politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 33 minutes ago 50%

    Nah, I'm just voting for the person I like best and who best matches my values. As I would recommend you do. Thank you!

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 33 minutes ago 33%

    Thank you. It's a fun little side project. People seem to think I spend way too long on here, but I actually don't (one guy seems to think I spend 8 hours a day on here!) I work full time and I am finishing my degree. So I just do this on breaks between my other stuff. I don't take any of it too seriously. All good fun!

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 2 hours ago 12%

    That doesn't seem like I only post about Jill Stein. And since you refuse to look at my posting history for global posting, doesn't really seem to prove the argument that I only post about Jill Stein.

    Seems like you have proven that I actually post about third parties. Not just Jill Stein. Which is what I have always maintained. :)

    I don't write the articles, I just post them. There are a LOT of Jill Stein articles written every day by news orgs--far more than are written about other candidates. So that's on the news, not me, friend. :)

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 3 hours ago 10%

    Oh, I stand by all those! The guy was stalking me and sending me DM's that he was gonna follow me and keep and eye on me.

    BUT, they are not from this sub, so doesn't work for this conversation!

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 3 hours ago 10%

    And for the record, I totally support and respect your right to vote for you who you want. Just like I'll be voting for who I want. As long as we vote, it's all good, brother.

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 3 hours ago 8%

    You flack for Jill Stein- I know you say you don’t, but the majority of the articles you post

    Nope. My post history: https://lemmy.world/u/UniversalMonk?page=1&sort=New&view=Posts


  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 3 hours ago 9%

    Oh ok. So give me a sample of my behavior that calls for that. But be sure to note the comment I was replying to as well. Let's take a look!

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 3 hours ago 9%

    Because the Teamsters refuse to endorse Harris. And I refuse to vote for Harris. And a LOT of people think that a vote or endorsement that's not for Harris is one for Trump.

    I post a third party news org article and people attack me for secretly being a trump operative. That's what I mean and what it has to do with the article. Cool?

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 4 hours ago 12%

    Have you seen the comments I get for posting a news article about third parties?! lmao

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 4 hours ago 8%

    I appreciate your well-written post. And you bring up some good points. But I disagree with some as well.

    It may seem like I post only about Jill Stein, but the truth is, I just share third-party news in general. If you check my posts, you'll notice I share articles on multiple third parties, not just Stein.

    The reason you see more Stein-related content lately is that the media has ramped up coverage on her. Think about it: news orgs live off of clicks. And what has made LOTS of hate-clicks lately? Jill Stein.

    Whenever I find a relevant third-party article, I post it. Feel free to look for yourself. Go to google. Type in third party. You'll see far far more Jill Stein articles than libertarian articles or socialist party articles.

    My news feed is favored to third party news. So I see a new Jill Stein one almost every single day. Feel free to look at my post history and see how many more non-jill stein articles I post than jill stein.

    People here often jump to conclusions, assuming I’m a Russian operative, a Stein fanatic, or even a Trump voter. They conveniently overlook the fact that I’ve shared far more socialist third party content than anything related to Stein.

    And just to clarify, it’s not like I’m picking favorites—if there were more libertarian articles out there, I’d be posting those too.

    What’s interesting is that libertarian posts don’t seem to get the same level of hate, probably because they’re perceived as spoilers for Republicans, while anything anti-Democrat, like a Stein article, gets slammed. There’s a clear bias.

    You could even test it yourself: pick a different username you have, post a libertarian article, then follow it up with a Jill Stein article, and watch the difference in reaction. It’s pretty telling.

    I’ve actually started a new community on Lemmy where we share news from all political perspectives—Democrat, Republican, third parties—you name it. The goal is to foster an environment where people can access diverse opinions and make informed choices.

    Funny enough, some of my harshest critics from here have posted pro-Democrat content there, and it’s still up. That’s the point—everyone should have the chance to see all sides.

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 5 hours ago 4%

    What a fucking stupid take.

    And it's the "take" I hear every day. And nah, my feelings aren't hurt. I feel emboldened that people seem to think I am so much drama.

    But you are not being very nice.

  • politics politics Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris.
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 6 hours ago 12%

    Oh oh, that means they must be working for the russians and want Trump to win! Right, Lemmy?!

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 6 hours ago 33%

    By voting third party we ARE pressuring our gov to do that.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 8 hours ago 20%


  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 9 hours ago 16%

    but that doesn’t make you important for anyone else.

    Well then you don't have to worry about my posts then. I mean, after all, I'm not very "important" so you don't have any to be upset about and you can just let me post whatever I want. Thank you!

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 9 hours ago 16%

    A little echo chamber of your own creation,

    Actually it's for posts of all parties. So feel free to post as many pro democrat/anti-trump articles as you want.

    @skeezix has been posting pro-democrat articles there, and he hates me even more than you do. And you can call me all the names you want over there, because unless you get racist or violent, I don't care what you say. So let go and tell me what you really think of me if ya want. Or not. I don't care either way.

    I'm not sure I am allowed to post links to it, but the community is under my profile and is called Politics Unfiltered.

    See, unlike you, I don't believe in holding back news, so post away. They'll stay up. And it's Lemmy, so they'll probably get plenty of upvotes too.

    And you’re even welcoming to Republicans!

    I am. And Democrats. And third parties.

    I’ve like only reported a single post of your ilk over here, and that was for calling Dems murderers and genociders

    I've never called Dems murders and or genociders. Can you link to the comment where i said that, please? Because if something I said said that, I'm happy to edit, because I haven't said that intentionally because i don't think that.

    I’m just going to call you on your bullshit every time I see it.

    Ok, well you keep responding to every post I make then. I don't mind.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 9 hours ago 16%

    I support your right to your opinion, even tho I disagree with it.

    I'll keep posting, and I'll keep voting third party! Thank you!

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 9 hours ago 16%

    Let’s abandon First Past the Post

    Sure, but the dem party and the repub party don't want to really change that.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 14 hours ago 16%

    I don't have to explain anything to you. And thanks for making me important since you like to keep stats on me. Be sure to update us too!

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 14 hours ago 16%

    The hate and false accusations I received here directly led to the creation of a new community where even more Republican and third-party views will now be discussed alongside democrat articles.

    Isn’t that ironic? By trying to quiet me, you just made me speak up louder. Now the very views that you wanted to limit, are going be even more available. Well done!

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 14 hours ago 16%

    I don't care. I'm not voting for Jill Stein.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 14 hours ago 20%

    I'm not voting for Jill Stein. And glad you are voting for who you want.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 14 hours ago 25%

    Except, you know, for all the personal replies and conversations I've had here. But that doesn't really fit your narrative, does it?

    Also falsely accusing me of that is against this communities rules. So reported for civility.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 14 hours ago 25%

    Funny you say that. Because actually, the hateful comments and attempts to silence me here just pushed me to create a new Lemmy community last night where even more diverse political opinions can be shared.

    So, in a way, the hate and false accusations I received here directly led to the creation of a new community where even more Republican and third-party views will now be discussed.

    Isn’t that ironic? By trying to quiet me, you just made me speak up louder. Now the very views that you wanted to limit, are going be even more available. Well done!

    Guess ya should been a little nicer. :)

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 24 hours ago 14%

    You still haven't shared the facts that you have which shows that the news org is lying. What happened?

    Also, I don't have to worry about "getting anything out of Jill" because I'm not voting for her.

    I just posted the article friend, I didn't write it. I'm not voting for her. I am not saying people should. I didn't make the news.

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 40%

    I don't know what you mean. Everything I've asked is rational. Just because YOU don't like it, doesn't mean it's not rational.

    Actually, people like you inspired me to create an entirely new Lemmy community just now. You're really gonna hate it, but well, you convinced me. So thank you!

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 16%

    Yep. Do you have stats to show that it's not? Have you contacted the news org that wrote the article. They would be happy to update it if you have different facts and figures that show their information to be false.

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 40%

    I don't know what that means either. What's the context?

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 50%

    Are you ok?

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 25%

    I don't know what that means.

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 37%

    Actually I don't know what that means. Which is why I said it in my last post.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 16%

    Do you think that the Indy Star news org wore information that is a lie and was designed to manipulate voters? Are you accusing them of that?

    Because I didn't write the article friend, I posted it. You are the one calling for censorship and not me.

    So what part of this news article contained lies? What were the lies?

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 40%

    I don't know what that means.

  • politics politics Progressives aren't quite sure how to deal with Jill Stein
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 33%

    Why are you even worrying about elections other than the one in front of us?

    Because every election since as long as I have been voting, people say variations of "Well voting third party is fine, but not THIS election. THIS election is too important!"

    Which is what the OP I was replying to said.

    I've been voting since 1988. And i have heard this every election. So guess what? I've decided that this election isn't any more or less important than any election. And I'm proudly voting third party. :)

    It’s just what it is.

  • politics politics Libertarian candidates for Congress will be left off Iowa ballots after final court decision
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 33%

    I’d have to say citation needed

    Well the democrats are trying mighty hard to keep Claudia De la Cruz and Jill Stein off the ballots.

    Also, I LOVED Bernie Sanders, and I personally think the Democrats did him dirty because they wanted Hilary on the ticket. And look how that turned out.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 12%

    Wow, so you really are advocating for limiting choices and restricting access to information. You’re endorsing censorship and would rather this space be an echo chamber.

    Glad the mods here don't agree with you!

  • politics politics Presidential candidate Cornel West loses bid for Pennsylvania ballot
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 16%

    What do you mean?

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 16%

    So by posting an article, that I didn't write, from a news org I have no association with, I'm "pushing" the article?

    Are all the pro-Democrat or pro-Harris articles here also being posted by people who are "pushing" an agenda?

    Are you suggesting that news articles that don't represent the majority opinion in this community shouldn't be shared or viewed at all? Do you think certain news should be hidden from the public?

    It sounds like you're advocating for limiting choices and restricting access to information. I’d really appreciate some clarification because, to me, it sounds like you're endorsing censorship and would rather this space be an echo chamber.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 12%

    But I didn't write it. And if it's so obvious that it's a "misleading fluff piece" then it wouldn't sway anyone.

    And actually since the news org wrote it, are you saying that the news org is writing fluff pieces for a third party? Are you going to contact the reporters and the editorial team to let your thoughts be known?

    I just post the news, I don't write it, friend.

  • politics politics Jill Stein leads Harris, Trump among some Muslim-American swing state voters, report shows
  • UniversalMonk UniversalMonk 1 day ago 10%

    So does that mean you think these third party news articles posted to Lemmy are actually swaying Lemmy voters?! Come on, now... lol

    Do you honestly think that by people posting a third party article, that lots of Lemmy voters are gonna suddenly drop their Harris support and go pro-third party?!

    Is that the big mission you are on? To put a stop to that? Seriously?

    So if you DO believe that, then are you saying that people should NOT vote third party news? That people SHOULDN'T have access to other news or other opinions?

  • socialism
    Socialism UniversalMonk 4 days ago 83%
    Unions Must Rise Again to Face the Challenges of AI and Automation

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/19783775 > Brothers and Sisters, we stand at the edge of a great and dangerous frontier, just as our forefathers did when they built the mighty labor unions that once protected working people from the crushing greed of the capitalist class. The power of unions has weakened in the last several decades, with membership shrinking and corporations systematically undermining the strength of collective bargaining. > > The necessity of organized labor is about to become more critical than ever. The rise of automation and artificial intelligence, and the displacement of workers will reach levels that no one—least of all those in power—are prepared for. > > Our jobs, our livelihoods, and the dignity of human labor are under siege, and unless we take a stand, we'll see a future where workers are rendered obsolete in the eyes of the capitalist elite. Look around, it's already starting to happen. > > Automation and AI are being celebrated by the wealthy as the pinnacle of innovation, promising faster production, cheaper labor costs, and higher profits. > > But let me tell you the truth. They're only promising one thing: more power and wealth for those already at the top, while workers are tossed aside like garbage. Just as the industrial revolution was used to exploit labor in the 19th and 20th centuries, AI and automation are the new tools of oppression in the hands of today’s corporate oligarchs. > > Factories, warehouses, and even offices are being retooled not to employ people, but to replace them. Already, we're seeing retail workers, truck drivers, manufacturing employees, and even clerical staff losing their jobs as machines and algorithms take over their roles. This isn’t progress for humanity—it’s regression for workers. > > Of course, not all AI and automation are bad. These technologies, like any other tool, have the potential to improve society, to reduce drudgery, and to provide workers with more time for leisure and intellectual growth. > > But in the hands of capitalists, they serve only one purpose: *to further marginalize the working class and concentrate wealth in the hands of a few.* > > Billionaires don’t see automation as a way to make life easier for everyone; they see it as a way to cut costs and increase their profit margins by reducing the need for human labor. > > And what happens to us, the workers, when our labor is no longer needed? We’re thrown into the streets, replaced by machines, while the profits continue to flow upward. > > The time has come for us to reclaim the narrative, to demand that these advances in technology benefit everyone, not just the wealthy few. The future of labor will not be about holding onto the jobs of the past, but about fighting for the rights of all people in an economy where machines do much of the work. > > If we don’t act now, we will see a society where millions are unemployed, living in poverty, while the rich grow richer, profiting off the machines that replaced us. Our struggle is not just about better wages or fair working conditions anymore—it’s about ensuring that the benefits of technological progress are shared among all, not hoarded by the few. > > Unions must rise again to meet this challenge head-on. We need a new era of labor organization, one that recognizes the unique threats posed by automation and AI. > > Workers across all industries must come together to demand not just jobs, but a fair share of the wealth that these technologies create. We must push for laws that protect workers from being displaced without compensation, and for guarantees that retraining and new opportunities will be provided. We must ensure that no one is left behind in this technological revolution. > > This fight is not just about maintaining employment; it’s about human dignity in a world that increasingly views workers as expendable. > > **The capitalist system is not prepared for the wave of displacement that’s coming.** > > They will do what they’ve always done: use their wealth and power to protect themselves, while the rest of us suffer the consequences. > > We must take up the mantle of our ancestors, who fought and bled for the right to unionize, for the right to fair wages, and for the right to work with dignity. The fight for workers’ rights in the age of automation is the fight for the very soul of our society. > > If we do nothing, we will be crushed by the gears of progress. But if we rise, if we stand together, we will build a future where technology serves the people, not the profiteers.

    Unions Must Rise Again to Face the Challenges of AI and Automation

    Brothers and Sisters, we stand at the edge of a great and dangerous frontier, just as our forefathers did when they built the mighty labor unions that once protected working people from the crushing greed of the capitalist class. The power of unions has weakened in the last several decades, with membership shrinking and corporations systematically undermining the strength of collective bargaining. The necessity of organized labor is about to become more critical than ever. The rise of automation and artificial intelligence, and the displacement of workers will reach levels that no one—least of all those in power—are prepared for. Our jobs, our livelihoods, and the dignity of human labor are under siege, and unless we take a stand, we'll see a future where workers are rendered obsolete in the eyes of the capitalist elite. Look around, it's already starting to happen. Automation and AI are being celebrated by the wealthy as the pinnacle of innovation, promising faster production, cheaper labor costs, and higher profits. But let me tell you the truth. They're only promising one thing: more power and wealth for those already at the top, while workers are tossed aside like garbage. Just as the industrial revolution was used to exploit labor in the 19th and 20th centuries, AI and automation are the new tools of oppression in the hands of today’s corporate oligarchs. Factories, warehouses, and even offices are being retooled not to employ people, but to replace them. Already, we're seeing retail workers, truck drivers, manufacturing employees, and even clerical staff losing their jobs as machines and algorithms take over their roles. This isn’t progress for humanity—it’s regression for workers. Of course, not all AI and automation are bad. These technologies, like any other tool, have the potential to improve society, to reduce drudgery, and to provide workers with more time for leisure and intellectual growth. But in the hands of capitalists, they serve only one purpose: *to further marginalize the working class and concentrate wealth in the hands of a few.* Billionaires don’t see automation as a way to make life easier for everyone; they see it as a way to cut costs and increase their profit margins by reducing the need for human labor. And what happens to us, the workers, when our labor is no longer needed? We’re thrown into the streets, replaced by machines, while the profits continue to flow upward. The time has come for us to reclaim the narrative, to demand that these advances in technology benefit everyone, not just the wealthy few. The future of labor will not be about holding onto the jobs of the past, but about fighting for the rights of all people in an economy where machines do much of the work. If we don’t act now, we will see a society where millions are unemployed, living in poverty, while the rich grow richer, profiting off the machines that replaced us. Our struggle is not just about better wages or fair working conditions anymore—it’s about ensuring that the benefits of technological progress are shared among all, not hoarded by the few. Unions must rise again to meet this challenge head-on. We need a new era of labor organization, one that recognizes the unique threats posed by automation and AI. Workers across all industries must come together to demand not just jobs, but a fair share of the wealth that these technologies create. We must push for laws that protect workers from being displaced without compensation, and for guarantees that retraining and new opportunities will be provided. We must ensure that no one is left behind in this technological revolution. This fight is not just about maintaining employment; it’s about human dignity in a world that increasingly views workers as expendable. **The capitalist system is not prepared for the wave of displacement that’s coming.** They will do what they’ve always done: use their wealth and power to protect themselves, while the rest of us suffer the consequences. We must take up the mantle of our ancestors, who fought and bled for the right to unionize, for the right to fair wages, and for the right to work with dignity. The fight for workers’ rights in the age of automation is the fight for the very soul of our society. If we do nothing, we will be crushed by the gears of progress. But if we rise, if we stand together, we will build a future where technology serves the people, not the profiteers.

    32,000 maŝinistoj de Boeing estas en striko jacobin.com

    La laboristoj de la tria ŝanĝo forlasis la gigantajn fabrikojn de Boeing en Renton kaj Everett, Washington, kiam ilia kontrakto eksvalidiĝis frue vendrede matene, eksplodigante muzikon kaj aerklakilojn, pafante fajraĵojn kaj svingante mane faritajn afiŝojn. Ili tuj formis piketliniojn kaj komencis starigi memfaritajn fajrujojn kun "IAM" gravurita sur la flanko.

    Socialism UniversalMonk 4 days ago 91%
    From the labor strikes to the civil rights movement, our history is drenched in the blood and sweat of those who fought for justice, for the working class!

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/19768637 > The lie that Americans are inherently against socialism is nothing more than an attempt to erase the powerful legacy of socialist struggle in this country! > > From the labor strikes to the civil rights movement, our history is drenched in the blood and sweat of those who fought for justice, for the working class! > > Artist Tovarisch (https://x.com/nwbtcw) captures this revolutionary spirit in a series of posters that remind us: socialism is not foreign—it's in our bones! > > The fight for a just future rages on!

    La kanada registaro daŭrigas atakon kontraŭ rajtoj kaj gvidantoj de la kamionista konvojo. https://themilitant.com/2024/09/14/canadian-govt-continues-assault-on-rights-trucker-convoy-leaders/

    MONTREALO — Advokatoj reprezentantaj Tamara Lich kaj Chris Barber, du el la ĉefaj parolpersonoj de la Libereca Konvojo de kamionistoj en 2022, faris fermajn argumentojn en kortumo en Otavo la 23-an de aŭgusto. La proceso de Lich kaj Barber komenciĝis pasintan septembron. Iliaj argumentoj temis pri la defendo de la rajto je libera esprimo kaj protesto. Lich, eksa gvidanto de la partio Maverick en Alberto, kaj Barber, posedanto de malgranda kamionista kompanio en Saskaĉevano, estas akuzitaj pri malbonfarado, timigado kaj instigado de aliaj rompi la leĝon, akuzoj kiuj povus rezultigi 10-jaran malliberigon. La prokuroroj akuzis ilin kiel "kunkomplotoj." Ili estis arestitaj la 17-an de februaro 2022, du tagojn antaŭ ol la kanada registaro sendis 3,000 peze armitajn policanojn en la centron de Otavo por rompi la trisemajnan kampadon, kiun miloj da kamionistoj kaj iliaj subtenantoj starigis ĉirkaŭ la Parlamento. Ili postulis, ke la Liberala registaro de ĉefministro Justin Trudeau ĉesigu la vakcinajn limigojn de COVID, kiuj minacis iliajn laborpostenojn. La polica mobilizado, unu el la plej grandaj en kanada historio, estis plenumita laŭ la drakona Leĝo pri Urĝoj, invokita de Trudeau la 14-an de februaro sub la preteksto, ke la protesto estis minaco al publika ordo kaj "nacia sekureco." Pli ol 200 partoprenantoj estis arestitaj. Pasintjanuare federacia juĝisto regis, ke la uzado de la Leĝo pri Urĝoj kontraŭ la kamionistoj estis kontraŭleĝa kaj kontraŭkonstitucia, deklarante, ke ĝi malobservis la demokratiajn liberecojn garantiitajn en la Kanada Ĉarto pri Rajtoj kaj Liberecoj. La advokatoj de la registaro provas "krimigi la vortojn kaj agojn" de Lich kaj Barber, diris defenda advokato Lawrence Greenspon, kiam ili fakte konstante instigis paca konduto kaj kunlaboron kun la polico. La akuzo asertas, ke la alvoko de Lich al partoprenantoj por "teni la linion" dum la polico prepariĝis por sia atako instigis la kamionistojn malobei polican ordonojn por foriri. Sed ŝi estis arestita du tagojn antaŭ la polica ago, diris Greenspon, kiam "neniu tia linio ekzistis." La alvoko de Lich simple estis instigo por protestantoj "ne rezigni." Pli malfrue ĉi-monate registaraj advokatoj prezentos siajn finan argumentojn. Justulino Heather Perkins-McVey tiam havas ĝis ses monatojn por fari decidon. Aliaj kadraj procesoj en progreso Prokuroroj alvokis Pat King, alian gravan partoprenanton de la Libereca Konvojo, al Otavo el lia hejmo en Alberto, kie li estis sub hejmaresto dum pli ol du jaroj. Li transcedis sin kaj estis enkarcerigita en Otavo la 31-an de julio, akuzita pri malobservado de siaj kaŭciaj kondiĉoj pro afiŝado de informoj pri la kazo en sociaj retoj. Li denove estis liberigita sur kaŭcio la 9-an de aŭgusto, sed alfrontis malpermeson pri sociaj retoj, "en ĉiuj formoj." Skandala kortuma ordono deklaras, ke neniu alia rajtas afiŝi en sociaj retoj en lia nomo. King ne povas partopreni publikajn protestojn nek komuniki kun Lich, Barber aŭ aliaj konvojaj gvidantoj. Kaŭciaj kondiĉoj por King, Lich, Barber kaj multaj aliaj konvojaj partoprenantoj alfrontantaj akuzojn estis eksterordinare restriktaj, celante silentigi ilin, rompi ilian bataleman spiriton kaj servi kiel averto al aliaj inklinaj protesti publike kontraŭ registaraj politikoj. La proceso de King pri multaj krimaj akuzoj simile al tiuj kontraŭ Lich kaj Barber finiĝis fine de julio. Verdikto en lia kazo estas atendata la 4-an de oktobro. En alia kazo de la Libereca Konvojo, registaraj prokuroroj estis devigitaj retiri akuzojn la 2-an de aŭgusto kontraŭ Benjamin Spicer post kiam Justulo Timothy Lipson regis, ke lia aresto la 19-an de februaro 2022 dum la polica atako estis kontraŭleĝa. "Ne ekzistas indico, ke s-ro Spicer faris ion ajn kontraŭleĝan, kiu pravigis lin esti detenita sur la tero kaj submetita al fizika forto," skribis Lipson. "Mi trovis, ke estis multoblaj malobservadoj de la Ĉarto-rajtoj de s-ro Spicer, kaj ĉiu malobservo laŭ mi estas serioza." "Falsaj akuzoj kaj 'komploto'-akuzoj, kiuj krimigas la parolatan kaj skribitan vorton, delonge estis uzataj de la kapitalismaj regantoj de Kanado por enprizonigi batalantojn de la laborista klaso kaj sindikataj aktivuloj," diris Katy LeRougetel, kandidato de la Komunista Ligo en la federacia kromelekto la 16-an de septembro en Montrealo, al The Militant. "La sindikatoj kaj ĉiuj defendantoj de demokrataj liberecoj devas postuli la finon de la procesoj kontraŭ la Libereca Konvojo kaj la nuligon de ĉiuj akuzoj kontraŭ la partoprenantoj de la konvojo."

    Ni Devas Kontraŭstari!

    Fratoj kaj fratinoj, ni troviĝas ĉe la vojkruciĝo de historio, same kiel la Nigraj Panteroj faris en la 1970-aj jaroj, kiam ili leviĝis kun kuraĝo kaj defio por alfronti la brutalajn fortojn de kapitalismo kaj blanka superregado kapon al kapo. Ili komprenis, ke potenco neniam cedas volonte, kaj nek faros la kapitalismaj subpremantoj, kiuj prosperas sur la ekspluatado de la laborista klaso. Ni devas esti tiel senkompataj kiel ili, ne ŝancelantaj en niaj postuloj por justeco, egaleco, kaj vera liberiĝo. La status quo ne estas ia nepra forto de naturo—ĝi estas sistemo konstruita sur la dorsoj de laboristoj, subtenata de avideco kaj perforto, kaj ĝi povas esti disfaligita per la forto de unuiĝinta, klas-konscia movado. Sed ni ne povas permesi al ni la lukson de timo aŭ hezito. Niaj subpremantoj, la entreprena elito kaj iliaj politikaj marionetoj, profitas de niaj dividoj, tenante nin katenitaj en salajra sklaveco dum ili amasigas la riĉecon, kiun ni gajnis per nia ŝvito kaj sango. Kiel la Panteroj antaŭ ni, ni devas organizi, rezisti, kaj kontraŭstari. Ĉi tiu sistemo ne disfalos memstare; ĝi estos malkonstruita nur per la manoj de la popolo. Lasu ilian timon de nia potenco esti nia brulaĵo. Ni leviĝas por niaj rajtoj, por la rajtoj de niaj kamaradoj, kaj por la estontaj generacioj. La tempo por duon-mezuroj finiĝis—revolucio estas ne nur necesa, ĝi estas neevitebla. Staru firme, amikoj, ĉar la estonteco apartenas al tiuj sufiĉe kuraĝaj por preni ĝin.

    De la laborstrikoj ĝis la civitanrajta movado, nia historio estas trempita en la sango kaj ŝvito de tiuj, kiuj batalis por justeco, por la laborista klaso!

    La mensogo, ke usonanoj estas nature kontraŭ socialismo, estas nenio alia ol provo forviŝi la potencan heredaĵon de socialisma lukto en ĉi tiu lando! De la laborstrikoj ĝis la civitanrajta movado, nia historio estas trempita en la sango kaj ŝvito de tiuj, kiuj batalis por justeco, por la laborista klaso! Artisto Tovarisch (https://x.com/nwbtcw) kaptas ĉi tiun revolucian spiriton en serio de afiŝoj, kiuj memorigas nin: socialismo ne estas fremda—ĝi estas en niaj ostoj!

    Socialist UniversalMonk 4 days ago 50%
    From the labor strikes to the civil rights movement, our history is drenched in the blood and sweat of those who fought for justice, for the working class!

    The lie that Americans are inherently against socialism is nothing more than an attempt to erase the powerful legacy of socialist struggle in this country! From the labor strikes to the civil rights movement, our history is drenched in the blood and sweat of those who fought for justice, for the working class! Artist Tovarisch (https://x.com/nwbtcw) captures this revolutionary spirit in a series of posters that remind us: socialism is not foreign—it's in our bones! The fight for a just future rages on!

    From the labor strikes to the civil rights movement, our history is drenched in the blood and sweat of those who fought for justice, for the working class!

    The lie that Americans are inherently against socialism is nothing more than an attempt to erase the powerful legacy of socialist struggle in this country! From the labor strikes to the civil rights movement, our history is drenched in the blood and sweat of those who fought for justice, for the working class! Artist Tovarisch (https://x.com/nwbtcw) captures this revolutionary spirit in a series of posters that remind us: socialism is not foreign—it's in our bones! The fight for a just future rages on!

    We Must Fight Back!

    Brothers and sisters, we're at the crossroads of history, just as the Black Panthers did in the 1970s, when they rose with courage and defiance to face the brutal forces of capitalism and white supremacy head-on. They understood that power never concedes willingly, and neither will the capitalist oppressors who thrive on the exploitation of the working class. *We must be as fearless as they were, unflinching in our demand for justice, equality, and true liberation.* The status quo is not some immovable force of nature—it is a system built on the backs of workers, upheld by greed and violence, and it can be torn down with the strength of a united, class-conscious movement. But we cannot afford the luxury of fear or hesitation. Our oppressors, the corporate elite and their political puppets, profit from our divisions, keeping us shackled in wage slavery while they hoard wealth we’ve earned with our sweat and blood. Like the Panthers before us, we must organize, resist, and fight back. This system will not crumble on its own; it will only be dismantled by the hands of the people. Let their fear of our power be our fuel. We rise for our rights, for the rights of our comrades, and for the generations yet to come. The time for half-measures is over—revolution is not only necessary, it is inevitable. Stand firm, friends, because the future belongs to those bold enough to take it.
