Tea VermilionVulcan 1 year ago 100%
How do you track/review your teas?

*_This post assumes you are as obsessed about tea as I am. If you are not, you have my permission to just wonder, "What's up with this guy?" :D_* I find it handy to have a list of the teas that I've tried and my detailed thoughts on them, as I can't remember everything since I've tried so many teas at this point. Keeping a list has helped me avoid re-sampling the same tea accidentally and to learn what styles and regions of tea I enjoy. I use airtable.com (shown in the screenshot). I started out using Google Sheets, but I was feeling limited. I wanted to dynamically sort, filter, and search my spreadsheet - as if it were a UI form. I also wanted to add *_tags_* to describe my teas, again for quick filtering and such. airtable.com seems to be everything I need.

Tea VermilionVulcan 1 year ago 100%
Today's tea: 2022 Tong Mu "Fruit Aroma" from Yunnan Sourcing

Sweet, a good mid body strength, and a strong cherry taste and aftertaste. Black teas from Tong Mu have become my favorite of all black teas. I love to have them hot and flash chilled. They're my go-to if I want to introduce people to artisan tea. My family and friends drink iced black tea, so this flash chilled is safe enough to get them to try it.

Tea VermilionVulcan 1 year ago 100%
Today's tea: 2022 Sour Sap from Mei Leaf https://beehaw.org/pictrs/image/331bb6a1-7049-41f4-bc77-420885850f8f.jpeg

Aroma and taste profile is lightly sour underripe melon, mellowed by a light roast. I don't drink Chinese oolong very often, and if I do, they are typically more roasted than this one. I think the profile is balanced and ok, but it feels like it is lacking some intrigue. I've been favoring bitey sheng puer lately. This is my tea setup at work. I pick a tea and resteep it all day long. If I don't use it up fully, I'll take it home and put it in some water in the refrigerator to drink it cold the next day.