dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org "Wie sehr kann ich das Leid von Kindern für meine Propaganda missbrauchen bevor es jemand merkt?"
  • Pantherina Pantherina 3 months ago 100%


    Diese Großmedien sind eine Mischung aus

    • fucking politisch "mittig"
    • einfach unfähig, wichtige Dinge neutral zu berichten

    Ich war in Lützerath und hab dann die Berichte gesehen. Wollte einfach nur Kotzen.

    PS: Schickt diesen Link allen, die sagen es wäre wirklich wichtig für Kinderschutz. Die Reporter haben dutzende Kinderschänder kontaktiert, auf offenen Plattformen, ohne jegliche Untergrabung digitaler Freiheit.

  • linux Linux why does ublue bundle homebrew?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 3 months ago 100%


  • linux Linux The history of LibreOffice
  • Pantherina Pantherina 3 months ago 100%

    Crazy, its completely new code? I thought it was a fork.

    That makes it pretty impressive

  • linux Linux Linux Mint looks to fork more GNOME Apps because of libAdwaita
  • Pantherina Pantherina 3 months ago 100%

    On KDE Plasma theming and Cursors work with Flatpaks normally

  • memes Memes Data storage vs backup storage
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 60%

    "Let me my freedom"

  • linux Linux The history of LibreOffice
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    And then there is OnlyOffice which also just uses Libreoffice and develops a minimalist web UI and sync features.

    Why not join efforts?

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org [Tirade] Der alltägliche Alltag des ÖPNV-Nutzers
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Wohnst du zufällig an einem Endbahnhof?

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Woher bekommt ihr eure Nachrichten? (RSS Feeds)
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Taz werde ich ergänzen

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Ab Juni: Deutsche Bahn führt Reservierungspflicht im ICE ein
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Ironischerweise ist die DB aber marktwirtschaftlich.

    Tickets werden nicht billiger sondern teurer, je mehr verkauft wurden.

    Weil ihre Gewinne eh gedeckt sind, sind die Risiken geringer und sie können mehr nehmen.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Ab Juni: Deutsche Bahn führt Reservierungspflicht im ICE ein
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Vor allem weil die Fußballwildschweine allen die Bahnfahrt versauen, so im Sinne von "ich habe Angst Bahn zu fahren".

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Science-o-mat zur Europawahl
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Same. Ich wähl die einfach lol, dachte das wären so EU-FDP leute aber anscheinend nicht?

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Science-o-mat zur Europawahl
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Bei mir kommt wieder Volt ganz vorne raus, von denen ich noch am ehesten Erfolg erwarte.

    Wobei V Partei sicher auch gut ist, als Statement

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org blockiert diese Community slrpnk.net? ?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Stimmt, man kann kaum was über die Apps machen

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org G20 plant Vermögensabgabe für Milliardäre
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Beste Beleidigung für dumme Menschen im 21. Jahrhundert mit 3 Buchstaben.

  • dach
    DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Pantherina 4 months ago 100%
    blockiert diese Community slrpnk.net? ?

    Mein neuer Account kann hier nichts posten, warum?

    dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Ab Juni: Deutsche Bahn führt Reservierungspflicht im ICE ein
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 94%

    Dazu kommt eine bisher nie dagewesene Aktion zur EM, bei der Fußball-Fans zum Pauschalpreis von 29,90 ein ICE-Ticket quer durch Deutschland zum EM-Stadion buchen können. So möchte die Bahn möglichst viele Fußball-Fans zur klimafreundlichen Anreise mit der Bahn bewegen.

    Wtf Deutschland? Wtf?

    Fußballfans dürfen billiger fahren und stattdessen müssen alle mehr zahlen? nein die Reservierung kostet nix, nur für Leute mit Abos.

    Oder ist die Reservierung dann vielleicht sogar kostenlos?

    EDIT: ja ist sie, aber Leute mit Pauschaltickets müssen extra reservieren, was die Tickets sinnlos macht

    Kenne da so einen Konkurrenzbetrieb mit normalen Preisen.

  • android Android Google Pay alternative?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Its better than crypto or corpo-crypto ("wireless transfer")

  • dach
    DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Pantherina 4 months ago 100%
    Woher bekommt ihr eure Nachrichten? (RSS Feeds) f-droid.org

    I verwende Feeder von F-Droid (sie haben keine release APKs). Hier sind die Feeds, denen ich folge: Nachrichten - [Deutsche Welle](https://rss.dw.com/xml/rss-de-news) - [DW Wissen und Umwelt](https://rss.dw.com/xml/rss-de-wissenschaft) - [Kontext Wochenzeitung](https://www.kontextwochenzeitung.de/feed.rss) - [TAZ](https://www.taz.de/rss.xml) - [Bundesregierung kompakt](https://www.bundesregierung.de/service/rss/breg-de/1151242/feed.xml) - [Übermedien](https://uebermedien.de/feed/) - [Aljazeera EN](https://www.aljazeera.com/xml/rss/all.xml) - [Fridays for Future DE](https://fridaysforfuture.de/feed/) - [Übersicht der Tagesschau Feeds](https://www.tagesschau.de/infoservices/rssfeeds) - [Nachrichtentisch](nachrichtentisch.de) (Zusammenfassungen verschiedener Quellen) Tech - [Heise online top news](https://www.heise.de/rss/heise-top-alexa.xml) - [Netzpolitik.org](https://netzpolitik.org/feed) - [Kuketz Blog](https://www.kuketz-blog.de/feed/) - [Schneier on Security](https://www.schneier.com/feed/atom) - [Privacy news feed (inaktiv)](https://privacy.news/rss.xml) - [NixCraft](https://www.cyberciti.com/atom/atom.xml) - [Nate Grahams KDE Blog](https://pointieststick.com/feed/) - [Nick (TheLinuxExperiment)](https://thelinuxexp.com/feed.xml) (inactive) Tech Projekte - [Fedora Magazine](https://fedoramagazine.org/feed/) - [Thunderbird](https://blog.thunderbird.net/feed/) - [Element](https://element.io/blog/rss/) - [Mozilla](https://blog.mozilla.org/feed/) - [System76](https://blog.system76.com/rss.xml) - [Mozilla Services (inaktiv)](https://blog.mozilla.org/services/feed/) - [LibreOffice](https://blog.documentfoundation.org/feed/) - [RedoxOS](https://www.redox-os.org/news/index.xml) - [systemli](https://www.systemli.org/index.xml) - [incognet](https://blog.incognet.io/rss.xml) - [NovaCustom (Coreboot Laptops)](https://novacustom.com/all-blog-posts/) (noch kein RSS Feed) Kleine Blogs - [Zihads Blog](https://zihad.com.bd/feed.xml) - [David Buchanans Blog](https://www.da.vidbuchanan.co.uk/blog/rss.xml) - [hndrk's Blog](https://hndrk.blog/rss/) Random - [Dig Deeper](https://digdeeper.club/atom.xml) - [Neues im Kino](https://www.kino.de/rss/neu-im-kino)

    linux Linux Issue for GTK to make their window decorarions clickable at the corner
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Sorry, "maximized". I may need to edit some things.

  • linux Linux Issue for GTK to make their window decorarions clickable at the corner
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Extend it to the edge of the window. The panel is above the window, no issue here

  • linux Linux Issue for GTK to make their window decorarions clickable at the corner
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Yes I thought about that exact argument. They oversize their panels on purpose, there is tons of other space to click on, which is also way less risky, that next to the close button.

    And this expansion is about all decoration buttons of course.

  • linux Linux Wayland usage has overtaken X11
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Yes, "just buy new hardware" is not a solution.

    But dont let some news fool ya. NVIDIA already won the AI race, so their "new open source driver" will only benefit their newly sold products

  • privacy Privacy Are right wingers creating FUD around Signal?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Yes, "because one of their council is leftist pro censorship"

    Like this crap

  • linux Linux Wayland usage has overtaken X11
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    True, if I use bottles Flatpak as a GTK wayland app, the actual apps still use XWayland.

    Not using any Wine apps though.

  • linux
    Linux Pantherina 4 months ago 87%
    Issue for GTK to make their window decorarions clickable at the corner https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/6710

    On Windows, KDE Plasma, and likely many other Desktops, if a window is ~~fullscreen~~ maximized and you push the mouse to the top edge and click, it will close. Chrome-ium actually fixed that in their builtin buttons to work the same. Not on GNOME because there is a panel at the top, lol. But also not when using GTK apps on these desktops, where it should work. Instead you need a lot of precision, for no reason. An easy fix would be to expand the actual clickbox further, not only around the (oversized) close button circle, but to the edge of the ~~screen~~ window. This would make Thunderbird, Firefox, etc. closable likel any other normal app. ;D If you support this, leave a like on the issue. And lets hope this doesnt get closed because of whatever... ### Edit This is about ***maximized***, not fullscreen windows. But also about those. And the request is to expand the clickbox to the corner of the window, not of the screen.

    android Android Google Pay alternative?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Just smell on it and the cocaine goes into your blood

  • android Android Google Pay alternative?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 90%


  • linux Linux Wayland usage has overtaken X11
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Funny. True, on superstable but also super unstable systems, having separated apps makes most sense.

    Not actually on "immutable" rpm-ostree systems, as these have the best and most solid package management.

    So actually when people say "these immutable systems, you just use Flatpaks", actually on the regular systems you should mainly use Flatpaks.

  • techsupport techsupport How do I extract a movie from a DVD?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Use MakeMKV. It is really good. It will give you files to work with, and automatically extract all good ones.

    Then use Handbrake. You may also directly use handbrake, I dont know I used a total Potato (intel core duo) for the first step, no chance for encoding.

    I literally just did that. DVDs have pretty uncompressed video, like an old movie is 8GB or bigger.

    Have a look at the back cover of the DVD, mine had "PAL" written on it.

    Recommended settings if you only want to use it with VLC or MPV, not strange media players.

    • container: use mkv. It is free, works very well and has a funny name.
    • video: AV1 (it is completely free and really good for the future. For better support use h264, but it is not as good)
      • resolution: 570p or something, PAL
      • compression rate: 25
      • FPS: 22 or something, PAL
    • audio: AAC or opus, AAC is the default
      • bitrate 128kb/s for crappy movies, 160kb/s and up for music. But using more than the original DVD has makes no sense.
      • make sure to add all tracks
    • subtitles: also make sure to add all of them

    Save these settings as custom preset "PAL DVDs"

    Then run it. If you have multiple files from makemkv, you can "open directory" in handbrake, and then under "queue" "add multiple ones to queue" and select all of them. Make sure to have the preset chosen, and run.

    I literally encoded all my DVDs with 720p, artificially increasing the size. I am not redoing everything, my laptop is heating for 50h or so. Working well but damn that takes time.

    If the videos have grain, you may want to apply a grain filter. Grain is hard to compress, as it is random noise all over the place.

    Like in JPG image compression, pictures are converted to areas of the same color, like this:


    (More examples)

    If you have grain, noise, in videos, the images cannot be compressed that well and the size can be double. So if it works well, use that to decrease the video size.

    Jpeg, aac, opus, AV1 are all "lossy" so they will remove information that cannot be gotten back. Unlike zip for example, or jpeg-xl (JXL) for images, or FLAC for Audio.

    But encoding something that is lossy, in a lossless format, makes no sense.

    You can increase the size of a lossy encoded video, by re-encoding with better presets. Without adding any real information.

    So test the presets first, and if you are unhappy, run them again but on the original files.

    With the correct settings I got a 6GB movie down to 600MB or less, without notable data loss.

  • linux Linux Wayland usage has overtaken X11
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%


    Btw I am XWayland free since today!

    I have a list of recommended apps here

    Some apps need environment variables:


    • qpwgraph


    • GPU Screen recorder, I guess


    • Nextcloud Flatpak
    • MullvadVPN RPM
    • Signal Flatpak
    • (Element, I switched to the Webapp in Librewolf)
    • Freetube Flatpak

    You can use xlsclients -l to detect apps using XWayland.

    Some may even want to run apps through XWayland on purpose, like KeepassXC for Clipboard access or autotype. Lets see how long it takes to implement all the needed protocols.

  • linux Linux Don't use Appimages (a writeup about all the reasons they are a pain for users)
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    You got me in the first part XD

    No joking, apart from that

    But since apparently PulseAudio is the GNome / Microsoft approved way

    I think I understand your point.

    Pulseaudio is outdated, Pipewire AND Pulseaudio are now needed. Maybe also just Pipewire, and you can somehow fake Pulseaudio?

    I never used a system without Pulseaudio, and Fedora has both (?) Or just Pipewire.

    Pulseaudio is the old stuff that apps want to use, pipewire is the new cool stuff (I recommend qpwgraph) which allows like everything.

    Aaand it is not overcomplicated, it isolated apps and introduces a permission system. Privileged programs that channel the requests and permissions, and sometimes need user interaction. Its actually less chaotic, the problem simply is that Flatpak ALSO tries to run all apps everywhere. And apps are mostly not up to date, so Flatpaks have randomly poked holes everywhere.

    Today I worked on hardening configs for my apps. I maintain a list of recommended ones here. I will just put my overrides in my (currently still private) dotfiles, will upload them some day.

    I am for example now Wayland only. Not all apps want to, but with the correct env vars (which I just globally set for all flatpaks, hoping it will not mess with anything), all apps use it.

    This makes the system way faster, and applying different vars on the apps is very easy with Flatpak.

    Literally no downsides!

    Not true. It still has no updating mechanism, the binary may be official, but the rest are random libraries that may not be well versioned or controlled, etc etc.

    The post is specifically about upstream supported Appimages, while Flathub is mainly maintained by the same 4 peolple (it is crazy). The request is for upstream devs to maintain Flatpaks.

    But for sure not everything is nice. Runtimes are too huge, outdated apps cause huge library garbage, downloads are inefficient, ...

  • privacy Privacy How Do I Prepare My Phone for a Protest?
    privacy Privacy How Do I Prepare My Phone for a Protest?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Not sure but GrapheneOS has an "LTE only" mode, stock Android only has preferred Network afaik.

    visiting only known websites is not a scaleable option, a browser needs to be secure. Kiwix is the browser that basically runs desktop Chromium on Android, so it has Addon support. But that is also soon manifest v3 restricted, and likely pretty insecure.

    of course the user data partition is not checked, but every other important one. I have not tested what would happen when it is modified though.

    I dont know what magisk did, but I think that is only about Google Play adding their "safety" scanning to the OS. Nothing regarding boot. But yes, likely there could, can or should be OS components scanning things too.

    Googles stuff is pretty insecure, for example the latest SafetyNetFix simply disabled hardware cryptography, as they still support insecure phones.

    For sure this is very complex and there are always vulnerabilities found in Android and GrapheneOS.

  • privacy Privacy How Do I Prepare My Phone for a Protest?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Yes that is one definition.

    But what if you get it back? Or if you just keep it?

    There is a chance that you have Pegasus on there, and I wouldnt want a phone without the detection of this.

    GrapheneOS can likely detect pegasus with their Attestation and if you have it, use an external device to reflash it.

  • privacy Privacy How Do I Prepare My Phone for a Protest?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Not sure if VPN eliminates all risks with 2G and 3G, maybe it does.

    Sandboxing, javascript

    Vanadium has sandboxing but its javascript blocking is useless (no granular control)

    Mull has no process isolation at all, but support for UBO and Noscript. Bad situation

    it's a walk in the park for it to modify any of the partitions

    These cannot be written without TPM verification or stuff, ask GrapheneOS devs about that, I dont know. The firmware signing is required, the verification will not be done inside the OS, that would be totally flawed.

    If they have the firmware signing keys, they can fuck you. If they dont, they can only write to the system partition, and Attestation can see that.

    Reading data has nothing to do with that. They likely can, but that doesnt matter.

    My 6 years old phone still receives LOS updates

    This will not include firmware and likely even the kernel.

  • privacy Privacy The Best Secure Email Providers in 2024
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    Thanks! TLDR spamhaus (a big spamlist provider) has them on their spamlist, or maybe not, and they are using some fancy CDN.

    It is VERY likely just a technical error.

  • linux Linux Switching from win 11
  • Pantherina Pantherina 4 months ago 100%

    What do you mean?

    To my knowledge they dont ship GNOME 46 but some old "LTS" variant (GNOME doesnt do LTS variants)

  • privacy Privacy How Do I Prepare My Phone for a Protest?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 5 months ago 100%

    Yes I know, and I want to try DivestOS one time. But they do incomplete patches.

    They cannot update the kernel themselves or even worse the firmware. The kernel needs to be built and patched for the specific hardware, GrapheneOS relies completely on Google here. And the firmware needs to be signed by the vendors, so no chance either.

    And especially baseband, cellular stuff has extremely many vulnerabilities in the code.

  • Pantherina Pantherina 5 months ago 100%

    I mean I already reported 2 issues, but it still works. I can use it without big problems, I use the beta Flatpak (as explained in my flatpak remotes list).

    Using Wayland too, Idk about any problems but if it wouldnt work I would just disable Wayland for the Flatpak and the app automatically runs through XWayland

  • kde KDE Daily driving Plasma Mobile
  • Pantherina Pantherina 5 months ago 100%


  • Pantherina Pantherina 5 months ago 100%

    Dont use "stable" software people.

    Gimp 3 is already very nice! Use it exclusively.

  • privacy Privacy How Do I Prepare My Phone for a Protest?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 5 months ago 100%

    I think 3a is already too old. I think 4a is a better minimum, but this is still insecure of course.

  • privacy Privacy Which of the among is the best exif remover app?
  • Pantherina Pantherina 5 months ago 100%

    Image toolbox is awesome, damn!

  • linux
    Linux Pantherina 6 months ago 91%
    Recover deleted media files with testdisk and photorec?

    A friend of mine has 2 Windows Laptops, where in the process of moving from an old 2TB storage laptop to a newer 256GB storage laptop, moving files manually (somehow, dont ask me). They noticed they accidentally removed a 35GB folder full of media files from a very big vacation, including nature photography and some strange GoPro format files. Valuable stuff. So we took the newer laptop as its fresh, very small storage and not much done after deleting the files. We used a 2TB backup drive which works well. Used CloneZilla, exited to shell, mounted the drive with udisksctl and used testdisk and photorec, but with strange results. 1. Testdisk created a "whole" recovery in .dd format 2. Then noticed the "undelete" function in testdisk and manually undeleted all files we found 3. Then used photorec on that .dd recovery The testdisk undelete files are mostly corrupted, images with missing header files etc. Same as the result of some magic sauce proprietary recovery program. The photorec results where really strange, everything was intact but only system stuff, cache, icons etc, ***not a single of the deleted media***. The media are 3000 or more, so this makes no sense, we used the "full" backup from testdisk. The laptop is off and we have some time, we can also use the older, messier one if needed. Questions: - any way to repair these corrupted images and media? - how to work with this data in photorec? How to export just the deleted files? I think we should try to use photorec directly with the drive and not the .dd image, which may help. We used `dd` and cloned the entire small, new disk to an .iso on the backup drive so we can work with it easier. Does this include all the stuff, also the deleted things? We will also try scalpel. Thanks! ## Update We did a lot with the small disk which should basically be in perfect condition to undelete stuff. - `dd` and `ddrescue` backup into an .iso and .raw image - testdisk backup into a .dd image - photorec found only usable pictures from the OS, not a single of the wanted ones - testdisk and Recuva had the exact same results, all of the wanted files but all broken, missing headers and metadata - using scalpel currently I would be happy about experience on how to restore such header files, information what they are and if you can use files for multiple media or guess them. We know the filetypes that we search for. Also, are there any modern recovery tools out there, that promise better reliability? Thanks!

    LocalLLaMA Pantherina 6 months ago 100%
    Dock GPU to Laptop or to small SOC?

    Afaik most LLMs run purely on the GPU, dont they? So if I have an Nvidia Titan X with 12GB of RAM, could I plug this into my laptop and offload the load? I am using Fedora, so getting the NVIDIA drivers would be... fun and already probably a dealbreaker (wouldnt want to run proprietary drivers on my daily system). I know that using ExpressPort adapters people where able to use GPUs externally, and this is possible with thunderbolt too, isnt it? The question is, how well does this work? Or would using a small SOC to host a webserver for the interface and do all the computing on the GPU make more sense? I am curious about the difficulties here, ARM SOC and proprietary drivers? Laptop over USB-c (maybe not thunderbolt?) and a GPU just for the AI tasks...

    Cannabis Pantherina 6 months ago 87%
    Hanfpflanze in der Bahn transportieren???

    Wird langsam Zeit, würde sich wahrscheinlich so ergeben. Ist kein Konsum von daher Kinder egal, ist aber halt kein unreguliertes Gepäckstück weil es dazu Gesetze gibt. Hat wer ne Ahnung?

    linuxmemes Pantherina 6 months ago 98%
    Russian delete
    linuxmemes Pantherina 6 months ago 95%
    that damn foot
    Privacy Pantherina 6 months ago 80%
    The Kids Who Hacked The CIA www.youtube.com

    If the link preview above displays an ad, ignore it. [Article](https://thehackernews.com/2017/09/crackas-with-attitude-hackers.html)

    KDE Pantherina 6 months ago 100%
    what to do with all the yellow journalctl notices?

    In journalctl I see some notices that are not errors but stuff like "trying to do something only available on X11". Should all of these be reported?

    KDE Pantherina 6 months ago 78%
    A post of mine was deleted without note, what is going on?

    Edit: it was a bug where I was not sure if it is a bug or just a config issue. I would be happy about having an automated message linking to bugzilla when such a removal happens. --- I posted something related to Plasma and cursor issues with Flatpaks, and it was removed. I cannot see who removed it. I tried contacting the KDE account but got no reply.

    Android Pantherina 6 months ago 95%
    Podcini: a modern and more minimalist fork of AntennaPod github.com

    Podcini is really great! It modernizes the Antennapod codebase (we wouldnt believe but that is pretty outdated!) and makes it more efficient. > Differing from the forked project, this project is purely Kotlin based, relies on the most recent dependencies, and most importantly has migrated the media player to androidx.media3, and added mechanism of AudioOffloadMode which is supposed to be kind to device battery. Efficiencies are also sought on running the app. App build is also upgraded to target Android 14. After some hiccups at the beginning, it is now in a very good state!

    KDE Pantherina 6 months ago 100%
    Testing Plasma6 on Fedora Kinoite: you can now rebase to 40 instead of Rawhide! discussion.fedoraproject.org

    Fedora will ship Plasma 6 with version 40. As a prerelease, you can easily test it by rebasing an Atomic Desktop install to "Kinoite prerelease". Now that 40 is branched, you may want to rebase to 40 instead of rawhide, which is already on Fedora 41. Here I show the needed commands. Fedora Kinoite 40 is perfectly usable for me!

    Hardware Pantherina 6 months ago 78%
    How stable are Win11 hardware check bypasses?

    Imagine I get hardware without TPM or something, that [is not supported by Win11](https://allthings.how/list-of-all-intel-and-amd-processors-not-supported-by-windows-11/). I will not run an EOL Win10 as the machine needs to be connected to the internet. Tbh isolating stuff in a VM could be an idea but I dont know. Its not for me but a noob with 0 tech knowledge, that says all... How stable are the available hardware check bypasses? Is Micro$ already starting to aggressively block those? I would not want to buy a PC to find out Win11 doesnt boot anymore in a few months... Thanks!

    Android Pantherina 6 months ago 92%
    Hardware: compact affordable USB-C dock

    I am thinking about using my GrapheneOS Pixel6a as a desktop. Not really tbh, but in emergencies and if Collabora Office etc work well, why not? I would like to experiment. What I need: - USB-A mouse - USB-A keyboard - USB-A thumbdrive (at least one) - HDMI/DP monitor port (I use VGA but with an HDMI adapter) - maybe AUX So nothing fancy, but it should not cost damn 100€ or be cheap chinesium. I am from the EU, which is really important too, so no Walmart or Target or whatever (the electronic shops we have are horrible). Thanks! --- It seems like a "USB hub" is what I am looking for. Matching manifacturers: - Anker - ...

    Android Pantherina 6 months ago 80%
    App that adds a quicksettings toggle to switch between light/dark theme?

    Okay this is an AOSP feature, see first comment The problem is that Google decided to do stupid stuff without user consent again - dark mode can't be turned off on energysaver (which doesnt make any sense non non-OLED displays which are still common) - energysaver reduces possible max brightness without any reason, not even changeable like in older Androids (where the bar actually went down) Fuck Google...

    Linux Pantherina 6 months ago 95%
    Chromium PWAs: how to open links with system link handler (default browser)?

    I use Chromium only for PWAs like the Element Web UI of my server, to avoid Electron. Now I have a different browser set as default in my system. Firefox of course integrates perfectly and uses the "system link handler" to open links. I want to make Chromium use this link handler, to open every clicked link not in the same browser but send it to my system link handler and thus open in my default browser. I already set `#enable-user-link-capturing-pwa Disabled` in `chrome://flags`. The addon "Open in Firefox Browser" seems to be broken. I dont know how manifest v3 interferes with that ability of addons to hook into the link handling of the browser. Btw Chromium has not a single "portal" setting in the flags, but uses the filepicker portal by default.

    Linux Pantherina 6 months ago 93%
    Firefox looks so much better than Chrome tux.social

    A little admiration of how easy UI customization is on Firefox, and how shitty Chromium looks.

    Linux Pantherina 6 months ago 81%
    [Youtube] Top 15 Must Install Best GNOME Extensions www.youtube.com

    ``` *Timestamps* 00:00 Introduction 01:45 Astra Monitor 02:36 Pano Clipboard Manager 03:14 PaperWM 04:04 MiniView 04:51 Quick Settings Tweaker 05:12 Privacy Settings 05:29 Apps Menu 05:50 Places Status Indicator 06:04 Logo Menu 06:36 Just perfection 07:25 Top Bar Organizer 08:01 SpeedUp Gnome Shell 08:43 Wiggle 09:07 Blur my shell 09:30 Burn My Windows 09:56 Caffeine 10:20 DDTerm ``` I dont necessarily agree. - a different clipboard manager (whatever is equal to KDEs) - blur my shell - quick settings tweaker probably - privacy settings (which is only for pipewire apps I guess, so nearly none) - wiggle - [probably some maximize to workspace](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3100/maximize-to-empty-workspace/)

    Linux Pantherina 6 months ago 66%
    Deutschsprachige Linux Community! feddit.de


    Android Pantherina 6 months ago 92%
    A good Collage app?

    I am looking for an app that allows me to combine up to 20 images into a grid. That's it. Hard requirements: - not bigger than 60MB (not bloated with useless stickers etc.) - works properly, multiple grids, maybe adaptive to content, rectangle, resizable images inside the grid. Soft requirements: - no ads or creepy network stuff (GrapheneOS network toggle deals with that) - latest target SDK - support for share dialog OR android photo picker portal (instead of using their own filepicker and needing storage access) - FOSS So far I tried these apps, all garbage: - Layout for Instagram (outdated) - [Collagemaker](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=photoeditor.layout.collagemaker) which is the same as [This Collagemaker](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=photocollage.photoeditor.collagemaker) - beFunky: share dialog broken - [Jubo Photo Collage maker](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.qixinginc.aiimg) All have their own silly galleries and have a nonfunctional share portal. Explanation: Apps dont need access to your storage to load content into their internal sandbox storage. They can use the native android photo picker portal: GIF (click if not playing) ![gif](https://developer.android.com/static/images/training/data-storage/photo-picker-multiselect.gif) Or they can catch media sent to them via the share dialog, from your trusted Gallery or Filemanager app. ![image](https://developer.android.com/static/images/training/sharing/sharesheet_custom_actions.png) Apps using a builtin Gallery suck, as they need access to all media (Android 14), specific folders (GrapheneOS) or even all storage (older Android) which is pretty invasive. And yeah, Signal is still doing that.

    KDE Pantherina 6 months ago 93%
    Konsole tricks: tabs, different shell, profiles, custom actions

    This is a small Tutorial how to convert Konsole to never, I mean never, open a new window again. I mean, we moved away from Windows for a reason, right? Also, I will show you how to use a different shell and add custom right-click actions for various useful things. ![screenshot](https://feddit.de/pictrs/image/a9f059a1-a558-43be-b967-1184fd90e5f5.jpeg) ### No new windows Go to Konsoles Settings, the second checkbox is "open all konsole windows in a single process". Check this, as it is needed. Now to edit the system desktop entry, never do this in place, copy it to your user directory, entries here always overwrite system ones. (This can be used to hide apps too, use `touch ~/.local/share/applications/name.desktop`) ``` cp /usr/share/applications/konsole.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/ ``` Now edit this file with your editor. Replace `Exec=konsole` with `Exec=konsole --new-tab`. ### Profile: Different Shell Bash is the default and I highly advise against using `chsh` if you want to use fish, zsh or others. Instead, create a new Konsole profile, set its default command to for example `/usr/bin/fish` and set it as default profile! ### Profile: Distrobox If you use Distrobox, you may want a profile that launches it directly. The advantage is that you can color it differently and much more. In the settings create a new profile and set the startup command to `distrobox enter Boxname`. Mine is for Fedora, while my main system is Fedora Atomic KDE. ### Custom right-click actions You can remove unneeded translations from the desktop entry to make it easier to work with. In the `Actions=` line you define what you want. Below the main entry you put the actions with name, icon and command. Here I have examples for launching the Distrobox Profile, opening a root shell and opening a remote ssh session. ::: spoiler The complete desktop entry (click me to expand) ``` [Desktop Entry] Type=Application TryExec=konsole Exec=konsole --new-tab Icon=utilities-terminal Categories=System;TerminalEmulator; Actions=FedoraBox;root;ssh; X-DocPath=konsole/index.html X-DBUS-StartupType=Unique X-KDE-AuthorizeAction=shell_access X-KDE-Shortcuts=Ctrl+Alt+T StartupWMClass=konsole Keywords=terminal;console;script;run;execute;command;command-line;commandline;cli;bash;sh;shell;zsh;cmd;command prompt Name=Konsole GenericName=Terminal Comment="$GenericName" [Desktop Action FedoraBox] Name=Distrobox Icon=fedora-logo-icon Exec=konsole --new-tab --profile FedoraBox # this launches "distrobox enter FedoraBox" [Desktop Action root] Name=root Terminal Icon=folder-root-symbolic Exec=konsole --new-tab -e pkexec $SHELL #or define a shell like fish [Desktop Action ssh] Name=ssh to X Icon=folder-remote-symbolic Exec=konsole --new-tab -e ssh user@IP:PORT -i /path/to/key ``` ::: Note that I removed the actions for "new tab" and "new window". For some reason Plasma shows the "open new window" always, and due to the replacement this opens a new tab instead. Ctrl+Alt+t, opening from Dolphin and more will also open a new tab. Btw, if somebody can help me figure out how to focus the Konsole window when opening a new tab, that would be nice. This is currently missing

    Linux Pantherina 7 months ago 80%
    Don't use Appimages (a writeup about all the reasons they are a pain for users) github.com

    Appimages totally suck, because many developers think they were a real packaging format and support them exclusively. Their use case is tiny, and in 99% of cases Flatpak is just better. I could not find a single post or article about all the problems they have, so I wrote this. This is not about shaming open source contributors. But Appimages are obviously broken, pretty badly maintained, while organizations/companies like Balena, Nextcloud etc. don't seem to get that.

    KDE Pantherina 7 months ago 63%
    Modern light themes (white on white) suck. What is your favourite Plasma Theme? www.youtube.com

    I agree with @BrodieOnLinux@linuxrocks.online a lot here. I think a color scheme solves a lot, but the color gradients etc. are still gone. What is your favourite non-white light theme, best for Plasma 6? Please add a screenshot!

    Android Pantherina 7 months ago 90%
    App to overlay black with varying transparency? (make display darker)

    Hey, my Pixel with GrapheneOS doesnt get dark enough. Android has some "extradark" feature that basically overlays black with a set transparency. I used Red Moon in the past but its overcomplex, I have Android bluelight filter which works fine, and just would like an app to overlay such a dark mode. The screen is OLED so I think? It even saves energy?

    Selfhosted Pantherina 7 months ago 73%
    Do you run an image-based Server?

    I use Fedora Kinoite daily and find it to be the only OS to make sense really. I find Fedora CoreOS totally confusing (with that ignition file, no anaconda, no user password by default, like how would I set this up anywhere I dont have filesystem access to?) But there are alternatives. I would like to build my own hardened Fedora server image that can be deployed anywhere (i.e. any PC to turn into a secure and easy out-of-the-box server). As modern server often uses containers anyways, I think an atomic server only makes sense, as damn Debian is just a pain to use. Experiences, recommendations?

    Linux Pantherina 7 months ago 92%
    What's new in Fedora Atomic Desktops? ‒ F39 Release Party www.youtube.com

    A presentation by @siosm@floss.social and @JoshStrobl@fosstodon.org about the state of the atomic desktops and especially Silverblue, Kinoite and Onyx (Fedora Budgie Atomic)
