nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions What's going on at Mozilla these days?
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 2 days ago 88%

    I'm willing to bet that the people who switch to Firefox for ad-blockers and ad-free YouTube aren't the kinds of people who are donating much to Mozilla. People in online forums talk a big game about wanting to pay for products and not be the product. But it seems like people don't really want to pay any meaningful amount of money for a browser.

  • justpost Just Post This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 1 week ago 100%

    US, Russia, and China on the same side is weird to see.

  • justpost Just Post This is a bigger culture shock than the metric vs imperial system to me.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 1 week ago 100%

    But you can have multiple levels of basement.

  • tumblr tumblr Simples.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 2 months ago 100%

    To oversimplify, every human has an X chromosome and it is necessary to survive. The Y chromosome is optional and codes for some additional traits that make a person male. Chromosomes aren't foolproof and genes and in some cases entire chromosomes can essentially be turned off. However, since we have two of each chromosome this is often not a problem. So, if parts of the Y chromosome turn off, you potentially turn off the mechanisms that make a person male. In which case the person would remain the default of female.

  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 6 months ago 100%

    It's kind of their whole thing though. It's how NASCAR got started. Without it, it would kill a large part of their tourism.

  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 6 months ago 100%

    Tbf, there are American beaches known for being drivable. Specifically, Daytona Beach.

  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 6 months ago 26%

    I like that Fahrenheit has a narrower range for degrees. 1C is 1.8 degrees F. So, F allows you to have more precision without the use of decimals. Like, 71F feels noticeably different to me than 64F, but that is only a 3.8 degree difference in C.

  • science_memes Science Memes Solanum Smoothies
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 100%

    Since when are green tomatoes toxic? I eat fried green tomatoes every summer...

  • memes Memes I have never understood that.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 100%

    The shorts kind of help feel warmer if you are bundled up everywhere else. It focuses the feeling of cold on your legs where it feels less bothersome.

  • memes Memes I have never understood that.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 90%

    That's why I'm storing up on brown fat in my youth.

  • memes Memes I have never understood that.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 100%

    It's like a game of chicken where you win by being the last one wearing shorts deep into winter.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Average TS developer
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 100%

    Maybe they should be illegal?

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor Average TS developer
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 100%

    To add to this, vegetable is a culinary term and not a scientific term. Whereas, fruit can be both. Tomatoes are scientifically a fruit, but generally not from a culinary perspective.

  • politics politics Nikki Haley to launch $10m ad campaign in bid to overtake Ron DeSantis in GOP fight
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 100%

    Ron is the bigger shithead. I wouldn't like it but I could probably stomach Haley being president. However, for that reason, Haley will also never win the GOP primary.

  • politics politics Nikki Haley to launch $10m ad campaign in bid to overtake Ron DeSantis in GOP fight
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 100%

    Winner is also 77, unhealthy, and going through a very stressful period of his life. Probably a decent chance of him dying of a heart attack or something.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Just to get a second set of eyes on it, that's all.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 10 months ago 100%

    I actually highly recommend visiting the JKF Museum in Dallas (which is at the location he was shot). It was an interesting experience. It was cool to compare the pictures of the location with the present day. A lot of it is exactly the same except with thicker foliage.

  • memes Memes 13 Months
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    There are 14, they can start on any day of the week and they may or may not have a leap year.

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    What are you talking about? Google does not give law enforcement information without a warrant or valid subpoena.

    You clearly have no idea how any of this works and are fear mongering based on sound bites you may have heard. I work in this field and I know that Google (at least in the US) won't just hand over data without a valid warrant or subpoena. Now this can be a FISA warrant where the defendant (imo) doesn't have proper due process rights, but it is still a court order requiring them to comply.

  • memes Memes 13 Months
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    I don't like the idea of my birthday being on the same day of the week every year. Based on the IFC Calendar, mine would be on a Tuesday every year and that would suck.

  • memes Memes 13 Months
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    Guess the Jews win the Design the Most Convoluted Calendar contest.

  • memes Memes 13 Months
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    Big Calendar would never allow for this. Imagine only ever having to buy one calendar!

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    Yeah, I realize it's worse than that... When did I say otherwise? I even started off the comment by stating that Apple and Google's privacy features were made for anti-competitive reasons, not to benefit the consumer.

    Your type of fear-mongering isn't really helpful though. It just makes people feel powerless to large corporations and makes people try to address the wrong issues. It's important to accurately state what they are collecting and how they are using that data. We spent a decade complaining about Google not respecting privacy and selling data and what we got was Google gaining even more power. Because, that wasn't what Google was doing or their end goal.

  • politics politics Republicans Have Absolutely Had It With Tommy Tuberville: “Xi Jinping Is Loving This”
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    I don't have the energy to pore through Senate rules and find out why this is a thing. But letting one of the Senate's biggest responsibilities be barred by a single Senator seems like a huge oversight.

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    To say they are part of it kind of implies they even had a choice. When Yahoo tried to fight being a part of the program they were going to be fined $250k a day.

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    Only for things that are on Google's servers. If you have something that's on-device police will use something like Cellbrite to access it.

    The vast majority of stuff Google has on their servers isn't really all that useful to law enforcement anyway and Google requires a search warrant before handing it over. And they generally notify the user when it happens (when legally allowed to do so). Most useful would probably be location data, but law enforcement can also get similar information from cell phone companies (who are much more carefree about handing over subscriber data).

    Google and Apple are both actually kind of a pain to deal with for warrant related stuff. In my line of work, I most often see subpoenas for cell phone providers and social media records as those are much easier to get.

    People often act like Google is just handing out user user data to the highest bidder, but that really misunderstands their profit model. They are very protective of user data. Google does not like to give it out so that only they can be the ones to profit off of the data.

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    From what I've heard it's been harder for law enforcement to get into Android phones now.

    Also, the whole privacy features only make Apple's data gathering more valuable because they become the only ones that can access that information. Google caught on and is doing the same thing with their privacy features. Privacy features are nice, but it's naive to think that Apple and Google don't have other ulterior motives with implementing them.

  • politics politics RFK Jr. pulls more votes from Trump than Biden in three-way race: poll
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    It would be pretty hypocritical given that a third of SCOTUS believes in the independent state legislature theory which pretty much lets states legislatures do whatever they want with regards to federal elections. But, that's probably not going to stop them siding with Trump.

  • politics politics RFK Jr. pulls more votes from Trump than Biden in three-way race: poll
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%
  • memes Memes Kitchen when Dad cook
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    There are some dishes that should only be handwashed though. Most knives, pots, and pans shouldn't be dishwashed. Even the ones that claim to be dishwasher safe will not last as long if dishwashed.

  • news News Bud Light brewer is still struggling to sell the beer in North America over trans promotion backlash
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 92%

    Excellent take, but in defense of the AB PR team, I don't think they were expecting so much backlash from giving a 6 pack of beer to a trans person. I think it was just a small promotion they were doing and they were not anticipating this blowing up into something big. Right wing Twitter caught wind of it and made it a much bigger deal than it was.

  • nba NBA Clippers acquire James Harden, PJ Tucker, and Filip Petrusev for Marcus Morris, Nic Batum, Robert Covington, KJ Martin, multiple draft picks, and a pick swap.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 11 months ago 100%

    Third team is OKC they are giving 2026 LAC pick and doing a 2027 pick swap with Clippers. Not sure what OKC is getting yet.

  • technology Technology Los Angeles is using AI to predict who might become homeless and help before they do
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 100%

    No thanks. If this is remotely successful these fucks will next use it to Minority Report us.

  • politics politics Scalise and Jordan launch bids for House speaker after McCarthy ouster
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 100%

    They all suck, but bow-tie guy who is currently filling in the position seems like one of the less crazy options (despite kicking Pelosi out of her office).

  • risa Risa Racist provokes Klingon. Klingon breaks Racists nose.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 100%

    Me too, but it brings me great joy to make the process as tedious as possible for the questioner and go through every single city I've ever lived in.

    Most give up by the third or fourth city that isn't my country of origin.

  • technology Technology Microsoft CEO says unfair practices by Google led to its dominance as a search engine
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 90%

  • technology Technology Microsoft CEO says unfair practices by Google led to its dominance as a search engine
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 97%

    Windows is constantly nagging you to switch to Edge when you use a non-Edge browser but apparently Nadella is totally cool with that.

  • world World News Pope Francis suggests gay couples could be blessed in Vatican reversal
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 100%

    If you browse some of the catholic subreddits (not sure if they've made their way to Lemmy yet) you'll see that many conservative catholics question the legitimacy of the current Pope.

  • world World News Pope Francis suggests gay couples could be blessed in Vatican reversal
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 100%

    It seems like the more conservative catholics attack him the further left he goes.

  • world World News Paris is crawling with bedbugs. They're even riding the trains, and a ferry.
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 97%

    I'd like to know why the fuck Americans are traveling to Paris to go to Disneyland. We have two perfectly good Disney theme parks in the US. Why not go to France and enjoy French things??

    Edit: OP is an idiot. Another commenter determined that less than 10% of visitors to Disneyland France are American.

  • news News Shouting at children can be as damaging as physical or sexual abuse, study says
  • ShakeThatYam ShakeThatYam 12 months ago 81%

    Letting your child touch something hot (like a stove) to teach them a lesson is in itself physical abuse...

  • reddit
    Reddit ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 96%
    Relay for Reddit API Subscription Fees

    One of the remaining 3rd party Reddit apps (Relay) has begun discussing what it would be charging for subscription fees. Imo, they actually seem somewhat reasonable. The weird thing is that every upvote or downvote is an API call so you can rack up a huge number of API calls from voting. Also, while the costs might be reasonable now, there's nothing preventing Reddit from jacking up prices again. Edit: Also, there wouldn't be any NSFW content with the app.

    No Stupid Questions ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 87%
    Why are we focused on a room temperature superconductor instead of a less cold superconductor?

    As I understand it, superconductors work best at temperatures approaching absolute zero (-273.15C). For example, Google tells me that the superconductor in an MRI operates at -269C. There has been a lot a buzz lately about room temperature (25C) superconductors being discovered, but why is room temperature the focus? Why not focus on superconductors that work in reasonably cold environments? For example, we can easily get temperatures to -15C in a freezer. Why not create superconductors that work in that temperature range rather than 25C?

    LA Clippers ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 100%
    Clippers interested in James Harden

    Potenially adding another local guy to the mix. May as well get Kevin Love too.

    LA Clippers ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 100%
    Clippers Draft Jordan Miller with the 48th pick

    Jordan Miller is a 5th year senior guard from Miami. We now have a Jordan and Kobe.

    LA Clippers ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 100%
    Sources: Wizards, Celtics and Clippers are in strong talks on a trade that would send Kristaps Porzingis to Boston, Marcus Morris to Washington and Malcolm Brogdon to LA.

    Full Tweet: Sources: Wizards, Celtics and Clippers are in strong talks on a trade that would send Kristaps Porzingis to Boston, Marcus Morris and draft compensation to Washington and Malcolm Brogdon to Los Angeles. Sides are still working through details and Porzingis’ $36M player option.

    Google ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 100%
    New Pixel Ads

    They are pretty cringe but I did get a chuckle out of them.

    Android ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 90%
    New Pixel Ad

    These are pretty cringe but they did make me chuckle a little. Very reminiscent of the I'm a Mac, I'm a PC ads.

    LA Clippers ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 100%
    Should Clippers Rebuild?

    This Yahoo article suggests that Portland would be willing to part with the #3 pick for PG. IMO if we trade PG for a draft pick it would be best to trade Kawhi too and rebuild. Thoughts on blowing it up and building around Scoot/Miller and whatever return we'd get from Kawhi?

    NBA ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 100%
    Meta: Is flair a thing with Lemmy?

    Was curious to know if that was an option on Lemmy. Although, in some regards, it is kind of nice not knowing what team someone supports.

    LA Clippers ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 100%
    New CBA

    From what I've read there will be one year before the new CBA kicks in. So, should the Clippers load up on expensive players while they still can and whole other teams are looking to unload them before the CBA kicks in (players like Beal, Gobert/KAT, Harris for example)? Or are we better off trying to get below the tax apron. I personally think we go all in for one last hurrah while we still can. We'll probably have to blow up the team next year if we don't at least make the finals so why not? I feel like that's probably what the front office is most likely going to do.

    Corgi ShakeThatYam 1 year ago 100%
    Not sure if she counts...

    DNA tests has her at 25% Corgi, 50% Border Collie, 7% Chihuahua, and then a mix of a bunch of Terriers for the rest. She mostly looks like a mini Border Collie but I feel like her personality is very Corgi.
