selfhosted Selfhosted Port Fowarding minecraft server hardening question (gentoo)
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 week ago 100%

    I am not sure if there is a good way to do it without scripting, and a router that would allow for taking variable input from an external script. But theoretically if the router would support it, you could script a port change at times there are no one on the server.

    Essentially the server port is in a text file, you could use some command line utilities, and write a script leveraging something like sed to change the port in place.

    But I am overcomplicating it. lol

  • linux Linux How do you realistically build your own OS with Arch Linux?
    linux Linux Successful move over after years of trial and error
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    I tried using Bazzite since I didn't want to fuss with Wayland on Nvidia with Arch.

    I had more gripes and more issues with an immutable distro than I ever did with my Arch install.

    Stuck it out with Arch. It has taught me a lot.

    The problem many folks have with Arch is the fact they don't want to read or learn; well, newsflash, if you read and learn Arch isn't exactly all that hard to use, setup, or maintain. It has better documentation than Bazzite and other newer distros. In fact, Arch Wiki has saved me hassle for other distros.

    Your mileage may vary. However, I wouldn't recommend an immutable distribution nec3ssarily to someone coming from Windows unless they want to shift from one paradigm to another.

    Switching from Windows to something with such a vastly different approach in many cases will turn users away from using Linux. Their experience can dictate they switch away because of lack of knowledge and then proced to conflate every distro as just one "Linux" experience and not want to look back at it.

    I still stand by one thing you will always hear me say: use the right tool for the job.

  • kde KDE What keeps dimming my monitors?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    1 month ago 100%

    I'm having similar. When machine dims the display, it's changing my monitors brightness and doesn't bounce back.

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Gaming on Linux is great!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    There are very few games I have I can't play on Linux.

    Cant get the Crysis Remastered trilogy (epic games variants) working. Can't get Alan Wake Remastered working above 16fps. And a few more, but guess I don't need to play them.

  • archlinux Arch Linux Unattended install script
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I haven't been big on the AI bandwagon, buty curiosity was piqued. I used AI to write an install script, and I am gonna test it on a VM. It's quite robust if it works.

    And I'm gonna hand rewrite it to be note modular instead of one script.

  • archlinux Arch Linux Unattended install script
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I have been wanting to write my own setup script for (re)installing arch on my systems. But I haven't gotten around to it. Though this gives me some ideas how to do it. Thank you for sharing!

  • technology technology I switched to Linux!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    For games you can use Lutris and/or heroic with WINE and Proton.

    RGB stuff you can use OpenRGB.

    The Anker webcam doesn't work with your Linux install? What model?

    I hear Gimp is getting a big update here in the near future. Not sure your use case. I don't do much photo editing anymore.

    Virt-Manager is straight forward, and is a GUI that can work with QEMU.

    Hope this helps :)

  • games Games An announcement about the new Valve game could be coming soon, after a mysterious update on Steam
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    You didn't calm down in your old age? Go shake your cane at some clouds in a different yard gramps.

  • games Games An announcement about the new Valve game could be coming soon, after a mysterious update on Steam
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Take a breather, walk away from the internet. Touch some grass. Go do something productive with your time instead of being an insignificant sad angry little person.

    Have the day you deserve

  • technology technology I switched to Linux!
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    If I may ask, what specific hardware?

    For my use case with proprietary hardware I use USB Passthrough with QEMU (Virt-Manager)

  • games Games An announcement about the new Valve game could be coming soon, after a mysterious update on Steam
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Your comment is more useless than the meme comment you were responding to.

    Don't like something, scroll on.

    Are you being pissy just to be pissy?

  • linux Linux I finally deleted windows on every computer I own
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Glad to hear another success story of someone who dropped Windows.

    I dropped Windows on all of my machines over a month ago. My 2 desktops and 1 laptop I own are on Arch. I can't fully escape Windows completely due to music production software I use due to lack of support for the hardware on Linux. (Thanks Line6...) So I run a Windows VM in QEMU with USB passthrough, but with no network access.

    I wrote an alias to count days its been since I switched to Linux full time.

    It wasn't a difficult switch for me. Even with the learning curve. I actually enjoy the tinkering and learning aspect.

  • linux4noobs Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! In need of help recovering Laptop stuck in grub shell
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I am fully with you!

    Thank you! Wish I was the one who figured it out. I am just sharing what was taught to me!

    That is exactly the reason I joined Lemmy, to ditch centralization.

  • linux4noobs Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! In need of help recovering Laptop stuck in grub shell
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I will always try to share the solutions, even if I find them elsewhere. Changes are it could help someone else out!

  • linux4noobs Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! In need of help recovering Laptop stuck in grub shell
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I cannot take credit for finding the solution. Someone on a discord chat I found was able to help me. The fix:

    1 Open a terminal:

    Unlock the LUKS partition:

    cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p2 arch

    2 Mount the BTRFS filesystem: Since BTRFS has subvolumes, you need to mount the correct subvolume:

    mount -o subvol=@ /dev/mapper/arch /mnt

    3 Mount the necessary virtual filesystems:

    mount --types proc /proc /mnt/proc
    mount --rbind /sys /mnt/sys
    mount --make-rslave /mnt/sys
    mount --rbind /dev /mnt/dev
    mount --make-rslave /mnt/dev

    4 Bind the boot partition (if separate): If you have a separate boot partition, you need to mount it too:

    mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /mnt/boot

    5 Chroot into your system:

    arch-chroot /mnt

    6 Fix your fstab: Ensure that your /etc/fstab file inside the chroot environment is correctly set up. You might need to generate a new one using genfstab:

    genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

    7 Update GRUB: Reinstall and update GRUB to ensure it is correctly installed:

    grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

    Exit the chroot environment:


    Unmount all the filesystems:


    umount -R /mnt
    cryptsetup luksClose arch

    8 Reboot:

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    In need of help recovering Laptop stuck in grub shell

    Well, wasn't expecting this... I rebooted my laptop, and it keeps booting to the grub shell. I was going to arch-chroot into it and update grub, and rebuild intarimfs, however, I guess I don't know how to with BTRFS subvolumes that are LUKS encrypted. I would appreciate any help, and am willing to learn. I could even jump on a call of some kind if anyone has time to help... --- Arch BTRFS encrypted with LUKS (No LVM) GRUB --- I live booted into the live usb cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p2 arch mount /dev/mapper/arch /mnt arch-chroot /mnt Output: mount: /mnt/proc: mount point does not exist dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call. => ERROR: failed to setup chroot /mnt So I browsed /mnt and it lists subvolumes. However, I am not sure how to go about arch-chrooting into this.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Qcow2 vs Physical Disk for QEMU

    Hello everyone, Back again with more questions maybe you all could help with. So currently I am running Arch with BTRFS, and for a few specific programs that aren't all that graphically intensive (Specifically Line 6 applications for my Helix and PowerAmp) and the Windows VM I am running through QEMU is using qcow2 for the disk. I do have another Gen 4 NVME that is unused in my system I could use for the VM itself. How much of a performance gain would I notice using a separate NVME for my Windows VM over qcow2?

    linux Linux Is virtualbox the best way to try a Linux distro on Windows before installing it as dual boot ?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I took a similar approach. I just used a different drive. And actually reinsertrd the drive that had windows on it so I could wipe it and use it as extra storage.

  • linux Linux This is why people should stop recommending Arch. Fedora or Opensuse TW should be recommended instead for new people.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I will always recommend people to research their choice of distro. Use the right tool for the job.

    What one person needs may differ from what another person needs. Take into account what the use case is for the machine you are using.

    I use Arch BTW but I don't run Arch for any of my servers. I use Arch where it makes sense for me.

    I wouldn't tell someone switching from Windows to just go balls to the wall and go for something blerding edge and arguably more maintenance or manual intervention needed.

    I will give my suggestions but always implore them to research what theyt3 looking for.

  • games Games Bad news: Playstation is starting to block their games from running on Proton. Playstation Overlay is blocked on Linux in Ghost of Tsushima. The same thing happened with the Concord beta.
    privacy Privacy Installed GrapheneOS for the first time
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I wasn't meaning to conflate the two, as I see your point. I didn't claim it was FOSS, just that the source was available.

    I know for me, I don't mind using software that is licensed so that it doesn't directly fall under FOSS. I just like the availability to view the source vs closed source software being a total black box.

    I have no plans to monetize their work, nor fork it, only use it.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What do you prefer to selfhost?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I haven't gotten around to setting it up yet, but for a google photos type self hosted setup there is Immich which looks promising!

  • privacy Privacy Installed GrapheneOS for the first time
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I know I don't want to open up any more ports than I have to, but you're right, that does sound like another alternative to setting up VPN.

    Since I access more than just my pihole when connected to my home network. And because I want access to my home services, and don't want to open up access to the public, opening one port and connecting to VPN is the way to do it. I have one port opened up for my VPN, and in order to connect you have to have my IP or my domain pointed at the IP, and you have to have a Wireguard profile setup, and know what port is open. So that does help a tad bit with my security concerns.

    Edit: how would I go about that if I felt so inclined? Any tips?

  • selfhosted Selfhosted What do you prefer to selfhost?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I want to self host more, but power draw is a concern.

    So I have gone the route of running to Pi 4 8gb models as my hosts of choice.

    So far I am hosting:


    • PiHole
    • Unbound
    • Wireguard (and Wireguard-UI)


    • ForgeJo
    • Dozzle
    • Homarr
    • LinkWarden
    • Traefik
    • Watchtower

    There are a few other services I want to get up, but I haven't gotten around to it:

    • Jellyfin
    • Immich
    • Nextcloud

    As to why:

    • ForgeJo to host my own git repositories (Docker Compose files, Chezmoi dot files, Miscellaneous configs)
    • PiHole for ad blocking
    • Unbound, well, having my own DNS
    • Wireguard so I can connect to my home network
    • Dozzle for easy log checking for my docker containers
    • Linkwaren so I can backup bookmarks in a privacy friendly way
    • Homarr for easy access to other web services I host
    • Traefik so I can resolve IP:port to a hostname with SSL certificates even though everything I host is internal only
    • Watchtower to update my Docker containers
  • privacy Privacy Installed GrapheneOS for the first time
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    You can still use PiHole as your DNS when not home if you setup a VPN. For me that was the route I went.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Adding Mods to Games

    So not sure where else to ask, maybe someone here knows? I am using Heroic Launcher to play Control which I own through GOG. There are a few mods I wanted to add to the game: - [Loose Files Loader]( - [No Intro Screen]( - [Better Physx]( - [Better Character Illumination]( The first mod is a requirement for the next 3. --- So the first mod for Windows I would need to add the DLL to where the game is installed. This is where I run into issues. I did that, put the DLL in the games install directory, however it is not loading the DLL. I investigated using Winetricks GUI from Heroic Launcher to see if there was a way to add a DLL and register it. However, it doesn't give me an option to install a custom DLL. All of my searching has not lead me to see how I could register the DLL for my Control Prefix. --- I could be going about this all wrong, so if anyone has any tips or suggestions I would very much appreciate it. Thank you!

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I don't know what I was expecting, but a CAP file wasn't it. I thought it would have just been a BIN file of sorts. Though, I guess now that I think about it, it has been a while since I have done BIOS updates in any other way than through an executable running some sort of flasher mechanism.


  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Looks like for my mobo they offer an exe, but also a CAP file, which may be a bios update file, who knows. More research needed I suppose.

    However, I am at least on the latest as of now since it was back in May that my bios last had an update, and I only switched in the past month.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Updating Firmware

    So I switched to Arch full time last month, and that got me thinking: How do I update the firmware of my devices? I know about fwupd, however from my understanding not all vendors support linux. In this case, I have an Asus motherboard, and after brief searching I seemed to come across [results]( that would point that Asus isn't one of the manufacturers who support firmware updates from linux. That being said, how do you all update your firmware if you know the vendor doesn't support linux? --- I can't imagine that I could update the firmware from QEMU, and nor do I want to try. I don't want to have windows installed on my system at all. So then I thought, can I go about this via Windows to Go? And that is the solution I am going to investigate trying...

    selfhosted Selfhosted Traefik and external services
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I will likely have to do some tinkering, and more reading up on this from the documentation I am thinking. I am getting HTTP 200 statuses basically across the board. When going to the FQDN it doesn't redirect to the PiHole admin page like I was expecting. Again, likely some configuration that I have wrong.

  • linux Linux What email client are you guys using?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Begrudgingly 2 of the 3 are Google email addresses, and 1 is a Microsoft email address. I will however be ditching both of those providers for something a bit more privacy focused soon and making those addresses burner addresses.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Traefik and external services
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I hate to report back, but something isn't quite working for pihole behind Traefik.

    running "docker logs traefik" returns no error, and yet no certificate was presented to my pihole.

    Not sure what else I might be missing or that I might have wrong.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Traefik and external services
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I will give this a shot! Thank you for the help. I will report back, in hopes that between your knowledge and my fumbles that someone else too can learn from this!

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Traefik and external services
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    so in my traefik.yml file I have cloudflare set as my certresolver as follows:

          storage: acme.json
          caServer: # prod (default)
          # caServer: # staging
            provider: cloudflare
            #disablePropagationCheck: true # uncomment this if you have issues pulling certificates through cloudflare, By setting this flag to true disables the need to wait for the propagation of the TXT record to all aut>
            #delayBeforeCheck: 60s # uncomment along with disablePropagationCheck if needed to ensure the TXT record is ready before verification is attempted 
              - ""
              - ""

    And I had to get the secret mounted via the docker-compose file.

    So where you have:


            certResolver: examplecom-dns

    Do I have to redefine all of the same information I did in my Traefik yml but in this separate config.yml?

    (I did set it up in my traefik.yml and docker-compose.yml to mount and use this config, which I had commented out for later use.

    Thank you so much for the help!


    Essentially I am trying to get my PiHole which is hosted on another pi setup with an SSL cert for local use only:

    So in looking at your config I tried using:

          - https
          service: pihole-rtr
          rule: "Host(``)"
            certResolver: cloudflare
              - url: "http://<ip>/admin"

    However when doing this error logs returned:

    2024-07-08T15:04:27-04:00 ERR error="the service \"pihole-rtr@file\" does not exist" entryPointName=https routerName=pihole-rtr@file
    2024-07-08T15:04:28-04:00 ERR error="the service \"pihole-rtr@file\" does not exist" entryPointName=https routerName=pihole-rtr@file

    I am doing something very wrong... And feel a little lost.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Traefik and external services
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    Would the file provider configs live on the Traefik server, or would they need to be on the external service. Reading through this, and looking at the example configuration files doesn't really seem to point that out. Sorry for the noob questions.

    Trying to understand this, but the way the documentation is written is different than I am used to.

    Thank you!

  • linux Linux What email client are you guys using?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    2 months ago 100%

    I want to investigate it. I know it works well on my laptop, which the big difference in the 2 is that one is an Nvidia GPU and the other an Intel Integrated. So it could be video related. Who knows.

    Thank you all the same!

  • selfhosted
    Selfhosted Hellmo_Luciferrari 2 months ago 100%
    Traefik and external services

    Hello Selfhosted peeps! So I just got Traefik v3 setup inside my docker environment, and successfully got SSL certs for my services hosted within docker. However, I have an external device hosting PiHole and Wireguard-UI. I am looking to use the docker instance of Traefik v3 to obtain SSL certs for the internal use only for PiHole and Wireguard-UI. I am still new to Traefik, and have no idea if this is possible, or how I would go about doing this. Any tips, suggestions, links to documentation; I am all ears. [Video]( [Notes for above video]( These 2 resources I utilized to help further my understanding. Thank you

    Selfhosted Hellmo_Luciferrari 3 months ago 94%
    Homelab Organization

    Hi all! So I want to get back into self hosting, but every time I have stopped is because I have lack of documentation to fix things that break. So I pose a question, how do you all go about keeping your setup documented? What programs do you use? I have leaning towards open source software, so things like OneNote, or anything Microsoft are out of the question. --- Edit: I didn't want to add another post and annoy people, but had another inquiry: What ReverseProxy do you use? I plan to run a bunch of services from docker, and would like to be able to reserve an IP:Port to something like service.mylocaldomain.lan I already have Unbound setup on my PiHole, so I have the ability to set DNS records internally. Bonus points if whatever ReverseProxy setup can accomplish SSL cert automation.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Grub-btrfsd.service degraded and failing to start

    ``` -` hellmo@archie .o+` ------------- `ooo/ OS: Arch Linux x86_64 `+oooo: Host: INTEL `+oooooo: Kernel: Linux 6.9.7-zen1-1-zen -+oooooo+: Uptime: 7 mins `/:-:++oooo+: Packages: 1169 (pacman) `/++++/+++++++: Shell: bash 5.2.26 `/++++++++++++++: Display (ASUS PB278): 2560x1440 @ 60Hz `/+++ooooooooooooo/` Display (ASUS VG32V): 2560x1440 @ 144Hz ./ooosssso++osssssso+` DE: KDE Plasma 6.1.1 .oossssso-````/ossssss+` WM: KWin (Wayland) -osssssso. :ssssssso. WM Theme: Breeze :osssssss/ osssso+++. Theme: Breeze (Dark) [QT], Breeze-Dark [GTK2], Breeze [GTK3] /ossssssss/ +ssssooo/- Icons: candy-icons [QT], candy-icons [GTK2/3/4] `/ossssso+/:- -:/+osssso+- Font: Noto Sans (10pt) [QT], Noto Sans (10pt) [GTK2/3/4] `+sso+:-` `.-/+oso: Cursor: breeze (24px) `++:. `-/+/ Terminal: yakuake 24.05.1 .` `/ CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF (20) @ 5.00 GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 [Discrete] Memory: 3.43 GiB / 62.60 GiB (5%) Swap: 0 B / 4.00 GiB (0%) Disk (/): 151.91 GiB / 1.82 TiB (8%) - btrfs Local IP (enp7s0): x.x.x.x/x * Locale: en_US.UTF-8 ``` I am having some issues with my Arch install: ``` UNIT LOAD ACTIVE SUB DESCRIPTION ● grub-btrfsd.service loaded failed failed Regenerate grub-btrfs.cfg Legend: LOAD → Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded. ACTIVE → The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB. SUB → The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type. 1 loaded units listed. ``` I have already tried: sudo systemctl restart grub-btrfsd.service sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg --- Does anyone have any suggestions? I am failing to understand how to resolve this issue... Any help would be wonderful...

    Linux Hellmo_Luciferrari 3 months ago 95%
    Synchronizing user (files, configs, etc) between 2 machines

    Not a stranger to using linux, but never bothered with keeping things synchronized between devices. I have a laptop, and a desktop both running Arch (I use Arch BTW) and wanted to investigate the best way to synchronize things from device to device. Just to outline some details, both are running KDE on Wayland, both BTRFS, as well as a number of other similarities such as username. I want to be able to synchronize certain config files, Documents and Files, and was going to go the Syncthing route. What are you doing, or what would you recommend to setup in order to have parity between two devices?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    UFW and a Windows KVM with Virt-Manager

    So, I finally ditched Windows... All except for my need for a VM to use some hardware that aren't supported in Windows. I setup a Virtual Machine with Virt-Manager for a Windows VM but the network traffic is being blocked by UFW. If I disable UFW the Windows VM can pull an IP, which is static as is, and even after turning UFW back on, the network traffic is still allowed. I am in need of some help with networking for the VM. ``` <interface type="network"> <mac address="52:54:00:d7:8f:48"/> <source network="default" portid="d7ff3b1f-2c9b-4a62-b9e0-180855f14de7" bridge="virbr0"/> <target dev="vnet2"/> <model type="e1000e"/> <link state="up"/> <alias name="net0"/> <address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x01" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/> </interface> ``` This is the networking setup within Virt-Manager. Any advice for getting network access on the VM?

    Goverlay/Mangohud issues

    cross-posted from: > I am having issues with Mangohud and Goverlay. > > Upon opening Goverlay it gives a black box and has issues closing without forcing it shutdown. > > > > OS: Arch Linux x86_64 > Kernel: Linux 6.9.5-zen1-1-zen > DE: KDE Plasma 6.0.5 > WM: KWin (Wayland) > CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF (20) @ 5.00 GHz > GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 [Discrete] > Memory: 4.09 GiB / 62.60 GiB (7%) > > I have tried uninstalling both Goverlay and Mangohud > > I have also removed .conf files from: > ~/.config/MangoHud > /usr/share/doc/mangohud > > Is there more that I need to do to clean uninstall and reinstall? > > Any help would be appreciated

    Arch Linux Hellmo_Luciferrari 3 months ago 100%
    Goverlay/Mangohud issues

    cross-posted from: > I am having issues with Mangohud and Goverlay. > > Upon opening Goverlay it gives a black box and has issues closing without forcing it shutdown. > > > > OS: Arch Linux x86_64 > Kernel: Linux 6.9.5-zen1-1-zen > DE: KDE Plasma 6.0.5 > WM: KWin (Wayland) > CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF (20) @ 5.00 GHz > GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 [Discrete] > Memory: 4.09 GiB / 62.60 GiB (7%) > > I have tried uninstalling both Goverlay and Mangohud > > I have also removed .conf files from: > ~/.config/MangoHud > /usr/share/doc/mangohud > > Is there more that I need to do to clean uninstall and reinstall? > > Any help would be appreciated

    Linux Gaming Hellmo_Luciferrari 3 months ago 100%
    Goverlay/Mangohud issues

    I am having issues with Mangohud and Goverlay. Upon opening Goverlay it gives a black box and has issues closing without forcing it shutdown. OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Kernel: Linux 6.9.5-zen1-1-zen DE: KDE Plasma 6.0.5 WM: KWin (Wayland) CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF (20) @ 5.00 GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 [Discrete] Memory: 4.09 GiB / 62.60 GiB (7%) I have tried uninstalling both Goverlay and Mangohud I have also removed .conf files from: ~/.config/MangoHud /usr/share/doc/mangohud Is there more that I need to do to clean uninstall and reinstall? Any help would be appreciated

    KDE Plasma 6 wakiing up display issues

    Having issues with the display when waking up resolution and position is reverting on one of the monitors. OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Kernel: Linux 6.9.5-zen1-1-zen DE: KDE Plasma 6.0.5 WM: KWin (Wayland) CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF (20) @ 5.00 GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 [Discrete] Unsure of how to go about this. I am using Display Port (unsure of what version but it supports sound too.) Not sure where to look for logs, or what exactly could be the culprit. Any suggestions?

    Android Hellmo_Luciferrari 4 months ago 100%
    Hide LSPosed

    Will Zygisk + PIF + Shsmiko hide LSPosed? Currently I am passing safetynet/integrity checks with root on LineageOS 21, if I install Pixel Xpert and [LSPosed_mod]( will I nerd any thing else to continue to pass the checks? I used to use [Hide My App List]( to help hide root/LSPosed. Is this still necessary?

    Android Hellmo_Luciferrari 4 months ago 97%
    What Rom do you prefer for your Pixel device?

    Hello everyone! A lot has happened since my last post, specifically talking about my LineageOS inquiries. I had a string of bad luck and broke the digitizer but no cracks to my Pixel 7 Pro. So I ended up "upgrading" to the Pixel 8 Pro because the store I went to only had the 8 Pro and not the 7 Pro in stock and it was dire that I have a phone. So this leads me to my next questions: What is your favorite Android spin for your Pixel Device? --- I have used GrapheneOS, LineageOS, and Stock Android (of various versions on my Pro 7) This leads me down the rabbit hole of deciding which experience I want on my Pixel 8 Pro. --- I have GrapheneOS on my 8 Pro right now because I wanted to see if I could make it fit my needs, and I am leaning towards it not working for me. Since I switched, android auto is not connecting even following the instructions GrapheneOS has to offer. AdAway (nonroot) is not working on GrapheneOS, as it just kills any internet connection to everything on GrapheneOS. So that's another point against me wanting to stick with GrapheneOS. No AFwall+. Another point against it. --- It appears that CalyxOS is going to give me a similar experience with issues related to the ones I mentioned with GrapheneOS. -- I had considered trying out [LineageOS for microG]( but unsure if this is the route I want to go because I am unsure if some of the apps I will rely on will work for various reasons. (Mainly unsure if MicroG will suffice for them.) --- I am open to other options to, and would love to hear what you are using! --- Thank you!

    Android Hellmo_Luciferrari 4 months ago 100%
    LineageOS Inquiry

    Hello! Longtime Android user here. I am currently using LineageOS 21 on my Pixel 7 Pro, however after rooting and running a few Magisk modules I have been having issues with overheating. So what I planned to do is build LineageOS myself, and use a custom kernel. One of these: * [Kirisakura]( * [Sultan]( * [Radioactive]( --- Some follow up questions: * Will this break using banking apps because of custom kernel? (even with Chiteroman's PIF, Zygisk, and Shamiko?) * However, I am unsure if I build LineageOS 21 with one of these custom kernels if I will be required to build each update with the custom kernel, or if the updater would update my build. --- I am open to suggestions on how to solve my thermal issues if anyone has any. Thank you! **Edit:** more questions

    Android Hellmo_Luciferrari 6 months ago 93%
    Alternative to Nova Launcher

    As the title states, I have used Nova launcher for years. As it is the most feature rich, most customizable launcher that supports basically everything I could need from it. However I am looking to switch away from it. What launchers are you all using? I have tried a handful of them and none quite fit the bill. And one feature nova has but no other launcher seems to is invaluable to me; that feature being able to swipe up or down on an app on the home screen to launch another app or task. It's how I keep my main page from being cluttered. I have tried [Neo Launcher]( which I love, but it doesn't seem to be updated anymore. I have also tried: * [Kvæsitso]( * [Kiss Launcher]( * [Lunar Launcher]( * [Trebuchet]( - I am on LineageOS 21 So the only option I am feeling is gonna work is Nova but I am trying to ditch as many closed source, data thieving apps and services as possible. I could however just use AFWall+ to block internet connection. Any suggestions?

    Linux Hellmo_Luciferrari 8 months ago 97%
    Follow-up to installing Arch

    So, I am making the switch to using Arch full time instead of Windows. Here is the rundown: I have windows installed on one NVME and installed Arch on another NVME. After installing Arch on the one drive, and rebooting Arch hung at loading initial ramdisk. It never completed, I force shutdown my PC. I went back into bios, and there wasn't an entry for my Arch drive whatsoever. In fact, before this happened I had all bootable drives go missing from within my bios. So, after the reboot, I left the boot options default, and it did in fact boot to windows. --- **Other potentially important details:** I used archinstall rather than walking through manually. UEFI Secureboot off GRUB bootloader Unified Kernel Images on Luks encrypted BTRFS partitions Audio Pipewire Kernels: Linux and Linux-Zen Network Manager **Hardware:** CPU: i7-12700KF Motherboard: TUF GAMING Z690-PLUS WIFI D4 GPU: EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 RAM: Corsair VENGEANCE® RGB PRO 16GB (x4) PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 GT 1000W Drives: 1tb WD Black SN750 (Drive intended for Arch to be installed on) 1tb Samsung 980 Pro (Drive windows is installed on) 2tb Samsung 980 Pro (separate data drive) --- Should I remove my windows drive while installing Arch on another drive? Rather, what would be the best approach to this? Could anyone provide any help regarding this? --- Edit: More details

    Linux Hellmo_Luciferrari 8 months ago 87%
    2024 Is the year I will commit to ditching windows

    2024 will be the year I finally be the year I ditch windows. I am not exactly new to linux, yet I am far from an expert. I made my journey over the years form trying Ubuntu (many many major revisions ago) and have found myself down the rabbit hole of going Arch. I run Arch with KDE on my laptop. I want to fully ditch Windows on my desktop, however I feel this will be a much bigger hurdle to overcome. Build Specs: i7-12700KF Copper Modded EVGA RTX 3090 64gb of 3600mhz DDR4 ASUS Tuf Z690 Wifi D4 I could go into more detail about my specs, but the specs aren't what has made this journey a bit tougher. I use a Line 6 Helix and a Line 6 PowerCab 112+ and both have usb connections to my computer for integration with, you guessed it; windows or mac software only. Now I don't have a problem running wine, and a number of other solutions to run windows programs, I do however have a gap in knowledge in order to try to use these specific programs with specific USB peripherals. Now, I am not sure if this is the best way, but I had heard the idea of USB passthrough. And I have no clue where to begin with that. Would this be the direction I should be going for programs such as those? The only other software that I am going to struggle replacing is the RGB lighting software for all of my hardware. Most of it is corsair (Fans, RAM, Water Cooler, and plugins for the asus motherboard.) And my Steeleseries keyboard which uses GG. I have looked into using OpenRGB but I was unable to figure out how to get those setup as it wasn't as plug and play as the manufacturer software, but understandably of course. The absolute biggest hurdles is my Nvidia problem. I have always had issues with Nvidia on Arch. I would gladly take an suggestion. For reference, I would be using this mainly for my gaming. I occasionally dabble in Stable Diffusion. I will be running Arch with KDE preferably, but every single time I have had issues. --- I suppose any feedback anyone may have would be helpful. --- Checklist of things I need to get working on in Arch, any help would be welcomed: - Helix Guitar pedal and PowerCab 112+ (USB Passthrough or any other alternatives people may suggest) - RGB for SteeleSeries Apex Pro (GG software on windows, open to alternatives) - RGB for Corsair (iQue on windows, open to alternatives) - Nvidia Drivers
