msp Minneapolis - St. Paul Metro There's an apostrophe battle brewing among grammar nerds. Is it Harris' or Harris's?
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 month ago 100%

    I'm from the school that says Harris' is settled law and it's Walz' vs. Walz's that needs litigated.

  • righttorepair Right To Repair Kamala Picking Governor Walz for VP Is a Win for the Right-to-Repair Movement
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, Entertainment Software Association representing all three.

  • righttorepair Right To Repair Kamala Picking Governor Walz for VP Is a Win for the Right-to-Repair Movement
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 month ago 100%

    I'm less surprised by that than the exclusion of video game consoles.
    Didn't know the Nintendo lobby was a formidable adversary up there.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Black Lives Matter demands DNC host virtual primary
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 month ago 100%

    It’s not like there was a Warren-level progressive in the running.

    And if there were, we know from 2020 there'd still be cosplay communists insisting she wasn't progressive enough.

  • msp Minneapolis - St. Paul Metro A high-stakes showdown: 5th Congressional District Primary [Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder]
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 month ago 100%

    She isn't on the Republicans for Ukraine report card because (duh!) she isn't a Republican, but the only criteria that would get her mildly dinged there would be that she didn't sign Discharge Petition 9 or 10. Republicans with identical records as Omar get an A - Excellent rating.

    Early into the 2022 invasion, she was among fifteen Progressive Democrats to vote against the Consolidated Appropriations Act, receiving some press attention on that. Around the same time, she voted against the Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act, criticizing it as a symbolic gesture substituted for practical assistance. Neither count on the above report card, but are examples Samuels might cite to impugn her record.

    If I were in MN-5 voting singularly pro-Ukraine, there's little for Samuels to genuinely improve upon, and the pretense that he could suggests disingenuousness on the issue I wouldn't consider preferable.

  • righttorepair Right To Repair California Passes Right-to-Repair Act Guaranteeing Seven Years of Parts for Your Phone.
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    iFixit noted yesterday, "Though the bill is strong and should make repairs more available for everyone, it allows manufacturers to continue to engage in parts pairing, a practice by which they limit repairs with software blocks. They can also combine parts into expensive assemblies, which makes repairs more expensive."

    Similarly doubt there's any way to legislate against the dismal engineering that tempts a failure avalanche like the Ford F150 taillight horrorshow I posted a few days ago.

  • righttorepair
    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 97%
    When Tail Lights Lose Touch With Reality

    Water gets into 2018 Ford truck tail light assembly, corrodes connectors, disables vehicle, $5600 repair.

    chicago Chicago Where in this city can I get a tuna salad sandwich?
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 75%

    Odd. I wondered why friends from Chicago always order tuna salad whenever they visit.

  • righttorepair
    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    Surprise: Apple Now Supports California’s Right-to-Repair. 😳

    And now to meteorologist Louis Rossmann with expected impacts of the forecasted [snowstorm in Hell.](

    Julia RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    Mousetrap, a new GUI engine for Julia.

    Initial commit was June 11. Documentation is [here.](

    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    NHTSA, Massachusetts Attorney General Reach Agreement on Voter-Approved 'Right to Repair' Law

    See also PIRG's statement [*NHTSA Walks Back Anti-Repair Letter, but Questions Remain*,]( including link to the NHTSA's letter.

    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    Security Industry Association Lobbies States for Exemptions from Right to Repair.

    > Holly Borgmann, vice president of government affairs for ADT, Boca Raton, Fla., said that while these types of laws may make sense for some industries, tools and manuals that could enable someone to disarm an alarm or reroute an emergency signal should remain proprietary. Borgmann is an SIA board member and vice chair of the SIA government affairs committee. A security system that can be repaired without notifying the monitoring service, nor sending any suspicious signals, is a security system that can be defeated *independent* of right to repair legislation. Likewise, if the monitoring service can't verify repairs to be authorized by the customer, they can't handle response to an ordinary alarm. The site specific data of an alarm panel is generally uploaded remotely by the monitoring service using the communication system through which the panel is monitored. That data is retained by the monitoring service in the event it needs restored, or for use as a template should it need modified. This is a trivial operation if there are any doubts regarding the integrity of the programming.

    iowa Iowa Man who drove through Cedar Rapids protestors argues he had right of way as trial begins
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    Iowa Driver's License Manual, page 10, § 2.8 Traffic Signals.

    ibid., page 15, § 2.21 Intersections.

  • ohio Ohio I did the thing all the libs tell me to do
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    I flunked Sunday school, so I'll take the item description on its word that it's a "great way to give witness to God's truth in the Holy Bible."

  • righttorepair
    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    Why E-bike Companies Are Embracing Recycling While Fighting Repair.

    "In a letter sent to New York Governor Kathy Hochul in December, People for Bikes asked that e-bikes be excluded from the state’s forthcoming digital right-to-repair law... The letter cited 'an unfortunate increase in fires, injuries and deaths attributable to personal e-mobility devices' including e-bikes. Many of these fires, People for Bikes claimed in the letter, 'appear to be caused by consumers and others attempting to service these devices themselves,' including tinkering with the batteries at home. Before Hochul signed the right-to-repair bill, it was revised to exempt e-bikes. "Asked for data to back up the claim that e-bike fires were being caused by unauthorized repairs, Lovell said that it was 'anecdotal, from folks that are on the ground in New York.'"

    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    Congress is Preventing Us from Fixing McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines

    Entered into the record of [today's hearing]( by Congressman Fry (R-SC).

    michigan Michigan Michigan eliminates 'asset test' for food assistance
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    Republican House Leader Matt Hall quoted in the article: "offering food stamps to the rich does nothing to put food on the tables of Michiganders in need.”

    But distribute $1.5 billion to the rich through the Strategic Outreach and Attraction Reserve fund and Matt will reassure you that it helps create jobs.

  • righttorepair
    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    LED Light Bulb DIY Repair at Home.

    I don't propose any and every repair guide on the Internet relevant to post; we could easily drown in them. What sets this one apart? Not sure why, but it never occurred to me that LED lightbulbs *could be* repaired. Almost want to set up a drop box for burned out LED bulbs to give it a try. I don't imagine them equally repairable. Provided it caught on as a niche hobby, I expect something on the order of [Open Repair Data]( could be collected on this topic alone.

    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    Open Repair Alliance Surpasses 100,000 Records of Repairs and Attempts.

    These records display the wide variety of products brought to repair clinics, offer data for a few statistics as well as other insights. The most reported obstacle to repair was absence of spare parts at 32%, rising to 48% if the category is expanded to include cost-prohibitive spare parts. "No way to open product" was an irritating 17%. Lack of service documentation was 12%.

    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    Seven Right to Repair Bills Recently Introduced in Michigan Legislature.

    Video of Michigan House Agriculture Committee hearing [is archived here,]( if player link in the article proves uncooperative.

    Right To Repair RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%
    ‘Chromebook Churn’ Report Highlights Problems of Short-Lived Laptops in Schools.

    See also: [US-PIRG letter to Google's John Solomon]( urging service life extension of 13 Chromebook models, signed by thirty-six organizations.

    main main Small problem
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    As I write this reply, three buttons appear below the text dialog, "Reply," "Cancel" and "Preview." Not having deleted the text from dialog, nor committed to "Reply" or "Cancel," if I now decide to view your profile on this page by clicking your user name, it has no effect. This appears true of all links except !main and those to off-site URLs, for example, the donation heart you mentioned.

    I also observe the "Cancel" button is not offered when typing a reply to your initial post.

  • chicago Chicago y'all got horseshoes up there'?
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    6 Degrees in Bucktown had them for 13 years, but closed down last year. The owner was the daughter of Paul Keefner of Bachmann & Keefner Drug Store in Springfield, the last in the city to still have a lunch counter when it closed in 2004.

    I speculate that horseshoes will migrate north as poutine migrates south, eventually to breed a hybrid called a "mooseshoe."

  • main main Thank you all for your patience!
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    i really miss the (relative) locality of the old BBS days

    I was recalling BBS days with @TurtleTourParty's "99.9999% uptime is overrated" remark. We really have become spoiled in little better than a quarter century. The typical BBS had one phone line. Once you got past a busy signal, you had to economize your time online to give other users a chance. You'd install an offline reader to download new mail, disconnect, reply at leisure, and upload when you got back in.

    Aside from the local quality (enforced by a forgotten fact-of-life called "long distance charges," defined as "not far outside city limits"), you never posted anything to discover someone else had replied simultaneously, because you were preventing them from doing so. I have fond memories of message boards that were games designed around this fact.

    Have not tried it yet, but this promises to recapture some feel of the "good ol' days." I wish it included a sound effect of that satisfying "connected" modem squawk when you fired it up.

  • technology Technology Electronic Frontier Foundation shouted out Lemmy, Kbin, and Mastodon in their Reddit coverage today: What Reddit Got Wrong
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    I found it curious, back in December, that Twitter suppressed tweets notifying followers of a Mastodon address, acknowledging no such threat from links to other social media companies, including a few that have in shorter work surpassed Twitter's user base.

    Similar behavior from Reddit briefly banning r/KbinMigration. There's been a r/RedditAlternatives sub for over eleven years. Awkward if they suddenly decided that to be spam. For nearly as long, there's been r/Facebook providing unofficial tech support for its users. Upon resolving their issue, one easily supposes they return to looking at ads on that hellhole rather than those on Reddit. That one, I'm confident, was subject to no interruption at all.

  • askmidwest Ask the Midwest What's the Best Fast Food Chain Based in the Midwest?
  • RidgeRoad RidgeRoad 1 year ago 100%

    My preference is usually Chicago style, but this Detroit stuff will do.
