ukraine Ukraine UK backs Ukraine to strike Russia with Storm Shadow missiles
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 3 weeks ago 94%

    $1M a shot seems like a lot until you look at what goes into each one, how much development costs, and the environment it is designed for. You don't need corruption to make these expensive. Also, the are based on 30 year old technology. Rather than being cheaper than new, they tend to be more expensive due to requiring miniature mechanisms which were cutting edge in 199x. And there are no other uses for them in their hardened configuration so you don't get economy of scale of something like a commercial ship or board. Plus there's a lot of paperwork and you can't sell a single piece unless the government approves it. This is so far from a consumer item there isn't even a way to compare costs.

    FWIW, corruption would cost roughly the same price but you'd receive a missile with shoddy components and forged paperwork. Just look at Russia's army to see the difference in munition reliability.

  • whitepeopletwitter People Twitter Don't blame me for that
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Go look at a BA ticket. I just found out that my round trip flight from the US to Scotland is only $60. Round. Trip. For $60.

    Of course there’s $260 in taxes and airport fees and $280 in “carrier surcharges”.

  • memes Memes Here's a quick project that anyone can do in their garage.
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    As a modeler, 3D printers are a bit like AI art to an artist. It's fast, it can do some things that are nearly impossible to replicate, but it feels like a hack or a crutch at times. Part of the thrill of old-school modeling (for which I'm neither old enough nor patient enough) is taking very basic, simple shapes and making something realistic out of seemingly nothing. Adam is absolutely from that school. And - like AI art - to go from almost good to presentation quality is nearly as much work - or more - that just building from scratch. As a long time model rocket enthusiast, my printer is an amazing utility. But for some of the really intricate models, I have a lot less pride in the final product because I know I just pressed a button and it popped out.

  • memes Memes Here's a quick project that anyone can do in their garage.
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Yeah, I made nearly that mistake. Twice, actually. First with a monoprice, then a creality. I probably have more money in upgrades on my CR10s than I have in the purchase, and I still haven't upgraded the board. I keep thinking I'll fix it but I've resolved to strip a couple of parts and throw it away. My Prusa XL preorder came last month. I made one update to it (for better TPU performance), and printed one QoL add-on (nozzle wipers). That's it. I'm done. It prints like a dream, multi-material supports are indistinguishable from magic, and even swapping nozzles is fairly quick and easy. Now I'm (almost) exclusively printing things for my other hobbies rather than worrying that something on my CR10s will fail or need re-tuning.

  • memes Memes Here's a quick project that anyone can do in their garage.
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Don't care. I will watch every second of every build project Adam Savage does in his shop.

  • memes Memes Here's a quick project that anyone can do in their garage.
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 98%

    Me: Should I buy a prebuilt 3D printer?

    Reddit 3D printing sub: Oh, heck no. I put mine together for $18.22 plus some spare parts from seven printers I got of craigslist for $1 from some widow. Only took me three weekends to do it, plus a couple hundred hours to update the firmware to match the parts and troubleshoot it.

    Me: Uh, so does it print better than the one I could just buy?

    Reddit: Well, I'm still tuning it for all my filaments. I've been through about 40kg, and I've got a trashcan full of benchys though. The last few have been pretty good.

  • ukraine Ukraine SpaceX Starlink terminals openly available on Russian website offered by Chinese drone maker DJI claiming to be an "official distributor"
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Only way to disable these Russian terminals would be to do it individually device by device.

    Your offer is accepted. Certainly a 10 figure fine would help shake loose a small team at SpaceX to enable this.

  • usa United States | News & Politics A tech billionaire is quietly buying up land in Hawaii. No one knows why
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Yeah. I mean, if I had the money I’d build a retreat there too. Like a big one. Good transport, reliable commerce, great weather. The only down side is it’s expensive. But if I’m a billionaire what do I care how much a banana costs?

  • news News Texas governor issues disaster declaration as wildfires grow in Panhandle
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Looks like somebody didn’t rake their forests.

  • technology Technology Bezos, Nvidia, OpenAI, Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, invest millions in human-like robot startup
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Exactly. Not that I don’t appreciate the automation we have, but this is one of the domestic “last mile” problems - along with proper dusting and loading and folding laundry - that need to be solved.

  • memes Memes Airplane! is the perfect comedy
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Undercover Brother

  • news News Couples race to move frozen embryos out of Alabama after court defines them as children
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    I don’t see how this isn’t prima facie evidence of a first amendment violation (presuming that the courts or state legislatures are bound by “Congress” being synonymous with “Government” as I believe it’s been interpreted)

  • ukraine Ukraine UK sanctions heads of Arctic penal colony where Alexei Navalny was killed
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    I'm sure that Mr. Kalinin is devasted by the news and will work to reform his prison and bring Navalny back from the dead in order to restore his good name.

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 78%

    I find it more neckbeard than Reddit, and I mean that in the most offensive way. Reddit was big enough that there were lots of places they either didn’t participate or were so rare as to not be annoying. They’re everywhere here on the big, fully federated servers.

    By the same token, the semi-federated, more restrictive instances (yes, I mean beehaw) are actually quite nice places and really does feel like a mature place to casually discuss things.

    In general, though, lemmy is a desert or ghost town of vibrant niche, non-IT focused communities with regular participation.

  • technology Technology AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 80%

    They’re not looking for the exceptional, out there exceptions - they’re looking for statistical pattern which have predicted current success. You may as well say that BMI is a useless metric for long term health complications. They both explicitly misestimate anomalous outliers because they are not designed to identify or classify anomalous outliers.

  • memes Memes Please don't make me google where your application saves things by default
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Say your pc torrents 2 TB of media

    those people in engineering and comp sci who have massive files of projects

    Neither of those people are using windows as an appliance.

    because they already use backups to github

    This is where everyone who loves Linux - and nearly everyone who works in IT/CompSci fails to understand the rest of the world. If you have to do anything from the command line - or if anything is easier from the command line - you've excluded roughly 90% of the population from calling it "easy". You may as well tell someone how to adjust the fuel mix in their carburetor or set up a bridgeport mill to make a quick replacement for the plastic buckle that broke on their backpack (and much stronger/durable to boot!). Not only does nobody today want to, they've probably only seen exist in a movie.

  • memes Memes Hey, Listen!
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Tinkerbell was OG thicc

  • memes Memes Please don't make me google where your application saves things by default
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    This is nearly identical to the Apple ecosystem. Everything gets virtually pathed and saved to your iCloud account unless you direct it to do otherwise. Oh, and you can't manage iOS to do otherwise, short of disabling the iCloud uploads. In Windows, for people who blindly (or intentionally) choose OneDrive for their cloud service, it's essentially transparent. I'm not saying it's right, but for the pc-as-an-appliance crowd, it's pretty smooth when it works.

  • funny Funny: Home of the Haha Well that's unfortunate
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 92%

    Does nobody file their fingernails anymore? God damned barbarians, the lot of you.

  • unions unions Alaska flight attendants vote 99.48% for strike authorization - Alaska share price falls, along with share prices of Southwest, United, and American
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 80%

    This is the free market in action. Corporations and Libertarians should be ecstatic about the efficiency of the …hold on, I’m getting a… huh, seems they aren’t pleased when confronted with their core beliefs. Funny that.

  • news News Conservative group tells judge it has no evidence to back its claims of Georgia ballot stuffing
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    If I pulled something like this in my profession I’d be fined and permanently lose my license to practice. And losing my license in one state would likely trigger the automatic revocation in the other states I’m licensed (maybe not WV, they don’t seem to give a shit). That seems appropriate.

  • technology Technology Ex-Apple engineer sentenced to six months in prison for stealing self-driving car tech
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    Nice redirect - this is not about the theft of hardware but the divulging of [checks Republican notecard] Super Important Information (but not important enough to patent, or so simple as to not be patentable) that was given to [Checks skin color card] those theiving, IP stealing, red communist Chinese.

    I hope your corporate masters give you a pat on the head and an extra Milk Bone tonight. You've worked hard for it.

  • technology Technology Ex-Apple engineer sentenced to six months in prison for stealing self-driving car tech
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 100%

    stealing * information* Nobody was harmed; nobody was deprived of life, limb, security, or physical property or currency. Knowledge was transferred without authorization, meaning that only the potential reduction of future profits for a corporation is at stake. It's a breach of contract - about the least impactful thing that a human can do to non-human. This kind of crime should never result in prison, or else it should be applied to every knowledge worker, ceo, or vc who remembers any part of any business they've every been involved with in the past (which it never is).

  • technology Technology Ex-Apple engineer sentenced to six months in prison for stealing self-driving car tech
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 7 months ago 96%

    I’ll agree with you when a corporation is jailed for life when an employee or consumer of their product dies. Until then, this is simple theft and should be financially punished.

  • politics politics Republican Senator Gives Away the Game on Why They Killed Border Deal
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    typical GOP / chucklefuck misogyny Yes, but sooooo much more. They don't just hate her for being a woman, they hate her for being a successful woman who overtly mocks them (not the deplorables comment - it's the way she outmaneuvered them and pointed out their genuine policy errors in the past 2.5 decades of her political life). If she had been male they would hate her with the fire of a thousand suns. That she is a woman just makes them go apoplectic on top.

    TBH, she's much closer to my (moderate) political ideology than those (here on Lemmy) who favor a far more liberal leader and I agree she would have made a good president.

  • politics politics Republican Senator Gives Away the Game on Why They Killed Border Deal
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    It goes back to the 90s with her. They (republicans if practically every strip) hated that she would have the audacity to be anything other than a dinner host while First Lady. She is a massively polarizing figure and, literally, polls worse among center (by US standards) and right voters than “nobody”.

  • politics politics Republican Senator Gives Away the Game on Why They Killed Border Deal
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    They still probably world have won in 2016. Every person in the DNC is blind to how much everyone, everyone outside the party absofuckinglutely hates Hillary Clinton.

  • technology Technology Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    That seems like a lot of work. It would be easier for me to write a bot that will post every article from my favorite sites to Then I could have another bot summarize it in the body.

    Oh, wait…several people already have. :-/

  • politics politics Republicans’ Own “Whistleblower” Trashes Their Entire Biden Corruption Claim
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    They’re baffled because they walk as close to, or as much over, the line as they can without getting caught and can’t understand that everyone else isn’t cheating the system at every turn.

  • china China The Economic Collapse of China Is a Global Crisis, Analyst Says
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    The US has learned, to an extent, if they occasionally overreact. Hoover was a stauch fiscal conservative and, when money got tight, he went with austerity because he feared debt as an evil. We've discovered that government must, instead, grease the wheels of commerce before the grind to a halt, offering a path for liquidity when all other markets dry up. The danger, as we've seen in the past two downturns, is that politicians (and corporations) become fat and over-reliant on the outsized returns after the actual crisis is over and end up throwing gasoline on burning fire, over extending, and crashing into a new crisis. The soft landing following the Covid stimulus is quite the tightrope feat and I suspect if we'd had 4 more years of trump we'd have seen a peak and crash already rather than the trough and taper.

    What we haven't figured out is how to pay back all this stimulus because politicians are too afraid to scrape the cream off of corporations to pay for the time that we bailed their asses out.

  • ukraine Ukraine A Ukrainian FPV drone scratched a Russian "loaf" van.
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    Meh, that'll buff...oh, nevermind.

  • technology Technology Universal Music says that it will pull its song catalog from TikTok tomorrow at midnight, as the companies are unable to reach a deal on rights. Huge implications.
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    No, the music overlay music offered in the app is licensed and can be added. Creators who are performing covers, I believe, generally have the license held by TikTok or have their videos muted/taken offline. Special arrangements are made for intentional or encouraged content . That is a guess, but things like Megan Trainor’s “Gucci” where she is both the original artist and a participant would be a case like this. I would think Grace Kelly and sing alongs on arrangement-bound copyright material like Pentatonix doing public domain carols (or even Roger’s and Hammerstein) are negotiated licensing if outside of their pre-negotiated license.

  • ukraine Ukraine On January 30th, 2024, the enemy attacked with 35 "Shahed" type UAVs and two S-300 missiles. 15 UAVs were destroyed.
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    Yeah, my first thought was, "oof, rough night"

  • ukraine Ukraine Ukranian soldiers test Swedish chemical weapons.
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    The description(s) here put it solidly in the same camp as (Asian) fish sauce. The smell will make your eyes water, but it add umami flavor to a dish and gives is a fuller flavor profile (without actually tasting like it smells).

  • ukraine Ukraine Ukraine levels up the fight with drone strikes deep into Russia - Lemmy.World
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    the US becoming a major oil and gas exporter

    This is a common misconception - we're already the oil producing gorilla. Oil, both unrefined and refined, have been the top exports of the US for years now - well over a decade. We are the largest global producer of oil - by a huge margin - and have been for years. In 2022 we were almost 19% of the global supply - producing 50% more than each #2 Saudi Arabia and #3 Russia, and more than the next 4 countries combined.

    The conservatives in the US like to say that we have to drill in an attempt to become energy independent, but we send much of our product to higher paying markets outside of our own border. Our only imbalance is in the mix of refinery capability and domestic supply type (light/heavy/sweet).

  • news News Alaska Airlines CEO: We found 'many' loose bolts on our Max 9 planes following near-disaster
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    If they required professional engineers to be in charge,and to sign off, you don’t need any crime. Screw up, lose your license, be provided from working. But “industry” bought an exemption in congress from licensing law.

  • politics politics Trump Brags He 'Aced' Cognitive Test, Correctly Identified a Whale
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    Every 2 bit gambler thinks he’s a whale.

  • politics politics Trump Brags He 'Aced' Cognitive Test, Correctly Identified a Whale
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    Every 2 bit gambler thinks he’s a whale.

  • politics politics Trump Brags He 'Aced' Cognitive Test, Correctly Identified a Whale
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    Man, I miss the old days when his ramblings were significantly less incoherent.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck [Game] MONSTER HUNTER RISE adds new DRM that breaks it on Steam Deck
  • Overzeetop Overzeetop 8 months ago 100%

    Refund request time, you mean, right?

  • steamdeck
    Steam Deck Overzeetop 12 months ago 86%
    Does Windows/Big Screen work like the Linux/Gaming Mode?

    Are any windows users running their deck using the Big Screen mode of Steam and, if so, how is the experience?

    Steam Deck Overzeetop 1 year ago 92%
    Why doesn’t the steamdeck hibernate by default?

    So many times I forget to plug the deck or someone uses the charging cable for something else and I come back to play the next weekend and the deck is at 0%. Why doesn’t the deck have a deep sleep or hibernate mode on by default like my laptop or iPad?

    Steam Deck Overzeetop 1 year ago 60%
    On screen keyboard and mouse - what are your survival tricks?

    Excluding adding an external keyboard and mouse, what quality of life changes can be made to the deck to make keyboard and mouse work less terrible?

    Amateur Radio Overzeetop 1 year ago 61%
    Is anyone surprised at the response in Maui?

    I see reports of pretty much all communications down, but no indication that am radio is picking up slack or pitching in. Are there that few operators left?

    Helsinki Overzeetop 1 year ago 20%
    What is your favorite (online) newspaper?

    Sorry for the post in English; I hope that's okay. I like to read online news sources from several countries as it feels like I get better perspective on world events. I've been keeping the Helsinki Times as a bookmark, but the reporting seems to have exceptionally low turnover, at least on the front page. What are your favorite Finnish sites for news about Finland, and what Finns like to read about events in the rest the world? Thanks! Oh - I prefer sites in the native language; I don't read/speak Finnish, but I'd rather read a transliteration through Google than a site which is targeted to English-speaking foreigners.
