artshare Art Share🎨 Brush & ink on vellum bristol board
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 days ago 100%

    Looking at it now, it's possible I posted this upside down 🤷

  • artshare
    Art Share🎨 Monstrosity 2 days ago 98%
    Brush & ink on vellum bristol board

    Brush used on illustration for scale. Hope you enjoy!

    comicstrips Comic Strips Passion [Mhuyo]
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 days ago 60%

    Ah, also, it's butt ugly. Sry to the cartoonist, who is probably very nice, but that plasticky, slick looking tablet screen linework is starting to get to me. It's everywhere.

  • 196 196 Costumes rule
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 days ago 100%

    Art was a mistake.

  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 days ago 100%

    That is unbelievably irresponsible.

  • reddit Reddit /r/wholesomememes bans reposts posts, nobody posts for two days
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 weeks ago 100%

    Begun the Bot War has.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Maybe this is better for everyone
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 weeks ago 78%

    Yikes. You know, vegans are targeted by the extremely wealthy & powerful meat & dairy industries who spend untold fortunes making the vegan lifestyle look as unappealing and "crazy" as possible?

    I mean, I'm sure you're galaxy brain is impervious to propaganda and everything, I'm just saying, you're painting with an awfully broad brush.

  • microblogmemes Microblog Memes Dungeons and Dragons
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 weeks ago 100%

    Same shit happens when you have sex with them. Extremely frustrating.

  • news News Blood puddles, mold, tainted meat, bugs: Boar’s Head inspections are horrifying
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 weeks ago 46%

    Because I was being hyperbolic. You're probably doing it right imo.

  • news News Blood puddles, mold, tainted meat, bugs: Boar’s Head inspections are horrifying
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 weeks ago 88%

    I appreciate the point you're trying to make but if you look into it, our meat habit is far and away one of, if not the, biggest climate challenges we face. We cannot continue consuming meat at our current pace and curb global warming, it's that simple. And while my initial post is extremely judgemental, I really just wish people would start paying attention to how much meat they eat. Is it really necessary? Really? Every meal? Considering the resources meat requires to harvest, I don't think so, but, sure, harp on my clothes, bro/broette.

  • news News Kroger executive admits company gouged prices above inflation
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 weeks ago 93%

    Ooooh, I'm pretty sure I know the employee owned chain you speak of because I shop there too. I started going when some of Safeway's prices mysteriously doubled for no apparent reason. I'm so happy I made the switch. Those greedy pigs at Safeway did me a favor.

  • news News Blood puddles, mold, tainted meat, bugs: Boar’s Head inspections are horrifying
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 weeks ago 42%

    That's nice to say, but actually your meat consumption is fucking everyone up, even people who choose to live their lives the way they like and not fuck the Planet up because they lack the willpower to resist that tasty tasty carcass at literally every meal.

    EDIT: Meaters, eating just one meal a day that includes meat would make a HUGE environmental impact. Just, try it for a week, cut down to meat for one meal daily. Breakfast or lunch or dinner. It's easy.

  • politics politics SITE CHANGED HEADLINE: Harris says she would appoint a Republican to her Cabinet if elected
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 weeks ago 80%

    Is that right? Because it seems to me the Republicans can't even muster up the respect to address the Democratic Party as the Democratic Party and insist on calling it the Democrat Party just to be a bunch of fucking disrespectful assholes. Party leaders have been doing so for decades.

    But please, continue your Ted Talk about childish behavior...

  • technology Technology California legislature passes controversial “kill switch” AI safety bill
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 weeks ago 100%

    Also, they used our general knowledge and culture to train the damn things. They should be open sourced for that reason alone. Llms should be seen and treated like libraries, as collections of our common intellect, accessible by everyone.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost A horse walks into a trial
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 3 weeks ago 90%

    Oh. I always assumed it was because she is, like, well endowed, or something. Guess that's a me thing.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes A conservative billionaire had some things to say
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 4 weeks ago 98%

    See, I, like millions upon tens of millions of others, were not fooled for even one nanosecond by that Orange Fuck's obvious horseshit so, you're kind of undercutting your own credibility there, champ.

  • memes memes OH NO YOU DONT
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 4 weeks ago 100%

    Actually this happened to me when I modded Slay the Spire the other night.

  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 80%

    Actually, a lot don't. I mean, like, at least fifty percent. You would be surprised. I don't think it's schools being conservative so much as it didn't occur to teachers and staff that analogue clocks are frankly obsolete (I still like them). I didn't read this article, but it sounds like that's being corrected.

    Anyways, I really respect your attitude that it's not worth getting bent out of shape or spending a lot of time on, I think you're right. A lot of people get precious about it or, worse, make fun of kids like they're stupid because they haven't wasted their time learning to read, essentially, a sundial.

  • privacy Privacy Use a password manager
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%

    That's what I've resorted to, but I only use Firefox because it has a master password.

    Chrome has no master password so what stops any fool from stealing your passwords while you're taking a piss, I don't know.

    Password managers always cause me headaches, though, and never want to integrate correctly. More trouble than their worth in my estimation.

  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%

    Hobbit Smash!

  • wtf WTF That's great. That's great.
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 90%

    Oh well, in that context, totally not two out of touch tower goblins, nvmd!

  • politics politics Americans' refusal to keep paying higher prices may be dealing a final blow to US inflation spike
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%

    It's crazy to me to see all the hollowed out store fronts because local businesses can't pay "rent." Especially after the pandemic.

    The small business couldn't make rent, so the Landlord kicked them out, so now the business person has no business and the landlord has a boarded up storefront covered with graffiti. There are entire city blocks abandoned because of this nonsense. Who does this benefit?

  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%

    I've also heard ferrets are terrible at Cribbage, but I'm not a scientist.

  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%

    I want to see someone look at this image, and then tell me, to my face, that AI isn't art. TRY IT!

  • news News Elon Musk’s X just sued a nonprofit advertising group out of existence
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%
  • news News Trump keeps calling Harris ‘Kamabla’ but nobody seems to know the meaning behind it
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 98%

    I read a suggestion that he's combining Kamala and Obama because he's a dumb ass racist and that theory actually kind of tracks.

  • div0 /0 How to block another instance to curate your Lemmy experience
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%

    Another good non-offensive example is communities that speak a different language than you.

    /c/ich_iel, you all seem very nice, but I never know what the hell you are yammering on about. BLOCKED.

  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%

    I want to connect with you, emotionally :)

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%
  • politics politics Harris selects Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be VP running mate, sources say
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 100%

    "Remember kids, even rumors can be hurtful"
    ~Richard Gere

  • politics politics Kyle Rittenhouse criticized Donald Trump. So conservatives said he's transgender.
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 1 month ago 66%
  • artshare Art Share🎨 Maja. White gel pen on black paper, February 2023.
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%

    Really nice!

  • artshare
    Art Share🎨 Monstrosity 2 months ago 96%
    Scratch art (2.5x2.75")

    I found the tool I use for scratchboard/paper, so here it is. It looks like a pen, but is actually a flexible little blade. I hope you enjoy!

    til Today I Learned (TIL) TIL about the 1968 Olympic 'Black Power Salute' and the white guy in that photo
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 94%

    Anyone interested in learning more about the organization their gloves represented, I recommend The Black Panther Party: A Graphic Novel History, by David F. Walker and Marcus Kwame Anderson.

    It's chock full of wholesome scenes like this one:


  • linuxmemes linuxmemes How paranoid are you?
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%
  • privacy Privacy twitter has started training AI with user data
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%

    Oh, I'm okay, thank you. The op comment is intentionally hyperbolic to help drive home the point.

  • privacy Privacy twitter has started training AI with user data
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%

    I was thinking about my Reddit account. How it's really old and has tens of thousands of mean, cranky ass bad takes, half of which are probably not true or I wrote when I was high, depressed, or stressed about events beyond my control.

    Those are all getting scraped by Google right now to be rolled up into the permenant knowledge base of their next massive AI model. You're welcome!

  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%

    This comic is only true maybe in the sense of time passing, really.

  • comicstrips
    Comic Strips Monstrosity 2 months ago 97%
    artshare Art Share🎨 Ink on bristol
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%

    It's funny you don't know what Pixelfed is. Your username is lol. You have that space to post artwork in the future if you'd like. It's sort of like Instagram, I guess, but non-commercial. Anyways, thanks for sharing, I like talking shop.

  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 66%

    No kidding, next time try Truth Social, bro. They'll be rolling in the aisles over there.

  • artshare
    Art Share🎨 Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%
    Scratchboard appx 3x3"

    Scratchboard sketch (scratchpaper? That's kind of something else. Anyways). The tool I use looks sort of like a calligraphy pen, but is a flexible blade. I seem to have misplaced it, so, that's annoying. I'll try to include a picture next time. I hope you enjoy.

    artshare Art Share🎨 Ink on bristol
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%

    Lol fair enough. Indian ink, Windsor & Newton, specifically.

    I've only used 2 & 3 before, so I actually like going way smaller than that, but 4/0 is damn small.

    I got this tiny guy b/c it's pure kilinsky and was on mega clearance at my local art store for something like ten bucks so I snagged it. Hopefully I'll find a happy medium next time.

    btw I checked out your Pixelfed, but there's nothing :(

  • pics pics Olympic gymnast Giorgia Villa is sponsored by parmesan and takes many photos with a wheel of cheese
  • Monstrosity Monstrosity 2 months ago 100%

    Oof, thanks for this.

  • artshare
    Art Share🎨 Monstrosity 2 months ago 97%
    Ink on bristol

    I'm realizing folks like to see the tools people use when they draw so I included that this time. It's a brush that's too small tbh (a friggin' size 4/0) but it's nice & I got it for extremely cheap. Hope you're having a swell day!

    Art Share🎨 Monstrosity 2 months ago 97%
    Thin Scratchboard/paper (3 x 3.5")

    This is done on paper that mimics scratch board, but is waaaaaaaay cheaper. Somewhat hard to find without rainbow colors underneath, unfortunately.

    Art Share🎨 Monstrosity 2 months ago 96%
    Brush pen in bristol board

    Hey, non-representational today. Hope you like it!

    Art Share🎨 Monstrosity 2 months ago 97%
    Sketch: brush & ink

    I've been post my experimental illustrations over on Pixelfed ( and would like to cross post here, too. If it gets annoying, mods let me know. Otherwise, I hope you like it!
