The 13th Floor SkinnyBob 11 months ago 100%
BADMAN - Ganja White Night x LSDREAM - Animation - 2022 www.youtube.com

A meditation from the myconoid master for minds motivated to mend the mess you've made of your planet. [Ganja White Night](https://ganjawhitenight.com/) [LSDream](https://www.lsdreammusic.com/)

The 13th Floor SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%
Ease Your Mind - GRiZ x Ganja White Night - 2021 www.youtube.com

We'd like to ease your mind regarding the recent visitations (abduction is such a dirty word). They're not experiments... they're invitations. That is, if you've got the brass be bearable for extended space travel...

techsupport techsupport Kbin completely defederated? Kbin subscriptions have disappeared, and I can't access Kbin magazines
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%

    Is now fixed - thank you to the admins.

  • 13thFloor
    The 13th Floor SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%
    ODDKO - Censorship (Rabbit Junk Synthwave / Cyberpunk Remix) - Music Video www.youtube.com

    Oddko bandcamp: https://oddko.bandcamp.com/album/oddko-censorship Oddko linktree: https://snd.click/EscapeTheMaze --- We doubt any of you will escape the maze, but there is cheesecake available for those who succeed.

    techsupport techsupport Kbin completely defederated? Kbin subscriptions have disappeared, and I can't access Kbin magazines
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%

    Update - this only appears to be affecting certain small magazines:



    Neither of these have spam issues, so I'm unsure why they were removed / singled out. These ones are still de-federated as well:



  • techsupport
    techsupport SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%
    Kbin completely defederated? Kbin subscriptions have disappeared, and I can't access Kbin magazines

    Per the title, woke up this morning and found my kbin.social magazine subscriptions gone from my Lemmy account. I searched magazine names to resubscribe with no luck. Has Kbin been fully defederated from Lemmy.world? Note that these were smaller magazines not caught up in the spam issues from the other week, and had been working fine until yesterday.

    uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 33%

    How Pollyanna of you, especially coming from the species that invented megachurches, "Reality" TV, and the CIA.

  • uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 50%

    Well, in your defense, you all do make intriguing test subjects when properly sedated.

  • uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 60%

    Says the guy who questions my reality... hypocrisy, thy name is Sanctus.

  • uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 33%

  • uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 25%

    It's only strange if you're human.

  • uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 50%

    It's not that anyone is scared of you guys. It's just that most of you are assholes, and no one wants to hang out with you.

  • uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 75%

    Mainly because no one wants to talk to you. Humans tend to get homicidal when introduced to exotic species.

  • uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs 'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 40%

    Thanks for the compliment - a lot of our team's hard work went into the subliminal conditioning broadcasts, and it's good to have confirmation that they're working as intended.

  • music Music Carpenters - Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft (Full Version)
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 50%

    Your hate has been received and analyzed. Thank you for your contribution. Analysis has indicated that, if you can endure 50 seconds of birdsong as an introduction, you may prefer the original version, recorded by representatives of the planet Klaatu.

  • uap
    Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20,000 have vanished and UFOs appear www.dailystar.co.uk

    A mysterious triangle of land in sparsely-populated Alaska offers more sightings of paranormal phenomena than almost any similarly-sized area on Earth. As well as supposed sightings of triangle UFOs, ghosts and “aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures, the "Alaska Triangle" is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances. In fact, the History Channel says there are more unsolved missing persons cases in the region than anywhere else on Earth. A new Discovery Channel documentary interviews eyewitnesses of some of the most mysterious and compelling UFO sightings. One, Wes Smith, says the “very strange” triangular objects he saw didn’t move like any known aircraft. The low-flying mystery craft were totally silent and did not even emitting the tell-tale hum of a drone. “It’s like everything you’ve ever been taught has gone out of the window, because how is that possible?” he asked. Just over 11 miles from where Wes made his amazing sighting, another Alaska resident, Michael Dillon, caught his own mystery aircraft on camera. A light suddenly popped into existence in the night sky, moving from west to east, before shooting straight up – like the so called Nimitz UFOs – at incredible speed. “It was very obvious to me that we were not witnessing a natural phenomenon,” Michael added. “For something to change direction at that speed… a human body would be liquified.” But the mysteries of the Alaska Triangle are not confined to the skies. Since 1970, over 20,000 unexplained disappearances have been recorded in the sparsely-populated patch of land between Anchorage and Juneau in the south to Utqiagvik on the northern coast. Considering the rugged area’s low population, that figure comes out at well over twice the national average for the US. The disappearances have been blamed on everything from UFO abductions, a flesh-eating Bigfoot-type creature called the Wendigo, and magnetic anomalies that interfere with hikers’ compasses. Experienced rescue workers sent out to investigate the state’s numerous missing-person incidents have reported hearing phantom sounds, and becoming disorientated and light-headed due to some unknown feature of the desolate Alaskan wilderness. Whether some unknown physical phenomenon is responsible for the lights in Alaska's night sky remains a mystery. UFO expert Debbie Ziegelmeyer believes that Alaska is ”attractive” to alien visitors because it’s so sparsely populated. A mysterious triangle of land in sparsely-populated Alaska offers more sightings of paranormal phenomena than almost any similarly-sized area on Earth. And as well as sightings of UFOs, ghosts and“aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures , the Alaska triangle is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances. “They can pretty much go where they want,” said Debbie, who is the Star Team Investigator for UFO research organisation MUFON. “That’s the attraction of Alaska.” Rance Lentz, 41, took an interest in UFO research after an eerie alien experience when he was still a schoolboy. But a later career in the US military gave him a fresh insight into the phenomenon. “There are definitely more sightings when there’s heavy, heavy testing,” he said. “Folks on the tests see different lights… and different things off on the horizon.” There are claims someone – or something – is attracted by the cutting-edge military technology on show. Some believe that US military officials might know all about the UFO presence on their test ranges. Hypnotherapist and paranormal researcher Jonny Enoch said there’s “clearly” something strange going on in the "Alaska Triangle". He speculates that senior figures within the US military are secretly in contact with whoever – or whatever – is piloting the mystery craft. While aliens have been blamed for the disproportionate number of missing persons reports in the Alaska Triangle, some paranormal experts think there could be a quite different explanation. Cryptozoologist Cliff Barackman says “anything, of any size,” could be hiding in the Alaskan wilderness. “With so much fantastic habitat and so few people to compete with, Sasquatches basically have the run of Alaska”. Attacks by the huge prehistoric man-beast have been offered as another reason why so many people go missing in Alaska. Of course, the inhospitable terrain, and the unpredictable weather, could be the simplest explanation. But with so many of those people missing, never to be seen again, it’s undeniable that there is a mystery to be solved in the Alaska Triangle.

    'If NASA admits aliens were real, people would question reality,' expert says www.dailystar.co.uk

    A NASA bombshell confirming alien existence would leave us all 'questioning reality', an expert in psychology of belief claims. Dr Malcolm Schofield, a psychology lecturer at Derby University, was speaking exclusively to the Daily Star in the wake of NASA's report into UFO /UAP sightings. The report, which Dr Schofield admitted was “a bit dry”, didn't really provide the juicy “we've found aliens” detail that many were hoping for. In fact, it only said that aliens controlling mysterious objects in the sky was “plausible”, but failed to rule it either in or out. However, that might not be the worst thing in the world. Dr Schofield explained: “There is a body of research, at the moment, looking at a term called ontological shock, as in ontology, the nature of reality. So if something this big comes out it's going to make a lot of people question that concept of reality, and it is going to make them question their beliefs and society at large. “It's going to be quite a big deal. So I think as psychologists it will be very very important for us to take a role in that and kind of try and lessen that blow and just be very mindful of people's well being.” The 33 page report, created by 16 experts, doesn't go as far as confirming that aliens exists, but it does now open to door to the possibility that there could be something else out there. Buried deep at the end of the report is the one thing alien lovers were waiting for. It states: "At this point there is no reason to conclude that existing UAP reports have an extraterrestrial source. However, if we acknowledge that as one possibility, then those objects must have travelled through our solar system to get here . . . if we recognize the plausibility of any of these, then we should recognize that all are at least plausible.” One of NASA's key points during a press conference after the report was released, was about calling on the general public to help with more potential sightings. NASA officials also went as far as stating that they wanted to try to remove any stigma associated with admitting to seeing aliens (or possible aliens). This, Dr Schofield points out, the world has been moving towards acceptance for decades. “If you're talking about life on other planets, that is generally accepted,” he said. “When you get down to intelligent life on other planets, that's a different thing, but we're gradually moving in a particular way. And if you thought in the 1970s, that there would actually be a Senate hearing and that NASA would actually be commissioning reports on this kind of stuff, most people would not have believed you. “I would hope that we would be able to do more research into this area, and look more into what people believe, and also if these things did turn out that there was something to them, working out what kind of effect that has on us as humans would be very, very interesting.” Taking his doctor hat off, Malcolm admitted that he thinks there is “something out there, but wasn't sure if it was” intelligent or not”.

    uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs Community Post Regarding Civility During Discussions
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%

    Remember, we are all members of the human family.

    Well, most of you are, anyway... well said regardless.

  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%

    We have amplified and transmitted your message. He was in the shower, but sends his regards.

  • music
    Music SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%
    Carpenters - Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft (Full Version) www.youtube.com

    We've been observing your earth for awhile now.

    Science Fiction SkinnyBob 12 months ago 92%
    'The Battle of Victoria Crater - Part One - by Jackson Allen' - audiobook with illustrations www.youtube.com

    > In the desolate Martian frontier of Victoriaville, a brave community of settlers faces relentless threats from mercenary bandits working for a powerful Earth. It always cracks me up that the moment you humans get into space, you start squabbling amongst yourselves.... cross-posted from [@inkican@kbin.social](https://kbin.social/u/inkican)'s OC on: https://kbin.social/m/13thFloor/t/487547 [Jackson Allen's website](https://inkican.com/braintacos-science-fiction-audio-books-and-short-stories/)

    Science Fiction SkinnyBob 12 months ago 94%
    Nanu nanu

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/5697346 > >Mork : I'm trying to fit in here on Earth because these are a very violent, violent people. > > > >Orson : You mean they have wars? > > > >Mork : Oh no, worse than that. Violence is part of their everyday lives. First of all, they *slash* prices, they *drown* their sorrows, they *punch* buttons and they kill time. I'm not even gonna tell you what they do to eggs. > > > >Orson : I had no idea they were so vicious. > > > >Mork : Oh, not only that, they *blow up* photographs, they *hang* plants, and I heard one guy telling another guy, "Hey man, you can crash at my place." And even when they're finished having a fight and they want to make up, they threaten to bury the hatchet! > > > >Orson : What makes them so violent? > > > >Mork : I don't know. I think it starts when a baby is born. The first thing a doctor does is hit it. They don't stand a chance, your immenseness. >

    animation Animation GetAFix Visuals: Astrid - High On Mel
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 12 months ago 100%

    @kingmongoose7877@lemmy.film Thank you for the kind words, human. In appreciation of your fine Fediverse etiquette, your name has been removed from our list of potential test subjects. Have a nice day.

  • music Music Return to the Sauce - Infected Mushroom - 48min mix
  • SkinnyBob SkinnyBob 1 year ago 100%

    Lol - I'm still listening through - started when I posted. When I saw your comment I was like "woah, bro can time-warp". I have no chance at id'ing the originals, but this is one of the smoothest mixes I've heard - surpasses a lot of the other variants out there.

  • music
    Music SkinnyBob 1 year ago 100%
    Return to the Sauce - Infected Mushroom - 48min mix www.youtube.com

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/4897991 > When the 'shrooms do you.

    Disturbing UFO Evidence: The Magé Encounter www.youtube.com

    >With all of the recent supposed UFO/UAP disclosure, I found the story of the mass sightings of both UFOs and UFO crash sights in Mage' Brazil in May of 2020 fascinating, because there was a massive cover up. > >Today we're talking about the Mage' Encounter and going over all the video evidence and testimony that was recovered from the wayback machine or archived at the time.
