politics politics In Biden’s pledge to ‘shut’ border, a stunning political shift with Trump-like rhetoric
  • Rashnet Rashnet 8 months ago 71%

    Debating with you isn't worth my time based on your post history. Here is a WP article about the differences between Obama and Trump relating to your post and mine.

    ‘Kids in cages’ It’s true that Obama built the cages at the border. But Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policy had no precedent.

  • politics politics In Biden’s pledge to ‘shut’ border, a stunning political shift with Trump-like rhetoric
  • Rashnet Rashnet 8 months ago 90%

    There were more deportations from the Obama administration than both the Trump and Bush Admins. Clinton deported more people than any president before him back to Grover Cleveland. Obama had over a million more people deported in the 8 years he was in office than Bush had in his 8 Years. The bs right wing talking points are easily proven false and there is plenty of evidence to prove them false but once the idiots hear something they latch on to it and believe it no matter what. The only difference between right wing immigration policies and left wing immigration policies is the left wing tries to treat immigrants like human beings and is easier on those seeking asylum.

    Funny I just reread your comment and saw you mentioned something about treating people like humans I agree and that's my point also.

  • news News Texas Governor says TX Constitution “…supersedes any Federal statutes…”
  • Rashnet Rashnet 8 months ago 100%

    I doubt there would be any companies that own the refineries that would stay in TX at the risk of losing all the business they do in the rest of the US. TX would be a dystopian nightmare to live in if they did leave the US. No national company is going to stay, all the military bases and defense industry would be gone, no products will be delivered from other states for as long as it would take to figure out passports and immigration back into the US, the airports would no longer have FAA oversight, and a million of other small things that get taken for granted in everyday life would be gone. Companies that are US based have a responsibility to work in their shareholders interest and I can't see any rational shareholders wanting to leave the entire US market for the shithole TX market.

    Edit: I replied to the wrong comment but it kind of fits so I'll leave it.

  • news News Oklahoma 13-year-old believed to be first person ever to beat Tetris
  • Rashnet Rashnet 9 months ago 80%

    A kid just did it tonight at level 155 - Fractual161 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN18RxSgDZ4&t=3363s I think that time stamp is right around when he did it, if not look around the middle of the video.

  • news News Thousands of fake Facebook accounts shut down by Meta were primed to polarize voters ahead of 2024
  • Rashnet Rashnet 10 months ago 100%

    I retired in 2019 and spent months tracing accounts and reporting fake accounts to facebook and never had one account removed from my reports. I found the Dorr brothers alt accounts and exposed their astroturfing various gun groups and anti-quarantine groups that acted like local grassroots groups for a large number of locations. A Washington Post article (and several other news orgs picked up the story) was published after I contacted a reporter about what I found and handed over the evidence I found. Facebook didn't remove one single group or account linked to the Dorr Brothers.

    The point I'm getting to is I just had a post of mine removed two days ago for "Cybersecurity" reasons. The post was made in August and was nothing more than me explaining Project 2025 and contained quotes from the Project 2025 manifesto. No links and in no way could be a threat to anyone's security. Facebook is anti-democracy and a threat.

  • news News California governor rejects bill to give unemployment checks to striking workers
  • Rashnet Rashnet 12 months ago 80%

    Here's the AFL-CIO's take on right to work AFL-CIO

    I used to be a union member in a right to work state and we had no union contract or protections until a democrat majority was voted in to the state government and passed a law allowing public safety unions to collectively bargain a contract with our employer.

  • news News California governor rejects bill to give unemployment checks to striking workers
  • Rashnet Rashnet 12 months ago 75%

    Right to work states are anti union.

  • politics politics House GOP advances four spending bills after failed attempts
  • Rashnet Rashnet 12 months ago 100%

    I was just thinking earlier that there are two groups in congress that are advancing Russia's agenda. The ones actively working and following Russia's plan and the fucking idiots who have no idea what they are doing. I also think Greene falls in the fucking idiot category.

  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah I do the same thing. Took the free cs50 classes from Harvard online because I was bored one night and wanted to learn Python for some reason.

  • android Android Google Keep for Android is getting some overdue upgrades - The Verge
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    Meal planner and shopping lists are a gateway drug. Next thing you know you're 30 topics deep with embedded webpages and items in a database, planning world domination one step at a time.

    In all seriousness, I started using notion because I have ADHD and needed something to keep me on track then I really over did it and have lists and planning set up for most of my daily life and I share it all with my GF who uses it for all of her notes.

  • politics politics The GOP has a master plan to criminalize LGBTQ people
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 94%

    The problem is the GOP voters are idiots. Low - No information voters whose entire political education is based on cherry picked and planned sound bites. Most don't know they are voting for the end of the US or fascism but they sure as hell know they are voting to "insert fear mongering sound bite". They eat this stuff up since it hurts someone else. No other political party in the US capitalizes on keeping idiots entertained.

  • android Android Google Keep for Android is getting some overdue upgrades - The Verge
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    Obsidian and Notion are decent.

  • linux Linux Why don't more people use desktop Linux? I have a theory you might not like
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I've settled on using wsl2 on a windows machine. I run Ubuntu and kali in wsl as virtual machines on my main windows computer. I was an early user of linux and bsd but have found it's just plain easier to run day to day on windows.

    I run both Ubuntu and kali simply because I haven't been able to make sound work correctly with Ubuntu on wsl but it works great in kali, plus kali has all the pentesting stuff so I can play around with that in my free time.

  • books Books Being gifted a Little Free Library for my birthday...
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    Congrats on the neat gift! Only thing I saw on the site was "fits books up to 15" tall". I'd assume the sides are around 1/2" thick and the over hang of the roof is around 1.5" - 2" on each side. The bottom is probably 1/2" thick also so subtract that from the outside dimensions given on the website and you should have a rough idea of what the inside is unless they have some additional support inside that we can't see from the pics on the website.

    I have been wanting to put one up for quite a long time but live in an area where I'm afraid it would become a drug stash or an invitation for trouble. I still might do it someday because I think it could help someone and that would outweigh the downsides. I hope yours gets a lot of use!

  • technology Technology Oil companies are hiring TikTok influencers to court young people
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I'm not sure if they would be classified as influencers but have you ever fallen into the rabbit hole of youtube reaction channels? I fell into it because of a band I like was being heavily reacted to on youtube but I quickly noticed there is a cycle of right wing propagandists like Tom McDonald and other music type people who get featured on these reaction channels. The majority of the reactors I watch are black but they sell their souls for the traffic they get from what I assume are mostly bots that watch and comment in support of the right wing propaganda.

    The first time I watched one of those reaction videos I was awestruck by how the reactor was so agreeable to the theme of "I won't apologize for being white". I know it's only tangibly related to the topic here but I have been bothered by it and wanted to share and see what other people think.

    I am convinced the reactors or paid to favorably review this stuff.

  • homeimprovement Home Improvement Is there something wrong my AC? It’s a 1 year old unit and it can’t seem to keep up. For reference it is a high of 92 F today
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    The other posters have given good info. I just wanted to add to try setting the fan to on instead of auto so it runs all of the time. This will help keep the air moving in the house and might help keep it cooler. Also make sure you check the filter and change it if you haven't yet. See if your energy company offers an energy audit. that will tell you if you have leaky windows, doors, or insulation problems. I have shitty insulation but with the ac fan running all of the time I can keep the house @ 70 - 72 on a 95 degree day.

    I'd also consider getting a second opinion from another HVAC company, you could have undersized ductwork or another problem that the first company isn't acknowledging.

  • news News Plane crashes during Thunder over Michigan Airshow
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    That's crazy! I like aviation but the track record of airshows has kept me from going to any the last few years.

  • news News Group of up to 50 people shoplift about $100K worth of luxury items from L.A. mall; used bear spray against guards
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I never said anything about condoning criminality. I said valuing property higher than life isn't right. I said this in another post a few days ago but I'll say it again. I live in a high crime area and I am sick and tired of people stealing from not only me but my neighbors and from businesses that support the community's needs. That doesn't change the fact I think it's morally repugnant to want to kill someone for property theft.

    If we invested more in community building and opportunities along with courts and police departments upholding the law we would have less of these types of crimes. Where I live the police stopped policing because they got mad after several officers were charged with the murder of a kid they arrested. In my eyes that makes them the same as the people stealing from the community. The courts here rarely convict juveniles so the kids know they can get away with just about anything.

    While I say I live in a high crime area I also know that overall in the US crime rates have been declining over the years especially violent crime rates.

    Wikipedia Crime stats

  • news News Group of up to 50 people shoplift about $100K worth of luxury items from L.A. mall; used bear spray against guards
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 80%

    Your comment is on the nose.

    I have had many arguments with people over the fact you shouldn't want to shoot someone over property. I'm a gun owner but I don't carry a gun and I don't believe a life is worth less than property. The amount of people I know who carry a gun and have said they would shot someone for stealing is incredibly high and troubling.

    I don't know if it is a direct result of the daily dehumanization of ethnic groups and criminals we are bombarded with all day long everyday or if it is much more complex but there is a real problem in the US when large groups of people don't value other people's lives.

  • til Today I Learned (TIL) TIL that after psychologist Timothy Leary was sentenced to prison, he had to take a test that he himself created. He used his knowledge to be assigned to a lower-security prison and escaped.
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    It's fascinating how some of that generation have turned out. My parents are in their mid 70's and are on an edibles kick right now since they "are to old to be smoking". Their neighbor is the same age and has bought into the whole war on drugs and just about every other bit of propaganda authoritarians have put out in the last 50 years. The neighbor is a good source of daily excitement and stories that my parents like to tell us when we see them.

  • news
    News Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    Plane crashes during Thunder over Michigan Airshow www.13abc.com

    Videos circulating on social media showed a plane crashing and two crew members inside ejecting while opening their parachutes.

    homeimprovement Home Improvement Metal anchors in wood
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    Drill them out with a slightly larger drill bit then fill the hole.

  • crazyfuckingvideos Crazy Fucking Videos California 7-Eleven workers beat robber with stick until suspect starts crying
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    It's a nation wide thing I'm pretty sure. We have the same crime rings here that do the same thing. It's known as the homeboy shopping network around here. They steal it all then have other people (usually a girlfriend or hanger on) sell it on social media sites or on the street. I regularly see household cleaning items for sale in bundles on local facebook groups. I was just at Home Depot tonight and the woman at the self checkout told us that just before we came up to check out 4 people walked right out with full carts. It sucks and it costs all of us.

    My neighborhood has been having a crime wave all summer and it's all 11 - 15 year olds committing the assaults, shootings, and thefts. The police say that is who stole our car and they have no hope of ever catching them and if they do catch them they won't face any real consequences. The police gave up here both because they are apathetic but also because the police murdered a guy a few years ago and are mad several of them got charged with his murder so they stopped policing. I've had to call 911 about 15 times this year and when I could get through the average response time was over an hour.

    I have been lucky to live in all types of areas but I know people who have never lived in an area like this have this belief that everyone is good and deserves a chance. I no longer believe that. There are plenty of people that will harm you, steal from you, or kill you and not waste a moment thinking about it.

    Almost all of the people on my block work hard for their stuff also and it kills me when one of us lose it to people who steal it from us.

  • crazyfuckingvideos Crazy Fucking Videos California 7-Eleven workers beat robber with stick until suspect starts crying
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    While I agree with your position that this is a result of all the bad policies of the past I think you are missing the other side of the equation where people who live in crime ridden areas and don't steal from stores or their neighbors lose food access and access to items they need to live when stores pull out of the worst areas. People steal in all areas not just 'poor' areas but poor areas are hit the hardest when it is no longer possible to buy food within 5 - 10 miles or to go to a shopping center and buy clothes or whatever else you need to function in society.

    I live in one of the top 5 "worst" cities in the country and I am tired of having my stuff stolen. In the last month I have had a car stolen, a bicycle stolen, and several people climb over my 6' fence in the middle of the night to see what they can steal from my yard. This is just in the last month. The last 10 years have been an ongoing cycle of thefts, murders, muggings, and assaults. I don't know where you're from or what your situation is but I hope it is someplace better where you don't have to worry about these things and it's a place where you can go to the store and not worry about someone robbing the store while you are in it.

    Also that guy didn't steal food. He tried to steal a 30 gallon trash can full of cigarettes that he filled up by walking behind the counter and emptied out the display rack.

    I feel like you have an idealistic outlook on people in general. I used to also and still do to a point but at some point you have to acknowledge the fact that there are times and people that do not deserve to be shared in that outlook.

  • technology Technology Google doesn't work anymore ?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    It's complete shit right now. 5 or more years ago I could quickly find an answer to a very technical question with no problem. Now it is useless for anything. Just today I was looking for a shop near me that can perform a front end alignment on my RV, I searched for "Tractor Trailer front end alignment near me". The entire first page is either tire shops that do not offer front end alignments, car tire shops that don't even sell the correct size tires I would need for a tractor trailer, or shops 2000 miles away in various directions. It's horrible and I think it would be faster to look in the yellow pages for what I need in this case. I never found a shop using google.

    Also today I was searching for the tires I need in the shopping tab there were ads for tires that google had labeled as wal-mart but when I would click the link it would take me to a Chinese scam site.

  • politics politics I Fell Down the Alt-Right Rabbit Hole. Eventually, I Climbed My Way Out.
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I think something changed in the last few days overall with YT. I have been getting recommendations for videos I watched 4 or 5 years ago and they show as unwatched.

  • politics politics I Fell Down the Alt-Right Rabbit Hole. Eventually, I Climbed My Way Out.
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    What's kind of weird to me is that the very little political content I watch is ostensibly left wing.

    Same for me. I assume the propagandists have found a correlation between standup and people they can influence. I don't watch right wing stand up either in fact I purposely click don't recommend on anything right leaning when I do see it.

    On a semi related note, I have just noticed in the last 4 days that there are a bunch of rap and black reaction channels giving a favorable reaction to that country song that was just taken off CMT. I actually took the time and watched some of them in an incognito tab and the reactions are suspiciously similar. The hundreds of comments on these videos are all the same and from users with names like suziwpgt3 or other bot type names. I can't put into words the dismay I feel about the danger of people feeling validated by these obviously faked or paid for reviews.

  • politics politics I Fell Down the Alt-Right Rabbit Hole. Eventually, I Climbed My Way Out.
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I watch a lot of YouTube content and almost none of it is political either way. Mostly it's how-to videos, science videos, or music videos. I've noticed two things lately concerning alt-right recommendations - First is, I get alt-right videos recommended when I visit a creator who in addition to their "normal" content has one or more videos that espouse right wing commentary. I recently fell into a rabbit hole of watching reaction videos of people reacting to a band I like and watched a reaction from a channel called LFR Family. Unknown to me since I was just watching one video about a music reaction this channel is run by very pro-trump people and they have several political videos. After I finished the video and went back to the YT home page every other video was a right wing propaganda piece. The second way I've started to get the right wing recommendations is by watching several stand up comedy videos in a row.

  • politics politics Leonard Leo, ‘Free Speech’ Guy, Had Man Arrested for Calling Him a Fascist, Per Lawsuit
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    The world would be a better place without these assholes slithering around. They are like sewer rats wading in shit just under our feet waiting for an opportunity to invade our homes to spread their filth and disease. I am astounded everyday how a few extremists manage to sway and influence a decent portion of normal people to the brink of committing atrocities. This is a world wide problem and not just US centric, though the ~30% of US voters who eat up that stuff scare the crap out of me.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Kbin/Lemmy integration
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I'm not sure why you're not getting new content but I am seeing your post on Kbin and wanted to let you know it is at least working from your side - Kbin.social.

  • linux Linux What was your first experience using Linux? How old were you? Stick around or did you go back to windows before eventually circling back to Linux?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    In 1999 / 2000 I started using Mandrake because I missed the days of using a terminal instead of a GUI. That got me into setting a web and mail server up and running things from home once I had stable internet. I have always had an on and off relationship with Linux and the other *nix. Currently I have a few servers running around the house for various things all running Ubuntu but besides upkeep and making changes I don't touch them much until my ADHD kicks in and I want to learn something new then I burn out for awhile and repeat the cycle. I am probably the outlier here that uses windows daily and Linux secondary these days.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why don't all subscribed communities show up on 'subscription' feed?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I like the idea of more "metrics" being used to help "weight" the search results. E.g. if you're viewed heaps of content from "magazine A", then content should be surfaced more from that magazine.

    I think that is the way 'best' works on reddit and it is the way I preferred to use that site. I agree with you that using metrics would be awesome with the added filter 'best'.

  • linux Linux Why is openSUSE so... weird?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    Man Mandrake brings back some memories. It was my first linux install solely because they had the fastest shipping time for install cd's and at the time I was on dialup so I couldn't just download anything I wanted. I ran it for several years and ended up on a few different distro's and freebsd for a bit.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Kbin keeps logging me out, while I'm actively using the site - I go to make a comment or something and it doesn't work; logging back in automatically redirects me to the front page.
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    It started doing it to me on the Chrome PWA after the last update but I'm not sure if it is a result of the update or the fact that I started turning on screen auto-rotate in android settings at the same time as that update since it STOPS the PWA from rotating the screen when auto-rotate is on. I also can't stay logged in even if I am fast enough to check the stay logged in box while on mobile. As soon as I enter my password it automatically logs me in without me hitting the login button.

    I haven't had it happen on desktop Chrome. I am running two scripts on desktop and none on PWA. Desktop is running; Kbin enhancement script and Kbin Usability script.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Why exactly did the android community's mods decide to basically leave world?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    Not if you're on kbin. The new server isn't federated with kbin.social for some reason.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Have there always been this many pressure washing / window cleaning businesses?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    You use a lower pressure and higher GPM than pressure washing. There are different ways to do it some people use a 12 volt pump with a flow between 5 and 10 GPM along with either a downstream injector or a mixing valve and separate tanks to inject SH (Sodium Hydroxide) and a surfactant (soap) into the wash stream. Other people use gas engine driven pumps the same as a pressure washer but the nozzle at the end of the line takes down the pressure of the water emitted from the pump so you don't damage the house. This is the most non-destructive and really the only safe way to "pressure" wash a house or roof. You can also use it on sidewalks and driveways. The SH kills organic matter and the soap breaks up dirt and grime. It is applied to the house and sits for several minutes then washed off with a stream of water.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Have there always been this many pressure washing / window cleaning businesses?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    To be honest I am considering doing soft washing. I am retired and have the time to put into it.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Have there always been this many pressure washing / window cleaning businesses?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I think it's the Youtubers who claim how easy it is and make claims of making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year doing it. Somehow those videos made it into my algorithm on YT. Everyday for several months I get at least one usually 3 or 4 pressure washing / house washing videos recommended. I'm sure many other people are also. Seems like there are 2 bigger companies spamming Youtube with how to get in the soft washing business and that birthed a number of people who vlog on yt about how great the business is.

    Edit: It also has a low cost of entry to start a pressure washing or soft washing company. From what I've seen you can start one for under $500 in equipment and have seen videos of guys using their cars to haul around the equipment and chemicals. So anyone who wants to can get into the business. On a side note I doubt many of them are licensed or have liability insurance. The risk of property damage is super high when running a pressure washing or soft washing business.

  • cars Cars - For Car Enthusiasts Hyundai Sonata Hybrid questions
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    I can't directly answer most of your questions but as far as I know they have overcome the self destructing engine issues. That said right now I would stay away from Hyundai's right now due to the auto theft issues they are facing. While a new one will most certainly be safe from the USB stick method of starting it you will still be at risk from idiot would be thief's who will break your window and tear apart the steering column just to find out they can't start the car.

    My GF's Hyundai was stolen last week along with 3 others in the neighborhood. The kids that stole it broke into many newer Hyundai's not knowing they couldn't start them. Unfortunately my GF's car was found a few hours later and is being repaired. Now we have to live with the fear that the car will be broken into again and again. The police said they suspect it is kids between 11 and 15 years old so they aren't smart enough to tell what models or years are stealable hence the newer ones being broken into and tore apart. For this reason alone I will probably never buy another Hyundai or Kia. I have been a owner of both in the past and would have continued to own them prior to the thefts.

  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    This brings back memories I'd rather repress.

  • nostupidquestions No Stupid Questions Does anyone know where the male fashion advice community scattered to?
  • Rashnet Rashnet 1 year ago 100%

    Search on Lemmy Explorer put your search term in the box that says "Filter Communities" I only mentioned that because it's not intuitive should just say "Search" IMO

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearMU
    Music Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    Ren - Hi Ren (Official Music Video) www.youtube.com

    This is one of the most genius works of art I think I have ever seen. I've watched it several times and have noticed something different every time. Ren has a ton of really great works that will blow your mind. I suggest this one first then *The Hunger* after The hunger you could listen to *Money Game* pt1 and pt2 or go down the rabbit hole of his Busking videos. Only thing is to make sure to listen to *Jenny, Screech, and Violet* In that order as they build on each other.

    Retro Communities Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    I doubt anyone remembers or knows of it but I used to run the Blackhole BBS in Maryland back in the 80's.

    I was about 12 years old maybe 13 at the time and I forget a lot of the people that visited but I had a great time running it and learning how to set things up. I ran a few different brands of software but the last I remember is teleguard. I made some good friends via the bbs and was an early user of Fidonet. Two of my friends and I spent many hours in my parents basement setting things up and calling other BBS's around the world. I was lucky that my parents let me get a dedicated phoneline just for the BBS and to use to call into other BBS's but that quickly became an issue when I had a $300 phone bill! We weren't well off and it was a big hit to my parents and me since I was paying for the phoneline with money I made from odd jobs around the neighborhood. It got my computer privileges revoked for several months and a good old ass whooping if I remember correctly. The area I was in had a loose network of BBS's that would forward mail and sync. The sysops of those BBS's were all older than I was but treated me well and included my ideas and my friends ideas in planning and setting things up. A few years went by and I was getting interested in some government BBS's like NASA who had an interface for data from the voyager prob and some ARPANET sites that I stumbled upon while poking around a local college campus computer lab. I ended up getting caught on (I can't remember if it was a BBS or on ARPANET) The navel nuclear safety laboratory computer system. I didn't get in trouble with the navy for that but they wanted to know how I got in and had me walk them through everything I did but I did get IN BIG trouble from my parents who took away the computer and made me take down the BBS. I think I was about 16 or 17 when they took away the computer and the older guys that ran the other local BBS's were just starting to build what would be the first local ISP. They had asked me to help with it in return for being a part of the company. I had to turn them down and in the end after being very successful those guys sold the ISP to a national company for millions of dollars. Funny how life works out sometimes. I can't complain I ended up joining the local fire department and went to make a career out of that.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearRE
    Reddit Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    Banned from r/news for deleting a 10 year old comment with redact. Guess the mods there have no backbone. No big deal to me since I'm deleting my account soon but be aware.
    Kindle Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    Messed up and broke a 1024 day reading streak :(

    I had a 1024 day reading streak going and somehow missed a day just this past Monday. What a bummer. We had some plumbing issues at the house and it threw my whole day off.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearGA
    Gaming Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    US judge temporarily blocks Microsoft acquisition of Activision | CNN Business https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/13/tech/microsoft-activision/index.html

    A US judge late on Tuesday granted the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) request to temporarily block Microsoft Corp’s acquisition of video game maker Activision Blizzard and set a hearing next week.

    Technology Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    Europe is leading the race to regulate AI. Here's what you need to know | CNN Business www.cnn.com

    The European Union took a major step Wednesday toward setting rules — the first in the world — on how companies can use artificial intelligence.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearKB
    /kbin meta Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    For those who might not know. Here is the way to search for and subscribe to federated magazines.

    It took me a while to figure this out today and hopefully will help someone along the way. I saw a post about Lemmy Explorer, a website that lets you find new to you magazines across the federated servers. Great! I thought just what I need to find topics that interest me. So I found some magazines I wanted to subscribe to on kbin and first clicked magazines to search for them but none showed up. "Huh" Next I tried the convenient copy function on Lemmy Explorer and pasted the copied text both under magazines in the search bar and into the search on the front page of kbin. Neither worked for me. The fix is pretty simple. When you copy from Lemmy Explorer the text copies like this example "!linux@lemmy.ml" all you need to do is remove the "!" at the start making it "linux@lemmy.ml" or "technology@beehaw.org". Paste the text with the "!" removed into the search bar on the front page of kbin and you will see the magazine pop up. From there you can subscribe to that magazine. This is without a doubt well known to legacy users of kbin but as a new user I was struggling to figure it out. [Lemmy Explorer](https://lemmyverse.net/communities)

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearPE
    Pet Pictures Rashnet 1 year ago 100%
    Always have to touch each other when they are sleeping.