• Quexotic Quexotic 3 days ago 100%

    Oh. I see your point now. Yes.

  • unions unions Amazon tells employees to return to office five days a week
  • Quexotic Quexotic 3 days ago 100%

    Simple. We're not unionized.

  • Quexotic Quexotic 3 days ago 100%

    Is it really? I don't know much about "real" art, just know what I like.

  • Quexotic Quexotic 3 days ago 100%

    This is the best AI art that I've seen in a very long time. Possibly ever.

  • cybersecurity Cybersecurity Russia APT28 Cyber Attacks German Air Traffic Control
  • Quexotic Quexotic 2 weeks ago 100%

    Wait, Trump was the 58th president? I smell an AI article.

  • games Games Remedy Entertainment Plc: Inside information: Remedy and Annapurna announce a strategic partnership agreement on Control 2 and bringing Control and Alan Wake to film and television
  • Quexotic Quexotic 3 weeks ago 100%

    Having seen what Annapurna has done creating unreal worlds and impossible recursive realities I am extremely hyped to see what they do with control 2. I will definitely play the shit out of that game.

  • vandwellers VanDwellers What methods do you use to cook food?
  • Quexotic Quexotic 3 weeks ago 100%

    You use it very much like a tea kettle. It pulls a thousand Watts for 3 to 5 minutes depending on what you're cooking. You bring the water to the boil and you are pretty much done. You only leave it plugged in while you're using it you must use it with water in it and you always unplug it when you're done.

    I should note that the one that I linked before was the same design but with inferior materials and leaked badly, shorting out and causing a dangerous situation. I linked to the replacement that I've been using since that has been performing very well.


    If you're using something or electrical to cook, and a device like this is ideal because the heating element is almost directly in contact with the material that's being heated so the amount of energy loss is very low and the efficiency is much higher. Just about the only way you could do better is with an induction cooktop which turns the pot itself into a burner using induction.

    I can't speak to generator usage.

  • greentext Greentext Anon makes up a word
  • Quexotic Quexotic 2 months ago 100%

    Even funnier. I am not a software develoer. It's odd that my keyboard won't even let me write it that way without extra effort.

  • greentext Greentext Anon makes up a word
  • Quexotic Quexotic 2 months ago 100%

    Aaah appealing to my imposter syndrome I see. Noice!

    Thank you for the laugh.

  • greentext Greentext Anon makes up a word
  • Quexotic Quexotic 2 months ago 95%

    I remember a 7th grade teacher making fun of my computer knowledge as I had made some fun adjustments to the qbasic gorillas game. She said "you act like you know more than anyone else does" trying to shame me in front of the class. My response? "That's because I do." As flatly as I could. She was silent.

    I have software developer in my title now.

  • cybersecurity Cybersecurity Resurrecting Internet Explorer -- the nasty threat impacting potentially millions of Windows 10 and 11 users
  • Quexotic Quexotic 2 months ago 100%

    Will or funding. Replacement of a system that initially cost 5mil to install and configure in 2009 is gonna cost 2x that at least to replace.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • Quexotic Quexotic 3 months ago 100%

    No one else will have us. Immigration laws are very difficult to navigate for almost every country. We've looked.

  • imageai AI Generated Images Centerfold by The J. Geils Band
  • Quexotic Quexotic 3 months ago 100%

    Weezer - buddy holley

  • games Games Starship Troopers: Extermination - Official Release Date Trailer | IGN Live 2024
  • Quexotic Quexotic 3 months ago 100%

    Without the philosophical overtones and the anti military industrial complex theme, I don't think I'd want to play it.

  • games Games PlayStation's Focus Has Shifted From Game Sales to Actual Play Time, Sony Says
  • Quexotic Quexotic 4 months ago 100%

    And today I love a stranger. Wonderful!

  • games Games PlayStation's Focus Has Shifted From Game Sales to Actual Play Time, Sony Says
  • Quexotic Quexotic 4 months ago 100%

    I love that this is pronounced Arr Poo (ARPU)

  • games Games Two Joy-Con drift lawsuits have been dismissed after five years
  • Quexotic Quexotic 4 months ago 100%

    It is at Amazon, at least now. Twice I've gotten used for new. I'm not shopping there if I can possibly avoid it at this point.

  • becomeme BecomeMe American Heart Association Was Paid Off By Procter & Gamble To Say Heart Disease Was Caused By Saturated Fat, Not Seed Oils
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    This is what regulatory capture looks like.

  • becomeme BecomeMe American Heart Association Was Paid Off By Procter & Gamble To Say Heart Disease Was Caused By Saturated Fat, Not Seed Oils
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    Wow. Thanks, that's scary!

  • becomeme BecomeMe American Heart Association Was Paid Off By Procter & Gamble To Say Heart Disease Was Caused By Saturated Fat, Not Seed Oils
    becomeme BecomeMe American Heart Association Was Paid Off By Procter & Gamble To Say Heart Disease Was Caused By Saturated Fat, Not Seed Oils
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 98%

    It's no wonder more people than ever are skeptical of public health organizations and mainstream experts who claim to possess the final word on health and nutrition, when there is so much proof that information has been censored and even doctored in order to push a certain message that will help corporations like Procter & Gamble become richer and richer.

    Like... Just wait till you hear about sugar and the lies around that.

  • cybersecurity Cybersecurity Hackers are threatening to leak World-Check, a huge sanctions and financial crimes watchlist | TechCrunch
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    Kinda have mixed feelings about this. Those who are innocent know that they are on the list at the cost of their SSN or national ID. Bit of a mixed blessing there.

    Also, a bunch of truly bad actors will be compromised. Maybe that's good?

    Hmm. Dunno how to feel.

  • games Games The Descent 3 Source code has been released (under MIT license)
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    If it builds and runs for me, I may build a Windows installer for it...


  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter In order to become president of the US, Trump has to grovel before a couple of Likudnik Israeli propagandists controlled by the widow of dead Zionist warlord Sheldon Adelson
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%


  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter In order to become president of the US, Trump has to grovel before a couple of Likudnik Israeli propagandists controlled by the widow of dead Zionist warlord Sheldon Adelson
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    I had a 2600 baud modem and I liked it. About 30.

    I've been messing with you. The episode of X-Files I was watching was boring.

    Do have a nice day. Feel free to DM me. This was fun

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter In order to become president of the US, Trump has to grovel before a couple of Likudnik Israeli propagandists controlled by the widow of dead Zionist warlord Sheldon Adelson
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    Just out of curiosity how long have you been using the internet? Like, in years, not just today.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter In order to become president of the US, Trump has to grovel before a couple of Likudnik Israeli propagandists controlled by the widow of dead Zionist warlord Sheldon Adelson
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    What was the where now? I don't think you can amplify with a lens... Do you mean lens? I'm pretty sure that's not how that technology works. I'm very confused as to what you're trying to say!

    Edit: perhaps I didn't hear you over this really loud water, hombre.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter In order to become president of the US, Trump has to grovel before a couple of Likudnik Israeli propagandists controlled by the widow of dead Zionist warlord Sheldon Adelson
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    Why thank you. I think my English teacher would disagree. Improper format. I think she call it a diatribe.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter In order to become president of the US, Trump has to grovel before a couple of Likudnik Israeli propagandists controlled by the widow of dead Zionist warlord Sheldon Adelson
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 100%

    No. My memory suits me fine and I couldn't care less whether I convince anyone. I'm expressing my distrust and explaining why, not writing an essay. I think your expectations are a bit high for a frustrated diatribe written by an absolute stranger while watching TV. 😁

    Regardless, if you want to trust the government, have at it. Feel free to consider me as just another geriatric fool shouting at clouds.

    At the very least both incidents were used to manufacture consent in a devious way, in the twin towers case to start a war that is even now considered to be completely unjustifiable. Consider Joe biden's advice to Benjamin netanyahu "Don't make the same mistake we did" no doubt referring to our reaction to the destruction of the towers and his subsequent beating of the war drums.

    In the case of Pearl harbor, even if there was some sort of conspiracy behind just negligence, it was a justified act to involve the country in a war that would otherwise have reached our doorstep regardless.

    I do sincerely hope you have a pleasant day. Take care internet stranger 😁

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter In order to become president of the US, Trump has to grovel before a couple of Likudnik Israeli propagandists controlled by the widow of dead Zionist warlord Sheldon Adelson
  • Quexotic Quexotic 5 months ago 0%

    Not beyond plausible deniability.

    I believe that they had enough information to have prevented it and failed to do so to the extent that it was intentional or that it was profoundly negligent. I remember investigations afterwards turning up some troubling evidence.

    Consider this too... If Japan is a known aggressor, and you want to be prepared, why do you keep your pacific fleet in a state of anything less than high alert?

    In both cases, the events did much to motivate a nation to support a war.

    I don't believe that anyone (least of all myself) in the general public will ever have all the answers, but the manufacture of consent is a dark business. If you don't have trust issues, you should.

    Another prime example is government agencies manufacturing the drug epidemic and using the proceeds to fund black ops.

    So that's the long answer, the short answer is that I don't have enough faith to believe 100% that they weren't. The track record isn't stellar and while it's clear they didn't pull the trigger, there are numerous inconsistencies.

    I do believe that jet fuel along with the contents of the building can and does melt steel beams. Lol.

    None of which is meant to convince anyone, rather to illustrate a lack of trust.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter In order to become president of the US, Trump has to grovel before a couple of Likudnik Israeli propagandists controlled by the widow of dead Zionist warlord Sheldon Adelson
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 0%

    Kinda like the US used the twin towers to justify a "war on terror"?

    Definitely not preventable, definitely.

  • games Games Sony Fixed Exploit That Let PlayStation Portal Run Emulated PSP Games After Hackers 'Responsibly Reported Issues to PlayStation'
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 100%

    Seriously. I don't think I can buy another switch device. Next time it'll have to be a steam deck or clone.

  • games Games Stop Killing Games is a new campaign to stop developers making games unplayable
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 100%

    Good bot

  • games Games Stop Killing Games is a new campaign to stop developers making games unplayable
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 100%

    ...And charge pennies on the dollar!

    Or, as soon as the mfgrs stop making parts for my car, I should get a refund of a certain amount of the purchase price of the car.

    When my phone goes out of support, I get a refund of %x of the cost. The mfgrs can keep the money in the mean time and earn interest.

    Disincentivise planned obsolescence.

  • becomeme BecomeMe 12 Things Everyone Should Know About Mental Illness
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 100%

    No worries, it's appropriate.

    It's odd though, the rest of OP's content is pretty good...

  • localllama LocalLLaMA Dock GPU to Laptop or to small SOC?
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 100%

    I am very interested, commenting to bump!

  • becomeme BecomeMe 12 Things Everyone Should Know About Mental Illness
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 100%

    Sounds interesting. Wish it wasn't paywalled.

  • patientgamers Patient Gamers Super Mario Maker is shutting down, how should I prepare?
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 100%

    Surely. I'd wonder if it is deemed enforceable by a federal judge. I guess it doesn't matter with this supreme court.

  • patientgamers Patient Gamers Super Mario Maker is shutting down, how should I prepare?
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 100%

    Users paid, and no longer play.

    Seems kinda theftish.


  • patientgamers Patient Gamers Super Mario Maker is shutting down, how should I prepare?
  • Quexotic Quexotic 6 months ago 50%

    Perhaps a class action lawsuit could set that precedent.

  • imageai
    AI Generated Images Quexotic 8 months ago 86%
    axolotl with a waddle

    P: Make an axolotl with a waddle (as in turkey)

    AI Generated Images Quexotic 8 months ago 90%
    axolotl in a bottle

    Prompt: literal axolotl in a literal bottle I had tried to get it to generate a axolotl figuratively at the bottom of a bottle of whiskey, but it was not willing to produce the image of a drunken axolotl. GPT

    Babylon5 Quexotic 1 year ago 100%
    one https://scv.bu.edu/~aarondf/b5quotes.html

    "The universe speaks in many languages, but only one voice. The language is not narn or human or centauri or gaim or minbari. It speaks in the language of hope." "It speaks in the language of trust. It speaks in the language of strength and the language of compassion. It is the language of the heart and the language of the soul. But always it is the same voice. It is the voice of our ancestors speaking through us and the voice of our inheritors waiting to be born. The small, still voice that says: 'We are one. No matter the blood, no matter the skin, no matter the world, no matter the star. .. We are one. No matter the pain, no matter the darkness, no matter the loss, no matter the fear. .. We are one.' Here, gathered together in common cause, we begin to realize this singular truth and this singular rule that we must be kind to one another. Because each voice enriches us and ennobles us and each voice lost diminishes us. We are the voice of the universe, the soul of creation, the fire that will light our way to a better future. We are one." "We are one." Sheridan/G'Kar, the Alliance Preamble to the Declaration of Principles, The Paragon of Animals
