games Games since misinfo re: my country has forced me to come back unofficially and earlier than i wanted, i might as well ask: is there any other COD game that isn't pure state propaganda and isn't anti-USSR?
  • Packet Packet 4 weeks ago 100%

    Mod FNV to hell and pretend you are the last communist standing in New California Republic

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Man who took down North Korea's Internet posts an AMA.
  • Packet Packet 3 months ago 100%

    The guy(in another post i found) got somehow hacked by a script kiddie and then later(I did not understand how) he found out that the hacker was from DPRK, he did link a post to a newsletter covering a wave of attacks by "DPRK hackers". I did not get a good understanding of his whole charade, but he seems to be just salty that his OPSEC got fucked by a skiddie from "DPRK" lmfao

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Man who took down North Korea's Internet posts an AMA.
  • Packet Packet 3 months ago 100%

    DDOS attack a day keeps a boot on my face!

    Brother worked with the letter agencies, no wonder he is like this.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Zjonazism at its finest
  • Packet Packet 4 months ago 100%

    Reminds me of the alt-right hellholes that made me the leftist I am today, average "shitposter" who when confronted with reality will just send a wojak lmao

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say From a video about Soviet buildings, lib brains are completely putrefied I swear
  • Packet Packet 4 months ago 100%

    The communists are watching for any skibidi toilets up and about

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Informal poll: What’s your favorite bird
  • Packet Packet 5 months ago 100%

    any kind of beaver they def maoists

  • worldnews World News Russian hacker group known as Midnight Blizzard has stolen emails between federal agencies and Microsoft and potentially collected login credentials during a recent breach.
  • Packet Packet 5 months ago 100%


  • Packet Packet 5 months ago 100%

    China shalt take control of the Asian animation market to cleanse it of Japanese pedophilic/sexual deviancy behavior

  • palestine Palestine Over 900 Police in Berlin Dispatched to Shut Down A Pro-Palestine Conference of 250 People
  • Packet Packet 5 months ago 100%

    Wow this is like the famous book by Gorgor Owel the 1984

  • minecraft
    minecraft Packet 6 months ago 100%
    Distribution center location set, a few requests to the comrades.

    I decided to start building the distribution center inside of the mountain in spawn, we have several floors of space and it seems nobody is really occupying them. I would like to request somebody to bring a few sheep to the spawn so that we can have a sheep farm, with the snowy region the spawn is located, wolves eated up most of the sheep near spawn. We need wool for the beds.

    comics Comics The reason why conservatives give the best ideas
  • Packet Packet 6 months ago 100%

    NYC if it was good?

  • minecraft
    minecraft Packet 6 months ago 100%
    Distribution center location?

    On the first iteration of Lemmycraft, we had a distribution center on spawn. I am now surprised at how we do not have one now, anybody built it and I haven't noticed, or is it really haven't been built? If not built, where should we build one? The mountain shown in the picture contains empty tunnels (KHAMAS??!??!?!?!) where we can potentially build it.

  • Packet Packet 6 months ago 100%

    I watched TLDR news on nebula in conjunction with First Thought, back then they had more regular news reporting videos, still being from a liberal angle of course.

    Now those removed are just removed “China will fall in 3 days”, no need to actually watch their lib news.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Thoughts on the Gaokao, and in addition, this video?
  • Packet Packet 6 months ago 100%

    Hey, I left my other comment on this post, for context you can read it.

    I wanna hear your opinion on the matter of making it easier, is there a real way to make GaoKao an exam that doesn’t take away hours and hours of a young persons life, and if it does exist, then how?

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Thoughts on the Gaokao, and in addition, this video?
  • Packet Packet 6 months ago 100%

    As I guy who lived in China for 9 years as a 老外, I passed elementary school and for unforeseen reasons could not continue my stay in the country. In elementary, at least in my time, it was tougher than that of western schools, I was in a regular Chinese school and there were teachers who hit their students with rulers, but with time it smoothed out and I saw it less and less. Speaking of GaoKao, yeah, it’s fucking insane, last time i have talked to my old classmates I only have been able to do at weekends because only then does she(in her case) have time for that. I think the whole thing starts even before high school, in middle school, where the students start to get prepped. China is not solo in this one though, for example Russian ЕГЭ(and post Soviet countries in general) are also hard and matter a lot for your possibilities to get into a good uni without having to pay with your soul. Chinese case, is in my opinion, just eastern over-achieving, which should be made easier for the sake of poor students. In Russians case, it is the consequences of a broken education system.

  • lemmygrad_court People's Court Communism_69 is weird, and should be deleted
  • Packet Packet 7 months ago 100%

    Peter what the fuck?

  • minecraft minecraft Lemmycraft monthly discussion #3 (Dec)
  • Packet Packet 9 months ago 100%

    Hello haven't been a lot on the server for half a year already(Time flies by doesn't it?), joining the server made me think of a new years wipe and starting anew with publicity on hexbear and here on lemmygrad. Will give the project a new breath of air and much of a push for more activity. For Edward, what ya think? You are the host after all and I can't decide for the server, so I'm just interested in where is the project heading at the moment and in the future.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Urban Dictionary cope
  • Packet Packet 11 months ago 100%

    Anything le bad west does, it is solely one country's responsibility. If anything le good happens, NATO LETS GOOOOO!!!!!!

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Urban Dictionary cope
  • Packet Packet 11 months ago 100%

    HOLY SMOKES!!! You did it liberal, you busted me with your simple logic, I no longer can be. Time to embrace the right!

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat Packet 11 months ago 90%
    A new People Make Games video on Palestine

    May some of the takes be pretty meh, with the whole condemning HAMAS. But it surely is not all lost, just the whole idea of western gamedev hypocrisy on how they supported Ukraine yet are not doing the same treatment to Palestinians. Just want to hear your thoughts.

  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Where does the text come from?

  • genzedong GenZedong Goodbye, thank you for everything!
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Good luck with life, comrade. Hope it goes well!

  • minecraft minecraft Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #5
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I am a part of this problem. Built both the public iron and wool farm yet didn’t really mark it…. Is anybody still aware of them or are they abandoned? Wool farm is on spawn while the iron farm is near the XP farm

  • minecraft minecraft Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #5
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I had the same idea in June, but know I am far from my pc and will only be able to log on at the end of august. The canal thing was mine(if it still stands), I tried to see if anybody that plays is living in the spawn, but every time someone is online, I can’t seem to find anyone who lives there. I may think that some houses are literally abandoned and we can vote to get them demolished. If you seen the unfinished quartz building near the statues at spawn(if it still is unfinished, it wasn’t probably touched from the start of June.

  • minecraft minecraft Lemmycraft Weekly Discussion #3
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Hello people! Haven’t been long on the server, I see you have gained the new update. I’m happy for y’all! Any interesting projects going on? Also how is the spawn doing, did anyone start renovations? I hope the sheep farm that I placed last on the server is going on well. Did anyone adopt western frontier? Thanks a lot and I hope to log on in near future(in a month lol)

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Lemmy is just a nazi den now.
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 75%

    How is this still allowed? If anyone made this take about people living in Ukraine he would be banned in minutes. I have relatives living in Ukraine, labeling them as war mongers is just eh I guess? Like not awful but man don’t spew no more diarrhea. It’s not even offensive, more just kind of cringe.

  • world World News What happened to the Crimea bridge and why is it important?
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah man, I agree. USA should do so too. Ya know, too big of a country eh? Texas and Florida should separate and California following them as an example. Especially California, I hate California.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Russia has one thing that it fumbled under the communist rule, and I hate it.(low quality post)
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for the critique! I agree with you on the part about Putin being the most adequate choice on town. But it still shouldn’t be taken as the normality. I think that my country could grow immensely if it had more candidates that were presentable. I simply dream of some change and of better future for Russia. I of course am against all the pro western guys now, and quite ashamed of supporting Navalny in the past. I am saying honestly that I am not very smart in the region of Russian politics as my time spent outside of the country and far away from political concepts make my ideas skewed or outdated. I really should invest some time in investigating the political ecosystem of Russia. Summarizing, I think Russia should focus on healing the political landscape and introduce some competition between the parties. United Russia is holding a big part of the gos duma and if a new more left leaning player would enter the landscape it would add more choice. Now I should invest some time reading about the politics in Russia and catch up on the recent events. Thanks again for your critique and i would love to hear from you again.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Russia has one thing that it fumbled under the communist rule, and I hate it.(low quality post)
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Of course not, I was born in Siberia and since 4 have never lived long in the country. I mostly spent my time growing up in China and now live in Spain. But the US is a hell hole that I don’t have much enthusiasm to travel to.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Russia has one thing that it fumbled under the communist rule, and I hate it.(low quality post)
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 60%

    When I was saying about that, is the small but somewhat existent choice of racists and past racists. It is not significant in the bigger picture but at least imposes a view of a politically involved country.

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat Packet 1 year ago 47%
    Russia has one thing that it fumbled under the communist rule, and I hate it.(low quality post)

    I am right now visiting my motherland, haven’t been here for a while. I talked with some of my friends/pals and we came to one interesting conversation. Somehow Russian population seems to have no interest in politics of their country and USSR has some part to play in the problem. In the USSR involvement in the politics by an average citizen was low compared to other countries, some just blindly trusted their leaders, while some were just not interested in politics. Those who blindly trusted their leaders were so sure that no one in the party would fumble something, that they simply became also not interested in the politics. In result we now have a population of people letting a guy to rule for 20+ years, basically allowing the same guy to hold power after the fall of USSR. In turn we now have a population whose interest in politics higher than the “that candidate bad cause he is X” is practically non existent. We as Russians should be blamed for our politic inactivity. While Americans are playing the two faced-same coin politics, they at least have something to choose and discuss. While Russians have only one faced plane of United Russia that holds the majority for whatever the fuck amount of time passed since it’s inception in the 90s(I guess??) Yeah this is low quality rant from me while I was standing in a line for a museum. So please say if I am wrong in some parts. Which am probably am. I will be thankful and also interested in your replies.

    Ask Lemmygrad Packet 1 year ago 94%
    Why is radio free asia/europe so hated in socialist/communist circles?

    To be honest I have never dived into the drama and don't read either of them. I'm just interested why they are hated so much in our circles, yet loved by the more right leaning ones.

    genzedong GenZedong Cringe stacked on cringe
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Lmao, the biggest L is that he bought the CyberChildKiller.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say "Marxism is Liberalism in Decay"
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Well, he is kind of right. As Marx developed on the idea of that of destruction of capitalism and in turn the establishment of communism. So liberalism is in kind of a way into communism. (which implies decay)

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say This is your brain on liberalism
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 75%

    I like how many outer people who never lived in Russia always boast about decolonizing or balkanizing the country. I can understand the concerns about our federative aspect(which is non existent if I would be honest). But the balkanization is just another way for westards to impose their power to the east. Also funny how they won't do it to their country first, but Russia. Lmao

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Reddit users having a meltdown over discovering the creators of are comrades
  • Packet Packet 1 year ago 100%

    Are allegations even real or could be held against him?

    Also, the privacy aspect is actually a good point there. Would've enjoyed if it was more private focused.
