gaming Gaming Let's discuss: Animal Crossing
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 2 months ago 87%

    Love this series so much! Relaxing and chill and just fun to go at your own pace and make your own goals. I remember buying two cartridges for Wild World so I could have two saves! Also played a ton of New Horizons during the pandemic, like a lot of people I think. I actually kind of got burned out on that one and haven’t played in a long time, my island is probably covered in weeds now, ha ha!

    I really love how they opened up more customization in New Horizons, including the terraforming. But they need a better system for actually doing the terraforming in the next game, because it seems so finicky right now. I also would love to see some inspiration from Pocket Camp come to the main games with more ways for the villagers to interact with your outdoor decorations so the villagers don’t just end up sitting on the ground most of the time!

  • literature Literature No one buys books
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 5 months ago 100%

    My bank account tells a different story.

    But seriously an interesting article! I had no idea that such a huge swath of books simply aren’t profitable, even for the big publishers. Wild!

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 5 months ago 100%

    Hope everyone has a good week!

  • gaming Gaming What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    One more turn…

    …and it’s morning.

  • gaming Gaming What are some games you find yourself frequently coming back to?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    I don’t play The Sims for months and months, then come back to it and play really intensely for few days.

    Skyrim, Fallout, Stardew Valley, and the Animal Crossing Games are my perennial favorites!

    Time will tell on this one, but I think Baldur’s Gate 3 will be one I come back to again and again.

  • literature Literature What's in your tsundoku pile?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    Mine’s not so much a pile so much as at least half of my bookcase. And it’s a little bit of everything!

  • gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 24th
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    Been playing a new farm in Stardew Valley after the 1.6 update. I hadn’t played much since back before 1.5, so there is a lot of new content! Also still grooving on Cyberpunk 2077, getting some of the main quest done.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming Stardew Valley 1.6 is out now - player count on Steam explodes [146k+]
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    Started a new farm this morning, ha ha! I’ve barely played since before the 1.5 update, so I’m excited for all the new content!

  • technology Technology Reddit IPO Filings Reveal the Company’s Hopes—and Fears
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    I relate to this a lot. I was on Reddit for over a decade, too, when I left after the third-party apps shut down. I loved a lot of the discussion over there (once I got away from some of the big subs and found smaller ones), and still kind of miss it. There really was a period of sadness when I left. I’m trying to be active over here to help these communities grow, but it’s hard to get back into it and be motivated sometimes.

  • gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 17th
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    I saw that something unlocked, but I thought it was the same maps with a chance to go back and get the species you missed or something like that. I’ll have to go look more closely!

  • gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 17th
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    Very excited for the Stardew Valley update!

  • gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 17th
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 6 months ago 100%

    I played Terra Nil, which was really enjoyable, but way too short! It only has four levels, and I would have played much more than that.

    Also playing Against the Storm, which I stumbled across on Steam looking for something else to play after I finished Terra Nil so quickly. Really liking this one as well! The city building itself is fun, and the added aspect of the metagame/cycle outside of the city builder is a twist that I think works really well.

    Also still working on Cyberpunk 2077!

  • gaming Gaming Let's discuss the 3ds family?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    I kind of miss Street Pass. I always loved it for when I was going through airports- you could get Street Passes from lots of different places!

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Have a good week, everyone!

  • chat Chat Hi, bees! Outside of news and politics, what kind of topics would you like to see more on Beehaw?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Board games would be a good one!

  • chat Chat Hi, bees! Outside of news and politics, what kind of topics would you like to see more on Beehaw?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    The weekly “What are you playing?” thread, too!

  • chat Chat Hi, bees! Outside of news and politics, what kind of topics would you like to see more on Beehaw?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    We have a literature community, but I would love a weekly “what are you reading?” or similar thread. I love seeing what other people are reading and sometimes find new books in those types of threads. Mostly I just want to talk about books, ha ha!

  • gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 3rd
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Just helping sentient taxis find their way home and other miscellaneous gigs in Cyberpunk 2077. Making slower-than-usual progress on this one, even though I’m enjoying it a lot, because I’ve been busy lately (and have a really good book that’s stealing my time, ha ha!).

    Also it’s more like what I’m planning to play, but I’m definitely going to start a new playthrough of Stardew Valley once the 1.6 update releases. I haven’t even done most of the 1.5 stuff, so I’m looking forward to a starting up a new farm!

  • literature Literature This bookshop in Fort Collins is paying people to sit down and read quietly
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Are the readers-in-residence allowed to read their books on their phone?

    In simpler terms, you won’t find labels like “fiction” or “biography” on the shelves. Instead, you’ll find genre labels lifted from book titles (“Living by Fiction”), poetry lines (“Flood the Margins”) or wordplay (“Subject, Object, Predicament”).

    I get what they’re going for, but good grief that sounds like it would be annoying if you’re looking for a particular book.

  • technology Technology Tumblr and Wordpress to Sell Users’ Data to Train AI Tools
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Blaine is a pain, and that’s the truth.

  • gaming Gaming Stardew Valley v1.6 confirmed to release in March, hits over 30 million sales
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    I haven’t even completed all the 1.5 stuff yet, ha ha!

  • literature Literature The Great Fiction of AI: The strange world of high-speed semi-automated genre fiction
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%
  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Hope everyone has a good week!

  • literature Literature The Great Fiction of AI: The strange world of high-speed semi-automated genre fiction
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Interesting article!

    The use of AI should be disclosed to readers “where appropriate,” the guidelines read, though, as with so much else, precisely where that line is drawn is left to the author. 

    I would appreciate a disclaimer like this, because I’m not interested in reading books written by AI. But that does beg the question of where to draw that line and where the distinction between authors using AI as a supplementary tool (e.g. to fill in a description of a room like the writer mentioned doing), and where the AI is doing big chunks of the writing itself lies. How much AI assistance to too much?

  • gaming Gaming What games make you happy?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    I just did two playthroughs of BG3, and I think it’s now one of my “happy” games! I can see myself going back to it several more times!

  • gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of February 25th
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Still having fun playing Cyberpunk 2077. Mostly I’m just driving around Night City doing side gigs and not really doing the main story, ha ha!

  • gaming Gaming What games make you happy?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Animal Crossing games for me! Just chilling and catching bugs or fishing or whatever is super relaxing. I also like that nothing feels rushed, you can move at your own pace, and make your town/island look however you want.

    Someone else mentioned Skyrim and that’s another one for me. I have it on practically every platform and I drop back into it every so often.

  • greenspace Nature and Gardening Damn squirrels. 🐿️
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Oh no, hope the camera is okay!

    I’ve never had the squirrels mess with my Bird Buddy, but they try to get into all the other feeders!

  • climate Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics. Texas declared war against 'anti-fossil fuel' banks that could cost taxpayers $22 billion
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Hey Texans you can vote right now! Early voting for the primary is open until Friday, March 1. The primary is being held on Tuesday, March 5.

    More info, find a polling location, register to vote, etc. online here. You also can usually find sample ballots on your county government’s website.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Having a night to meet up with some friends, got a day planned for volunteering at a local non-profit, and finally getting to dive into The Expanse book series, among all the day-to-day stuff!

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Congrats on the job(s)!

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    How are we already in the second half of February? Has this month absolutely flown by for anyone else?

    Busy week coming up, but mostly with events and activities that I’m looking forward to. Hope everyone has a good week!

  • memes Memes One meme at a time
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    This meme made me smile!

  • literature Literature Let's talk about Goodreads: Publishing obsesses over Goodreads, but does Goodreads actually sell books?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    I’m in the same boat. I tried Storygraph and the error rate importing from Goodreads was too high for me and it was missing some features I use to keep my books organized.

    I’d love to move away from an Amazon-owned company, but all the alternatives are lackluster, at least for me.

  • literature Literature Let's talk about Goodreads: Publishing obsesses over Goodreads, but does Goodreads actually sell books?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Goodreads’ strongest utility is its shelves, which function as a kind of external brain for some folks.

    That’s me, ha ha! I use Goodreads solely to keep track of my book collection and reading data, and completely ignore the reviews and all of the social media features.

  • scifi Science Fiction What were your favorite scifi toys?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Lego sets! I had some that were ice planet themed, and I remember having a bunch of spaceships that had transparent green windows, visors, etc. that I thought were so cool.

  • literature Literature What was the last book that surprised you?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Isn’t that one part of a trilogy? I think I remember seeing those books!

  • gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of February 11th
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    I completely missed getting Gale in my first run, so I finally got to see his story the second time around! Also accidentally skipped the Mountain Pass area (and some smaller areas) and did a big chunk of Act 3 backwards. My first playthrough was a mess, ha ha!

  • literature Literature What was the last book that surprised you?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Such a great title, ha ha!

  • literature Literature What was the last book that surprised you?
  • TimTheEnchanter TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%

    Okay, turns out I’ve had this book on my list for a while and I couldn’t exactly remember why I had it in there until your description jogged my memory! Sounds like I need to read this one soon!

  • literature
    Literature TimTheEnchanter 7 months ago 100%
    What was the last book that surprised you?

    Something you thought you would love that turned out to be awful, or vice versa? A great plot twist that blew your mind? What was the last book that surprised you in some way?

    Literature TimTheEnchanter 12 months ago 100%
    Spooky reads for October?

    Anyone else have some spooky reads lined up for October? My bookclub is reading *Frankenstein* this month, which will be a nice change of pace from the usual fare. I’ve got *Tender is the Flesh, Rouge,* and *Black Sheep* lined up. I will probably get to *The Haunting of Hill House* as well, which I’m really excited to read! I just finished up *Vampires of El Norte,* which definitely needed more vampires!

    How do you deal with feeling like you’re not doing enough?

    I try to do what I can to make my local community better. I research and vote in every election, donate money to local nonprofits and also volunteer there when I can (heading to the food bank in a bit, yay!), and try to speak out and offer words of encouragement when I can. But I live in a very socially, politically, and religiously conservative community. And I…am not. It constantly feels like any effort amounts to pissing in the wind, and yet also like I am not doing nearly enough at all. It makes me anxious a lot. The latest iteration of this is local people trying to get “obscene” children’s and YA books in the public library moved to the adult section. And to be clear most of these books are not obscene they just acknowledge that, hey people who are LGBTQ+ (sorry if I got that initialization wrong!) exist and that racism is a real thing. I went to the public meeting and was mostly ineffective except I got to thank the library director for her work pushing back against this. I would love to write a Letter to the Editor of the local paper to speak out, but there is a risk of retaliation against my family members and their local businesses. And most of the community seems to be behind this which is absolutely bonkers to me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t even know where I’m going with this. I think I just needed to say it. Anyone else deal with something similar- feeling like you need to do more but also feeling completely defeated about actually getting anything to change?

    Literature TimTheEnchanter 1 year ago 100%
    Here are 19 books our critics are excited for this summer (NPR)

    Some of these look really interesting! Definitely want to check out *Silver Nitrate* since I’ve enjoyed her work in the past. Anything catch your eye?

    Literature TimTheEnchanter 1 year ago 100%
    Do you set reading goals for yourself or participate in reading challenges?

    Do you set goals like reading a certain number of books in a year? Participate in reading challenges? I don’t set goals around reading a certain number of books. Those have always seemed arbitrary and not helpful for my reading. I have done reading challenges in the past, though—the yearly Book Riot Read Harder Challenge, the yearly reading challenge from PopSugar, book bingo. I like those types of challenges for helping me to break out of my comfort zone and try new authors and genres! I’ve also made my own challenges. What are some of your favorite reading challenges?

    Literature TimTheEnchanter 1 year ago 100%
    What book(s) are you putting off reading?

    Anyone else have a book (or books) that they want to read but just never seem to actually get around to reading? Any books you feel like you ought to read but never do? Probably unpopular, but for me it’s classic Russian literature- *War and Peace, Crime and Punishment* and the like. I know they’re supposed to be amazing, but I just can’t work up the energy to read them. I think *Anna Karenina* soured me on Russian literature; the middle portion of that book with Levin on the farm was such a drag that I’m hesitant about the other books. What about you?

    Literature TimTheEnchanter 1 year ago 100%
    Do you reread books?

    Do you reread books or are you done with them once you’ve read them? I like to reread books sometimes! Rereading is especially good if I’ve just finished something heavy or intense; I can follow that up with something that I’ve enjoyed before so it doesn’t take too much effort and I can have a bit of a break. I also don’t have the greatest retention for what I read, so even if I’ve read something before there’s no way I’ll remember everything. And there are certain books that are comforting and cozy and those are great to reread when I want that kind of mood.

    Literature TimTheEnchanter 1 year ago 100%
    The Most Popular Fantasy, Sci-Fi & Horror Books of the Year (So Far)

    Read any of these yet? How were they? Anything catch your eye to add to your TBR list? I’ve read *A Day of Fallen Night,* which I really enjoyed! Lots of interesting characters with relationships that felt real, action, and dragons! I would definitely recommend reading *Priory of the Orange Tree* first though, just to get that background world building info. I want to pick up *The Ferryman, How to Sell a Haunted House,* and *A House with Good Bones* since I’ve enjoyed previous works by those authors.

    Literature TimTheEnchanter 1 year ago 100%
    Do you prefer new books or used books?

    When you’re getting books do you prefer to get new ones or secondhand ones? I really enjoy the “hunt” for used editions of books that I want, and browsing through stacks in used bookstores is fun and neat way to discover books that I might not ever run across otherwise! But I’m kind of picky about the condition of books I buy, so sometimes I just go the easy route and pick up a new copy. Or if it’s a book I don’t want to wait to read I’ll snag a new one!
