | 1 | | 304 | It Looks Like This | Mittlefehldt, Rafi | 1 | | 305 | It Starts With Us | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 306 | It’s Kind of a Funny Story | Vizzini, Ned | 1 | | 307 | It’s Not the Stork | Harris, Robie | 1 | | 308 | It’s Perfectly Normal (any edition) | Harris, Robie | 1 | | 309 | It’s So Amazing | Harris, Robie | 1 | | 310 | Ivy Aberdeen’s Letter to the World | Blake, Ashley Herring | 1 | | 311 | I Wish You All the Best | Deaver, Mason | 1 | | 312 | Izzy at The End of the World | Reynolds, K.A. | 1 | | 313 | Jack of Hearts (and Other Parts) | Rosen, L.C. | 1 | | 314 | Jay’s Gay Agenda | June, Jason | 1 | | 315 | Jesus Land: A Memoir | Scheeres, Julia | 1 | | 316 | Julie of the Wolves | George, Jean Craighead | 1 | | 317 | Juliet Takes A Breath | Rivera, Gabby | 1 | | 318 | Juliet Takes A Breath (Graphic Novel) | Rivera, Gabby | 1 | | 319 | Just Shy of Ordinary | Sass, A.J. | 1 | | 320 | Kasher in the Rye | Kasher, Moshe | 1 | | 321 | Kate in waiting | Albertalli, Becky | 1 | | 322 | Kingdom of Ash | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 323 | A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 324 | Kiss & Tell | Khorram, Adib | 1 | | 325 | Kiss Number 8 | Venerable | 1 | | 326 | Kissing Kate | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 327 | The Kite Runner | Hosseini, Khaled | 1 | | 328 | The Knife and the Butterfly | Perez, Ashley Hope | 1 | | 329 | L8r,G8r | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 330 | Lady Midnight: The Dark Artifices Book 1 | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 331 | Lark & Kasim Start a Revolution | Callender, Kacen | 1 | | 332 | Last Night at the Telegraph Club | Lo, Malinda | 1 | | 333 | Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me | Valero-O’Connell, Rosemary | 1 | | 334 | Layla | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 335 | Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me | Tamaki, Mariko | 1 | | 336 | Lawn Boy | Evison, Jonathan | 1 | | 337 | Leah on the Offbeat | Albertalli, Becky | 1 | | 338 | Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School | Reyes, Sonora | 1 | | 339 | A Lesson in Vengeance | Lee, Victoria | 1 | | 340 | Let Me Hear A Rhyme | Jackson, Tiffany | 1 | | 341 | Let’s Talk About It | Moen, Erika & Matthew Nolan | 1 | | 342 | Let’s Talk About Love | Kann, Claire | 1 | | 343 | LGBTQ: The Survival Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Questioning Teens | Huegel, Kelly | 1 | | 344 | LGBTQ+ Rights | Loh-Hagan, Virginia | 1 | | 345 | Lies, Knives and Girls in Red Dresses | Koertge, Ron | 1 | | 346 | Life is Funny | Frank, E.R. | 1 | | 347 | Light it Up | Magoon, Kekla | 1 | | 348 | Lighter Than My Shadow | Green, Katie | 1 | | 349 | Like Water for Chocolate | Esquivel, Laura | 1 | | 350 | Like a Love Story | Nazemian, Abdi | 1 | | 351 | Lily and Dunkin | Gephart, Donna | 1 | | 352 | Listen to your Heart | West, Kasie | 1 | | 353 | Little and Lion | Colbert, Brandy | 1 | | 354 | The Little Black Book for Girlz: A Book on Healthy Sexuality | St. Stephen’s Community House | 1 | | 355 | Living Dead Girl | Scott, Elizabeth | 1 | | 356 | Lolita | Nabokov, Vladimir | 1 | | 357 | Long Way Down | Reynolds, Jason | 1 | | 358 | Looking for Alaska | Green, John | 1 | | 359 | Lord of Shadows | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 360 | Losing Hope | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 361 | Losing the Girl | -- | 1 | | 362 | Lost in the Never Woods | Thomas, Aiden | 1 | | 363 | The Love Interest | Dietrich, Cale | 1 | | 364 | Love Lies Beneath | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 365 | A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend | Horner, Emily | 1 | | 366 | Loveless | Oseman, Alice | 1 | | 367 | The Lovely Bones | Sebold, Alice | 1 | | 368 | Lucky | Sebold, Alice | 1 | | 369 | Lullaby | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 370 | Luna | Peters, Julie Anne | 1 | | 371 | Making A Baby | Greener, Rachel | 1 | | 372 | Man O’ War | McCarthy, Cory | 1 | | 373 | Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl | Shrum, Brianna & S Waxelbaum | 1 | | 374 | Marriage of A Thousand Lies | Sindu, S.J. | 1 | | 375 | Maus: A Survivor’s Tale: My Father Bleeds History | Spiegelman, Art | 1 | | 376 | Maus: A Survivor’s Tale: And Here My Troubles Began | Spiegelman, Art | 1 | | 377 | Maybe Not | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 378 | Maybe Now | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 379 | Maybe Someday | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 380 | Me and Earl and the Dying Girl | Andrews, Jesse | 1 | | 381 | Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World | Saad, Layla F | 1 | | 382 | Meet Cute | Various | 1 | | 383 | Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy: A Modern retelling of Little Women | Terciero, Ray & Bre Indigo | 1 | | 384 | Meg & Linus | Nowinski, Hanna | 1 | | 385 | Melissa | Gino, Alex | 1 | | 386 | Memoirs of a Geisha | Golden, Arthur | 1 | | 387 | Messy Roots: A Graphic Memoir of a Wuhanese American | Gao, Laura | 1 | | 388 | Middle School’s a Drag | Howard, Greg | 1 | | 389 | The Midnight Lie | Rutkoski, Marie | 1 | | 390 | Milk and Honey | Kaur, Rupi | 1 | | 391 | The Mission | Myers, Jason | 1 | | 392 | Monday’s Not Coming | Jackson, Tiffany | 1 | | 393 | More Happy Than Not | Silvera, Adam | 1 | | 394 | Mosquitoland | Amold, David | 1 | | 395 | My Body is Growing: A Guide for 4 to 8 Year Olds | Geisler, Dagmar | 1 | | 396 | My Friend Dahmer | Backderf, Derf | 1 | | 397 | My Jim | Rawles, Nancy | 1 | | 398 | Nate the Great and the Sticky Case | Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman | 1 | | 399 | Native Son | Wright, Richard | 1 | | 400 | Neanderthal Opens the Door to the Universe | Norton, Preston | 1 | | 401 | The Nerdy and the Dirty | Gottfred, B.T. | 1 | | 402 | Never Never | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 403 | Never Vacation with Your Ex | Wibberley, Emily & A Broka | 1 | | 404 | New Millennium Boyz | Kazemi, Alex | 1 | | 405 | Nick and Charlie | Oseman, Alice | 1 | | 406 | Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist | Cohen, Rachel D Levithan | 1 | | 407 | Nine Months, Luciana | Wells, Maggie | 1 | | 408 | Nineteen Minutes | Picoult, Jodi | 1 | | 409 | No Place for Fairy Tales | Tello, Edd | 1 | | 410 | Normal People | Rooney, Sally | 1 | | 411 | Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness | Higginbotham, Anastasia | 1 | | 412 | Not My Problem | Smyth, Ciara | 1 | | 413 | Not Otherwise Specified | Moskowitz, Hannah | 1 | | 414 | Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture | Gay, Roxane | 1 | | 415 | Nothing Like You | Strasnick, Lauren | 1 | | 416 | November 9 | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 417 | The Nowhere Girls | Reed, Amy | 1 | | 418 | Occulted | Rose, Amy & Ryan Estrada | 1 | | 419 | On the Bright Side I’m Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God | Rennison, Louise | 1 | | 420 | One Last Stop | McQuiston, Casey | 1 | | 421 | Only This Beautiful Moment | Nazemian, Abdi | 1 | | 422 | The Opposite of Innocent | Sones, Sonya | 1 | | 423 | Opposite Sex: Gay Men on Lesbians, Lesbians on Gay Men | Miles, Sara & Eric Rofes | 1 | | 424 | Optimists Die First | Nielsen, Susin | 1 | | 425 | Oryx and Crake | Atwood, Margaret | 1 | | 426 | The Other Normals | Vizzini, Ned | 1 | | 427 | Out: How to be Your Authentic Self | McKenna, Miles | 1 | | 428 | Out of Darkness | Perez, Ashley Hope | 1 | | 429 | Paper Towns | Green, John | 1 | | 430 | The Passing Playbook | Fitzsimons, Isaac | 1 | | 431 | Peace, Love and Baby Ducks | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 432 | People Kill People | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 433 | Perfect | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 434 | Perfect Chemistry | Elkese, Simone | 1 | | 435 | The Perks of Being a Wallflower | Chbosky, Stephen | 1 | | 436 | Pet | Emezi, Akwaeke | 1 | | 437 | The Picture of Dorian Gray | Wilde, Oscar | 1 | | 438 | Piggy: Infected | Crawford, Terrance | 1 | | 439 | The Poet X | Acevedo, Elizabeth | 1 | | 440 | Point of Retreat | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 441 | Portnoy’s Complaint | Roth, Philip | 1 | | 442 | The Power Book: What is it, Who Has it, and Why? | Saunders, Songhurst, others | 1 | | 443 | The Prince and the Dressmaker | Wang, Jen | 1 | | 444 | The Problem with Forever | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 445 | Project Nought | Furedi, Chelsey | 1 | | 446 | Puddin’ | Murphy, Julie | 1 | | 447 | Pumpkin | Murphy, Julie | 1 | | 448 | Push (Precious) | Sapphire | 1 | | 449 | Queen of Air and Darkness | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 450 | Queen of Shadows | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 451 | Queer: A Graphic History | Barker, Meg-John & Jules Scheele | 1 | | 452 | Queer: The Ultimate LGBTQ+ guide for Teens | Belge, Kathy & Marke Bieschke | 1 | | 453 | A Quick & Easy Guide to Queer & Trans Identities | Mady, G & Jules Zuckerberg | 1 | | 454 | A Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & Disability | Andrews, A | 1 | | 455 | Race and Policing in Modern America | Harris, Duchess | 1 | | 456 | Radio Silence | Oseman, Alice | 1 | | 457 | Rage and Ruin | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 458 | The Rainbow Parade | Neilson, Emily | 1 | | 459 | Ramona Blue | Murphy, Julie | 1 | | 460 | Rant | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 461 | Ready or Not | Cabot, Meg | 1 | | 462 | Ready Player One | Cline, Ernest | 1 | | 463 | Real Live Boyfriends | Lockhart, E | 1 | | 464 | Red at the Bone | Woodson, Jacqueline | 1 | | 465 | Red Hood | Arnold, Elana | 1 | | 466 | The Red Scrolls of Darkness | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 467 | Red, White and Royal Blue | McQuiston, Casey | 1 | | 468 | Redwood and Ponytail | Holt, K.A. | 1 | | 469 | Regretting You | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 470 | Relish: My Life in the Kitchen | Knisley, Lucy | 1 | | 471 | Reminders of Him | Hoover, Colleen Adult | 1 | | 472 | Rethinking Normal | Hill, Katie Rain | 1 | | 473 | Rhymes with Witches | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 474 | The Right Touch | Kleven, Sandy | 1 | | 475 | Rumble | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 476 | Run | Keplinger, Kody | 1 | | 477 | Running with Scissors | Burroughs, Augusten | 1 | | 478 | Ryan and Avery | Levithan, David | 1 | | 479 | The Sacrifice of Darkness | Gay, Roxane & Tracy Oliver | 1 | | 480 | Saint | Young, Adrienne | 1 | | 481 | Scars | Rainfield, Cheryl | 1 | | 482 | A Scatter of Light | Lo, Malinda | 1 | | 483 | Seeing Gender | Gottlieb, Iris | 1 | | 484 | S.E.X.: the all-you-need-to-know sexuality guide to get through teens & twenties | Corinna, Heather | 1 | | 485 | SEX: An Uncensored Introduction | Hasler, Nikol | 1 | | 486 | Sex in the Library: A Guide to Sexual Content in Teen Literature | Heller, Mary Jo & A Storms | 1 | | 487 | Sex isa Funny Word | Silverberg, Cory & F Smyth | 1 | | 488 | Sex Plus: Learning, Loving and Enjoying Your Body | Green, Laci | 1 | | 489 | Shadow Coven: The Witchery, Book 2 | Isabelle, S | 1 | | 490 | The Shadow-hunter’s Codex | Clare, Cassandra | 1 | | 491 | She Drives Me Crazy | Quindlen, Kelly | 1 | | 492 | She Felt like Feeling Nothing | Sin, r.h. | 1 | | 493 | She Gets the Girl | Lippincott, Rachael & A Derrick | 1 | | 494 | Shine | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 495 | Shiver | Stiefvater, Maggie | 1 | | 496 | Shout | Anderson, Laurie Halse | 1 | | 497 | Silent Mobius: Volume 1 | Asamiya, Kia | 1 | | 498 | Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda | Albertalli, Becky | 1 | | 499 | The Sin Eater’s Confession | Bick, Ilsa J | 1 | | 500 | A Sin Such As This | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 501 | Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story | Tobia, Jacob | 1 | | 502 | Skin | Napoli, Donna Jo | 1 | | 503 | Slammed | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 504 | Slaughterhouse-Five | Vonnegut, Kurt | 1 | | 505 | Smoke | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 506 | Snuff | Palahniuk, Chuck | 1 | | 507 | Sold | McCormick, Patricia | 1 | | 508 | Solitaire | Oseman, Alice | 1 | | 509 | Some Girls Bind | James, Rory | 1 | | 510 | Some Girls Do | Dugan, Jennifer | 1 | | 511 | Someone I Used to Know | Blount, Patty | 1 | | 512 | Something Close to Magic | Mills, Emma | 1 | | 513 | The Song of Achilles | Miller, Madeline | 1 | | 514 | Sorry for Your Loss | Foley, Jessie Ann | 1 | | 515 | Soul Eater (books 1-25 Anime) | Okuba, Atsushi | 25 | | 516 | Speak | Anderson, Laurie Halse | 1 | | 517 | Spinning | Walden, Tillie | 1 | | 518 | Splendor | Amold, Elana | 1 | | 519 | Stained | Jacobson, Jennifer R | 1 | | 520 | Stargirl | Spinelli, Jerry | 1 | | 521 | The Stars Beneath Our Feet | Moore, David Barclay | 1 | | 522 | Stealing Heaven | Scott, Elizabeth | 1 | | 523 | Stitches: A Memoir | Small, David | 1 | | 524 | A Stolen Life | Dugard, Jaycee | 1 | | 525 | Stone Cold Touch | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 526 | Storm and Fury: Harbinger Book 1 | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 527 | Story of a Girl: A Novel | Zarr, Sara | 1 | | 528 | Strange Truth | Thrash, Maggie | 1 | | 529 | The Sun and Her Flowers | Kaur, Rupi | 1 | | 530 | The Sunbearer Trials | Thomas, Aiden | 1 | | 531 | SuperMutant Magic Academy | Tamaki, Jillian | 1 | | 532 | Tabitha and Magoo Dress Up Too | Tea, Michelle | 1 | | 533 | Take the Mic | Morrow, Bethany | 1 | | 534 | The Teenage Guy’s Survival Guide | Daldrey, Jeremy | 1 | | 535 | Tegan and Sara: Junior High | Quin, Tegan & Sara Quin | 1 | | 536 | Tell Me About Sex, Grandma | Higginbotham, Anastasia | 1 | | 537 | The Testaments | Atwood, Margaret | 1 | | 538 | They Went Left | Hesse, Monica | 1 | | 539 | They’ ll Never Catch Us | Goodman, Jessica | 1 | | 540 | Thirteen Reasons Why | Asher, Jay | 1 | | 541 | This Book is Anti-Racist | Jewell, Tiffany | 1 | | 542 | This Book is Gay | Dawson, Juno | 1 | | 543 | This Boy | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 544 | This Girl: A Novel | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 545 | This is Kind of an Epic Love Story | Callender, Kacen | 1 | | 546 | This is Our Rainbow | Locke, Katherine & N Melleby | 1 | | 547 | This One Summer | Tamaki, Mariko | 1 | | 548 | Throne of Glass | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 549 | Tiger Eyes | Blume, Judy | 1 | | 550 | Till Death | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 551 | Tilt | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 552 | To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before | Han, Jerry | 1 | | 553 | Too Bright to See | Lukoff, Kyle | 1 | | 554 | Too Late | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 555 | Touch | Prose, Francine | 1 | | 556 | Touch Blue | Lord, Cynthia | 1 | | 557 | Tower of Dawn | Maas, Sarah J | 1 | | 558 | Traffick | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 559 | Trans+: Love, Sex, Romance, and Being You | Gonzalez, Kathryn & K Rayne | 1 | | 560 | Trans Teen Survival Guide | Owl & Fox Fisher | 1 | | 561 | Transmogrify!: 4 Fantastical Tales of Trans Magic | edited by G Haron Davis | 1 | | 562 | The Trauma Cleaner: one woman's Extraordinary Life in the Business of Death, Decay & Disaster | Krasnostein, Sarah | 1 | | 563 | Triangles | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 564 | Tricks | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 565 | The Truth About Alice | Mathieu, Jennifer | 1 | | 566 | TTFN | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 567 | TTYL | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 568 | Turning 15 On the Road to Freedom | Lowery, Lynda Blackmon | 1 | | 569 | Turtles All the Way Down | Green, John | 1 | | 570 | Tweak: (growing up on Methamphetamines) | Sheff, Nic | 1 | | 571 | Twisted | Anderson, Laurie Halse | 1 | | 572 | Two Boys Kissing | Levithan, David | 1 | | 573 | Two More Days: An Anthology | Hoover,Colleen/Bookworm Box | 1 | | 574 | Ugly Love | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 575 | Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Boy | Acho, Emmanuel | 1 | | 576 | Unpregnant | Hendriks, Jenni | 1 | | 577 | Unravel Me | Mafi, Tahereh | 1 | | 578 | The Upside of Unrequited | Albertalli, Becky | 1 | | 579 | The V-Word | Keyser, Amber | 1 | | 580 | Vampire Academy | Mead, Richelle | 1 | | 581 | Verity | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 582 | A Very, Very Bad Thing | Self, Jeffery | 1 | | 583 | Victor and Nora: A Gotham Love Story | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 584 | The Violin Maker’s Daughter | Maas, Sharon | 1 | | 585 | Wait for You | Armentrout, Jennifer (J Lynn) | 1 | | 586 | Wait. What? | Corinna, Heather & I Rotman | 1 | | 587 | The War of Two Queens: Blood & Ash, Book 4 | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 588 | Warrior Girl Unearthed | Boulley, Angeline | 1 | | 589 | Water for Elephants | Gruen, Sarah | 1 | | 590 | Wayward Son | Rowell, Rainbow | 1 | | 591 | We All Fall Down | Sheff, Nic | 1 | | 592 | We Are Not Yet Equal | Anderson, Carol | 1 | | 593 | We Are The Ants | Hutchison, Shaun David | 1 | | 594 | We Need To Talk About Vaginas | Rodgers, Dr. Allison | 1 | | 595 | We Rise, We Resist, We Raise Our Voices | Hudson, Wade | 1 | | 596 | Weetzie Bat | Block, Francesca Lia | 1 | | 597 | The Weight of Blood | Jackson, Tiffany | 1 | | 598 | Welcome to St Hell: My Trans Teen Misadventure | Hancox, Lewis | 1 | | 599 | What About Will | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 600 | What Can’t Wait | Perez, Ashley Hope | 1 | | 601 | What Girls Are Made Of | Arnold, Elana | 1 | | 602 | What If It’s Us | Albertalli, Becky | 1 | | 603 | What My Mother Doesn’t Know | Sones, Sonya | 1 | | 604 | What’s Broken Between Us | Bass, Alexis | 1 | | 605 | When Dimple Met Rishi | Menon, Sandhya | 1 | | 606 | When I Was the Greatest | Reynolds, Jason | 1 | | 607 | Where Did I Come From? | Mayle, Peter | 1 | | 608 | Where the Crawdads Sing | Owens, Delia | 1 | | 609 | Where I End and You Begin | Norton, Preston | 1 | | 610 | White Hot Kiss: The Dark Elements Book 1 | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 611 | White Smoke | Jackson, Tiffany | 1 | | 612 | Who Has What?: All About Girls’ Bodies & Boys’ Bodies | Harris, Robie | 1 | | 613 | Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West | Maguire, Gregory | 1 | | 614 | Will Grayson, Will Grayson | Green, John | 1 | | 615 | The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles | Murakami, Haruki | 1 | | 616 | Wintergirls | Anderson, Laurie Halse | 1 | | 617 | Without Merit | Hoover, Colleen | 1 | | 618 | Woke: A Young Poet’s Call to Social Justice | Browne, Acevedo, Gatwood | 1 | | 619 | Working It: Sex Workers on the Work of Sex | edited by MatildaBickers, etc | 1 | | 620 | Wonder Woman: Tempest Tossed | Anderson, Laurie Halse | 1 | | 621 | World Made of Glass | Polonsky, Ami | 1 | | 622 | The Year My Life Went Down the Toilet | Arlow, Jake Maia | 1 | | 623 | The Year of the Flood | Atwood, Margaret | 1 | | 624 | Yes No Maybe So | Albertalli, Becky | 1 | | 625 | Yolk | Choi, Mary H.K. | 1 | | 626 | YOLO | Myracle, Lauren | 1 | | 627 | You, A Novel | Kepnes, Caroline | 1 | | 628 | You Be You!: The Kid’s Guide to Gender, Sexuality, and Family | Branfman, Jonathan | 1 | | 629 | You Do You: Figuring our Your Body, Dating, and Sexuality | Mirk, Sarah | 1 | | 630 | The You I’ve Never Known | Hopkins, Ellen | 1 | | 631 | You Only Live Once, David Bravo | Oshiro, Mark | 1 | | 632 | You Too? | Gurtler, Janet | 1 | | 633 | 19 Love Songs | Levithan, David | 1 | | 634 | 33 Snowfish | Rapp, Adam | 1 | | 635 | 101 Ways to Dance | Stinson, Kathy | 1 | | 636 | 1001 Dark Nights: The Queen: A Wicked Novella | Armentrout, Jennifer | 1 | | 637 | The 57 Bus | Slater, Dashka | 1 | Current count: 675 (whoops) ::: *For being a bunch of religious ding-dongs, they really missed the bus by keeping 10 books on this list.*

    This is my work hell

    I work in a remote location and my company contracted our kitchen out to the lowest bidder. I've had food poisoning 3 times.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Administration ZMonster 11 months ago 100%
    [Question] How to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible installation?

    I’m using the Lemmy ansible installation method. I’ve been trying to add sendgrid to the postfix section of the config.hjson file on my local machine. But where do I add the API key and username? I used port 587 but nothing works. Can anyone help walk me through how to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible? Thanks!! the email section of config.hjson looks like this, did I do this right? ``` email: { smtp_server: "smtp.sendgrid.net:587" smtp_from_address: "noreply@{{ domain }}" tls_type: "tls" } ``` I was able to find the server location on my VPS under srv/lemmy/domain, so I can edit the lemmy.hjson file there if need be.

    [Question] How to integrate sendgrid API into Lemmy Ansible installation?

    I'm using the Lemmy ansible installation method. I've been trying to add sendgrid to the postfix section of the config.hjson file on my local machine. But where do I add the API key and username? I used port 587 but nothing works. Can anyone help walk me through how to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible? Thanks!! the email section of config.hjson looks like this, did I do this right? ``` email: { smtp_server: "smtp.sendgrid.net:587" smtp_from_address: "noreply@{{ domain }}" tls_type: "tls" } ``` I was able to find the server location on my VPS under srv/lemmy/domain, so I can edit the lemmy.hjson file there if need be.

    Explain Like I'm Five ZMonster 11 months ago 86%
    ELI5: How does Trump benefit from overvaluating his assets? https://youtu.be/ilZt4lomngU?si=29Icczb62LD6LCUU

    I've been trying to keep up with it but I just don't understand how he profits from this scheme?

    [Question] How to get email working on Lemmy-Ansible install?

    I used the ansible method to install Lemmy on a DigitalOcean VPS. They do block port 25 and there is no way around that. I tried to change the port from 25 to 465 in the config.hjson file but still no luck. I am super new to this but I want to get this working so bad. I'm so close! The site is working fine, just no emails. I've checked spam, trash, etc. - nothing is getting sent.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support ZMonster 1 year ago 88%
    Please, need help deploying a lemmy instance...

    I have tried the docker, ansible, and scratch methods. I have been troubleshooting for a month now. I have gotten nowhere. I need someone to help walk me through how to deploy a lemmy server [because the guides](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/administration.html) are absolute **trash**. Please help. I'm wasting money running this VPS and for literally nothing. *Edit:* So, I've tried the ansible method, but I can't access my server this way. It just keeps saying "UNREACHABLE". I have generated a dozen keys, none of them work. I have **NO PROBLEMS** with ssh in Putty. I can use Putty all day. Putty works fine using my ssh key. Ansible does not. No amount of new keys has made any difference. I have countless keys in my stupid droplet because of this hacky garbage.
